PLAINFIELD EVENING NEWS. "ESTABLISHED 1884. PLAINFIELD, N. J., "THE COLORADO OF THE EAST," THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, .89O. PRICE TWO CENTS. At shout leu oclnok lbi« morning Acting CWef Rnpneer H«WP Palrcblld reoatvad ,r^ that the ftr. had broken out »«at»- Be geared aw-™i n*™. ux* the evaamar to the KMW ud WHO -u.-™i«] la •itfi«uUhin(t flre eon bitrhed might b T Am Ri Oil The* WbO EBB togbefoi al half |' ipanlea In thta up ready to «ir need*!. Tbsy HE DECISION m landau * Mnrln»'*ft as of Henrietta ir^Hl her hroW mlt and lialtary .• J.:-•;•-..• Fl-r ly lit four oVIorfc. n]!>.l-1 last ntgbt tba city had their bines >any aw4Manca that were not talked upon RESERVED- la Ibr «'•-«• of t>«.OrdaT. Ooeti\ tb* woaa.il yesterday aftexnoen A snort trme ago Tbe contraea waa e i -eul#d In danunsU tbe sTtk day of December, 18W. an I dans* 58 •aim (bat paymaota sball begin sixty daya tnerraftn-. It kl Jnst sa wed to anderstand latter rl*ut at tbe ontert tn avoid doinf tba company InjoatlOB By tba coaatrnFtion OB It by Mr. Moore, who app»ar< to th** leeway. Bat wa don't aapp», if a m l rliepneitioa to art fairly toward tbe waa •!..>- n, tbat tba Watar Board woaid t to spMhairs over tbe matter. Oar ob. In calling attention to it la, their for*. only to determine which hi tbe If H tad* ta advana* it « n » dear that the Or* rl nntil lirty ilaj-i afterward, tbe infsr- wwin. r W a l . l t that tbe paymentl for aervtcas rendrred-tnat I* for Jan- nary aod February privileges; It is doubt' fill ir eollortfoo could be made la advance ta |n r;.»•(! went to I, n j w William A. Cal- dtnctoa and t-.l-l him that •!>- bad cone to htrbrothM". bouwoti Jaly ?tb, for tbe pur- p v n l i-nM-lma « .M.\ whi-n Ilie latter be- o i w angry sod iToslly treated har. She. *.!•< Mr. Coddlngton that sb* bad no money tat (bat alia wanted b*r brolbsr prosecuted for In- i. tim - Inward ber. After bearing th. ..«.*»-• »wrr Mr. Coddinslop liiforinrd ti. r that he would art a* ber ™ w l ID tbe ea- ant woiil.l w a i n all feea. Wben tbo rate MIMup yeatarday at noon Hn. (loati took tb* wltoeaa Maad and •wore ii.ii ber l.r t'.-r had (nelly si- »r< 1"Jt r, d—-riLitm ih-aimiilt III .Mail. D n Carmwi ami HatUann i w o n (hat tb#y bad dlacorered marhnon tbe woman* pTMB, wben tbey were rxanilninc bar aa to h*r proaeeutlon and •>*•»] panooa n n ppr- aiittr.] to make MateaMnto In behalf of tbe <Wem». The HOD. John fldeb rrpraaanted tba iHmtant. It - a . nearly tan o'clooh (•- for* tbe taklns of taatlnvny waa cnocladad. Juttm 1 lar.'7 narrel daoMoo. Hits if tba day of priotsn' Ink, aad the price* are for those wbo uw It. Yonr tradi- tinraand prajudhwa may be to tbe contrary. bat tbe world d o n ' t w e a Bg for the*. Tb* n an who -ta and walb) for his Irade In tbtse rfsra t*ts left. Don't advertt.-. don't quote jour print lists, don't sse tbat yoor city or your l««n.w. Is represented In your netrooiilng territory, and dott* stand manfully alongside of those who are fight for viiur rights and mtertabt, and there b* l«it one ramlt-ebrivellag up. Qood salas- men. Unit clest arbctsa. Kilt-edged credit are oos niongb. Tbey are eirellent, necessary— tmt not enough. Printers' Ink beats them in tbe long ruo. Uncle Ban's malls «o every day, carrying ".hair fright of special uttrn. ncwVrot- lsnit credit., cash dbwwots, Jon tots, and lovera'tales rtom everywhere. And tn the end your trade la sadnosd. Bf« (be world-old atory "f tbe bonrysd tonciia tbe —oood payment waa for March, tbe third fur April, tbe fourth tor Hay aod tbe «,(J00 paid by Mr. Moore yee- d «w> for JUM and Jut;. a> MM to hare been claimed by Mr. Kevball In hs. re- in ooanal, m cl»inv«i by T m Nswa, an etninant U«al gentleman employ*! 10 look Into IU euodltton by one of the com- pany'! UrtpM eredtton wbo bad bannae theac\laya oid bal.W and aaenriaUo^H (iraplr eannoc ata»l tbe pewara. The trad* ti hr tbe man wbo DMprlaun' Ink. f Tit* Kiuki M I .«!• Traaj. A r*ae ha* Jiwt IKWBdaeedad Involving tbe qontlon, bow far romptnic* tn oarrrtnai in lopplnii u-m which. «pon or overhanging tbe h«h«ay. interfere •saVMeh Tbe decMon fstabliebes tbal if aa electric •Ugtrtiag company m oarrylpg a i.uiiii. road within tbe lin •srSsSad lug up or overhanging tba road, they Jurtned m lopping them aa far as maj Tnsy mutt not be lopped n a aboakl be I h r TI ( . . t o - Biuai •!»•• Th- laet nit«>nunity M(SOB H »IOU to l*-o« Braajea, Aabnry Park and Ocean Wtrran lalon Mawhia en-uraiaa win than 1 PMblMIX •ywwooai wil and Ketbrrwood Sunday THE WATER COMPANY'S PAYMENTS- paid that far tats tba City _ *e Water Work. Co , on ae- tbs «8,0D3 to be paid, are sa foUon. i3 pa;***!* CUPPIHOrl FROM EXCHANOES. The Utdgn Valley Railroad Cwnaay -111 vm arast a H I >tat»* at Bound Brook. Mra, Cbarle* C a n , of May* Leading, kw> Ciuwlug hi bar yarj a (anfloww f n n i a c faatadtb. la tnJail at Traaaon, obantad * etabkt* •aaurday on H i t Julia Lippfocoti, who la in Camdeo County Jail on a taaw of tDFRtrr. The (git n i broucbt agamK Mary C Balna* bytheUallad IVrunty Ufa In—ranci and Trail Company, and Mn. Llppinoott boki, a artsaKa on a property aboM to be aold. Proreanr Ueor>e H. Hortbam, for more «n thirty year* aa instructor In »-bool Din- trtct No, S.S, dtod at B r m * yvatorday. Hi« death K- '.'-ra! rullapee uf Ibe tjiUta. p j . mrm attack of tba grip and a abock prodnoml by toe recant amputation of hla I'll l*g. rrral of tba flint (laai worta of Bridce- Kirxiy Yeaiarday the larce works of «li. Tiinm ft Co.. of kUUTilla, an to mean what it aaya that tbe pay- yerterday- for July and AogBSt. In i case, if tbe pajm—it» are ooostrued by tty to be for services rendered then •mold leave June still doe, with August paid partly In advance. We re-i.ni.lcli cLuie '-. under which tbe lymeota are mad- as follows : ,X. Tbe cncapenr ahall pay to the cttj.aa tbewurk pronnBH, the u n of rta-hi ih'iu*- ,,n.1 •] .11:117* i|*JK»i>. monthly imnallmiTit* <•! Il.nti M E hratnnln* alxti dan rn.m <lntp of ifc-llMrv uf n m l n i / 1 , «n.I »Fi) dirt In r -urn n>tt Can Tauer !• "<»••• Krror. Cora Tanner, rapponed by an admirable company a|>(W<d la "One Brror" at Muric Hall bwt tTMtac, before a medium (be, but —Saturday. An(oM aHb, will be n i t wattr y for ifaa oolond people at Florida Urore. -Tba C m » u will proa bate with the M<*n>(«ilitai» la • tame of ban ball Best Saturday afternoon. -Ciiattn bava I. *n prrpvisd ahawlac that ( h e e f e h a s 7 » diattnet FXnreariona, conTey- —Tbe mtDagrnMfit of tba CreaMOBi wi 1) k Ih i ( N i b C ¥~ ' aeaday to play a Kama arltb place. Collar* and coffe, A large party from Heiherwood rm In attendance. They were In a happy mood. and fnh-nsMd tbe audience during tbe acts by A carious medley of costnoHa were noticed. Several gmUemen of tbe NeUterwood con- in tbe regulation evening drew, other* were In "pepper«nd-B*lt" coatn and one stalked In clad in a white flannel tennis mlt Tbe remarks on thw latter costaOM Was Tanner fully jn*U6ed tbe enviab reputatloOBbeeoioyBaa-tbeAiiurtcu Star wa* oalled before tba curtain seven in progress al Plaianeld wbo refine to dose tbeii •Co tne Plalnoetd derk( onaniied and •I in Icdacing a larg* proportlaD of tbe ban* (o ckwa early. 8mral, however, raf»vd to join tbe morcweat, and th* derk* dwtribnuns oircutan aakuiK tbe pabUc A qufat boycott i taioM K. placwaof t ioc reawftratlon and daflMnti oanMr* for Horth PlalaaeU: Fred. W. Wake- FROM OVER THE STATE. tbe Ptainfteld tribe of Order c f Red Man ba.1 a k»c -laeaday night to Hew oaly rioitty -.warted. aod it taclode* i at tbe aXDeHant yow • mea in the ptaoa. Tbey made arranfjewjrata Tuetrlay night to Tint Ahwaga Trltir of 5aw Bronawtek, aa tbat body naate eoofar daa-raea oa two can- wtaked to*p« rarttalliaaa, ate , to- rn aapper at a popular rater*!'*. At nine o'olook tbe PMnuetd of t b a a M a b m c f t b * Abwaffa Trlbr, bad n - J word tbat tbey n i d d aoraly arrtn, it we* deoded to pnttnciae tbe atmtrrrin* m in. The Ahwiga men waited for lj an Hour, but at tea o'clock DO TUiton bad appeand, and it > a thought tbat ibe much for tbeco, and they bad plea i -ill I « tul I( employed. Tbe hurrrDW thi tm«h »* orrMMny and ..1journ- at 10:30 In a lew momenta the men had left for tbeir hnrae.. and hardly bad they dona so wben tbe PUInA>ld men, wbo bad delayed by tbe rain and a pair of alow a, ilroTe up. Ttfn ware about thirty of them, and tbey bad oone in •tape. Only Haw Bmoawick men were pr—int. of papier macu. awndry, and are n than those of d to be n u n of lolotd. —Saturday • « tbe 3Mb, aiinliwaaij of (bop O'Parreiri ordlaatlon la toe n>in ieti-y, braird bu Brat mate. -••Tominj, If ,ou eat any nwr» of . .<-Umyon will die." "Well, mom," I otomy reatinedly, "they nay a watery gr u e u r deaUL-Kz. —Tbe annnal meetiiki of tbe Somerset County Huoday-vbocI awodation will be on -toraday. BepL 9tn, ID tbe Second Reform cbarcbof thai place. —Tbe premlniD tM ror cbe S-w Jeney State rair baa been uaoed. Tbe fair will be held at Waverly during tbe week brginniajt Sept. Sd. »JU.OOu m each preminoM win t* awarded. —tot. Kodioott Mates thit tba oondlttoa of H i t Anna Cairncraai' lnns« waa well-known Wt member of tbe Mubl-oiwc« Boepital etaffand tbatttte autopay wai b •! I to aaoer- win be fanuabad by tba dkrto. Oomat Band. Tbe following penoaa are tba nfllr*r» of tbe "family' 1 : Uaiah Smith. Prea«leot; "- Smith, Vi " •" —Tot Sirw( baa one of the maet elab id romi lete map* of tbe city of PUfa and boronah of Horth Ptalnfleld erer cottea up. |. have cort n U v n aa much aa •!<>, i propoac to elie thai map to all aubacriber* free as ROOD a* It can be gotten ready. ipaaed of aawdoat and Tbe mixture, baring been well worked up with watar, i. pot Int uld" and pn^aad into whabiTer ahape mi deaired. A eefeaitinc aathority a*ya it I mprrmeable to water, I puliah.Bn4 i- adaptabl —Tbe Central Railroad of New Jersey has lopted eiectrtc rlccta at tbe Jersey City ter- •inal. Tbe; an being flacad in tbe efflce" of tbe division superintendent, •nperintendeBt of leHrrspfe, telegrapb o(B<*. despateilers of- t paper is tbe Brooklyn 1 too great In this age to ha J old building whieh tnttoo and Johnson Mrwta, Brooklyn, of magnificent proportfcwa. Bine atoriea hbrh. aadrovcTiBCffifeati "" PLAINFJELfJ'9 TRIBE WAS LATE. BBtBalt. Oieaaer* aa follow.: -For acaae time paat I bave baas a r m tbe Je*iab rntdanbr of lainflrld and north Plalnneld wiih maaU blob I kill according to their faith. A few lays ago. ID company with a Jewie Rabbi, I waa dettTwrioe; Orders on W a r m Mreat, " " aotlad,a and be asked me ir I had a peddle meal, I replied la tbe nc>a- titr. He Ibrn caught hold of me rouibij . aaud I moat go wftb him. 1 demurred jnd Mtd if I bad violated any U« I was will- In* to pay the Oar. at tbe nine time offertog him my pocket book which cootaioed over I'IOO ai secnrity for my app*ar«ncr. He dragged me alona. bowevar «c J did not let le go until CoandJmsn ttmalley toU him to JnsUoa Hardy kwoad a warrant ror Mr. Rntled*a'a arreat, and that official will pro- bably be liven a bearing this evaning. Thatcher'* MlaMrela. VIbaMverbeaia George Thatcher's oatne in tba tntnatiel world is certain to be worthy F, and bia abow toll y*ar, Abwaga Tribe bopra to nave ibe ptearare ! Riving tbem a reuepttoo that will romwo- .te for ibe mgbt's mishaps.—New York i-lM Wasilth 1 anallv at«aiaila>si. Ibe Bfteentli annual rcnnloo of tbe Smith family will be held in the grove on tbe farm of Peter Z (Smith, ay next, commencing at 10 o'clock line. H<n- James J. Bergeo. of SomerviUe, and D. H. Overton, of tbe Thec- linary of Xew York City, will de- beginmna: at two o 1 - 1 - 1 - " Tbe mnsie for the will be famabad by the ataton Cornet Bind. b'Treaunri Sayerr, is no exception to tbe rale. A mil strtl party to "catch on" most be bright, rrrsh and rparklinf, full or snap and ba II featuna. To test togetbar sm company reooirej tsct and eKparievce, M well capital, and all tbeee rsnntlals ji-n.hir.ed IDtbe prwent Tnatcber bmation. Tbe flret part introduces von of wF|]-«.rn«] reputation-, and Iher r appeared to better advantage than bwt night. a. T b o o u Lewis, Raymond Utnrt riltnun, and R J. Jose, all deligbted with their vocal tffartr, while John A. Cole- en introduced some Dew aad pl>—ing steps dancing. Added to the mudoil f«a1un are tbe witty Mytnts of Thatcher and b fellow and men, making tba first part notable one. The remainder of toe perfci e was a series of specialties of high order intrcdociDg tbe Inimitable Tbatchrr, Frank City laart .>otft. arrested last nigbt for Wben City Jndf e Hoffett he pleaded guilty to the charge was Imposed. Moore, tbecircus rioter, who pleaded y to drunkenness, aod disorderly 1 duct ITneaday, retracted ats former plea •Ing and ancrred one of guilty. A dollar fine wi Thf Mew a'oHBtv (...llMlor. E. B. Allen qoajnVd aa County Collector 1 ocnerwt county on Friday, and gave bom t fSU.uOO -lib the foliowing sills'las Calvin CorKJoon Anwrmas, Dartd K. Craig, A. aad Dennis 8. Meviut. A bostler employed in Mr Charle* Brower 1 skbten* W a l t t i U street was kicked by bone yssterday afurnoon. An ugly wouo tbflicted over the led ej. Dr. Albert Utter Is ooDVascsoent from hi* nant llbiess.' Una Lulu Esuf man Is tbe gn*at of Mrs. H. . Ifnnaer of Washington avenue. Htas Emma L. Adams, the librarian 1 Pabwc Library, ia at Westport Point. Mr. John Loia>aiii of Brook «V«DL. _ home from Baltimore 0* a abort visit to hat Mrs. D. J. Boh* baa returned to ber The Bev. Mr. Rope of Franklin, Onto, wi! oocnpy the pwptt at tbe First Baptsst church next Uaoday. le tsraatiath aBolvarsary of his recMratalp Mr. Fred Tbom of Craig pasee, Itcrtk iainOrld, asft last night for a week's vistt to L-ubiasnon, D. CL Mr. Will French, a .on of Mr. P. M. French, of Bo—rut strsat, Ilortb JTalnfleld, CHARGED WITH ASSAULT. atdllfttaTw le> he Ar> •• l'«iapl«lat Carey's Fire-Proof Storage Wareroorag. / have the best, ihe clean*st, the largett! ndmost thcioughly •ventilated tooms in toion, now nady to tent at the most reasonable tikes TRU9ICB, BIWIHO MACH1SE8 aad MTOVKS STORRD Ft.R iT> "raf per laoalb. CAEET'S FIKE-PROOF BLOCK, CORa«R OK FBOETI ASD OROVB BTUsUTS. Announcement of 5 & 10 cent Store. WE DOITT Give Everyone a Pfesetit, i to make ro .m for n*w good*, old at«!K mow go even If we have to gi*« It away, when a r pnee iw't tempunf enougii tb itl>po*> of Ir, The rhildran of pours- ire tne fauJrHs* enprweeUan to be t i m . Bat tbe older one* si ways gooutimlling too, and if you wosjj H O US E-F U*RN I S H I N G S Mala J. C. Allen, 44 West Front Street. wonderful Bodo Leo Rapoli. The letter's performance npon tbe ladder wa* m«ri( Tbe entire entertainment *aa one to i- •4 la every particubu- and marks Tnat- __. J minstnsl u one of tbe leading, II the test organisation of tba kind tn tbe i ' •-.—Lomll Mail. Mr. Thatcbere com II exhibit at Muiic Hall next Thiu Advertl.ed I.ei Remaining in tbe post ofDoe at Plainfield tbe week ending Aug. SO, 1800: AnjksDA Moor*, Mra Ayraa, Miss Looba Horrsy. Mna Delia A ' aooy. 1. Motoney. Danlei ^orisrr, Fred Harris, C B Carpentrr. Charles O'Brien, aliw, Agnes " a Mist Powers, Nellie MM Abbie Falli.ro. Chan Abbie tM Mar* Full.ro Quick, J iS&TM I^Son?J^n Hsh«line.Mi- MagfteTaylor, Mrs MJ J«»h., L M Taylor, Mrs J 8 Killelia, Mua M Wheeler, Mr* Thia Date in Hiatorj'—Aug. 21. MS (Tic-hton (Che idmi™ble3. LaJr' Harr'wonlej -Tl^r wrUer. aged 71 aaa>-B*ii, ol IWII n< •.<"•-• ':•.:• f' near Ilavrr. France, aged M BB—Fno™ M.laoforiiMiJl/ proclaimed Uieoi drsss "Nnrse,'* Car*of '•§£•• LIT or for sale, new boose, s SsmfaU » o t i « » . jiasriirja BARGAINS: To make room ror Fall good! we will tell tns balance of oar summer stork cbwtp, WOT ration a few of tbe upt-cial hsrnina. GETiT.S' FLANNRL UltlBTS-Slo shirt for 33C, TSc ahtrk lor V*, #I.W fbirl ior ffSe* .40 shirt For 11.15, Cl 75 shirt for «M«. W2.2H •*!" tor 11.8ft. SUITS' HALF HO^B—iSchalf hose for 10c, 3ft} half bos* for I5c. 2.V half bom f«a)M» CHILDKKN'rt SHIRT W A H T - » c wai»t (or ale, 40c wajst for Xii; :*c waist tor «M, „ c want fur me, OINGH AMR—10J Klnghams for Tc. 1 Jo Elneham« for Do. TOWIL-J—13J towel for W, SSe towel for me, :a>-towel ror IBe, :t"-otowel *ic Fancy paratob marked down very low. Other bargains too numerous 10 mention. Edsall's, 20 West Front Street. ffliKBt—Hold- IUpif red. for all-No. 9 & TEA-COFFEE-SUPPUES. Unequaled in quality'. SATISFY TOUBSELP BY TRYINO. -W-U8IC HALL. M.H.A. Tuesday, Aug. 26 wBOBGE 'MI tTI'llKR'S MINSTRELS. Under tbe managrnient of Rich A Harris. The most taJeaied, best paid, twtt pajing sod ' sst playing band of Minstrels under tbe HID. A few of our minstrel eelcbritlea: GKOKGB TEIATCHKK. B. J. Joae, Jobn Wild, Baymood Moor», Wond & Sbeuan 1 Tboa. Lewis, Tboa. LeMack. H. W. PriUmai jayQuieley, John A. Coleman. Kodo, Leo, Rapoll and H u m & Absccos. Quintet of Arabian Acrobat*. When you want to reduca tbe itu of tba coracropjustBotoRonsaHBnOB., and buy a pair of those glove-Atine; iboe*. Thi-T are peVfeot in every way and will only <*»• IN El. Wa are alwaya atooked with a fine Una of seasonable good*, Our prtaas ara .1 wan be lowest, 4oallty ooosldertd. Wa are al- rays ready to serve you and save you money. ROGERS BROS., EXCURSION WABBB.! V.1IIM MUHIO.1 A8BTJBY PARK and OCBAH QBOVB Friday, August 22d, Leave Dunefleo at 7.45 a. m. PtainoeLd , a. m. Leave Aabury Park at« p. m. Tickets, |L». CbUdreogOc R. O. HOWELL. THE NORTH AVZHTJB GROCER, PUCB TO CO^ «S psrdoa SO. » HOftTB AV«ITOB. Something New. FROZEN STRAWBERRIES STEPHENSOirS .MltBAfl A* What a €>e>|. *>l t ' . r « I Unr«. 13 w. Fitujrr S JO8T THBTHIBO YOU WANT FOBTB 8BASOZ4 OF THK YKill AT BEE' HIVES and 'two pitca ssula wttb blouse and p £ j 5 'JTnew and oomplets line of high irrade (av tnbt long robs* aod Long cashansrs doaam Louis Callman, 40 W18T nOITT RUR, J. P. LAIEE & CO. GASOLINE STOVES ALL H1XA4. Ham mocha, Refrigerators. Hotse Sheets, AID Lap's Fly Me PLAINFIELD EVENING NEWS. b«rfll» -fafartj TtoCra.lt to tb—ght. ATWltodra <W<nrtJn—» r* on Ik-farauratimetol* iMfialliP (W Encm—e ttowg* FeircbUd rarwirad v<*d that the (Ira bad Iwok—cert again **• If to* the Blirm >m rnii-Ud U*t night tto era onmtun— In Him etiy bed ttolr b>«ra btirtod m. r—If to gin any »-*«« »kal mlgbl to Mtol Ttoy wra* not raltol ypou TMg DECISION RESERVED Am KiaalHttoa > Ik* €••• •! on* HiDMH »f.l*rC«T. Ttocwmuf Il-orvtU Oort«\ tto wi'h ammalt ami /Hilary, rtnn up far tng W(»» Jintlw FUHr yertu •I baJfpart f nr n’etorh. A *bort Urn* ago Cn «—to -«>« to t.«wy-r William A. Cod- dmgt— nod tto I bln. that aba bad etna to tor Iffttof'i bou** oo Jnly Tib. for tto pur pnmnfrolbrtingadrt.-, wh—Ito Ultra to- own* •<**• y *i*l i rtolj lr»»l*1 lira Mm hid Mr. t’oddlngton that ato had ao money Nil ltol tto wanted tor Lrothor proae—tad fir hm mctkrma toward bra AfW hearing (to «—ton . ttorr Hr Codding** IntoexamS bra that to would art aa bra ewaaart la Ibe Mr* <*—** Wx* tto « Dr* r*rmra> and MatUrwi aworn Ibal ttoy feddbrrat rtonltoy Atom rrlairra'lah. y tto day «f pnatora Tto a aa wbo MM awl wail* for bb trad* la th—dara ftobA Ito'l adrartlm. don't qort# your prlc* lut*. Coa t mm tb«t your efty or your burn— la raprraenlcd la petroeirtng torntoty. aad don't rtuad ap manfully alnugrtd- of t lighting bUrkairua. U neb *em o»el b gu ra*ry >aW. A Mil MM MV I PLAINFIELD, N. J., “THE COLORADO OF THE EAST,” THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, I89O. PRICE TWO CENTS. THl WATIR COMPANY* PAYMINT*. •w Mall lhr aCMMna*: ^apaay laju«lro By tto naan* put oa II by Mr. Moot wbo appear, la maaaca tto roaapaay'. affair*. to g«l— ganaral dfprutUoa to art fairly toward tto 0*7 w—Mown. that tto Wafer Hart would to «pm hair. o«ra tto milr Our ob. lu calling titoUa to It M, ttorafera. to datanahn wblrb la tto r»gbt n If N lateud-d that payment* ah—Id to qalrral haul bity day. aftarward. tto •am am. rtaeonai.U ttol tto pay. c—derad—that M for Jan- nary and February prlrttagm. U I* doubt- ful If April, tto fourth for May aad tto M.(«0 paid by Mr. Moor* yra- iraday waa for Jana aad Jaty. aa man* to ra torn claimed by Mr NralbeU « M r* •rto lu couratl, HWurt by Tub Jtawe, aad by aa amkaaot total gentleman employed SUll. aa bar. *a'ral. uadra aHbra mirtioa lb- company ha* paid ap to d. nWm tto rrawipt given by tto etty tra**u ffetraday - for Joly aad Augort. which oara. .1 tto rlty to I paid partly Hi adraara. SM pii*nliM two Ov.u-and dollar* thai lb. BnM nrut^.oral of lum «M MB Mila* U, toooortdrr- Cara Ttttrr la -Oau Rrrar. Tanrvr. mpporvd by aa admiral.!. araj la “Oao Error" at M*rtr Hall lad e.rolng. tofor* a nwdiara *m. bo» apprartobra aadbarr. tny from Itrtorwoid wra* la Ttoy wra* In a happy mood, •ad lafermtod tto aadwocu daring tto acta by tbrtr aatlra. A cortoa* mrdWy of oatnnra wra* oedbrad. 1 Id tto regulation *vul#c draw, 1 la "prptraaad mlt" oo ralkol la rtol In a wblfe FROM OVER THE STATE. JR EXCHANOCS. grwatag la tor yarJ a atMth. Tto ptaap* of tto rtrlkrra a Jail at TV—a. charged « y mar lay am Mr* data LtppfBcutt. wbo It Am County Jail oa a dap of tmgm mU waa brouckt a«abat Mary C. Hal by ItoUa r la drbooi Dfe- MtoaalaLaac waaoaufed by I fto wort* at Bride*- «H of band* wUI to aaployad Tto 1 |lu fact al» Ml top.. -Saturday. *«|rt a»il». will to mil nUr day for tto <«*or*d i—nto at Florida Oror*. -Tto Ir—wui. will rroa lata with tto MKro«4itara la a ina* of bam hall log m many d ffrawai tbtdra of ito am 10 Ifrawlob. C ly to play a nut wt (dam -Collan and cuff* mad* r c-riioWad. ~ rr "" n lfc * n —Hatorday wm tto ttd, aoalwramry of Bi-bop crFarrallV radlmUm lamab Miry. •Tornwy. If >00 cat any art of that u job will d».“ -IT*11. mom." Tommy rmtianlly. ibry my a watery grar* —Tto aouual mcrainp of tto Momwraat County Buaday wrbubi aaaartailoa will to ou Toraday. top*. 0tb. la Ito Rraoad —Tto praralnm IMt for tto Tew J array Htata fair ha* bran .—rad Tb# fair will to tobl at Warraty darlac tto wmb togioaiwg top* SAL #-*>.«*» m ram praoUn* wig to awarded PlAJNFJELD'S TR bm If I bad ttcratra 10 peddle mrai, I railed la ito Utb. H* Ito* oaugbt bold of me roughly mtd I amt go and raid tf I bed rtolafed nay U> I waa wtli- lac to pay tto Car. a* tto ram# Hum offering f dagrwra. Tb* Abwaga ra— waited oetpom.1 tto rto* 1b* Had Mau went an i agbMra r.r.an la a tow am Land hardly bad ttoy dcUyad by tto rala aad a pair of a. drtrae ep. Thrae were about thirty ra* aad ttoy bad ooara In Mp. Only two Hiw Brneewtek bmo were prrarnt. Tto Ahwmta Tribe bopre to tot * the pMa*ur* of I it lag them t rtorpUoa that will oompmtr wSiST ,h * r Vl '- |w Y '" Tto Maaltb really Braaleu. family wiU to told la Ito gen— oa the farm of Itora £. dailh. ou* an* at lOo'otoeh ia ito morn lag- H* June* J. Btrgen. of Boarar*>lfe. and D H. Orwtoo. at tto Ttoo- of Sew York CKy. logical Heim oar y of S*w York CKy. wUi de- llTrr addrmem. IwwInning at two o'elocb la Ito afferwooa. Tto moate for tto ora—too will to fbrautod by (to CUatoa (bnM Bead Tto rottowina perm— are tto "faaiir": baitoHma.fr Smith vi not guilty doc* |Tu—lay, retraofed hM moralDg and entered oaa of gallty. A two «1WU*dUBOWD ohl—barg HwplUl tala about rrataio eoniMioaUau* in Tto .few toeaiy Callratar. t H. AU— qaalift-d at County OoOactor of Bomarrat ramuty Friday, aad gar* bond* la RU.UOO wiu. tto foilowtag avwtlm: Cain# Curl-. Joba Airarman. Dark! K Oatg. A. R WiUMm-ou aad Dcaai* A Brain* Mkkrd My a Hrara. ^ . hero* joaraday aft—ooa. Aa ugly wound -Tan Now. bra on. of tto met Mabor-ta WM u.flMt«l oerr tto left *y of tb* city of ITeiad-id nod burooab of North Plain field rara got I— up. we iiropoac to glra tbM map to all mWHtora’ frra aa -ooo aa it oaa to go*fea ready. prond arairatal rawnprued of mwdutl aad rulrtaul macnrala. Tto mutur*. baring •orbed up with water. I* put Into 1 Kaufman M tto garni of Mr* H FBbMc Library. M at Wmtptwt Fotn* Mr. John Iorui of Brook arena* M par—t* CHAAQED WITH ASSAULT. ;0O a* orrority for ay appear*i*- Ha dragged mo aloug. bowrara and did not tot me go until Couorilmaa Hmaltoy told btm to »•»* JmUc* Hardy Mart a warrant far Mr. attodg*’* arrrat, aod that oflktol will pro bably to gl**a a bearing tbia cr—lag. Thhick.r'. Hlaacrwla. to worthy H-w’/'j' ty to “catch oa" man bright. 1 rpartling. fall of map aod baring , get together *u well a* capiuL tad all ttora emraUala bar* to— eembtoad la tto prrarnt Ttetctor b«—unu. The Ant part tmrodu.w* rorallau /0-raro.il repuUUon*. and th*y nere. md to brt'-r adraotag* than tod night. » TV—aa L*wto, Raymond Mott*. H. W. FrilhiMa. and R J. Jew*, all delighted dancing. Added to tto madral feature* w* tto witty mytngi of Tbatctor and bto How —d bmo, mating Um dm pert •aid* oa- Tto remainder of tto p*rfor- toc* wmamrtmof*p«cla>Unof high order latrcdocing tto tnimitabla Tbatctor. Frank Focd wonderful Rado Lao Rapott. Tto laUer'i perf ormaacr ap— tto ladder w prueed la ***ry parti— lur and a* one of tto bwiiag. If not tto beat orgaaiaulon of tto kind Id tto eoua try Lowell Mail. Mr Tbatrber * company iRblNt at Mode Hall next Tbaeadaj M pott offtra at Fla infield Um w-eb ending Aug *>. 1W: D A Moor*, Mr* Mb* Lout— Murray. M— D«ha A ejaary.**. wra——, Cbriwr. Fred Moma, C K Comya. W— . Coop. Mb* Abbfe Fulham. Otoe Drake, M to Mary^ Qak*. JV ^ Utllraula. Oa radar. Uanting. Maater La Hobart—. Joba Haber line. MM MaggMTaykor. Mr* M J Jaooto, L M Taylor. Mr* J ft KUMtta. Mto M Wtortar, Mr. Carey‘s Fire-Proof Storage Warerooms. / have /he best, /he cleanest, the largf and most thoroughly ventilated rooms t>: town, now ready to rent at the most reasonab t> rices TBI.HICA.MWmn MACHml*««i STovm ATIIRBD re«»-n*«<r. CAREY'S FIRE-PROOF RLOCK, roRAKR or rmoirr aad orovb btruts Announcement of 6 & 10 cent Store. W1 DON’T Give Every one a Present, <M .. •* ~tn. «o mm « «. A... »° PM R mi..«W » BA— o<l'. Th. oAlldr— ot.—ra. .»». f.nrfMr B.1 o«. J «o MAirn« 1~. r»» ho us’e-f iTrN 1 s h I ngs wtoa praraat* are to to gi*« J. C. Allen, 44 West Front Stree BARGAINS! ‘tlSISSHrnlr^.»ta *ln lot», TV -Irt far &V. fl.on -In far Or. 1.IT. .1 T5.,lrt far .I to, fST^falrt r.. »l..\ HAtr I104E-1V tail bofa lor Bfa. Afa Mm I I1R.TTK- HALT 11U4E—13c talf bofalor Wc. far tall M. for IV. JV tall CHII.DHKN-4 RHIRT W»!*T-»V «1M for fw. lor 7.. I-J. rltatafa. for V. omaH AUK-ID,. .ItataM far 7r. IV rltataM. for »a __ TOWI1L4—13jlomiror«t, »o »«l far »». »• fa“»l *A Ftarj [Wtata Btateri 4ow» ttr, low. ottar tam.fa. too o.owroo. to ttaotk Edsall’s, 20 West Front Street. gKCOND or FVRXirVRM Bought—Bold—Repaired. Bargain- for aU-Na 9 HoumCwI ttrrat. TEA - COFFEE - SLPPL'ES. Unequaled in quality. SATISFY YOURSELF BY TRYIBO. Cut. Tall* aw 0 BmiMT—I atrraf. •TV*. BkMh" North Plain field. J£U8I0 HALU M.H.A. Tuesday, Aug. 26 UEOROE THATCHER'* MINSTRELS RMfi Thii Date in Hiitory—Ang. 21. cHabt— etba >mrami . C. A. Bdwnrd* and wif. of Uu* rtty Tto Bra. Dr. A. H. L**U b la W*rt Vlp- wrato Ttoc at I Mi ary Park. . J. i Ttol Worto, w—t m Tot H. aSSraraRfaii SISli ST E5“ —Si. * Mr. B. * BSfalie r ii.fal M. **r_ra? j Crnt-a-ttorb tolumn. A^ DT assure: Forme,- Cara of K-**uu Hi** GIRL waneral for graM>aiboua*wo*k. Cui at 0 Willow arauaa. T iCTifll farawbrai fraut mom to bt * Le Broadway. Iftfi ^pOJJTT-H ' asr L*T or for mb. - A Wi Jj.-.r-jzs, Xenial Ig-tlcr*. Under the managem—t of Rlefc ft Harri* Tb* mod tabu tad. tort part, tort paying aod KOHUB THATCHER. H. J. Jora. John fkld. Rarmoral Moor*. Wv*i * HbapaH. Tboa Lawl*. The* L*M*k. a W. FriUmao. •. Joba A. Colomaa. 'VLSftUiSZ,/ _ R„ta A Atac-, Qulafet of Arabian Arrobota. Stnwt parafb It u. ou rab Haiur-lay, Aagurt 3. PnrM so. n uil il We era afway* rtoohad whb a fine liaa aonabb gomlc CMir prtom ara alwarn *wmt. tuallty oo—Vbra-L W* era al way* randy to rnrro you aod mra you atommf. ROGERS BROSg W. PRUITT HTRKHT. EXCURSION WARRB1 tliet MIBNIOI ABBURY PARK and DCIAN OROVB «g Branch oarh way) Friday, August 2 2d, R. O. HOWELL, THB NORTH AVIHUI OROCgR, phh k re cuiMJHHi. Something New. FBDZn STRAWBERRIES STEPHENSON’S zmem CMHAM PARI iaoraift JCHT THB TH I NO YOU WANT PORT 8BABON OP THB YEAR AT THE BEE HIVE Chlklr—V and Mto* Ur I mtom ftaaaal drama* la pMa outowKh too—a and p&J*4 ^A^aww^ad^jmjjl^rt* Mm of h%h^ grada^ le- Louis Callman. J. P. LAIRE & Ca GASOLINf STOVES Hammocks, Refrigerators, Horse Sheets, Lap’s Fly Net*. I

PLAINFIELD EVENING NEWS. - DigiFind-It · (bop O'Parreiri ordlaatlon la toe n>in ieti-y, braird bu Brat mate.-••Tominj, I f ,ou eat any nwr» o

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Page 1: PLAINFIELD EVENING NEWS. - DigiFind-It · (bop O'Parreiri ordlaatlon la toe n>in ieti-y, braird bu Brat mate.-••Tominj, I f ,ou eat any nwr» o


At shout leu oclnok lbi« morning ActingCWef Rnpneer H«WP Palrcblld reoatvad, r ^ that the ftr. had broken out »«at»- Begeared aw-™i n*™. ux* the evaamar to theKMW u d WHO -u.-™i«] la •itfi«uUhin(t

flre eonbitrhedmight b


Am R iO i l



a l half | '

ipanlea In thta

up ready to « i r

• need*! . Tbsy


• m landau

* Mnrln»'*ft

as of Henrietta

ir^Hl her hroW

mlt and lialtary

.• J.:-•;•-..• Fl-r lyl i t four oVIorfc.

n]!>.l-1 last ntgbt tba

city had their b ines

> any aw4Manca that

were not talked upon


la Ibr «'•-«• of


Ooeti\ tb* woaa.il

yesterday aftexnoen

A snort trme ago

Tbe contraea waa e i -eul#d In danunsU tbesTtk day of December, 18W. an I dans* 58•aim (bat paymaota sball begin sixty dayatnerraftn-. It kl Jnst sa wed to anderstand

latter rl*ut at tbe ontert tn avoid doinftba company InjoatlOB By tba coaatrnFtion

OB It by Mr. Moore, who app»ar< to

th** leeway. Bat wa don't a a p p » , if aml rliepneitioa to art fairly toward tbewaa •!..>- n, tbat tba Watar Board woaidt to spM hairs over tbe matter. Oar ob.In calling attention to it la, their for*.

only to determine which hi tbe

If Htad* ta advana* it « n » dear that the Or*

rl nntil lirty ilaj-i afterward, tbe infsr-wwin. r W a l . l t that tbe paymentlfor aervtcas rendrred-tnat I* for Jan-

nary aod February privileges; It is doubt'fill ir eollortfoo could be made la advance ta

| n r;.»•(! went to I, n j w William A. Cal-dtnctoa and t-.l-l him that •!>- bad cone tohtrbrothM". bouwoti Jaly ?tb, for tbe pur-p v n l i-nM-lma « .M.\ whi-n Ilie latter be-o i w angry sod iToslly treated har. She.*.!•< Mr. Coddlngton that sb* bad no moneytat (bat alia wanted b*r brolbsr prosecutedfor In- i. tim - Inward ber. After bearingth. . .«.*»-• »wrr Mr. Coddinslop liiforinrdti. r that he would art a* ber ™ w l ID tbee a - ant woiil.l w a i n all feea.

Wben tbo rate M I M up yeatarday at noonHn. (loati took tb* wltoeaa Maad and •woreii.ii ber l.r t'.-r had (nel ly si- »r< 1 "Jt r,d—-riLitm ih-aimiilt III .Mail.

D n Carmwi ami HatUann iwon (hat tb#ybad dlacorered marhnon tbe woman* pTMB,wben tbey were rxanilninc bar aa to h*r

proaeeutlon and •>*•»] panooa n n ppr-aiittr.] to make MateaMnto In behalf of tbe<Wem». The HOD. John f ldeb rrpraaantedtba iHmtant. It - a . nearly tan o'clooh (•-for* tbe taklns of taatlnvny waa cnocladad.

Jut tm 1 lar.' 7 n a r r e l b» daoMoo.

Hits if tba day of priotsn' Ink, aad theprice* are for those wbo uw It. Yonr tradi-tinraand prajudhwa may be to tbe contrary.bat tbe world d o n ' t w e a Bg for the*.Tb* n an who -ta and walb) for his Irade Intbtse rfsra t*ts left. Don't advertt.-. don'tquote jour print lists, don't sse tbat yoorcity or your l««n.w. Is represented In yournetrooiilng territory, and dott* standmanfully alongside of those who are fightfor viiur rights and mtertabt, and thereb* l«it one ramlt-ebrivellag up. Qood salas-men. Unit clest arbctsa. Kilt-edged credit areoos niongb. Tbey are eirellent, necessary—tmt not enough. Printers' Ink beats themin tbe long ruo. Uncle Ban's malls «o everyday, carrying ".hair fright of special uttrn.ncwVrot- lsnit credit., cash dbwwots, Jontots, and lovera'tales rtom everywhere. Andtn the end your trade la sadnosd. Bf« (beworld-old atory "f tbe bonrysd tonciia

tbe —oood payment waafor March, tbe third fur April, tbe fourth torHay aod tbe «,(J00 paid by Mr. Moore yee-

d «w> for JUM and Jut;. a> M M tohare been claimed by Mr. Kevball In hs. re-

in ooanal, m cl»inv«i by Tm Nswa,an etninant U«al gentleman employ*!

10 look Into IU euodltton by one of the com-pany'! UrtpM eredtton wbo bad bannae

theac\laya oid bal.W and aaenriaUo H (iraplreannoc ata»l tbe pewara. The trad* ti hrtbe man wbo D M prlaun' Ink. f

Tit* K i u k i M I .«!• T r a a j .A r*ae ha* Jiwt IKWB daeedad Involving tbe

qontlon, bow far romptnic* tn oarrrtnai

in lopplnii u - m which.«pon or overhanging tbe h « h « a y . interfere•saVMeh

Tbe decMon fstabliebes tbal if aa electric•Ugtrtiag company m oarrylpga i.uiiii. road within tbe lin


lug up or overhanging tba road, theyJurtned m lopping them aa far as maj

Tnsy mutt not be lopped na aboakl be

I h r TI ( . . t o - B i u a i • ! » • •Th- laet nit«>nunity M ( S O B H »IOU

to l*-o« Braajea, Aabnry Park and Ocean

Wtrran lalon Mawhia en-uraiaa win than1 PMblMIX•ywwooai wiland Ketbrrwood Sunday


• paid that far tats tba City_ *e Water Work. Co , on ae-

tbs «8,0D3 to be paid, are sa foUon.

i3— pa;***!*

CUPPIHOrl FROM EXCHANOES.The Utdgn Valley Railroad Cwnaay -111vm arast a H I >tat»* at Bound Brook.Mra, Cbarle* C a n , of May* Leading, kw>

Ciuwlug hi bar yarj a (anfloww fnniacfaatadtb.

la tn Jail at Traaaon, obantad *


•aaurday on H i t Julia Lippfocoti, who la in

Camdeo County Jail on a t a a w of tDFRtrr.The (git n i broucbt agamK Mary C Balna*bytheUallad IVrunty Ufa In—ranci andTrail Company, and Mn. Llppinoott boki, a

artsaKa on a property aboM to be aold.Proreanr Ueor>e H. Hortbam, for more«n thirty year* aa instructor In »-bool Din-

trtct No, S.S, dtod atB r m * yvatorday. Hi« death

K- '.'-ra! rullapee uf Ibe tjiUta. pj . mrm attack of tba grip and a abock

prodnoml by toe recant amputation of hlaI'll l*g.

rrral of tba flint (laai worta of Bridce-

Kirxiy Yeaiarday the larce works of« l i . Tiinm ft Co.. of kUUTilla,

an to mean what it aaya that tbe pay-yerterday- for July and AogBSt. Ini case, if tbe pajm—it» are ooostrued bytty to be for services rendered • then•mold leave June still doe, with August

paid partly In advance.We re-i.ni.lcli cLuie '- . under which tbelymeota are mad- as follows :,X. Tbe cncapenr ahall pay to the cttj.aa

tbewurk pronnBH, the u n of rta-hi ih'iu*-,,n.1 •] .11:117* i|*JK»i>. monthly imnallmiTit* <•!Il.nti M E hratnnln* alxti dan rn.m <lntp ofifc-llM rv uf nmlni /1 , «n.I »Fi) dirt In r -urn n>tt

C a n T a u e r ! • "<»••• K r r o r .

Cora Tanner, rapponed by an admirablecompany a|>(W<d la "One Brror" at MuricHall bwt tTMtac, before a medium (be, but

—Saturday. An(oM aHb, will be n i t wattry for ifaa oolond people at Florida Urore.-Tba C m » u will proa bate with the

M<*n>(«ilitai» la • tame of ban ball BestSaturday afternoon.

-Ciiattn bava I. *n prrpvisd ahawlac that(heefehas7» diattnet FXnreariona, conTey-

—Tbe mtDagrnMfit of tba CreaMOBi wi 1)k Ih i ( N i b C ¥~ '

aeaday to play a Kama arltbplace.

Collar* and coffe,

A large party from Heiherwood r m Inattendance. They were In a happy mood.and fnh-nsMd tbe audience during tbe acts by

A carious medley of costnoHa were noticed.Several gmUemen of tbe NeUterwood con-

in tbe regulation evening drew,other* were In "pepper«nd-B*lt" coatnand one stalked In clad in a white flanneltennis m l t

Tbe remarks on thw latter costaOM

Was Tanner fully jn*U6ed tbe enviabreputatloOBbeeoioyBaa-tbeAiiurtcu Star

wa* oalled before tba curtain seven

in progress al Plaianeldwbo refine to dose tbeii

•Co tne Plalnoetd derk( onaniied and•I in Icdacing a larg* proportlaD of tbeban* (o ckwa early. 8mral , however,

raf»vd to join tbe morcweat, and th* derk*dwtribnuns oircutan aakuiK tbe pabUc

A qufat boycott itaioM K.

placwaof t

ioc reawftratlon and daflMnti oanMr* forHorth PlalaaeU:

Fred.W. Wake-


tbe Ptainfteld tribe ofOrder c f Red Man ba.1 a k»c

-laeaday night to Hew

oaly r io i t ty -.warted. aod it taclode*i at tbe aXDeHant yow • mea in the ptaoa.

Tbey made arranfjewjrata Tuetrlay night toTint Ahwaga Trltir of 5aw Bronawtek, aatbat body naate eoofar daa-raea oa two can-

wtaked to*p«

rarttalliaaa, ate , to-rn aapper at a popular rater*!'*.

At nine o'olook tbe PMnuetd

of t b a a M a b m c f t b * Abwaffa Trlbr, bad n -J word tbat tbey n i d d aoraly arrtn,

it we* deoded to pnttnciae tbe atmtrrrin*m i n . The Ahwiga men waited forlj an Hour, but at tea o'clock DO TUiton

bad appeand, and it > a thought tbat ibemuch for tbeco, and they bad

plea i - i l l I« tul I (

employed. Tbe

hurrrDW thi tm«h » * orrMMny and ..1 journ-at 10:30 In a lew momenta the men had

left for tbeir hnrae.. and hardly bad theydona so wben tbe PUInA>ld men, wbo bad

delayed by tbe rain and a pair of alowa, ilroTe up. Ttfn ware about thirty

of them, and tbey bad oone in •tape. OnlyHaw Bmoawick men were pr—int.

of papier macu.awndry, and aren than those ofd to be n u n of •

lolotd.—Saturday • « tbe 3Mb, aiinliwaaij of(bop O'Parreiri ordlaatlon la toe n>in ieti-y,

braird bu Brat mate.

-••Tominj, If ,ou eat any nwr» of ..<-Um yon will die." "Well, mom," Iotomy reatinedly, "they nay a watery gru e u r deaUL-Kz.

—Tbe annnal meetiiki of tbe SomersetCounty Huoday-vbocI awodation will be

on -toraday. BepL 9tn, ID tbe SecondReform cbarcbof thai place.

—Tbe premlniD tM ror cbe S-w JeneyState rair baa been uaoed. Tbe fair will beheld at Waverly during tbe week brginniajtSept. Sd. »JU.OOu m each preminoM win t*awarded.

—tot. Kodioott Mates thit tba oondlttoa ofHi t Anna Cairncraai' lnns« waa well-known

Wt member of tbe Mubl-oiwc« Boepitaletaffand tbatttte autopay wai b •! I to aaoer-

win be fanuabad by tba dkrto . Oomat Band.Tbe following penoaa are tba nfllr*r» of tbe"family'1: Uaiah Smith. Prea«leot; " -Smith, Vi " •"

—Tot Sirw( baa one of the maet elabid romi lete map* of tbe city of PUfa

and boronah of Horth Ptalnfleld erer cottea up.| . have cort n U v n aa much aa •!<>, ipropoac to el ie thai map to all aubacriber*

free as ROOD a* It can be gotten ready.

ipaaed of aawdoat andTbe mixture, baring

been well worked up with watar, i. pot Intuld" and pn^aad into whabiTer ahape mideaired. A eefeaitinc aathority a*ya it I

mprrmeable to water, Ipuliah.Bn4 i- adaptabl

—Tbe Central Railroad of New Jersey haslopted eiectrtc rlccta at tbe Jersey City ter-•inal. Tbe; a n being flacad in tbe efflce"

of tbe division superintendent, •nperintendeBtof leHrrspfe, telegrapb o(B<*. despateilers of-

t paper is tbe Brooklyn 1too great In this age to ha

J old building whieh

tnttoo and Johnson Mrwta, Brooklyn,of magnificent proportfcwa. Bine atoriea hbrh.aadrovcTiBCffifeati ""


BBtBalt. Oieaaer*

aa follow.: -For acaae time paat Ibave baas a r m tbe Je*iab rntdanbr of

lainflrld and north Plalnneld wiih maaUblob I kill according to their faith. A few

lays ago. ID company with a Jewie Rabbi, Iwaa dettTwrioe; Orders on Warm Mreat,

" " aotlad,a

and be asked me ir I had apeddle meal, I replied la tbe nc>a-

titr. He Ibrn caught hold of me rouibij. aaud I moat go wftb him. 1 demurred

jnd Mtd if I bad violated any U« I was will-In* to pay the Oar. at tbe nine time offertoghim my pocket book which cootaioed overI'IOO ai secnrity for my app*ar«ncr. He

dragged me alona. bowevar «c J did not letle go until CoandJmsn ttmalley toU him to

JnsUoa Hardy kwoad a warrant ror Mr.Rntled*a'a arreat, and that official will pro-bably be liven a bearing this evaning.

T h a t c h e r ' * M l a M r e l a .VIbaMverbeaia George Thatcher's oatne

in tba tntnatiel world is certain to be worthyF, and bia abow toll y*ar,

Abwaga Tribe bopra to nave ibe ptearare! Riving tbem a reuepttoo that will romwo-.te for ibe mgbt's mishaps.—New York

i - lM Wasilth 1 anallv at«aiaila>si.

Ibe Bfteentli annual rcnnloo of tbe Smithfamily will be held in the grove on tbe farmof Peter Z (Smith,

ay next, commencing at 10 o'clockline. H<n- James J. Bergeo. of

SomerviUe, and D. H. Overton, of tbe Thec-linary of Xew York City, will de-

beginmna: at two o1-1-1- "Tbe mnsie for the

will be famabad by the ataton Cornet Bind.


Sayerr, is no exception to tbe rale. A milstrtl party to "catch on" most be bright,rrrsh and rparklinf, full or snap and ba

II featuna. To test togetbar smcompany reooirej tsct and eKparievce, Mwell a« capital, and all tbeee rsnntlals

ji-n.hir.ed ID tbe prwent Tnatcberbmation. Tbe flret part introduces vonof wF|]-«.rn«] reputation-, and Iher rappeared to better advantage than bwt night.

a. T b o o u Lewis, Raymond Utnrtriltnun, and R J. Jose, all deligbted

with their vocal tffartr, while John A. Cole-en introduced some Dew aad pl>—ing stepsdancing. Added to the mudoil f«a1unare tbe witty Mytnts of Thatcher and b

fellow and men, making tba first partnotable one. The remainder of toe perfci

e was a series of specialties of high orderintrcdociDg tbe Inimitable Tbatchrr, Frank

City l a a r t .>otft.arrested last nigbt for

WbenCity Jndf e Hoffett

he pleaded guilty to the chargewas Imposed.

Moore, tbe circus rioter, who pleadedy to drunkenness, aod disorderly 1

duct ITneaday, retracted a ts former plea•Ing and ancrred one of guilty. A

dollar fine wi

T h f M e w a'oHBtv ( . . . l l M l o r .E. B. Allen qoajnVd aa County Collector 1

ocnerwt county on Friday, and gave bomt fSU.uOO -lib the folio wing sills'las Calvin

CorKJoon Anwrmas, Dartd K. Craig, A.aad Dennis 8. Meviut.

A bostler employed in Mr Charle* Brower1

skbten* W a l t t i U street was kicked bybone yssterday afurnoon. An ugly wouo

tbflicted over the led e j .

Dr. Albert Utter Is ooDVascsoent from hi*nant llbiess.'Una Lulu Esuf man Is tbe gn*at of Mrs. H.. Ifnnaer of Washington avenue.Htas Emma L. Adams, the librarian 1

Pabwc Library, ia at Westport Point.

Mr. John Loia>aiii of Brook « V « D L . _home from Baltimore 0* a abort visit to hat

Mrs. D. J. Boh* baa returned to ber

The Bev. Mr. Rope of Franklin, Onto, wi!oocnpy the pwptt at tbe First Baptsst churchnext Uaoday.

le tsraatiath aBolvarsary of his recMratalp

Mr. Fred Tbom of Craig pasee, ItcrtkiainOrld, asft last night for a week's vistt toL-ubiasnon, D. CLMr. Will French, a .on of Mr. P. M.

French, of Bo—rut strsat, Ilortb JTalnfleld,


atdllfttaTw le> he Ar>• • l'«iapl«lat

Carey's Fire-Proof Storage Wareroorag./ have the best, ihe clean*st, the largett!

ndmost thcioughly •ventilated tooms in toion,now nady to tent at the most reasonabletikes

TRU9ICB, BIWIHO MACH1SE8 aad MTOVKS STORRD Ft.R iT> "raf per laoalb.


Announcement of 5 & 10 cent Store.WE DOITT

Give Everyone a Pfesetit,i to make ro .m for n*w good*, old at«!K mow go even If we have to gi*« It away, when ar pnee iw't tempunf enougii tb itl>po*> of Ir, The rhildran of pours- ire tne fauJrHs*enprweeUan to be t i m . Bat tbe older one* si ways gooutimlling too, and if you wosjj

H O US E-F U*R N I S H I N G SMala

J. C. Allen, 44 West Front Street.

wonderful Bodo Leo Rapoli. The letter'sperformance npon tbe ladder wa* m«ri(Tbe entire entertainment *aa one to i-

•4 la every particubu- and marks Tnat-_ _ . J minstnsl u one of tbe leading, IIthe test organisation of tba kind tn tbe i' •-.— Lomll Mail. Mr. Thatcbere com

II exhibit at Muiic Hall next Thiu

A d v e r t l . e d I.eiRemaining in tbe post ofDoe at Plainfield

tbe week ending Aug. SO, 1800:AnjksDA Moor*, MraAyraa, Miss Looba Horrsy. Mna Delia A' aooy. 1. Motoney. Danlei^orisrr, Fred Harris, C BCarpentrr. Charles O'Brien, aliw, Agnes" a Mist Powers, Nellie

M M Abbie Falli.ro. Chan• AbbietM Mar*

Full.roQuick, J

iS&TM I^Son?J^nHsh«line.Mi- MagfteTaylor, Mrs M JJ«»h . , L M Taylor, Mrs J 8Killelia, Mua M Wheeler, Mr*

Thia Date in Hiatorj'—Aug. 21.MS (Tic-hton (Che idmi™ble3.

LaJr' Harr'wonlej-Tl r wrUer. aged 71

aaa>-B*ii, ol— IWII n<• . < " • - • ' : • . : • f '

near Ilavrr. France, aged MBB—Fno™ M.laoforiiMiJl/ proclaimed Uieoi

drsss "Nnrse,'* Car* of

'•§£••LIT or for sale, new boose, s

SsmfaU »oti«».


BARGAINS:To make room ror Fall good! we will tell tns balance of oar summer stork cbwtp, WOT

ration a few of tbe upt-cial hsrnina.GETiT.S' F L A N N R L UltlBTS-Slo shirt for 33C, TSc ahtrk lor V*, #I.W fbirl ior ffSe*

.40 shirt For 11.15, Cl 75 shirt for «M«. W2.2H • * !" tor 11.8ft.SUITS' HALF HO^B—iSchalf hose for 10c, 3ft} half bos* for I5c. 2.V half bom f«a)M»CHILDKKN'rt SHIRT W A H T - » c wai»t (or ale, 40c wajst for Xii; :*c waist tor «M, „

c want fur me,OINGH AMR— 10J Klnghams for Tc. 1 Jo Elneham« for Do.TOWIL-J—13J towel for W, SSe towel for me, :a>-towel ror IBe, :t"-o towel * i c

Fancy paratob marked down very low. Other bargains too numerous 10 mention.

Edsall's, 20 West Front Street.

ffliKBt—Hold- IUpif red.

for all-No. 9 &



Tuesday, Aug. 26wBOBGE 'MI tTI'llKR'S

MINSTRELS.Under tbe managrnient of Rich A Harris.

The most taJeaied, best paid, twtt pajing sod' sst playing band of Minstrels under tbe HID.

A few of our minstrel eelcbritlea:GKOKGB TEIATCHKK. B. J. Joae, JobnWild, Baymood Moor», Wond & Sbeuan1

Tboa. Lewis, Tboa. LeMack. H. W. PriUmaijayQuieley, John A. Coleman.

Kodo, Leo, Rapoll and H u m & Absccos.Quintet of Arabian Acrobat*.

When you want to reduca tbe i tu of tbacoracropjustBotoRonsaHBnOB., and buya pair of those glove-Atine; iboe*. Thi-T arepeVfeot in every way and will only <*»• I NEl. Wa are alwaya atooked with a fine Unaof seasonable good*, Our prtaas ara .1 w a nbe lowest, 4oallty ooosldertd. Wa are al-rays ready to serve you and save you money.





Friday, August 22d,Leave Dunefleo at 7.45 a. m. PtainoeLd

, a. m. Leave Aabury Park a t« p. m.Tickets, | L » . CbUdreogOc



« S psrdoa



STEPHENSOirS. M l t B A f l A*

W h a t a €>e>|. *>l t ' . r « I U n r « .

13 w. Fitujrr S




and 'two pitca ssula wttb blouse and p £ j 5

'JTnew and oomplets line of high irrade (avtnbt long robs* aod Long cashansrs doaam

Louis Callman,40 W18T nOITT R U R ,



Ham mocha,Refrigerators.

Hotse Sheets,AID

Lap's Fly Me


b«rfll» -fafartj

TtoCra.lt to tb—ght.

ATWltodra <W<nrtJn—» r* • on Ik-farauratimetol* ■iMfialliP

(W Encm—e ttowg* FeircbUd rarwirad v<*d that the (Ira bad Iwok—cert again **•

If to* the Blirm >m ■rnii-Ud U*t night tto era onmtun— In Him etiy bed ttolr b>«ra btirtod m. r—If to gin any »-*«« »kal mlgbl to Mtol Ttoy wra* not raltol ypou TMg DECISION RESERVED

Am KiaalHttoa >■ Ik* €••• •! on* HiDMH »f.l*rC«T. Ttocwmuf Il-orvtU Oort«\ tto

wi'h ammalt ami /Hilary, rtnn up far tng W(»» Jintlw FUHr yertu •I baJfpart f nr n’etorh. A *bort Urn* ago Cn «—to -«>« to t.«wy-r William A. Cod- dmgt— nod tto I bln. that aba bad etna to tor Iffttof'i bou** oo Jnly Tib. for tto pur pnmnfrolbrtingadrt.-, wh—Ito Ultra to- own* •<**• y *i*l i rtolj lr»»l*1 lira Mm hid Mr. t’oddlngton that ato had ao money Nil ltol tto wanted tor Lrothor proae—tad fir hm mctkrma toward bra AfW hearing (to «—ton . ttorr Hr Codding** IntoexamS bra that to would art aa bra ewaaart la Ibe Mr* <*—** Wx* tto «

Dr* r*rmra> and MatUrwi aworn Ibal ttoy feddbrrat rtonltoy

Atom rrlairra'lah. • y tto day «f pnatora

Tto a aa wbo MM awl wail* for bb trad* la th—dara ftobA Ito'l adrartlm. don't qort# your prlc* lut*. Coa t mm tb«t your efty or your burn— la raprraenlcd la petroeirtng torntoty. aad don't rtuad ap manfully alnugrtd- of t • lighting

bUrkairua. U neb *em ■ o»el b gu ra*ry

>aW. A Mil MM MV I


^apaay laju«lro By tto naan* put oa II by Mr. Moot wbo appear, la maaaca tto roaapaay'. affair*. to g«l— ganaral dfprutUoa to art fairly toward tto 0*7 w—Mown. that tto Wafer Hart would to «pm hair. o«ra tto milr Our ob. lu calling titoUa to It M, ttorafera. to datanahn wblrb la tto r»gbt n

If N • lateud-d that payment* ah—Id to

qalrral haul bity day. aftarward. tto •am am. rtaeonai.U ttol tto pay. c—derad—that M for Jan- nary and February prlrttagm. U I* doubt- ful If April, tto fourth for May aad tto M.(«0 paid by Mr. Moor* yra- iraday waa for Jana aad Jaty. aa man* to ■ra torn claimed by Mr NralbeU « M r* •rto lu couratl, — HWurt by Tub Jtawe, aad by aa amkaaot total gentleman employed

SUll. aa bar. *a'ral. uadra aHbra mirtioa lb- company ha* paid ap to d. nWm tto rrawipt given by tto etty tra**u ffetraday - for Joly aad Augort. which oara. .1 tto rlty to I

paid partly Hi adraara. • SM

pii*nliM two Ov.u-and dollar* thai lb. BnM nrut^.oral ■ of lum «M MB '« Mila* U, toooortdrr-

Cara Ttttrr la -Oau Rrrar. Tanrvr. mpporvd by aa admiral.!. araj la “Oao Error" at M*rtr Hall lad e.rolng. tofor* a nwdiara *m. bo» apprartobra aadbarr. tny from Itrtorwoid wra* la Ttoy wra* In a happy mood, •ad lafermtod tto aadwocu daring tto acta by tbrtr aatlra. A cortoa* mrdWy of oatnnra wra* oedbrad.

1 Id tto regulation *vul#c draw, 1 la "prptraaad mlt" oo ralkol la rtol In a wblfe


grwatag la tor yarJ a ■■ atMth. Tto ptaap* of tto rtrlkrra a

Jail at TV—a. charged «

y mar lay am Mr* data LtppfBcutt. wbo It Am County Jail oa a dap of tmgm mU waa brouckt a«abat Mary C. Hal by ItoUa

r la drbooi Dfe- MtoaalaLaac waaoaufed by

I fto wort* at Bride*-

«H of band* wUI to aaployad Tto 1 |lu fact al» Ml top..

-Saturday. *«|rt a»il». will to mil nUr day for tto <«*or*d i—nto at Florida Oror*. -Tto Ir—wui. will rroa lata with tto MKro«4itara la a ina* of bam hall

log m many d ffrawai tbtdra of ■ ito am 10 Ifrawlob. C ly to play a nut wt (dam -Collan and cuff* mad* r

c-riioWad. ~rr""n lfc*n

—Hatorday wm tto ttd, aoalwramry of Bi-bop crFarrallV radlmUm lamab Miry.

•Tornwy. If >00 cat any art of that u job will d».“ -IT*11. mom." Tommy rmtianlly. ibry my a watery grar* —Tto aouual mcrainp of tto Momwraat County Buaday wrbubi aaaartailoa will to ou Toraday. top*. 0tb. la Ito Rraoad —Tto praralnm IMt for tto Tew J array Htata fair ha* bran .—rad Tb# fair will to tobl at Warraty darlac tto wmb togioaiwg top* SAL #-*>.«*» m ram praoUn* wig to awarded


bm If I bad ttcratra 10 peddle mrai, I railed la ito Utb. H* Ito* oaugbt bold of me roughly mtd I amt go and raid tf I bed rtolafed nay U> I waa wtli- lac to pay tto Car. a* tto ram# Hum offering f dagrwra. Tb* Abwaga ra— waited

oetpom.1 tto rto* 1b* Had Mau went an i agbMra r.r.an la a tow am Land hardly bad ttoy dcUyad by tto rala aad a pair of a. drtrae ep. Thrae were about thirty ra* aad ttoy bad ooara In Mp. Only two Hiw Brneewtek bmo were prrarnt. Tto

Ahwmta Tribe bopre to tot * the pMa*ur* of I it lag them t rtorpUoa that will oompmtr wSiST ,h* r‘ Vl'-|w Y'"

Tto Maaltb really Braaleu. family wiU to told la Ito gen— oa the farm of Itora £. dailh. ou* an* at lOo'otoeh ia ito morn lag- H* June* J. Btrgen. of Boarar*>lfe. and D H. Orwtoo. at tto Ttoo- of Sew York CKy. logical Heim oar y of S*w York CKy. wUi de- llTrr addrmem. IwwInning at two o'elocb la Ito afferwooa. Tto moate for tto ora—too will to fbrautod by (to CUatoa (bnM Bead Tto rottowina perm— are tto "faaiir": baitoHma.fr Smith vi

not guilty doc* |Tu—lay, retraofed hM moralDg and entered oaa of gallty. A two

«1WU*dUBOWD ohl—barg HwplUl tala about rrataio eoniMioaUau* in

Tto .few toeaiy Callratar. t H. AU— qaalift-d at County OoOactor of Bomarrat ramuty — Friday, aad gar* bond* la RU.UOO wiu. tto foilowtag avwtlm: Cain# Curl-. Joba Airarman. Dark! K Oatg. A. R WiUMm-ou aad Dcaai* A Brain* Mkkrd My a Hrara.

^ . hero* joaraday aft—ooa. Aa ugly wound -Tan Now. bra on. of tto met Mabor-ta WM u.flMt«l oerr tto left *y of tb* city of ITeiad-id nod burooab of North Plain field rara got I— up. we iiropoac to glra tbM map to all mWHtora’ frra aa -ooo aa it oaa to go*fea ready. prond arairatal rawnprued of mwdutl aad rulrtaul macnrala. Tto mutur*. baring •orbed up with water. I* put Into

1 Kaufman M tto garni of Mr* H

FBbMc Library. M at Wmtptwt Fotn* Mr. John Iorui of Brook arena* M par—t*


• ;0O a* orrority for ay appear*i*- Ha dragged mo aloug. bowrara and did not tot me go until Couorilmaa Hmaltoy told btm to »•»* • JmUc* Hardy Mart a warrant far Mr. attodg*’* arrrat, aod that oflktol will pro bably to gl**a a bearing tbia cr—lag. Thhick.r'. Hlaacrwla.

to worthy H-w’/'j'

ty to “catch oa" man l» bright. 1 rpartling. fall of map aod baring , get together *u well a* capiuL tad all ttora emraUala bar* to— eembtoad la tto prrarnt Ttetctor b«—unu. The Ant part tmrodu.w* rorallau /0-raro.il repuUUon*. and th*y nere. md to brt'-r adraotag* than tod night. » TV—aa L*wto, Raymond Mott*. H. W. FrilhiMa. and R J. Jew*, all delighted

dancing. Added to tto madral feature* w* tto witty mytngi of Tbatctor and bto How —d bmo, mating Um dm pert •aid* oa- Tto remainder of tto p*rfor- toc* wmamrtmof*p«cla>Unof high order latrcdocing tto tnimitabla Tbatctor. Frank Focd wonderful Rado Lao Rapott. Tto laUer'i perf ormaacr ap— tto ladder w prueed la ***ry parti— lur and a* one of tto bwiiag. If not tto beat orgaaiaulon of tto kind Id tto eoua try — Lowell Mail. Mr Tbatrber * company iRblNt at Mode Hall next Tbaeadaj

M pott offtra at Fla infield Um w-eb ending Aug *>. 1W: D A Moor*, Mr* Mb* Lout— Murray. M— D«ha A ejaary.**. wra——, Cbriwr. Fred Moma, C K Comya. W— . Coop. Mb* Abbfe Fulham. Otoe Drake, M to Mary^ Qak*. JV ^ Utllraula. Oa radar. Uanting. Maater La Hobart—. Joba Haber line. MM MaggMTaykor. Mr* M J Jaooto, L M Taylor. Mr* J ft KUMtta. Mto M Wtortar, Mr.

Carey‘s Fire-Proof Storage Warerooms. / have /he best, /he cleanest, the largfit

and most thoroughly ventilated rooms t>: town, now ready to rent at the most reasonable t> rices TBI.HICA.MWmn MACHml*««i STovm ATIIRBD re«»-n*«<r.

CAREY'S FIRE-PROOF RLOCK, roRAKR or rmoirr aad orovb btruts

Announcement of 6 & 10 cent Store. W1 DON’T

Give Every one a Present, <M .. •* ~tn. «o mm « «. A... »° PM R mi..«W » BA— o<l'. Th. oAlldr— ot.—ra. .»». f.nrfMr B.1 o«. J «o o« MAirn« 1~. 1» r»»-ra*

ho us’e-f iTrN 1 s h I ngs wtoa praraat* are to to gi*«

J. C. Allen, 44 West Front Street.


■‘tlSISSHrnlr^.»ta *ln lot», TV -Irt far &V. fl.on -In far Or. • 1.IT. .1 T5.,lrt far .I to, fST^falrt r.. »l..\ ■ HAtr I104E-1V tail bofa lor Bfa. Afa Mm I I1R.TTK- HALT 11U4E—13c talf bofalor Wc. far tall M. for IV. JV tall CHII.DHKN-4 RHIRT W»!*T-»V «1M for fw.

lor 7.. I-J. rltatafa. for V. omaH AUK-ID,. .ItataM far 7r. IV rltataM. for »a __ TOWI1L4—13jlomiror«t, »o »«l far »». »• fa“»l *A Ftarj [Wtata Btateri 4ow» ttr, low. ottar tam.fa. too o.owroo. to ttaotk

Edsall’s, 20 West Front Street.

gKCOND or FVRXirVRM Bought—Bold—Repaired.

Bargain- for aU-Na 9 HoumCwI ttrrat.

TEA - COFFEE - SLPPL'ES. Unequaled in quality.

SATISFY YOURSELF BY TRYIBO. Cut. Tall* aw 0 BmiMT—I atrraf.

•TV*. BkMh" North Plain field.


Tuesday, Aug. 26 UEOROE THATCHER'*


Thii Date in Hiitory—Ang. 21. cHabt— etba >mrami

. C. A. Bdwnrd* and wif. of Uu* rtty

Tto Bra. Dr. A. H. L**U b la W*rt Vlp-

wrato Ttoc at I Mi ary Park. ■. J.

i Ttol Worto, w—t m Tot

H. aSSraraRfaii SISli ST E5“ —Si. * Mr. B. * BSfalie r ii.fal M. **r_ra?j—

Crnt-a-ttorb tolumn. A^DT assure: Forme,- Cara of K-**uu Hi** GIRL waneral for graM>aiboua*wo*k. Cui at 0 Willow arauaa. T iCTifll farawbrai fraut mom to bt * Le Broadway. Iftfi ^pOJJTT-H

'■asr L*T or for mb.


Wi Jj.-.r-jzs, Xenial Ig-tlcr*.

Under the managem—t of Rlefc ft Harri* Tb* mod tabu tad. tort part, tort paying aod KOHUB THATCHER. H. J. Jora. John fkld. Rarmoral Moor*. Wv*i * HbapaH. Tboa Lawl*. The* L*M*k. a W. FriUmao. •. Joba A. Colomaa. 'VLSftUiSZ,/ _ R„ta A Atac-, Qulafet of Arabian Arrobota. Stnwt parafb It u. ou rab Haiur-lay, Aagurt 3. PnrM so. n uil il

We era afway* rtoohad whb a fine liaa aonabb gomlc CMir prtom ara alwarn *wmt. tuallty oo—Vbra-L W* era al way* randy to rnrro you aod mra you atommf. ROGERS BROSg




ABBURY PARK and DCIAN OROVB «g Branch oarh way)

Friday, August 2 2d,






THE BEE HIVE Chlklr—V and Mto* Ur

I mtom ftaaaal drama* la pMa outowKh too—a and p&J*4 ^A^aww^ad^jmjjl^rt* Mm of h%h^ grada^ le-

Louis Callman.

J. P. LAIRE & Ca



Refrigerators, Horse Sheets,

Lap’s Fly Net*. ■ I

Page 2: PLAINFIELD EVENING NEWS. - DigiFind-It · (bop O'Parreiri ordlaatlon la toe n>in ieti-y, braird bu Brat mate.-••Tominj, I f ,ou eat any nwr» o

Mo It b t" t - h. >j.-1 that Paw— AjrWWill be ahw t-. work «mt of tbe troabU.ffbju an tn-*r]v prn-iplUlel min apua theArgentine ftppubUc. BIMBO* A «-r»MM K-.v>t«.- that trawled (Mtn4b* Mhen wl«ta| trw n « 4 of-borrowta*

-. awl her* UM JV»O1I brofc*

f i-1 ITa» n baa bees IBomber it 'leatmttlr* i imwin* a mJW1. rWfii.-l- th-r- bar* bwn fiftyBw*an "*i i in <!•*• r.-nt parte nf tb*Union up f. March K, 1W». Th- -4o"» • -/•;-. m I In twrnty •liffi-r'-Tit -™v™,ao.1 I..II, 1 or injomt S.TMJ penoM and«e«tr ••--.-1 f •r.CP.i"*!-worth <>r property.Dtonu *al Mi*-..in had tbe

•Oluber of t t » viMudona, _it AiUiit-f COM *> a rale tb*

The Dattxd HtatH -ilrer law has echoed•Vunml tb" world mlrwHly. Lnmtf beftmIbn'm-nth w.-uM . M,,r.> when (t wb f ' : • I > •• :dtlli< u T miniiHuf nit w txiQHhi li>-r>- >>r EI.^I.III-I aif l J i i | i

England .lul thin U[<! >v pafa[ v

vent up in i.w i»aru< t. Hhi* wanted theattar m Nxml to Iudia, t» pay Tor whi-aiand M t a N w i tbo u>..>- m.-nt MnOnion an'] ruuni (ho. piir* of tea,papiii-i.* j f' .r tiit t- 1:1 j tiia<lr- in -II

•Thtu. tlJtrttnx fri.rjj w.~t*m I'uiStalea, tlw rilrw w w w.nt around tbtglobe Mill rtnwII'PIUP again.

K d u a i l nIt i - in UM nature.

jaaailma l a t e trldtbatii'Morwmy. H i a J i m,.l R M Finland thi-reta Irsi iHinrarv ttisn tnir* la in tl>«l*nil«.l Kt-r. - . yet -nch U rho fart.ttw oouniri. « tu:u-1 and iitb>-Tjt .. • f I;.,I. ,,„•, in ••.puUti.in alto10y<-*r. . f jurt.. j . lea* than r par onID Gomanr Hit*-n-.nU mi«h< he, vptttol . mtv f..r gwwmtkaN litTiuia u M •. . >.[»il".ry educational U v

Bu: <• •'.-• i:.v. :.. which w» an- idebti-! f t I., iiiiaiiy n*w mul vaiual,

) ZI i Mtmt'4 th.-w.^U i

. Milrjn-tof iiiannni Iroilax i- ;••'•" dtoola h«n> i> l n i « m «m !*<•>' *&::>~\, tlion«b few .l-Hnitatop hirvc )>• , u wt mkMi f,.w»r.] fl(]

•">' • - iu*BU't »1..>|-«1V»4IWctiiJ1 r^ati.r all dM Bnanol battttBgfa Offl.i.-ia> O w l . IWith MI )i iin.l.Unc 1. .rimu TBJ (*• Hfi-^idiUtni. U.-- «i Hte l t tW

phv»i. : * area II .IT.MIT part <*n.l laali.-ib-m Mrunemflltmln-riir .-.im»K<-

E*M 1- > .•rh-.l • f ta :feMAGWwyaDd .. lwihr.-.iu. tlir U!*>•». • • ', i.-i md .•").! -!,..w.-avtxuu-n .. • it. Jp -v-y day*, wh-n

t t ( U tr 1. •.•-

|u K-. U)

[ i i .ni..l.-r tit.

Tbe T.tramiv i.r Tbtnir^iMbaar'* Mwnanr nmrnim •

fa - t iy «lit.;ri»l..« rh,.«l).j.,-t,-f•things" in limp B--T toi.vi» n» an•omr i,nr m.Wi i> au>l tyrvii*. in»t<-,«or (iwt.ini; ihrm. We am not coi

- * with bftpp.t Mill .-imfant *uu|tlirity. t>uiAdd Hi.ir» ami more to nnr IwK-tijnpg-i

, till w,. orr «WMH|«<1 with ibom. ,-iw-udryif Wt-liVftnrrBt-lh.nl** MI.) m.-v.frvm place to piacv. TVj- worry a,

• Nil at irii^ii. in .or amavt hmrtH «-.I . wxAiM t* tila.1 to nv.v» out ami leav,' . them unit atari all ever ntfBtn; ifia.I CTCD

If the) wuultl tukv fire and 1-uni t.•ah**, *u <ln they uppnw tu at but.

Of the o aiia. .n miitakir of rt'hting ut•pnrouwunA loo bi« ., hinw* th* WHIBI

wi i taaMiku^dMiat laHUiwrrtaaw

JJH","* • • • •

»«lih'"WT»i» .f •Mf.oiil^ W.TH tdbapwud

Irerr Kaltrkt •« the T.adfrWIt b*«--> w—Li.nOr.frH Oat. ' iJt'^SJiS

' Tfcat btbaaBM

WAB TO THE BITTEB HTO. ~ J. kadKbM. r«4l7 Ufof t b a t a w k m

WrM Mill » d u l am* Tnfmn* fer *" H-^TT* ***"* ' j * ."" ***. ^Jj~ " ~ " " t K T e * dty baa

1 Boffalo, Wrratuw •

bafor* tb* alriketbe Intatttlon of tbe roed to

br*aa np tb* order, and that tbey had bet-, l*r lear* It at o*e* and adviae otban to do

MKI tbe aama if thf y da>irad to retain tbetr pn-!attioaa. Th*™ . . . _ - . -ieftyroen.

K E « Toax, AUK. *L-General Maatet-j WinWorkman T. V. I-,,w.l-rly today lwue.1 an I The foUowii« bulU-tin wae trnnttt from

aU lb* Knlgbta of Labor in the I b * beadquarWrm of Diatrtct A***ntbly "'amployoftb* New Tork Central aad Hud-

' Bad upon Uw VanderUrt con- _

strike and tb* effort* made to obtain a [ .HUM. rpa*r—l.li MMUement ot Ibr dlnVnltiee. anil '"''£' *BMide- aarb and erery member of the in- ' r ',,'„'tentlou of the executive iHiard of the juwtt hnwciKni^bla nt L«bur to proan?ute t In* nifht intbe bitter end. At the H I M tima It h.mad* known tbai (iraiha* rallf-! a nMetlnc ofd l ot Ihr Federatton of Kailn-ny Kinjilol. -

ofTerre lUm.-. Jt»lAll h..,Kl.i. Called Oat.

Mr Powderly ••«!!- H-MH all Kt.i«hutbe employ nf (he VanHrrhin Itn™ to M

I w n nwlllatil Mr. Pow4arli h w ( i » n . i

WnlurwU) BfMrWKHi wtih Vio- I'rMiil..Welib ntni Htipfrini«'nrtriit Tourer, of tCntral Had*un divi.i,,n

Mr ['<.».l.-r!'Mr. I.

M-,.I'.II-,I. Mr

tbe New Yurk Vtntnl every "p

Tbe) -t«t«l lhai Ihe kn[K|fti. - "elar« the xtnke nIT if the cunipiu

aubmlt I be n u n ol t h. dl>»• tnwmttgtOm, «f dlat

i hat tLen- wiuTno-.1 except i Imt they

rr^.imt iti the Interest of praii- MiJ*rl|aahBd Mr Wel.K in vknr of tbe

(Mr Pm

«iti..n "sir. T l » y . *«o c«"™'Into'Tu.i during the inteTTivw, reiterated the

n(i ni-dr -!M. !.,.•((i ti.j.1 ihey would laeiatIJ»>H iluir rmht btdtwiiari;* anyof theirmpluyr* Hlihoul aaatirnlaii a nmmt '••tuff"'. ainlH*nt llte> wuiilil II») Hbe n«lil ../ utiy JaW ••TKanUati'in. or

roe in UM matter IMng a>ked ir they

•ir pnpanr. ami i b i neiiuer tlte ._pi-.jr-.ii | ho fiNjuiii) nor il>e public bad

lUbl Ut . , . , . - . , : Ihr „.!.. .„, .,( >.,.

i n m l , U M ] b*altat*d and a lut

iti -of UteKaWbtaot lj.ho» In

Vkfl I>rwiJeat WVbU via. ,

li ^i h


pand •Ir.tchint

.*•.» iw Bnat

a^iH-^SSr'^W«u«nJr* hoard of tbe Kui-thu offBTcoououed ka M M . IU, ( ki . U• l o u k * •» *b«a«k tb* atnke wiii.d*-

• : « H " .


IK- -I- -Tlir enHineeni hix-retnipetlns U«( niitht to cooi-lder tbei m York CaMatal Mrika.' Tbey are nakijxympathiBs with Iba striken. Trailre rooting nlowly here.


Tbe accident on the Old Colony railro0. i j ,. 11- > w u - j.j-... j by a jnck being I.Lnder a rail by workmen H-II<> were rvfm

.an tbe F ."I r\iur more of the rtctllhare •!:. a makinK tbe numberof Ibe kill

Tbe >r«te ilejnirtinent receiTed a telegrammm MmUrrr Mi/.ti.-r-4ayiu« that the j>fltr" nml mrdmlkMi of tbe L'nit«i Siuivr been accrpteil by both liunutiialiSalvadiir.

Mra. Man <;r-W!tt has beRun a HIIroiver fiiHum .UTiiaicn> «K»HI-*I tlirugh of Antxin- Park. N. J., for Injuries»i~vtT0O hy a fall from a hrokeu woudeu

ti wao crippled by thewalk. Mra. Cnace I. lent

Jonn. colurwl. 3J yearn old. oflity-lbird «(rret, l>tiiladelphia.

drowueil her t'-iiionth^olil i-tnUl in a tul> olad thru committed Mucide by

h> pcwi-intf i».--ili

fnrai thf aonari bj

Orrvnn takiu

will lier»nfine<l UrfanrifM, •dii-h »rv that (n-nVnutnl employe- of tbe penxion bni

I»II , I- ; I .J-: . . k iiin;.iii!i; n-frin

" T " |«rti»lCAilinK'*l lrrui


-J»y. Thtlif^pf,-: iRMHDf

.mil« now of G . Kaa

i.n-ffiTMl' [ IUooper (lnil.|. wim


W u n v v K n , Aoav n.—Tb* B M m a »m o t t hat Mr. Hoar would addna* r be

M la oppocttioa to Mr. Qoay'a naoln-b t a c tbe tin** for rods* on Lb* tariff

brMsfat qntw a crowd of apectaton In tb»

th*yea.J3 then oflfaeed tb* two amend-

of wblca be bail gn-en Botke—onefederal *ieettona bill in tber nfbjiainnM Bnrl tbe other

U> provide for rletnapding tbe preriona

tbe r.itt aboold be taken ID apeaking forhi- amendment, Mr. Hoar aaid tbe ebe-

•*..( t

Mnanm. Hoar and Pngh then had a tiltrer Mr. t*rinh'i speech concerning the

bill. In which lie aald that "If lhb> bill be-roinea a law ito eiecutlon wiD iu-nrr tbeabedding of blbud and tbe deatniction ofi hr peace and good order nf the country.It* pftMaoe will he retlatnl by every par-liameiitary method nnd evwy method al-lowed hytho conatltution of tbe UnitedStaten." Mr. Moar aald be would leave Itto the judtttnotit of tbe country whetherthU wan a threat or not. He aaid thatwhen M-naton fame Into offlre they tookan oath to support tbe constitution. Theelection, bill undertook to defend tbe cou-

uf the Cnited States againM anattempt ta orerthraw It by depriving the•najorityot the people of their right hon-*tly and freely to elect repraeatatjTe "he other h*>iw* of cotiiirMB. k* nuiii:

tu obtain the erldenos npon wl

Oa p . 7wfcoea DenKnratia Bart j. In tb*t e — »ttom Mr Hawaa^^a.oxtra«t>frMB Th*Sew Tort #«JTe< •HatBT, WJU. *altla«upon the ctUaaa. • / How York tonaSBUIitarr H M h n M He mU that thelaw had baa. > Hilly •e-ljii.4 toafcc*dUe. hariB* a popolatlo* *f W,O0O wnp-ward. By th* — • of ttm th««war*•teaV^Ua aoeh atttai la ta . UmlMd Stataa,aD bM twmcr-Cwo of which m n la th*aortb. It wa.idWtoBprakotth*paa>diBchUlaaawctiooal maaaena oraathrialia


• a foul wrung npon the autbon ofJ Bo aay th at ht raopaBed t he bwiea

oXtbewar. il wa-i a fooler calamny of tb*tighty •linden or tb* C f e d t d d

Then bad dhfer l«en ah

D-anaferred tbe Bo call that a force bill which

lie question from th*

tbe hoiine o

B bill were the n

mid « i ( e l ,

[•erienc* in tbe United .State* •Iritaln. Thi-re wu> nothing uew

It atmck at evil lit all part^ of icntnitry alike. It applied- to tbe wncountry with ariclitl.ms] precaution* and•afefrtmru* which the north had applied to

In pmpoaing this nieaanre conferee*doing exactly what tbe trainer* of the <•tltution expected when they declared thaiil.•• limes, place* and manm-rn of boldiielection* for »nni(ire anil repreaentativ•bo<rl<l )>e prew-rihed In eacb state by thalegislature thereof, but that ronitrf*

ly time by law make or alter aaclin. ContcreM had exerrbM-1 thai

and over attain. Hs dnl not

aoutbemo .t mrin

•e mi'takcTi then- had Iwn one eletre ii had rained Hbekela under n.-dow of llarvnril culleg*.

la mVM h

a prlvatrprnxioni the

invmti.^Oe Ir. "If |

li*tITHc-e<l m»n ami expect to 1M k

teHnK orlAddni* Berbte SeevS, BCL 1 Wei*™ SMI

•in while on hi. wnj rlip>n_;h n,i s ,-i^1 route fi.r Cape MayrMted tht mininj.nifthi- InturpiliQd iliio^^ ou exhiiii

1 cemmeuiuntloa of «z-PrBaldcat WlUbun>nry HnrriMin. Th!» was shown HM- p iwlent, nrhn HHW it for the Ant time. WhileaUalnurof the Imildinic the pres[detiT

• 101 w v m l hvarty cheer- 6u l - . v i i « I, •

i* rarinaa ilepannivnt-.. hi* pleanun at1 ncepiion an.l whst he hnd - . 1 ,

•*») A n PBMfJDK. F-»'Vor;b?r"?i«"*T--"Mdn«Mie>{.. K,'


I ULAI.M-ir.il/ SKM1SAK» oir * »ili u-opeu on itiiiad.j.

. upon * l i i AS HBMI^AttY.taM F l h

I.—A raidF*RK. K. J..» here Iwt ei-ening wnleh p ^ . i | i

fan that ilii. i, beDevcU i u iw thepnthi tin ion i..» -i or America. Th*

of tbe N,

VlOtfOBlOH.il (I'.jrto.

n BB

agaraof thtNrpiuno rlubThey ware C W. llsrrU.

' K k P

I - i .Ail , A. UAUfH,

Afebun a.»11U1-; BoUator L I M *I Kd P Sayler. of Rauliti«. p i *•***? PW*a Other* « « -

- . . charged with allowing gstnblinsand keeptni; • di*urderl< hour. Tbr pri»oner, were placed under booda lor a bear-ing. Tbe Neptune dab was patronized

Harriavo mtfWd brre IW [ i m i n t Mm. i i .a l j l w > m ' InL.' 1 Tuk. 1 7 ^ ^ ' L ^ T SHarriaon ai.d M™ McKrc with the baby. >Waiarm« a all aa bnawb** " " f tmM hiiu m,! !.<. a u >i ota« w v n « l lo tlH wttb |IH.Iaaaam ParOa* eaat W afl para ofcettMe at tb* point, woere a q.iwf family «»» nniMiy. HMInni. 11 W a t t t M t f — t .

~ . i ™ f l - p l e t S 7 l b l t b d CKO A OODflWTOKmi at l a * . "•—'


u ,o create negro

iaaae. Thenegro wan in it large minority in erery utatein the Union but four. What tendency, he

k l h d b i" ' ' ' " "

r pledgad to the policy ofle bill by ererylhinn that could bind airty.

Rererrirut to the Quay resolution Mr.Hoar •.•ii.l that nobody doubted that, itspurpose was to dirfuat the federaJ electionsbill for thin contemn. The next setnion

~eea weeks, from whichiays would have to ba

deducted. The passage of the ifreat Appro-priation biltn. the apportionment bill sndother bu*ine?rf lvhicb pressed upnn the at-tention of f'uun?** would be enough todefeat tbe resolution.

Ei-eryboHy who voted for the reaoln'jon.he aaid, committed himself to the prin-ciple that the senate could cat off debateat discretion. No man, he thought, couldchallenge the. Hi newthe protective sv>te_, .little aaiisfacti.m in the pending tariff billif lt» passage mu (o be the price of tbe Uis-honor of bis country or of the brokenpledge* of hU party.Mr. I i , , Air .. I.- KrpuMlemn *At the conclusion of Mr. Hoar-

Mr. Spoouer ttinved the reference of tb*resolution on<i aniendmpnts to tbe com-mittee on rulis. Mr. frj-u eipruued iym-

• • 1-.id.'"He brile«a tiiaTTr

renivnee for a time the pre-couM be adopted as.« rula

I , ! T l i - . , . , . .- ,: , . I I , 1 1 , 1 , , • < ! , , W . I l l , - t . l t f T b U I

passed in t*»n day* and ten days thereaitefan elections bill onld be pa-v<ed.

Mr. Fryesaid hepl»for the detent of the el






ELI A8 B. POPS. T r a i l II

PAPER BYTHE POUND,We liavejust teceiveda line 0/ note papet6ut -up in found pack-ages which we ate of-fering at a bargain.Come and see it.


'£ XXJ{0£


ftaj •foeatltlaor:

r in the session thatrule for the prerion*lever yet won a bat-

FRANK LINKE,Wholesale Win<

Liquor Dealer.

Jos. T. Vail,



Mechanics,Attention?THK B«HT PLACE TO BUY T 0 U B









Dpptr I«hi(b vtd otbrr ebolo* eoati oa

William C. Smith,Practical Maaon and Builder

i t o M U>, Graod *i

A Great BargainIn the following

Canned Fruitand Vegetables.

Cua. DOB.California Cherrtal l £ 13.50California l'luma Ur. 9.S0California Apriooa 2H li.56Franklin hrant Corn 1U LI"Btandard Jene j pack*.! tomatoei 10 L1SBbingleM Bean* extra choke.. 15 • .•*

>n ntiComer Broadway and Fifth nn> .


Gasoline Stoves.!

Baldwin Refrigetatoi \


Window Screens. B*»*




B N I ' I « l l « » M l i w Her


lnd,Ba«AI* for btieln and [riiat* fa

\J3est Selected Goods

i..rs. Stephenson,S3 WB8T fKOHT BTliKET.

a UUI iMlmn her famona


Mrs. Martin'sHAGIC

Renovating Fluid,ill take cut Rrea** front an; kind of RMX)I auurr buw delicate tbe .bade.


Ir«en.na] b*s HTM- Uen fcond for clean

0. E. CLARKEBo. ;. I M F.cBt Dim urn io P. O.

oaWbrsi jun of l ie pnaident't STtb birthday

radical Phunbei. »>d Sbeet Metal Worfcen.

Coortant^ on band a f nil bw cf all tb» im-

• •-»*•


PROCUREDIntelllgeLt peopto know'that the bnt good*

anoot be Isold at tl e »me pricra a* ROCaferior quality.

Buy the Bestbe disappointed in .ait]**And jou wiU

price or quality.

R.W.RIGE&CO.,•-••"I j iiri) l>n. r S inn .


Barkalew & Dnnn,18 North Avenue,

Fine Groceries,PLAIN FIELD M. J.

m T9B£E I TEA.

Geo. Gonover,PUHK1TUH« U S PMlGHr

Furniture moved

Pianos Moved


L. M. FRENCH,Fine Carriages,All Styles,

Atl Qualities,All Pi ices.

VI R HH-HK l>l|-IKMIi:iTBiraJhy] by Mo»:«


•. C. Mul/ota,REAL ESTATE

MUNffS TQ LOAN CU 18T. MOUTUAOal45 North avenue.



O PTI C IA N." r a.laaan«



MARSH \ AY ERSbio* pronjpUyxoarantead.

-mpt lyturaCALL *J?D HEE OB

Assottpunt ofGE^TLEM A>"rt Ft'KM.SHINf.rt. LJ T —


Eugene M. LaingBe «. f>AlUt 4VCIUB.


WEMT FROST KtRfOT,n— He » Third »Mwt,coraetih.

Ttbin« pertaioolni to the Inuina aJon baml. CTalbi—m»»<U j » ' J

■tv ,—tac. tl«l imU Iwtlka Ito >IM -A to if- r—J <Jnr.irt|

in* R,ltn*. lK-r* Im lam Ulj •rrea •»>» la dtff—at I*rti <4 tk Unb» apt- March r. l*+i Tbetora* Idm la twenty diffrrmliUla, aad kilk-1 or injured S.TRi p*r*uwa aad r >.«74.iwrwo«tk «4 pr<>p«ciT. DhtrA- aad Mfcmt hud th- great-* Banbrr <4 IW vMtaOana. and tb« Mau*«*«h AtUntr- roiM — a rule th* Tb- f’nirel stat~ «)r— U- Km .. bo*d or*."-! tb- world already. Cm* '-fere fkn'*n<«nt>i w.mld -ipia wlm It « lAlleM 4 .-nn.-./ Mlvre were height here by C4.KUwl u4 akii*wd am* tw - -ter England did «l< ka*« a «nji|a r Land Wmlk |*ica «nl np In lit* a*rb(. Mb wanted tb. m*r» W> -wd t» India. t.» pay for wh.*t aad <"«** NVn the —<iv—i-at atrgrh Ghlaa aad noal the pnr. <4 tea. nil nayv-nu for brta* nal<« in a»lrer •Tbtre. Martina fra w-atem l'ut*d But- th- Alnr w»re «ai around tha

l«J* In •!**• anture .4 a reirprew t Am*- *•» h>* uid that fa Dreuuark. JfarwBy. Hwwlea nr. 1 -\m Finland th-re In W« IDito-rary ihnn ih-re U ii Vaital fttaO*. yrt -vK »» th- fart th- coontrh- nan-*! and in Oermany ' |"»pnlnt»**a »Ui» I0 yearn.f w mubi

•4 iiiutui trniu

taken lowanl On

Th-re pert u 1 I


The Election* Bill Fight in the lierj Ksickt aa the TaaMrhm

Liar* Ordered Oat. S toto.' — WAB TO THE BITTER EXD. ZTJfZZZ kalato. Kallr an. * Ito am -to am m mb tom toUfr Aa tar U- to*

a**ml u. all tto Knitito, at Lato, In tto 0»ta*|m«"'l Dmafc. Aomiblr So. ♦■■to, of I*, to Yorfc I'mtml ari II.kI .** . •ertlag llann M- ataue Mnke and ihn rflun. mad* to obtain a >■“•* « am*m**T ,T?' mafMU. -tilriMW of t»» . and , -,?| n ir*— MM of tto urmllm l~M of lb. | "twnb'wiT'ma — Knlsblo W L.Utr to l-oo—t-tto ib. ....... m ai >b< mm. um a »lrr''“"•* ■ M* ho.™n Ilia. l.nml hmr biMU I " „ bm mlM! . iMtlic «# lb. Mfo-IM 0.-.0 "" 6»M,ool.,. *»<*.«■• . ..Ml «.,h.' lb., •f T*rr» llauu* lad u> •impathtia imh tha drit^a Trmlna •'l*" -***--

la nat»-ii«o *•<**« th- "ttrrln* rr*nta al-Tr ontltnetl Mr powiWli ha*> k>r*n out th* following WnlhttaU) all-re a.'I *llh Vic- l»reaid-ni WnMi anal Hai|wrlni*Tnl-nt T< Can Iran liodw>a dlrtoioO Durina th- afta-m.-.n Mr I’owil-r!) aivl Ui *l«a tba N*n York I rnlrai «»rrj op ua>rlxiiily to ltdiig Ih- alrika to an end TWf »»ai*d that th# kiilactfi* »onJd »i- rlarr ibe ntrka off if ih- OMiipnnf would a*r—■ to Mibmir ih#-aw* of Ih- dbcharjH lotb- tn«-Mitgaii.ati Of >f •!tolar—1-| id- (aaru—m. am tb- nit<l-r> fn. ling I" lb«ltl tea ra.Uatatoi 6> «a»*T I

Mr Wahl. Mum.I to «it»-u,n (hi- |wt»p ■HIo« Mr T«u—y. who reroa Into tb* •M.u. during i la* ini—r» ft fi«*d* aial-inani that lb^ Ipot. t»-ir n«ht b. dka-banc* ■iiyof thalr • u.|.h>V— Without aaogn.ug b* d«bt t »•; I la—> would luit

.anreiwnati.m. t. ll-iug aakrd adnil

, n«l.i t«. •*.


Icriba «a*m-

- •dd Bi ^an.1 mnf* i*» „,r b-hm*iW. tUl *» arr >wmtni«d with thorn. ,.ln ul ly If w* lire In MiMl h>ni»w at»l u*< v- Iftwn |>Im« to pUc . TVj w*ttt n till at length m <<mr »ci-t b«wn> w. wthiM b* Hind to Bora iwtt a»l loan th. ni aad Mart all over again, glad *r*a If tbr) WMld Ink. fire and l.un f. —bn. ao da. they u|piwa ua at U«* Of Ih- oiuinhain tuiataki* c4 ranting- pub


* for Aug a in T«i

\ IWiJmi Wabb w'^TL |-n-. II- aai.l that tb- Onal of Horn Bt>ni in Mr |,..».l. rij *

dLiTbad ^ waT^Tith lakoi

no.rk.ol thar b- waa in rouatanl -o.nn.uai catM.a With tl«-:r chief .^1—... and Chat th* ha* l.inr. Laha Phor* aad av-ry lirkM ralln—.1 wa» |.r*par—I for a rtnka If It • e-nia .wwl uA hat of ■ within ffcla luloaaal ■yataia aad *tralching ‘ “* «■«»* ‘ ‘

Tb* an*1*1—ni on Ibe Old Colony railroad at Qumc> waa raua—1 by a Jack Urtug laft und*r a mil by wirknaii win. war* repair-

and mnliainm .4 tb- I'nit—I Siai— have barn arcaptad by both Oiiatamala and Sai »ad< t. Mr» Mary 'JnwMI ba- bagun a anil U>

I tanging brr—if William t.n-mlm, Jr., a Vy-ar-old War iM.nird to d-alh at Woodbary. N

n It luum. tbr romnia»ioii-T of p-i. b-gan taking andru.*- u-lay. Tb- Inr-Migaiioa will la -.wiftne*! totb-«p*eiar rbarg—. which are that iiari l<«uni pr*. Km«I amph-rw* <4 lb* l-irann f«w kaalug »i<rl in a patent rafng-ratiug •any. «.f which be 1<* |T—I.»e«.«. and that by a partial ruling tirti. Kanni ad

Tlw rbarg-a allege that th- l-»* RrpiwanUiir* Cooper ilnd.i. rw »f-rr-*l ih- chat


browgbi qolte a crowd at a piMnyMr. - thay--^d nay. — M • of which be had «*— «

aakadlrWowof the aubyart wban te abenld be taken. Xa apeak log for kb amendment. Mr. Hoar —id the el—- • the bare <4 the teneter Pwgk-. Alleged TbraaL -re Hoar and Pugh than had k tfU Mr. Pngb*. aprech concerning the bill. In which be aaki that “U thta bill he- cmd— a law Ita a* ecu lion will inaura the •bedding of Mb.-I and lb* daMructkm of tba p-a.-* and good order of ibe country Ire pa—age will be rented by grery par I Lame alary method and erery rnetbod al- io—1 by the rooMHutmn of the Ualtad Htat— •* Mr. 11—r —Id ha would laara It p* the Judgment of ibe country whether • not. Ha raid that mto office they took an oath to aupport the eonatltuUoo. Tba

.WaafUllhadkMiMwd ■ Tweed had —Id that ha did did Cha -wetag if be <fVt tba ipMrtw That Inw had ■■■UtM (m

^?u“wr-"==r=r=i: M. MU tom mrnMUr *..!*■.< M—««

It -m • (ml mm* -pm tto .atton of •a bill to ear that W r—pawed tba lawiaa 'tbr war It wa* a foalar calumny of tba mighty ahad— of tha OoafwWare .Uad- than to rail that a force Mil which wad tha aaulameot of a great pub- lic qoeaUoo from tha ahotgua to tba court. to call It a Mil to create negro r to create a race I—a- The a large minority Inarary

The Digs

Savings Institution m

PLAnrFIKLO. M. 4 «*■ pW* « I tna retr <4 three A


tba dominion of tha African The Reptflr Uoan party were pledgwl to the policy of the Mil by ararythlDg that could bind a party Referring to tbr Quay nobody doutweu mat lu lafeat tba federal election*

election. Mil undertook to defend the a—- , . , .«Italkm .4 the l aired Hre.ew againM an attempt to overthrow It by depriving the majority of the people of their right bon- -ally and frealy to e tba other boo— of . ■ hi obtain tba evidence u elartloo of tba Mil were the rreult of a nr at *a0.fac- tory axiwrimce In tba I nltad SOU— and Great Itritaln. There wa. nothing new In it. It .truck at evil in all part, of the country alike. Ii applied b. tb* wb»l«

■ had applied t country with a<blitbin.l preeantlon. . tbu north had i rant In propuaing this i

■afeguaid* which t

doing < tartly what tb* frai peered when they drclarrel that place, aad manner, of bolding •kaettou. fur — naumi an-1 reprearnlatl aboidd »w praarrllwd In each atata by I lagUlatnre thereof, hut that ro„i at any time by law make or altar i ragnlariotM. Oaiffw. bad eirrritel p»wrr orrr and over again. He did believe that Iwiivry waa . lal—l lu not affirm hi. ■ had tire I y from It. I'nle— well informed ml'Ukrn there had Iren one flprtMi where it bad rain-d abekela under the w of Harvard c illega tbiir.Uion.il.

X?ua:CTmC~~~ ~ I> Ire-jurvaai id » Inratlea P. O. Ho. MR *' "

•daire < t it*

..referral .he charge., rl-.ui-l that if Iren r„ T,, r 7n a . kre.Wa tg 7 lUT'£r 0,f anT |


T",'r,n*f "r 'irii. '* 'V'r,<-- Pir'- 1 Vert - «• mine* -h«w»l.| in*—X-

hu rerept!•■ Xrt

■ rmW>M \UM a Mtat.

he * hi: ill. tig i. Ure mdal rtrmk »rt •eii.oralloo.4e* Prevalent William Urn—n Tl.i. wa* ab.,wn lb* pi— bo —w H f„r the firm time While »ur «*f the iHiildlng tbr pre.|d*nt «bM by ikatwytopa. wtopn -1 u.(‘hW (oiner St.* I uVTbiri '4>b, a ho had ca—irte.1 him through •lepanm-ntv. hi. pl—ure at

11v *'a‘r .* tbe^r—i—r r* » rok. a.<

reaolntion Mr. Hoar aaal that CnWor ihU id laat but thirteen week*, from which the Chriatm— bulblaya would hare to be deducted. The pa—age o( the great appro priallou Mila. Ibe apportionment bill and other htuine— which pt—ed upon the at tention of congro— would be enoogb tc I ii lion.

PAPER BYTHE POUND. We have just f eceived a line of note papet hut up in found pack- ages which we ate of- fering at a bargain. Come and see it.

A W. RAND. » weht rBoirr kirrrt.

•*,\P 3THT.I PO» ’IP XXOH4 TIOO ‘^0un92 *f uqof

Krerylafly who r«4*d for the Naotatioa. g*g|g*'| ia«i>J k.araariiwefk be -Id. oommiued blmrelf to the pria . puu riple that the arnate could put off debate l . at diacreCioo. No man. he thought, could SJl 7 VlOlX(~) SZIVV*! challenge the .Incerlty of hh devotion to .-lj C S I . 1 l the protective .y*teuu but he would take Jo—n -«0 • p—WMi a*n( eagg X •—ow/uire little —t(.faction in the [rending tariff MU not flMCatgepaog j| - If Ita pa*H.vg- wa. to be the price of tbe UI* *'U"UQ* "1 •***• —tu vgl aiy honor of bu. country or of the broken QfTT/^TJCJ T^CCfni pireigre of hi. i-rt>. DiiuiiD tUloPiiq. Mr. r«7» AUa-bv K-pnbiirai. a*aa|*ea | pue 'ma|. U| pue<are S0[ddv ijossiih rraoluiloa and amendment, to ibe com-1 nalttr* oo rul-m. .Mr. Frye -«pr—ard fcym-1 ■ ■— - ■ ■ ■ — pat by with What tire venator from Mum I


rifle* their muienimrr for a tin vluu. queatlon eould I* adopted of the veuale iu three day*, the tariff bill pa-red in tea dayv ami ten day* thereafter an rivet Iona bill could be pared Mr. Kni* —id be placed the re.|M>naiblll(y Wholesale Wine conference be Id earlier lu tbe —u>u that they would support a rule for tbe prerlouv AMD go—t tor. Cowardice


maewancB. buia m vurs now rue

Mechanics, A Mention! X BMBT FhACB TO BUT YOU*




John Johnston,


South Avemje. pi cx box i«m.

^Cprre Lehigh and other c—• ooah cm

William C. Smith, Tmctk-al Umoq nod Builder

A Great Bargain

Cannea Fruit and Vtgalables.

Can. Don. mla Cbarrl— *5r. ta.BR

. Fry* H« Liquor Dealer.

Htringle-Ream entra chotoe.. U «J KMTKI.I.I' TAI MIR A KKIMkl

Ctvm broodway end Fifth vtr>- .

•a L. M. FRENCH, Gasoline Stoves. EXMT ALE AJiD P0R1EB, , Fine Carriages,

'■ \ All Styles, All Qualities,

All Ptices. UI R Rt-.fAIR III rtMI HI.1T


hdw. C. Muljota,

Baldwin Refrigerator RA1ID ICB CREAM FKKEZk KH.


I DOMESTIC AM) FUREIU2I PORTER | I And,baie AIr for Ulrla and (tliaU famUl—

Bo. «3 Wret Froot trot, 11V Homer—i tr—t. North Plainfield, N. J. Window Screens.* w<■««.m«cur*.d.,<*


ad.ir*re M—V.B.BH1 -x funb-r irert4.toi.-r \ I tne Nimi MATTIHON,

• —.tort—< IbrtofiifhamV.* MI'K famorttp. . — r o'.^re 7 ^ ' 4L2ele lJl "■ 13U.1HB. U.K tdrirein-at tt<e*.%t • la ng tak.n .o H hei "Ir .tu

• ml fcngUh Hau rj . Vh) • IHihret'iw

bjaokgj. E <X tj, d-l!r. t :>r*a>..n s*an.« rent leiv firl'kadvi'ihu U gnpiw had I i*" K.mUrg.,u„ eUl n-*|an on Wt4—7 — ... ™ . . . rLtoM ., i7; iT*£. S, iTi—’. r.^’— 1..^- M.K« —n *tol ..tow. «hKk II ...1,1 | »0 that three pereoav kiad died from a <ire—K,,lk W*M‘ :«<*- grMpr. LI Ih?.' «** Sf*HU

5 Ih.lm- grl|.pr tb* rui again apprare.| here tbe I hi opinion • app pulm. ter *4 the bureau of ' uni >UUH.r.. •»1 ^CMtAiL UlKLrt U. kre A^klBUkROahlEXT ^rmen by th* c

AM" ►

IUT.Mth.itP-^111* ►HrtM f-.-Uirtv .nd ' Xmd-r.aMrn. 17 I aOracne avenue, rorr>r »*B.* J . Aug «jrven^f

pi olrv.ional tfarbe. ■ —Rpre—1 Martare in 11rearery. Of r. — ov— ’v Ratwal Rack.PA—Reid^.j.

<4 the Kalghuof

Chart— trewaid.a Meki— ae w>o had

treta.1 j \ HaMi A. M AKr-ll. HarrU owner of tbr j. I n—II r — La a Bl>»u emtr. Prank Presort, of Aabury cad—. tUMHoraad Park, and Ed P JSiyler. of K-ad ng. p» -Vaary Pnubc. UAirre They are . ^•r.•. 1 -nh allowing gambling ftummrtrtr—. ni^^ssarisra^js: — tag Ih. N-ptuae dab — patro«U-d . —Area, I« J. off—i-Lik m 7"-* —fly by Miauuer rredean , miZi ***

L' A DURHAM. Horn— MT.ifd here tart evening Mre 1 uZ* H—rreoa andJlre Mr Are. w.th tba baby, hag—mg » ‘ - * enttagr at tha p-i at. wtUST'^M fam'dj *be mmmtrj. R—I , t ll"wU>SflSlA • SJth birthday J aCXMOB A OIMHMgTOb,

‘ ~-1 J BMort— Exoirwv—«• X J .Aug. fl — Miekry Mr


i»»rs. Stephenson,| PROCURED Intelllgri t i- iJe knowThai the beet goob

nan match. D IX)AN CS 1ST. MORTVAtfB 45 North nrroue.

&S WKH1 WHO ST HTKtET. n at ill m-k-Bg hre fanx.ua cannot b- ‘—Id at t» a H» prlcre — good* of infrrKr quality.

EBEMS i AMERICAS ICE CREATE Buy the Best Ato joo -.U not I. dtoptoi-wd la ,.cha

rno.0r4a.mr R. W. RICE & CO

Kwally aad parr Mrrn.

ADd^Rat*r*l«—, Faory Pud dug* rte. f*a# miuirttc.

Mrs. Martin’s MAOIC

Renovating Fluid, aul .... .01 ,na fro«a >ar ».to o, BT malirr hi— dekatf u*e ■l.aaV. WITHOUT t'UAM.IMi 1IIK COLOl OR I.KAX'ING A SPOT. Itarq—I b— t*v.r Ltro f.tml rerprt.ardclu.hiD* liaa


Barkalei.v & Dnnn, 18 North Avenue,

Fine Groceries,



OPTICIAN. K!n«*8c«ue*. a^ .




• vanr.v *aoa. uie.ii, rretol rtaato. .to B*an HMl W<aton.

rsa: ts.'jstiiiFjrs B£&& daiikni

a burglar. —rnprd from tbr Hack - ugkkg T«*« » 222" ■ I— p—« w% * ''-Naa^to-.itorei.J


Geo. Conover, rcRRrrcu abd nuiuar iim» Furniture moved T. J I»m at u. HI, » aiaatr,. 1^.

Pianos Mewed

A"” Assortment of

ORNTLRMAN’S FUKNUUHBOH, I I TB— btyleh ui hbadgkar. rrc.

Eugene M. Laing So I FAUX AVISOS.

Page 3: PLAINFIELD EVENING NEWS. - DigiFind-It · (bop O'Parreiri ordlaatlon la toe n>in ieti-y, braird bu Brat mate.-••Tominj, I f ,ou eat any nwr» o



peadiy Work of the Cyclone atWilkesbarrc


—fol.lr 'l.irtf. too of whom arm expectedJ ^ j , TU ' -!.'«" u n l the people, for> | f - u,; . .f,.i- found *afety from falling^ U , A • ; !•(•'1'leath la no strange ap-_^,l,, i, :r, •!.,- t,l»>k -li.inond rlly of theWfou^ni: srftfc It* rrrord of mlna

landed. Tbe people throngand count

oriea which* of which

essl.'»•• •••••• 'ing. from IO0 to 300 feet—ttl >h' tornado went iM royal road with-oda.U to Urnter It left 3W building*„,),,,. r. --1 Of oadlydjuuembmrf. It

ipontt,'1-- h ajad made sleep a myth.lilffti'.- i lne l i • i n - n irlth debris and


• u-aay k J and D

Catholic church I• I

and Hcbn.tr; Te.rj-.

( ! n : ! • • •

and in* I'ja bun."

•How wonderful arethewayaof prori-

B *r • • hniK.kerrli.ef knotted about

was tbe work; of the[i y.

*>'H ch in»n«j has niTer

At Philadelphia--


UIKIiHrl;wtiHDUii»nbi]»i)i takoaafcatlH •!•••. aa* W •»»••«•• —Ttea*MM•!•«•HJMOB*. Iifcmril

of Sheds,

9 of (li* Sabbalb; Indoraca• pl*Eform s f tbe National Prohibition jrtr a>l»pr«l at IndUaapolla Ma;30, l««; SAX J O . CaL, Aug. SL—Tbe platform

[he Australian synt«ni of cottng; adopt*! bj t i n Democratic stat* coDren-roimui RnSnge: fa*on the am™J- tlon reafflrnuthe pHnclpIn of t h e S t Lonto.( Uie naturalUaii.m laws ao as to plaUorm of IBW; dvnooticea Speaker Kevd'a

. an Incraua la cbe number of yean n m n e aa an arhiirmry disregard of allof residence here before the elective (ran- parlUmrntarj- ralen: d r c l a m Ibat t lie Har-bl t«d; tarora the enforcement of rlaon admlnlKtnuioo has neglecMd to

iw; (Hiriilniin^corubina- modify an •dniitiHlty eriMtii-on. tariff; de>

. Rheaume, Agt


Dtnct K V M to N ew ark and lTikait-"-,t. J., t:tt(>. m. mail D f e W B l l "

Ti ** a* «O« «. m.

cfcssja aftar 10 a. m. on all national

i-eopen trom.S p.m.Ba.tc

t i -n . i , i o o o 0 i t o o - « o f reciprIIUR I.IL. rtuU<Mphia. II; Brooklyn. 10 Er- ! prnpsny;n : PUluMphla. 4: Br.H.iljn. I BaUwto: difT.-rrnc


ur trusta; favors protection Uidiutrlee and labur: also the principle '.•ij.r,«-it}-, farors equal taxation of I

m the Lodge elections bi 11 iw tendin|

• arbitr

• . . . • • " I ( ! • • i i i r . ! . • ) . • . i n

(it'iii I. • • irue in t lie name haphazard way. I SMUIUI ,

•lit-1] poiise in the "FIw Polnut" wcti.m. , ChK-««.> ..Lit!I.- rililie Srhmltt at Ihe I*W«h Valley B~". hitrailrm-l track • « •might in (he wind anil ~ f „ ". "hl> bod; burled ."••) fnrt through th« mr In i * \ | ^ , J ^aciin.- mil, H shallow pond. A-promlnent jBNTTlumr \i|sin Grant*, tow-liul hnine N . . \nrlfrom IVit .*<TVIH at b o'clock. At -V20 he Phttailrl;,!:

miinili-.. HsmMatraskOn the street try- Buffalo- Ing l<. Wni«- ' Wttanursf

E. Mtirtin. the Imk.T, while driyinu hi* Brookliu.laani. inn l t ' x w n p e In hfs tiarnyiinl. Thetoriiiid') grabbed the entire Imck' of hisbakery, lifml it. In jU In the air and, djutbetlft on hid head, killing him tiu>Mntly, a l•nil u <ti»- i.f hi- liorw-. livving the other

iliilTalo. U. (TlleaRn,iwaan. a. Gnurrw: i

iHarafm. NaUooat.

.- J.1CT

tug tt

gt,"ti«, nn•arth. The « . <

d, .hvi'iti«l of horwlie Mp -I the i#liiU*. IM feM away.

Aeonamrattm . -s , • .pmperly ['!»«• i ta t noOJu ;•,••• 'i.-mnn i«

. m111 in and bin borae t Tot*Oo

thi- air. n>rt . .•.l h«r(»--. "vrfpl B « bl

V»llcy milnmd Totaito.ii.

of tho ]<«* i.f ' » , * „ ,CKSI than fl.tiUU.- Bndn iM-i.iin'.lftt- llM 'if: Bur l.jurrtl u known K M t

• n . Jai.i— IUas%a«, Marr if.

M u i.'- ^ » ^ w — i n . Jtm. d m IMMaley. & * hlw: Sf- H.T*» . '* : HarrhAmyy* l-^r<«:

»rf. Kri»i-r<<-k I MAHJILIUr.iiMw. Siimu I between 11v Ituuoi. " l l

1 —Tbe tiesVentdM. furtyd ShflrK. thirty

i f thjj" -1'•"• - " ' : '" •' t"1 »•<«•*. "-."n-'i footers! in tht> lllliinifllM* serlwt at theIte-2,'i""'. i* 'i|l,1,',!a'n'"'s « thkaiptaa c 8 Corinthian Va<htcliib,r»ait«iJ In victories

thataev I F A R K

' " " r T l T * To . n T P"tnt ,

destroy the lineniee ot Americazi cltins; dcnounivs the McKinley bill as op-

Ijusting poe«J w>thebestint«p«t«of the prodoclng.,jir,VIT and em- and oonsnmlnB classes; calls for a n a e

ployed; s tau* that all money collected lor <>' the ChinMe ezclnsloo act; favorsthe maiuteuance of public achooui aboold eoioage of allrer and demands that sionly be tr,-,l (or that jmrpoee: inviff* all ne made a full legal tender: fav.ir- I«Hwho are fn favor of the suppression of tbe tlon against truMa: direct elect

e vcith the Frohllr tr.irii to Tote wn of tbe ghlbttlon Stat«

: dlroct election of Cnltetby the people; tha Au»

• adopted and tbecontWon arlj.iTiiji"l lor the day. A Uusa mi'~ at t in Open* bouae last night waa

«ed by National Chairman Dickey. j

BSSSS5rrs-.J J o b Printing 01IIICBD staUf convention b*-l'l h*-ro GV<T- '

ES"u5?t,Hf"s all KiudsPromptly,'Latforni eulosixes the pitrty and the ad-iir>}«1 ration, favors rt'CiprTtcal trade ral*> "»T I 1 T /"il 1

i:::.tr.ri-r°"°"""!™i't'""°«tt* Neatly and CheaplyThe RF-PI.I.III-* i part; •!• --iir.-« It*daroUoa to [

t THE NEWS'bo Department.

pftlmi and cl-(^n,l it

id pinion liaeif tu H

tr tj.U llotirro.Ed-I ATE O r AAROB B. NYt-K.

.]..--B».-i. fnrfu-Dt t- (be r r | " 'f


for IS emta per K|UBI* toot


SxJsisSlHtrHH'^ One Month Only." iia.nn i I~ M.BSR. Ailn.inftftrz. "Hi-.,i .!..!> "rh. I


Fire Insurance,

»v- Kino•BMtttiin-r I

AivH-iulily, So. ] traiit".-ivilServic.-(.-otn- All I «art is -n*.!,..;.!,.'.-.! for bil thot(<«lily Ai*t-.-lai*

I Bl the nwpertablr,

••niLly ,,tT|.r.~.i.|i!e.l. and they indorsed

Oil.*.. . Aag -.., _ U , , reported thai*»• World - bur will t« totawd on a ir.ci

Uml rit-T ,,( , . , : , ; , : : . , •: .' . ..,i.i•». «n-l fust iu-Kle tl.» ulty limitn. Ser-I wri; kni-Hu Chii-nco rapitalinta an11« U- U»- iu r n !«tk ,.f tbl- tender. Th*

f frontair* on the lake. Ilet hiith and dry »t»Te tk>.rr. arc underHtood tofca»i

,11 cbargea.

l * » " r . W » . l k , » 1 1 1 K | M l A i , i« .« t e » * p . Aug. Si.-At a mertmg a,

• f Bjni-ri |,iiuB« between VV. H. WalO•M-ltr.lj- Il4rney. repr—eunntf thrBal«»»otr l.wlmll club, late of thr AtlanticS*""«' • " -nd "Zack" Phalpa and W. H"BlttaL-r. rvtimwuttng tbe American as**«ati .[i. * formal contract w-an drawn Q |J"«V "1 •• lnutr,iUiS the BaJtlmor* Baa*•«ii Htt u> mil memberahtn in the Amar

p|L_ x o g . « . T b « g o e r B o t» r»j>,ie-l Will'am II. Smith, the Alle»u.» ..„.!•)• un.nlerrr. until Nov. M"ta ha» tw*n adaidged Isaaaa bj • court

u I!"*).: -I r-t as rat) .!!>

. W r . ' u . ' w . o m .be depot aloi>.t-omnMMpM t' naibust'nillle. Brycnd

* b 'to"*hv '- T.rk.

w „ . return trip- tt.i-uectioWa.b-



-rtsh Creameiy Butter,



• II » M» M L T B - • •«>ULTRY ADD FISH.



Comi r Hsdlsco I T r i i

paMicthat_lr> to lororm tbe

ID) this date all laundry Mtrefin attefltioo and [rumpt dt>

. . . • i l lbeiinneiaUtebadponibl*manner. I rwpeotiuity tolmt your i*trooss^-.Notify by poitai ami goxl* will tx- promptlyrailed fur and .fc.liv.Te>!.


LEAST M0NE\U. B. Crane,


$io Pants fof %$g Pants '; $

.l V- -t» made et lov »

Schwed Brothers

. AMERICAN HEAM L4CND&Ythis date •

DI atientioo11 be done in.folly folieit

aoii ipwcl* <lirered.

pWoolston & Buckle,

r, r-oKTH « V O \ K .

Palawan and Paper hauagara

Don't Miss This.Ps*r*-h Bar T<ur rood* aod - b m

Abel S Titsworth,Life Insurance,

dSsBSSTfamily fljnrSOe per beg.


COFfXE tROtt'EK? ASSLCUIHtf.a.wavr raoxr BTBK«T.

at CbWl** O. Mann'i Barber ShopSM ttemerast itrert.

I , K. K . . H > • : * •JEUEI.

n Mew Tors, toot


'r'.Z' V ^ . « Vi-i* ^ p-"5.1»*ii o>Oi So-Tla-/*"5 .4,* ihQ4>.*.n>: •.oi.l.icvu.o I«.toi).ii.i4 p.at

H*i . - .Nfl .O *Nil lASiONLam FlaisCdd «>,- , . T'«. ! - - , . ( i . n.

At BANDOLPH'S City Pharmacy21 Wtst Front Stuet.

Delicious Soda WaterPtesctiptions carefully compounded


Dwl> fortte tMife.


Geo. H .FaircbildK u n H lo H .11 .¥«irchi,,( 1

Furniture ardBedding,




M. M Dunham,


No T East Proat Sir ,.;



F I R N T \ > > l 1 1 .


WALL PAPERThe (turinwif mfcich i« tmKriKMBof w w

in w iHHU-rcil of • hf r1 TII.HM H nmi'.» " P O I H T S WORTH CONSIDERIHO ^ a

pi^tiNrii wn LAKI HU

i, Seamier"! '

•Drf Harrjbrjrf.A!>niowDSno-

ad PstunllcXji d« tut™. )Wi^lch«aAilemon[ • B c t l < ! • • - • . > i - a : : - . - . H - - I - - • • • . . r - L .


L « FluafcM ^ , j T . ^ t n 6.JT, IO-H, . . ^

B r« Perm A.-nbuT t Jt.s 3l.l9a.10 oj H J A ». «.;


E. MO1U.A>',

VSWSDSALKR, 8TAT1ONEHTai 1-a West Front st™ t. BTC.

lisbed. Jobbin* pnwnp•r New •n't Front »tri«ta.

>esirable Building Lotsb h i at sUavwood Park, SooMTT

t t AddR. F. M. Chase,

etSrosW. Cad and BSS them. 500

Kline's Extracts,Pute Ft uit Flavors.

2nd—llw Hut purrbaseri will barealarnrstock to M>I. i-L ironi, aud will K«t tbe t-boiosMbanaitia.

Sd—Prio« will ba tlw uawwKt erer offeredbargtin* being oflVr. d datiy below cost.


A. D. Van Sciver,OPFOHITB DBFO7. 17 WOB1H 1 V 1

JONES & CO. notei Nethe,wood,thomiehly rlone. Two

rorid of by the Bo*rd or Health. Psrtire- !ri attroiioa paid «i diBin(&-tina Untan rt- ,•vedat Park Howe. M^nufupturera Of t I«ai U w o , n u d e o and Field FertiliaOTL bp,i>,,- (W.J r.>,•:•.-•)•• n l i aa.

Flegant lirick «trnrtnr» with'allonvrolenMB. Train* half-hourly

llitiltirvo (Cathe.

G. R MusgraveCarpenter & Builder I R.

Jobbing promptly attended to al

66 West Ftottf st \

Frank P. Miller.

Carpenter and Builder,

Oip--.it.- V. F. cborcb.

kF.MHKM.-K. H MadlwuaTB

John P.Mason and Builder

Jobbing PromptlyAttended to.

Corner of Waahington arena* and P m -pact place. F. O. Box M2.

James H. Pope,Carpenter & Builaer


AflhkBdaof w^rt.BapMrtng actard to.

Carpenters & Builders


Messenger ServiceB.&O. Telegraph Co.

Louis B. CoddingtonIBDJCBBWT Co Tanii J Chray.)

»a M WKKT numr BTRURsad SS Park i m w


EXPRESSHaUabutloa guarMlrtd. I a » ooran

•racni. Uooda sent to any cart of la* oily mto jDtrr I'iuno moTim a •pectaMj ^ "

DEMAREST,3^Patk Avenue Grocer^



P. M. Demarest,IB FARK A VEWL-1 *



Wood. U U QOICK-8

Sulphur Vapor Bath

VICTIMS OF THE STORM. L. A. Rheaume, Agi, ■noADWATiONiiocm nun,

ST NfiEnuSTm

•qtaraiUulaw Waterpt oof Sheds,

ink it the work of the dtril frr ihrrv i* the < liur h apollt Intolrely, and th* brewery'* Mg ehlmeney bee nlrer • hurt- An f.r»mrl* C#> The reraart i<Im o *f the 4»>ir»ilW 'Vb.de

All-Iren Four In famll) were c •hell !:•< • — in the Fire Point*" eertiuu. OMceg.. . Lm v KUIle S. hmltt nt ihe U b»gh Valley | railr-vl trni k */«• .aught In Che wind mu'. . hi* K»ly »m rled feet through the air in , BMrrliuui \dain linuita. MwSnl bone wa» •l«-a<I lie It**I Iwe married only Ihme h* II.- Hu truck i

H*ie» KaUoMi

:rW ewwpe I Flitobwr

Total* — grald^d the entire hack' of hi* fc*k*ry. ItCu-l U high In the nlr andda-Ued • II on hi* hrn.1. killing him Inatontly, aa ^ ^ ^ •o. j»> k..,., . niiikm.il -«• 'in- ■s*--:."*-.*: J- J3Sj*1ik.T. IM'l'I Ut»b. —1 1 tlmis •nm<« kin, .ml In. kn~ In-tin.' TkM. ' ... gad. «llrv«<*d of liorw uml liar»»*. .*>|ii Ha** ho. I-'—n. * Hyrwnw*. * >rmr«- to the t..|. ..f Il.e I eh Ink Valley railroad nr.v*r»> plaeea It at i»..t lea* than fl.iMI.. gK tl.'ViTr ooii : m ! i gl)

t *•* ludeM to I ■re* «*<l Mlelt*

iT. owimm.* v«*«cim., ,.‘n m fo, Ifc, ^|nor». .ml Ik. S.lmlln, Ul.-m- .. .... n. rnklm.- Urn cluktnp. tur ll»lr rr.mc»- lea eU**aa AAllen’s Stage Line ilao certain that **v | FAHR *IVE UiNT* injurMi w.il not l -ojt -umee. j To #By pnlat ab.« the r-utewltl.n „ ... , limit* «f lb* Horvugh , “ •!* —val. | Wtu ,t,fpa-*Pn to line (r* nv m •>V Ann ’Jl — At ■ meeting ol lrvlrM Blw, wilt n *1 alliraxn and rvmirg I"r»»wr.■»»:»•* Aaaetuhlj. Nolmti*.

tlaUtratann tho contract labor law; rondemn. o>mhlM- modify an admittedly errooeou* tariff; da- tlooa or truata. favor* prtrteoOon to A marl- nounca* the L-lg» elertlona bill aa loading can I ud uetrtae and labor: aleo the principle to d*at*v^ tha Mart lea of American *4t*- a- « ! °f reciprocity; favor* r^ual taxation of nana; denoaare* the McKinley Mil ae op- Rr.->ti/B m r# | property, favor* arbitration In adjuattnf poeed to the beat interne* of the nrodnring difference* between employer ami am- and eaneaimtag cl a**—; call* fbr a renewal ployed; eta tea that all money collected for of the Chinee* exclusion act; fai the maintenance of public achooU *hould «Hna«e nf *||ver and demand* that allear only be need for that pur,.®*. ti.vltenall be made a full Heal tender: favor* legUU- who are in fa<or of the Mii^naalon of the Uonagaiaat tnwte; direct electkm of Unlltd IWjnor traffic u> vote with the Prohibition kvnator* by the people, the Ana- party tralkaa ballot «r*tem. and advocalea the The report •»* adopted and the conveo- •*«»>* hour law \ Mon adjourned for the day. A mam maat- --J!i Inn at the 0|«era bouae laat uitfbt waa ad- I dreamd toy National Chairnmn D.ckey

North puisniLNiu and other* caa «et ■ cean *ha vc or neat hair cat at Chart** O. Maaato Barber rtnop

At RANDOLPH’S City Pharmacy 21 West Front St net.

Delicious Soda Water I.CI-.IW. T» »..■!

Ptesctiptions cate/ully compounded AT tliMWABU rRlCBM.



49 BW^1 ^

MlLwxckkr, Wta. Aug*. pul>li< an *tate convention held her* Gov- ernor 11 ran I waa renominated after * lively Job Printing ot

v Guv- ! ~~ nllKiinlsProinptly, he ad

uon.. »4 h- .k.loiiow,o,yeatly and CJieaply

at THE NEWS’ u aduoUMa t r***wie«n. Jbo Department. «a u» taux'it

. . .... v.4,1 *..»„.

Imb iiw n«hi *•.<! <int» re ,

troal llotirro. TPOPAAKO.'r B H\yy

L>*'rd J.l> “la. ; -Si lT»tn

g< REFNB riTJKI) TO TOUR WIXDOW8 • AT FO. »• KOMFKHkT 81 KKKT. A1 oj t-ten« of *11 kirda Hardwod wrrii * Rfw'ihy

One Month Only. WF W1I.L MAKE TOrtRDKH


Fire Insurance, n-e, ® Dt»ev tkr*-t. N Kla'nAeit


Fifsh Creaire y Butter

$9 $8 $7

Pants Jot Pa tits •;

Pants “ Pants “

?7- $6.

$5 $4. ■ and V. eta made at low pnc*»

ltr«.« • «»• .lenounte*! for bM lho**««bly A*i he charm ter of the female iv Itirvauof printing and *n Uo. dr in . It char*, ferlaml a* a "mud cr.»el and na- •empuJoa. *-ia.-k and dander on woman b««l la ih* name of the rvepectabie, hjthati <i»*n<l* of wnniVn in the country Uwy dem-vnd hi* removal fr.ni ..IBre, Tht thr KM-r.H..., I «V- r. in which ih! m and they Indureed

AMtoee Ml* fee the Fair- C«ii \<vg SI -U I* reported that “* "«r-‘l • »*'r will le located on a tract •f lend r*. ,.f K-Trer . park, on the lakt •kotv an.! j<;.t u.M.le the city UhiHa S#v •il well lp»*u Chleago capita I Ma an ■Mlot* <he mm hack of tMa tender Tin tart .p.ten „f ,» * tract of trio a n*, with • toll* and a half frontage on the Ink*. Il ■iwvt five lee* high and dry ebove tht

*kllUi,r tadaignr-l .ImitUnff the BtlUnww I ■B elnt. to tall membership la the A “*• •*. aiam ■A.mw.1 im. Pa.. Aug. tl —T j?8 tapitnl Wlll'am H. Nmith. the county oiurdever. until Xov km born adpaftgsd Mae toy an

•w naif* will tm eeukhiaTad a* raj«d»> krwiM MpV t tt 1.(111 gtoovllle. Heycta* “r-2s*JS“i;:3r.,*i tr»in* f«w Few Y r* < to 11 # »;37 »ad It a m and 4 p m. mum tut- go.tuect 10 H a*t»- ingt. n« ill*. Vert the ir*tta which leer* Sr- York a* 11 * m •'d at 4 and Uw rorwer bone ret ayd Prott itijata . Comrade h. AT. Allen. IUAMICVT OUT ft>R RKrKKffNCE

N.BSmalley& Co.



CAN5BU GOODS to a Kiif. Milk, PuttarmiU. K Cottage Cbaam. CAFBBD variety. DELICATESSEN FOREIGN ard UOMFM1IC. CALL end





Schwed Brothers

^ Having purcha*vtj. f Hear? Cl Drake ib*

■SSS'ilM UCNDtf 14 Kaat Front *cre*«. I tar* In lafarm the pu'J o that from '•>»* date all lawndry Ml will receive cerv/ol atfenlhm and |et>m|d -*e- lee. rerv-e. It wll» I* «!■*»* io He 1*4 prnelbl* manner I rwprotfolly >oli<nt your jatroaapi Notify by p-*a- aw. good* wtU be promptly relied for and .ielieereJ. C. A. Know*. Frod.. |.>AIF1IIHK. Wools ton & Buckle,

rt mmra tv mi. r.-i K»|eft. Pam1

Don’t Miss This. Fan m*h frr f*nr good# and -hm jonr

fume of "Htaatoy la Afrfaa"

ttagar 4 11 c Mb new ere® tea Mt lb . g*®d


FLAlMriBLD , ILdj.ii°h^ *2**. wd S5; JTK I °i » r>. »-»» ‘•K 'l-'e IU4 p * tatotM yn’'fjf*


FLaiNFIBLU AND BAS I ON L**m FUiaSeie •> ««». TW ■•T.ew. * ZX w Zl*'^ ruisntui vbp uti Htimomo. lmv* FtoaSelaot TA'-eAA i.ifl.iv pj


narfzSi fiitsssJsrtJL.. Rmdiag. Mart a»«'| w. | n x f«l n#ei»**oa. Hie* arvlce ia»l Vtewy a tooaaiaiB. taina Foe fto^ia€wT!U 4 aS p nu f " IW® A;ia*fa. W.*o Ctoak R*ad®( *.< Marr-^b. If. p.®. lor lAat a-HetH-k-mAa^ AUeatoe* %

*a4 eoatavUi* «.m !•* R* Maed. Ckaaa. Ladto. :uivr, HR ANCM. OCBAN OROVB. BTC. *'crJ7S£?.:^ir£sl‘rim ►

For Auaef< City a a^iafc aa. M*-» •> P ROUND RHOO* BOUTS rWTteem

■ ' “v^‘. Ti.’Wk i “’'.w

Mtierrlliinroue tfarbo. •J> E. aOROk!>. NKWSDEALEK. KTATIONKRY 31 1-g Wwt Fruotetrwt. ETC.. JOHN ABBOTT. Prvctoeal« erpeuter and Builder. Eeti- mate* <heetfaUy fomtahnl Jobbing protBji*- lr attended to. Ucmer New and Kroot MreeM, PtoiafWd N. J. Hpeetolty—Flret-dme work. Interior Hard Wood Work P. O' Bo* 154k

Desirable Buildin? Lots wrttoawd at Mdgvwuod Pork. Ho ■at atreah Addram R. F. M. Chase,

Abel S Titsworth, Life Insurance. tassnasr

Ron A, Gaylord, ^ Lumber. Muom Material*.


Kline’s Extracts, Putt Ft uit Flavors.

Geo. H .Fairchild R .R .Malrthibl 1

Furniture ar.d Bedding,



HrHng Beds. TaWre and chair*. Baby Car the larsawt B«*rrtniefit in towa


an I Yuan A HR. No 7 Kaat Front Sir #4

riacitT at.m il CLEAR MhOUr KALB OP

WALL PAPER. * The par,.

1LA1NF1F.LD • of abi(*h 1* todl.poaeo# oar®. xcluuaely with the new palterd# of • he c miag a

SV"PU!!ITM WORTH CONSIDER I50M ODORLESS EXCAVATING COTPANV 3nd-1h#f1 t purr ham* a e root, and will

Id —Prior* arUIhe the t I bar*.

hargaln* bemg offer, d daUy below ooet. HA1.B CL08BB SRPT. IWJ A. D. Van Sciver, OPPOSITE DEPOT. 47 NORTH ATE

JONES & GO. Hotel Net/ict-wood.

prond of by the Board of Heel ' * Ion 1-a Id to Park Houar _ o. Garden « *'• Hr ■' ta, Tei-pi ma ctl

pperalot I* aw veltb. Partiew feetmg Order* re TERM I RH 04)8, N. J. Flegant Nick cukrtnr* with all m nvenlenoaa. Trmiat balf-hourly

giiiibrr* garb*. Frank P. MiUer.

G. R Musgrave Carpenter & Builder R. T- aAl,,u’-

Jcmu, pm.p.1, » m carp*n«r and Boildcr. 66 West Ft out st. * »S

Oppwlte V. F. etoorrh. RESIDENCE. W Madiaoa even

malMciam ebeerfaUy un ad ilndwrr.lt

John P. Emmons Louis B. Coddington

Mason and Builder ,

Jobbing Promptly Attended to.

James II. Pope, Carpenter & Builaer



Carpenters & Builders P. a BOX 4BL

JJWwai. Ho. tS Vtoe

Ibvmitoor >0 Tnnh J Chrey.) »a #4 w EHT FRONT STRUT end a Park attoar P. O. Bag 3Mk FURNITURE AND FBI



Patk Avenue Grocer,

pur* java *hd aocaa coma axcauuoB wuiacvuD uai nBKIH BOXKUtK BACOX.

P. M. Demarest,

pbamiKLD dist. tbi. * r. a. ca Messenger Service

B. & O. Telegraph Co.



Sulphur Vapor Bath

Page 4: PLAINFIELD EVENING NEWS. - DigiFind-It · (bop O'Parreiri ordlaatlon la toe n>in ieti-y, braird bu Brat mate.-••Tominj, I f ,ou eat any nwr» o




wfll OTMtly prmnoto l b s h~lt Ii nf•asip »iwl ptwenl the tailing of HM hairvkhout •*** application. Th*hsir«b..aldta °O R~*m"J 'r

l^"'^1^"o1^ eLt'wt™ W

•Mat •flU-tenl in n-marinff It. Work tha

«M> WJtip: th»a ws«h It MM th..n..iKbl)With walrr, and 1 h* hair will be beaut I folly•Jsaa nod soft. • '

AYC*1 all uluun&filTiB lirjui'U. those uanlto barber- an- utrunK j-.Uwh solution*.A e y call H "flaJu of Wwmwooil" and-Sail- of Tartar." and nse It withoutknowing l u rr#l luiliirF. It i« very t.ff«1lr«tfeclaaning, I™* rttirion* I** I be bair. If tbeIsllltijr «t the hair 1* not ptn

allcikti<in mar !•? »>adr. Half atErSir,,,^,,|I..,.h.r«l~^H..l

m." B n T +-*• m o d * of dr*

' | y l-i 1:. ( . . - • , !•••It will I-- ronxMrnd by innny a

todj r m U n > necawdtjr u. d n w tbto Ibr faabioa '•' >'"• iii"iiii'-ii'. b•tisuM rttihnt-nr to CIKUIUTIU*., >>_¥ c

' kMim-M. any Injurimw i-nV-rta. mif l l l hUh

.) IV.I1F-

U I IilT, I r n t w i u i T i a


jh s t r •>> Md evening lM

in—t frwl-.ni iliirinu jfUK'I ^rnpl.,} •irtu.t-l.. dim* tli-.fTorUUwhMr .lrm-MiK roaW, bat M

U M i o ! i ihM •Implh-itr imlM . . .Ule rtiwmlilF •"• p»mMii«t N. I hiuu too n uiwriuly >>»D l o a n • no Mr. digul

tnut f oe-utf oe-rolooe

lad fare marred and i'»s;t.i..-i by -.- =i • - , . . ; •tmnttrmrnt nt the hiilr wholly outsspltia wild Un> B"i"»l hearing ofwaarar.-Hain Journal of Health.

rL. or, what b bM-lt ta know whr hrr lorrr after a

BHia t I iHer flnt tlmuKh

fa UM day lir Will (• * • U nur ..f t.-l.

u ihe ••ken* IK Thtal l

WrnjtilH> ;IINI r m IjjLuk. ratikpr than tm•fan a|>ja.ti>t>ii<'<it

, 8b* dim.m I n n II,.- .kin and with a

awn H-nw wiMild l.-ll ber that "iilj tbe« t - r tcarh ...ui'l i-~U.ly be known orappreciated, tine jmt- ber hair a triSabwsr or a I rifle hi»b«- than tmial*ala thai m-vrr. arm did It earl au !•rmwa.iaUfflT.an.1 alMWonM rmllj U•jroToknl, lint—b* la mining.

And ihr dainty otockinipi, and tbe .••nmiiK Iba dalnly bou«a, and thr fiejklr-U. and at taut tbr prettj prwn, an

UMF t.wim or lb« Utttc Ixiiich of rtoteja up.

•ha wttl"^t'iv- him1 HOW "C'luitZlaw draperlm Into tww fol<U. irfcka • - it!,-• h i l«tf ftr turn Tr*/m U»- lluwpr faana,

' a a w H chair, a little tahle and eaecl.« ( , . f rtminTj-IliM r»irjthlii|{ mn> <l<i itout to honor llw |>IIHV wbrn be will pn•ntl v »!.i:if an the M-UNT of all. And b»aaiioiifty t)it>*bwl« aixl ibr enrtatne aIDWITKI I dt.ii-ii tn JIHI UM heeonilagRgfi'. »"''l finally be MJIJC- at thn duor,•katakmtnr U-i furtlvv wlantant he• M hw »urTv.un>ltuiPi, and tben—the

gibe l.~- < lit- l..f t.nck ..( tbr rhinEkap['t*<X honr at lit* la o w : -

aold starch to bat w r n l months may bs•Mde of one outw« nf white laundry w u .•woounnw of bmwx, i>oe Macnpfal c "and ihirr UacupfuW of *1*rrh Tliand w u at* .Ii— -l> <•.! In water, mifl•satail fnr I In- purpnaa. but not not•a asald (a* .i»r»h. <•*> thte mli tbs pnl-

l.r paaatn.lt lunm.-h anine taksa tvasnuonful of

ad dfcsol*«ta waterpjtkal hi u«t mid anouch «n prevcBtfc«au •uft«in( Tbe but •urea U uad.,MM m r t htok. aow a b w ^ u u h l ) . a l k 1to a ahlrt biamni. the hoNartk* llqi

(ha ricM sMe will I-*. up s*> mnn- applyto ta* uudsr •*•* Uklass UM starch t.waU r-hbed tn tW Iroa wUl stick andspark, a»d b!M~. will HT-« Th. hotstan-hltxt ke *<•*» «n«. UM bs-oaa ia al-townt t» dry awl USM UM (old IMililiiilsa m If dipptag UM hosoea ta UM bqoid,wlVwIaVMnawanbHscsllcMr. A/Iarm hour or » 1 ~ . ftrst n h t t a . «W I n .

_ s o * awl d M t k t t n dHtrea than th*y ha** «f t

•anta of « factory boI14ay at a IIM lA i*i:-

birth and «rttl* tfrnlaaw, aTaals lI IHISJfens* eartaln •njulatss laor-Snc* her-Ifka an ktnaJ airl's. wwfch prsntita(ri.ru BptmrliMiDK UM perils of lw,

d m . nhe who w m U hare 1 hough I IIa B H w tapss to allow a TwaSMf iua/t, wMb

U M S» aar pH.hu>! tow. A a who weal

nut readily pemire or acceptt o l a lowend iii.>nii nandard.

l. 1* not myt her iii.iH.irr Head

lady of O NI. Question

V and ifif fr.-m messt maid w*rs a*) ssBnal curioitt*

U «h* baa paMMSl Ms» a n * r yonim aixl twy.ii'l jour ntan<tarts: If »ltRMen what we ™U ".Byi" If aha ha.jdj a iii»«l d«sl ID tbe fnaiu of rnuriK

peoptro Ir-lirt, Ukbr has had some mock* pbapETon or none at all; If, "~ *

mokD abort

* In yod

" said a haodaofns and

la,'one M*rUng>' i r three botas ahore

«•<• , (o tie t Fi> r-f luasji edge of the

U p a d K ttbe wafitt Use of tliatbe MBOWI -lanloK atairneta. extending apbeknr thi- wai-it line of tha cvrwu. In tietbxro; the third IICIDK tbe *p> e left be-Iween >»l tying ]t»t at the wTh*-n rv>du>rf ng llie HIU* of your vaiM—lltaaJk. I>ulUe« Ibe mlddlf cord—lust gnlngt\rmu you Into a utralght Hue aboTe and !••1OW,MM *aiM.. Alan

3CI . .P. ' ju-i aHawt at tt*.]nk (—-I inu-l ha««we wwi M lanr. kill or•un-r«i 1l Illi u | , K jand intlJ'<>l»i-M'>al.lr >™ITJ Intl. bird kuotaRy (be HTiiwwMd arraageaipni of currla we«i i rvduo. tike » l» of Ibe wiiM with In*


cliwp I>*NI1K prartrcallj—every w<knifwa wbat I mean by practically—andwwwIU i»j.jn!f mcri-thati Lfavdocton.

"Uht Kltfht ben 1 nnnhf v writ >uyi.i»• N i « w < (or tha apuei *jjlsu «r ,M-lfiK>and even for the ena at CM waiat If yon

ID IH'PMJIFI--TII sod pone which is woii t m in^ for, bat whlt& w« cannot all of

•erpentln* Sarali. RtasMp corwt l*dni_

in* • If t t •rpra pwlloelul Into a boantrurr wbra we ncliDe In an tiuj rt 'say like Jjuiglry wiib a dgamtte in cbar 'As tn a LnoklnK Glaaa' pletunCtnrinnai i Enquirer.

M-.lli.-i. Mx.ttl.l • t a t a b t r .Thai the ahd'uninal cavity Is packed

with no ..ruin- t'h.t Uw h-er a l o « extandn twivthlrd* acniss H. and that tigbilaririK d««ply f o m m the llrrr, sometimo

coni»n.tJm? the partp; tbatthafalJ etomaf tta Ihna often pnnhnl aji agKlnn a wakpDHlii-nrt. and t lie p*lrtc • <riiMii are so crowdedh r t , pn* to prodncr nerj(n

That the Uok of vitality In many chi]dren, l>y wbicb they are rendered prrnllnr\f muwptlble to in/ectloua --tTrr-rr, > dto a Jpflcienx-y ,,f pare »ir in t h«ir ale

or [—-\\4» liiilnf

at leaiit ninror

•ewtwta olltctit

lowed tbeThai rhiMrpD. Trum ttfe snrfliT prae-

Ucahle tee, «tv.ttiti IK- tralncrTth G*Ml* si•elf ciniin-l In all 4lT«cUotia.

That rrwj mnthrr oogtit to make hjinn.,, nhjre* loiwrure and malotaln tl_fullest consdenw of berehUo^u, and be*normal lW*Oompanloo

Two VeaapounfuU

Two dmnrtoponnfabi ef UIJUM nr Itoaiwaouefula make one taMeapoooful

line unlMpnonfnl of liquid makea I

sf BO are I -mud In erery town hi Us* statJIn Ibe-t^eof New Tort Ux < m « Uiof I M W B apjMiaM to bs * yaw*. I

is Ibe naiai notUTa tW fcsnak*.-

» uoubtod with M « M ifrom ta* u n l , antf —«

c * - - n j »ood till 1 M p l M nrmi-in. ipHt and tne arecla nenorwi, kwp-IUN it ftrmfy la plaop by two narrow I"m boart -bwter CTOPHIDK each oUMchuitfe<l I •« raWn twice In twenty fourboon; k> a wnk tbe narel waa r n f - 1 -Wwi

Pnt maaUiM on banj'* noa* **4 aVaMwwJ.aWba»aa>laVaodtt will akn pf^rent all cbeAMi and aoraua. onder UMarma, la tbe a^nin and neck and faahtadUie ear. I found tt letter than any P<w

U one At Uuwe who neter cry.all to tbe fact that ane baa i

pinni«l band OD her except tbe weeke UTCI n > healing: all nklrt« btii-wal»u which are looae and tie will

( p BHIH1.< are crocheted of whit* Saxony-and txituui in trunt, muxtcj akjrta but-ton an Ibe way duwn UM front; only o neafety pfn in the diaper ari3 no prkrkwland rrj-lnn baby.—Mn. Ada booMl.

few day* otnee a new Idea, for •or darting apron. It w u mailechHl muallD. Tture waa a hemti wi^ ••• alioat •tebteen loefce.lop. fn.4it'!ir4 an ibe mpper «l(o-

tier pt4tch irf villow allk. Eachl o e r r.nrr of tbe apron wan tunntat right anelr*, meatingtatbecenter. Tbel .! Tb«w ••turr* wan flnlsbed

lk brier •Utchtoe al-i. Thet t th b t tpoint r eurad with tbe Btd p

ch corner w u divided >atoperpendictilor rows of stitchin

liir top ibere w u a bem u IntbIn widtli and through thla a yel

f ' TipfJtn Imatfine the c*iig of time by finding the mft dwti and pair of old gloves alwaya in pfaKM

In one of the p u c k e t a . — H i f

;"ti bitv a »••(! *pot In yonr bnut sad do•>* want (u —• i lit- fly* auSar for a kingCtme u » K1'*"' Fly P«Jar is made as foJ

Wf40ht '-f ytll'iw terarUphld<and i l>i ti -jiri'ii. 1 u|ntn paper with a hm-.liAin't LIT fly [»i|*r i-» made by boiling one-

inlunin ID a pint of walrr. Strain and*dd f.mr miDom of nolaaMW Th* 8i<will drink this ami soon ilie.-Exchiuifpr.

II nc Whit. M k b m .Wnrte rifi.ni» « a n o t be meat

wabr to took well, bnt ui (caaollnirtfiT no tniff oft p r « hHita tued 1 -1-ny tlirm t«> wink In Kwollne, corerlng thedl»i for n few inlnuUf, then wash tbor."itfli 11" anrl lay POT

a<jline Do n , buibang In Ibe open air. When dryUT In H bonk under a t«iry we%bt. Whent h.-i nn lonitrr kmk clear they can be colore<l with dlamntHl dyea, bnt oin nerer bamiLd>' t.. look new afUr harine ntice beenwashed and ir.n.rd - C i i ' l i . w .

Ht» Annie Howard, daughter of tbe lateCharle* ft Howard, of New Orleans, built• memorial to her father, and Instead of amonolith »hr chose a library and dedicatedIt to the women of New Orieann ""building 1M a marvel of Imnty, afte:HoitiAu Mtyle. and cost (100,000. rtoontalna

CUO.aOO.and all the aariatant librarian-areranwn- Exchange.

Utte of tbe lir-T opening made for wo-

ju.hier'» >lnk, and deapjt« the m

en i ii no'uther Held :\,< they makeagtEUcgftia. You neirer bear of a womaj} - . ' . - : • • • ! . . ^ • News.

One of Ute haadaome belleaof Coluoibiu.0 - i" Miss KitUc Thurnnn, g r a i H l d sf r of tl..- -Old Roman." ex-Bonator Tharni»n ?1- la dencrlbed as a pruouanc

and aba has about her muefa

Ho friendship la so ourdial or », .l.-lu-i..m»aa that of girl for tclrl; no hatred aolnand Immovable aa that of woman, tngoan- In youth you loci one abov.*ben of your aex; In riper age you bata|U. man or leaa. ID proportion to slmllarl? -.( aoootnpllsbiiicDta and pnmatta.-

To kwp the bright, g•>rr <«i.l-t:.. and aomb l l

I color of *• OUMT. e,boll fast In plenty «f waaar tic which ha*been dhaolred a piece of waahlog eod* t t .aUe of two paaaiaorer nnUl the n o r boll,•ad tbes take off tbe Ud. It Uw .•bat In the cabbags will b* yalluw

a done and annWad In UM

. tbe pennnal history, that ha* thaprofoundent Interest for us. Pact ia batterthan flrcjoa. U anly we aonld «et pur.

Miaa F i u m E. WOlard, In bar walksborn nuoMB!, aa* ^laooTend woeoea who

m**' ulufta rorKienty-DveeetMs a dfiwaaaad faralaaUMlr own Uu«ad. Sha atasBaddohUdiw k l > h d

p aall the

A earjMt, ssfwriaUy a wank I I H , sAank*ka dawty «r<«)y a<Mr • • • > ! • • »

will brttfWo k qnhs anTM«i*«ly.

T**asBsi>wawk*da w h H i u akkMeV••»• aaa. Ml thick as pasM. g^TMd tt a ,•»• larMi sad s a s i U Ssr • aa«nl*ofdai* V h n «ba psMs hi i l i a n i J o g U x



One«( Uw aio-C proapasow* and iwfulwowteci's flub. In UM United S U M ia h>

Mas. Grand Kap-eitfes ID "

H hoata <Bat UM

wkh being handMimr; they h)«i«edMvstod as well. Hence it In that their

meaiv' for nthauirinc ehoiee _bat a litamry dab; and broor it in. too,Owt tt has (frown until there i- "for It to grow aay mnre. In tact Uso laifr «rvrr»l years Hjiotbat it faan "orertknr n»«Ting." und tbe "We*Side Ladies' LJUvr.rr club," another slmliar and pBiwppn'iM oncanisatlon, wasforaed. Sow, asain. It has ([Town nntilUke an ntlilM*. it must redact Its proportians vi wepre it* inratott •ffiHency.

The' Ijadioi' Uterary flub, of GnukRapid*, is theont«n>wth of a cUm in hli>-tory formed among the WTHMD of GrandRapid* l.y Mr. I* IT. Sn>T»-. of Kalama-aoo, a woman wbo has been iiwirummtajin fonntntr w r m l other women's Hut* inUM rr*t. Tbe hlinory rinse was dtahandedIn the winter of itni-Ti, but tbe tasta fojStody had bnn ™ n- • i A meeting of sixwomen w** held at tbe residence of Mma L. Fuller, a wealthy woman widelyknown for her originality and culture aswell a* fur her charity. These sixformed themAslvea into a dnb.

Mrs. Fuller drew Dp a conntltut!mi aodIssued a call to tor women of (he dty wbow«™ intenMvd in Hi-- project to jata UMdub. Abunt thirty rmpoixlnl- Th* Annregular meettnuww held id April, 187X.Th- IU-I.LI. r>iu|, KMMI reacbed 1W. Sine*that time I ln> irnmili of tbe dull In oam-brn and in influence has I n n steady. Thepnspnt merobarvhlp i* over ^00. and envlira. .•- ...4 only many women of wealth

il thast- nW in snairty. Ths arer-iu.i. v at tbe n.aetiDKi. wkicb are

faekl evory week, i» dl'k.nt 300. The ladiesbeliev that wtth a membeiykU) oftbstD h» i )i.- chili cannot work to so gooilan advuntagv as with a Hmailer number.~ m bove d« ided accordingly I

SOD. No new mPDihern will be rw eiviilervlnrt until the number falls bt-low SOO.Dec n , 1*7, WM a red letter day for the

cluli Tbat day the ladie* dedicated a clubhou*e. erected nnder tbeir CJWQ directiontor I Up t

jj } y nearlyl,i"i i. •! imii-, a Urse and cboice cnlleotlonof [ih.4i.urH|ili.a. a piaiio, • conslderablaamount of furniture and other parapher-nalia for club itoitM-kwiping (bey hadcspitv) nnted rooow. l.ivina in twonronih diil uot Katl fy throe protfrehnlve '.. ,BU'ti. They decidrd to buy a lot and build

house of their own. The building fundriHed #1.500 in tbe tr*4*ary. an annuale of « m and a re. lentlem determina-

eomprIncomt ' . - i . T h e

>,for i __iU) wveral times ae much ot-ii aa bothie othi-n. oombloed. A lot

ins of the flneat streetsj . and July SO. 1887, tba cornerie H-W dab bouse * » laid. Fit*

months later the DOOM was dedicated.

Tbe club boose Is two stories In heightM the front, with a lofty filngM story inthe rear for the main hall or auditorium.It Is bnllt nf AmhcM (O.) blueatoui-Grand Kapids repressed brick, withcotu trimmiugn, sUl« roof, stainedand French- plate g b u win^own. Aifront on the first floor the main entrance

ito a large reception ball, with •IUMHIF.1 nut-, broad, winding rtalrcaae lsad-

• • rhe "apper room.1' M the htdiea

-• what dub nitn wo " 'u.-i ball. Back of tne st»

h side la a commodious andtoilet room. At tbe left of the

the first floor and fronting theis olnb library, a room aboutfeet mjnare. The Horary open*

aditurium, a room about flftybet Square, with. • oslUng twenty-one feet

erabntdng a dome and skylight aiinter. At UM further or west end at

the auditorium ia a large stage, flunked t*jdressing r JI~. The floor of the andito-

n in nightly iaeilDed toward• <L'>*I i-ry i witii A tiuii'tN>>Tiitt body Brua-carpet, in whicaawft, yellowfeb bruwnn- |.n-'«ili! ^ tint, harmoiinUHg perfoet^

. iih the beautiful dworatioD* of theotiiiag sud dome. The library is finishedIn oaa. -od to also elegantly d«orat*d.The oulors a n darker titan i»><-«• "tuiditorium. but are oumplamentthcoi. Above Lhe mantel In the aodko-uiu la • bsautif al plate glaaa mirror of tbafull width uf ihe maotal, walls in the. li-brary U M oaJcen panel above ths mantelbeavs UM word "Books" In bold, carvedistMra, Hirrou uded by a scrollla UM- ten. "Round these our pi

will .row.1

ravular moetia* of tas d a b «. held. T aaturday afternoon and Uata twohoUMi. axeept daring the bested term,whan a vacation is usually taken or thamrrtj ap, a n limitoJ to ota how. Aa pro-vldsd b> Uw cunstitntion of Uts dub, UMflrst MsWIng In each Brants is daroUd toUM BBBaliMaUmi of subject* bsrtaintuart and UfrMura. to bs bought b a W tstab br a eoWBtataa <tf Ian* who Mr



Safety Bicycles Too.GEORGE IV. MORRISON.

21 West Ffont street.

THE RUSSET SEASONis not ovei yet. And Ife have quite a varietyleft in Ox/oidand' Lace./ot everybody at


". rvorr. RTREFT.oar store 7 p m. (rxoept 8a*nrd«T.t

CLOSING OUT SALE.Ou> Entiie stock of Summet Goods of at

kinds must is sold, and to sell them we havecut p> ices way below cost.

YAN EMBURGH & WHITE,18 West Front Street


JVCOB BRoa. Pl«fO8,


Cash or Installments.NEW UPRIOHT F1AH08



T H O M P S O N P A R K ,No 17 East Fiont Street.GARRET Q. PACKER,

23, 25 and 27 Park avenue.Selling out Cheap.

Baby Carriages, Summer Furniture.Get a Bargain while assortment is large.

Furniture, Bedding, Upholstery.


On all Summer Clothing.

A Big Clearing Sale at WERNER'SMammoth One Ptice Clothing House,


We Offer You Goods Low.BA tf VOCES Me, IL15 w l »LB-

IVinOow Screens Adjustable j ^ , 40 and45c.MA8OS FRUIT J AM 81ol OKU IQB CBBAH PRSCZSRS, 'tat. H « -T-SBS*

Gasoline Stoves, $4, $6 and $£



BOEHM, 7 West Frontlstreet.

To-.eph Krewson.

Furniture Express80 WEST FBOKT BTBEBT.


Moving Pianos.


DR. GRIFFIN,will enra



Wm.A. Woodruff,INSURANCE,

Crushed Stone.

P. T. B. NKVIUS,RBBlDBHCa. 91 JACK8OS i v n v

p a tan..


mngsa, pcunpa, sinks and lead pipes, go M

R. THORN'S,No. 2 Park Avenue,

3d and 8d floon, BaslOM1


Get man and Ftenckunder th» Instruction at


•at Firth slmo'clock p. E




Corner of Park ATS. and B*flnMd, PatisMi

Cannel Coal

Higgins' Stage Line

Mrs. J. M. Dunn,

Boonnets and Hats

14 West Front St.

ruVinr’FID tvmw TIEWS, FLAIOTIKtl),, ». u THURSOAT, APGPSf 21. 1896.


pfMimw4rlt •mukasgt • ~nl.~l.ll ■« >—» »=c££K^ Ms nr—il-mRilr wmtod. and if ttorc m BMk 4M4r.IT iWH»rf-»*jnhi BMAMK rvmartag It. Work tto « with tto flagvn n*ll Into lb* hair. Muir ml a Him. to bring * la matart w* Mm mmI|> ttoa **toh H nut thorough . «rtUi water. mad t to hair will to taawtlfally atato -ad- Avoid mil tLftT'.nzrs csslsts ■Ml. of T«r~"." -~l '< «kw kaowtua IU Ml uulur* It u ->i >««tln M tu2« but nil— w Ibu bMr. II *• MW at Ibu bull U —A |—«~d bf uHraUnu ati I- nuulu Hull us ikuHMUuruultuMbubbuabMIouqaMt at hut nut will ana war butluu tku •tor lootn •' Hi« (to rood* of di •to toir miM to «nMmlM elmnnt »«Ur» I, to tto tataM-

an. ln,u tl«u*llll| ■ -I Ibu MAlk. Mudntr. IrHUlbM p~.ll* bull Wk—... Mjlu lu aiafta! lunim Ibu 4«p and u»«Hu« lb. Hit .Im-hUI W lb ■nut taadnni tuiina lb. n»bl Alii ~a. 1 | ‘ 1 — dl~n tbuuRunu at Ibu ban <—/■< mum. but u~rp unu ana mu b> II Ibu MmpUHIr und an -Ifn. plaUMMNMUIMnM ';<«« > 5Zto'jnTi*jhIId*l»r' w~lJaity* nr fn vithiUe

I yua 0*1* am a girt. or, what is hek- iwoaMa o*d aonugt* Vo kmow «».. I f«»r tor totr afWr toirtor Hrr flm thought mm .to w*tooe bVtod-T to will nmir1 And Im m MM to out af tod. sod naulng (to to*rm More uulnwlr I ton ■ ealinv'e wile. II ■to .to ITJtorc- to-UR# Ito day to In tor ■Mf with tor

■'C’ESTSS. Ibu Ukln and . mam mmamm would IrU tor (tot only (to amtor ,cmrh mrnkt IWy to known or —luM.tol Mto p..t. tor toir . trifle, toff or • into high* ttoa Banal .to flMto that Brvrr. nw.r did » curt *0 badly •r Mir w.eUfBy. aa«l Mm mM rcally to

Ito Um«i or Ito 111(to touch of rtoi^u up- X win’T^rtTa him1 II — TuZcbm (to draprrV* la*> urw fold-. tdrka • with- •tod Mb/ or IMO /rum Ito lU»r vaem, marrnm m chair. m little tahta mad b**I. a IK cf drapery (hat everything ma> do ita to la honor (to (-tor* wtorc to will prw ■toly akin* aa (to crulrr of all And how kmrrml and drat—1 to Juat (to becoming ■»*>«. until Anally to rtb*» at tto dooc. da (aka.laai furtive glanca at tororlf '•rr.d,alu.p. and Ito, (hr d*-.r • I hr t.,n l.nrk ../ . to « hi n. iw». ■ trot UU laor.r Mr*

■ wrtlaa IhM tto data* Of *toa m.wt dlOk uK thing •f all In laaadry w.wk ito <V4n« up whin toaaaaa may to imb highly mmrrndal to aU March to IM erreral moot to may ha Made ol oaa amara of whit* laundry «u. aoftorax. rcwlaarwpfajof water Nila uf March Tto laai la wator.au/HmaaUT ibutmakto—a«4 taaaakl (to atarak. Iah> Ikla m/a tto pal- amimd Mairk aftor paaMac N Urwu^k a •aurator* la Mm (akaa (aaapanafhl al

Apply a lahtou—wfwlaaa lima, r-htou. to »a*l kator* pamias «• mm%, aad aH« toa r%M M4a wfll «ato ap aa atom appfy to Ito aadar Mda Uato (to March la mall rahtod la ito tram win Mm* and totoha aad htt—rc .(11 _ Tto hoc March ta« to toaa Arm. tto h—ai la ai- towvd to dry aad ttoa ito oaM abwrhla* la toaa by dappta* Ito toaarc to tto Haald. wrlid^oaiaMdrahtoacaficMly aa h.-r or nrtwa.toi (to haoa 2*i*Mlid3r£T2l,L"ta£«*—"zrzz

■ hibumd


AWd, ~~d I. lb. IM^I... H Ito UHb uad bull* tniwq Ma Rff* toa a aartoin >^oMM laanaaM har- aaff Hka «a KM Mrt’a bttoh prcraaM tor fato aaprwrtat.au Ito partk at tor rhildrrw Am who MoaU tor* thou«k( it a Moral Upaa to altow • TtoMd "tot Wltk •at rteto. to hold tor kaadT>to atopa Mpa •wrc arrrc toaohad ky M-Mtofl ato paaw a drcarc <V>aa DM rcadlly prirrlrr or arrcpt tto aaadlti—of a towmwd aaurwi MaadanL bHaolrrcrcfh to to a Mdy* I. not my girt tto .Uwgbtor of tor mottorr Road four girl« ryaa. ywa IotMj lady of tto Brwkmlo Wrtk. aad awwat mil. Qorctlna tor Mm may ratarn jam tto rlrar. haaraaly look of tto bmaa of yoar o-b Mtfh ynath. aad MawalhM tori Far to It from ma to Bail* aad Mak. aa If a oh.tot Obaid «rcr« M *0— mrlamity. Rut. If ato kaa pa—4 htoa aadrr your •toltwr and toyoml yowr Mauda^a If ato kaa Moo -hat wr rwU “ghy;- If ato kaa 1—4 • good toll. U- foam of ymmg pwoplr'a froUaa; l/ato toa had aomr murk of a rhajwrou or a.— at all; If. .la abort, •to ha- ArUtad 00 (to nahai at aairMoa aortal atTCara# aoaUaa hg^jpAtoo bra

rlaar adga of Ito . ntowdlng upfa.t« tto wwM llnr of (to ttorc. tto third Ucia* tto (wrcw and lying jut al tl Than rad art og alar of y.mr walai that la. {ail Hag Ito middle r.»rd Mat going In drag you Into a Mmtjbt 11 or .too and to km ito waiat. AM. you will M. rm, tMaigh >U ton. Ttotrla a pto * -Mu’* tor»r-jOrt atowt at tto •arc raw m.nrVtt tout •ytoaMWr aad ImUapnaabU vtorra into k. By (hr auggaaMd arrangrtnrat ><( cunla •»

oullina JhM amka by practically—and tan ttodurtorc wr will rr>u»*w bht* •*« *1 Right torn I might m rrrU -uggr-* •iaMirrord Cor tto uprc• dgttto'ar bMtAga; and rr««. tor tto at STwato if yo,. darr Yua will thereby gain a aupplrnrcw la moremetn and p—> which M worth atrtting for. but -

arrpruUne MaralT Klaartc corn* lartuga, aa I aiigMrct. will at Irwat nrrrato oar tool- lag aa If we wrrw pwdkirkml into a hoard frnre when we recline in an aaay chair— pay like luungtry with a rtgarvdr la her A. In a I>»ktng Ubaa’ pida duel anal 1 Enquirer

That the lar* uf rttallty la many rhil dm. by whlcb (bey arc reiMlerrd porallar ly >warefitll4e to m fort Ion- .lima— U due In a drArteurr of par* air In thair ■lert>la« rooina. Thai ■ rhlld’a brain to nntja a moditlou for Mudy brf.rrc Ha —veutk Par. and that when a child to |iiwctiMBin to rcawm for bedding 11 i—k t apeclal la t ' ». f««ura dull: n growing child -howto faU to bate Un-( mne nr ton boom’ ato*. in • wall nUorcl mnw,u4 that »o atovp ll per fart with a light In Ito r

. dundd be (rail f etoohvg partw ralnal to BaM(a af

That erwry mother ought to maka .. _ prime object toaacwrc aad maiataln tto falUto cmftdewrcof tor ekUdrwu and tor thorn—V oath

'SL pea armo. to tto grata ami nock aad behind (he ram I foaad it hotter than any paw- drr, March, Sour or motor cAi. Hairy la one uf thnoe who nrrrr cry f Uj b ail to tto fact that -to haa had a Mooed land 00 bar except tto that toe nor*I wo. healing: all akfrta but- tua on traMa which arc kwoe and (M wl laooo Baud, arc croctotod of white Ha aaykpd batum la front; tan awl aklrta bt toa aft 'to wot down (ha front; only 01 aataty pin in (to diaper and an prick aod crying haby.-Mn. Ada DaaotalL

of unbleached moalin TWr d—o aart. Md. (.. olmat Mghtem lat from (he top. fartrned do the apper e oilh abrto. Mltob .4 yrtlow allk E lower corner of the apron woa famed « a> right angle*, meeting to (be center hem around rbeoe nrant wao Anlatod with (hr -ilk hrtor etitching aloo. Tto point In the center at tto loittoai lufatltohlng A»

through (hi. a yrlfewr aatl rtth k.ng end. tor fine the im fort and etriotco One saving uf time by finding tto anfl duet rkiCfc and pair nf .d<] glorca alwaya In oar «>f the pwketo. — Houaewlfe A Ip..at any M ieto au taeapae aewrad pat+r will on—w-r fur dMrhfbg flirc. I you haw a wdl .p>A In your taart aad do ot wont to me (to dya auger for a long Ow>a arc poto'ii. Fly p«pae ia made aa tef htoa Take -imp. tour* *w and Mid about -aq ounce weight >4 yellow leraojphld- of areralc ami (hen -|wwl U|om paper w Another fly paper lo made by I half ouiMT of an tall guaaala c . miuaiew In a pint of water. Strata and add f(.or ounrro of rmdoaoeo Tto fltaw will drink thU aud aoon die -Exchange.

t t limn to - ok B for a few mlnulew. ( ntighly and lay f.w 0 tarn mJmrtew . cleon gaardine (*» nn-e f>» not wri hang lathe opm air When dry f lay in o luA under o beovy might (Then atK. longer look cUar they can to col- with diamond dyra. but ran never ha mo.le u. |.K>k new ofter haring r waahed and irotad -Eirhaage. A Uhwry tor Wowm Mao Annie llowanl. daughter of tto laf# i'hartee S Howard, of New Orlauno. built a natm^W to tor Uttor and lo-toad of a mnnoltth ato rbonr a library and dedicated It to tto wonwn of New Oriewna Tto hulldlag l> o marvel of taauty. after (to Roman Myle. and mat gl00.000 It oontalfia 1S.00O rolamca. boo an andowmrat fund of fMMt.tMO. and all (to owdolaat librarian-arc women -Kiehanga.

Oaahier'a deak. and dew|4t« tto ai 4’u*'channel- -lorc .gwned n, woman 1 rr% in no’uitor field da (toy makaograntor

1-Senator Thor boiaetta. and oto haa about tor much of that Individuality aod Mrcngth which 'Judge Tbur

Xo friaodabip U an nwdlal or aadrJidowa m» that uf girl for girl: nu hatred a., tmeoar


rrss OMdaSOraad Raidda. MMh. Grand Rap- Italarcwof tto haatai With hatag handwmw: (toy ta-W oo being •nMrated aa wwIL Hence K M that thrtr but a Utorary dab; and toner it ia. ton. that It haa grown until ttorc la no 1 tor K to grow any more. In f»rt M Irc ao large -rverwJ rcarc ago that Iffurni tad* LadMa' IJter* ry dab.- anoctor aim- 1 lac and parwprr< "w nigaalrartna waa formed Sow. again. It haa grown antil. tthe an athMtr. It awt rvdace Ita propar- “RT Rapid., la the _ lory formed among tto women of Grand HapbU by Mr*. II II.

aa* I Jterary eoutgmwta club, of Grand

lathe winter of 1*71-71. but fto

known for hrr originality and culture aa well aa for tor charity. Tbrce «U woman fiwmrri tbrnrclua Into p cl ah. TRk CLTB IS ORUAIIflD Mra Pallor drew up a cori-tltutiou and club. A boat tldrtr rw.prci.tol. The Arm rrcrclar meeting waa bekl Id April. 1ST*. TV* in-niton>bip apon rcacbed Slam time tto growth of tto chib in Dan- lad in Influence ha* lawn ataady Tto nraaent mrnthemhip to over 500. and rwv Irarc* at* only roaay women "f wealth, but man* withwut wealth, womea In mnrtrif anrl thaac not in aoqirty. mm avrr- age attradaiicr at (to maetinga. which tata mt tto rlah cannot work an advantage aa with a -mailer number. They bare derided acrordtagly to limit It "o new mem her* will he received until tto number fall* below am. t rcd letter toy tor tto t day tto ladiea <tol*ratol a club «M Eli house. rrcted UOiler their own direction for their own exclu-Ke use. I'p to that

DaJIa for dub tou-ekrcnlag they had on- rupM-1 rented room. living in reotod dt*I not eafiafy the-, prugr—aive ■» They dedded u» buy a lot aod build to# their own. Tto buikflag fund . Mrd #1.U0 lu the trcaeury. an annual lacmiv of tan aad a relent to- detarmiaa- ttou. Tto laM BMotloord Item vno. the principal reeouroe. for It waa coavertible Into arvml time* aa mock cash aa both tto other. cumMned. A lot war purchased ouStoldou -trcet. one of the floe* -trcete to the city, aad July to, IW7. tto rorwr of the new dab bouae wa* laid. Plea Tto dab bouse la two itorta la height at tto front, with a loftc .ingle story in **" rae for (to mat u bailor auditorium. bnllt 14 Amber-* tO.) blumtooe aad Grand Rapids rcprrcaed brick, with terra cotta trimraluga. elate root, etolncd gla«e and French plate gtaea window* At the front Ig> tto DM floor the main eotranca open, into a large reception hall, with a hand-nine, bnml winding etalrraae Mad- Ign to the “apper room.” er the ladies IMeigaate *hat dub man would call a banquet hall Hack ,4 tto stain rc. tto north etde U a commodious aod oouiralut l c.m» At the left of tto main en trance, on the flrct floor aad fronting the Street, ia tto elub library, a room about twenty Are fret eqoarc Tto library open* tato tto auditorium, a ri-.m about lift, tart Aquarr. with a celling twenty .me feat donrcaod skylight at

tto atnlUonutn la a Urge stage, flanked by draming r..*u* The floor of (be audito- rium is .lightly tarUnrcf toward tto eUgt It is covered with a barctomie b«dy Rrue- BeU carpet. In w hlch a —ft. yellowieb brown Is tto prevailing tint, harmoutoag perfect- ly with the beautiful drouratioua of tto ceiling and dome The library ia flniatod in oak. and Is ala.. rtrganUy deooralsd. Tto colors arc darker than thoae nt tto auditorium, but arc complementary to full width U tto mental, while lo the tt- hrary tto oakan paart al»v% the mantal bearc tto word Books” In bold, carved leuarc. surrouadad by a scroll, on whick


age PAMTLM FBOTOORAm AMD PRlCm Safety Bicycles Too-

CjEORGE IV. MORRISON, 21 IVest Front street.

THE RUSSET SEASON is not over yet. And If'e have quite a variety left in Oxford anti Lace, for everybody at


w w. mOTT. flTHKFT. We dues our store I p m. (except Haturdav.

CLOSING OUT SALE. Our Entire stock of Summer Goods of ai

kinds must be sold, and to sell them we have cut prices way below cost.


18 West Front Street

6- 6 o BAL/S


REWMAIf BR0R. ORGA58 Cash or Installments.

HW L'l’RlOHT I’lABOS to;rent:


THOMPSON PARK, No 17 East Front Street.

Joseph Krewson,

——tie's®-—- Furniture Express

U«OI Juno OOVIUD TRDCRR ■5ST5 iC?5rL.5e »^55SL, T . ft-W. A

Moving Pianos.


Dr. Grtffin, will care

Rheumatism. Ifermaa Comptalata. Hkio Dtesaas. Womb OuaipMtaM. Oatarrh. Onartlpatau. Dymaa Ma and^Cbrooto EHemes gwasrally OaSm*



range-, pumpa. Make aad lead ptpea, go to R. THORN’S,

No. 2 Park Avenue,

GARRET Q. PACKER, 23, 25 and 27 Park avenue.

Selling out Cheap. Baby Carriages, Summer Furniture.

Get a Bargain while assortment is large. Furniture, Bedding, Upholstery.


On all Summer Clothing.

A Big Clearing Sale at WERNER’S

Mammoth One Price Clothing House,

—« will b. ciowd M ? o'eta*. ,

We Offer You Goods Low. HAHHOCK8 S*,(L1S ml «L»

Wirutow Screens Adjustable jj, 40 and 45c. MA-0.1 non J»K. n, nil red caua —- :,p Ru. rm

Gasoline Stoves, $4, $8 and 8." nn rea cm. <rua IW— .1 w. . m

CROQUET » . »I K —d ,l.Ti >dA Hawrw'irrmmiftiwi.



iVm.A. IVoodtujf, INSURANCP,


la German and French


Crushed Stone. aSi crmlm?k -* rrtoH' bum towSrLTouT— Drive* - HpertaMy.



A. D. Cook & But. LUMBER

and COAL. Corner of Park Arc. and Railroad,

Carmel Coal

Higgins’ Stage Line To aa Bn om m rote*

«r-%a2rsr.—• -—

Mra. J. M Dunn, TA&BUMAMIM HU—

Boon nets and Hat#