The 7 Ancient Wonders of the World By Olivia McLeod


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The 7 Ancient Wonders of the World

By Olivia McLeod

Antipater of Sidon

The Greek poet responsible for attributing The 7 Ancient Wonders.

Lucky Number 7

The 7 Wonders were chosen because the Greeks believed the number 7 represented perfection and plenty. The number 7 also resembles the five planets plus the sun plus the moon, which equals lucky number 7.

The Pyramid of Giza

The Pyramid of Khufu, along with two other pyramids, are precisely aligned with the constellation Orion. It is the most accurately aligned structure in existence that faces true north.

The Three Main Ascending/Descending Chambers

It is the only pyramid known to have ascending and descending chambers. It also has an elaborate air duct system that keeps the interior temperature at a constant 68 degrees fahrenheit.

Menkaure, Giza and KhafreOriginally covered with a highly polished casing stone,

which made the pyramids shine like jewels.

The (Over)Hanging Gardens

The (Over) Hanging Gardens, as described by a Greek historian, were said to be about 400 ft. tall by 400 ft. long, full of lush gardens, exotic animals, fountains, waterfalls and a very primitive water irrigation system that carried water upwards.

Queen Amytis

King Nebuchadnezzar 11 (King Neb) built the gardens to imitate the homeland of his beloved queen. Another possible theory is that Queen Sammu-Ramat built it during her reign in 810 B.C.

Queen Sammu-Ramat

The Queen built the gardens as a private sanctuary. She was rumoured to have used it as a brothel to carry on her promiscuous affairs with lovers and long string of one night stands with handsome soldiers.

The Famous(Over)Hanging GardensIf the gardens did exist, it would have taken over 80,000 gallons of water each day to keep the them watered. Recent excavations have found traces of aqueducts, which

could have supported such a garden.

The Temple of ArtemisThe temple was totally constructed in marble, the first building in history to be constructed so. It has burned to the ground twice.

HerostratusHerostratus burned the temple to the

ground the second time to make himself famous. His plan backfired, as

anyone who spoke his name afterwards was sentenced to death.

The Remains of the Temple

of ArtemisThe temple is located in Turkey. It was completely rebuilt three times,

before its eventual destruction. Lost in time, but then recently

discovered in 1869.

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

It was constructed to honour the greatest Greek God ever, and the father of the

Olympic games.

Zeus of Olympia

Stands 42 feet tall

Ornamented in gold, marble, ivory and jewels

Holds a figure in his right hand of his favourite messenger (Nike) the goddess of victory

Gave birth to the Olympic Games if 776 B.C.

The Mausoleum at HalicarnassusThe city has been invaded by pirates and

Alexander the Great. Both times, the temple was left untouched. In 1552, the

Mausoleum was raided by crusaders. The tombs of Mausolus and Artemisia were

never seen again.

The Colossus of RhodesIn 357 B.C. the island was conquered by Mausolus of Halicarnassus,

but ultimately ended up underneath Alexander the Great’s siege.

Helios the Greek Titan GodHelios straddled the harbour’s entrance, boats crossed under his legs to the harbour to trade. The statue stood 120ft. tall and was made of bronze and iron. It stood on a

54 ft. pedestal. It lasted 53 years, one of the shortest lived wonders.

Lighthouse of Alexandria

The lighthouse was the first in the world to be constructed. It

was designed to guide trade ships safely into the harbour.

It is located in the city of Alexandria, one of 17 cities named Alexandria, named after Alexander the Great.

It cost 800 talents, the equivalent of 3 million dollars, and stands 450 feet tall.

The smoke from the fire guided sailors during the day, the light from the fire guided the sailors at night.

The smoke and light could be see for as many as 100 miles away.

Alexandria Today

The lighthouse once stood 450 ft. tall on the island of Pharohs.

It now lies at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.

Despite surviving a tsunami with virtually no damage, it eventually fell victim to earthquakes, time and mankind.