Post Test Semester II Review

Post Test Semester II Review

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Post Test Semester II Review. Question. Acid Rain is a form of what kind of weathering?. Answer. Chemical. Question. If the average temperature rose 10 degrees, what form of water would be effected the most?. Answer. Ice. Question. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Qtr. 3 Review PowerPoint

Post Test Semester II ReviewAcid Rain is a form of what kind of weathering?


AnswerIf the average temperature rose 10 degrees, what form of water would be effected the most?


AnswerRunoof containing fertilizer from neighborhood yards is what kind of pollution?


AnswerIn order to move from the ocean to the atmosphere (evaporation), a water molecue has to?

QuestionGain energy

AnswerWhat percent of the Earths water is fresh water?


AnswerWhat Powers the Water Cycle?

QuestionThe sun

AnswerWhat form is most of Earths Freshwater?


AnswerThe most abundant salt in the ocean is

QuestionSodium chloride

AnswerWhat increases as you descend into the ocean?


AnswerWhat decreases as you descend into the ocean?


AnswerWhat is a deep canyon in the ocean called?

QuestionA trench

AnswerThe amount of dissolved salts in a liquid is called?


AnswerWaves are caused by theQuestionWind

AnswerThe average salinity in the ocean is?

Question35 parts per thousand grams3.5 parts per hundred grams

AnswerThere are different curves in the currents in the northern hemisphere than the southern hemisphere, this is called the ___________________effect

QuestionCoriolis Effect

AnswerDeep currents are mostly caused by


AnswerSurface currents are caused by


AnswerOcean currents in the southern hemisphere turn


AnswerUsing sound waves to measure the depth of the ocean is called


AnswerA flat region on the bottom of the ocean floor is called

QuestionAbyssal Plain

AnswerOcean trenches and ridges are found at:

QuestionTectonic Plate Boundaries

AnswerWhat percent of the earth is covered by water?


AnswerWhat percent of the ocean water is pure water?


AnswerThe coriolis effect is happens because of:

QuestionEarths Rotation

AnswerWhat tides show very little change between high and low tide?

QuestionNeap Tides

AnswerHow many high tides are there every 24 hours?


AnswerThe area where the underwater edges of a continent meets the ocean floor is called?

QuestionContinental Margin

AnswerTides are mostly caused by the gravitational pull of the earth, moon and?


AnswerThree sources of salt in the ocean are volcanic activity, waves, and ?


AnswerWhat heats the ocean?

QuestionThe sun

AnswerQuestionPut the main layers of the atmosphere in order from the surface of the Earth outwardAnswerTroposphereStratosphereMesosphereThermosphere QuestionWater vapor is in what form?AnswervaporQuestionWhich layer contains the ozone Layer?AnswerStratosphereQuestionThe less mass in a given volume of air, the __________dense in the airAnswerlessQuestionLayers of the atmosphere are divided based on:AnswerTemperatureQuestionWhat is the FORMULA for density?

AnswerDensity = mass/volumeQuestionThe layer of the atmosphere that contains the northern lights isAnswerionsphereQuestionThe more mass in a given volume of air, the __________dense in the airAnswerMoreQuestionWhat are the two most abundant gases in the atmosphere?AnswerNitrogen and OxygenQuestionGive two examples of Global WindAnswerTrade WindsWesterlies Polar easterlies Or Doldrums

QuestionThe rotation of the Earth causes curves in the wind and in the ocean. This is called: AnswerCoriolis Effect QuestionLand Breeze and Sea Breeze are examples of what kind of wind?AnswerLocal WindWhat is this an example of

QuestionAnswerLand Breeze QuestionWhat type of local wind usually occurs during the day?AnswerSea Breeze QuestionWhat is more DENSE cold air or warm air?AnswerCold Air QuestionThe ozone layer helps trap heat on earth from escaping and warms our surface. This is calledAnswerThe Greenhouse Effect QuestionWithout the atmosphere we would not have: AnswerDensity=mass/volumeQuestionThe formula for density is: AnswerLiquid WaterQuestionClimate is determined by: AnswerAverage TemperatureAnd Average PrecipitationTypes of Clouds________ cotton balls indicates fair weather_________ flat layers often has precipitation__________ high, thin clouds usually means change in weather__________ cloud on the groundQuestionAnswerCumulus



How do clouds form?

QuestionAnswerWater vapor forms around dust Particles

It turns into a liquid or solid

What are the four different types of Air Masses?

QuestionAnswerMaritime: MoistContinental: DryTropical: WarmPolar: Cold

Name the air masses

ABCDEFAnswerA: Maritime PolarB. Continental PolarC: Maritime PolarD: Maritime TropicalE. Continental TropicalF: Maritime Tropical

Most tornadoes occur in an area called _____________!

http://www.nssl.noaa.govAnswerTornado Alley

Cold front facts to know:1. Moves ______________3. Produces ______________CLOUDS.2. Rapid uplift of air occurs due to the cold air lifting the _________ air.4. Often produces ___________WEATHER5. __________, drier air follows.AnswerFastWarm CumulonimbusSevereCOld

What is his an example of?AnswerWarm FrontFacts to know about warm fronts!1. Warm air moves over _________2. Often begins with _________ clouds followed by Stratus.3. Produces light to moderate _________.4. After it passes, __________ weather.AnswerCold air Cirrus RainWarmWhat are Isobars?

QuestionAnswerLines of equal PRESSUREWhere do Hurricanes form?

QuestionAnswerOver Warm Ocean waterHow are air masses named?

QuestionAnswerOver the land or water where they are FORMED

What is this a picture of?

AnswerStorm Surge What moves the weather? What direction does weather generally move in the US?

QuestionAnswerThe jet Stream

West to EastWhat did Copernicus believe about the system of planets?

Found evidence for the idea of a heliocentric system.Said that the moon revolved around the earth.The earth revolved around the sun to cause a year.

What did Brahe and Kepler prove?

Brahe: First to predict that orbits were not circular.Kepler: Assistant, He used Tychos data to figure out that the planets orbits are not round but are ellipses.

What discoveries did Galileo make that supported Copernicus views of the solar system? And what did he use to make these discoveries?

One of the first to turn the Telescope to the sky to study astronomy.Saw that Venus went through phases like the moon indicating change in angle like moon phases.

What two forces keep the planets in orbit around the sun?

Inertia &Gravity List the planets in order from the sun out.

MercuryVenus Earth Mars Jupiter SaturnUranus Neptune What do the first 4 inner planets have in common

They are small, and have rocky surfaces

Not as much Hydrogen and Helium because they are closest to the sun.Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars What do the first 4 outer planets have in common

Gas Giants They are much larger than Earth and do not have solid surfaces.The gas cant escape because these planets have very STRONG GRAVITYJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

What makes Earth unique and different from the other planets?Liquid water.

A protective atmosphere.

How are Venus and Earth alike?

Relatively the same size and density

Comets orbits are what shape?Comets orbits are long, narrow ellipses.