AC Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test

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  • 8/13/2019 AC Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test


    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 1 of 16



    This test is closedbook, calculator permitted. Time permitted 1 hours. Answer questions in the spaces provided. 60 MARKS TOTAL (70% pass) Clearly label all currents, resistors and voltage drops in the circuits and state any assumptions in

    order to obtain a full mark

    When calculating values, show clearly all steps, starting with the formula, then substituting withnumbers and finally show the measuring units of the obtained result. Otherwise NO MARKS

    are given

    It is permitted to use the formula sheets, given at the back of your lab book.

    Q1) Determine the coefficient of coupling when m

    L 1H, 1L 8H, 2L 2H [5 marks]

    Q2)A certain transformer has 250 turns in its primary winding. In order to double the voltage, howmany turns must be on the secondary winding? [3 marks]

    Q3)For each transformer on the figure draw the secondary voltage showing its relationship to the

    primary voltage. Also indicate the amplitude. [5 marks]

  • 8/13/2019 AC Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test


    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 2 of 16

    Q4)In the figure below determine sI . What is the value of LR ? [5 marks]

  • 8/13/2019 AC Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test


    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 3 of 16

    Q5).What is the load resistance as seen by the source in the figure below? [5 marks]

    Q6)For the previous question calculate what must be the turns ratio of the transformer in order to

    reflect 200 into the primary circuit? [3 marks]

    Q7) In a certain transformer, the input power to the primary is 100 W. If 5.5 W are lost in thewinding resistances, what is the output power to the load, neglecting any other loses? [2 marks]

    Q8) What is the efficiency of the transformer in the previous problem? [2 marks]

    Q9) Determine the coefficient of coupling for a transformer in which 2% of the total flux generated

    in the primary does not pass through the secondary. [2 marks]

    Q 10)What kVA rating is required for a transformer that must handle a maximum load current of

    10A with a secondary voltage of 2.5 kV? [3 marks]

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    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 4 of 16

    Q 11)Determine each unknown voltage indicated in the figure [5 marks]

    Q 12) Using the indicated secondary voltages in the figure, determine the turns ratios of eachtapped section of the secondary winding to the primary winding. [5 marks]

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    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 5 of 16

    Q13)Locate the following numbers on the complex plane. [4 marks]

    Q 14)Locate the points represented by each of the following coordinates on the complex plane

    [3 marks]

    A.) 3 +j5

    B.) -7 +j1

    C.) -10 j10

    Q 15)Convert 50 j200 into polar form. [1 mark]

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    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 6 of 16

    Q 16)Convert 25 -135 into rectangular form. [1 mark]

    Q 17) Express 5310 using a negative angle to represent the positive angle [1 mark]

    Q 18)Write the polar expressions for each phasor in the figure below. Convert these numbers into

    rectangular form [5 marks]

    Q 19)Add the following numbers: [3 marks]

    (9 + j3) + (5 + j8) =

    1245 + 20 32 =

    Q 20)Divide the following numbers: [3 marks]

    850 2.5 39 =

    (40 j30) (16 + j8) =

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    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 7 of 16

    Q 21)Determine the impedance magnitude and phase angle in the following circuits [4 marks]

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    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 8 of 16

    Q 22)In the diagram below determine the current and the voltage drops. Draw the phasor diagram

    for the voltages. Double check your work by adding the voltage drops. [6 marks]

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  • 8/13/2019 AC Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test


    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 10 of 16

    Q 24)Find the impedance in the figure below and express it in a polar form. [2 marks]

    Q 25)In the previous circuit, if the frequency of the source voltage is doubled, from the value that

    produces the indicated reactances, how does the magnitude of the impedance change? [1 mark]

    Q 26) For the same circuit in Q. 24, determine the net reactance that will make the impedance

    magnitude equal to 100 . [2 marks]

    Q 27) Again for the circuit in Q. 24, is the resonant frequency higher or lower than the setting

    indicated by the reactance values? [2 marks]

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    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 11 of 16

    Q 28)Calculate the current and the voltage drops in the following diagram, check your answers by

    adding the voltages together and draw the voltages phasor diagram. [6 marks]

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    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 12 of 16

    Q 29)Express the impedance of the circuit below in rectangular form. [3 marks]

    Q 30)Is the circuit in the previous question Q29 more capacitive or more inductive. Explain.

    [1 mark]

    Q 31) At what frequency does the circuit given in Q29 change its reactive characteristic from

    inductive to capacitive or vice versa? [1 mark]

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    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 13 of 16

    Q 32)For the circuit given in Q29 find all currents. Double check your work by finding the total

    current using the total impedance. Draw the current phasor diagram. [5 marks]

    Q 33) Calculate all the currents and the voltage drops in the circuit below. Double check your work

    by adding the currents and the voltage drops together. [15 marks]

    10 mH


    10 V, 0f = 1 kHz

    1 F


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    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 14 of 16

  • 8/13/2019 AC Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test


    A.C. Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lubomir Tchervenkov Page 15 of 16

    Q 34)Calculate all the currents and the voltage drops in the circuit below. Double check your work

    by adding the currents and the voltage drops together. [15 marks]

    10 mH


    10 V, 0

    1 kHz

    1 F


  • 8/13/2019 AC Fundamentals Trial End-Semester Test
