Masthead: simple font that stands out. The font colour used suggests the target audience is girls. The font is big and bold which will catch the reader’s attention. The colour and style used suggests the mag is more girly. Background: the background is grey and it gets lighter towards the middle of the cover. The rest of the mag stands out and the grey goes with the font colour and allows that to stand out. Main image: suggests the main article is about Rihanna and that it’s the most important thing. Takes up most of the cover and is the first thing the reader will look at. She’s a very popular pop artist and will interest many people. Main cover line: goes with the main image- interview from Rihanna. The font colour is pinky purple which again suggests that the magazine is more girly. The font is simple and stands out. The font size is just a little bit smaller than the masthead which suggests that is the second most important thing on the cover. Cover lines: In the same font colour as the main story and the masthead which suggests it’s important. They stand out from the rest of the mag. They are showing some of the interesting articles that are inside and want to get the audience appealed. Barcode: not really an important part so it’s in the bottom corner and not in the way with the rest of the mag. The makeup Rihanna is wearing is quite bright and her lipstick goes with the font colour. This suggests that this is a pop magazine because of the artist on the cover and the colours used.

Pop music conventions

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Page 1: Pop music conventions

Masthead: simple font that stands out. The font colour used suggests the target audience is girls. The font is big and bold which will catch the reader’s attention. The colour and style used suggests the mag is more girly.

Background: the background is grey and it gets lighter towards the middle of the cover. The rest of the mag stands out and the grey goes with the font colour and allows that to stand out.

Main image: suggests the main article is about Rihanna and that it’s the most important thing. Takes up most of the cover and is the first thing the reader will look at. She’s a very popular pop artist and will interest many people.

Main cover line: goes with the main image-interview from Rihanna. The font colour is pinky purple which again suggests that the magazine is more girly. The font is simple and stands out. The font size is just a little bit smaller than the masthead which suggests that is the second most important thing on the cover.

Cover lines: In the same font colour as the main story and the masthead which suggests it’s important. They stand out from the rest of the mag. They are showing some of the interesting articles that are inside and want to get the audience appealed.

Barcode: not really an important part so it’s in the bottom corner and not in the way with the rest of the mag.

The makeup Rihanna is wearing is quite bright and her lipstick goes with the font colour. This suggests that this is a pop magazine because of the artist on the cover and the colours used.

Page 2: Pop music conventions

Masthead: simple font that stands out, catchy name. The font and the colours used suggest the target audience is teen girls. The speech box implies that there is gossip inside the mag about pop artists. The heart defines the word love and its pink suggesting that it’s girly.

Main image: suggests the main article is about Jessie j and that it’s the most important thing. Takes up most of the cover and is the first thing the reader will look at. She’s a popular pop artist and will interest many people.

Main cover line: goes with the main image-interview from Jessie j. The font colour is pink which again suggests that the magazine is more girly. The font is simple and stands out. It’s quite slanted which suggests the magazine is informal and it would also appeal to the target audience more. It’s an exclusive and it’s used to pull the reader in.

Banner: different pictures of the posters that are included. Allows the reader to have an idea of what they can find inside. The background of the banner is pink which is different to the background of the mag which allows it to stand out. Yellow font which makes it look important.

Barcode: not really an important part so it’s in the bottom corner and not in the way with the rest of the mag.

Cover lines: in red font and highlighted in yellow. They stand out from the rest of the mag and they look important. They are showing some of the interesting articles that are inside and want to get the audience appealed.

The pictures are in the centre of the banner. Appealing to the audience.

Background: the background is white which allows the rest of the mag to stand out. It goes really well with the pink.

Page 3: Pop music conventions

Masthead: appealing font, catchy name. The font colour is pink which suggests the mag is more girly and the font style also suggests that girls would find this mag more interesting/ appealing. ‘Top of the pops’ straight away shows that the magazine is about pop music/artists.

Background: the background is white which allows the rest of the mag to stand out. It goes really well with the pink.

Main cover line: goes with the main image-interview from Cher Lloyd. The font colours are white and black on a pick background which again suggests that the magazine I more girly. The font is simple and stands out. It’s an exclusive and it’s used to pull the reader in. it’s also a boxout which suggests it’s important.

Main image: suggests the main article is about Cher Lloyd and that it’s the most important thing. Takes up most of the cover and is the first thing the reader will look at. She’s a popular pop artist and will interest many people. She could also be a style icon to young girls.

Cover lines: in purple font. They stand out from the rest of the mag and they look important. They are showing some of the interesting articles that are inside and want to get the audience appealed.

Barcode: not really an important part so it’s in the bottom corner and not in the way with the rest of the mag.

Banner: different pictures of the posters that are included. Allows the reader to have an idea of what they can find inside. The background of the banner is purple which is different to the background of the mag which allows it to stand out. white font which makes it look important.

The pictures are in the centre of the banner. Appealing to the audience.

Page 4: Pop music conventions

Masthead: In the corner keeping the format the same however its in the right hand corner whereas on the front page its in the left hand corner. The love heart is red not pink. It would again appeal to the audience.

Background: the colour is white and blue. The blue is a colour that is not on the front. The blue allows the rest of the colours to stand out more.

Headline: ‘we love this’ is catchy and would appeal to the audience. It suggests that the reader is going to love what is on the page and everything inside the mag. Its simple font and it stands out as its quite big. Its probably the first thing the reader will see.

Note from the editor: talking about the magazine

and a little bit about the making of the mag. It would

let the audience know about the editing of the

mag. This is basically just an introductory to the issue

and we love pop as a magazine/institution.

Cover lines and pictures relating to the article: the font colour is orange and blue. This makes it stand out more and makes it look more important. It also tells you the page number to these articles . The pictures stand out and are probably the second thing the reader see’s . This allows the reader to see visually what is going to be inside and what sort of pictures they can find inside.

Page numbers and articles: takes up a small part of the page. This could mean that

these articles aren’t as important as the other

articles around the page. Page numbers are orange which makes them stand


Banner: the banner colour is orange with pictures of artists on it. The orange

colour allows the pictures to stand out. The colour is

the same colour as the page numbers and some of the

cover lines which makes the page look professional .

Pictures: the pictures are of popular pop artists and bands. This will get the

audience interested in the magazine and will make

them want to read about there favourite artists.

Page 5: Pop music conventions

Headline/banner: ‘inside the mag’ its telling you that on this page its going to tell you what’s inside. The font colour is white and it stands out because the banner is bright pink. The font is quite stylish and that and the banner colour would suggest that the target audience is girls.

Background: the colour is white which allows the rest of the content and bright colours to stand out. The white looks good with the pink banner and page numbers as the colours go really well together.

Front page: there is a picture of the front page with page numbers for the articles that are on the cover. This is so the reader knows the page of the articles that got them to buy the magazine in the first place. The front cover is what draws the audience in and this allows tem to know straight away where they can find the articles.

Cover lines: the cover lines are the articles that are going to be inside of the magazine. They are in simple font and some are highlighted in yellow. This might be to make the most important one’s stand out more from the otheres and let the reader know that these are the one’s to read.

Page numbers and articles: the page numbers are in a pink font which is the same as the banner at the top of the page. They stand out on the white background. There are different sections in the magazine and they are split up in the contents page to show the reader what each section is about. They are on shopping, boys, celebrities and wins and offers. This allows the reader to know what to expect inside.

Pictures: there are pictures relating to the different sections in the magazine. This allows the reader to see a visual look of whats inside. There are images of clothes and makeup by the shopping section which suggests the magazine is more girly. There is also a picture of two members of one direction which would also appeal to a female audience as they are a boyband and are good looking.

this contents page is very busy as its full of articles and pictures. The structure also suggests that the target audience is for younger girls as bright colours are used and there structure is quite unformal.

Page 6: Pop music conventions

Headline: It is simple font but its quite bold and the colur is white. The white really stands out on the red background and it also allows the reader to notice it more. It would appeal to the the reader because it is simple and bold.

The lead: lets the reader know what the article includes. This is a paragragh that intorduces the article. It is always in bold font which suggests to the reader that it is important and it also allows it to stand out from the rest of the page and makes the reader notice it quicker.

Artist name: the artists name is on the right hand side of the right page and on the bottom left of the left page. This would appeal to the audience because he is a popular artist and it lets people know that the article is all about him.

Picture: the picture of joe jonas takes up the whole left page. This again signifies that he is a really big pop artist as the reader would be appealed by just one picture and no more. The picture suggests that the target audience is girls by his pose and the look on his face.

Article: the article is a interview with joe jonas. The questions are in bold which allows them to stand out from the answer.its is alos clear to the audience what questions were asked. In the answer to the question some of the font is in pink. This could be to signify interesting points he had said that would appeal to the audience. The pink also suggests that the article is more girly and that it’s a pop magazine as it’s a bright colour.

Boxout: it is pink which allows it to stand out from the rest of the page ans it suggests that it is important. The shape is like splattered paint which suggests that the genre is pop as is something that looks good and you wouldn’t expect to see it with a nother genre of music.

Background: the colour of the background gets darker towards the bottom of the page which allows everything to stand out more. The red patches makes it look more interesting and would allow the page to appeal more to the reader. The red is bright which again shows that the genre for this magazine is pop.