© German Advisory Group © Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, March 2017 Policy Briefing Series [PB/04/2017]

Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

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Page 1: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

© German Advisory Group © Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting

Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels

Dr Georg Zachmann

Berlin/Kyiv, March 2017

Policy Briefing Series [PB/04/2017]

Page 2: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

© German Advisory Group © Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting


Having no storage policy is not credible

Three policy approaches: strategic storage, storage obligation, other security requirements

We recommend

– an obligation on importers/producers

– to maintain a certain level of “flexibility options” (storage, import capacity, production flexibility, demand side response)

– Release of flexibility only triggered in case of emergency

Volume of this obligation should be annually determined in a transparent stress-test


Page 3: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

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1. Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels

2. Determining the desired storage level

3. Recommendations for Ukraine


Page 4: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

© German Advisory Group © Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting

The Issue

In a cold winter Ukraine consumes much more gas (165 mcm/d) than it produces (57) and can import (50) from the West

An appropriate storage level before the heating season is needed to prevent disruption


Source: PB 08/2015: Can Ukraine secure enough gas for the winter 2015/16? A scenario analysis

Example: Ex ante scenarios for Winter

2015/16 (here: medium imports (40

mcm) and less consumption (-10%))













Jul 15 Aug15









Page 5: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

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Current Situation

Naftogaz is informally required to maintain an appropriate storage level

For this purpose, it is obtaining financing from EBRD and World Bank

That is, Naftogaz acts partly outside of the market

This is not compatible with the intended competitive market and will need to be replaced by a transparent, non-discriminatory scheme


Page 6: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

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Different reasons for storage

Normal demand and supply fluctuations (incl seasonality)

Are reflected in price fluctuations (winter price higher)

Market players can make money from storage

A market only solution (like in Germany) for keeping sufficient storage for seasonal fluctuations works

Crisis (Political and large infrastructure risk)

Full storage coverage would requires sometimes large storage volumes that are only used in exceptional circumstances -> cannot be provided by market

One key risk for Ukraine would be a policy-induced reduction in import volumes -> a policy to protect vulnerable consumes in this situation is needed


Page 7: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

© German Advisory Group © Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting

Three alternative approaches

Strategic reserve

– A specific stakeholder has to maintain a certain storage level for emergency situations.

Storage obligation

– Each supplier has to store a certain fraction of the gas it has committed to supply.

Security of supply requirements

– Specific stakeholders (e.g., TSOs, DSOs or suppliers) are responsible for gas security of supply. They are flexible in how they ensure security, but face a penalty (e.g., loss of license) if they do not.


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Strategic reserve


Ensures a precise volume of reserves

Can be shielded from the market


High cost of stored gas (storage cost + deferred interest) 50 USD/tcm + 200 USD/tcm x 10% interest rate = 70 USD/tcm

-> 10 bcm of storage would cost up to 700 mn USD per year

State might not choose the most efficient supplier and storage facility

Temptation to use the gas when prices are high -> private parties might store less as they cannot hope for high winter prices


Page 9: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

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Storage obligation


No direct cost to the tax-payer

Companies have a strong incentive to look for most economic option


depends on compliance of market participants

cost of stored gas passed through by the suppliers

Temptation to use the gas when prices are high


Page 10: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

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Security of supply requirements

Strongly depends on concrete design and enforcement


Can allow more economic options (interruptible contracts)

Might take into account other bottlenecks (infrastructure)


Might ignore systemic risk (moral hazard: if state knows that gas suppliers will go bankrupt in a gas crisis because they have not enough gas, the state will do anything to prevent a crisis)


Page 11: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

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Each EU country has its own approach

There are EU minimum requirements for protected customers

National policies for storage differ

Optimal policy depend on national conditions

– Dependence on dominant supplier (yes/no)

– Role of gas (crucial/substitutable)

– Structure of the sector (state-owned/private; monopoly/competition)

– Example: if each plausible crisis scenario can be mitigate by normal market measures, no specific storage policy is needed (like in Germany)


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Gas storage-related security-of-supply regimes of selected countries in Europe

Figure from: IEA 2016 Global gas security review p.86


Page 13: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

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Determining the desired storage level

1. Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels

2. Determining the desired storage level

3. Recommendations for Ukraine


Page 14: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

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Policy only determines the security reserve

With Strategic reserve and storage obligation, the government does not set the total storage level, but only the non-market volumes*

*in some countries government use a formal dialogue to give soft guidance to market players on the desired total volumes


Delivered by

the market



Company 1

Oblig for C1

Company 2

Obligation for

Company 2

Company 3

Oblig for C3


reserve is

certain level

(e.g., 10 bcm)


obligation is a

share of the



(e.g., 25%)

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Reserve obligations in EU member states


Table from: Zachmann and Tagliapietra 2016: Rethinking the security of the European Union’s gas supply (link)

Page 16: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

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Determining the the security reserve

Different approaches in the EU:

Ad hoc political decision

– A percentage of expected consumption

– Days of import

Based on stress tests (e.g., coldest winter in 20 years consumption; disruption of main import for 30 days)

-> The more sophisticated the methodology, the lower the risk

-> The more stable and transparent the methodology, the better shielded from the market

See also our PB 08/2015: Can Ukraine secure enough gas for the winter 2015/16? A scenario analysis (corresponding excel table available upon request)


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But, storage is not the only security option

When determining storage levels, governments should not ignore alternative flexibility options, which might be more economic:

– Flexible import contracts

– Interruptible contracts (incl. through fuel switching)

– Flexible production

– Swap contracts

Those options shall be

– considered in the assessment of the strategic reserve need

– or companies shall be allowed to account them to fulfill their storage obligation


Page 18: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

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Recommendations for Ukraine

1. Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels

2. Determining the desired storage level

3. Recommendations for Ukraine


Page 19: Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels€¦ · Policies for ensuring sufficient gas storage levels Dr Georg Zachmann Berlin/Kyiv, ... –to maintain a certain level of

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1. Clarify which situations the policy covers

– Normal seasonality shall be covered by the market

– the trigger for a release should be a predetermined physical condition (e.g., supply stop from Russia) not a price level

– Target storage level should be based on a quantitative assessment of the trigger situation

2. Properly isolate storage policies from markets

– Credibility matters: only release gas when trigger is met, otherwise the market will store less

– Signals matter: Do not give the market the impression, the gov‘t is taking care of appropriate storage levels if it is not, otherwise the market will store less


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3. Obligation is preferable over strategic storage

– No fiscal exposure -> less corruption risk

4. Put the obligation on importers/producers

– Few players

5. Use all flexibility options

– Reduces cost

– Instead of storage level, target a level of flexibility margin(incl. demand side)

– Monitoring crucial


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European Union 2014 The role of gas storage in internal market and in ensuring security of supply [https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/REPORT-Gas%20Storage-20150728.pdf]

IEA 2016 Global Gas Security Review https://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/GlobalGasSecurityReview2016.pdf




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Dr. Ricardo Giucci

[email protected]

Dr. Georg Zachmann

[email protected]

German Advisory Group

c/o BE Berlin Economics GmbH

Schillerstr. 59, D-10627 Berlin

Tel: +49 30 / 20 61 34 64 0

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Twitter: @BerlinEconomics

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Other Issues

There are different types of gas storage – a proper analysis should take differences (location, volume, withdraw rates, etc) into account

Normal seasonality of demand shall be dealt with by the market, which should see higher prices in winter, BUT, this only works when there is working wholesale competition – otherwise companies with a dominant position might exercise market power