Freelance Artists / Starving Artists Networks: TLC, A&E, Bravo, Style Target Audience/Demographic: Young Adults Issues: Their work being exposed and copied before they can make a name for themselves. Copyright issues. Location: NYC Summary: Following the lives of freelance artist trying to make it big. Illustrating all of their effort, struggles, and triumphs along the way. Including how they make a living while they’re working on their art. Different artists personal journeys, they don't necessarily interact with one another. Focusing on both their social and work lives to show what the art scene is really like in New York City. Contacts: -Feel free to check our resources page for other phenomenal and talented industry locals and please e-mail Christina at [email protected] for rates, additional recommendations, and contact information. -http://www.nyc-arts.org/events/11009/The-Talent-Show -http://www.agora-gallery.com/competition/default.aspx -I also visited the museum at FIT where they had students or past students work on display and I got the cards of the one’s that I found interesting. Jennifer Merz- Illustration www.jennifermerz.com [email protected] 201-934-9513 Yishai Minkin- Paint www.YishaiMinkin.com 917-699-2560 Julie Muszynski- Illustration www.juliemuszynski.com [email protected] 212-677-0017


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Freelance Artists / Starving Artists Networks: TLC, A&E, Bravo, Style Target Audience/Demographic: Young Adults Issues: Their work being exposed and copied before they can make a name for themselves. Copyright issues. Location: NYC Summary: Following the lives of freelance artist trying to make it big. Illustrating all of their effort, struggles, and triumphs along the way. Including how they make a living while they’re working on their art. Different artists personal journeys, they don't necessarily interact with one another. Focusing on both their social and work lives to show what the art scene is really like in New York City. Contacts: -Feel free to check our resources page for other phenomenal and talented industry locals and please e-mail Christina at [email protected] for rates, additional recommendations, and contact information. -http://www.nyc-arts.org/events/11009/The-Talent-Show -http://www.agora-gallery.com/competition/default.aspx -I also visited the museum at FIT where they had students or past students work on display and I got the cards of the one’s that I found interesting. Jennifer Merz- Illustration www.jennifermerz.com [email protected] 201-934-9513 Yishai Minkin- Paint www.YishaiMinkin.com 917-699-2560 Julie Muszynski- Illustration www.juliemuszynski.com [email protected] 212-677-0017

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Donna Choi- Illustration http://www.donnachoi.com [email protected] 949-246-2560 Transition / International Transition Networks: TLC, National Geographic Target Audience/Demographic: Mid-Adults and Older Adults (probably of more ethnic backgrounds who have relatives that have immigrated). Issues: Could possibly offend people of different cultures, or depict immigrants in a negative way. Location(s): NYC or LA Summary: Depicting the hardships and triumphs of immigrating and transitioning to a new country. Language barriers, cultural differences and fitting in with the way of life. Could be about foreigners transitioning to America or Americans immigrating abroad, or both. Could include individuals or families and could either focus on one person/family per episode or follow multiple stories over a season. Competition: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/does-reality-show-exploit-immigrants/ http://www.albertleatribune.com/2014/01/immigration-reality-show-has-real-potential/ http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=immigrant+reality+show&qpvt=immigrant+reality+show&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=408D3AD11891CB0DCC41408D3AD11891CB0DCC41 "Immigration Nation"- didn't see anything about it airing though…more about being deported Mark-ups Network: TLC, Target Audience/Demographic: Mid-Adults(frequent shoppers or deal-hunters) Issues: Getting consent to depict specific companies on their large profit margins. Legal issues. Summary: Portraying the amount of mark-up some companies have on their products and the profit they make from it. Could also depict sweatshop labor in third world

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counties to get cheaply produced merchandise (Apple, Forever 21, Nike just a few that have been in the news). Including issues on both human rights as well as exploitation of prices. Where is the money going? Would be a documentary or a few part series. Small Business Networks: TLC, A&E Target Audience/Demographic: Young Adults and Mid-Adults Issues: Having big business copy off of small business ideas, copyright issues. Summary: Going behind the scenes on how small businesses work and what makes them successful. Including the struggle to compete with larger companies for pricing and customer loyalty. Also, how big business seems to absorb smaller companies when they become successful/become a threat and if they still maintain their successful standards afterward. (ex. Ben & Jerry's). Might focus on small companies that give back and make a difference, as well (ex. Warby Parker, Clark's Botanicals, KIND food). Competition: -http://www.tv.com/shows/very-small-business/ -http://ezinearticles.com/?Small-Business-Television-Shows&id=4509903 -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Your_Business_(TV_series) -Most series focus on helping failing small businesses, this is more like praising them. Uplifting News Networks: ABC, CBS, PBS, Target Audience/Demographic: Parents who don’t want to expose their kids to regular news programs but still want to have their children be aware of what’s going on in the world, People who would rather have inspiring news instead of news that is mostly about violence and crime. Issues: Might not get total coverage on major issues if they happen to be too heavy or too graphic. If it’s a daily program that would be a big dedication. Summary: Showcasing positive news stories to share with people. This would be a great alternative to regular news programs, having stories of inspiration rather than focusing on crime and the problems in the economy. It would be a big hit with parents who would like to have their children be more informed while not having to cover their eyes or ears if a story comes on that is inappropriate. It would maybe have stories that show a story of how someone has battled and overcome a disease, or how a business or area that once struggled is now back on it’s feet again. There can be hints or sub-

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stories about more negative events such as shootings or celebrity scandals, so people are not completely uninformed about these topics, but it will not go into much detail. It will only skim the surface to give a brief breakdown of the story. Could be a daily show or a weekly special. Competition: 700 Club- ABC family, but that has a religious background. Optimist TV- http://optimistworld.com/ -Many cites with uplifting news articles/videos but not a specific show. Education Nations Networks: TLC, PBS Target Audience/Demographic: Parents, Teachers, and other adults interested in the success of school systems. Summary: Focusing on how education works throughout the world; from Europe where education is heavily funded by the government to Africa where they’re really trying to develop a system. It will depict how different the school systems are and how their students are affected by it. Education is a big and diverse topic in today’s world and it would be a great initiative to shed more light on issues with school systems and how challenging and deprived some systems are while others are praised. Could include current students and could also feature interviews of past students of the system and see how education has affected their lives. Could be a documentary or 3 or 4 part special. Competition: A documentary on Higher Education Worldwide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cF8zBmZr7Ng Right Food Right Time Networks: Food Network, Cooking Channel Target Audience/Demographic: Food Lovers, New Yorkers and Future Entrepreneurs Issues: Restaurants and Chefs may not want to show all of their secrets. Summary: It takes a lot to be a successful restaurant in New York City. It all depends on location, skill, competition, and customer loyalty. This would go behind the scenes on what it really takes to run a restaurant in NYC, from food buying to interacting with guests, etc. Some restaurants to notice:

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Pagani- Bleecker Street- New American Mez Mascal- Upper East Side- Mexican Cuisine Balthazar- Soho- French Cuisine Inspired Articles http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/20/opinion/sunday/secret-ingredient-for-success.html?_r=0 http://www.businessinsider.com/joe-bastianich-on-restaurant-success-2013-8 Oppression Networks: TLC, Oxygen Target Audience/Demographic: Women (from stay at home moms to working, independent women) Issues: Could be taken the wrong way at times by men. Summary: Women, even in today’s modern day and age, are still facing problems of oppression all around the world. It is definitely more extreme in some countries such as Muslim countries and countries throughout Africa where men tend to control women and abuse them at times. It even happens in the U.S. too, women are paid less than men for the same job and also face harassment in and out of the workplace. It’s something that is not brought to light very much. We could have activists say their input on it, like Angelina Jolie and others. Could be a documentary or several part special. Competition: Half the Sky was a documentaty aired on PBS that focusing on turning oppression into opportunity for women. http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/half-the-sky/ Minimum McWage Networks: PBS, TLC Audience: Bargin hunters, Human Rights activists, and Political people. Issues: Companies could not like the negative connotations that come along with showing how little some of their workers are paid. Summary: Focusing in on how people live day to day on minimum wage. It’s a big topic and not really shown in people’s perspective who have to live it. It would show the pressure of living on so little and how they manage to get by.

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