published by dipl. ing. andreas pörner no. 30 • autumn/winter 2017 imprint MEDIA OWNER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER: Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Hamburgerstrasse 9, 1050 Vienna, Austria. Phone: +43 5 05899-0, Telefax: +43 5 05899-99. E-Mail: [email protected]. www.poerner.at. PUBLISHER: Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Pörner. EDITORIAL: Andreas Pörner, Lydia Brandtner, Margot Simonis, Ulrike Fischer. LAYOUT: Dominik Mimra. Lydia Brandtner CONTENT: Independent coverage about engineering projects of the Pörner Group. All rights, also the adoption of articles after § 44 Abs. 1 copyright act: © 2016 Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH. Publication acc. § 25 MedienG: www.poerner.at/imprint. E NGINEERING- T IMES In-depth experience and fresh innovation Anniversary Edition: 45 years Pörner Group. P örner Ingenieurgesellschaft has been existing now for 45 years. It is reason to celebrate what could be built in all those years and be grateful for the great process engineering projects implement- ed for our industrial customers throughout this long period. Equally satisfying and encour- aging is it to state on this occa- sion that we are well-positioned in terms of human resources but also culturally and technologically and that we are successful both in our home market as well as interna- tional. It is the result of close coopera- tion with our clients and the hun- dreds of specialized suppliers we have been working with not only since yesterday but for several de- cades. So, a wealth of experience has accumulated in the minds of our engineers. Our passion has always been to design and build the best, most ad- vanced and productive plants using reasonable means for the relevant purpose. And we have had ample opportunity to achieve exactly this in the last few years thanks to the trust our customers have in us. With increasing success we convince investors that profession- ally planned, well-equipped and highly automated plants pay off over the long service life – by low production costs over many years and ensuring competitiveness over decades. Our versatility: In all those years we managed over 2,000 proj- ects not only at refineries and in the petrochemical industry but in all branches of industry, and since the 1980ies in the fields of energy and environmental technology. Pörner engineered plants for chip manufacturing, gold and sil- ver separation, integrated sewage and waste disposal with energy recovery, gas turbine cogeneration plants, electronic waste recycling, epoxy resins, vegetable processing, detergent or chocolate production. We modernized hospitals, a lot of office buildings, a museum and even planned and built a church. In the last decades projects be- came more and more challenging: We planned melamine plants for 300 °C and 300 bar, a 210 kt bio- ethanol plant, converted a fertil- izer plant and, of course, did the highly complex refinery revamps during shutdowns which have be- come one of our trademarks. Proprietary technologies: Our own technologies, such as the Biturox ® process for bitumen production, solvent deasphalt- ing (SDA), solvent extraction and BTX aromatics extraction provide valuable know-how. Our process engineering department with over 40 engineers and first-class equip- ment (simulation, pilot plants) is competent to be on hand with help and advice in the early stage of concept development (FEED) and deeply submerge into the process part of a project. As a technology-oriented plant engineering company we actively work with international technolo- gy providers, implement customer know-how purposefully and devel- op it further at our own lab. 45 years of plant engineer- ing bring a wealth of experience. Pörner has developed a specific culture: how we approach the en- gineering tasks, using time-tested methods, how we treat each other and our customers and partners – always for the purpose of the tasks entrusted to us. Today the Pörner Group em- ploys about 500 engineers in eight countries. Our lean, fractally structured organization facilitates nevertheless a flexibility and effi- ciency at the individual sites which are typical for medium-sized com- panies. Time does not stand still: Pörner is always keeping abreast of time, when it comes to new meth- ods of project management, tools and means of communication. We constantly improve the quality and efficiency of our work, e.g. by digi- tal networking of our sites among each other and with customers di- rectly. All steps towards our concept “Anlagenbau 4.0” are developed right from practical experience. As a result, we are able to provide our brain pool, all resources and ca- pacities for every project – wheth- er a small smart modernization or a greenfield large-size project – in an efficient and economically priced manner. It is thus possible to integrate the latest innovations – after care- ful check of their fitness – into the process plants: Process steps and equipment to produce new and better products, minimize energy and utility consumptions, auto- mate the plants to a great extent for utmost operational safety and environmental friendliness. There is a lot to be done: The world needs a lot of efficient and in- novative technologies for advanced energy supply, even more special, sustainable, environmentally com- patible materials, better infra- structures. In all these areas the Pörner engineers will make their active contribution in the next few decades. On the occasion of the anni- versary we would like to express our thanks to our employees for the great commitment, the partners of the process industry for the fruitful cooperation and last but not least our clients that they entrusted to us their important projects. May we head to a bright future with many successful projects. Yours, FROM CONTENT page 2 Used oil recy- cling plant for high quality Group III oils page 3 REVAMPED BY PÖRNER: The OMV Turnaround page 7 Fertilizer laboratory for Borealis in Linz

Pörner Ingenieursblatt 28/2015 - formaldehyde.poerner.atformaldehyde.poerner.at/fileadmin/user_upload/downloads/IngBlatt/... · Hylube™ process at the industrial park of Elsteraue

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published by dipl. ing. andreas pörner no. 30 • autumn/winter 2017

imprint MEDIA OWNER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER: Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Hamburgerstrasse 9, 1050 Vienna, Austria. Phone: +43 5 05899-0, Telefax: +43 5 05899-99. E-Mail: [email protected]. www.poerner.at. PUBLISHER: Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Pörner. EDITORIAL: Andreas Pörner, Lydia Brandtner, Margot Simonis, Ulrike Fischer. LAYOUT: Dominik Mimra. Lydia Brandtner CONTENT: Independent coverage about engineering projects of the Pörner Group. All rights, also the adoption of articles after § 44 Abs. 1 copyright act: © 2016 Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH. Publication acc. § 25 MedienG: www.poerner.at/imprint.


In-depth experience and fresh innovation

Anniversary Edition: 45 years Pörner Group.

Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft has been existing now for 45

years. It is reason to celebrate what could be built in all those years and be grateful for the great process engineering projects implement-ed for our industrial customers throughout this long period.

Equally satisfying and encour-aging is it to state on this occa-sion that we are well-positioned in terms of human resources but also culturally and technologically and that we are successful both in our home market as well as interna-tional.

It is the result of close coopera-tion with our clients and the hun-dreds of specialized suppliers we

have been working with not only since yesterday but for several de-cades. So, a wealth of experience has accumulated in the minds of our engineers.

Our passion has always been to design and build the best, most ad-vanced and productive plants using reasonable means for the relevant purpose. And we have had ample opportunity to achieve exactly this in the last few years thanks to the trust our customers have in us.

With increasing success we convince investors that profession-ally planned, well-equipped and highly automated plants pay off over the long service life – by low production costs over many years and ensuring competitiveness over decades.

Our versatility: In all those years we managed over 2,000 proj-ects not only at refineries and in the petrochemical industry but in all branches of industry, and since the 1980ies in the fields of energy and environmental technology.

Pörner engineered plants for chip manufacturing, gold and sil-ver separation, integrated sewage and waste disposal with energy recovery, gas turbine cogeneration plants, electronic waste recycling, epoxy resins, vegetable processing, detergent or chocolate production. We modernized hospitals, a lot of office buildings, a museum and

even planned and built a church.In the last decades projects be-

came more and more challenging: We planned melamine plants for 300 °C and 300 bar, a 210 kt bio-ethanol plant, converted a fertil-izer plant and, of course, did the highly complex refinery revamps during shutdowns which have be-come one of our trademarks.

Proprietary technologies: Our own technologies, such as the Biturox® process for bitumen production, solvent deasphalt-ing (SDA), solvent extraction and BTX aromatics extraction provide valuable know-how. Our process engineering department with over 40 engineers and first-class equip-ment (simulation, pilot plants) is competent to be on hand with help and advice in the early stage of concept development (FEED) and deeply submerge into the process part of a project.

As a technology-oriented plant engineering company we actively work with international technolo-gy providers, implement customer know-how purposefully and devel-op it further at our own lab.

45 years of plant engineer-ing bring a wealth of experience. Pörner has developed a specific culture: how we approach the en-gineering tasks, using time-tested methods, how we treat each other and our customers and partners –

always for the purpose of the tasks entrusted to us.

Today the Pörner Group em-ploys about 500 engineers in eight countries. Our lean, fractally structured organization facilitates nevertheless a flexibility and effi-ciency at the individual sites which are typical for medium-sized com-panies.

Time does not stand still: Pörner is always keeping abreast of time, when it comes to new meth-ods of project management, tools and means of communication. We constantly improve the quality and efficiency of our work, e.g. by digi-tal networking of our sites among each other and with customers di-rectly.

All steps towards our concept “Anlagenbau 4.0” are developed right from practical experience. As a result, we are able to provide our brain pool, all resources and ca-pacities for every project – wheth-er a small smart modernization or a greenfield large-size project – in an efficient and economically priced manner.

It is thus possible to integrate the latest innovations – after care-ful check of their fitness – into the process plants: Process steps and equipment to produce new and better products, minimize energy and utility consumptions, auto-mate the plants to a great extent for utmost operational safety and

environmental friendliness.

There is a lot to be done: The world needs a lot of efficient and in-novative technologies for advanced energy supply, even more special, sustainable, environmentally com-patible materials, better infra-structures. In all these areas the Pörner engineers will make their active contribution in the next few decades.

On the occasion of the anni-versary we would like to express our thanks to our employees for the great commitment, the partners of the process industry for the fruitful cooperation and last but not least our clients that they entrusted to us their important projects.

May we head to a bright future with many successful projects.



page 2Used oil recy-cling plant for high quality Group III oils

page 3REVAMPED BY PÖRNER: The OMV Turnaround

page 7Fertilizer laboratory for Borealis in Linz

2 engineering-times

by matthias haring

tröglitz. In mid-2017 a new era began for the P U R A G L O B E GmbH based at Tröglitz when the Group III pro-cess stage was put into operation. For the first time, it is possible on world-wide scale to produce base oil of Group III quality at the Hy-Lube 2 plant. This base oil meets the requirements of API 1509 Ap-pendix E. To produce this qual-ity, a stronger hydrocracking is required, i.e. a process featuring a higher pressure and higher tem-peratures than needed for the pro-duction of Group II base oils, and an extended catalytic treatment.

With this technological quan-tum leap PURAGLOBE converted 50 % of its capacity at Tröglitz to the production of Group III oils thus staying abreast of the latest techni-cal changes, e.g. with engines and machines, and the market require-ments. Meeting its own high qual-ity standards PURAGLOBE is go-ing to sell on the market one of the best lubricants of its class.

The used oil hydrogenation plants HyLube 1 (2004) and Hy-Lube 2 (2008) applying the UOP Hylube™ process at the industrial park of Elsteraue are capable of producing Group II+ and Group III base oils from about 250,000 tons used oil per year and other high-grade mineral oil products of excellent quality.

Smooth conversion and commissioning

To be able to produce Group III base oils, it was decided to extend the HyLube2 plant designed by EDL in 2008 by an additional pro-cess stage.

Late in 2014 EDL started the single-phase design (basic and de-tail engineering as one package), prepared the requisitions required for the procurement of material

and construction and was on hand with help and advice for the cus-tomer when it came to the con-struction of the new process stage. For the permitting process EDL prepared the necessary documents based on which PURAGLOBE as owner obtained the necessary of-ficial permits pursuant to the Fed-eral Control of Pollution Act (BIm-SchG).

A particular challenge was the integration of the new equipment

framework into the existing Hy-Lube 2 plant and the placement of the new large-size equipment, such as the furnace and compressor.

The optimization of the plant design along with measures to minimize investment costs re-quired very close cooperation from all parties involved in the project.

In autumn 2016, EDL handed over the last engineering docu-ments of the usual high quality so that only minor adjustments had to

be made during construction.Assisted by the EDL site engi-

neers for piping and C/S/A PURA-GLOBE and its general contractor completed the construction and installation in high quality, within the budget and time frame and started operation in June.

Used oil processing with a great future

For PURAGLOBE it has been an important milestone on the way to bringing this innovative product onto the market. It sets new stan-dards especially when it comes to sustainability in industrial production by energy saving and avoidance of CO2. New used oil hydrogenation plants have been in the pipeline for quite a while both in Europe and the USA. But the company also focusses on the upgrading of existing plants for the production of Group III base oils.◼

High-quality base oils from used oilRecycling. New era for PURAGLOBE with Group III oils.

Technological quantum leap: For the first time, it is possible on world-wide scale to produce base oil of Group III quality from used oil at the HyLube2 plant - an important step towards sustainability.


EDL has process know-how for the production of high-grade base oils, waxes and special products. When it comes to used oil treat-ment for the production of Group I, II and III base oils customers can resort to EDL’s long experience. The same applies to the produc-tion of synthetic base oils of Group V based on the Fischer-Tropsch process.

by vincent frate

m a n g a l u r u . In August 2017, Pörner, the world market leader of the bitumen oxi-dation technolo-gy, celebrated the award of the 51st Biturox license to MRPL - Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd. - in Manga-luru (formerly Mangalore), a major port city in Southwest India.

MRPL has been producing quality bitumen for a quarter of a century with a Pörner Biturox® plant. Due to the high demand for bitumen, MRPL is now planning a second production line and again commissioned the Pörner Group. Pörner supplies the basic engineer-ing, the key equipment and the support during commissioning.

Wolfgang Heger, Pörner Sales Director, is pleased with the con-tract and says: „As a leading bitu-men technology company, we sup-

ply special know-how, a reliable process as well as a timely and budget-friendly project handling. Thus, the client has the certainty - that once put into operation - the plant runs.

With this cost-benefit calcula-tion, the cooperation with Pörner pays off twice for our customers, because Biturox® quality bitumen is also economically attractive for road construction due to the lower consumption and the longer road life.”

80% of the Indian bitumen production come from Biturox® plants

With an annual production of ap-prox. 5 million tons India is the fourth largest bitumen producer in the world after USA, China and Russia. After completion of the Biturox® plant at the Mangalore refinery, Pörner‘s Biturox® plants, with an annual capacity of 3.9 mil-lion tons, cover around 80 % of na-tional bitumen production.

Pörner provided MRPL with the 11th Biturox licence in India.

The demand for high quality bi-tumen remains high for the grow-ing economic market.

Pörner hands over Biturox® plant to IOCL Barauni

Also the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL), India‘s largest com-pany, invested in the construction of its fourth bitumen production plant with Biturox® technology. In February 2017 the Biturox® plant was commissioned in the Barauni refinery, in eastern India.

The plant produces road con-struction bitumen grades VG-10, 20, 30 & 40 with a capacity of 150,000 TPA.

The process gives IOCL a high degree of flexibility in the choice of feedstock: refinery intermediates VR (vacuum residues) and HVGO (heavy vacuum gas oil) from vari-ous Middle East crudes can be pro-cessed.

„Now we have one of the world‘s most advanced bitumen plants that meets all quality re-quirements,“ says Mr. Shukla, Di-rector of Barauni Refinery, pleased after the successful commission-ing.

For Pörner the scope of the con-tract included licensing, laboratory pilot tests in the Pörner research laboratory, basic engineering, de-livery of the main components, commissioning support and per-sonnel training.

Biturox® is a key to the suc-cess for the Pörner Group. For over 35 years, Pörner has been investing continuously in the development of this process and will continue doing so. ◼

Better roads for India Biturox®. New Order at Mangaluru and commissioning at Barauni.


bi bitumen oxidation technology

tur xr

1972 1974 1978

Refinery KongoPlanning of a complete refinery. It started on international level – the first order for the young engineering office was a strenuous, but successful feat. Customer: VÖEST Alpine, Location: Pointe Noire, Kongo


Biturox® WörthPörner engineered its first Biturox® plant. The bitumen production process has been continuously further developed since then. Customer: Mobil Oil; Location: Wörth, Germany

Four Swedish musicians became known as ABBA. With more than 380 millions sold sound carriers ABBA is one of the most successful bands in music history.

John WayneAt the age of 72 years one of the most successful and best paid Hollywood actors of his days died in Los Angeles. The Guinness Book of Records lists him as actor with the most starring roles (142).

With the new plant in the Barauni refinery (picture) IOCL already operates the 4th Biturox® plant; MRPL is also adding a second Biturox® production line

engineering-times 3revamped by pörner

by thomas rieder

schwechat. In 2016 and 2017, the Schwechat Refinery was subjected to a routine general inspection (turn-around / TAR), which is required by law every six years. The main focus of TAR 2017 was on the re-vision of petrochemical plants. In the previous year, the focus was on fuel-producing plants.

In both years, OMV was sup-ported by the Pörner Group as engineering partner, in terms of maintenance and overhaul of the plants as well as in projects for modernizing and safeguarding the sustainable and future-viable op-eration of the refinery.

Modernization of the FCC plant - Optimization of the condensation and new waste heat boiler

One of the major projects tack-led during the 2017 turnaround was the modernization of the FCC plant. The FCC plant supplies, in-ter alia, the main feedstock for the polypropylene production to Borealis located in the immediate vicinity. In order to ensure the pro-duction capacity over the following TAR cycle, the Pörner Group was

entrusted with the implementa-tion of four modernization projects at the FCC plant, which are partly still ongoing.

In addition to the optimiza-

tion of the condensation part of the main column, the dismantling of the existing waste heat boiler E681 and the installation of a modified waste heat boiler within the FCC

plant was an important part. The waste heat boiler has to cool down the flue gas generated during the combustion in the regenerator with a temperature of about 750 °C by about 300 °C. In the new waste heat boiler, with a height of 17 me-ters and a weight of 74 tons, 13 pipe coils and 253 heat exchanger pipes were installed.

Pörner Vienna performed the engineering for piping and elec-trical and instrumentation, and was responsible for the construc-tion coordination and the project management. EDL, the Leipzig based subsidiary of the Pörner Group, was responsible for the process and mechanical engineer-ing, and supported the purchasing department. The good cooperation allowed a short lead time of the project, which was optimally inte-grated into further activities of the TAR and was completed in time and within budget.

Joined forces for success: The TAR 2017

As in the previous turnaround in 2016, OMV again entrusted Pör-ner with important support tasks for the TAR. Together with OMV and partners, an exact schedule was prepared for coordinating the tasks of over 4,000 employees of OMV and the 50 partner compa-nies. In the purging area the works

were exactly timed to clean the sys-tem components at 500 bar high pressure. This time, revision works

were carried out on four process heaters, 71 columns, 508 heat ex-changers, 698 vessels, 4,188 valves and 1,485 safety valves.

All projects were hand-ed over to the operator by the Pörner Group on schedule. ◼

OMV Turnaround 2017 in Schwechat successfully completed Refinery. Pörner Group modernizes parts of the FCC Plant.

FIT for the futureModernisation. Innovative Carbon Retrofit Unit (CRU) ensures maximum loading capacity for the OMV tank farm at Lobau

rev by pörner group



The new waste heat boiler is installed with heavy lift cranes.

The equipment parts (length: 17 m, weight: 74 t) are delivered on spe-cial heavy-duty transport vehicles.

Pörner specialist Bernhard Cudy keeps track of everything: A dismantled co-lumn is tested for material defects.

by claus roiger

lobau. In April 2016 OMV and the Pörner Group concluded an EPCM contract for the refurbish-ment of the vapor recovery unit of the tank farm at

Lobau/Austria. The goal was to in-crease the quantity of re-liquefied hydrocarbons from the vapor re-covery system - when road tank-ers, tank cars and ships are loaded with fuel.

Hydrocarbon vapors are pro-duced when loading and unloading fuels. To protect the environment, the vapors are collected in a tank

by a vapor return system and fed to a vapor recovery unit. The Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU) liquefies the gas and returns it to the produc-tion cycle.

The solution: A Carbon Retrofit Unit (CRU)

To reduce the amount of hydrocar-bons upon entry into the VRU, a study was commissioned by OMV beforehand. The Borsig company, which specializes in upgrading ex-isting VRU, developed the process for a Carbon Retrofit Unit (CRU) for this purpose.

This CRU is arranged upstream of the VRU and separates heavy hydrocarbons of the vapors from light hydrocarbons and air through diaphragm filters. Thus, the load of the downstream activated coal beds of the VRU is reduced by up to 50%, and therefore the purification capacity of displaced and returned vapors is improved.

After the process was decided

on the Pörner Group was commis-sioned to plan and implement the CRU in the existing VRU.

Pörner Vienna and its subsid-iary EDL Leipzig completed the EPCM including the basic engi-neering, authority engineering, detail engineering, invitation to tender, procurement support, con-struction supervision and commis-sioning support with integration test within a period of 16 months.

The constructive cooperation of the operator OMV, the process licensor Borsig and the Pörner Group, made it possible to prepare the permitting documents within a short time and begin with im-plementation. Since all construc-tion stages had been coordinated with TÜV Österreich and OMV at an early stage, planning and con-struction could be done according to schedule and budget.

All parties involved were hap-py with the successful start-up in June 2017.

Integration test of revamp

An integration test is compul-sory for all re-vamp projects of OMV and Pörner, as the revamp specialist, is experienced in this. The units are subject to a theoretical stress test assuming multiple faults and is thus stricter than any HAZOP (risk management according to Hazard and Operability Study).

In cooperation with TÜV the Pörner process engineers tested the integration of the new plant units to the existing plant by as-suming the theoretical maximum values and supplied the neces-sary documents based on which TÜV was able to issue a positive test report. Although the theoreti-cal maximum values cannot oc-cur in practice, it is “Safety first” that counts for OMV and Pörner.◼

The project team in front of the CRU: OMV, BORSIG (process), Strabag (construction), Kremsmüller (electrical, I&C, steel constructions and pi-ping), ABB (automation), Siemens (fire alarm system), Pörner (EPCM)

1972 1974 1978

Refinery KongoPlanning of a complete refinery. It started on international level – the first order for the young engineering office was a strenuous, but successful feat. Customer: VÖEST Alpine, Location: Pointe Noire, Kongo


Biturox® WörthPörner engineered its first Biturox® plant. The bitumen production process has been continuously further developed since then. Customer: Mobil Oil; Location: Wörth, Germany

Four Swedish musicians became known as ABBA. With more than 380 millions sold sound carriers ABBA is one of the most successful bands in music history.

John WayneAt the age of 72 years one of the most successful and best paid Hollywood actors of his days died in Los Angeles. The Guinness Book of Records lists him as actor with the most starring roles (142).


German ReunificationThe peaceful revolution in the GDR led to the Fall of the Wall in 1989 and to the German reunification in 1990. Since that time the Germans celebrate the German Unification Day on October 3rd.


Personal ComputerCommodore presented the Amiga (later renamed in Amiga 1000) in the Lincoln Center in New York, USA where Andy Warhol colorized a picture of the singer Blondie that had just been created on the Amiga. The graphics performance of the computer surpassed anything experienced so far.

Environmental Project FunderGeneral planning for a complex environmental plant at a chipboard production company. In 1991 honored with the Austrian State Award for Consulting. Customer: Funder Industrie GmbH; Location: St. Veit, Austria

Bio-chemical Lab MoscowGeneral planning of a bio-chemical lab in a socialist country; Customer: OWEG, Location: Moscow, Soviet Union

PCK shutdown 2016

Two videos on the Pörner You-

Tube channel show the plant

revamp for PCK: Revamp at

highest technical level.



die pörner gruppe


EU AccessionAfter a positive national referendum with 66 percent approval Austria joins on January 1st the European Union together with Finnland and Sweden.


ÖtziA glacier mummy from late Neolithic Age resp. Copper Age was found in Ötztal Alps (South Tyrol). The mummy is estimated to be at least 5250 years old.

Natural Gas BaumgartenRevamp and extension of a natural gas distribution station; Customer: OMV; Location: Baumgarten, Austria

Cogeneration Plant AderklaaGeneral planning of a cogeneration plant to generate power and process steam; Customer: OMV; Location: Aderklaa, Austria

bi bitumen oxidation technology

tur xr

rev by pörner group



sd by pörner group


form ldehydev

+ derivatives

solvent deasphalting

pörner network

200 kt bioethanol

chernobyl shelter 300


r +





waste gas desulphurisationrevamp vacuum plant








































our company‘s meaningThe best plant for the intended use -in close cooperation with the client

Process optimization – System automatization

Application of the best componentsu

the pörner engineering cultureA specific corporate culture with principles has been developed for 45 years:


efficiency / cost benefits"Everything from a single source" means:


Professional competence + marketknowledge = best quality of the plant

Knowledge pool based on the competenceof 500 employeesCo-operation and procurementaccording to the best bidding principle

capacity for major contracts

intensive cooperation

international45 years of international experiencefor the benefit of all clients

competencesEfficiency through complete engineering servicesfrom a single source

technologiesBitumen Processing

Formaldehyde and derivates Lubricants:Waste oil re-refining

pilot plants & inital systemsFirst-time implementation of new processes:


specialist for revamps

this is Pörner45 years of continuous


die pörner gruppe


The EuroThe Euro became the official currency of 19 EU member states. Beside the US dollar the Euro is the most important reserve currency in the world.


Nebra Sky DiskNear Nebra (Germany) a bronze disk inlaid with gold symbols is found. The disk is to be 3,700 to 4,100 years old. It dates back to the early Bronze Age and is worldwide the second oldest illustration of the sky.

Agrolinz MelaminGeneral planning of a melamine production plant (300 °C, 300 bar) including waste water and off-gas treatment; Customer: AMG Agrolinz Melamin; Location: Linz, Austria

Vegetable Processing MarchfeldGeneral planning of a plant for storage, cleaning, sorting and packing of vegetables; Client: Marchfeld Gemüse GmbH;Location: Raasdorf, Austria

bi bitumen oxidation technology

tur xr

rev by pörner group



sd by pörner group


form ldehydev

+ derivatives

solvent deasphalting

pörner network

200 kt bioethanol

chernobyl shelter 300


r +





waste gas desulphurisationrevamp vacuum plant








































our company‘s meaningThe best plant for the intended use -in close cooperation with the client

Process optimization – System automatization

Application of the best componentsu

the pörner engineering cultureA specific corporate culture with principles has been developed for 45 years:


efficiency / cost benefits"Everything from a single source" means:


Professional competence + marketknowledge = best quality of the plant

Knowledge pool based on the competenceof 500 employeesCo-operation and procurementaccording to the best bidding principle

capacity for major contracts

intensive cooperation

international45 years of international experiencefor the benefit of all clients

competencesEfficiency through complete engineering servicesfrom a single source

technologiesBitumen Processing

Formaldehyde and derivates Lubricants:Waste oil re-refining

pilot plants & inital systemsFirst-time implementation of new processes:


specialist for revamps

this is Pörner45 years of continuous


6 engineering-times

1992 - 2017


1992 - 2017



25 years of Pörner KundlInterview with Stefan Meixner. Partner of the pharmaceutical industry since 1992.

Mr. Meixner, you have been work-ing for Pörner for 20 years and thus, are an old hand, so to say. What does this 25th anniversary of Kundl mean for you?

S.M.: It made me very proud to celebrate this event together with our customers and employees. This permanence – 25 years of pharmaceutical plant engineering is not a given.

We started out in 1992 with a small ventilation project, man-aged by Ernst Matscheko, the man with the hat. From this, the Pörner Pharma Competence Cen-ter emerged, with a staff of 17 and an upwards pointing trend. What does Pörner offer to its cus-

tomers? S.M.: As a full-service plant

engineering firm we offer the full range from conceptual study, de-tail engineering through to com-missioning and maintenance. Over the years the requirements have become more complex and we have kept pace. Today Pörner Kundl provides services in plant design, HVAC, qualification, electrical and I&C, project management and pro-cess engineering. Pörner Kundl has great expertise in HVAC and maintenance. How important is HVAC in the pharma-ceutical industry?

S.M.: For the pharmaceutical industry building services (HVAC) are essential. As soon as a certain part fails to work properly, produc-tion must stop because it requires cleanroom conditions round the clock.

It is achieved by predefined air exchange rates, (air) filtration (F7, F9, HEPA, ULPA), flow directions, active measurement of the number of microbes in the air, microbio-logical environmental monitoring, special clothing regulations, con-stant monitoring and recording of pressure, temperature and air hu-

midity, to mention only a few. And what happens if something fails?

S.M.: In the event of a total fail-ure of highly critical systems for more than 24 hours, all rooms will need to be re-qualified. It would mean a production loss of 5 to 6 weeks. If you consider that the downtime costs are estimated at € 1,600/minute, you can imagine how much is at stake for our cus-tomers. Indeed not negligible!What are your goals for the fu-ture?

S.M.: Novartis is and stays our key customer. They appreciate our ability to supply the required qual-ity within the specified timeframe and budget. Especially when it comes to power engineering and maintenance. We, as a well-estab-lished team are always up to find new solutions to boost the produc-tion efficiency or lower the power consumption to secure long-term profitability.

In addition, we strengthen the cooperation with other customers. The recently commissioned fertil-izer lab for Borealis (see page 4) is a fine example of this.

As site manager I would like to express my sincere thanks to our employees for their efforts to make the anniversary celebration a suc-cess, and beyond that, for their constant and great performance over all these years. Because with-out it there would be no success.

Thank you for the interview and all the best for the future!

25 years of Pörner GrimmaInterview with Gerhard Bacher. From the „wild east“ to the wider world.Mr. Bacher, those were turbulent times when you opened the branch office at Grimma. The Change had just taken place and the industry was in demand for moderniza-tion. How did you feel back then in the former „wild east“?

G.B.: You are right, the times were rather turbulent. A 16-hour working day was not unusual. One of our first projects was the engi-neering for a wheat starch plant at Barby near Magdeburg in coop-eration with Lurgi – a multimillion project where cross-border coop-eration was imperative. We learnt a lot about large-scale plant engi-neering back then.What was new for you in Saxony as someone from Upper Aus-tria?

G.B.: The mentality was some-what different from that we were used to in Austria but our Saxon employees have always been zeal-ous, eager to learn and resourceful. It did not take long before we be-came a team that stuck together in every situation and mastered every task however complex it might be.

We could make quite a contri-bution to the culinary art. Garlic initially refused by everyone was introduced successfully by lard-ing the popular roast pork with it.

Since then it has no longer been an issue. Equally legendary is the story of how the Veltliner came to Saxony. It was in 1994 when I wanted to build up a supply of good wine for our customers. Soon two semi-trailers carrying wine ar-rived at Grimma. Our colleague meant it well – the supply was in-deed sufficient.Especially in the early years many projects were executed at close-by Leuna and Böhlen but at least since 2001 business has been glob-al. How big was the change?

G.B.: It was less than you may think. Back then we provided the basic engineering for a formalin plant in Shirvan / Iran. Although the customer was 5,000 km away from us, global business has never been a foreign word for us. In fact, we had recognized very early the great potential of formalin and for-

malin derivatives.Since then we have been focus-

ing on the technologies of the for-malin family and fared very well with it.Yes, Pörner Grimma has been the formalin specialist in the Pörner Group. Utmost importance is gen-erally attached to research and development.

G.B.: We have always been of the opinion that the future should be responded to progressively and new products developed in house rather than being overrun by them. We work closely with leading pro-cess licensors and have completed over 20 plants of the formalin fam-ily meanwhile. It was the silver catalyst process for formalin pro-duction that we improved together

with Dynea to become the best of its kind. And what about the future?

G.B.: It will be an exciting one! Our process engineers and chem-ists have developed a technology to produce high-quality silicate in a more efficient and environmen-tally friendly way than before. This „green“ and future-oriented tech-nology processes rice husks that are a waste product of rice process-ing.

This technology is used to ob-tain high-purity reusable materi-als from the ash of rice husks, such as silicate (water glass) and silicon with a variety of applications, e.g. precipitated silicon dioxide for „green tires” in the tire industry.

This technology has been met with great interest and customers from all over the world have test-ed „their ash“ to our pilot plant at Freiberg, Germany where the pro-cess parameters can be optimized depending on their needs. Our customers can thus test under real conditions.

It sounds most promising and we will certainly report about its developments. We wish you and your team all the best for the com-ing 25 years!

form ldehyde


+ derivatives

Transport of the formalin reactor to Sexsmith / Canada, 2008

Site manager Gerhard Bacher in front of the pilot plant of the new “green” Pörner technology that processes the rice husks to high-quality silicates

3 jubilarians: 2 x 25 years and 1 x 45 years: Managing Director Peter Schlossnikel clinking glasses with the site managers from Kundl and Grimma.

Managing Director Peter Schlossnikel congratula-tes site manager Stefan Meixner on the jubilee which was celebrated by Pörner Kundl together with its customers on 28th September 2017. Colle-agues and friends from Vienna, Linz, Grimma and Leipzig joined in.


US President ObamaBarack Obama was elected 44th President of the United States of America, served two presidential termes and was the first colored president in the White House.


Tsunami in the Indian OceanThe third-strongest earthquake ever recorded caused a number of devastating tsunamis on the coasts of the Indian Ocean. Approx. 230,000 people lost their lives in the earthquake.

Leuna Harze 2General planning of an epoxy resin plant inclusive auxiliary systems and off-sites; Customer: Leuna-Harze GmbH; Location: Leuna, Germany

Catalyst Production Plant QatarGeneral planning of the first production plant for high-tech catalyst for the gas-to-liquid process. Based on basics and project concept, without any intermediate step of a pilot plant, immediately the large-scale industrial plant was erected within shortest possible time. Customer: Süd-Chemie Qatar WLL; Location: Messaieed, Qatar

For more than 10 years the specialits in Kundl have been optimizing and moder-nizing purified water production plants.

Views of the 2016 inaugurated PE/PP granules depolymerizati-on plant in Webau, Germany

engineering-times 7

by peter schlossnikel

about us

NextGen Our company celebrated its 45th

birthday this year. This means that for four decades, generations of engineers have been at work.

In 1985 when Pörner converted from a layout and piping specialist to a full-service provider, a large number of first-class engineers

opted to work for us. This second generation of “babyboomers”, as a supporting pillar of the company over many years, is approaching retirement age and experienced colleagues of younger age take over.

Pörner: A talent training ground with little fluctuationIt has been a tradition with Pörner to take a group of young engineers every year right after graduation and train them. For the most part these performers are still working with us. These minimal work fluc-tuations result from our corporate strategy that our employees are our capital and that our strength builds on a well-functioning and experienced teams. Generation X,Y and Z important for the futureWith the new tasks ahead in the age of digitization, the 4th and 5th generation are now up and com-ing: The young who joined the company at the turn of the millen-nium and grew up in the internet age already are now experienced performers. They are now com-plemented by the youngest gen-eration, who have the direct com-munication of our time through Smartphone, Augmented Reality and Social Media in their blood.

Our concept “Anlagenbau 4.0” builds mainly on the networking of our employees as directly as pos-sible and a good communication with our customers and suppliers.

SummaryWith the fresh blood of the many young employees and the practi-cal know-how of the older col-leagues gained over decades, Pörner has exactly the right mix of generations to execute projects competently and to provide them with the latest innovations.

PS.: We are permanently looking for new talents!

by benjamin huber

linz. Borealis, the multination-al corporation, produces about 2 million tons of base chemi-cals, such as melamine, am-monium, urea or compound fertil-izer (NPK) every year at this site. In addition, Borealis runs an R&D centre in the industrial city on the Danube river, with over 450 ex-perts from different parts of the world. To keep the labs and pro-duction sites up-to-date, constant investments need to be made. For Chemiepark Linz, the Pörner Group has become a reliable engi-neering partner.

To keep up the high qual-ity standard of Borealis, the most recent project was the complete overhaul of the laboratory for plant

nutrients, including the lab for product control, change facilities and offices.

At the lab for the fertilizer di-vision the correct plant nutrient content of the produced fertilizer is checked and in-process qual-ity analyses are carried out. Also analysed is the sewage of the entire chemical park.

Working at a modern lab

The complete lab equipment was replaced. To facilitate procedures, the arrangement of the instru-ments and associated pipe runs for the media and gas supply was improved and the gas detection system and the ventilation systems were brought up-to-date.

As early as 2012, Pörner did the lab design, worked out a concept for spatial distribution and func-tion program and completed a cost estimate of the building services

for HVAC, electrical and I&C. In 2015 the decision was taken

to execute the project.

Conversion of lab without disrupting operation

The building phase started in Sep-tember 2016 without the lab op-eration being disrupted. As early as the end of November, regular operation of lab could resume – a result of the close cooperation be-tween Pörner and the client.

Pörner Kundl as a pharma and

lab specialist did the initial lab planning and the detail design for HVAC, electrical and I&C whereas Pörner Linz prepared the ten-der documents, the technical bid evaluation (TBE), the lab design including planning of pipe runs for media, gas and exhaust air sys-tems, the installation of the gas de-tection system and the site coordi-nation and site supervision.

In April 2017 the project was handed over to the client according to schedule and even more impor-tantly, within the budget. ◼


by thomas olbrich p i sche lsdor f . For more than 30 years, the Pörner Group has been execut-ing projects at several Agrana production sites. At the industrial site of Pischels-dorf Pörner has been planning and implementing the bioethanol plant as well as other follow-up projects such as an administrative building and a ship loading sta-tion, since 2007. The most recent project where that Pörner was on board with is the construction of an automatic screening and pack-ing plant for the organic fertilizer BioAgenasol®.

For the project with an invest-ment sum of EUR 2 million, Pörner was responsible for the feasibility study, basic, authority and detail engineering, construction supervi-sion and commissioning support.

Organic fertilizer in high demand

For organic farmers, it is still very difficult to acquire cost-effective and efficient organic fertilizer in sufficient quantities. That‘s why Agrana has developed BioAgena-sol®, an organic fertilizer entirely

made of plant material, which com-plies with the EU guidelines for or-ganic farming. Its characteristics stimulate the soil microorganisms in a sustainable manner and thus maintains soil health.

All the basic elements of Bio-Agenasol® are by-products from the sugar, starch and fruit produc-tion. An important raw material is the dry sludge (DDGS), which is gained out of the yeast biomass from the nearby bioethanol pro-duction plant.

Time is money

„Time is money“ - this well-known saying is becoming increasingly important, especially for industrial compa-nies in today’s fast-mov-ing times. The Pörner Group has already con-tributed to this by work-ing hand in hand with its customers. In the autumn of 2016, Pörner prepared the feasibility study. In January / Feb-ruary 2017, the author-ity approval was sub-mitted. In May 2017 the detail engineering had been completed, where-as at the same time the construction started. In October 2017, within

five months, the commissioning could take place.

Extensions, 17 meter high

In the new screening plant, the various grain sizes of 0-2 mm and 2-7 mm are screened and pack-aged in the packaging unit in dif-ferent packages and sizes. For this purpose, the existing DDGS warehouse has been equipped with new extensions, like an additional 400 m² hall and state-of-the-art equipment: • a tower for two product silos

with a height of 17 m• a conveyor tower with a height

of approx. 15 m,

• a screening and crushing plant with a height of 12.7 m

• a task station, approx. 22 m2,• a new conveyor bridge between

the new baggage hall and eleva-tor at 14.45 m height with an accompanying maintenance and transitional path.Five different contractors were

involved in the project execution. With the usual routine the project was precisely clocked by means of a detailed sequence planning to fulfill the short scheduling, which was achieved. ◼

Organic solid fertilizer packaged practicallyExtension. Construction of an automatic packing plant for Agrana

In the front the new packing plant, in the back the Bioethanol plant that Pörner executed as general planer 2007.

Conversion of fertilizer labat Borealis in Linz Lab. Modernization of laboratory building for plant nutrients including the product control lab, changing facility and office.

The modernized lab facilitates work processes

Company founder Kurt Thomas Pörner on his 75th birthday in 2016 together with his brother Andreas Pörner


Germany FIFA World Cup Champion The FIFA World Cup took place in Brazil and Germany became the soccer’s world champion for the fourth time.


CuriosityAfter more than eight months of flight the probe „Curiosity” landed on the Mars. Shortly after the landing “Curosity” started to send the first pictures to the earth.

Revamp of Vacuum PlantReplacement of the vacuum column, use of the advanced deep-cut process; Customer: PCK Raffinerie GmbH Schwedt; Location: Schwedt, Germany

Formalin plant LANXESSTurn-key construction of a formalin plant based on the Dynea Silver Technology incl. methanol and formalin tanks as well as methanol unloading facility; Customer: LANXESS AG, Location: Krefeld, Germany


: borea


engineering-times 8series

by thomas hermann & christian birgfellner

As is generally known the con-cept “Plant Engineering 4.0” / “Anlagenbau 4.0” for Pörner means to design and build, togeth-er with the client and by making use of the best resources, (process, special know-how, equipment com-ponents, automation) the world’s best process plant for the given

purpose. Providing engineering support for this plant throughout its entire life cycle through optimi-zation, conversion and upgrading.

It goes without saying that our project managers and specialist engineers always use the most ad-vanced tools of digitization to op-timally control planning and con-struction, to design and document the plant perfectly – and in doing so to monitor in detail all activities

in the construction phase and dur-ing operation, i.e. capture them in databases and control systems for ongoing analysis.

What can we do to work to-

gether even better – quickly and smoothly – bring the entire know-ledge and enormous expertise of our 500 engineers into almost eve-ry project and thus also achieve an optimum price-performance ratio.

Networking: Thinking about the future now

Our clients expect optimal per-

sonal service for their projects – at site and to the extent possible, to constantly include their wishes and give their input. They want to have the best specialists at their disposal when needed (and only then).

In former times the at-site-issue was solved by leasing engi-neers from design offices. This, however, made them instruction-bound quasi employees of the cli-ent and they had little bond with

their own companies.About 25 years ago framework

contracts became popular to facili-tate a permanent cooperation be-tween large production plants and engineering firms based on clearly defined terms.

Pioneers since 2000

As early as in 2000 we developed ideas on how to optimally organize

the perfect project of the future

plant engineering using the latest means of communication but the internet-based systems were not yet mature enough: not fast and not yet strong enough.

In the last decade the time has come: IT systems of almost infinite storage space and high speed are available and there are fast inter-net channels with security features for communication in almost real time. Parallel to this, all engineer-ing software tools are fully mature now. The real artistry lies in gradu-ally merging the partially redun-dant systems to a „single source of data“ base to achieve a much better

integrated working methodology for plant engineering.

The Pörner Integrated Net-work Engineering concept is continuously developed further step by step based on practical ex-perience.

Presence at site

The Network Engineering concept provides for a task force to be es-tablished at the client’s (e.g. at in-dustrial complex) that essentially consists of two groups:

• Engineers at site providing ongoing support to the client. They know the local conditions and have permanent presence.

• Project engineers for a limited period of time for individual medium-sized to larger proj-ects. They are specifically as-signed in accordance with the project requirements.

Networked with the parent company

The teams at site are permanently networked with their Pörner engi-neering offices (generally the near-est site) via digital communication and working systems.

The greater part of the engi-neering work can therefore be performed efficiently at the home office, where experienced project managers and specialists of all dis-ciplines are available. Tools such as smart 3D design (S3D, PDS, PDMS), discipline-related soft-ware and project management and design systems (SPRD, SPMAT, AXAVIA, COSMOS etc.) are avail-

able via smart interfaces. Needless to say that the client is equally part of the network of the Pörner “An-lagenbau 4.0” platform: via inter-faces to the operator documenta-tion system.

The Pörner Integrated Network Engineering thus facilitates a more intensive, closer cooperation of all parties involved in the project:

• Optimal project organizations and work structures, team building in accordance with the individual project-related requirements

• Recording and overall coordi-nation of project activities

• Rapid access to the best spe-cialists of the entire Pörner Group (out of 500 employees)

• Complete documentation of all processes and documents in the project databases

• Provision of major design capacities for complex proj-ects.

The interconnection of all eight Pörner offices will be achieved in near future so that the full ca-pacity of the Pörner Group (e.g. the strong process group of EDL or the 3D specialists of Gazintek) can be accessed for larger projects. It will thus be possible for Pörner to better utilize the engineers and specialists by way of lateral inte-gration and even improve the good price-performance ratio.

The Pörner engineers, known for their commitment and flexibil-ity, meet the highest requirements today, - also in the future our cus-tomers can rely on the pool of ex-pertise and experience and the ca-pacity of the entire Pörner Group when it comes to the construction and operation of process plants - whether small smart moderniza-tion or complex large-size proj-ects.

„Our knowledge, combined with advanced au-tomation technology, has given a real boost

in productivity. It applies to planning and con-struction of the process plant but equally to its operation. The growing number of frame-work contracts is the reward for our efforts.“

Peter Schlossnikel

In September 2017 the first bitu-men was delivered in Pörner Bitu-men Bags™ to Bolivia to a site at 2,000 m above sea level.The cold-stored bitumen is melt-ed as needed at a melting unit in an energy-saving manner and fed to the hot-mix unit. ◼

Pörner Bitumen Bags™ in Bolivia

by dominik mimra


Biturox® PlantsSeven Biturox® projects are being implemented simultaneously in Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Oman, India (2) and Saudi Arabia


Turnaround 2016Modernization of desulphurization plant HDS3, DEA2 plant as well as crude oil distillation unit RD4, completed during the shutdown in 2016; Customer: OMV; Location: Schwechat, Austria

Vienna Central Station After six years of construction, the new main railway station in Vienna opens. The prestige project, which cost a total of one billion euros, represents a significant improvement in rail traffic in and around Vienna.

60 years Treaties of RomeIn May the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome were celebrated – the foundation of the European Union.

In keeping with the Pörner motto after 45 years:In-depth Experience AND Innovationdeliver opti-mum results.

On our 45th anniversary, we look forward towards Plant Engineering 4.0 with Integrated Engineering Network.



process engineering


pörnertask force



Our clients benefit from the network of all Pörner sites and their competences.


: mim
