polyfuse 3rd part

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  • 8/7/2019 polyfuse 3rd part


    Seminar Report, 2010

    SSET, Karukutty 1


    Current flow in a conductor always generates heat. Excess heat is damaging to electrical

    components. Overcurrent protection devices are used to protect conductors from

    excessive current flow. Thus protective devices are designed to keep the flow of current

    in a circuit at a safe level to prevent the circuit conductors from overheating.

    A fuse is a one-time over-current protection device employing a fusible link that melts

    (blows) after the current exceeds a certain level for a certain length of time. Typically, a

    wire or chemical compound breaks the circuit when the current exceeds the rated value.

    A fuse interrupts excessive current so that further damage by overheating or fire is

    prevented. Wiring regulations often define a maximum fuse current rating for particular

    circuits. Overcurrent protection devices are essential in electrical systems to limit threats

    to human life and property damage. Fuses are selected to allow passage of normal

    current and of excessive current only for short periods.

    Polyfuse is a resettable fuse that doesnt need to be replaced like the conventional fuse.

    Many manufacturers also call it PolySwitch or MultiFuse. Polyfuse are designed and

    made of PPTC material in thin chip form. It is placed in series to protect a circuit.Polyfuse provide over-current protection and automatic restoration.

    Like traditional fuses, PPTC devices limit the flow of dangerously high current during

    fault condition. Unlike traditional fuses, PPTC devices reset after the fault is cleared and

    the power to the circuit is removed. Because a PPTC device does not usually have to be

    replaced after it trips and because it is small enough to be mounted directly into a motor

    or on a circuit board, it can be located inside electronic modules, junction boxes and

    power distribution center

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    S min



    SSET, Karukutt 2


    Pol use is a series elementin a circuit The PPTC device protects the circuit by going

    from a low-resistance to a high-resistance state in response to an overcurrent condition,

    as shown in Figure-1. This is referred to as "tripping" the

    Figure 1 - Overcurrent protection circuit using Polyfuse

    device. In normal operation the device has a resistance that is much lower than the

    remainder ofthe circuit. In response to an overcurrent condition, the device increases in

    resistance (trips), reducing the currentin the circuitto a value that can be safely carried

    by any of the circuit elements. This change is the result of a rapid increase in the

    temperature ofthe device, caused by I2R heating.

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    SSET, Karukutty 3


    Technically these are not fuses but Polymeric Positive Temperature Coefficient (PPTC)

    Thermistors. Polyfuse device operation is based on an overall energy balance. Under

    normal operating conditions, the heat generated by the device and the heat lost by thedevice to the environment are in balance at a relatively low temperature, as shown in

    Point 1of Figure-2. If the current through the device is increased while the ambient

    temperature is kept constant, the temperature ofthe device increases. Furtherincreases

    in either current, ambient temperature or both will cause the device to reach a

    temperature where the resistance rapidly increases, as shown in Point 3 of Figure-2.

    Figure 2 Operating curve as resistance varies with temperature

    Any furtherincrease in current or ambienttemperature will cause the device to

    generate heat at a rate greaterthan the rate at which heat can be dissipated, thus causing

    the device to heat up rapidly. Atthis stage, a very large increase in resistance occurs for

    a very small change in temperature, between points 3 and 4 of Figure-2. This is the

    normal operating region for a device in the tripped state. This large change in resistance

    causes a corresponding decrease in the current flowing in the circuit.This relation holds

    untilthe device resistance reaches the upper knee ofthe curve (Point 4 of Figure-2). As

    long as the applied voltage remains at this level, the device will remain in the tripped

    state (that is, the device will remain latched in its protective state). Once the voltage is

    decreased and the poweris removed the device will reset.

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    Seminar Report, 2010

    SSET, Karukutty 4


    PPTC fuses are constructed with a non-conductive polymer plastic film that exhibitstwo phases. The first phase is a crystalline or semi-crystalline state where the molecules

    form long chains and arrange in a regular structure. As the temperature increases the

    polymer maintains this structure but eventually transitions to an amorphous phase where

    the molecules are aligned randomly, and there is an increase in volume. The polymer is

    combined with highly conductive carbon. In the crystalline phase the carbon particles

    are packed into the crystalline boundaries and form many conductive paths, and the

    polymer-carbon combination has a low resistance.

    Figure 3 - Polymer film in semi crystalline phase and conducting chains of carbon molecules.

    A current flowing through the device generates heat (I2R losses). As long as the

    temperature increase does not cause a phase change, nothing happens. However, if thecurrent increases enough so that corresponding temperature rise causes a phase change,

    the polymers crystalline structure disappears, the volume expands, and the conducting

    carbon chains are broken. The result is a dramatic increase in resistance. Whereas

    before the phase change a polymer-carbon combination may have a resistance measured

    in milliohms or ohms, after the phase change the same structures resistance may be

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    Seminar Report, 2010

    SSET, Karukutty 5

    measured in megaohms. Current flow is reduced accordingly, but the small residual

    current and associated I2R loss is enough to latch the polymer in this state, and the fuse

    will stay open until power is removed.

    Figure 4 - Polymer film in amorphous phase and broken carbon chains

    The process is almost reversible, in that when the temperature falls, the polymer returns

    to its crystalline structure, the volume decreases, and the carbon particles touch and

    form conductive paths. However, the exact same conductive paths never form so that

    the resistance after reset is slightly different from before. The resistances of a PPTC

    fuse may triple or quadruple after the first reset, but thereafter changes are relatively


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    Seminar Report, 2010

    SSET, Karukutty 6


    Initial Resistance: It is the resistance of the device as received from the factory of


    Operating Voltage: The maximum voltage a device can withstand without damageat the rated current.

    Holding Current: Safe current passing through the device under normal operatingconditions.

    Trip Current: It is the value of current at which the device interrupts the current. Time to Trip: The time it takes for the device to trip at a given temperature. Tripped State: Transition from the low resistance state to the high resistance state

    due to an overload.

    Leakage Current: A small value of stray current flowing through the device after ithas switched to high resistance mode.

    Trip Cycle: The number of trip cycles (at rated voltage and current) the devicesustains without failure.

    Trip Endurance: The duration of time the device sustains its maximum ratedvoltage in the tripped state without failure.

    Power Dissipation: Power dissipated by the device in its tripped state. Thermal Duration: Influence of ambient temperature. Hysteresis: The period between the actual beginning of the signaling of the device

    to trip and the actual tripping of the device.

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    SSET, Karukutty 7



    Figure 5 illustrates the hold- and trip-current behavior of Polyfuse devices as a function

    of temperature. One such curve can be defined for each available device. Region A

    describes the combinations of current and temperature at which the Polyfuse device will

    trip (go into the high-resistance state) and protect the circuit. Region B describes the

    combinations of current and temperature at which the Polyfuse device will allow fornormal operation ofthe circuit. In Region C, itis possible forthe device to eithertrip or

    remains in the low-resistance state (depending on individual device resistance).

    Figure 5 Hold current & Trip current variation with temperature

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    SSET, Karukutty 8


    Figure 6 Operating characteristics of polyfuse as currentincreases with time

    Figure-6 shows a typical pair of operating curves for a PPTC device in still air at 0oC

    and 75oC. The curves are different because the heat required to trip the device comes

    both from electrical I2R heating and from the device environment. At 75oC the heat

    input from the environmentis substantially greaterthan itis at 0oC, so the additional I


    needed to trip the device is correspondingly less, resulting in a lower trip current at a

    given trip time (or a fastertrip at given trip current).

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    SSET, Karukutty 9

    Typical Resistance Recoveryafter aTrip Event

    Figure-7 shows typical behavior of a Polyfuse device thatis tripped and then

    Figure 7 Typical resistance recovery after a trip event

    allowed to cool. Over an extended period oftime, device resistance will continue to fall

    and will eventually approach initial resistance. However, since this time can be days,

    months, or years, it is not practical to expect that the device resistance will reach the

    original value for operation purposes. Therefore, when Polyfuse devices are chosen

    R1MAX should be taken into consideration when determining hold current. R1MAXis the

    resistance ofthe device one hour afterthe thermal event.

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    SSET, Karukutty 10


    Conventionalthermal fuses are not resettable and are therefore limited in their ability to

    match the low temperature protection of PPTC devices. The selection of a low fusing

    temperature in conventional thermal fuses is limited by the need to avoid nuisancetripping in temporary high ambient temperature environments, such as car dashboards

    on a hot day or high storage temperatures. Even thermal fuses with 94C or higher

    fusing temperatures often nuisance trip during normal operation or pack assembly.

    Figure 8 Table showing a comparison between a PPTC polyfuse and types of fuses

    Hence, the major benefits of polyfuse are as-

    Low base resistance Latching (non-cycling) operation Automatic reset ability Shorttime to trip No arcing during faulty situations Small dimensions and compact design Internationally standardized and approved No accidental hot plugging Withstand mechanical shocks and vibrations and comply with the safety norms

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    ! 2010

    SSET, Karukutty 11


    PolyFuses are used in automobiles, batteries, computers and peripherals, industrial

    controls, consumer electronics, medical electronics, lighting, security and fire alarm

    systems, telecommunication equipment and a host of other applications where circuit

    protection is required.

    Some ofits applications in protecting various equipments are discussed as below-


    Figure 9 Transformer protection by Polyfuse

    The equipment powered by a transformer gets overheated due to excessive current or

    short-circuit. A Polyfuse on the secondary side ofthe transformer will protect theequipment against overload as shown in Figure-9.


    Figure 10 Speaker protection by Polyfuse

    Nowadays speakers are designed and sold independently of amplifiers. Therefore, there

    are possibilities of damage due to mismatches. The protection choices for loudspeaker

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    $ 2010

    SSET, Karukutty 12

    systems are limited. Fuses protect the speaker, but a blown fuse is always a source of

    frustration. Using a Polyfuse in series with the speaker as shown in Figure-10 will

    protect it from over-current/over-heating damage. Choosing a correcttrip-current rated

    Polyfuse is importantto match the powerlevel ofthe speaker.


    Figure 11 Battery protection circuit forLi-ion batteries

    The Figure-11 below shows a schematic of a typical single-cellLi-ion battery pack for

    cellular phone applications, using a Polyfuse. Batteries are constantly charged and

    discharged overtheirlife-cycle. Over-charge results in an increase in the temperature of

    the electrolyte. This could cause either a fire or an explosion. Polyfuse play a vital role

    in the charging and discharging cycles of batteries. The Polyfuse low resistance

    overcomes the additional series resistance introduced by the MOSFETs and the low trip

    temperature can provide protection against thermal runaway in the case of an abusive


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    ' 2010

    SSET, Karukutty 13


    FIGURE 11 Protection of keyboard/mouse through Polyfuse Device

    The operating current of keyboard/ mouse is usually from 200 to 500 mA, butin a short

    circuit the current will increase many times. Using PPTC in series between the

    connector and host power supply willlimitthe current cutthe keyboard/ mouse portto

    the specified maximum.

  • 8/7/2019 polyfuse 3rd part


    Seminar Report, 2010

    SSET, Karukutty 14


    PPTC resettable fuses are designed for todays demanding electronic and electrical

    industries. The concept of a self-resetting fuse of course predates this technology.

    Bimetal fuses, for example are widely used in appliances such as hairdryers, but these

    are generally large current devices. PPTC resettable fuses compete with another

    common overcurrent protection device, namely positive temperature coefficient (PTC)

    ceramic thermistors. However, PPTC fuses offer several advantages. First, they have

    lower resistance and therefore lower I2R heating, and can be rated for much higher

    currents. Second, the ratio between open-resistance and close-resistance is much higher

    than with ceramic PTC fuses. For example, the resistance change in PTC thermistors is

    generally in the range of 12 orders of magnitude, but with PPTC fuses, the change may

    be 67 orders of magnitude. However, ceramic PTC fuses dont exhibit the increase in

    resistance after a reset.

    The vast majority PPTC fuses on the market have trip times in the range 110 seconds,

    but there are PPTC fuses with trip times of a few milliseconds. Generally speaking,

    however, these devices are considered slow-trip fuses. The blow time depends on the

    overcurrent, so that a fuse that may open within a few milliseconds with a severe

    overload, may take tens of seconds for a light overload. They are ideal for all low

    voltage DC and AC application.

  • 8/7/2019 polyfuse 3rd part


    Seminar Report, 2010

    SSET, Karukutty 15


    Electronics For You, Edition- September, 2004

    Raychem circuit protection products- Tyco Electronicshttp://www.circuitprotection.com

