Praetorian Memos

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  • 7/31/2019 Praetorian Memos





    June22,2O12HonorableMalorandMembers f theCityCouncilDemolitionof the PraetorianBuildingOn June18,2fr12,heMap/s Office eceived letterfromnterimExecutive irector,Carol Roark of Preservation allas,oon@minghe demolition f the PraetorianBuildingocated t 1607MainSfreet.Attactedsthe conespondenceentbyThelesaO'Donnell, irec{or f $ustainable evelopmentndConstructionndAssistantChiefDebraCarlinof DallasFire-Rescue,o theadjacent roperty wneron April18,2012.Pleasenotethat as of today, herehas not beenan applicationor an explosivespermit.Pleaseeelfree o contactme at 214-670-9296f youneedadditionalnformation.

  • 7/31/2019 Praetorian Memos


    tl '*' it: , i r r i ::::;. i r ttt:t.2 ' tn i :;*i !!,t*r i ici l !;:cr i ;:)"r ial,4l i,:lq'li:.,;, r';li:,1 l i lx:i : : iJ,: - ;1t: it i' i;1J*r'jf,r,il.; ];,:;:;"t,!ir.:.,2Ji::Ji;rListr Ricci ktiilq'Enlherini; Ss.llelY l .t O'in e s, l''.1 .4{'arol Rttari.'lnurim Et*r:utiycLlit?dar

    June18,2012Re: mpfoslon aadlor usc otexdottves lo dernollsh lhe ProetorionSuildingDeorMcyor Rowlings,DollosCity Councilmembers.DollosCityMonoger, ondAssistontCity Monogen:PreservationDollos s concerned obout the proboble implosionond/or useofexplosiveso demolish he ProetorionBuildingof 1607Moin Sireet. We ore notseeking o prevent the demo$tionof the Proeiorionorthe other low-risebuildingsin the cenier of the Notionol Downlown HlstodcDistrict.PreservotionDolloshopesthot the developerwill utilize he spoce to construct buildings hoi hove ostrongpositive mpoct on the redevelopment of the centrol busines district.However, f the PrsetorionBuildings o be demolished.os oppeors qlmostcertoin sf thispoini. we osk he Ctty of Dollos o require hot the buitding bedismontled n the troditionol, op-down deconstruction method ouilined in theCity'sdemolilionordinonce.Thereore three significont eosonswe oppose implosionor the useof explosivesto demolish he ProetodonBuilding:

    r domcge to neorby historicbuildings severolsignificoni ondmorkbuildings,port of the locol StoneStreet HistoricDistdct, re locoted only40 o 80 feet from the site; t isone of the most congested in the CentrolBusinesDisilict n termsof the proximityof neorby historicbuildings

    r potentiollyhozordousdust, ncluding eod, thot willsettle overthe city'scenter- ourCenlrol BusinesDistrictsno longer on 8 to 5 qreq * peoplefive ond work downtown on o 2417bosb. tlrc econornic impoct of shuttingdown the oreo oround the building-not only orthe implosion ut forthe sustoined leonup needed loter-willcost mony businessesnd employees ost evenueond woges

    Our nvesligotion nto the useof implosionos o meons of demolition n othermcjor cities ells us hot mosi, ncluding Chicogo. LosAngeles,Woshington,D.C.New Yorkond Philsdelphio,bonned demolitionby implosion n iheir downtownoreos en or more yeorsogo. Dollosneeds o do the some.We osk hot the Cityof Dollos orbid the implosionof the Proetodonond considero permenent bon.Sincerely.Cn^&**lnterirnErecutiveDirector

    PRESERI'AnONDALLAs' 29?2 SWISSAVEIIUE. DALLAS,TEXAS 75204-5928214.821.3290TELEPHOTIE'214.821.3573 FAx . Vlttlylit.PRESERvATKtNOALLAs.ORG

  • 7/31/2019 Praetorian Memos



    Apri l18,2012Mr.GrsgZieglerMacDonald avin1201ElmStraetDallas,Texas7527A

    Sentviae-mail: [email protected]: Demolition f Praetorian uildingElearMr.Zegler:We have receivedyour lstter conceming he damolitionof tha PraetodanBuildlngfocated t 1607MainStrcet.OnAugust29,2411theCity eceived n appllcalionorthEdemolitonof this buildlngalongwith demolifonappllcationsor 1600ElmStraetand1604Elm Steet, The damolition ermitswerc ssuedand the work s ongoirg. At thistime, he majority f construc{icnctivi$ s occuningat 1600Elm Streetas is nearingcompletion.Weanticipateonstruction orkon 1604 o begin n June.Discusslons lththe propoty ownersand contnactorsndicate hat 1604 Elm will be dismantled singconventional emolition pthods.The interiordemolitlonon 1607Main Street has alreadybegun and the asbestosabatement illbe compleled y he andof themonth.Theremaininghellof the bulldingcannotbe takendownuntil hedemolition t 1604Elm s completed.The demolitionor1607 Mainwill be completed sing wo methods. heeast sidewill be dismantlEd ndthe west side wlll be implded into the eaet side pit The estimatedcompletionsapproximately months fterwo* begins.We understandand appraoiate our oncems for the safety of pedestriansn theimmediate reaof StonePlace.Both he Bulldingnspactor nd he Fire nspector avebeen o thesitesevaral imes.We havespokenat lengthwith hedemolitionontractorand understandhe planof woik. This contractors workingdiligentlyo ensure hesafetyof theprojectand hesite s in fullcompliance ith all ragulations ndpermlts tlhis ime.Given hat he mplosions notplanned ntil ata summer,he permitsor the mplosionhava not yet been submitted. However,hs contrador will be required o obiainexplosive ermitsrom heFireDepartmentor thisphaseof theproiect. Please ee heattachedmemo rom heCi$'s FireMarshal r an axplanationf thatprocess.Wa willalso cbsely coordinatewith state agencies o ensure air quality standardsaremalntained.

    Pagc1 ol 2_ SultalntbL lhyilopmnt analConllruc$gn Orpsrt'||rntgl'|ldlng InrFactlon- 320 E. Jetfrloo Bhd.. Room zot, Oalls!, T.rsr 7320!llil-g't8-1lll0

  • 7/31/2019 Praetorian Memos


    Mr.GtegZhglerAprl l18,2012We undsstand hat yourcllsnthas takena particularnterestn Sbne Placaand thauniqu"nee of thc triito*c area.We are alsoauare that the tenants romyour cliant'sUrifirineaw icensegreementsvittrSreClty-to seStoneFlq*tr pi!o:1tq19aren6[1cense equosbpending r balconiesnthisarea. Please e assuredhat

    wswtl oordlnateall construitton iO dernoliton ctivitieswithotherdtydgparfnEntsndi"rt"* "g"nctesO ethlgtoaccommodatehoseenants ndminimizeln disruptionononnal usinessdivitias urirqghisproictLastly,et me asaure ou that the demotiton ontracioror this pndctil "ttfmgty"ipiiUn""O andhasbeen ery forthcqryingith nformatig?Td@psrativ?wlth he;ti. Af 1tir timE,hsprolects i-n rnompUanae ithall ourbulding odes ndua haveno speciftc pncsmsr ilrues. lf youhaveany urtherquestionsr onoamsabouthisproFc{pleasodo othesitrateocontadmedlmc{ly- ,

    TheresaO'hnnEllDlrectorSustalnableDevelopment nd ConsffitrctbnAtt Carlinmemorandumm: MarySuhm,CttYManagerACGorzalea FiretAsslstantCityManagerRyanEvans,AssistantCltYManagerElebraCarlin,AsslstantChief/FircMarshal

    LouleBright, nterimFircChiefSandraMarsh,ActlngDEPUIYhbfPhilSikes,AssistantBuildlngO'fficialBarbaraMartinez,CityAttomet'soffie

    Pagr2 of?

  • 7/31/2019 Praetorian Memos



    DATE April18,2012TO MarySuhmCityManager rhru hann",55F"

    twoFDAtlAsSUBJECT Demolitionf thePraetodan uilding 1607MainStreetAfter receivinghe lEtter romMr. GregoryZegler,the CiUrecordswere reviewed nd an activedemolitonpormit rrasound or the locatlonabove. The ac$vepermitonlyallousconventionaldemoliffon.Any useof explosivesequlres naddidonal xplosives ennittobe ssuedby he FireDepadment. ctingDeputyChief$andraMarch ndLt.SimmeannaWastboolc ade sitevlslt othe above ocatonon Apdl 11 2012. Thedemolitions belngconducted yDallasDemolition.Dudng he site visit,ChiefMarshand Lt Westbrookmet with Tony Lohdenwho s the generalcontactor for thedemoliuon roject.During he site vlsit Mr.Lohdendescribedhe scopeof the demolltion njectasplanned.Thecurrent rojectncludesheconventionalphysicallemolitionfa lifteen 15)story uildlng n heeast sldeand hreestories f thebuildinghat arebelowgrade. The filtesnstoryportionof thebuildinghat sbeing emoved ithconventionalethodss next ootherbuildings.Removinghethreestorybelowgradestructurewill basically pena deeppit. Prior o hecompletionf hispartoftheprolect,DallasDemolidon illbegln heprocess f applylngoranexploslve ermit.Aspaftofthe demolition rocess, horlngwill be appliedo speciflcwalls so thatwhenan lmplosionslnitiated, he falling walls will be directed ntothe plt which was createdby the firstpart of thedemolltlon.Mr.Lohden tatedhe mplosionartof hedemolitionsplannedorAugust, 012.At thispoint,DaltasDenptition as not applledora permit. Beforean explosive ermitwill beissued, haappl'cantmustprovidehefollowingnbrmationo the Cityof Dallas:r Siteplansdrawn o scale hat ndicate lgnillcant round ealures, ublic ightsof way,otherbuildings,rees,overhead bstructlons,arking reasandanysp@tator reas.r Fallout rea,ncluding imensions. Locatlon f slgnifrcantoadways ndufilitiesncludlng ccessandmnlrolpointsr Trafflcplansndicatinghe lowof vehiclesn andoff the sitebefore ndafter he eventr Location f emeqency ehicle tagingouteand access outesr Transporhtionouteand imes o bdng n he explosivesr Locatlonof exploslve torageareasr Documentationf insurance. Copyof theexplosive perator's tate lcense ndpicturedentiflcationPrior o issuingany explosive ermit, herewill be a meetingof all affectedCity departrnentsincluding ire,Folice,Buildingnspection, ffice f Emergenc) anagement,feets,DallasWalerUtilitles,Codeand any outsideagencieshat mightbe atlectedsuchas DARTand all ulilitycompanieso reviewhescopeof heproject nddetermine hetherhereareany ssueshat needto be addressed.

    'Dallas, heCitvThatWorks:Diverse,ibrant ndProgrssslva,'

  • 7/31/2019 Praetorian Memos


    DemolitionfPraetorianuilding 1607MainStreetApril18,2012Page2

    DallasDemolltionoeshaveexperienceithpreviousemolitionsy mplosionn Dallas.Theywerehegeneralontracbrsor heFintBaptist hurch emolitionn hedowntownrean2010.Withthlsexpedence,hey are awareof the lequirementso obtainan explosive ennitandunderstandhal hiswlll be a time ntensivenpess o ensurehat heproiects reviewedy allaffected itydeparbnentsefore permitwillbe ssued.

    N'n^, f(d'c-lt"*'DebraK. Carlln,AssistantChleflFireMarshalFirePreventlon nd Investigationg ureauDallasFkeHescueDepartnentC: A, C.Gonzalez, lrstAsslsbntCityManagerR11anvans,AssistantCityManagerLouleBrlght ll, lnterimFireChiefTheresaO'Donnell, irecbr,Sustainable evelopmentnd Constructon$andraMarsh,ActingDeputyChief