Post Exam Board What to do next

Post Exam Board

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Post Exam Board. What to do next. Knowledge to make changes to BIRMS data after the Exam Board Understand importance of checking BIRMS data before Releasing to students Knowledge to use BIRMS/BOXI reports to identify issues with the data - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Post Exam Board

Post Exam BoardWhat to do next

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Session Objectives

Knowledge to make changes to BIRMS data after the Exam Board

Understand importance of checking BIRMS data before Releasing to students

Knowledge to use BIRMS/BOXI reports to identify issues with the data

Knowledge to Release marks and Board decisions from BIRMS

Understand what happens to this data once Released

Be aware of the Exam Board paperwork required by TSA and deadlines

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“Are we there yet?”

Preparing to Release marks following the Exam Board

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Common Amendments

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Changes to marks

Update assessment mark Enter new mark for the component and ‘Roll-up’ to top-level components

if required (ME03).

Update overall module mark

Re-calculate Module Mark and Module Recommendation (ME05).

Check if progress or award decision is affected

Re-calculate ART/Degree Classification (ME05).

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Changing Module Recommendations

(ME05)SU/SE to M/ME

Changes to Degree Classifications



Re-taking module/year next year (ES02)Change ART to K-Repeat Module/Year Internally

Taking assessments next year (ES02)Change ART to J-External


Extenuating Circumstances

Tip: ‘Lock’ the student in ME05 or ES02 after the amendment to ensure if Re-calculated the changes are not over-written

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Changes for your students on a module run by another School

Changes to Module Recommendations due to Extenuating Circumstances

Ask School to amend Module Recommendation

Module mark has changed Re-calculate ART/Degree Classification (ES02) in case progress or award decision needs to change. Chairs

Action will be required.

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Changes to Module Marks Notify students’ Home School asap as could mean progress/award decision

needs to be re-calculated

Changes to Module Recommendations due to Extenuating Circumstances

Notify students’ Home School asap as could affect progress decision

Changes for students from another School

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Decisions made outside of regulations or programme requirements not due to Extenuating Circumstances have to be considered by

the Progress and Award Board (PAB)

Remove the ART (ES02) until outcome from PAB is known. This will prevent the recommended decision being inadvertently released to

the student

Not Withstanding Regulations

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Data Audits

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Cross-checking Board amendments

Current Module Recommendations different from calculated Module Recommendations

Final ART different from Calculated ART

Final Degree Classification different from calculated Degree Classification

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“No Student left behind”

Students with no ART in ES02

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“Please Release Me!”

The Release process in BIRMS

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As soon as results are successfully released, students can view their module marks, module recommendations and Exam Board decision in Online Results

If you want your students to be able to view their component marks, you can tick the ‘OR’ tick-box in Component Manager for the selected components

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What happens once data is Released from BIRMS?

Released DataModule Marks

Module Recommendations

Award information

Progression information

Process where used Online Results Transcripts

Enter Supplementary marks in BIRMS

Degree certificates Degree congregation

souvenir programme

Online Registration Appeal emails

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“Almost time to hit the beaches”

The final steps after Releasing

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Important Dates

Noon Wednesday 5 June Deadline for unconfirmed marks entry in BIRMS.

This is an absolute deadline for marks that need to be shared with other Schools. This is particularly important for Modules Outside the Main Discipline.

Noon Monday 17 JuneDeadline for:

a) Release of all marks and Exam Board decisions b) All Exam Board paperwork to be sent to TSA

c) Any cases made Not Withstanding Regulations submitted to Vicki Phillips, TSA

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Exam Board paperwork required

 I. Marks and progress and award decisions submitted via BIRMS.

II. The minutes (in paper or electronic format) from the main meeting of the Board of Examiners (with all recommendations notwithstanding Regulations clearly identified)

III. Copies of pass lists that have been published following the meeting of the Board of Examiners

IV. The signed Chair of Board of Examiners Statement. The Chair of the Board of Examiners should complete the Chair’s statement (Appendix D) to confirm that all decisions have been taken in accordance with the relevant Regulations and that appropriate information on exceptional cases is provided for consideration by the Progress Board.

V. A summary of extenuating circumstances cases that resulted in a change of award.

VI. A summary of Recommendations made Not Withstanding Regulations that are to be considered by the Progress and Award Board. Details should be reported on the Recommendations Not Withstanding Regulations (NWR) pro-forma

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Not Withstanding Regulations

Put robust case forward using NWR pro-forma by 17 June

ART removed from ES02 and record ‘locked’ before Release

Case considered by Progress and Award Board at meeting on 19 June

School notified of PAB outcome

Appropriate ART to be added to ES02 and Released

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Correcting Marks Post-Release

Marks can be corrected directly in BIRMS

Notify student’s ‘home’ School if required

Review Progress and Award decision in light of change in mark

Notify TSA

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Final considerations

Students being taken off ‘Holds’◦ Will require Chairs Action◦ Prioritise final year students

Registry checking data for Degree Congregations◦ may need your assistance with specific queries◦ Let TSA/RSA contacts know who will be available

Primary Appeals◦ Deadline for students to appeal – 1st July◦ Will require a response from the School◦ If upheld, outcomes may require changes to data

Supplementary Assessment Listings◦ Data to be checked for Centrally-Timetabled Exams◦ Returned to Exams Office by 5th July