Corran Pipks gaskell to Run gecondinRace i^as Hol<fe> Other Two in primary Arc Hopelessly Beuten; Sees Victory for the Fusion Candidate ¡M Express Confidence fa Judge Asserts He fül'Get 77,000 Major¬ ity; 50,000 in Home Boro ^ forecasts on the result of the 'lf Tuesday from the four can- ?rí*¡; running for the Republican !i!Ü0R for May0r *" expre*3 con" 'lL in victory. Borough President "^ H. Curran, the Republican- ¡SL» candidate, refrained from ä£r. forecast himself, but his cam- ¿maaaser. John J. Lyons, Secre- f0*^ t «itaie nrerttcted his success' ** £ feíd as a certainty. The Cur- ** laager pUced Judge Haskell, of tófl« as the oniy real contender. "S^U Guardia and Bennett hope-j IftiSSklyr idge's forecast is the , ",' *ftde«t of the four. He predicted £\S°na1 more than 77,000 »J^r, than 00.000 which will I. 'ron bis borne dorough. William fl-rtv estii ated that 150,000 votes L.M be cast in the Republican pri- **'?"«¦¦ which he would receive STCurran '00, La Guardia S0.000 *:«..¦. A'.dermanic Pres- ï,t'li Guardia did not indulge in ft«r- ¿¿, but declared that he would "w:n W9' Lyons's Statemenl Vt Lyons'* statement follows: -Oniv two more days remain before .v/p'n.-.- race is about over. ££. has a clear field up to the goal, «d he an! "n eased up' The ¡ ¿¿fdíT Judge Haakell, but ¿he <narp-n of Currant :ead is com-; jZtMé -nough occasion no worry. ístoeHaskel ha eabbled all over the Sin the last.fe« days. He wul Snisb verv lain«?- La wuardia and Ben-. ,".'::" w. : respect to their .-ends, are hopelessly beaten, "from tue very first tlenry ( urran ac-ded rot to plací a -tick in tne path ¿ hi' opponents. He suggested that j]¿is!ric- De lPl)l t0 th«m ^ He wanted to ''ave .air field, fahe believes in primaries. You have îi«ed 'hat not once in all the boroughs faiStnry Curran said one inkind word ipinst any of his rivals. Curran saw »ehour «ben he would be. named, and st wartä his opponents to rally nbout aim /¿at as loyally as he would stand back'of them' «-ere they to be thp rjttor. It's the son of stuff Curran is 2Hd* 01. "farr-.r. stand this primary a singularly *sive figure. His WBStut« platform a masterpiece, a the simplified platform which the ose in ths street reads and under¬ stands. Its sppearanre was the turn¬ ip pr:iai of the campaign. It is the Best progressive and constructive doc- i¡B?nt e>er put forward by a niunicipa .didate in all the years I have been m public life. "('urran ia the one man whom the Democratic partj) fears. We must not forget the wonderful vote which he ceived when ho was- elected Borough Président He carried this rock-bound Tammany stronghold less than two years ago by more than 9,000 votes, a r'sst imp«ra/Wed in the history of Xew York. It was the first time a fcaight Republican ever won in Man- taten. This 3 ha*- was in the minds «f the reader.- :' 11 the Republican *rpmz.-ti(.n--. besides his admitted su- perfcf fuaiiric tior.s, when they recom¬ mended Curran as the party's choice nary. Cnrran Choice of Party "liad don't r-. us forget .that the iiicers who recommended Curran were *à«*n by t;;e county committeemen. at¿ that these men were and are truly npfesentativf of the Republican or¬ ganisation. We had a right to express wr préférer.;«, as an organization and g* did so by recommending Curran. pe recommended 'urran because Cur- *tt can win. Curran is the only man .so can win against Hylan. I think «i| is pretty well recognizsd among P winking rren and women of the «wbiican party. "Curran is a 100 per cent Republi- £ irganizati man, and it is the .ty of organization men all over the s^_to stand by the organization. "Henry Corran has won his high N*» in this city against odds. Henry Curran has a name for doing H***. He 5 the very opposite to g!»n in every respect. He possesses nt-nand knowledge of the problems '. '-his great, city of ours. You ask ""ran. He knows. He never poses; wlre '4 n.°'-hmg of the demagogue in !*; Be is sincere and he is devoted »ta« highest interest of New York. Urran is no man's tool, and there m b? no power behind the throne WB Cuyran is Mayor. I have been .'cioae and personal friend for more *£*& ten years, and with pride in a ,-^e New York boy I have watched P ?row into a dignified, construc¬ ts municipal officer. Withal, he is « same Henry Curran he was ten H »go a big, game, forceful, red- l:«?«d human being. 'J.tli.Jí-e:,'í-:,ú!: in November will put oilcans in the City Hall." Haakelt Claims 77,000 Majority s his statement Judge Haskell raps wies D. Hi! -, Republican National £ Íf,ma'- fr"n Xtw York, and J"" Wv'm M. Calder, of Brook- *"i*nom.he d.-clared were weakening M¡, Pabhcan party in New York bv *S* .»on.' ¡J: "?ect t0 win the Republican l&» i°n for Mayor next Tuesdav by »n» î. ? of nior<i than 77,000 in five J^is, said Judge Haskell. "I shall fc? more than 50,000 of this num- * 2 °rooklyn. Thes-î calculations oased upon careful and painstak- H canvasses by members of my per- J"*' campaign staff in every section b *' ,cltY w'.thin the last few days. «« »y>Sls of these figures and rc- SSru* w8 !t cItar that l 3hail carry ïth. ya rPcord pluraiitv; Queens «* .argest margin ever given to a 5SÏ«»3n. de8î8^ee; the Bronx and « y a S!mi!ar figure. It would atTi,Är*C10,us on my P*rt to express o¡L"?oa l]^ I shall carry the home koi^ of Mr Curran, the fusion «Uta,!*" \S Pr°Per to add that the Re- i*S£. ader?; iacludin» National ^»»tteeman Hilles, of Manhattan: ¦.nie?» l?*r aru! others, do a poor («tonal*°. .Pp"!<*«»t Harding and the t^^r Administration m seeking to *te V f, RePublican Party in ad- Utt " the Congressional elections »raf. s when a real test will come rresident." Fie G"ardia Sure He Win Win eîî!.0 H- La Guardia, in reply to *»Sí,V 0r a fore,:ast ot the pri- ** w¿* vaRy- ' wiH win- Progres- 5^00 bel^ve -;n progress in gov- ' f*,/**'1 as in science and in- k il"' Wlîl v°te for nu. Rent J:00 are not being fooled by »1 outbursts of cand íiateü. a(H ¦**Lh ,th,;ir rent8 havf! ':yt ^^«d, aod .vho too»-wii«:::icir Only Woman in Aldermanic Ravp Mrs. Mabel T, S. talco In the primaries on Tuesday she will be opposed by two men for the ?eat from the Columbia Heights section of Brooklyn. Three Known Dead in Explosion On Famous U-Boat Deutschland LIVERPOOL, Sept. 10 (By The Asso- ciated Presse..A tremendous explosion on the former German submarine Deutschland, at Birkenhead, across the Mersey from Liverpool, killed three men and injured three others to-day. It is possible that many others perished. The submarine was being dismantled at the time of the explosion, which oc¬ curred in the engine room from an un¬ known cause. The Deutschland was one of the submarines surrendered by the Germans under the terms of the peace treaty. A report from Cherbourg. France, on June 17 last, stated that the former German submarine Deutschland had sunk during experimental attacks car¬ ried out by the French armored cruiser Gueydon. Previous reports stated that the Deutschland was among the boats surrendered to the Allies at Harwich, while later reports have stated that she was converted and renamed, and have placed her at various points, including a London museum. NEW LONDON. Conn., Sept. 10.. Among the exploits of the former Ger¬ man submarine Deutschland was the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean to the Delaware Capes and Baltimore and a second trans-Atlantic trip in which the craft arrived here on November 1, 1916. The submarine attempted to leave on the return tr> German- on November 17 and collided with the tug T. A. Scott in this harbor, sinking the tug and causing the death by drowning of five men. The Deutschland arrived at the river Weser on December 1, 19IG. In a finding made here by Federal steamboat inspectors. December 19, Captain Koenig of the submarine was exonerated fiom liability for the col¬ lision. Cable dispatches on January 12, 1917, reported the submarine to have left Bremen on January 2 for an unknown destination. After the submarine left New Lon¬ don, reports were general that it had brought a cargo of dyestuffs, drugs, etc., and also securities to be sold in this country, valued at high figures, some estimates of the value being from $10,000,000 to $25,000,000. friends are, will vote for me. Loyal city employees, who are overworked, u iderpaid, and know that 1 will drive out the drones and the soft snap, do- nothing employees, will vote for me. Wcmen, who up to date have been used to deliver the votes, but who have not been taken into the confidence of offi¬ cials, and who resent attacks made upon the women in politics by Gov- ernor Miller, also will vote for me. Mothers, who are struggling to make both ends meet, and who know I am nghting their right, will vote for me. Wage earners, who know they can ex¬ pect a square deal from me, basing this on my past record, will vote for me. Add this up and you will see how easy it is for me to win." Mr. B>-nnett, in giving his estimate of the figures in the primary result, declared that he had been a careful student of direct primary figures since 1914, in which year he won the nomi- nation for the state Senate at the prj- mary. "I am confident that I shall win the primary, as I did in 1917." he said. "UnKke my three opponents, I am seek.r.p. a renomination. The voters are still angry over the stolen primary of 1917, and want to know why it was stolen. Heretofore they have received short treatment from the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. The voters know that I will give them an administration based upon the old- fashioned United States doctrine that the government is constituted for the benefit of the citizens. They know that I will welcome their complaints as an aid to my administration and heed their advic.e when good. My record in the Senate and in the various primary campaigns has convinced them that I will give them a square deal, and for that reason I expect the enrolled Re- publicans to give me the nomination." -;-a-.- Kane Gets Court Order Against Election Board Patrick J. Kane, the revolting Demo- crat, who is coalition candidate for Sheriff of tbe Bronx, yesterday through Robert S. Mullen, attorney, obtained from Justice Mitchell, of the Supreme Court in the Bronx, an order to show cause why a peremptory writ of man- damus should not be issued against John R. Voorhis, president of the Board of Elections, compelling him to rescind an order dismissing sixteen of Kane's j election inspectors- The court order is returnable to-morrow in the Supreme Court, Manhattan. Kane is leader of the 3d Assembly District in the Bronx. According to his supporters the dismissal yesterday of the sixteen inspectors will be fol- lowed by similar action against others supposed to be friendly to the insur- gent candidate. Altogether there are seventy-six inspectors for the Bronx. Mr Mullen was accompanied by As- semblyman Benjamin Antin, Milton Altschuler and Arthur S. Arnstein, of the Bronx. The order was obtained in the name of Mrs. Mary Farrell, of 603 Jackson Avenue, and it was said a FUMIGATION in THE FALL Assure« clean ami healthy ouarter». j bualnesa or home.for the winter. The summer leaves behind It roachea, bug» and other vermin. Whether you see. them or not tho tact remains -they are there. Why rink the health of your- child, your own ami that of others ilear to you, when ( we ruaran te« Dv ,;ur soiPntinf method of FUMIGATION :o extermínate ail these uesta. without leaving any trac« of them. It coats nothing to ask us aliout our service. I'iiiZa *180, ol writ» ^rUNIVERSAL4^ % EXTERMîfWINGp^ ¦.'-' COMPANY VL> v r-<. \v<\, .-.cm Y.rU. .><> M !\u.u USO. majority of the deposed inspectors are women. It was contended by Mr. Mul¬ len that the removal of the inspectors was made without cause and in con¬ travention of the Civil Service law. At the headquarters of Edward J. Flynn, Tammany candidate for Sheriff of the Bronx, a statement was issued in which it was set forth that Kane's move for an order was purely political and done to discredit the regular Demo¬ cratic organization. The statement said that the removal of'the inspectors was strictly in accordance with the law, and was to equalize the represen¬ tation between the two major parties in the election districts. Hirohiio Congratulated on Safe Return by Japan's Press TOKIO. Sept. 10 (By The Associated Press)..Newspapers throughout Japan have sent a memorial to Crown Prince Hirohito, congratulating him upon hi3 safe return from his European trip. In reply, the Crown Prince declared he was always of the opinion that jour¬ nalism had much to do with the devèl- it of national civilization, and had contributed immensely to the promo- j tion of international enlightenment. This opinion, he declared, has been confirmed by what he saw and heard during his stay through Western lands. Women Active In Campaign to Beat Tammany Besides Preparing to Storm Polls, They Are Putting Candidates in Field for Some Important Offices Tiger Doesn't Like 'Em Murphy's Picked Material Banking on Men Stand¬ ing Solidly for Their Sex The first mayoralty campaign in which women have taken part finds few women as candidates, though all politi¬ cal lenders emphasize the part that the women voters will take in defeating Tammany. The highest office of New York Countv for which women have been nominated is that of Register, for which place the best known Republican.wom¬ an in the city, Miss Helen Varick Bos- well, is the organization candidate. She has made an active campaign in behalf of the coalition ticket, for Curran, Lockwood and Gilroy, promising her audiences more about her own candi¬ dacy after she is nominated. For she lias an opponent, even in tiie Republi¬ can primaries, in John J. Hopper. Mr Hopper is running also on the Demo¬ cratic ticket against another " woman Miss Annie Mathcws. believing that he can combine the votes of both Republi¬ can and Democratic men who have prejudice against women candidates. She Is a Lawyer Mrs. Margaret. Douglas is a cand; date for the place of County Clerk against Charles Novello. Mrs. Doug ¡as is a lawyer and believes that l^ga training will be useful, in keeping th: files in the County Clerk's office. Mrs. Mabel T. S. Falco, the firs woman who ever ran for a seat in th< Board of Aldermen in New York City does rtot wish to be presented as "woman's candidate." Her committee sent out a letter yesterday to enrollei voters of the thirty-third aldermani district of Brooklyn, for which she i a candidate, asking them to conside her on her record a; a public-spiritc resident. .'We ask you not to vote for o against this candidate because she is woran," the letter reads; "we do as you to vote for her because she is b; far the best equipped and most repre sentative of the district, and will b a live-wire alderman. We believe yo will be governed in your voting b fair, sound judgment and not by blinc unreasoning prejudice." Mrs, Falco is well known not on! ameng the women of the district fo her work in the Red Cross and Libert Loan drives and other war activitiei hut she has been a worker in the loci P.epublican organization since wome first entered the political parties. Sh has thus had an opportunity to addres political meetings in all parts of th district. She helped form the women police reserve and raised funds fc wounded soldiers at Fox Hills Hoi pital. She represented the Parent Association of Public School No. 5 s legislative hearings and has been ii terested in playgrounds and child we fare reforms. Presides in Boarding House Mrs. Falco conducts a boarding hou« at 177 Congress Street. She is oppose in the primaries by Arthur V. Gorma present incumbent, and Edward Mackin. Her committee is headed by Ï Shaler Allen and Dr. L. Adele Cuine and includes many well known res dents of the Columbia Heights sectio among them Henry D. Barmore, près dent of the Republican club of tl district. There are two women candidates fl the Assembly, Miss Marguerite Smit of the Nineteenth Assembly Distri of Manhattan, and Mrs. Ebba Winslo' of the Fourth Assembly District Queenjs. Miss Smith has held her se, in the Assembly for 'wo years. Mr?. Harriot Stanton Blatch, wl has been, identified with the womi suffrage movement for many years, the Socialist candidate for Comptrc ier. VOTE IN THÉ PRIMARY ! If you are enrolled you are privileg« to vote at your party's primary t Tuesday, September 13. POLLS OPEN FROM 3 to 9 P. M. Hiñes Warns Voorhis Against Staff Changes -.-- Appeal to the Governor Is Threatened if Democratic Election Inspectors in District Are Removed Charges Plot by Murphy Declares Substitution of Irresponsible Persons Is Planned to Bring Defeat James J. Hines, the anti-Murphy candidate in the Democratic primaries for the nomination for President of the Borough of Manhattan against Julius Miller, the enoieo of the Tam¬ many Executive Committee, last night sent a letter of warning to John R. Voorhis, president of the Board of Flections, in which he threatens to appeal to the Governor against alleged illegal practices of the Board of Elec- tions. The letter follows: "My attention has been called to the fact that Mr. Murphy intends to use your office to defeat my election at the direct primary by having his county committee direct you to remove all of the Democratic election inspectors in my district 11th Assembly District) and substitute irresponsible persons to act as election inspectors. "This is a Repetition of the methods pursued by Mr. Murphy at the last pri- mary election, when I wa.i elected lender. "I have been advised that such ac¬ tion, if permitted by your board, will be a violation of the law both in letter and in spirit, and I desire to state if such action is countenanced or per¬ mitted by your board I shall take prompt steps to call the matter to the attention of the Governor or anv other official having jurisdiction in the sub- i ject." Expect 44,580 Votes The Hines managers said last night ;that the average per cent vote of the Democratic enrollment cast in Manhat- tan during the last five years is 24 per cen , and that on this basis there will be cast in the primaries on Tues¬ day 44,580, They add per cent to j this on account of the anti-Murphy issue, and this 11,145 added to the other total gives 55,72"). They claim that HineS will poll 10 per cent of the ¡total, or 18,575, plus the 6 per cent ¡brought out by the anti-Murphy issue, giving Hines a total of 29,720. Murphy is allowed 12 per cent of the total enrollment, or 22,290, plus 1 per cent, brought out by the fight, or a total of 24,147. This computation, after deducting 1 per cent for void and defective ballots, gives Hines a victory by more than 5,000 votes. The Murphy men concede that Hines is very strong in the 3d, 9th, 11th, 13th and 23d districts and that they will do well in the 21st, 22d, 17th, 19th, 14th, 5th, 7th and 20th districts. These thir- teen Assembly districts contain 54 per cent of the entire Democratic enroll- ment. James J. Hines insists that Murphy will see his finish following the pri- maries on Tuesday night of this week. "This is a fight to the finish," de- clares Hines. "I am a Tammany dis- trict leader in regular standing. My fight is inside the organization, and is against the selfish control of an arro- gant boss. So long as my district is solid behind me I shall keep going, and ultimately I shall win." Despite Hines' victory in the primaries last year. Murphy refused to recognize him. When the reorganiza- tion meeting of the executive commit- tee assembled following the primaries last year the two names, which on roll call elicited warmest applause, were those of James J. Hines and Thomas M. Farley, the latter the leader of the 14th, which embraces the middle of the East Side. Like Hines, Farley gave Murphy's candidate for the leadership of the district a hard beating. The boss shut down on all patronage for the 11th district, after his break with Hines. "I want it distinctly understood that. I am not fighting for the leadership of Tammany Hall," said Hines, "but I do insist that the executive committee shall exercise the functions which righfully belong to it, where every member shall freely and fully express his opinions. To-day, under existing conditions, every leader in Tammany Hall knows that to oppose- Murphy means his political death.if Murphy can kill him. "The Democrats in the various sec- tions of the borough will recall primary fights on local leaders conducted by Murphy upon one pretense or another, and it may have been merely a coin¬ cidence, but in nenrly every instance it was when the leader showed a spirit of independence, or opposition to some Murphy scheme. I am no hero and I dc not want to be a boss, and I would not ask another man to do what I would not do myself. I had hoped that somt, one would start this fight, al- thougn I know that no one is in pre¬ cisely the same position as I am to make the fight. "During Murphy's reign the Demo¬ cratic party has lost a safe margin, and for the first time in the history of New York there arc more than 40,000 enrolled Republicans more than there arc Democrats. --Let us Democrats stand united in our protest against Murphy rule before the party is de¬ stroyed." School Pupils Face Part Time (Continuad (rom paga nui-: school itself is unhealthy for its stu¬ dents due to the odors. Such are the conditions tinder which the high school students wtll be taught. Mayor Hylan declared positively that this school, together with others, would be thoroughly repaired during the sum¬ mer months. As a matter of fact, with the exception of putting in some new leader nipes, not a thing has been done. The dirty walls have not felt the touch of "a paint brush in years, and they did not get a daub of paint this year. It is impossible to tell the orig- ¡nal color of the walls within «the school. Outside the building is in the same condition. Another Neglected School Another neglected high school is the j Julia Richman, for girls, at Thirteenth Street and Sixth Avenue. This build- ing was condemned more than ten years ago. It has six additional an- nexes scattered about the city in the uj.town sections. The registration shows, according to Dr. Michael H. Lucey, the principal, that, the entire school will have to go on double time. One set of students will have to come to school betvveen the hours of 8 and 12 every morning and the other set will study from 1 until 5 o'clock in the af- ternoon. There will be no study pe- riods for any of them in between their different subjects to relieve the strain. The teachers will also be subjected to a most serious strain. This school was declared in the worn- en's report to be the most disgraceful in the.city, a dangerous fire trap and a direct menace to the health of the pupils. At that time its students were only on regular time; this term they will go on double session and be com- pelled to stay within the school for four horrs at a stretch. In answer to this report Mayor Hylan declared that thousands of dol- ¡ars would be expended on this school during the summer months, and that it would be made into a modern structure in every way. An investigation into the situation at the school shows that the. window frames, sashes and exterior of the doors were painted; 2,000 new feet of flooring was laid, and electric light¬ ing was substituted for the old gas jets. That is the sum total of the repairs executed on this notorious building. The mortar is still falling from the bricks and the plaster is parting com¬ pany with the walls and ceilings rapid¬ ly and in large measure. What is far worse is the sanitary arrangements. There is no privacy, and the toilets are in the yard. No language could adequately describe the conditions existing there. The Halls of this school are circuitous and narrow, making it a dangerous firs trap. Ashes of thé Cid Interred! BURGOS, Spain, Sept. 10..An elab¬ orate religious ceremony marked the final interment yesterday of the ashes of The Cid, the national Spanish tradi- tional hero, and his wife. The cere- mony was conducted by Cardinal Benl- loch, Archbishop of Burgos. I-.- Citizens Union Calls for Full Primary Vote AH Enrolled Republicans Urged to Support Coali¬ tion Ticket and Assist in Getting Complete Poll Specially Indorses Clark r-. Désignée for District At¬ torney Declared To Be Particularly Qualified In its periodical pamph'et "The Searchlight," the Citizens Union, in an ! article entitled "A Call to Arms," called upon all enrolled Republicans to support the coalition ticket, arguing that the first victory against Hylan, Hearst and Tammany must be won in the primaries. In part the article reads: "This year for the first time in his¬ tory the Republican enrollment exceeds the Democratic, enrollment in the city. This means that not only did habitual Republicans enroll under the eagle, but that literally thousands of independent and Democratic voters enrolled as Re¬ publicans last October. Some of them did so because they expected to vote for Harding for President and consid¬ ered themselves for the time being Republicans. Others did so because they looked forward to the mayoralty contest this year and wanted to have something to say about the choice of a candidate to oppose the present regime. "This extraordinary situation makes it clear that the ordinary appeal to Re¬ publican organization voters will fall short of reaching those who are en- rolled under the. Republican emblem Assuming that the Republican organi¬ zation leaders, who are committed tc advocacy of the Republican-coalitior ticket in the primaries, are able tc poll 75 per cent of the usual organiza tion vote for that ticket, the resuh would still be in doubt because of th« unprecedented enrollment of Democrat.' 'and Independent Republicans." The Union then appeals to all voter: interested in putting an end to the Hylan regime, whether enrolled a, Republicans or not, to get, out the en rolled Republican vole on Tuesday fo: Henry H. Curran and his runnini mates on the Republican-coalitioi ticket. The Citizens Union devotes half page of its paper to John Kirklam Clark, the organization désignée fo District Attorney, saying: "Mr. Clark is a graduate of Yale am of the Harvard Law School. He wa I for several years an assistant distric attorney, and knows the business o that office thoroughly. In that posi tion he prosecuted successfully man important cases, including the polic graft cases unearthed by the Curra aldermanic investigation, which result ed in sending four police inspector and other grafting officials to prison-. The Union also indorses John J. Hot. ! per, former Register, a? its choice fc Register. Hopper is running in bot j the Democratic and Republican prims ries against women designated by th organizations. Hopper is a Democrat. | -;- Thomas M. Frothingham j Is Shot Accidental! Thomas M. Frothingham, of Ft Hills, N. J., a member of the broke age firm of Potter Brothers & C< of 5 Nassau Street, is a private patiei in Presbyterian Hospital sufferir from a bullet wound in the left hreas it became known last night. According to the police reports, M [ Frothingham was accidentally sh< while examining o* <i<?jining a revolver, during a visit to the apaitSiei t c* his brother-in-law, Alfred C. Hoyt, at 2 East Seventy-fifth Street, last Friday- Mr. Frothingham was removed to the hospital in a private nmbulance. All information concerning Mr. Frothingham'* accident wai rcf-.isfd by Mr. Hoyt's housekeeper and other per¬ sons living at his address. Ex« * admit that he was still a patient, «g» tendants at the hospital last nignt re¬ fused to comment on the case. No record of the shooting has bees received at Police Headquarters. It was learned that Mr. Frothinjrhan» frequently visited his brother-in-iaw's apartment, and the housekeeper "aid he had the key to the house. When asked about the accident, she said: "I know nothing of any shooting." m-¦ VOTE IN THE PRIMARY! If you are enrolled you are privileged to vote at your party's primary ox Tuesdav. September 1.3. POLLS OPEN FROM 3 to 9 P. IL "Hand-Troubles" Are Unheard of Because the hand is always fres. Foot troubles are common becauss in ordinary shoes the feet are ham¬ pered in their movements. Their freedom is restricted by the un¬ yielding sole of the shoe. The mus¬ cles are cramped by a last that doe« not fit. But your feet are as free as Nature intended in the Canti¬ lever Shoe. The shank is flexible. There is no steel "shank piece" in Cantilevers as in most shoes to check the play of the muscles. With every step, the shoe bends as the foot bends. The muscles grow strong, enduring, healthy, from the exercise of walk¬ ing. Thus Cantilevers strengthen weak arches and prevent and cor¬ rect flat foot. The last of Cantilever Shoes con¬ forms to the outline of the foot. The bones are not pressed together, as in- an ill-designed shoe. The muscles are not pinched. There is plenty of toe room, and the toes lie in their natural position. Cantilevers are smart looking and they add to your appearance. They encourage graceful carriage. The heels are fashionably low and broad. Change to Cantilever Shoes this week and enjoy their refreshing comfort. Widths from AAAA to E. Oxford in Blaclt hid. S.O.90 Tan Coif, (li.uO Brown Kid, $11.50. and White Canvo3, S9.T5 CANTILEVER SHOE SHOPS 22 W. 39th St, nr. 5th Av., N. Y. 414 Fulton St. (over 5chrafft's), B'klyn 895 Broad St. (near City Hail), Newark Aiao at J. & J. JACOBSON. i.exineton At. at 60th St. 24 FIFTY-SEVENTH STREET WEST / resenting our complete collection of Fall and Winter Apparel for Women and Misses, comprising a versatile assemblage of Gowns, Wraps, Millinery and the other accessories ' of dress for all occasions. Dresses for Daytime and Evening Wear of exclusive design, in Cre'pes, Fine Twills, Velvets, and all the fashionable fabrics 65.00 to 275.00 Coats and Wraps of Duvetyne, Kasha Cloth, Marvella,and all the newer materials, with luxurious trimmings of thebetter furs 95.00 to 475.00 We are now ready to offer our entire collection of Im¬ ported Models, which we have just received from abroad, including model Gowns, Hats, Coats, and Wraps from the salons of the most eminent Parisian Designers M Ortend Off '&. g The Iron Food & for Vitality Prpp We'll send 100 -*¦ *. CC iusciouj raisin recipes in a free book to anv one who mails coupon below. He needs it."The. Food for Vitality" Raúin Píe Men are ijttieidy refreshed at night by a dessert like this 2 cups Sun-Maid Seeded Raisins 3 cups water 'x teaspoon- salt 2 tablespoon» lemon Ju!c» 1 tablespoon corn starch 1 tablespoon sugar Wash the raisins, put ¡n saucepan with 1 cup cold water and bring slowly to a boil. Add sugar, salt and corn starch which, has been mixed with 1 cup cold water. Boil 3 minutes; add lemon juice. Pour in pie tin which has been lined with crust, while hot cover; brush top with cold milk and bake in moderate oven until brown. Stewed Raisins Servefor breakfast every morn¬ ing and get your daily iron this way Cover Sun-Maid Rai¬ sins with cold water and add a slice of lemon or orange. Place on fire; bring to a boil and al¬ low to simmer fo- one hour. Sugar may '.e added but is not nece - sary. as Sun- ?I ci '. Seeded Raisins contain 75 per cent natural fruit- sugar. All measurements for these recipes are level. Raisin Bread Add raising to"th« staffoflife" and you, harts o perfect food Tired Man's Dessert Digests almost immediately Revives his Vim Men are grateful for a pie like this A TIRED man's first need at J~\. night is new energy . to revive his lagging- spirits and his strength. Give it to him in this luscious pie. Effective and incomparably delicious' You get almost immediate results. For this pie.note the recipe . is made with tender, juicy, meaty raisins furnishing 1560 calories of energizing nutriment per pound. Raisins are 75 per cent pure fruit-sugar (in practically pre- digested form) so require little digestion and therefore the en¬ ergy is felt at once. Raisins are rich in food iron. The "Iron Men" . the men of healthy blood.need but a small bit of iron daily, yet that need is vital. There's no better way to im¬ part the zitality of iron than through a luscious raisin pie. Remember these facts when you choose dessert. Give raisin pie to tired men in the interest of their pleasure and success. SUN-MAip RAISINS 'Jse Snn-Mait! Raisin«, made from California's fine; --ble graces . American raisins, jiocessed and oacked immaculately in a ¡jreit modern Calif rnia plant. Seeded \seeds re -ioved) ; Seedless {grown without seeds), Clusters (oh the stem). Also a rine, ever-ready dessert. Raisins are- cheaper by thirty per cent than formerly. See that you get plenty in your foods. Mail th« coupon for free book of tested recipes tokick describa 100 sttrvctiwe ways te «m CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATED RAISIN CO., Dept. v *«-3Si. Fresno. CaJ r. Membership IS.000 Grower* Dellclou« raisin p:* and raisin bread ar* !.¦!.¦> id by balte shops iiíd grocer« every¬ where. Buy of them to save baiting ht nom«. He».: raisin pie mad« with lots of raisins. Insist on '. First-class baker« do not «tint. ¦ CUT THIS CUT AND SEND IT I I California Associated Raialn Co. * '¿ieu'.. !' tib'íi, t-'raano, Calif. i S I 1 Nam*- | Street I City. Píe*»« send me copy or raw ft**-« Sun-Maid Recipes." ..tat« book. i<B»s«J

Pipks Only Hiñes Run In Against Beat Vote

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Corran Pipksgaskell to RungecondinRacei^as Hol<fe> Other Two inprimary Arc HopelesslyBeuten; Sees Victoryfor the Fusion Candidate

¡M Express Confidence

fa Judge Asserts Hefül'Get 77,000 Major¬ity; 50,000 in Home Boro

^ forecasts on the result of the'lf Tuesday from the four can-

?rí*¡; running for the Republican!i!Ü0R for May0r *" expre*3 con"

'lL in victory. Borough President"^

H. Curran, the Republican-¡SL» candidate, refrained fromä£r. forecast himself, but his cam-

¿maaaser. John J. Lyons, Secre-f0*^ t «itaie nrerttcted his success'**£ feíd as a certainty. The Cur-** laager pUced Judge Haskell, oftófl« as the oniy real contender."S^U Guardia and Bennett hope-jIftiSSklyr idge's forecast is the, ",' *ftde«t of the four. He predicted£\S°na1 more than 77,000»J^r, than 00.000 oí which willI. 'ron bis borne dorough. Williamfl-rtv estii ated that 150,000 votesL.M be cast in the Republican pri-**'?"«¦¦ which he would receive

STCurran '00, La Guardia S0.000*:«..¦. A'.dermanic Pres-ï,t'li Guardia did not indulge in ft«r-¿¿, but declared that he would "w:n

W9' Lyons's StatemenlVt Lyons'* statement follows:-Oniv two more days remain before

.v/p'n.-.- race is about over.

££. has a clear field up to the goal,«d he an! "n eased up' The ¡¿¿fdíT Judge Haakell, but¿he <narp-n of Currant :ead is com-;jZtMé -nough occasion no worry.ístoeHaskel ha eabbled all over theSin the last.fe« days. He wulSnisb verv lain«?- La wuardia and Ben-.,".'::" w. : respect to their.-ends, are hopelessly beaten,"from tue very first tlenry ( urranac-ded rot to plací a -tick in tne path¿ hi' opponents. He suggested thatj]¿is!ric- De lPl)l t0 th«m^ He wanted to ''ave .air field,fahe believes in primaries. You haveîi«ed 'hat not once in all the boroughsfaiStnry Curran said one inkind wordipinst any of his rivals. Curran saw

»ehour «ben he would be. named, andst wartä his opponents to rally nboutaim /¿at as loyally as he would standback'of them' «-ere they to be thprjttor. It's the son of stuff Curran is2Hd* 01.

"farr-.r. stand this primarya singularly *sive figure. HisWBStut« platform a masterpiece,a the simplified platform which the

ose in ths street reads and under¬stands. Its sppearanre was the turn¬ip pr:iai of the campaign. It is theBest progressive and constructive doc-i¡B?nt e>er put forward by a niunicipa.didate in all the years I have beenm public life."('urran ia the one man whom the

Democratic partj) fears. We must notforget the wonderful vote which heceived when ho was- elected BoroughPrésident He carried this rock-bound

Tammany stronghold less than twoyears ago by more than 9,000 votes, ar'sst imp«ra/Wed in the history ofXew York. It was the first time afcaight Republican ever won in Man-taten. This 3 ha*- was in the minds«f the reader.- :' 11 the Republican*rpmz.-ti(.n--. besides his admitted su-perfcf fuaiiric tior.s, when they recom¬mended Curran as the party's choice

nary.Cnrran Choice of Party

"liad don't r-. us forget .that theiiicers who recommended Curran were*à«*n by t;;e county committeemen.at¿ that these men were and are trulynpfesentativf of the Republican or¬ganisation. We had a right to expresswr préférer.;«, as an organization andg* did so by recommending Curran.pe recommended 'urran because Cur-*tt can win. Curran is the only man.so can win against Hylan. I think«i| is pretty well recognizsd amongP winking rren and women of the«wbiican party."Curran is a 100 per cent Republi-£ irganizati man, and it is the.ty of organization men all over thes^_to stand by the organization."Henry Corran has won his highN*» in this city against odds.Henry Curran has a name for doingH***. He 5 the very opposite tog!»n in every respect. He possessesnt-nand knowledge of the problems'. '-his great, city of ours. You ask""ran. He knows. He never poses;wlre '4 n.°'-hmg of the demagogue in!*; Be is sincere and he is devoted»ta« highest interest of New York.Urran is no man's tool, and therem b? no power behind the throneWB Cuyran is Mayor. I have been.'cioae and personal friend for more*£*& ten years, and with pride in a,-^e New York boy I have watchedP ?row into a dignified, construc¬ts municipal officer. Withal, he is« same Henry Curran he was tenH »go a big, game, forceful, red-l:«?«d human being.'J.tli.Jí-e:,'í-:,ú!: in November will putoilcans in the City Hall."Haakelt Claims 77,000 Majoritys his statement Judge Haskell rapswies D. Hi! -, Republican National£ Íf,ma'- fr"n Xtw York, andJ"" Wv'm M. Calder, of Brook-*"i*nom.he d.-clared were weakeningM¡, Pabhcan party in New York bv*S* .»on.'¡J: "?ect t0 win the Republicanl&» i°n for Mayor next Tuesdav by»n» î. ? of nior<i than 77,000 in fiveJ^is, said Judge Haskell. "I shallfc? more than 50,000 of this num-* 2 °rooklyn. Thes-î calculationsoased upon careful and painstak-H canvasses by members of my per-J"*' campaign staff in every sectionb *' ,cltY w'.thin the last few days.«« »y>Sls of these figures and rc-SSru* w8 !t cItar that l 3hail carryïth. y a rPcord pluraiitv; Queens«* .argest margin ever given to a5SÏ«»3n. de8î8^ee; the Bronx and« a» y a S!mi!ar figure. It wouldatTi,Är*C10,us on my P*rt to expresso¡L"?oa l]^ I shall carry the homekoi^ of Mr Curran, the fusion

«Uta,!*" \S Pr°Per to add that the Re-i*S£. ader?; iacludin» National^»»tteeman Hilles, of Manhattan:¦.nie?» l?*r aru! others, do a poor(«tonal*°. .Pp"!<*«»t Harding and thet^^r Administration m seeking to*teV f, RePublican Party in ad-Utt " the Congressional elections»raf. s when a real test will come.» rresident."

Fie G"ardia Sure He Win Wineîî!.0 H- La Guardia, in reply to*»Sí,V 0r a fore,:ast ot the pri-** w¿* vaRy- ' wiH win- Progres-5^00 bel^ve -;n progress in gov-' f*,/**'1 as in science and in-

k il"' Wlîl v°te for nu. RentJ:00 are not being fooled by»1 outbursts of cand íiateü. a(H¦**Lh ,th,;ir rent8 havf! ':yt^^«d, aod .vho too»-wii«:::icir

Only Woman in Aldermanic Ravp

Mrs. Mabel T, S. talcoIn the primaries on Tuesday she will be opposed by two men for the ?eat

from the Columbia Heights section of Brooklyn.

Three Known Dead in ExplosionOn Famous U-Boat DeutschlandLIVERPOOL, Sept. 10 (By The Asso-

ciated Presse..A tremendous explosionon the former German submarineDeutschland, at Birkenhead, across theMersey from Liverpool, killed three menand injured three others to-day. It ispossible that many others perished.The submarine was being dismantled

at the time of the explosion, which oc¬curred in the engine room from an un¬known cause. The Deutschland was oneof the submarines surrendered by theGermans under the terms of the peacetreaty.A report from Cherbourg. France, on

June 17 last, stated that the formerGerman submarine Deutschland hadsunk during experimental attacks car¬ried out by the French armored cruiserGueydon. Previous reports stated thatthe Deutschland was among the boatssurrendered to the Allies at Harwich,while later reports have stated that shewas converted and renamed, and haveplaced her at various points, includinga London museum.

NEW LONDON. Conn., Sept. 10..

Among the exploits of the former Ger¬man submarine Deutschland was thecrossing of the Atlantic Ocean to theDelaware Capes and Baltimore and asecond trans-Atlantic trip in which thecraft arrived here on November 1, 1916.The submarine attempted to leave onthe return tr> German- on November17 and collided with the tug T. A.Scott in this harbor, sinking the tugand causing the death by drowning offive men. The Deutschland arrived atthe river Weser on December 1, 19IG.In a finding made here by Federalsteamboat inspectors. December 19,Captain Koenig of the submarine wasexonerated fiom liability for the col¬lision.Cable dispatches on January 12, 1917,

reported the submarine to have leftBremen on January 2 for an unknowndestination.

After the submarine left New Lon¬don, reports were general that it hadbrought a cargo of dyestuffs, drugs,etc., and also securities to be sold inthis country, valued at high figures,some estimates of the value being from$10,000,000 to $25,000,000.

friends are, will vote for me. Loyalcity employees, who are overworked,u iderpaid, and know that 1 will driveout the drones and the soft snap, do-nothing employees, will vote for me.Wcmen, who up to date have been usedto deliver the votes, but who have notbeen taken into the confidence of offi¬cials, and who resent attacks madeupon the women in politics by Gov-ernor Miller, also will vote for me.Mothers, who are struggling to makeboth ends meet, and who know I am

nghting their right, will vote for me.

Wage earners, who know they can ex¬

pect a square deal from me, basing thison my past record, will vote for me.Add this up and you will see how easyit is for me to win."

Mr. B>-nnett, in giving his estimateof the figures in the primary result,declared that he had been a carefulstudent of direct primary figures since1914, in which year he won the nomi-nation for the state Senate at the prj-mary.

"I am confident that I shall win theprimary, as I did in 1917." he said."UnKke my three opponents, I amseek.r.p. a renomination. The votersare still angry over the stolen primaryof 1917, and want to know why it wasstolen. Heretofore they have receivedshort treatment from the Board ofEstimate and Apportionment. Thevoters know that I will give them anadministration based upon the old-fashioned United States doctrine thatthe government is constituted for thebenefit of the citizens. They know thatI will welcome their complaints as an

aid to my administration and heedtheir advic.e when good. My record inthe Senate and in the various primarycampaigns has convinced them that Iwill give them a square deal, and forthat reason I expect the enrolled Re-publicans to give me the nomination."


Kane Gets Court OrderAgainst Election BoardPatrick J. Kane, the revolting Demo-

crat, who is coalition candidate forSheriff of tbe Bronx, yesterday throughRobert S. Mullen, attorney, obtainedfrom Justice Mitchell, of the SupremeCourt in the Bronx, an order to showcause why a peremptory writ of man-damus should not be issued againstJohn R. Voorhis, president of the Boardof Elections, compelling him to rescindan order dismissing sixteen of Kane's

j election inspectors- The court order isreturnable to-morrow in the SupremeCourt, Manhattan.Kane is leader of the 3d Assembly

District in the Bronx. According tohis supporters the dismissal yesterdayof the sixteen inspectors will be fol-lowed by similar action against otherssupposed to be friendly to the insur-gent candidate. Altogether there areseventy-six inspectors for the Bronx.Mr Mullen was accompanied by As-

semblyman Benjamin Antin, MiltonAltschuler and Arthur S. Arnstein, ofthe Bronx. The order was obtained inthe name of Mrs. Mary Farrell, of 603Jackson Avenue, and it was said a


THE FALLAssure« clean ami healthy ouarter».

j bualnesa or home.for the winter. Thesummer leaves behind It roachea, bug»and other vermin. Whether you see. themor not tho tact remains -they are there.Why rink the health of your- child, your

own ami that of others ilear to you, when( we ruarante« Dv ,;ur soiPntinf method ofFUMIGATION :o extermínate ail theseuesta. without leaving any trac« of them.It coats nothing to ask us aliout our service.

I'iiiZa *180, ol writ»

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majority of the deposed inspectors arewomen. It was contended by Mr. Mul¬len that the removal of the inspectorswas made without cause and in con¬travention of the Civil Service law.At the headquarters of Edward J.

Flynn, Tammany candidate for Sheriffof the Bronx, a statement was issuedin which it was set forth that Kane'smove for an order was purely politicaland done to discredit the regular Demo¬cratic organization. The statementsaid that the removal of'the inspectorswas strictly in accordance with thelaw, and was to equalize the represen¬tation between the two major partiesin the election districts.

Hirohiio Congratulated onSafe Return by Japan's PressTOKIO. Sept. 10 (By The Associated

Press)..Newspapers throughout Japanhave sent a memorial to Crown PrinceHirohito, congratulating him upon hi3safe return from his European trip.In reply, the Crown Prince declaredhe was always of the opinion that jour¬nalism had much to do with the devèl-

it of national civilization, and hadcontributed immensely to the promo-

j tion of international enlightenment.This opinion, he declared, has beenconfirmed by what he saw and heardduring his stay through Western lands.

Women ActiveIn Campaign toBeat Tammany

Besides Preparing to StormPolls, They Are PuttingCandidates in Field forSome Important Offices

Tiger Doesn't Like 'Em

Murphy's Picked MaterialBanking on Men Stand¬ing Solidly for Their Sex

The first mayoralty campaign inwhich women have taken part finds fewwomen as candidates, though all politi¬cal lenders emphasize the part that thewomen voters will take in defeatingTammany.The highest office of New York

Countv for which women have beennominated is that of Register, for whichplace the best known Republican.wom¬an in the city, Miss Helen Varick Bos-well, is the organization candidate. Shehas made an active campaign in behalfof the coalition ticket, for Curran,Lockwood and Gilroy, promising heraudiences more about her own candi¬dacy after she is nominated. For shelias an opponent, even in tiie Republi¬can primaries, in John J. Hopper. MrHopper is running also on the Demo¬cratic ticket against another "


Miss Annie Mathcws. believing that hecan combine the votes of both Republi¬can and Democratic men who haveprejudice against women candidates.

She Is a LawyerMrs. Margaret. Douglas is a cand;

date for the place of County Clerkagainst Charles Novello. Mrs. Doug¡as is a lawyer and believes that l^gatraining will be useful, in keeping th:files in the County Clerk's office.

Mrs. Mabel T. S. Falco, the firswoman who ever ran for a seat in th<Board of Aldermen in New York Citydoes rtot wish to be presented as"woman's candidate." Her committeesent out a letter yesterday to enrolleivoters of the thirty-third aldermanidistrict of Brooklyn, for which she ia candidate, asking them to consideher on her record a; a public-spiritcresident.

.'We ask you not to vote for oagainst this candidate because she isworan," the letter reads; "we do asyou to vote for her because she is b;far the best equipped and most representative of the district, and will ba live-wire alderman. We believe yowill be governed in your voting bfair, sound judgment and not by blincunreasoning prejudice."

Mrs, Falco is well known not on!ameng the women of the district foher work in the Red Cross and LibertLoan drives and other war activitieihut she has been a worker in the lociP.epublican organization since womefirst entered the political parties. Shhas thus had an opportunity to addrespolitical meetings in all parts of thdistrict. She helped form the womenpolice reserve and raised funds fcwounded soldiers at Fox Hills Hoipital. She represented the ParentAssociation of Public School No. 5 slegislative hearings and has been iiterested in playgrounds and child wefare reforms.

Presides in Boarding HouseMrs. Falco conducts a boarding hou«

at 177 Congress Street. She is opposein the primaries by Arthur V. Gormapresent incumbent, and EdwardMackin.Her committee is headed by Ï

Shaler Allen and Dr. L. Adele Cuineand includes many well known resdents of the Columbia Heights sectioamong them Henry D. Barmore, prèsdent of the Republican club of tldistrict.There are two women candidates fl

the Assembly, Miss Marguerite Smitof the Nineteenth Assembly Distriof Manhattan, and Mrs. Ebba Winslo'of the Fourth Assembly DistrictQueenjs. Miss Smith has held her se,in the Assembly for 'wo years.

Mr?. Harriot Stanton Blatch, wlhas been, identified with the womisuffrage movement for many years,the Socialist candidate for Comptrcier.

VOTE IN THÉ PRIMARY !If you are enrolled you are privileg«

to vote at your party's primary tTuesday, September 13.


Hiñes WarnsVoorhisAgainstStaff Changes-.--

Appeal to the Governor IsThreatened if DemocraticElection Inspectors inDistrict Are Removed

Charges Plot by MurphyDeclares Substitution of

Irresponsible Persons IsPlanned to Bring Defeat

James J. Hines, the anti-Murphycandidate in the Democratic primariesfor the nomination for President ofthe Borough of Manhattan againstJulius Miller, the enoieo of the Tam¬many Executive Committee, last nightsent a letter of warning to John R.Voorhis, president of the Board ofFlections, in which he threatens toappeal to the Governor against allegedillegal practices of the Board of Elec-tions. The letter follows:"My attention has been called to the

fact that Mr. Murphy intends to useyour office to defeat my election at thedirect primary by having his countycommittee direct you to remove all ofthe Democratic election inspectors inmy district 11th Assembly District)and substitute irresponsible persons toact as election inspectors."This is a Repetition of the methods

pursued by Mr. Murphy at the last pri-mary election, when I wa.i electedlender.

"I have been advised that such ac¬tion, if permitted by your board, willbe a violation of the law both in letterand in spirit, and I desire to state ifsuch action is countenanced or per¬mitted by your board I shall takeprompt steps to call the matter to theattention of the Governor or anv otherofficial having jurisdiction in the sub-i ject."

Expect 44,580 VotesThe Hines managers said last night;that the average per cent vote of the

Democratic enrollment cast in Manhat-tan during the last five years is 24per cen , and that on this basis therewill be cast in the primaries on Tues¬day 44,580, They add t» per cent to

j this on account of the anti-Murphyissue, and this 11,145 added to theother total gives 55,72"). They claimthat HineS will poll 10 per cent of the

¡total, or 18,575, plus the 6 per cent¡brought out by the anti-Murphy issue,giving Hines a total of 29,720.

Murphy is allowed 12 per cent ofthe total enrollment, or 22,290, plus 1per cent, brought out by the fight, ora total of 24,147. This computation,after deducting 1 per cent for void anddefective ballots, gives Hines a victoryby more than 5,000 votes.The Murphy men concede that Hines

is very strong in the 3d, 9th, 11th, 13thand 23d districts and that they will dowell in the 21st, 22d, 17th, 19th, 14th,5th, 7th and 20th districts. These thir-teen Assembly districts contain 54 percent of the entire Democratic enroll-ment.James J. Hines insists that Murphywill see his finish following the pri-

maries on Tuesday night of this week."This is a fight to the finish," de-

clares Hines. "I am a Tammany dis-trict leader in regular standing. Myfight is inside the organization, and isagainst the selfish control of an arro-gant boss. So long as my district issolid behind me I shall keep going,and ultimately I shall win."

Despite Hines' victory in theprimaries last year. Murphy refused torecognize him. When the reorganiza-tion meeting of the executive commit-tee assembled following the primarieslast year the two names, which on rollcall elicited warmest applause, werethose of James J. Hines and ThomasM. Farley, the latter the leader of the14th, which embraces the middle ofthe East Side. Like Hines, Farley gaveMurphy's candidate for the leadershipof the district a hard beating.The boss shut down on all patronage

for the 11th district, after his breakwith Hines.

"I want it distinctly understood that.I am not fighting for the leadership ofTammany Hall," said Hines, "but I doinsist that the executive committeeshall exercise the functions whichrighfully belong to it, where everymember shall freely and fully expresshis opinions. To-day, under existingconditions, every leader in TammanyHall knows that to oppose- Murphymeans his political death.if Murphycan kill him."The Democrats in the various sec-

tions of the borough will recall primaryfights on local leaders conducted byMurphy upon one pretense or another,

and it may have been merely a coin¬cidence, but in nenrly every instanceit was when the leader showed a spiritof independence, or opposition to someMurphy scheme. I am no hero and Idc not want to be a boss, and I wouldnot ask another man to do what Iwould not do myself. I had hoped thatsomt, one would start this fight, al-thougn I know that no one is in pre¬cisely the same position as I am tomake the fight."During Murphy's reign the Demo¬

cratic party has lost a safe margin,and for the first time in the history ofNew York there arc more than 40,000enrolled Republicans more than therearc Democrats. --Let us Democratsstand united in our protest againstMurphy rule before the party is de¬stroyed."

School PupilsFace Part Time

(Continuad (rom paga nui-:

school itself is unhealthy for its stu¬dents due to the odors. Such are theconditions tinder which the high schoolstudents wtll be taught.Mayor Hylan declared positively that

this school, together with others, wouldbe thoroughly repaired during the sum¬mer months. As a matter of fact, withthe exception of putting in some newleader nipes, not a thing has been done.The dirty walls have not felt thetouch of "a paint brush in years, andthey did not get a daub of paint thisyear. It is impossible to tell the orig-¡nal color of the walls within «theschool. Outside the building is in thesame condition.

Another Neglected SchoolAnother neglected high school is the

j Julia Richman, for girls, at ThirteenthStreet and Sixth Avenue. This build-ing was condemned more than tenyears ago. It has six additional an-nexes scattered about the city in theuj.town sections. The registrationshows, according to Dr. Michael H.Lucey, the principal, that, the entireschool will have to go on double time.One set of students will have to come

to school betvveen the hours of 8 and 12every morning and the other set willstudy from 1 until 5 o'clock in the af-ternoon. There will be no study pe-riods for any of them in between theirdifferent subjects to relieve the strain.The teachers will also be subjected toa most serious strain.

This school was declared in the worn-en's report to be the most disgracefulin the.city, a dangerous fire trap and adirect menace to the health of thepupils. At that time its students wereonly on regular time; this term theywill go on double session and be com-pelled to stay within the school forfour horrs at a stretch.

In answer to this report MayorHylan declared that thousands of dol-¡ars would be expended on this schoolduring the summer months, and that itwould be made into a modern structurein every way.An investigation into the situation

at the school shows that the. windowframes, sashes and exterior of thedoors were painted; 2,000 new feetof flooring was laid, and electric light¬ing was substituted for the old gasjets.That is the sum total of the repairs

executed on this notorious building.The mortar is still falling from thebricks and the plaster is parting com¬pany with the walls and ceilings rapid¬ly and in large measure.

What is far worse is the sanitaryarrangements. There is no privacy,and the toilets are in the yard. Nolanguage could adequately describethe conditions existing there. TheHalls of this school are circuitous andnarrow, making it a dangerous firstrap.

Ashes of thé Cid Interred!BURGOS, Spain, Sept. 10..An elab¬

orate religious ceremony marked thefinal interment yesterday of the ashesof The Cid, the national Spanish tradi-tional hero, and his wife. The cere-mony was conducted by Cardinal Benl-loch, Archbishop of Burgos.I-.-

Citizens UnionCalls for FullPrimary Vote

AH Enrolled RepublicansUrged to Support Coali¬tion Ticket and Assistin Getting Complete Poll

Specially Indorses Clarkr-.

Désignée for District At¬torney Declared To BeParticularly Qualified

In its periodical pamph'et "TheSearchlight," the Citizens Union, in an

! article entitled "A Call to Arms,"called upon all enrolled Republicans tosupport the coalition ticket, arguingthat the first victory against Hylan,Hearst and Tammany must be won inthe primaries. In part the articlereads:

"This year for the first time in his¬tory the Republican enrollment exceedsthe Democratic, enrollment in the city.This means that not only did habitualRepublicans enroll under the eagle, butthat literally thousands of independentand Democratic voters enrolled as Re¬publicans last October. Some of themdid so because they expected to votefor Harding for President and consid¬ered themselves for the time beingRepublicans. Others did so becausethey looked forward to the mayoraltycontest this year and wanted to havesomething to say about the choice of acandidate to oppose the present regime."This extraordinary situation makesit clear that the ordinary appeal to Re¬publican organization voters will fallshort of reaching those who are en-rolled under the. Republican emblemAssuming that the Republican organi¬zation leaders, who are committed tcadvocacy of the Republican-coalitiorticket in the primaries, are able tcpoll 75 per cent of the usual organization vote for that ticket, the resuhwould still be in doubt because of th«unprecedented enrollment of Democrat.''and Independent Republicans."

The Union then appeals to all voter:interested in putting an end to theHylan regime, whether enrolled a,Republicans or not, to get, out the enrolled Republican vole on Tuesday fo:Henry H. Curran and his runninimates on the Republican-coalitioiticket.The Citizens Union devotes half

page of its paper to John KirklamClark, the organization désignée foDistrict Attorney, saying:"Mr. Clark is a graduate of Yale am

of the Harvard Law School. He waI for several years an assistant districattorney, and knows the business othat office thoroughly. In that position he prosecuted successfully manimportant cases, including the policgraft cases unearthed by the Curraaldermanic investigation, which resulted in sending four police inspectorand other grafting officials to prison-.The Union also indorses John J. Hot.! per, former Register, a? its choice fc

Register. Hopper is running in botj the Democratic and Republican primsries against women designated by thorganizations. Hopper is a Democrat.

| -;-Thomas M. Frothinghamj Is Shot Accidental!

Thomas M. Frothingham, of FtHills, N. J., a member of the brokeage firm of Potter Brothers & C<of 5 Nassau Street, is a private patieiin Presbyterian Hospital sufferirfrom a bullet wound in the left hreasit became known last night.According to the police reports, M

[ Frothingham was accidentally sh<

while examining o* <i<?jining a revolver,during a visit to the apaitSiei t c* hisbrother-in-law, Alfred C. Hoyt, at 2East Seventy-fifth Street, last Friday-Mr. Frothingham was removed to thehospital in a private nmbulance.

All information concerning Mr.Frothingham'* accident wai rcf-.isfd byMr. Hoyt's housekeeper and other per¬sons living at his address. Ex« *

admit that he was still a patient, «g»tendants at the hospital last nignt re¬fused to comment on the case.No record of the shooting has bees

received at Police Headquarters.It was learned that Mr. Frothinjrhan»

frequently visited his brother-in-iaw'sapartment, and the housekeeper "aidhe had the key to the house. Whenasked about the accident, she said:

"I know nothing of any shooting."m-¦

VOTE IN THE PRIMARY!If you are enrolled you are privileged

to vote at your party's primary oxTuesdav. September 1.3.


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The Iron Food& for Vitality

Prpp We'll send 100-*¦ *. CC iusciouj raisinrecipes in a free book toanvone who mails couponbelow.

He needs it."The.Foodfor Vitality"

Raúin PíeMen are ijttieidy refreshed atnight by a dessert like this2 cups Sun-Maid Seeded

Raisins3 cups water

'x teaspoon- salt2 tablespoon» lemon Ju!c»1 tablespoon corn starch1 tablespoon sugarWash the raisins, put

¡n saucepan with 1 cupcold water and bringslowly to a boil. Addsugar, salt and cornstarch which, has beenmixed with 1 cup coldwater. Boil 3 minutes;add lemon juice. Pourin pie tin which hasbeen lined with crust,while hot cover; brushtop with cold milk andbake in moderate ovenuntil brown.

Stewed RaisinsServefor breakfast every morn¬

ing and get your dailyiron this way

Cover Sun-Maid Rai¬sins with cold water andadd a slice of lemon ororange. Place on fire;bring to a boil and al¬low to simmer fo- onehour. Sugar may '.eadded but is not nece -

sary. as Sun- ?I ci '.Seeded Raisins contain75 per cent natural fruit-sugar.

All measurements forthese recipes are level.

Raisin BreadAdd raising to"th« staffoflife"and you, harts o perfect food

Tired Man's DessertDigests almost immediately Revives his Vim

Men are grateful for a pie like thisA TIRED man's first need at

J~\. night is new energy. torevive his lagging- spirits and hisstrength.

Give it to him in this lusciouspie. Effective and incomparablydelicious'You get almost immediate

results.For this pie.note the recipe

. is made with tender, juicy,meaty raisins furnishing 1560calories of energizing nutrimentper pound.

Raisins are 75 per cent purefruit-sugar (in practically pre-

digested form) so require littledigestion and therefore the en¬

ergy is felt at once.

Raisins are rich in food iron.The "Iron Men" . the men ofhealthy blood.need but a smallbit of iron daily, yet that needis vital.

There's no better way to im¬part the zitality of iron thanthrough a luscious raisin pie.Remember these facts when

you choose dessert.Give raisin pie to tired men

in the interest of their pleasureand success.

SUN-MAip RAISINS'Jse Snn-Mait! Raisin«, made from

California's fine; --ble graces.American raisins, jiocessed andoacked immaculately in a ¡jreitmodern Calif rnia plant.Seeded \seeds re -ioved) ; Seedless

{grown without seeds), Clusters (ohthe stem). Also a rine, ever-readydessert.

Raisins are- cheaper by thirty percent than formerly. See that youget plenty in your foods.

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