Possible Use of New Materials for High Pressure Linepipe Construction

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  • 7/25/2019 Possible Use of New Materials for High Pressure Linepipe Construction


    EUROPIPE. The world trusts us.

    Possible use of new materials for high pressure line pipe

    construction:The experience of SNAM RETE GAS and EUROPIPE onX 100 grade steel

    L.Barsanti, SNAM RETE GAS SpA

    H.G. Hillenbrand, EUROPIPE GmbH

  • 7/25/2019 Possible Use of New Materials for High Pressure Linepipe Construction


    Copyright 2002 by ASME 1

    Proceedings of IPC:

    The International Pipeline Conference

    September , 2002, Calgary, Alberta, Canada




    L. BarsantiSNAM RETE GAS SpA

    Viale De Gasperi 2, San Donato Milanese 20097,Milano, Italy

    H.G. HillenbrandEUROPIPE GmbH

    Formerstrasse 49, 40878 Ratingen,Germany


    The increasing needs of natural gas, foreseen for the

    next years, makes more and more important the type of

    transportation chosen, both from strategic and economic

    point of view. The most important gas markets will be

    Northern America, Europe, Asia and Russia but the

    demand shall be fulfilled also by emerging producers as

    Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Eastern Siberia that at the

    moment are developing their resources in order to be

    competitive on Gas market.

    In this way producers and customers will be placed

    at greater and greater distances implying realization of

    complex gas transportation pipeline network, when use

    of LNG tankers is impossible or uneconomic.

    On the base of these considerations Eni groupsponsored in 1997 a feasibility study on X100 steel, given

    that, comparing different design approaches, it has been

    observed that consistent savings could be obtained by

    means of using high grade steel and high pressure

    linepipes. In this project, involving CSM and Corus

    group for the laboratory and full-scale pipes testing,

    played an important part also Europipe: the pipes


    No technical breakthrough, but only improvements

    in the existing expertise were involved in the X100

    production; consequently, the production window is verynarrow.

    However optimized steelmaking practices and

    processes enabled the material to reach the desired

    properties: strength, toughness and weldability.

    This paper is intended to present the general results

    arising from this project, in terms of steel properties

    (chemical composition, mechanical properties), ductile

    and brittle fracture resistance (results of full scale burst

    tests, West Jefferson tests) and field weldability, but

    above all the know-how stored till now on high grade

    steel and its possible use from a Gas company and a Pipe

    maker point of view.


    The energetic scenario has been changing quickly

    in these last years. International studies foresaw an

    increasing demand of natural gas till doubling in 2030.

    This statement is based on several issues:

    The availability of natural gas fields is greater thanthat of verified oil fields.

    The exploitation of these reserves is yet limited.

    The need of substituting polluting fuels according

    Kyoto agreement with the consequent increasing useof natural gas for electric energy production with

    combined cycles.

    This increasing demand will be satisfied not only by

    major producers (Russia, Norway, Northern America

    etc.) but also by emerging countries like Kazakhstan,

    Turkmenistan and Eastern Siberia, that at the moment are

    developing their resources in order to be competitive on

    Gas market.

    Also for this reason, producers and customers will be

    placed at greater and greater distances implying

    construction of complex gas transportation pipelinenetwork, when use of LNG tankers is impossible or


    This makes high pressure natural gas

    transportation via pipelines more and more interesting

    for gas companies.

    On the base of these considerations Eni group

    sponsored in 1997 a feasibility study on X100 steel grade

    because this high strength steel could give consistent

    savings in terms of CAPEX comparing it to an X80 high

    pressure solution. Also other gas companies tried to

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    compare transportation costs and qualities of

    conventional pipeline steels in contrast to new grades like


    Costs have been evaluated under several


    Unit steel cost has been estimated accordingtrend extrapolated from lower grades.

    Costs of fittings and valves have beenconsidered as a constant portion of the total

    steel cost.

    Transportation costs have been evaluated as

    dependent from the steel weight.

    Laying costs have been analyzed completely:trenching and field bending have been

    considered constant for both solutions,

    instead welding costs have been divided in

    two parts, one constant and the other

    proportional with the thickness; moreover it

    has been taken care of the possible higher

    costs of consumables and of the possible

    greater difficulties for welders.

    The other costs (coatings, cathodic protection) have been

    considered equal for both solutions.

    This preliminary economic evaluation

    highlighted that X100 steel high pressure pipes could

    give investment costs savings of about 7% with respect

    to X80 grades (See Fig.1 for costs options comparison).Other studies claim cost savings of up to 30% when X70

    and X100 is compared.

    Given that in a complex pipeline network

    operating at high pressure, capital expenditure is very

    high, it is understandable how much attractive could be

    high strength steel option.

    A research program was conducted by Snam

    Rete Gas (on behalf of Eni group) together with

    Europipe and Centro Studi Materiali. This last actor also

    assured partial contribution from ECSC.


    To cope with market requirements for enhancing

    strength Europipe put its effort to the development of

    grade X100. No technological breakthroughs, such as TM

    rolling and accelerated cooling which increased the

    strength and toughness respectively, but only

    improvements in the existing technology were involved

    in the production of grade X100 plate. As a result, the

    production window is quite narrow. Heat treatment of

    plate or pipe is obviously not advisable.

    In the last 7 years, Europipe developed three

    different approaches with respect to the selection of

    chemical composition.

    Approach A, which involves a relatively high

    carbon content, has the disadvantage that the crack arrest

    toughness requirements to prevent long-running cracks,

    may not be fulfilled. Moreover, this approach is also

    detrimental, e.g. to field weldability. Results of that

    approach are as follows:

    Approach B, which was used in combination

    with fast cooling rates in the plate mill down to a very

    low cooling-stop temperature, results in the formation of

    uncontrolled fractions of martensite in the

    microstructure, which have a detrimental effect on

    toughness properties of base metal and leads additionally

    to the softening in the heat affected zone. This effect

    cannot be adequately compensated for extremely low

    carbon contents, without adversely affecting


    Heatpipe size

    OD X WTC Mn Si Mo Ni Cu Nb Ti N CEIIW PCM

    I 30" x 19.1 mm 0.08 1.95 0.26 0.26 0.23 0.22 0.05 0.018 0.003 0.49 0.22

    Approach A








    739 MPa 792 MPa 0.93 18.4% 235 - 15 C

    * transverse tensile tests by round bar specimens

    yield strength

    Rt0.5 *tensile strength


    yield to

    tensile ratio

    R t0.5/ R m*



    Heatpipe size

    OD X WTC Mn Si Mo Ni Cu Nb Ti N CEIIW PCM


    Approach B







    755 MPa 820 MPa 0.92 17.1 % 240 - 25 C

    30" x 15.9 mm 0.07 1.89 0.28 0.15 0.16 - 0.05 0.015 0.004 0.43 0.19

    * transverse tensile tests by round bar specimens

    yield strength

    Rt0.5 *tensile strength


    yield totensile ratio

    R t0.5/ R m*



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    Experience gained meanwhile indicates that

    Approach C is the best choice. This approach enables the

    desired property profile to be achieved through an

    optimized two-stage rolling process in conjunction with a

    reduced carbon content, a relatively high carbon

    equivalent and optimized cooling conditions. The special

    potential of the existing rolling and cooling facilities

    contributes significantly to the success of this approach.

    Approach C, which involves a low carbon

    content, ensures excellent toughness as well as fully

    satisfactory field weldability, despite the relatively high

    carbon equivalent of the chemical composition. The

    chemical composition should therefore be consideredacceptable for the purpose of current standardization.

    Europipe already produced hundreds of tons of

    grade X100 according Approach C. The latest trials were

    covering the wall thickness range between 12.7 and 25.4

    mm. It was demonstrated that the same steel composition

    could be used and only slight changes in the rolling

    conditions are necessary.

    (See Fig.2 for approaches comparison)

    All production results have shown that the

    strength properties can be easily reached when using

    round bar specimens. Yield/Tensile ratios are still high

    and elongation values lower than for grade X70.. Charpy

    toughness was measured in excess of 200 J but it seems

    to be impossible to guarantee values in excess of 300 J

    for a big project. Due to the relatively high carbon

    equivalent and the high strength level, the toughness of

    the longitudinal weld seam and the HAZ is limited.


    One of the paramount issues in terms of safety is

    the assessment of the Battelle criteria regarding ductile

    and brittle behaviour of high strength steel:

    The fitness of 85% shear area Battelle criterion,based on the DWT Test, to define the ductile to

    brittle transition temperature.

    The existing predictive formulae for arresting ductile

    propagation fracture behavior.

    In order to do that laboratory DWT Tests have beencompared with four full scale West Jefferson tests, for

    the first point, and two full-scale burst tests have been

    carried out at the CSM Perdasdefogu shooting Test

    Station in Sardinia.

    Brittle Fracture

    In these last years the Battelle approach for brittle

    fracture assessment has been confirmed on large

    diameter pipes built in steel grades from API X65 to X80.

    In order to verify these results for the predictionof full scale behaviour in X100 steel pipes, the ductile to

    brittle transition curves have been measured and the

    results compared with those obtained by four West

    Jefferson (WJ) tests carried out on two 56x19.1mm and

    two 36x16mm samples; the test temperatures have been

    chosen in order to have both full ductile and transition


    The ductile/brittle transition curves have been

    measured interpolating data from both Charpy V and full

    thickness DWTT specimen with a pressed notch in

    accordance with the API RP 5L3 Recommendations.The WJ tests were carried out by CSM at a

    pressure equivalent to about 72% of the SMYS. The tests

    were performed using water as a pressurising medium,

    with a small percentage of air (about 5 %) to assure

    enough energy to propagate the fracture.

    In Figs. 3-4 the transition curves obtained by

    DWT tests and Charpy V tests are compared with the WJ

    tests results. It can be noted the Battelle criterion is

    completely fulfilled and the DWT Test allows the

    determination of the pipe transition temperature in a

    Heatpipe size

    OD X WTC Mn Si Mo Ni Cu Nb Ti N CEIIW PCM


    Approach C



    yield strengthRt0.5 *

    tensile strength


    yield to

    tensile ratioRt0.5/ Rm*







    737 MPa 800 MPa 0.92 18 % 200 J - 20 C

    56" x 19.1 mm 0.07 1.90 0.30 0.17 0.33 0.20 0.05 0.0180.005 0.46 0.20



    36" x 16.0 mm 0.06 1.90 0.35 0.28 0.25 - 0.05 0.018 0.004 0.46 0.19

    36"x12.7 - 25 mm 0.06 1.93 0.32 0.30 0.24 - 0.05 0.018 0.005 0.46 0.19

    IV 752 MPa 816 MPa 0.92 18 % 270 J - 50 C

    V 767-799 MPa 796-836 MPa ~0.94 15-18 %200-

    270 J

    ~-60 - -10C**

    * transverse tensile tests by round bar specimens

    **-60C for WT 12.7mm -10C for WT 25mm

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    conservative way, even if the full-scale results show a

    little spread.

    Ductile fracture propagation

    In order to assess the existing predictive

    formulae for arresting ductile propagation fracture

    behavior of API X100 pipeline, two full-scale burst tests

    have been carried out at the CSM Perdasdefogu shooting

    Test Station in Sardinia.

    Seven pipes have been used for each full-scale

    burst test: one initiation pipe, six test pipes and two

    reservoirs to avoid the reflection of the pressure waves

    and their interaction with fracture propagation.

    In Figs. 5-6 the two tests lay-out, Charpy V shelfenergy at room temperature and predictive Battelle

    formulae fracture behaviour, in terms of arrest (A) and

    propagation (P) event of a running crack, are shown.

    The main full-scale burst tests conditions were:

    1 test 2 test

    Nominal diameter 56 36

    Nominal thickness 19.1 mm 16 mm

    Pressurizing medium air air

    Test pressure 126 bar 181 bar Usage Factor 68% 75%

    In order to collect every data necessary for analysis

    was installed instrumentation fit for purpose: timing

    wires, internal pressure transducers and thermocouples.

    The paths followed by the two fractures are shown

    also in figures 5 and 6.

    1 test

    After the initiation, obtained by means of anexplosive shaped charge, the fracture propagated

    on the upper pipe generatrix at a very high speed

    in both test line sides.

    West side : The crack, after the initiation,

    propagated in the first pipe, but in correspondence

    of the girth weld with the adjacent pipe it split in

    two causing the severance of the test line and the

    ejection of the pipe itself. So no information about

    West test side were available.

    East side :The crack propagated through the initiation

    pipe and arrested at the end of the third pipe (260 J

    of Charpy V energy) in correspondence of the girth


    2 testIn this case two propagations and two clear arrests

    were observed.

    West side: the crack, after initiation, propagated with

    a maximum speed of about 310 m/s and arrested

    eventually in the last pipe (297 J of Charpy V energy)

    after about 1.5 2 meters.

    East side: the crack, after the initiation, propagated

    with a maximum speed of about 300 m/s and entered in

    the following pipe (259 J of Charpy V energy) where itarrested after about 5 meters.

    On the base of these results, especially for the

    second burst test, where we had two valid arrests, it can

    be said a toughness level of about 260 J is sufficient to

    arrest a long ductile propagating fracture in the tests

    conditions chosen.

    To tell the truth, on the west side, it arrested in a pipe

    characterised by 297 J, but considering that in the

    previous pipe (252 J ) we had a lower DWTT energy and

    that fracture arrested at the very beginning of the last

    pipe, we can subscribe previous statement.

    This result is in agreement with previous tests

    performed on high grade/high hoop stress pipelines.

    Therefore in order to use the conventional Battelle Two

    Curves Approach, based on CharpyV values, several

    correction factors according the tests should be used: 1.5

    for the first test and 1.7 for the second one (see Fig. 7).


    One of the most important issue in gas transportation

    industry is not only development of the steel but alsoappropriate welding procedures.

    So in the present paper will be presented results obtained

    by means of laboratory and full scale concerning three

    main items:

    Review on commercial availability of consumables

    with suitable chemical composition and mechanical

    properties in terms of tensile strength and hardness

    to fulfil overmatching criterion ;

    Definition of minimum welding requirements withreference to pre-heating temperatures in order to

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    avoid cold cracking problems. Execution of test girth

    welds both with manual (SMAW) and mechanised

    (GMAW) welding methods in order to collect as

    much information as possible about every technical

    problems arising from full scale welding of high

    grade steel.

    In order to define suitable preheating temperatures

    laboratory tests have been performed: Implant and

    Tekken type.

    Implant tests, cause of the more severe costraint

    conditions, gave temperatures too high in order to be

    applied in field instead Tekken tests gave more

    interesting results as can be observed in the following



    Basic el. E10018 200C 100C

    Cellulosic el. E9010 250C 200C

    Cellulosic el. E6010 n. d. 150C

    Table 1: Minimum Preheating Temperatures established

    from laboratory tests

    Once chosen pre-heating temperatures two field welding

    trials have been performed on two pipes (56"x19mm and36"x16mm) investigating on both most spread

    techniques: GMAW (PASSO system) and SMAW.

    In the tables 2-3 can be observed the welding procedures

    followed for each geometry.

    Both techniques gave good results even if GMAW

    resulted less problematic because of its lower impact on

    welders skill and training, in Fig.8-9 the appearance of

    welds can be observed for each technique.


    On the base of last previsions, gas quantities tobe transported will increase significantly making more

    and more attractive natural gas transportation by means

    of long distance high pressure pipelines.

    X100 steel could be a material suitable for this

    type of construction: it could combines high pressure and

    reduced thickness of the pipe in order to minimize

    CAPEX. But it will be necessary to reassess and redefine

    some of the material requirements

    Research developed by Snam Rete Gas, Europipe

    and CSM showed it was possible also from the point of

    view of safety: main results obtained are the following.

    The pipe material shows a full ductile fracturebehavior down to -20C.

    The validity of the Battelle criterion, in order toevaluate the full scale pipe ductile to brittle transition

    temperature, has been assessed.

    The toughness characteristics of the API X100 steelgrade line pipes, in terms of Charpy V energy,

    proved enough to warrant the arrest of a long

    running shear in the test conditions chosen.

    As regard the correction factor to be used with the

    Battelle two curves approaches for the API X100grade steel pipes tested in these burst tests, two

    different correction factors must be used (1.5, 1.7).

    For the weldability issue it is surely possible

    welding X100 pipes with both manual and mechanised

    technique. Best results have been obtained with the

    mixed procedure which allowed to decrease cold

    cracking susceptibility without any meaningful softening

    of the joint. However the most important item is the

    welders skill.

    On the other hand GMAW gave good resultswithout any problems and this seems very promising

    considering the type of application suitable for X100


    After results of this research and those that will

    arise from Demopipe project (demonstrative project on

    behalf of EPRG about X100 steel line pipes) the

    following step could be creating specification and

    codification of the steel.


    This research was performed also with the help

    of Esab and Bohler for the consumables supplying and

    with the collaboration of Bonatti and Sicim for pipe


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    q H.-G. Hillenbrand et al. H igh Strength L ine Pipe for

    Project Cost Reduction, World pipelines, Vol.2 No.1,


    q L. Barsanti, H.G. Hillenbrand Production and FieldWeldability Evaluation of X100 Line Pipe PRCI-EPRGMeeting, New Orleans Louisiana USA, 2001.

    q G. Mannucci, G. Demofonti, L. Barsanti, H.G. Hillenbrand,D. Harris FRACTURE PROPERTIES OF API X100 GAS

    PIPELINE STEELS PRCI-EPRG Meeting, New OrleansLouisiana USA, 2001.

    q G. Mannucci, G. Demofonti, L. Barsanti, C.M. Spinelli, H.G.Hillenbrand, Fracture behaviour and defect evaluationof large diameter, HSLA steels, very high pressure

    linepipesIPC, Calgary Alberta Canada, 2000.q Mannucci, G., Demofonti, G., Galli, M.R., Spinelli, C.

    Structural Integrity of API 5L X70-X80 Steel GradePipeline for High Pressure Long Distance TransmissionGas Lines 12

    th EPRG/PRCI Biennial Joint Technical

    Meeting on Pipeline Research. Groningen, 1999, paper 13.

    q G. Demofonti, G. Junker, V. Pistone TransitionTemperature Determination for Thick-Wall line Pipe ,


    EPRG/PRCI Biennial Joint Technical Meeting onPipeline Research, Arlington, 1997, paper 5.

    q H.G. Hillenbrand et al. Development of linepipe in gradeup to X100, 11

    thEPRG/PRCI Biennial Joint Technical

    Meeting on Pipeline Research, Arlington, 1997, paper 6.

    q API RP5 L3, Third edition February 1996,Recommendation Practice for Conducting Drop Weigth

    Tear Tests on Line Pipe.

    q Maxey, W. Fracture Initiation, Propagation and arrestPipeline Research Committee of the American Gas

    association. 5th

    Symposium on Line Pipe Research.Houston, 1974.

    q Demofonti, G., Pistone, P, Re, G., Vogt, G., Jones, D.G.

    EPRG Recommendation for Crack Arrest Toughness forHigh Strength Line Pipe Steels. 3R International 34,


    q J.F. Kiefner, W.A. Maxey, R.J. Eiber, A.R. Duffy Failure

    stress levels of flaws in pressurised cylinders ASTM STP536 (1973).

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    Fig.1: Comparison between costs associated to X80 and X100 options for the same project construction.

    Fig.2: Comparison between A, B, C approaches in order to obtain X100 steel target.








    API 5L X80 API 5L X100




    Common costs




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    Fig.3: Comparison between WJ and DWTT results on pipe 56x 19mm

    Fig.4: Comparison between WJ and DWTT results on pipe 36x 16mm












    -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40

    Temperature (C)














    Charpy V

    WJ Results

    Battelle Criterium












    -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40

    Temperature (C)















    Charpy V

    WJ Results

    Battelle Criterium

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    X100, 56" x19.1mm Burst Test L ayout

    WEST Severance EAST

    Reservoir Reservoir

    Initiation pipe

    Pipe number 846020 846038 846129 846113 846058 846157 846061

    Tensile and YS (MPa) 707 719 780 773 755 663 722 Fracture

    toughness TS (MPa) 766 766 832 858 829 762 778 Path

    properties Y/T ratio 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.90 0.91 0.87 0.93

    CharpyV (Joule) 271 245 200 151 170 263 284

    Arrest predicted CharpyV toughness values with P=126 bar (hoop stress=469 MPa)

    Battelle simpl. formula 188 J A A A P P A A "A" = predicted arrest

    Battelle Two Curve appr. 176 J A A A P P A A "P" = predicted propagation

    Fig.5: X100, 56x19.1mm burst test layout and results

    X100, 36" x16mm Bur st Test L ayout


    Reservoir Reservoir

    Initiation pipe

    Pipe number 99447 99458 99460 99461 99456 99457 99446

    Tensile and YS (MPa) 724 750 711 709 761 740 766 Fracture

    toughness TS (MPa) 780 819 797 802 844 811 826 Pathproperties Y/T ratio 0.93 0.92 0.89 0.88 0.90 0.91 0.93

    CharpyV (Joule) 297 252 202 165 259 253 274

    Arrest predicted CharpyV toughness values with P=181 bar (hoop stress=517 MPa)

    Battelle simpl. formula 186 J A A A P A A A "A" = predicted arrest

    Battelle Two Curve appr. 154 J A A A A A A A "P" = predicted propagation

    Fig.6: X100, 36x16mm burst test layout and results

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    Actual CharpyV energy Vs. Predicted by Battelle Two Curve Approach

    [CSM Database 10 tests: g rade=API X80, OD=42-56"; thi ck=16-26mm , P=80-161bar,

    Hoop s tress=336-440MPa, air and natural gas (not rich )]









    0 50 100 150 200

    Predicted CharpyV energy by Battelle Two Curve Approach (J)


    Database Arrest

    Database Propagation

    X100 56"x19.1mm Arrest

    X100 56"x19.1mm Propagation

    X100 36"X16mm Arrest

    X100 36"x16mm Propagation





    Fig.7: Actual vs. Predicted CharpyV energy (Battelle Two Curve Approach) for high-grade steel linepipes (CSM


    Fig.8: Appearance of a weld (test n.3 SMAW 36x16mm, mixed weld joint, vertical up welding)

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    Fig.9: Appearance of a weld (test n.10 GMAW 36x16mm, wire A 5.28 ER 100 S-G)

    Table 2: Types of welding procedures, wires and electrodes used for 56x19mm pipe.

    Snam specificationsTest

    N.Root pass


    Hot pass



    1 E6010 E9010 E10018-G

    2 E8018-G E10018-G E10018-G

    7 E6010 E10018 E10018Sal 1: SMAW Line


    8 E7016 E10018 E10018-G

    3 E6010 E10018-G E10018-GSal 2: SMAW

    Joining welding

    (es: tie in) 4 E6010 E9010 E10018-G

    9 ER 100 S-G / /

    5 ER 90 S-G / /Sal 1: GMAW

    (PASSO type)

    6 ER 100 S-G / /

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    Table 3: Types of welding procedures, wires and electrodes used for 36x16mm pipe.

    Sna m specif icationTest


    Root pass







    1 E6010 E11018-G E11018-G

    2 E8018-G E10018-G E10018-GSal 1: SMAW (line


    6 E6010 E10018 E10018

    3 E6010 E10018-G E10018-G

    4 E6010 E10018-G E10018-GSal 2: SMAW

    (linking welding )

    9 E7016 E10018 E10018-G

    5 ER 90 S-G / /Sal 1: GMAW

    (PASSO type) 10 ER 100 S-G / /