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Creation of Material Master


SHEET NO. 2 of 23

Production Planning


1. MM01:

Extension of material master.


2. MM02 / 03: Change and display of material master.


3. CS01:

Creation of Bill of material and alternative BOM.


4. CS02 / 03:

Change and display of BOM.


5. CR01:

Creation of Work Centers.


6. CR02 / 03:

Change and Display of Work centers.


7. CA01:

Creation of Routings and alternative Routings.


8. CA02 / 03: Change and Display of Routings.


9. MD61:

Creation of independent requirements.


10. MD62 / 63:Change and Display of Independent requirements.7

11. MD02:

Single item multi-level MRP run.


12. MD05:

MRP list.


13. MD04:

Stock / requirement list.


14. MD16:

List of Planned Orders.


15. CO40:

Individual conversion of Planned orders.


16. CM01:

Capacity planning - work Center load.


17. CM05:

Capacity planning Work center over load.


18. CO01:

Creation of Production order.


19. C002 / 03:

Change and Display of Production orders.


20. COOIS:

Order information system.


21. CM21:

Capacity leveling.


22. CM50:

Capacity leveling Work center list.


23. MB1A:

Goods withdrawal.


24. CO11N:

Operation confirmation single screen entry.


25. CO12:

Collective Confirmation Time ticket.


26. CO13:

Cancellation of confirmation.


27. CO15:

Order confirmation.


28. CO19:

Time Event confirmation.


29. MB31:

Goods Receipt for Production order.


30. MMBE:

Stock Over view.


31. CS11:

BOM multi level explosion.


32. CS15:

Material usage in BOM.


33. CR05:

Work center list.


34. CA51:

Routing List.


35. MD73:

Display of total requirements.


Creation and Extension of material master.

Menu path: Logistics ( Production( Master data ( Material master ( Material ( Create (General) ( Immediately

T.Code:MM01: Creation and Extension of material master.

MM02 / MM03: change and display of material master.

USEMaterial master is stored centrally and used by all the components of Logistics system of SAP R/3. When creating material, co-ordination between all the user departments like Production, Quality, Purchase, Sales and Accounts is mandatory.

It is the responsibility of PP user to ensure all relevant views (MRP views and Work Scheduling view) are extended for in-house produced material.

Input FieldsMaterial number:

Industry sector:

Material type:

Select the appropriate views depending on requirement of organization:

Plant to which the material is created:

Storage location to which the material is stored:

Material Description:

Base unit of measurement:

Material group:

MRP Type: PD for in-house produced materials and VB for externally purchased materials for which re-order levels are maintained.

MRP Controller:

Lot size: EXCode of strategy group: 40 for Make to stock, 20 for make to order.

Location from which the material is issued for production:

Planned delivery time: (rounded of to days)

Schedule margin key: 000Availability check: 02

Production Schedule Profile: 000001


Out PutMaterial xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx created.

Creation of Bill of material and alternative BOM.

Menu path: Logistics ( Production( Master data ( Bills of material ( Material BOM( Create

T.Code:CS01:Creation of Bill of material and alternative BOM.

CS02 / CS03: change and display of BOM.

USEBOM is a formally structured list of the components that make up a product or assembly. The list contains the number of each component, together with the quantity and unit of measure. Users can create/change/display BOM. More than one alternative BOMs can be created for a given header material. One can maintain issue storage location of components in BOM.

Input FieldsMaterial number:


Usage: 1 for production.


Item Category: L for stock items.

Component Material code:

Quantity: (units will be picked up from Material Master.)

100- (negative quantity)

Click on symbol hat to go to header view.Base Quantity: (a higher number like 1000 is suggested)

Status: 01 (active)


Out PutBOM created for material XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

Creation of Work Centers.

Menu path: Logistics ( Production( Master data ( Work Centers ( Work Center( Create

T.Code:CR01:Creation of Work Center.

CR02 / CR03: change and display of Work Center.

USEWork Centers are business objects where operations are carried out to complete a task.

Objects could be Machines, Group of Machines, People and assembly lines.

Input FieldsPlant:

Work Center Code:

Work Center Category: (used for grouping of work centers)


Person responsible:

Usage: (routings only)

Standard Value Key: VAC1 Key for defining dimensions for the standard values for performing tasks.

Efficiency Rate: Efficiency of work center for performing a task.

Press Default Values tab.

Control key: Key for determining the business transactions to be executed PP01.

Units of measure: HRPress Capacity tab

Select processing formula:

Capacity Planner Group: INJPress Scheduling tab

Select processing formula:

Press Costing tab

Select cost center and activities:SAVE

Out PutWork center xxxxxxxxxxxxxx created.

Creation of Routings.

Menu path: Logistics ( Production( Master data ( Routings( Create

T.Code:CA01:Creation of Routings and alternate routings.

CA02 / CA03: change and display of Routings.

USERouting gives the sequence and details of operations performed for the production of a material.

Input FieldsMaterial Code: Material for which routing has to be created.



Usage: 1 for production.

Status: 4 released general.

Click on Operations button:

Work center: the work center on which operations are performed.

Description of operation:

Base quantity: Qty for which standard times are mentioned.

Activities: Time required for completing the operation.

Select the operation and click on Inspection chars button for attaching in-process inspection plan.

Select the operation and click on PRT button for attaching PRTs to the operation. Choose from equipment or material PRT.

Specify a usage value:


Out PutRouting under group xxxxxxxxxxxxxx created.

Creation of Independent requirements.

Menu path: Logistics ( Production( Production Planning ( Demand Management( Planned independent requirements ( Create

T.Code:MD61:Creation of Planned independent requirements.

MD62 / MD63: change and display of Planned independent requirements.

USEThis is used to create demand as per a plan, which would be transferred to production through MRP.

Input FieldsMaterial Code:


Version: 00 (only active version will be included in the planning run)Planning time: from and to date.

Period indicator: DEnter

Click on schedule lines.

Choose; splitting button or (F6) split period on line.

Enter the quantity that has to be split. (System splits the required quantity by considering the working days)


Out PutPlan Created for material xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Single item- multi level MRP run.

Menu path: Logistics ( Production( MRP ( Planning( Single item, Multi level

T.Code:MD02:Single item , Multi level MRP run..

USEMaterials Requirement Planning is used to procure or produce the requirement quantities on time, both for internal purposes as well as for Sales. Based on the stocks available, the system automatically creates procurement proposals for purchasing and production.

Input FieldsMaterial Code:


Processing key : NETCH

Create purchase requisitions: 1Delivery schedule: 3Create MRP list : 1

Planning mode : 1 Basic dates from Material master

2 Lead time scheduling and capacity planning.

Execute: system gives a message to check for the correctness of data.

Enter and continue.

Out PutMRP list, Capacity requirements, Dependent requirements and raw material requirements.

MRP list and Stock/requirement list.

Menu path: Logistics ( Production( MRP ( Evaluations ( MRP listT.Code:MD05:MRP list.

Menu path: Logistics ( Production( MRP ( Evaluations ( Stock requirement list.T.Code:MD04:Stock / requirements list.

USEThe requirements that were calculated during MRP run are stored in MRP list. This is static and changes only at the next MRP run.

In the stock/requirements list, the most up-to-date stock and requirements situation is displayed.

You always see the current availability situation of the material in the stock/requirements list. Changes that are made after the planning date are displayed directly, so the list is therefore dynamic.

Stock/requirements lists are not saved in a fixed state in the system, but are subject to change and only exist in the working memory.

Input FieldsMaterial Code:


Enter and continue.

Click on Show over view tree: all the dependent requirements will be displayed.

Out PutStock and requirements as at particular time will be displayed.

Display of Planned orders.

Menu path: Logistics ( Production( MRP ( Planed order ( Display (collective)

T.Code:MD16:collective Display of Planned orders.

USEMaterials Requirement Planning is used to procure or produce the requirement quantities on time, both for internal purposes as well as for Sales. Based on the stocks available, the system automatically creates procurement proposals for purchasing and production.

Input FieldsChoose by:

MRP controller.


Production Version.

Enter Material, Plant and Selection date (selection by Material)


We can convert planned orders into production orders or purchase requisitions. If needed can change the planned orders.

Individual Conversion of Planned order.

Menu path: Logistics ( Production( MRP ( Planed order ( Convert to Production order.

T.Code:CO40:Individual conversion of Planned order.

USEA planned Order is a planned receipt for a material in a plant, and can be created automatically during the planning run, or manually as necessary. For producing the material, a Planned Order can be converted to a Production Order.

Input FieldsPlanned order No:

Order Type: PP01

Check Partial conversion indicator for partial conversions.

Out PutProduction order xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx created.

Capacity planning - work Center load.

Menu path: Logistics ( Production( Capacity Planning ( Evaluation ( Work Center view ( Load.

T.Code:CM01:Capacity Planning work center load.

USE1. You get an overview of the load situation of selected work centers using the standard overview.

2. You can use the detailed capacity list to display the orders that cause capacity requirements at work centers.

3. You can use the variable overview to display any capacity planning data you wish.

4. Various evaluations can be displayed both in tabular and graphical form. The SAP-Gantt diagram gives you an overview of the dates of the operations at a work center.

5. From all evaluation lists you can either display or change work centers and capacities. From the detailed capacity list you can also change orders and confirmations and display stock/requirements lists.

6. You can use the EXCEL interface to Export the evaluation list for working with MS EXCEL.You cannot display the following capacity requirements in the capacity evaluation:

Split capacity requirements that are assigned to individual capacities of a capacity

Input FieldsWork center: (logical operator ex: