Try to think of as many synonyms or associations to the word ‘challenge’ as you can. Pre-Class: Monday 8/20

Pre-Class: Monday 8/20

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Pre-Class: Monday 8/20. Try to think of as many synonyms or associations to the word ‘challenge’ as you can. Pre-Class: Tuesday 8/21. Read the passage and answer the questions below. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pre-Class: Monday 8/20

Try to think of as many synonyms or associations to the word challenge as you can.Pre-Class: Monday 8/201Read the passage and answer the questions below.

When I took my little brother Jesse to my friend's party, he greeted everyone with an enthusiastic, Hows it going? and then prattled happily to anyone who would listen. He wasnt bashful about helping himself to snacks and sodas either. He was cheerful and energetic the whole evening. I wasnt surprised when he was the most exuberant charades player. I would have to say my brother Jesse is an extrovert.

The word prattled means:

2. The word extrovert means outgoing. What would connote an outgoing person that is out of control?Pre-Class: Tuesday 8/212Identify two tone words for the following situations: a funeralgraduation dayyour best friends birthday partya fight with your parentsyou just won the lotteryPre-Class: Wednesday 8/223What is the theme of the fairy tale The Ugly DucklingPre-Class: Thursday 8/234Give two quotes from the poemA Man (pg. 10) that supports the theme to never give up.Pre-Class: Friday 8/245Pre-Class: Monday 8/27What is the difference between paraphrasing and quoting? Why would you use either of those techniques?6Pre-Class: Tuesday 8/28What is a symbol? Give two examples of symbols.

Example: Statue of Liberty- symbol of hope and freedom7Pre-Class: Wednesday 8/29Identify seven prepositions within this paragraph. One has been marked for you.

The trip through the mountains was an exhilarating experience. We left just after dawn in a van loaded with passengers and luggage, We believed that the trip would take between six and eight hours, and we hoped to arrive at our final destination before dark.8Pre-Class: Tuesday 9/4MAPS9Pre-Class: Wednesday 9/5MAPS10Pre-Class: Monday 9/3No School- LABOR DAY11Pre-Class: Thursday 8/30What does the Greek prefix arch mean? What does the Greek root type mean? Give an example of a word that uses either the prefix or root.12Pre-Class: Friday 8/31What is an allegory?13Pre-Class: Thursday 9/6What is needed for an Objective Summary? Why?14Pre-Class: Friday 9/7What before, during and after reading strategies can we use to better understand a difficult text?15Pre-Class: Monday 9/10Describe each of the stages of the heros journey.16Pre-Class: Tuesday 9/11What are the three main stages of the archetypal heros journey? Paraphrase them. Use page 27-29 of your SB book for help.17Pre-Class: Wednesday 9/12What types of challenges might occur in a heros journey? Provide three examples of challenges faced by heroes that you have read about or have seen.18Pre-Class: Thursday 9/13What is the first stage in the heros journey? What three steps make up this first stage?19Pre-Class: Friday 9/14Why was Odysseus on his journey?20Pre-Class: Monday 9/17Explain how the scene with the Cyclops is an event that illustrates The Road of Trials in the heros journey.21Pre-Class: Tuesday 9/18Think about the things that Disney heroes usually do and or the way that they usually act in the movies. With this in mind, what do you think it means to be a typical Disney hero or heroine.22Pre-Class: Monday 9/24Rethink the essential question:What defines a hero?Using the knowledge from what we have learned thus far, construct a response to this question.23Pre-Class: Tuesday 9/25The word herculean comes from the Greek word Hercules, whose great strength helped him gain immortality. Writers use herculean as an adjective describing a difficult task or people with great power or strength. With this in mind, use the word herculean in a sentence.24Pre-Class: Wednesday 9/26The word typical means combining the essential characteristics of a group. Knowing this and utilizing your knowledge of Greek prefixes, what do you think the word atypical means? Have we looked at any atypical heroes thus far in the our unit?25Pre-Class: Thursday 9/27 We are going to begin Embedded Assessment 1. Think back to when we unpacked the Embedded Assessment at the beginning of the unit (refer to pages 53-56 in Springboard) and write a brief description of what you will be responsible for doing in Embedded Assessment 1.Pre-Class: Friday 9/28List 10 heroes (ones we have talked about, and ones you can think of on your own) Pre-Class: Monday 9/24 We are going to begin Embedded Assessment 1. Think back to when we unpacked the Embedded Assessment at the beginning of the unit (refer to pages 53-56 in Springboard) and write a brief description of what you will be responsible for doing in Embedded Assessment 1.28Pre-Class: Tuesday 9/2529Pre-Class: Wednesday 9/2630Pre-Class: Thursday 9/2731Pre-Class: Friday 9/2832Pre-Class: Monday 10/15Using your book, write the definition of a double negative (page 59)33Pre-Class: Tuesday 10/16Look at page 60 to find the Latin prefix of pre and the root cis, can you think of any words that use these?34Chapter 1At the conclusion of their meal, what ritual does the family have?What was Lily angry about?What happens to babies who dont grow at a fast enough rates?35Chapter 2 How do parents get a child?What is the name of the baby that Jonas dad is taking care of?What does everyone receive at their twelve ceremony?What is a comfort object?36CHAPTER 31. What is different about Gabe? 2. Why can no one point out or talk about his difference?3. What is the job of the speaker? 4. What was the object that Jonas threw in the air that changed?

Chapter 4Why does every child need to do volunteer hours before their twelve ceremony?Why does Jonas never talk about his friend Benjamins success during his volunteer hours?What is Jonas doing for his volunteer hours in chapter 4?Infer where someone goes when they leave to go to the releasing room.38Chapter 5What feeling did Jonas have from his dream?Why do some feelings have to be reported?What does Jonas take for his stirrings?39Chapter 6What job does Lily want Jonas to get?Where are Jonas and his family headed at the beginning of chapter 6?What is going to happen to Gabe?How does the community do a ceremony of loss?40Chapter 7What job does Asher get?What happened when it got to be Jonas turn?What do you think Jonas was feeling at that point?41Chapter 8What job has Jonas been selected for?Why did the Chief Elder skip Jonas and then announce his assignment last?What are 3 qualities Jonas must have to be able to do this job correctly?What happens at the ceremony that lets Jonas think he does have the ability to see beyond?42What feeling does Jonas have right after receiving his assignment, at the beginning of chapter 9?How does everyone else feel about Jonas assignment?What is one rule/difference about the job receiver of memory?How does Jonas react/feel about the rules?Chapter 943Why is Jonas so amazed by the books?Why does the current receiver look so old?What is the current receiver going to transmit to Jonas?What is the first memory that is transmitted to Jonas?Chapter 1044Explain the transmission of memories process.What happens once the current receiver gives Jonas a memory?Why does Jonas community not have snow anymore?Name one more memory Jonas receives this chapter.Chapter 11451. What changed about Fiona?2. What is the change Jonas keeps seeing?3. Why doesnt the community see colors?4. What memory does Jonas get at t he end of the chapter?Chapter 1246What does Jonas realize about the society where everything is the same?Why does Jonas community make all the decisions for people?Jonas sees the color red on the elephant. Why?Why is being receiver so physically and mentally hard?Chapter 1347Chapter 14How does Jonas get hurt in this chapter?Why cant Jonas receive medicine for his pain?Why did the committee decided not to raise the population?What does Jonas do to sooth Gabe?48Chapter 15What memory does Jonas receive in this chapter?Why was this memory so hard and difficult for him?Why does the Giver apologize for giving the memory to Jonas?49Chapter 16Why was the birthday party memory so special?Why do you think that Jonas society does not have grandparents?What feeling does Jonas learn that hes never really experienced before?What rule did Jonas break on the last page of the chapter?50Chapter 17What did Jonas realize about the feelings his family had been experiencing?

2. What game was Asher playing?

51Chapter 18When does the Giver think about release?

What happened to the old receiver?52Chapter 19What was Jonas told about all private ceremonies?

Describe the releasing process.53Chapter 20What does Jonas say is the worst part about the memories?

What are the Giver and Jonas planning?54November 19My best friend and I are similar, but we also have some differences. We are devoted to our family and friends, we love to study and cook, and we are reliable. My best friend is not punctual and has never been on time to anything in her life, but I am prompt and being on time or early is important in my life.Where is the BEST place to add supporting detail?A. At the end of the paragraphB. After the sentence about differencesC. After the sentence about similarities and after the sentence about differencesD. After the sentence about similaritiesNovember 20Read the following sentences:Carmelo is a great baseball player. Carmelo is our star shortstop. He is also a great student.What is the BEST way to combine these sentences into one using an appositive that is punctuated correctly?A. Carmelo our star shortstop is a great baseball player and student.B. Carmelo is a great baseball player, star shortstop, and great student.C. Carmelo, our star shortstop, is a great baseball player and student.D. Carmelo is a great baseball player and a star shortstop and a great student.November 26The island's name is Cranberry, one of a group of five, and well earned, since even my own meadow provides me with delicious Highland cranberries. With a garden, studio and woodstove, I shall lack neither pleasure nor occupation, and books and music will round out the day. A wood lot will provide firewood and muscle tone, and the garden flowers and vegetables for my table.What does the author's use of imagery reveal about the setting?It is an unfamiliar place.It is a busy and loud place.It is a secluded and peaceful place.It is a scary place.

November 27Desmond is reading a book about Griffin, a young warrior, and he thinks that Griffin is on a hero's journey because he notices that Griffin must go through a series of tests and challenges to prove that he is brave and capable.Which step from the hero's journey archetype does this summary of events reflect?A. The Magic FlightB. Rescue from WithoutC. The Ultimate BoonD. The Road of Trials

November 28What is the BEST description of the connection between the events of a plot and the stage of the hero's journey known as the ultimate Boon?A. The Ultimate Boon is similar to the exposition of a story because it describes the point at which the quest begins.B. The Ultimate Boon is similar to the resolution of the story because this is the stage when the hero must learn how to use the wisdom he has gained during his adventures.C. The Ultimate Boon is similar to the climax of a story because it describes the point in the hero's journey in which the quest is achieved.D. The Ultimate Boon is similar to the rising action of a story because it is the stage in which the hero suffers challenges and setbacks on his quest.

November 29What does the expression Par for the course infer?

A. That something is to be expected.B. That something cannot be undone.C. That something is sure to cause anger.D. That something was meant to be hurtful.

November 30What can the reader conclude at the end of the story?

A. Lily got an extravagant doll for a gift.B. Lily feels that getting another doll is monotonous.C. Lilys parents love her brother more.D. Lilys gift is the worst gift she has ever received.

December 3-4MAPS Testing

December 5Read the sentences from the passage.Whats wrong, Lil? Papa asked. Did you see your pretty doll? I saw it, she said sulkily. Whats wrong? asked Mama. Silence. What can the reader infer about Lilys parents based upon their reply?

A. They are being stingy.B. They do not love Lily as much as her brother.C. They do not realize they are being gender biased.D. They are being insensitive.

December 6What word BEST describes the tone used in this passage?

A. AnxiousB. ExcitedC. AngryD. Sad

December 7Read the sentence from the passage.Lilys anger could not have been more palpable.What is the MOST accurate connotation of palpable as used in this sentence?

A. It was misplaced.B. It was irrational.C. It was very difficult to understand.D. It was so intense it seemed like it could be touched.

December 10Read the sentence and answer the question that follows. You may live in a house, but we live in a home.What is the MOST accurate connotation of home as used in this sentence? A. a place of residence B. a place of comfort, security, and or privacyC. a habitat D. the social unit formed by a family living together

December 11Read the sentence and answer the question that follows. She worked all day and all night on the project so as to produce a piece of impeccable work. Which word is a synonym for impeccable as it is used in this sentence? A. flawlessB. deficient C. inaccurateD. decent

December 12Read the sentence that follows. Everyone knew him as an amiable fellow because he would say hello to everyone he passed. What does the word amiable mean in context of this sentence? A. talentedB. unhappyC. friendlyD. disagreeable

December 13Based on the authors diction, which sentence BEST shows that the speaker is confident? A. Obediently, I did exactly as I was told and exited the room. B. What frustrated him, it seemed, was how extremely soft-spoken I was C. I cowered at the thought of having to speak in front of so many people. D. I stood up, walked to the podium with my head up and shoulders back, and began my speech in a very poised manner.

December 14Jillian is writing a definition essay about what it means to be a hero. What option BEST describes how to developthe body paragraphs of her essay?a. Define what a hero is by using body paragraphs that discuss three heroes from the authors own life.b. Define what a hero is by having body paragraphs that talk about famous heroes from books and movies. c. Define what a hero is by using body paragraphs of definition, examples, and negation. d. Define what a hero is by writing a fictional story about someone who is heroic.

Maggie is writing a definition essay about heroism. Which sentence would be the BEST topic sentence for a paragraph showing the strategy of negation? a. A hero is someone who is courageous, even in the face of danger. b. Mulan is a hero because she saved all of China from Huns. c. A hero is not selfish and does not act heroic because he/she simply wants to be recognized.d. Heroes dont exist.

December 17 KWHL Chart: Complete the KWH part describing commercialism

December 18No Pre-Class : inflatables and review day December 19January 2What techniques do advertisers use to persuade people to buy products? Which one do you think is most persuasive? Why?January 3Get out your SOAPStone from yesterday. Complete it if you arent finished. We will discuss it in a few minutes. January 4Using page 132 of your SB book, write the definition of progressive tense. Can you give an example of one? January 7Is a logo importanton what you wear or buy? Why or why not? Does it influence what you buy? Why?

January 8 (passage) from Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers

Why has Quiksilver, along with thirty other companies, paid to have its logos planted within this game? Because video gaming did $9.4 billion worth of business in 2001. And because the Tony Hawk games have had $450 million in sales since 1999. And because all those games are played more than once, which makes a big difference if you are a brand hoping to be embraced by young buyers. Will Kassoy, a vice president of global brand management at Activision, says that an advertiser who places a logo in a Tony Hawk game gets one billion quality brand impressions from teens playing the game. By quality impressions he means that teens playing the game over and over make deep positive associations between the brands and the game.

January 8 (use Branded passage)The title of this editorial is from Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers. What is the connotation of the word branded as used in the title?A. becoming physically marked by a brand/logoB. becoming psychologically connected to a brand/logoC. becoming scarred at a young age by advertising brands/logosD. becoming obsessed with a brand/logo

January 9 (passage) Read the sentences from the editorial. The Price of Happiness: Advertising and ImageAds tend to present women in limited roles. Girls and women in ads show concern about their bodies, their clothes, their homes andthe need to attract a boy or man So many of the pictures we see are artificial, manufactured images. What happens when a girl or woman compares her real self with this narrow, unreal image of perfection?

January 9 (use Price of Happiness passage)Which type of persuasive appeal is used in this argument?A. This argument appeals to ethos in order to establish credibilityB. This argument appeals to logos in order to establish credibilityC. This argument appeals to ethos in order to create emotionD. This argument appeals to pathos in order to create emotion

January 10 (use Price of Happiness passage)Which of the following best states the purpose and target audience of the editorial The Price of Happiness: Advertising and Image?A. To inform the general public that advertisers are using persuasive techniques to sell their products to teensB. To convince teenagers that not everything that advertising say is trueC. To inform the general public that advertisers are negatively impacting our views on body image and perfectionD. To convince lawmakers to stop advertisers from photo shopping images to alter advertising ads

January 14 (passage)Read the passage from a student editorial, For the Health of Us All.Just imagine how many things are touched and shared at this school! Even if you have soap in your bathroom and wash your hands, you will most likely come into contact with something that has been contaminated by a non-soap using hand washer. Mary Howard had trouble with her contacts one day, and went to the bathroom to clean them. The bathroom did not have soap or paper towels, so Mary had only water to use to try to clean her hands. She developed an eye infection and had to see her doctor. He said germs on her hands could have contributed to the infection. I don't know why some students vandalize the bathrooms, but I know we all need to take a stand and get the soap back in all our bathrooms. We need to take responsibility for our bathrooms. No one likes dirty bathrooms, so we need to work together to keep them clean. We can have bathroom monitors who check to see who is causing the trouble. They can have special passes to come to class after the bell rings. Students who care about being clean need to take a stand and stop those vandals from encouraging the spread of disease throughout our school. It is only a matter of time until we all are affected by some disease caused by the unsanitary conditions of our hands.

January 14Which organizational structure does the author use in the editorial?A. compare/contrastB. cause/effectC. problem/solutionD. problem/effect

January 15 (Use For the Health of Us All passage) Which of these BEST states the purpose of the editorial?A. to lecture students about their wastefulnessB. to convince students to take an interest in the supplies in their bathroomsC. to inform students of the unclean conditions in the bathroomsD. to encourage students to take a stand and stop bathroom vandalism

Miss America: Not Just Another Pretty Face

Many people are against the very idea of a beauty pageant. Most probably have no idea that the Miss America Scholarship Program provides more scholarships to young women than any other organization in the world. It started as just a beauty contest in Atlantic City, New Jersey, in 1921. However, Miss America has been giving away scholarships since 1945. Bess Myerson became the first person to receive a cash award. Between the national, state, and local organizations, Miss America reports that it gave away more than $45 million in cash and scholarships last year. One of the biggest objections to the pageant has been the swimsuit competition. In 1996, the pageant conducted a poll. Almost 90 percent of voters wanted to keep the swimsuit portion. It is still used today to judge physical fitness. However, several other parts of the competition are scored more heavily. The personal interview that contestants have with the judges is worth 25 percent. The talent competition is worth 35 percent. Evening wear counts for 20 percent. The swimsuit competition counts for 15 percent, and the onstage question is worth 5 percent of the final score. The young women who compete in pageants like this aren't just pretty faces. Each contestant is required to select a "platform" issue. They are asked to choose something they feel strongly about and that is relevant to the United States. The winners help bring attention to their issues by speaking to organizations, businesses, and the media. HIV/AIDS prevention, domestic violence, school bullying, literacy, and homelessness have all been highlighted by past Miss America winners. Miss America has changed from a simple beauty pageant to its current role as a scholarship program. Since 1945, women have received money to pay for graduate school and to pay off student loans. Miss America is much needed. The thousands of young women who have benefited from it have also gone on to have careers in television, film, and business. 86In 1945, the pageant awarded its first scholarship.

In 1996, 90 percent of viewers voted to keep swimsuits.

Contestants represent 52 U.S. states and territories.

The competition is based on five distinct categories.Pre-Class: January 16th

According to the information in the passage, which of these events is most significant to the Miss America Program's current role? 87Someone who competed in the local Miss America pageant and lost

Someone who would be interested in entering a scholarship pageant

Students who have met Miss America after she visited their school

A person who believes that beauty pageants are a waste of time Pre-Class: January 17th

Which of the following would most likely agree with the author of this passage? 88The swimsuit competition counts for 15 percent, and the onstage question portion is 5 percent of the score.

Issues like HIV/AIDS prevention, domestic violence, school bullying, literacy, and homelessness have all been highlighted by past Miss America winners.

One of the biggest objections to the pageant has been the swimsuit competition.

The thousands of young women who have benefited from it have also gone on to have careers in television, film, and business. Pre-Class: January 18th

Which sentence from the passage best supports the idea that Miss America is more than a beauty pageant? 89Pre-Class: January 22nd

Which statement from the passage shows the author's bias in favor of Miss America? It started as a beauty contest in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 1921.

Most probably have no idea that Miss America Scholarship Program provides more scholarships to young women than any other organization in the world.

However, several other parts of the competition are scored more heavily.

Between the national, state, and local organizations, Miss America reports that it gave away more than $45 million in cash and scholarships last year. 90Pre-Class: January 23rd In your own words

Define MetaphorDefine Simile

Provide examples for each.91Pre-Class: January 24thRead the passage from a student editorial, For the Health of Us All.Just imagine how many things are touched and shared at this school! Even if you have soap in your bathroom and wash your hands, you will most likely come into contact with something that has been contaminated by a non-soap using hand washer. Mary Howard had trouble with her contacts one day, and went to the bathroom to clean them. The bathroom did not have soap or paper towels, so Mary had only water to use to try to clean her hands. She developed an eye infection and had to see her doctor. He said germs on her hands could have contributed to the infection. I don't know why some students vandalize the bathrooms, but I know we all need to take a stand and get the soap back in all our bathrooms. We need to take responsibility for our bathrooms. No one likes dirty bathrooms, so we need to work together to keep them clean. We can have bathroom monitors who check to see who is causing the trouble. They can have special passes to come to class after the bell rings. Students who care about being clean need to take a stand and stop those vandals from encouraging the spread of disease throughout our school. It is only a matter of time until we all are affected by some disease caused by the unsanitary conditions of our hands.92January 24th Which organizational structure does the author use in the editorial?A. compare/contrastB. cause/effectC. problem/solutionD. problem/effect

Pre-Class: January 25thWhich of these BEST states the purpose of the editorial?

A. to lecture students about their wastefulnessB. to convince students to take an interest in the supplies in their bathroomsC. to inform students of the unclean conditions in the bathroomsD. to encourage students to take a stand and stop bathroom vandalism

94Complete the following analogy.

Authors purpose : entertain : : _______ : _______

Textual evidence : authors opinionStory : reportOrganizational structure : compare and contrast Support : reasoning

What is the relationship?Pre-Class: January 28th 95Define each of the following words:

CommercialismMedia channelConnotation

Pre-Class: January 29th 96Which word would best replace the underlined word to make the meaning more precise?

AshenMuscularBrittleExhaustedPaula dug her weak nails into the chair, and they cracked like thin glass.Pre-Class: January 30th 97Wooden and glowing, the girl crept up to the mysterious table three-legged.

The mob large angry attempted to break through the castle's tall wooden gate.

Not wanting to miss his daughter's recital, Henry quick ran to the door mahogany

Paul enjoyed the crunchy and creamy texture of the turtle pecan cheesecake.Which of the following sentences uses adjectives correctly?Pre-Class: January 31st 98 Seb grabbed a corner of the blanket and stretched it until it was smooth. Max began digging the food out of the picnic basket. Seb sat on the blanket and leaned back with his hands behind him."Owwww!" Seb screamed.He had placed his right hand on top of a yellow daisythe same yellow daisy from which the bee was collecting pollen.As his hand, arm, and face immediately began to swell, Seb screamed, "Hurry, I need my shot!"It became difficult for him to breathe in a matter of seconds. Max raced into action and grabbed Seb's shot. He stabbed it into his younger brother's leg the way he had practiced. Libby and Ericka arrived at that moment."Max, what are you doing to Seb?!" cried Ericka."I am saving his life. Call 9-1-1! Seb's severely allergic to bees, and he just got stung!" Max explained.Ericka called 9-1-1 on her cell phone, and the ambulance arrived right away. The paramedics rushed Seb to the hospital for treatment. The doctors said that Max had indeed saved Seb's life with the emergency shot.Pre-Class: February 1st 99The author writes about a bee that gathers pollen from a red lily.

The author shows Seb and Max's loving relationship through their actions.

The author uses dialogue to describe the day as sunny and bright.

The author conveys a feeling of happiness when Max saves Seb's life.February 1st How does the author create a cheerful mood at the beginning of the story?100February 4th

Keep in mind that the progressive tenses of verbs indicate ongoing actions. You form the progressive tenses with a form of the verb be and the present participle (the ing form) of the verb (Spring Board 132). Which of the following examples does not contain the progressive tense? A. She is walking to the grocery store. B. He will be running in the marathon this month. C. I was wearing my favorite shirt. D. I am crazy. 101Pre-Class: February 5th Parallel structure means using the same grammatical form to express ideas with the same level of importance. The usual way to join these lists or series of words is with the use of a comma (SpringBoard 132). Which of the following sentences does contain parallel structure? A. Mary likes to hike, to swim, and to ride a bicycle.B. Mary likes to hike, swim, and ride a bicycle.C. Mary likes hiking, swimming, and bicycling.D. Mary likes to hike, swimming, and to ride a bicycle. 102February 6th Read the sentences from the editorial. The Price of Happiness: Advertising and ImageAds tend to present women in limited roles. Girls and women in ads show concern about their bodies, their clothes, their homes and the need to attract a boy or man So many of the pictures we see are artificial, manufactured images. What happens when a girl or woman compares her real self with this narrow, unreal image of perfection?

Which type of persuasive appeal is used in this argument?A. This argument appeals to ethos in order to establish credibilityB. This argument appeals to logos in order to establish credibilityC. This argument appeals to ethos in order to create emotionD. This argument appeals to pathos in order to create emotion

February 7thRead the thesis statement for a students research paper.

Fining people who smoke in public will help keep America healthy.

Which statement provides the BEST example to support the thesis?A. Smoking occurs more in small towns than in big cities.B. Cities that have smoking fines have seen a decrease in lung cancer. C. Smoking or chewing tobacco can cause major health problems like cancer.D. People should turn in people who are smoking in public.February 8th Which of the following best states the purpose and target audience of the editorial The Price of Happiness: Advertising and Image?

A. To inform the general public that advertisers are using persuasive techniques to sell their products to teensB. To convince teenagers that not everything that advertising say is trueC. To inform the general public that advertisers are negatively impacting our views on body image and perfectionD. To convince lawmakers to stop advertisers from photo shopping images to alter advertising ads

Preclass 2/11Supporters of assigned seats in the cafeteria claim that assigning seats helps reduce bullying in the cafeteria, but this is untrue.What form of evidence would MOST effectively support this argument?An account of a student who was bullied in a school without assigned seats.A comparison of School bullying statistics at schools with and without assigned seats.A survey that documents the number of students who oppose assigned seatsAn interview with a teacher who teaches at a school with assigned seats.Preclass 2/12Sarah is writing a persuasive essay, and her position is that school start times should be moved to one hour later in the morning.Which argument would BEST support her position?In an average school day, one hour is not a large change in the schedule.Early start times prevent many students from focusing on school work in the morning.Brain Research states that students brain function does not peak until later in the morning.Moving school start times would cost the school district money in transportation.Preclass 2/13Complete the analogy:Poet: Poem :: BakerA . PanOvenPieBakeryPreclass 2/14Complete the analogy:Actors: Play :: __________: BookCostumesCharactersSettingProps

Preclass 2/15Read the following sentence.Julie broke her pencil. Then she borrowed a pencil from a friend.What is the correct way to combine these sentences to create a subordinate clause?After Julie broke her pencil, she borrowed one from a friend.After Julie broke her pencil she borrowed one from a friend.Julie broke her pencil and then borrowed one from a friend.Julie broke her pencil, and borrowed one from a friend.Preclass 2/19Sally had to finish her chores. She also had to do her homework and practice her cheer routine.What is the BEST way to combine these sentences to create parallel structure?Sally had to finish her chores, homework and practice.Sally had to finish her chores and homework, and she had to practice her cheer routine.Sally had to finish her chores, complete her homework, and practice her cheer routine.Sally had to finish her chores and homework, and practice her cheer routine. Preclass 2/20Joe is writing a persuasive essay to convince teens that parents should be able to limit their video game time. He found a great supporting detail in an article, but he is not sure how to correctly write the quotation in his essay. Which of the following quotations contains the correct punctuation and capitalization?Meridith Johns, lead author of a recent national study, explains: violent video games negatively effect teens and children, both socially and emotionally. (Talmon).Meridith Johns, lead author of a recent national study, explains violent video games negatively effect teens and children, both socially and emotionally. (Talmon)Meridith Johns, lead author of a recent national study, explains, Violent video games negatively effect teens and children, both socially and emotionally (Talmon).Meridith Johns, lead author of a recent national study, explains Violent video games negatively effect teens and children, both socially and emotionally (Talmon).Preclass 2/21What effective advertising technique does a company often use to symbolize quality and value?MottoTrademarkMaskcotJingle2/22Which advertising technique would be MOST effective for advertising a beauty product to teenagers?Price AppealTrademarkCelebrityRepetitionFebruary 25What do you think multiple intelligences are?

February 26Look at page 191 for the definition of reflection. Define it. What do you think the purpose of reflection is?

February 27What do you think the difference between an obstacle, difficulty and opportunity?

February 28Have you ever been faced with a difficult assignment, one that you didnt like or understand? How did you respond?

March 1Look at the definition of multiple intelligences on page 195. What learning styles do you think you possess?

March 4MAPsMarch 5MAPsMarch 6How can reflection be helpful in overcoming academic challenges? Personal challenges?

March 7Coherency in writing occurs when there is a clear and orderly presentation of ideas in a paragraph or essay. Write three coherent sentences about why the 8th grade should go on a free class field trip to Kings Island on the last day of school. March 8What is your dominant intelligence type?How do you think your dominant intelligence type can affect your future?March 11Jill is participating in a group project for class. She tells her teacher that she is not comfortable interacting with her peers.

Based on the meaning of the prefix inter-, which word BEST captures the meaning of the word interacting? See page 198 for help.

a. being a leaderb. working togetherc. acting in playsd. completing task

March 12Jack received his essay back from his teacher. She wrote the following feedback on his essayapt metaphor to describe your fatherBased on the meaning of the root apt-, which word BEST captures the meaning of apt? see page 206 for help.a. poorb. nice imagec. well suitedd. confusingMarch 13Complete the analogy:Reflection : Significance :: _______________ : _________________

a. Coherence : Unclearb. Coherence : Confusingc. Coherence : Orderlyd. Coherence : Easy

March 14Read the sentence from The Giver.In the novel, The Giver, the main character Jonas lived what he thought was a normal life in a society that tried to be perfect.Which changes, if any, should be made to the underlined verbs in the sentence?a. livesb. lives, triesc. lives, thinks, triesd. no change

March 15Consider the following sentences;I really love my Language Arts class. Believe it or not, I dont like to write.What is the BEST way to rewrite this sentence as a correctly punctuated complex sentence?a. Although I dont like to write, I really love my Language Arts class.b. Although I dont like to write I really love my Language Arts class.c. I really love my Language Arts class but I dont like to write.d. I dont like to write, but I really love my Language Arts class.

March 18Which of the following is an example of a correctly punctuated complex sentence?A. Because I am a good multi-tasker, I am able to concentrate on more than one activity at a time. B. Because I am a good multi-tasker I am able to concentrate on more than one activity at a time. C. A good multi-tasker is able to do more than one activity at a time.D. A good multi-tasker is able to do more than one activity at a time, making them able to accomplish more.

March 19What does an effectively organized essay contain?

March 20Which word best replaces the underlined word to improve the diction and strengthen the tone of the sentence:

Heroes do great things for our community. They help people, are role models, and work for the greater good of everyone. A. BigB. GoodC. NiceD. Remarkable

March 21Which of the following is an example of a correctly punctuated complex sentence?A. Although I enjoy being outside with friends I am very content to watch television by myself. B. Although I enjoy being outside with friends, I am very content to watch television by myself. C. I enjoy being outside with friends, I am very content to watch television by myself. D. I enjoy being outside with friends and am also very content to watch television by myself.

March 22Which word best replaces the underlined word to improve the diction and strengthen the tone of the sentence:

When something bad happens, heroes step up to the challenge to rectify the situation. A. ShockingB. SadC. Hurtful D. Horrifying

March 25 Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. This can happen at the word, phrase, or clause level. The usual way to join parallel structures is with the use of coordinating conjunctions such as "and" or "or."Rewrite the following sentence that is not written in correct parallel structure:

The teacher said that he was a poor student because he waited until the last minute to study for the exam, completed his lab problems in a careless manner, and his motivation was low.

March 26A strong introduction paragraph contains all of the following EXCEPTA. A strong hook B. A strong I think, I feel, or I believe statementC. Background informationD. Thesis statement

March 27Write a strong thesis statement (a complex sentence with a subordinating clause and an independent clause) in response to the following prompt:

Should the high school adopt a new school uniform policy or keep the policy the same for next year?Begin your thesis statement with a subordinating conjunction and punctuate your thesis statement correctlySample Response:Because students at the high school are currently happy with the dress code and work hard in the classroom, the dress code policy should not be changed next year.March 28The main functions of a topic sentence in a body paragraph include all of the following EXCEPTA. To make a point that supports the thesis of the essayB. To indicate the main idea of the paragraphC. To provide supporting details that relate to the thesis of the essayD. To make an assertion about the main idea of the paragraph

March 29Transitional words and phrases are used by writers to create coherence and help readers move smoothly through and essay. Which group of transitional signal words would be helpful when writing a compare/contrast essay?

A. first, second, soon after, laterB. finally, in short, to sum up, in conclusionC. similarly, likewise, however, on the other handD. as a result, therefore, consequently, accordingly