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INDEX Sr. no


1. Database Administration

2. Responsibilities of DBA

3. Database Administration Tools


a) Introduction

b) SQL Commands

c) Installation of oracle 10g


a) Introduction

b) Installation

6. Backup

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7. Restore

8. SQL Server

a) Introduction

b) Installation

9. Php My Admin

a) Introduction

b) Installation

10. Export & Import

11. Database Migration

a) Introduction

b) Installation

12. Privileges

13. Workbench

Teacher’s signature

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A database administrator (DBA) is a person responsible for installation,


configuration, upgrade, administration, monitoring and maintenance o

f databases in an organization.

In the other words Centralized control of the database is exerted by a

person or group of persons under the supervision of a high-level

administrator. This person or group is referred to as the database

administrator (DBA). They are the users who are most familiar with the

database and are responsible for creating, modifying, and maintaining its

three levels.

Database Administrator is responsible to manage the DBMS’s use

and ensure that the database is functioning properly. DBA is also

responsible for granting permission to the users of the database and

stores the profile of each user in the database.

The role includes the development and design of database strategies,

system monitoring and improving database performance and

capacity and planning for future expansion requirements. They may also

plan, co-ordinate and implement measures to safeguard the database.

The Other primary roles will include:

• Implementation of data models

• Database design

• Database accessibility

• Performance issues

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• Capacity issues

• Data replication

• Table Maintainance

Responsibilities of DBA

• Deciding the information content of the database

It is the DBA’s job to decide exactly what information is to be held in

the database - in other words, to identify the entities of interest to the

enterprise and to identify the information to be recorded about those

entities. Having done this, the DBA must then define the content of

the database by writing the conceptual schema.

• Deciding the storage structure and access strategy

The DBA must also decide how the data is to be represented in the

database, and must specify the representation by writing the storage

structure definition. In addition, the associated mapping between

storage structure definition and the conceptual schema must also be


• Liaising with the users

It is the business of the DBA to liaise with users, to ensure that the

data they require is available, and to write the necessary external

schemas. In addition, the mapping between any given external

schema and the conceptual schema must also be specified. In practice

the external DDL will probably include the means for specifying the

mapping, but the schema and the mapping should be clearly


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• Defining authorization checks and validation


Authorization checks and validation procedures may be considered as

logical extensions of the conceptual schema. The conceptual DDL

will include facilities for specifying such checks and procedures.

• Defining a strategy for backup and recovery

Once an enterprise is committed to a database, it become critically

dependent on the successful operation of that system. In the event of

damage to any portion of the database – caused by human error, say,

or a failure in the hardware or supporting operating system – it is

essential to be able to repair the data concerned with a minimum of

delay and with as little effect as possible on the rest of the system.

• Monitoring performance and responsibilities to

changes in requirements

The DBA is responsible for so organizing the system as to get the

performance that is “best for the enterprise” and for making the

appropriate adjustments change. Any change to details of storage and

access must be accompanied by a corresponding change to the

definition of the mapping to storage, so that the conceptual schema

may remain constant.


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DBA works with two tools:

• Server Tools

• Client Tools

Server Tools

It includes the followings:

• Oracle Server

• MySql Enterprise

• Sql Server

Client Tools

It includes the followings:

• phpmyadmin

• MySql command shell

• MySql workbench

• MySql webmin module

• Emma

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An Oracle database is a collection of data treated as a unit. The purpose

of a database is to store and retrieve related information. A database

server is the key to solving the problems of information management. In

general, a server reliably manages a large amount of data in a multiuser

environment so that many users can concurrently access the same data.

All this is accomplished while delivering high performance. A database

server also prevents unauthorized access and provides efficient solutions

for failure recovery.

Oracle Database is the first database designed for enterprise grid

computing, the most flexible and cost effective way to manage

information and applications. Enterprise grid computing creates large

pools of industry-standard, modular storage and servers. With this

architecture, each new system can be rapidly provisioned from the pool

of components. There is no need for peak workloads, because capacity

can be easily added or reallocated from the resource pools as needed.

A DBMS must also be secure from unauthorized access and provide

efficient solutions for failure recovery. The ORACLE Server provides

efficient and effective solutions for the major database features.

ORACLE consists of many tools that allow you to create an application

with ease and flexibility. You must determine how to implement your

requirements using the features available in ORACLE, along with its


The features and tools that you choose to use to implement your

application can significantly affect the performance of your application.

Several of the more useful features available to ORACLE application

developers are integrity constraints, stored procedures and packages,

database triggers, cost-based optimizer, shared SQL, locking and


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Data Definition Language (DDL) statements are used to define the

database structure or schema. Some examples:

• CREATE : It is used to create objects in the database.

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• ALTER : It is used to alters the structure of the database.

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DROP : It is used to delete objects from the database.

Syntax -- DROP INDEX table_name.index_name

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Installation of Oracle 10g

Steps to install oracle

• Preparing to Install.

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Log into Express Engine with a Username-System and Password-root.

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Select SQL Commands for query browser.

Open SQL Commands for query browser.

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MySQL is the world's most widely used open-source relational database

management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server providing multi-

user access to a number of databases, though SQLite probably has more

total embedded deployments. The SQL phrase stands for Structured

Query Language

MySQL Administrator is a program for performing administrative

operations, such as configuring, monitoring and starting and stopping a

MySQL server, managing users and connections, performing backups,

and a number of other administrative tasks. Most tasks can be performed

using a command-line client such as mysqladmin, or mysql, but MySQL

Administrator has the following advantages:

• Its graphical user interface makes it more intuitive.

• It provides a better overview of the settings that are crucial for the

performance, reliability, and security of your MySQL servers.

• It displays performance indicators graphically, thus making it easier to

determine and tune server settings.

MySQL Administrator is designed to work with MySQL versions 4.0

and higher. MySQL Administrator is, to a large extent, the result of

feedback received from many users over a period of several years. There

are so many features of mysql some of them are:

• Cross-platform support

• Triggers

• Cursors

• Updatable views

• Information schema

• Independent storage engines

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• Replication support


Steps to install MySql

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• Welcome window is open click next to install

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• Now select the program maintainance

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• Now click on install to modify the program.

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• Click on finish to complete the installation.

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BACKUP In information technology, a backup, or the process of backing

up, refers to the copying and archiving of computer data so it

may be used to restore the original after a data loss event.

Backups have two distinct purposes. The primary purpose is to

recover data after its loss, be it by data deletion or corruption.

Data loss can be a common experience of computer users. The

secondary purpose of backups is to recover data from an earlier

time, according to a user-defined data retention policy,

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typically configured within a backup application for how long

copies of data are required. Though backups popularly

represent a simple form of disaster recovery, Since a backup

system contains at least one copy of all data worth saving, the

data storage requirements can be significant. Organizing this

storage space and managing the backup process can be a

complicated undertaking. A data repository model can be used

to provide structure to the storage. Nowadays, there are many

different types of data storage devices that are useful for

making backups. There are also many different ways in which

these devices can be arranged to provide geographic

redundancy, data security, and portability.

Step 1:

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Step 2:

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Step 3:

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Step 4:


Step 5:

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Step 6:

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In data management, restore is a process that involves copying

backup files from secondary storage (tape, zip disk or other

backup media) to hard disk. A restore is performed in order to

return data to its original condition if files have become

damaged, or to copy or move data to a new location. One should

backup one's wiki regularly, even if one never needs to restore

it: backups provide peace of mind. However, a backup is useless

if one cannot restore, and practice restoring a backup prevents

later anguish. Data Restore is the process of salvaging and

handling the data through the data from damaged, failed,

corrupted, or inaccessible secondary storage media when it

cannot be accessed normally. Often the data are being salvaged

from storage media such as internal or external hard disk drives,

solid-state drives (SSD), USB flash drive, storage tapes, CDs,

DVDs, RAID, and other electronics. Recovery may be required

due to physical damage to the storage device or logical damage

to the file system that prevents it from being mounted by the

host operating system (OS).

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The most common data recovery scenario involves an operating

system failure, accidental damage etc. (typically on a single-

disk, single-partition, single-OS system), in which case the goal

is simply to copy all wanted files to another disk

Step 1:

Step 2:

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Step 3:

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SQL Server is Microsoft's relational database management system

(RDBMS). It is a full-featured databse primarily designed to compete

against competitors Oracle Database (DB) and MySQL.

Like all major RBDMS, SQL Server supports ANSI SQL, the

standard SQL language. However, SQL Server also contains T-SQL, its

own SQL implemention. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

(previously known as Enterprise Manager) is SQL Server’s main

interface tool, and it supports 32-bit and 64-bit environments.

SQL Server is sometimes referred to as MSSQL and Microsoft

SQL Server. SQL Server is offered in several editions with different

feature set and pricing options to meet a variety of user needs, including

the following:

Enterprise: Designed for large enterprises with complex data

requirements, data warehousing and Web-enabled databases. Has all the

features of SQL Server, and its license pricing is the most expensive.

Standard: Targeted toward small and medium organizations. Also

supports e-commerce and data warehousing.

Workgroup: For small organizations. No size or user limits and may be

used as the backend database for small Web servers or branch offices.

Express: Free for distribution. Has the fewest number of features and

limits database size and users. May be used as a replacement for an

Access database.

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• Welcome window will open click next to install.

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Enter the computer name where you want to install.

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• Now select the one option for installation.

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• Now fill the user information.

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• Then accept the Lincense agreement.

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• Select one of the insatllation defination.

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• Put a instance name.

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• Select the type of setup.

• Set the serves accounts.

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• Choose the authentication mode

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• Copying files window open click next to proceesed.

• Choose the lincense mode.

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PhpMyAdmin is a free and open source tool written in PHP intended to

handle the administration of MySQL with the use of a web browser. It

can perform various tasks such as creating, modifying or deleting

databases, tables, fields or rows; executing SQL statements; or managing

users and permissions.


• Web interface

• MySQL database management

• Import data from CSV and SQL

• Export data to various formats: CSV, SQL, XML, PDF, ISO/IEC

26300 – Open Document Text and Spreadsheet, Word, Excel,

LaTeX and others

• Administering multiple servers

• Creating PDF graphics of the database layout

• Creating complex queries using Query-by-Example (QBE)

• Searching globally in a database or a subset of it

• Transforming stored data into any format using a set of predefined

functions, like displaying BLOB-data as image or download-link.

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• Live charts to monitor MySQL server activity like connections,

processes, CPU/Memory usage, etc.


Steps to install phpmyadmin

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• Welcome window shown click next to install.

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• Click on I agree to accept the license agreement.

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• Now choose the location where you want to install.

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• Now select the components and click next to processed.

• Now fill the information of apache HTTP server and click on next.

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• Now

configure the mysql server by enter the password root and then click on install.

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• Installation is absorbed.

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• After Installation

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Create Database

Step 1:

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Step 2:

Step 3:

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Step 4:

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Step 5:

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Step 6:

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Step 7:

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Step 8:

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Step 9:

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You can import data that you get from other applications into your web

office database and export data from the database into other applications.

Importing copies existing data from a text file to your database;

exporting copies information from your database to a text file.

Importing existing data saves you the trouble of typing it in by hand.

You may need to import data only once, right before people start to use

the database. For example, if you create a Customer Relationship

Management (CRM) database, you could import existing customer

information into it. You may also need to regularly import data, for

example, from a weekly sales report.

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Exporting data allows you to use information from your database in

another application outside your web office. For example, you may want

to export data so that you can open it in Microsoft Excel® for charting

or further analysis. Exporting is also an easy way to create a local

backup of the data in your database.

Import and Export file formats

The Database application imports data from and exports data to text

files, using the two most common text file formats:



values (CSV)

In this format, commas separate the field

values. The names of CSV files usually end

with the extension .CSV. Many software

applications, like Microsoft Excel®, open

and save .CSV files.

Tab delimited In this format, tabs separate the field values.

The names of tab-delimited files usually end

with the extension .TXT. Many software

applications, like Excel and Microsoft.


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Database Migration

Data migration is the process of transferring data between

storage types, formats, or computer systems. It is a key

consideration for any system implementation, upgrade, or

consolidation. Data migration is usually performed

programmatically to achieve an automated migration, freeing up

human resources from tedious tasks. Data migration occurs for a

variety of reasons, including: Server or storage equipment

replacements or upgrades; Website consolidation; Server

maintenance; and Data center relocation.

To achieve an effective data migration procedure, data on the

old system is mapped to the new system providing a design for

data extraction and data loading. The design relates old data

formats to the new system's formats and requirements.

Programmatic data migration may involve many phases but it

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minimally includes data extraction where data is read from the

old system and data loading where data is written to the new



Data is stored on various media in files or databases, and is

generated and consumed by software applications which in turn

support business processes. The need to transfer and convert

data can be driven by multiple business requirements and the

approach taken to the migration depends on those requirements.

Four major migration categories are proposed on this basis.

Storage migration

A business may choose to rationalize the physical media to take

advantage of more efficient storage technologies. This will

result in having to move physical blocks of data from one tape

or disk to another, often using virtualization techniques. The

data format and content itself will not usually be changed in the

process and can normally be achieved with minimal or no

impact to the layers above.

Database migration

Similarly, it may be necessary to move from one database

vendor to another, or to upgrade the version of database

software being used. The latter case is less likely to require a

physical data migration, but this can happen with major

upgrades. In these cases a physical transformation process may

be required since the underlying data format can change


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Application migration

Changing application vendor – for instance a new CRM or ERP

platform – will inevitably involve substantial transformation as

almost every application or suite operates on its own specific

data model. Further, to allow the application to be sold to the

widest possible market, commercial off-the-shelf packages are

generally configured for each customer using metadata.

Application programming interfaces (APIs) are supplied to

protect the integrity of the data they have to handle.

Business process migration

Business processes operate through a combination of human and

application systems actions, often orchestrated by business

process management tools. When these change they can require

the movement of data from one store, database or application to

another to reflect the changes to the organization and

information about customers, products and operations. Examples

of such migration drivers are mergers and acquisitions, business

optimization and reorganization to attack new markets or

respond to competitive threat.

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Installation of Migration


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PRIVILEGES A privilege is a right to execute a particular type of SQL

statement or to access another user's object. Some examples of

privileges include the right to:

• Connect to the database (create a session)

• Create a table

• Select rows from another user's table

• Execute another user's stored procedure

You grant privileges to users so these users can accomplish tasks

required for their job. You should grant a privilege only to a user

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who absolutely requires the privilege to accomplish necessary

work. Excessive granting of unnecessary privileges can

compromise security. A user can receive a privilege in two

different ways:

Because roles allow for easier and better management of

privileges, you should normally grant privileges to roles and not

to specific users.

There are two distinct categories of privileges:

• System privileges

• Schema object privileges


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MySQL Workbench is a visual database design tool that integrates SQL development, administration, database design, creation and maintenance into a single integrated development environment for MySQL database system.

MySQL Workbench 5.0 and 5.1 are specialized visual database design tools for the MySQL database. While MySQL Workbench 5.0 was a MS Windows only product cross-platform support was added to MySQL Workbench

Starting with MySQL Workbench 5.2 the application has evolved to a general database GUI application. Apart from physical database modeling it features a SQL Editor, database migration tools, a database server administration interface, replacing the old MySQL GUI.

Features of workbench

• Database Connection & Instance Management

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• Schema object browsing, inspection, and search

• Data modeling

• Reverse engineering from SQL Scripts and live database

• Forward engineering to SQL Scripts and live database

Schema synchronization

Printing of models

• Database administration

• Start and stop of database instances

• Instance configuration

• Database account management

• Instance variables browsing

• Performance monitoring

• Performance Schema metrics

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Installation of workbench

Step 1:

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Step 2:

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Step 3:

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Step 4:

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Step 5: