Please darken ID Numbers and responses completely Please turn in cards to the proctor in an orderly manner Please exit to the rear Indiana University BPO Undergraduate Career Services Career Planning and Placement Thank you for your attention and cooperation

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Indiana UniversityBPO Undergraduate Career Services

Career Planning and Placement

Thank you for your attention and cooperation

a. Strongly Agreeb. Agreec. Slightly Agreed. Disagreee. Strongly Disagree

1. Learning the use of electronic mail was an important part of the X420 course. E-mail is an acceptable communication vehicle for the course and BPO bid results.

2. Access to e-mail via your own PC might be possible. Do you own or have access to a PC in your living quarters?

a. Yesb. No

3. Electronic mail is used extensively in business 3. Electronic mail is used extensively in business organizations. Before X420, to what degree organizations. Before X420, to what degree had you used e-mail?had you used e-mail?

a. Nevera. Neverb. Seldom (once-a-month)b. Seldom (once-a-month)c. Occasionally (once-a-week)c. Occasionally (once-a-week)d. Frequently (nearly every day)d. Frequently (nearly every day)e. Very frequently (daily - e. Very frequently (daily -

sometimes twice)sometimes twice)

4. The presentation on "Creative Job Search Strategies" should prove helpful to me.

a. Strongly Agreea. Strongly Agreeb. Agreeb. Agreec. Slightly Agreec. Slightly Agreed. Disagreed. Disagreee. Strongly Disagreee. Strongly Disagree

5. The presentation on "Creative Job Search Strategies" should continue to be included in the syllabus.

a. Strongly Agreea. Strongly Agreeb. Agreeb. Agreec. Slightly Agreec. Slightly Agree

(but modify substantially)(but modify substantially)d. Disagreed. Disagreee. Remove from the Syllabuse. Remove from the Syllabus

6. The concept of networking should prove helpful and useful to me in advancing my future career plans.

a. Strongly Agreea. Strongly Agreeb. Agreeb. Agreec. Slightly Agreec. Slightly Agreed. Disagreed. Disagreee. Strongly Disagreee. Strongly Disagree

7. The instructor was well prepared for class.

7. The instructor was well prepared for class.

a. Strongly Agreea. Strongly Agreeb. Agreeb. Agreec. Slightly Agreec. Slightly Agreed. Disagreed. Disagreee. Strongly Disagreee. Strongly Disagree

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