··· f 0 HONG l<ONG ` PLANNING BRIEF (endorsed by DipCon on 9.5.2016) PROJECT NAME: Public Rental Housing Development in Tai Po Area 91 Chung Nga Road East and Chung Nga Road West Date of Preparation: 7 March, 2016 1. Site Particulars Current Proposal Remarks Tai Po Area 9 / Chung Nga Road West Total Chung Nga Road East ' 1.1 District Tai Po 1.2 Sile location Chung Nga Road {Chung Nga Road portions) and To the north of Tai Po Hospital (Tai Po Area 9 portion), Tai Po 1.3 1 .3. 1 Gross Site A!'ea 7.76 ha 1.72 ha 9.48 ha to detailed (approx) survey 1.3.2 Net Site Area 5.22 ha 0.72 ha 5.94 ha Subfect to detailed (approx) survey 1.4 Zoning "Residential {Group A)9~ -- All sites fall within the approved Tai Po OZP No. SfTP/26 1.5 Land use Tai Po Area 9: MosUy vacant with some -- Mostly vacant with natural slopes and vegetatior; / ttees. temporary I dom eslic structures; smal I portion at the southeast Chu nQ Noa Road East comer of tile site 1s Subject sfte of Short Term Tenancy {STT) 1374) granted to DSO as temporary work area via Hong Chi on quarterly b.asis. TGLA no.TP659. 1.6 Existing Land Status Government Government land and Private Lots 1

PLANNING BRIEF (endorsed by - pland.gov.hk

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PLANNING BRIEF (endorsed by DipCon on 9.5.2016)

PROJECT NAME: Public Rental Housing Development in Tai Po Area 91 Chung Nga Road East and Chung Nga Road West

Date of Preparation: 7 March, 2016

1. Site Particulars Current Proposal Remarks

Tai Po Area 9 / Chung Nga Road West Total Chung Nga Road East

' 1.1 District lo爛lion Tai Po

1.2 Sile location Chung Nga Road {Chung Nga Road portions) and To the north of Tai Po Hospital (Tai Po Area 9 portion), Tai Po

1.3 SileAr頤

1 .3. 1 Gross Site A!'ea 7.76 ha 1.72 ha 9.48 ha Subj郎t to detailed (approx) survey

1.3.2 Net Site Area 5.22 ha 0.72 ha 5.94 ha Subfect to detailed (approx) survey

1.4 Exi頭ng Zoning "Residential {Group A)9~ -- All sites fall within the approved Tai Po OZP No. SfTP/26

1.5 E団sting Land use Tai Po Area 9: MosUy vacant with some -- Mostly vacant with natural slopes and vegetatior; / ttees. temporary I dom eslic structures;

smal I portion at the southeast Chu nQ Noa Road East comer of tile site 1s alloca國 to

Subject sfte of Short Term Tenancy {STT) (Sr「 No. 1374) granted to DSO as temporary work area via Hong Chi Associa如n on quarterly b.asis. TGLA no.TP659.

1.6 Existing Land Status Government La面 Government land -一

and Private Lots




2. Deveropment Parameters I Current Proposal Remarks 丨j

Tai Po Area 9 / Chung Nga Road West Total Chung Nga Road East

2.1 Proposed Housing Type Public Rental Housing F「exibilfty should he allowed to change the housr呣 flat ty俘 to cater for demand chan罪between PRl-l and SSF subject to pro-rata aclJustments to proviscon of ancillary faci!ities in accordance .vith the HKPSG.

2.2 No. of Flats Proposed 6,900 950 7,850 ±10% shoutd be allowed for design flexibility.


2 .3 Design Poputation 17,500 2,400 19,900 The total design {approx) population ceiling of

22,262 is allo噸d subject to detailed design.

2 .4 Maximum Plot Ratio (PR) Total PRof6.0 Total PR of 6.0 一-一

(including a maximum rion-domestic PR of 0.5) {induding a maximum

non-domestic PR of 0.5)

2.5 M成mum +140mPD {al main roof) Building Height




I HKPSG Standards Provision in Current Proposal I

3. Planning Requirements accordance Remarks wHh

HKPSG Tai Po Area 9 & Chung Nga Road Total Chung Nga Road East West

3.1 Education / Welfare/ Community Facitities

3.1.1 Nursery Class & 730 half-day af1d 250 13 One 6-classroom & one 7-classroom Nil One 6•classroom Subject to EOB's Kindergarten (no. of full-day places for kin函rgartens & One 7- ag區ment

classrooms) every 1,000 children (lo serve all three sites) classroom jn the age of group of kfndergartens 3 to under6

(assuming 26 classrooms are

required for every 1,000 children aged 3

lo un函 r 6) 「

3.1.2 Prim a ry School (no. 1 whole day 43 Sile reserved for one 36-classroom primary Site reserved for one Two sites As per EOB / PlanO's of classrooms) da蕊fOOmp缸 25.5 school 30-classroooi primal) reserved to caler requ蕊t, two sit緑 for

personsag函 6-11 school for the provision primary school of total 66 development are reserved primary school resp斡tively at Chung classrooms Nga Road West and Tai

Po Area 9.

3.1,3 Secondary School 1 呻ole-day 25 Nil NH Ni1 To be served by district (no. of classrooms) classroom ps r 40 provision.

persons ag函 12-17

3.2 Recreation Facilities

3.2.1 Local Oper. Space 1 sqm PElf 匹n;on 19,900 Not less lhan 17,500 Not less than 2,400 Not 耙ssthan(sqm) 19,900

3.2.2 Children's 400 sqm per 5,000 1,592 Not less than 1,400 Not 「ess than 192 Not less than Playground (sqm) persons 1592



I Provision in ! H KPSG Standards accordance Remarks Planning Requirements

with Current Proposal

HKPSG Tai Po Area 9 & Chung Nga Road Total Chung Nga Road East West

3.2.3 Badminton Court 1 per 8,000 persons 3 3 Ni1 3

3.2.4 Table Tennis Table 1 per7,500 哼rso醢 3 2 1 3

3.2.5 Basketball Court 1 per 10,000 persons 2 2 Nil 2

3.3 Retail and Commercial To be detennined by N/A About 5,050 sqm of retail GFA About 800 sqm of About 5,850 (R&C) Fad lilies HO retail GFA sqm of retail


3.4 Social Welfare Faci!iti瞞

3.4.1 Integrated 一一 Nil 1 1 As requested by SWO, Vocational {with NOF A of about 昞th capital cosl to 比Rehabilitation 653 sq m) provided by SW D. Servic忠, Centre OVRSC} Subject to further

3.4.2 Small Group -- Nil 1 1 agreement on the detail縂 design, lhe

Home (SGH) {with NOFA of a bout subject ,veHare facilities 506 sq m}

WOU団 be handed over to 3.4.3 Child Care Centre 1 Nil 1 SWO/NGOt頲ants-- --

(CCC) (而lh NOF A of about 4昉頤 m) upon completion.

3.4.4 Early Education -- -- 1 Nil 1 and Training (wilh NOFA of about 212 sq m) Gen區 (EETC)

3.4.5 Office Base for -- 1 Nil 1 Integrated Support (with f\lOFA of about 154 sq m) Se面臨 (ISS)forPersons with Severe Physical rnsabiliti蕊



13 Planning Requirements I HKPSG Standards Provision in Current Proposal Remarks I (cont.) accordance wllh

HKPSG Tai Po Area 9 & Chung Nga Road Total

Chung Nga Road East West

3A.6 Day Care Cen昨 -- -- 1 Nfl 1 for the Elderly {with NOFA of about 358 sq m}

; (DE)

3.4.7 Residential Care 一一 1 Nil 1 Hom-a for the (面th NOFAof about 1,096 s,q m) Elderly (RCHE)

3.4.8 Neighborhood -· 1 Nil 1 Erde兩 Centre (面th NOFA of about 303 sq m) {NEC}

3.5 Parking Facilities

3.5.1 Private Car 1 per 30-33 flal.s excl. 195 -215 220 28 248 Based ori 1 per 26 flats Parking 112P flats for Tai Po excl. 1 ,412 1/2P flats (Domestic} (Outside 500m radius pa面ng ralio, as 哼「

of rail station} TPDC's 函uest for more parki 119 spaces.

3.5.2 Private Gar 1 per 200 - 300 sqm 20-30 21 4 25 Ba画 on 1 per 240 sqm Parki呣 retail GFA atTai Po Area 91 Chung (Retail) 枸a Road East; and 1

per 200 sqm at Chung Nga Road West

3 .5.3 Motor-eye「e 1 per 110 ff.ats excl. 59 53 7 60 Based on 1 per 110 flats Parking 1,412 112P flats based excl.1.412 1/2P flals

on rnstnct Based Parking Standard for Tai Po



3. Plann「ng Requirements I HKPSG Standards I Provision in I Current Proposal Remarks

(cont.} accordance with

HKPSG Tai Po Area 9 & Chung Nga Road Tota1 Chung Nga Road East West

3.5.4 Light Goods 1 per 300 - 400 flats 16 - 22 18 2 20 Based on 1 per 320 flats Vehicle Park面 excl. 1.412 112 P flats exd. 1,412 112P flats at

bas縂 on Disbict Tai Po Ar頲 9/ Chung Based Parking Nga Road East; and 1 Standard for Tai Po per3叩 flats excl. 1,412

1/2P flats at Chung Nga Road West

3.5.5 Loading/Unloading 1 per housing btock 10 9 1 10 Nina domestic b1o呔sat

(Domestic} Tai Po Area 9 / Chung Nga Road East; and one dom頲tic block at Chung Nga Road West. Actual number su bjeci to {!eta ii design.

3.5.6 Loadiog/Un1oadiog 1 per 800 - 1,200 m2 5-8 6 1 7 Based on 1 per 840 sqm {Retail) ,etail GFA, or part at Tai Po扉a 9 /Chung

thereof retail G FA Nga Road East a心 1哼r 800 sqm at Chung Nga Road West

3.5.7 Bicycle Pa心ng 1 p,er 15 flats with 316 252 64 316 Based on 1 per 15 flats at

flat size smalre r than Chung Nga Road East I

70 m2個thin 0.5 - Wesl; and 1 per 30 flats

2 km radius of a 誾 i1 at Tai Po Area 9.

stalion) (For Chung Nga Road East & West site) and 1 per 30 flats with flat size


smaller than 70 m 2

' (outside 2km radi啤 i of a rail station) {For Tai Po Area 9 sile)



13- Planning Requirements HKPSG Standards Provision in Current Proposal I

Remarks I (cont.) accordance ! with Tai Po Area 9 & Chung Nga Road Total ' HKPSG Chung Nga Road East West

I 3.5.8 loacli ng/Un!oacli ng Shared public loading a叩 unroading lay-by(s} Shared public loadi叨 . 丨

(for shared use) in close v[cinity of the entran琿 of we眶re and unloading ' . facilities should be provld卻. iay-by(s} in close 「

vicinity of the , entrance of ,ve1fa re


facilities should 囧 ' pro'llid縂户

. ' 3.5,9 Welfare Parking 3 designated pa rki呣 spaces for si対een-seater 1 designat叫 parking 6 ' : van with tail-I ifl (,vith measurement of 8m x 3m space for 5.5-ton

with minimum 悔adroom of 3.3m) for OE goods vehicie (with 2 designated pa面ng spaces for measurement of 7m twenty-four-seater van 面th tail-lift for RC HE (L} x 3.5m (W} x 3.6m and the ISS Office base (H)) for IVRSC

, ;



4. Technical Current Proposal Remarks

I Considerations/ Constraints

' 4.1 Environmenta1 :

4.1.1 Noise No insurmountable problem is envii珥ged. HD wi II carry out review of the completed EAS s as required. ' ! i

4.1.2 Air No insu rmountab1e problem is envisaged. HD wi II carry out review of the completed EASs as required.

4.1.3 Ped斡bianWind An AVA-EE has been conducted by HD. It is concluded that 面th good wi 11d responsive measu啤, such as adjusting 画ldingEnvironment 。rientation, providi11g building separations of 10m a11d 15m面de and increasing opening at ground floor, no ad<Jerse air ventilation

imp盆t is envisaged. Plano considered the AVA-EE acceptable in principle. HD面II also conduct q uanUtalive AVA studies using Computation Fluid Dynamic technique to 縐睏s the air ve ntilatfon 俘rformance of the propos紺 public housing de.velopmenls at the detailed design st.age. Suitable mitigation measures identified in the quantitative AVA would a犀o be fncorporalecl into the devero,oment as appropr•ate.



14. Technical Current Proposal Remarks '

Considerations/ Constraints (cont.}

4.2 Infrastructure :

4, 2. 1 Drainage and No i risumiountable problem is en'llisagecl. DIA was approved by DS D. CE DD面II carry out furlher SIA ancl DIA to lake into Sewerage account the u叫aleo design parameters under their Consultancy Agreement No. CE 67/2014 (CE): Site Formation and

Infrastructural Works at Area 碼 Fanling aod Chung Nga Road anc::I Area 9, Tai Po - Investigation, D頲ign and Construction.

4.2.2 Water Su即ly No insurmountable problem is en油滾ged. However, due lo the relatively high elevation of Tai Po Area 9, the water pr瞞sure in the supply system may be inadequate to reach the site uoder the peak flow condition. To provlde sufficient water pre蕊ure to Lhe site, a section- of dedicated waler mains for the water supply to the Tai Po Area 9 is required. Provision of sump-and-pump system should be co.nside函 .men uevetopi囟 Tai Po Area 9.

4.2.3 Elec届city, No insurmountable prob「em is envisaged. Telephone, G頲

4.2.4 Traffic fTransport No insu rmoun!.able p心!em is envisaged. TIA was also agreed by TD. A covered Public Transp<Jrt Interchange如URD 臨Aspects pro啉ded at Tai Po Area 9, as per the dep.artmental comments re函呤d during rezoning. CEDD 面l比arry out further TIA to take into

accountthe updated design parameters under their Consultancy Agreeme.nt No. CE 6712014 {CE): Site Formalion and Infrastructural Works at Area 48, Fa nling and Chu叨 Nga Road and Area 9, Tai Po - love逋~alion, Design and Gonslruction.

4.3 Urban Desigr., v~ual and A 20m wide visual corridor from Chuen On Road Garden to Cloudy Hill 璹 reserved betw頤n the Chung Road East r W噩t sites, as Landscape per PlanD's 泅vice.Bu藺ing gaps 埤tween -domestic blocks of 15m woutd also be de函yed as appropriate, Upon detaited design,

the layout and disposition of the propos函 housrng developmenls would be carefully consrdered 面th due regard to its surrounding environment to enhance visual 伊rmeability and improve visual compatibility wilh the adj蕊ntuses.

To optimize the op的rtunily for greening and tree plantfng」 landsca陴 planting at street level, on 蕊ium/roofs and v舐ical greening on facades woutd be provlded as appropriated. Existing trees will al so be integrated as far as 伊ssible into the pro囟sed public housing devefopm頤t. Tree buffers will also be provided along the site boundary and serve as a physccal landscape buffer between the deve1opment and the "GB'zone to the north of the sub禪ct site.

: ;

A tree survey 朊luding a tree preservation proposal would be prepared in accordarice with the requirements stipulated in OEVB i

TC(W) No. 7/2015 .a rid submitted to concerned authorities for approva, prior to commencemenl of the construction works.

4.4 Greening Ratio An overall target rateof 30% green coverage should be acilieved as far as pra面cable, as stated in the "Guiding Principles on Green Greenery, including Coverage for Pubric Houslng De11elopments" prepared by Plano and HO (1212010}. A min1mum overall site green coverage of20% verticalg啤ni度1, should wi11 be provided 面th a view to achieve h 1ghe r 哼「centage, if practicable. A target of at least 50% of the overall site green coverage be provided at various is provided at-{lrade or easity accessi b1e to p函estrians. Retain existing tr辜油ere feasible. A minimum of 3 trees per 100 sqm of levels, such as podium the total gr班m cove rage wm also 碌 provided. and flat roofs as

appropriate, with priority for tree p,aoting at-grade.

8 .



j 4. Technical Current Proposal I Remarks I Consi derati onsl Constraints (cont.}

4.5 Geotech nical Natural Terrain Hazard Study for TP9 & CNRW had 昀en carried out to assess the potential natural te唧 in hazards affecting the pro囟sed hous[ng development. GEO of CEDD replied on 23 September 2014 that further natural terrain hazard study is not required for TP9 and HD 、viii submit further submission for CN RW i ri due course. Site Formation works comprising of creating 酯Wslopes and retaining walls for building platfo面s, 1mprovemenl f upgrading works to the existing slopes, and mitigation and S缸bilization works to natural terrain ihiU be agreed wilh GEO of CEDD at the detail函 desig11 s缸ge. !


! 5. Development Programme Current Proposal Remarks

Tai Po Area 9 & Chung Nga Road West Chung Nga Road East

5.1 Piling Commencement Tai Po Area 9; 201912.020 20210.022 Date (subject to land resumption

Chung Nga Road East: 2017/2018 and clearance completion)

5.2 Bui協 ng Completion Date Tai Po Area 9: 2022t23 2025/26

Cnung N']a Road East: 2020/21

6. Attachments

6.1 Lo虛tion Plan (Plan 1)

6.2 Development Concept Plan (Plan 2)


1. NET SITE AREA (NSA): In accordance with the Hong KOI1Q Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG), the NSA should exclude: (a) district and public open space, public recr瑯ion facilities, free-standing schoo~and community facititfes {i心uding those on the podium), open-a if public transport term涵II

interchange; (b) inlema1 roads; and (c} natural vegelaled slopes a面 man-made slopes (for the latt包, except slopes for re翦rded to fonn developa ble arna).

2. NUMBER OF FLATS AND DESIGN POPULATION: To allr,w flexibility in the des頲,士10% adjuslment will be allow函 for lhe number of flats and design population ceili rig of 22,262 togelher with corresponding adJustments to ancillary facilities in line 函lh HKPSG or the r吋ui rements of client departments. If a project remaillS within the 10% flat number allowance




and design population ceiling of 22,262, no re這on to PB and no re-submission to DipCon is necessary subJect to 110 adverse comments from client departments on the correspondfng adjustments to ancrna ry facilities.

3. GROSS FLOOR AREA (GFA}: Covered pubtic transport !erminalfinter函ange should be accountable for GFA calculation.

4. PLOT RATIO (PR): PR should be calcu1at縂 o rl'the basis of net site area.

5. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF GFA, PR AND BUILDING HEmHT: OZP restrictions have to 悔 specified under the Remarks column. The maximum GFA, PR and No. of storeys or building height for the 凶rrent proposal should be based on the optimal development intensities or the site 面1h reference to re1evant planning studies or proposa1 by PlanD, or HD, with justifications i函ead of blanket adoption of lhe ma.xi mum development reski叻ons stipulat函 fn the OZP.

6. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT in mPD: Should there be variations 1n he迫 ht limits aC<oss the site, the different maximum heights in mPD at main roof level permitted should 函indicated on a p1an.

7. PLANNING REQUIREMENTS: The District Planning 0柘ce wi II check comp I iance wilh the HKP SG 汕ere appropriate.

8. SOCIAL WELFARE AND COMMUNITY FAClLITIES: District and territorial 這are/community facitities are determined by dierit de怛rtments (SWD, HAD, etc) and any site ar頤involved in free s缸ndi rig facil[ti斡 should 屆 excluded from 禪 area 扁 PR calculation.

9. RETAIL AND COMMERCIAL FACiLITIES: HD 面II determine the amount of retail floor sp.ace required fn the development.

10. PEDESTRIAN WIND ENVIRONMENT; HPLB / ElWB Joint Technical Circular No. 1/06 on Air Ventilation Assassmen\s to be referr碰 if appropriate.

11. DEPARTMENTAL COM MEN TS: Fol lowing circulation, a summary of comments 面th responses should be included 1n the appendix for submission of the draft 倬an ning brief for endorsement by DipCon.

Prepared by Planning Section, Housing D叩artment

o1e End of Report令**