Positive Behaviour Management System The East Wickham 5 At EWPA we have 5 rules that apply to all children and adults at all times. These rules have been decided by the whole community and apply to all areas of the school. At EWPA we expect everyone to follow the East Wickham 5: We are kind and truthful We always do our best with 100% effort We work together and solve problems We bring a positive attitude to school We listen to advice and make good choices Our rules are based on our values based curriculum: We teach the children at our school about the East Wickham 5 and our Values through assemblies, PSHE curriculum and our everyday interactions with each other. September Responsibility October Honesty November Peace December Caring January Determination February Respect March Tolerance April Self-control May Trust June Co-operation July Friendship

Positive Behaviour Management System · 2020-05-19 · Positive Behaviour Management System The East Wickham 5 At EWPA we have 5 rules that apply to all children and adults at all

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Page 1: Positive Behaviour Management System · 2020-05-19 · Positive Behaviour Management System The East Wickham 5 At EWPA we have 5 rules that apply to all children and adults at all

Positive Behaviour Management System

The East Wickham 5

At EWPA we have 5 rules that apply to all children and adults at all times. These rules have been

decided by the whole community and apply to all areas of the school.

At EWPA we expect everyone to follow the East Wickham 5:

We are kind and truthful

We always do our best with 100% effort

We work together and solve problems

We bring a positive attitude to school

We listen to advice and make good choices

Our rules are based on our values based curriculum:

We teach the children at our school about the East Wickham 5 and our Values through

assemblies, PSHE curriculum and our everyday interactions with each other.






















Page 2: Positive Behaviour Management System · 2020-05-19 · Positive Behaviour Management System The East Wickham 5 At EWPA we have 5 rules that apply to all children and adults at all

Class Rules and Routines

The heart of effective behaviour management is building positive relationships with children.

Each class or group within the school decide on their own rules. All children need to be involved in

making decisions regarding rules and activities within the classroom. Positive recognition and

reinforcement must be immediate, consistent, achievable and fair. Both the East Wickham 5 and

the class rules are displayed clearly and attractively in every class and learning space.

As part of ongoing CPD there are regular forums for discussing good behaviour, modelling good

behaviour and strategies to improve behaviour for the children .

Ensuring Consistency

In order to establish the expectations for behaviour across the school and in individual classrooms,

all staff must be consistent in their approach.

Go over the rules, routines and expectations regularly;

Check children’s understanding of the rules, routines and expectations;

Explain the rationale behind the rules, routines and expectations;

Ensure that all adults model the rules, routines and expectations in all situations around the


Take time reinforcing the rules, routines and expectations, if they are established at the

beginning of the year, the entire rest of the year will be more enjoyable and productive for


Rewards and Praise

At EWPA we aim to reward and praise children for their good effort, attitude and achievement.

This happens in a variety of ways:

Team points

Team points are a whole school reward system to encourage the children to work together to

follow our East Wickham 5 and shared values.

All children are grouped into four mixed ability teams- Danson (blue);Woodlands (yellow);

Oxleas (green); Hillview (red). Siblings are always in the same team.

Each class has a laminated poster showing the teams and the names of the children in


In EYFS, KS1 and lower KS 2 children’s weekly smileys are converted into team points, in


KS 2 children are given team points in recognition of effort, attitude, behaviour and


The smileys and team points are recorded onto a weekly class chart.

Each team has 2 captains chosen from Year 2 and 6 – Team Captain and a Vice Captain

On a Wednesday afternoon, all teachers will send their weekly class chart to the office

where they will be added up.

The results of the winning team will be announced during the celebration assembly

Page 3: Positive Behaviour Management System · 2020-05-19 · Positive Behaviour Management System The East Wickham 5 At EWPA we have 5 rules that apply to all children and adults at all

Good to be Green Scheme

The good to be green scheme provides:

A consistent and fair approach to behaviour management;

Clear visible systems to reward good behaviour and sanctions for inappropriate behaviour;

A system that allows children to take ownership and responsibility of their behaviour and

their rewards.

Good to be Green principles:

Each day is a new day.

Each class has a behaviour traffic light chart. Each day all children will begin on green to

demonstrate the expectation that each day will be a positive one.

Children can earn golden time for good behaviour, effort, attitude and manners.

Children know that there are consequences when making inappropriate behaviour


Golden Time

On Friday afternoons between 2.20 and 2.45 children are rewarded with a ‘Golden time’.

Playtime for good behaviour throughout the week. Children who have been ‘Green’ all week are

rewarded with the full 25 minutes and given a ’Good to be Green’ sticker.

At the end of every day, any child who is not on green will lose 5 minutes of their golden time play.

This will be recorded on a class ‘golden time calculator spreadsheet’ which is stored in the

curriculum drive and accessible to all staff.

Each week the children who have missed any Golden time will go to the hall (KS1), or a

nominated year group classroom (KS2). The teacher who is monitoring the missed time should

have the sheet indicating how much time each child has lost.

Any child who has lost the majority of their golden time minutes will spend the missed time

reflecting on their behaviour choices and writing a behaviour promise, to show how they are

going to improve their behaviour. This will be given to the class teacher to remind the child the

following week.

A copy of the behaviour promise can be found in the curriculum drive in in the positive behaviour


Good to be green whole class reward

Every classroom has a ‘green box’. Children who remain on green all week receive a special

green sticker and a green smiley to place in the box. At the end of a half term the class with the

highest number of green smiley’s win a class treat. This treat is voted for by the winning class.

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Inside the classroom and learning areas

Every effort will be made by all members of staff to be patient, not to shout or use any kind of

sarcasm and to consistently reward good behaviour. However, where children persistently break

the East Wickham 5, their class rules or the shared values, the following sanctions apply:

Stage 1: The child is given a verbal warning and expected to immediately modify their behaviour.

In EYFS and KS1 there is a further ‘sad face’ step if the child has had several verbal warnings.

Children who are moved to the ‘sad face’ can earn their way back to green by showing the

correct behaviour.

Stage 2: Yellow. The child is moved to yellow on the ‘Good to be green’ behaviour chart. They are

given time out in the classroom. At this point the teacher must enter the details into the behaviour

section in Bromcom.

Please note, any child who has more than 3 entries on the behaviour chart in any one week, must

be referred to the Behaviour/Learning Mentor.

Stage 3: Red. The child is moved to red on the ‘Good to be green’ behaviour chart. The teacher

must enter the details into the behaviour section in Bromcom and the following will occur:

-The child will be sent to another classroom within the year group.

-They will take work to complete for a timed period related to their age.

-If a child has an adult support, the adult should go with them.

-The teacher receiving the child in their class should not try to rectify or to comment further on the

situation. They should make a note of the time, then direct the child to a place in the classroom

where they will not disturb others. At the end of the time they should send the child back to their

classroom with their work.

Stage 4: Red + Having reached stage 3 the child is expected to modify their behaviour and be on

their best behaviour for the remainder of the day. Any further unacceptable behaviours goes

straight to stage 4, it does not start on stage 1 again.

The child is sent directly to the Learning Mentors/AHT’S and will stay with them to complete

their work for the remainder of the session.

Behaviour will be recorded in the behaviour section in Bromcom and parents will be

contacted at the earliest convenient time.

The teacher sending the child will need to make the time to tell the AHT’S why the child

was sent there – usually during playtime, lunchtime or after school.

During the next playtime or lunchtime, the child will discuss the behaviour with the AHT’S

and complete a behaviour contract. A child’s playtimes can be removed as a


If a child on report continues to choose inappropriate behaviours, they go straight to stage

5 (red++).

In the absence of the AHT’S, the HOS will assume this role.

Stage 5: Red ++. Having reached stage 4, the child is expected to modify their behaviour and be

on their best behaviour for the remainder of the day. Any further unacceptable behaviours goes

straight to stage 5, it does not start on stage 1 again.

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A child on stage 5 will be sent directly to the HOS who will call the parents for a meeting to

discuss the behaviour.

The child will be placed on report and will receive an in-school seclusion of half a day. The

teacher should provide adequate activities to keep the child occupied for the session.

This will be logged by the HOS onto the behaviour section in Bromcom.

All playtimes and lunch times will be removed that day- this will be supervised by the

Learning Mentors.

The child will miss any classroom activities including school trips, swimming or PE.

Stage 6: Red +++

If a child on stage 5 continues to misbehave after the seclusion, then a full day internal

seclusion will be given and the child will automatically be referred to the Behaviour Mentor

where an Individual Behaviour Plan will be put into place to support the child and family.

Continued inappropriate behaviour after a full day seclusion may warrant an external

exclusion at the Head Teachers discretion.

Fixed term and permanent exclusions

Exclusion is used only for very serious incidents when other methods of support have not been

effective. Only the Head Teacher has the authority to exclude a child from the school. The Head

Teacher may exclude a child for one or more fixed periods, for up to 45 days in any school year.

The Head Teacher may also exclude a child permanently. If a child is excluded, they will inform

the parents immediately, giving reasons for the exclusion. At the same time, the Head Teacher

makes it clear to the parents that they can, if they wish, appeal against the decision to the

governing body. The school informs the parents how to make such an appeal. The Head Teacher

informs the LA, Academy Trust (TKAT) and the Governing body about any exclusion.

Unacceptable behaviour

Although it is difficult to draw up a definitive list of examples of unacceptable behaviour, this list

gives staff an idea about the kinds of behaviour which may lead to sanctions. Teachers will always

use their professional judgement and knowledge of the child when supporting children who

display challenging or inappropriate behaviours.

High Level

These behaviours may automatically move a child to stage 5

Violent and aggressive behaviour


Damage to school property






Blatant Refusal

Low Level

Children should be aware that low level inappropriate behaviours are not tolerated at EWPA. The

following are examples of behaviour which may result in sanctions.

Persistent calling out in class and interfering with the learning of others

Throwing things at someone

Talking over the teacher

Name calling

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In the EYFS

Stage 1: Child is given 3 verbal warnings. If the behaviour continues the child moves to the sad

face. If behaviour is changed and improved they can earn their way back to green.

Stage 2: If the behaviour has not changed after the verbal warnings and sad face position, the

child moves to yellow on behaviour chart. Time out in the classroom with a 3, 4 or 5 minute sand


Stage 3: Time is spent with an adult to discuss the incident/behaviour and to remind the child

about shared values, class rules and the East Wickham 5.

Stage 4: EYFS lead is alerted to acknowledge the behaviour.

Stage 5: After being on yellow, if further incidents occur or a more serious physical incident takes

place the child is put onto red. At this point the child is sent to the Head of School.

When supporting children with their behaviour in the EYFS, staff must be aware and make

judgements related to the child’s stage of development and the understanding of their actions.


In the playground and at lunchtime:

A similar system applies:

Stage 1

Child is given a verbal warning.

Stage 2

If the behaviour persists, the child takes time out on the wall in the playground next to their lining

up area or away from the group supervised by an adult during outdoor visits.

Stage 3

If the behaviour persists, the child takes time out on the wall for a longer period of time.

Stage 4

If the child has had time out twice in one playtime or continues to break the rules; referral to senior

meal supervisor.

Stage 5 and 6

Continued inappropriate behaviour or high level behaviour (see above) in the playground results

in an immediate referral to the HoS/HT and removal from the area.

Special Educational Needs

As a fully inclusive school, we understand that some children need extra support. Staff are trained

in SEAL including calming down techniques and how to deal with challenging behaviour.

However, a child may have an Individual Behaviour Plan and a separate system for rewards and

sanctions in addition to the whole school rewards and sanctions. This is agreed by the Inclusion

Leader, parents/carers, adults working with the child and the child itself. See Inclusion Policy.

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REWARD 3 3 Termly class award – the class with the most green smileys

win a treat, chosen by the class.



Star of the Week

Praise card given by any adult sent home through

the school office

Good to be green stickers awarded for all children

who have stayed on green for the week.


1 Team points Verbal praise Stickers



Verbal warning and expected to change their behaviour .

In EYFS and KS1 sad face is used if verbal warnings have not changed the behaviour. Children can return to green if they modify their behavior.


-2 Time out in classroom recorded on Behaviour section

in Bromcom



Sent to another classroom in the same year, with work to

complete – this is recorded on Behaviour section in


Back in class once work is completed

Playtimes will be removed

Red +

-4 Sent to Learning Mentors/AHT’S – parents contacted

Playtimes will be removed.

Red ++

-5 A: Internal Seclusion – up to 2 days – Child placed on report

for a week. They report to HOS/HT at the end of every

session. All playtimes/lunch play withdrawn.

B: Personalised timetable away from peers. Repeated poor

behaviours will results in privileges withdrawn across the

school year.

team, TKAT games

Full day internal seclusion – Borough contacted re risk of exclusion/permanent


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REWARD 3+4 4 Reward for behaviour at Y6 Graduation

3 Termly house award – the house with the most points

awarded in that term will be able to choose an afternoons

activity through the House Captain. This may be a

film/pizza, a sports afternoon, cooking or crafts



Star of the Week

Praise card given by any adult sent home through

the school office

Stationery prize given to children who have been on

green throughout the whole half term



Team points Verbal praise Stickers



Verbal warning and expected the modify behaviour


-2 Time out in classroom recorded on Behaviour section

in Bromcom



Sent to another classroom in the same year group with

work to complete - recorded on Behaviour section in


Back in class once work is completed

Playtimes may be removed

Red +


Sent to Learning Mentors/AHT’S – parents contacted

Behaviour contract drawn up with the child

Playtimes will be removed

Red ++

-5 A: Internal Seclusion – up to 2 days – Child placed on report

for a week. They report to HOS/HT at the end of every

session. All playtimes/lunch play withdrawn.

B: Personalised timetable away from peers. Repeated poor

behaviours will results in privileges withdrawn across the

school year.

Full day internal seclusion – Borough contacted re risk of exclusion/permanent



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Every action has a consequence. It is imperative that our children are

aware of the consequences of their actions and also what they need

to do in order to earn rewards.

Staff must ensure that this is consistent across the school.

The chart outlines what sanctions should be put in place for specific

aspects of poor behaviour and also who is responsible for dealing with

it. This is not an exhaustive list.





Head of Year Sancti






Failure to follow


-1 Talking over the


-2 Physical behaviour

toward children or



Fidgeting and

distracting the


-1 Poor behaviour

stopping others



Persistent and

blatant refusal to

co- operate with

any adult



Preventing others

from working and

interfering with

other children’s


-1 Ongoing prevention

of teaching

-2 Deliberate damage

to school property



Minimum effort


Moving around the

room without asking

-1 Refusal to follow

teacher’s instruction


Systematic Bullying -5

Being unkind to


-1 Offensive




language - racist,






Answering back -1 Rudeness to staff -2

Non conformity with


-1 Refusal to be

removed from a



The lists are not exhaustive

The school reserves the right to use professional judgement on sanctions

Page 10: Positive Behaviour Management System · 2020-05-19 · Positive Behaviour Management System The East Wickham 5 At EWPA we have 5 rules that apply to all children and adults at all

Covid -19 From 1st June 2020 to present date

This addendum to the Behaviour Policy is for use during the arrangements for

education of children in school during the Covid-19 partial school closures. It is to be

used in conjunction with, and read alongside, the Behaviour Management policy,

Anti-Bullying policy, E-safety and our Child Protection policy

For children attending school;

Children, with support and guidance, will respect the social distancing

requirements in place.

Children, with support and guidance,will take every precaution to reduce the

risk of virus transmission by regularly washing hands, using hand sanitizer and

keeping work areas clean.

Any deliberate act of ‘coughing’ or ‘spitting’ will result in an immediate

exclusion from school for a period of no less than 3 days.

Use of threatening, aggressive language and behaviours towards staff from

either children or families will result in immediate exclusion from school for a

period of no less than 3 days.

For children accessing remote learning;

Staff and children will continue to implement the expectations of safe internet

usage stated within the E-safety policy.

Use of inappropriate language within the class email system, Tapestry or the

school Facebook page, will result in a telephone call home to discuss.

Use of threatening, aggressive language and behaviours within the school

email systems/Tapestry/Facebook towards staff from either children or

families will result in immediate access denied and a requirement from

parents/carers to collect a paper copy of work set from the office weekly.

Any use of racist, homophobic, discriminatory, or bullying

language/behaviour within the school email systems/Tapestry/Facebook

will result in immediate access denied and a requirement from

parents/carers to collect a paper copy of work set from the office weekly.

Page 11: Positive Behaviour Management System · 2020-05-19 · Positive Behaviour Management System The East Wickham 5 At EWPA we have 5 rules that apply to all children and adults at all

1. We are kind and truthful

2. We always do our best with 100% effort

3. We work together and solve problems

4. We bring a positive attitude to school

5. We listen to advice and make good choices

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Good to be green scheme for classroom

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My behaviour promise

Why am I losing my Golden Time?

How can I change this?