69 ADELAIDE AIRPORT / MASTER PLAN 2019 / PRELIMINARY DRAFT 5 Planning and Development Approach

Planning and Development Approach - Adelaide Airport...prioritising customer initiatives and company-wide proQects are shown in igure - . or more than 10 years, Adelaide Airport has

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Page 1: Planning and Development Approach - Adelaide Airport...prioritising customer initiatives and company-wide proQects are shown in igure - . or more than 10 years, Adelaide Airport has




Page 2: Planning and Development Approach - Adelaide Airport...prioritising customer initiatives and company-wide proQects are shown in igure - . or more than 10 years, Adelaide Airport has


5.1. AirportVision

To realise this vision, AAL will consistently:

Nurture strong relationships with stakeholders ffer a great customer experience evelop the expertise of its talented team eliver high uality facilities and services

that are regarded as best in class, safe, secure and sustainable

trive for innovative solutions and continuous improvement

Partner responsibly with the community

5.2. DevelopmentApproach

ey focus areas for the development and execution of this aster Plan include delivering a great customer experience striving for innovative solutions and achieving sustainable outcomes. hese underpin the day-to-day operations of the airport and what AA strives towards.

5.2.1. Customer ExperienceAA recognises that customer service is more than infrastructure, e ciency, cleanliness, people, ambience and retail. It encompasses the entire airport experience. his is evident in AA ’s ustomer ervice

harter that is shown in igure -1.

Airport customers which include travellers, meet and greeters, business partners, stakeholders and employees have uni ue demographics, needs, wants and expectations. In recognition of this, AA has established a Promoting Airport ustomer xcellence Working Group that includes representatives across the entire airport community.

ecent customer service initiatives at Adelaide Airport include:

btaining certification from the ustomer ervice Institute of Australia

Adelaide Airport’s Ambassador Program, which has been operating for 1 years, was extended in ovember 01 to include andarin-speaking volunteers who provide assistance and information to hinese and other passengers in the international departures and arrivals areas

Accessibility improvements for mobility-impaired customers

erminal events including live music performances and Adelaide ringe exhibitions

aily parking customer survey

he customer ourney starts before arriving at the airport and includes the experience from entering the Airport Business District all the way to boarding the aircraft. pportunities to enhance the airport’s customer experience are considered at all stages of planning, design and operations. AA has established service policies, protocols and guidelines for service delivery to make the whole experience seamless, connected and consistent. he key areas for prioritising customer initiatives and company-wide pro ects are shown in igure - .

or more than 10 years, Adelaide Airport has participated in the Airport ouncil International’s passenger satisfaction benchmarking programme, Airport ervice uality A . A enhances AA ’s understanding of passengers’ needs, priorities and expectations. he monthly survey results allow AA to monitor performance over time, which assists in prioritising improvements to customer services and

AAL’s vision is “to be a top-tier airport usiness in Asia acific recognised

for de ivering e ceptiona outco es to its custo ers partners shareho ders and co unit

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facilities. he global nature of the survey also permits benchmarking of performance against local and international peers.

ince commencing the programme, Adelaide Airport has consistently rated in the top three places among all Australian and ew ealand airports for overall customer satisfaction.

AA regularly releases the uality of service report on the AA website. he results of a recent report are shown in igure - . ustomer feedback through A and other forms also informs upgrade and development planning.

Figure 5-1: Adelaide Airport Customer Service Charter

AA recognises that ustomer xperience is not ust about the passengers. AA also strives to ensure that businesses and their visitors have an exceptional experience through e cient land use planning, design and delivery of commercial developments.

Adelaide Airport participates in a global airport benchmarking passenger survey program - Airport

ervice uality A . We also welcome customer feedback and are always happy to hear your thoughts on your experience at Adelaide Airport. An overview of our recent survey and feedback results can be seen on the next page.

our e perience ade eas We will provide services and facilities that are op ier within Asia Pacific.

We aim to entertain, delight and exceed your expectations. We will provide e cient, friendly and helpful services. We will make your experience as safe, seamless and comfortable as possible.

We will assist you with the rules and regulations that affect us.

e are istening We welcome your feedback. We will continue to find better and more responsive ways to communicate with you.


Page 4: Planning and Development Approach - Adelaide Airport...prioritising customer initiatives and company-wide proQects are shown in igure - . or more than 10 years, Adelaide Airport has


éé Internationalêê Domestic

éé Internationalêê Domestic

Website/ Online parking

Entry & Street access


Plaza Transition

Transition to Level 2

Departures Concourse and Info Services

Security Screening





International Security

Customs Outbound

Duty Free / International Retail

Gate Lounge

Boarding via Aerobridge

Airline Lounge

Gate Lounge

Boarding via Aerobridge / tarmac



Quarantine Health Check

Deplane via Aerobridge or tarmac

Arrivals ( Level 1)Concourse

Duty Free


Customs Immigration Primary Line

Border Marshals

Baggage Collection

Ground Floor

Direct Exit / Quarantine Check / Customs

Deplane via Aerobridge or tarmac

Gate Lounge

Arrivals Concourse



Baggage CollectionTransit to Ground Floor or Linkbridgedirect to Car Park



Ground Floor Concourse

Information Services

Plaza Transition


Exiting Airport

Figure 5-2: Customer Experience Journey


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éé Internationalêê Domestic

éé Internationalêê Domestic

Website/ Online parking

Entry & Street access


Plaza Transition

Transition to Level 2

Departures Concourse and Info Services

Security Screening





International Security

Customs Outbound

Duty Free / International Retail

Gate Lounge

Boarding via Aerobridge

Airline Lounge

Gate Lounge

Boarding via Aerobridge / tarmac



Quarantine Health Check

Deplane via Aerobridge or tarmac

Arrivals ( Level 1)Concourse

Duty Free


Customs Immigration Primary Line

Border Marshals

Baggage Collection

Ground Floor

Direct Exit / Quarantine Check / Customs

Deplane via Aerobridge or tarmac

Gate Lounge

Arrivals Concourse



Baggage CollectionTransit to Ground Floor or Linkbridgedirect to Car Park



Ground Floor Concourse

Information Services

Plaza Transition


Exiting Airport

Page 6: Planning and Development Approach - Adelaide Airport...prioritising customer initiatives and company-wide proQects are shown in igure - . or more than 10 years, Adelaide Airport has


How we have performed over time

Our Performance in comparison to our peers

Overall SatisfactionScore out of 5

4.23Top 5 Key Drivers of Passenger Satisfaction (Rank of Most important)

Airport Service Quality (ASQ)

What we are working on right now

* ASQ uses a 1 to 5 point scoring system. 1 = Poor 5 = Excellent

* ASQ uses a 1 to 5 point scoring system. 1 = Poor 5 = Excellent







Q12017 Q22017 Q42018Q12018 Q22018 Q32018Q42017Q32017

















New taxi drop off area

Plaza safety improvements

Regional arrivals canopy

Terminal expansion project

Security screening point improvements


Figure 5-3: Quality of Service Report


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Active conversations with our customers

Quality of Service Report Oct - Dec 2018

Customer Feedback Social Media

We received 188 items of customer feedback

Average time to close out feedback: 13.8 days

Excellent customer service from air ort taff ol nteer A a a or

Terminal cleanliness Solar panel installation on

Terminal car park roof

Ground transport ro off ic area

Security procedures at screening point Comfort of seating areas

From the total number of passengers through the terminal

Oct 2018 – Dec 2018




Oct 2018 - Dec 2018FacebookCheck-in

“Really disappointing food options”

m ro e the dro o and ic including or taxis

reat ir ort ith easy access to get in and out o tarsFriendly sta and olunteer


To view our customer feedback and complaint handling process, please click here.

10K Followers reached

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5.2.2. Innovationechnologies and other innovations will improve

customer experience, optimise operations and reduce disruptions. echnologies that are already being implemented at Adelaide Airport include the progressive upgrade from conventional check-in counters to self-service check-in and bag drop, use of permanent bag tags to replace paper bag tags, and mart ate automated self-service border control services.

he development and implementation of this aster Plan is not ust about building infrastructure, but also about thinking innovatively to deliver solutions that are right for AA customers, inclusive of passengers, tenants, airlines and commercial businesses located at the airport.

echnologies that may be considered in the future include

se of smart phones to guide passengers through the entire travel ourney, from when they leave home to when they are at the airport

Permanent bag tags embedded in passenger luggage that facilitate Decentralised bag drop, such as a drive-through

at the airport or at hotels or in the city, to allow passengers to arrive at the terminal with bags already checked-in and unencumbered by luggage

ag factory, allowing luggage to be checked-in at any time and screened and stored until ready for loading on aircraft

ombined security and emigration walk-through screening that applies biometric technology

elf-boarding or boarding by autonomous shuttles for aircraft departures

aggage on-demand, which provides smart phone notification when bags are ready for collection and allows bags to be delivered direct to the customer within the terminal or to the customer’s destination e.g. house or hotel

Autonomous vehicles within and around the Airport Business District

Innovation is not ust centred on passenger processing this approach is also applied to AA ’s commercial endeavours. AA continues to work with current and potential tenants to integrate innovative developments across the Airport usiness istrict.

his has been showcased with the state-of-the-art pathology laboratory which has recently opened in

urbridge usiness Park and the new A ax facility which is the first of its kind in Australia and will use leading edge technology to help train young footballers.

he Adelaide Airport of tomorrow will feature new technologies and processes that make the customer experience faster, easier and more intuitive.

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5.3. DevelopmentObjectives

aking into account AA ’s vision for the airport and key development focus areas, the following development ob ectives underpin the overall development plans in this aster Plan. hese ob ectives also guide specific future investments in facilities and infrastructure across the Airport usiness istrict.

Figure 5-4: Development Objectives

ontri ute to Ade aide and South Austra ia s econo ic gro th

e iver innovative so utions for a airport users

or c ose ith air ines govern ent and the co unit

e iver infrastructure to support operations and the co ercia via i it of the airport

ed sustaina i it in a that e do

Prioritise customer experience

rotect the safet and securit of assets and peop e

5.2.3. Sustaina i itAAL is a sector leader in global airport sustainability and is committed to sustainable business practices to ensure a healthy and safe environment for its employees, passenger and airline customers, and the community.

AA ’s ongoing work in the core areas of environment, social and governance has been recognised through Adelaide Airport being ranked number one in the

lobal eal state ustainability enchmark for participating airports in 01 and 01 , establishing itself as a leader in sustainability both within Australia and internationally.

In ecember 01 , AA signed a 0 million seven-year ustainability Performance inked oan with A the first of its kind in Australia that incentivises a

borrower to further improve its performance against a set of environmental, social and governance criteria.

Receiving recognition as a sustainability leader in its sector re ects AA ’s success in operating a sustainable business that is responsible and trusted by all stakeholders, including the community, its customers and shareholders.

AA has adopted the principles and concepts of the International Integrated eporting ramework.

his framework seeks to bring greater cohesion and e ciency to the reporting process through an ‘integrated thinking’ approach and focuses on creating value over time. As part of this, in 01 AA completed an inaugural materiality assessment based on guidance provided by the lobal eporting Initiative standards. his assessment not only gauged how stakeholders view AA in terms of environment, social and governance elements, feedback also helped identify potential risks and opportunities including emerging issues that could impact AA ’s business success and stakeholder relationships in the future.

AA ’s ustainability Policy and orporate ustainability trategy is the foundation for AA ’s

sustainability ourney. ogether, they provide a documented commitment to sustainability that is core to business planning, developments and operations. urther information on AA ’s approach to sustainability

is provided on the Adelaide Airport website www.adelaideairport.com.au

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5.4.2. Sta eho der onsu tationAA ’s approach to consultation is focused on creating robust, transparent and collaborative communications. AA uses creative, innovative and engaging communication techni ues to interact with the community.

Adelaide Airport continues to engage with local communities surrounding the airport through a range of committees and forums.

Ongoing consultation enables AAL to engage with ommonwealth, tate and ocal overnment

authorities, aviation operators, airport tenants and the community through a range of forums. his currently includes the following Ade aide Airport anning oordination oru

he Planning oordination orum P fosters high level strategic discussions between AAL and

ommonwealth, tate and ocal overnment representatives to improve the coordination of planning for the Airport usiness istrict and surrounding areas. Ade aide Airport onsu tative Committee

he Adelaide Airport onsultative ommittee AA which includes local community representatives and key government and regulatory stakeholders is a forum where issues relating to the operation of the airport and potential effects on the local community can be raised. his includes topics such as aircraft noise, car parking, tra c access, environment and sustainability, bike-path access and commercial developments. he outcome of these community discussions informs the development of the aster Plan and associated nvironment trategy. Ade aide Airport echnica or ing roup

The Adelaide Airport Technical Working Group AA W is a sub-committee of the AA that provides a forum for AA , Airservices and other key stakeholders to evaluate:

Operationally required changes nvironmental impacts of aircraft operations he impacts of proposed ma or developments on

air tra c control pportunities to improve aircraft noise outcomes

for the community

5.4. ConsultationandEngagement

5.4.1. Introductionhe successful operation and development of Adelaide

Airport depends on the continued engagement with a wide range of stakeholders who are impacted by, andor who impact, the airport.

In 01 , the ommonwealth overnment released its Airport evelopment onsultation uidelines.

he uidelines state that an effective consultation program is one that ensures that a proposal has been fully explored, concerns identified, and alternatives considered. owever, this may not necessarily mean that all interested parties will be satisfied with the outcome.

onsistent with the uidelines, AA undertakes a range of ongoing consultation and education mechanisms to

Inform stakeholders and the community about on-airport land use, planning and developments

Seek input on alternative approaches and options Provide information about what AA has done,

is doing, and plans to do Meet legal and regulatory obligations Provide stakeholders with the opportunity

to in uence the views of key decision makers

AA is committed to ongoing and collaborative engagement with the community and stakeholders in relation to the planning, development and operations of Adelaide Airport. takeholder and community input is an important part of the

aster Plan process.

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5.4.3. aster an onsu tationThis Master Plan has been developed in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders. hroughout this process, AA has considered the feedback received and, where possible, sought to address the concerns and issues raised. eve op ent of the aster anAA has undertaken extensive consultation for the preparation of this aster Plan. his has included

he regular P and AA meetings which have provided extensive feedback on airport planning considerations

takeholder workshops to explore the planning elements detailed in the aster Plan

riefings which have been conducted with relevant tate overnment agencies, ocal

overnment, aviation industry stakeholders and consultation groups

elease of an exposure draft version of the Master Plan to key stakeholders including the

tate epartment of Planning, ransport and Infrastructure, ommonwealth epartment of Infrastructure, ransport, ities and egional

evelopment, epartment of the nvironment and nergy, Airservices, A A and airlines e ease of the re i inar raft aster an for u ic o ent

As re uired by ection of the Airports Act, the Preliminary raft aster Plan is available for public comment for a period of 0 business days. Access to the Preliminary raft aster Plan for public comment has been advised and provided through:

Publishing a newspaper notice inviting members of the public to provide written comments

aking copies available for inspection and purchase at Adelaide Airport

Providing an electronic copy for viewing and download on the Adelaide Airport website, www.adelaideairport.com.au masterplan

aking copies available for inspection at surrounding ocal overnments

In accordance with the Airports Act, prior to the aster Plan being advertised for public comment, AA

has advised the following persons of its intention to give the ommonwealth inister a raft aster Plan

he inister of the tate in which the airport is situated with responsibility for town planning or use of land

he authority of that tate with responsibility for town planning or use of land

ach ocal overnment body with responsibility for an area surrounding the airport

o support the release of the Preliminary raft aster Plan for public comment, AA will undertake the following activities

ace-to-face engagement activities igital engagement through social media Information on the airport’s website Provision of supporting information covering

key matters such as aircraft-noise management, safeguarding airport operations, land use and commercial development, and the environment

riefings to key stakeholders and community groups

Availability of copies of aster Plan 01 hard copies and electronic) u ic o ent Su issionsPublic comment submissions are to be made in writing and sent to Adelaide Airport before close of business on 28 October 2019.

aster an Su ission

Ade aide Airport i ited a es Schofie d rive

Ade aide Airport SA

ai aa asterp an aa co au

In accordance with the Airports Act, AA must consider submissions received during the public comment period. Where possible, the concerns and issues raised will be incorporated into the raft aster Plan that will be presented to the ommonwealth

inister for consideration.

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80 ADELAIDE AIRPORT / MASTER PLAN 2019 / PRELIMINARY DRAFT Su ission of the raft aster an to the o on ea th inister

As re uired by the Airports Act, the submission of the raft aster Plan to the ommonwealth inister will

be accompanied by the following materials

A copy of each written comment received during the public-comment period

A written certificate signed on behalf of AA , containing: A list of names of the people or organisations

that provided written comments to the Preliminary raft aster Plan

A summary of the comments received vidence that AA has given due regard

to those comments u ication of the ina aster an

In accordance with ection of the Airports Act, AA will undertake the following notifications following approval of the aster Plan by the

ommonwealth inister

Publish a newspaper notice advising that the Adelaide Airport aster Plan 01 has been approved

ake copies of the aster Plan 01 available for inspection and purchase at Adelaide Airport

Provide an electronic copy of the approved aster Plan for viewing and download on the Adelaide Airport website, www.adelaideairport.com.au masterplan