Pip # Elstr01

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  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01



    P roce ss Indu stry P ra ctic es.Electrical

    PI,P ELSTR01Deslqn and Fabrtcatlon of Llquld-knmersedSubstation Power Transformers 34.5 kV and below,.500 kVA through 1.5,0.00.kVA

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    PURPOSE AND USE OF PROCESS UJpUSTRY PRACTICESln a n ef fo rt to minirni ze th e c-ostof p ro ce ss i n du str y fad! iUes , t hi s Practice ha sbeen prepared from the t echnica l t equaements in th e existin g standards of major

    industrial users, contractors, or standards organl zatlons, By barmonizing these technicalrequirements into a : sing] e set of Practices" ad rninistrative, application, ami engineeringco sts to b oth th e p ure has er a nd th e m a nu fac tu re r sh ou ld b e reduced. Whi le th i s P ra ct ic eis expected to . incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individuala pp lic ati on s may i nvol ve requirements that will be appended to . and take precedenceover this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and petticular mattersor application of the Practlee toparticular project or e:ngineering s itua tions shou ld nothe made solely oninformatien contained in these materials. The use of trade namesfromtime to time should no t be viewed as an expression of preference but ratherrecognizedas normal usage in the trade. Othee broods having the same specificationsare equaUy correct an d may be substituted for those named. AU Practicesor guidelinesere intended to be eonsistent with applleable laws Md regulationsmcluding OSHArequirements, To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA oro th er < Ip p ]~ ca bl e! aw s o r regulations, such L aw s or regulations m ust be follow ed.Consult an arpropda~e professional before applying or acting on any material.contained i f } or suggested by the Practice.

    I .

    te l Process lndu stry P ract ic es (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, TheUniversity of Tens at Austin, 3925 W~st Breker Lane (R4.500), Austin,T ex as 1 87 59 . P IP me ta be rc emp an le s a nd subscribers may co py th is Practicef iJi, their internal use. Changes, overlays, addeada, or modificeticns of anyk in d are not permitted within any .PIP Practice without the express writtenoothor iz ation o f P IP .

    r ru~, rnNGntsroavSeptember l~97 1~~Y!4A prll2 ()1 )S . Camp lst~ Revi~ fO \'f

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    - - - - 'I _" _ __ . _ _,

    COMP'kEfIE R~EVISIONA pr" .2 00 .9

    Process Industry PracticesElectrical

    PIP ELSTR01Des Ig na n d Ifabri c a ti ,0n o f Llq u id-l m me rsedSubs~atiion Power Transformers 34,.5kV and below,5,00 kVAthrough 15',000 kVA-

    1. IntroducUon ..,..................... ,21 _ 1 PLlnpose_ , .. , _.,. . , . . . _.._.._._..._.._,_._.___.. .21_2. Scope _.._ ._ ._.__ ._ ._._____..__2

    2 :. R e ;f'e lr en e e s : 2 :2.1 Process IndllJstillPractioos 2:.2..2 'I~dustry Codes aad Standards : 2

    4. Requ m I" leme n its 3tL1 Gene ra'I 34.2 Designand Materia~_ ,_.____ .;4_3 Liql,lidllnsulaling System _.__-..-.--.-.-1,6404 Test'S _.. __ -- --.-.- 184 .,5 Sh ipp i ng " 1 ,84.6 Documentation._ .._._._ . .,_.___ _ _.__194.7 Conflict R,esoluiiorl._,__-..-_,-._ -._.,21

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    PJPELSTRD1D es ig n' a nd F ab rica tio n o f Uquidfmmfiirs9d S ub sta tio n P ow er TranSFofl1'lers

    3 < 4 ,,5 k V < l'n d b e lo w , 5 . 0 0 ' 1 1 ''1 1 11h ro u gh 1 5 ,C t O C lk V ACOMPLE :: TE REV IS :ION

    A p ril 2 '0 09

    1. tntrod uctlon1.1 Purpose

    Th is P ra ctic e p ro vid es requirements fo r th e design an d fabrication of two-windingliq uid -imme rs ed a ir- co ole d su bs ta tio n p ow er tra ns fo rm e rs,1.2 Scope

    This Practice describes the requirements for design, manufacture, inspection, testing,a nd sh ip p in g o f th re e- ph as e, tw o-win din g, liq uid -Imme rs ed a ir- co ole d! s ub sta tio np ow er transform e rs w ith a rat ing of500 k V A through 15,000 kV A for use on system s34.5 k V and below .

    2. ReferencesApplicable parts of the following Practices and industry codes an d standards sh all b eco nsid ered an in teg ral p art o f th is P ractice. T he ed itio n in effect On th e date of contract a w ard.shall be used, except as otherwise noted. S hort titles w in be used herein where appropriate.2.1 Proces sin dustry P racf ces (PIP)

    - PIP ELS TRO I D - D ata S he et fO f D esig n a nd M a m~ ((1 ct2 me o f L iq uid -Im m er se dPow er T r cm . ,if orm er s 34,5 le V a nd b elo w, 5D O kV A th ro ug h 15. 0 00 !eV A

    2.2. hndus try Codes and Stan dards.. American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

    - ANSl C57 J2.10 - A m erica n N ati()1 '1 alS ta nd ard fo r T ra nsfo rm ers - 2 30 k Va ndBelow, 833/958 t nr m ig h 8 33 31 1 0, 417 l eVA .S in g le -P h a se , a n d 75(}/862 through60 , ( ) O O J 8 0 " 0 00 11 0 0 ,0 0 0 k VA , T hree -P ha se w ith ou t Load T ap Chan gin g: and37 50 /4 687 thJ 'ough 60,CWOl80 , 0 00 11 0 0 , O ( )( ) kVAwi th Load Ta p Changing-Safety Requirem em s .

    A merican S ociety for S tanderds and M aterials (A STM )- A STM D15:3 5 " S ta nd ard P ra ctic e fo r S pe cifyin g C olo r ~y th e M u ns ell S ys te m

    .. F e-deral R egister- 10 ern Part 431 - E ne rg y C on se rva tio n P ro gra mfo r C om m ercia l E qu ip men t:

    D is tr ib utio n T ra ns fo rm e rs E ne rg y Conservat ion S ta nd ar ds ; F in al R ule Institute of Electricalend Electronic Engineers. (lEEE)

    - IEEE S td C5 7 ..]2,00 - IEEE St .andard fo r S ta , n. aard Ge . ne ral Requ f remen ts fo rLiquid-Immerse.d D is tr ib ut io n , P o w er , and Regulatin.g Transformers(ANSI / IEEE)

    - IEEE Std CS7.]2.28 . i EEE S ta n da rd /o r Pad-Mounted E qU ipm ent - ErJclosuJ"eIntegrity- IEEE S td C 57. ]2 .29 .,J EE E S to (n dd rd jo r P ad -M o un te d Equipment-Enclosure

    I n/ ~:g rit yfo r C oa st al E n vir on m en ts

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    fliP' ELsm01De31gn .e.l'!d Fabric.a'riol:! o(L iq uic ! rmmer se d , % Jb S- la 'io n P ow er Tr

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    PIPELSTR01De si gn a nd F a 'b rfc at io n of L iqukHmmersed Sub'stef ion PoIA

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    PlPnSTR01De si gn a nd F , ib rf ca iio n o f L iq uid -'mm e r" Sw St!bst~r:ionP'(J1Jf~rrrlj{jlsform~r:s:3 4.5 ' k II ~ffld .oekJw,500 kV A tnmughf5, 000 kV A

    motor and must beabletowithstsnd th e mechanical and thermal dutyimposed by t he magn itud e of th e moter starting ClIrre.nts aad th epermissible number ohm-ItS a nd in te rv als b etw e en starts,

    4.2J .11 Where rectangular 'core and coil designs are used, the radius ofcurvature fc rill'l}l bend shall not be less than five times the thicknessaBhe conductor in th e p la ne o fth e bend,

    4.2J.12 F or transferrners 5 ,000 K V A and. larger. th e core t o t af 'l k g roumHn_gstrap grounding point shall be externally accessible from outside thetank Wallow ground conneetionremnval for testing.

    4,2,1.13 All internal tapor bushing,lef:ld cenneet ions. in conductors, whether in' ~o tls o ri n thE: le ad to th e transform er term jnals, shall be as : Follow s:11. brazed o r sflvet s ol de re d f or e ep p er -t o- co p pe rb . in ert- ga s w e ld ed fo r a lum in um - to -a lum ln ume. brazed o 'r wei ( le d f or ah.l!mi~ul"ll-o-copper

    ,*..2, 1 ,14 A U connections to tap ch ang ers or bushing term inals shall be asfollows:a. brazed or silver solderedb.cfimp~~ or bolted

    it2.1 "]:5, Main leads to bus,hings andtap changer leads shan be adequetelysup ported and beacedto p revent damage d ue to s hip p in g,lnstallation and fault-duty exposure as w ell as norm a; service,

    4,.2.2 lOS:Ml!S4.2.2.1 An transfhrmers 2500 kV Aand less shaH m eet the standard

    effielencles defined by J() C PR P elt{ 4 31 . If specified on purchaser 's PIP ElSTR01D Data Sheet, tnt

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    p'fp cL S TR()1D es ig n a nd F ab ric atio n of Uquid- fmmersed S[!oslalion Pow er T r. a{]s fo rm ~ r s~4.5 1 1 ' \ 1 and below , 50 0 kV A through H i ,DaO kV A

    COMPLETE REVI,5~ONApnf2009

    B "" cost/k W of ~000 lo ss f rom .da ta she etLc '" guaranteed load loss in kW at the OA self-c oo led ratin g at

    winding temper atu re o f85" 'C4.2 .2 .5 If th e tested core losses an d th e to tal losses e xc ee d th e g ua ra nte edlosses by m ore th an that allowed by ANS I/ iEEE C57 .1 2 '.OO-2 006 ,T able 16, 'the manu fa ctu re r s ha ll r eb ete to th e Owner a penalty equalto the excess core losses tim es rhe capital cost per KW plus excesswinding losses tim e s, c ap ita l c ost p er K\1.l.

    4 .2 .2 .6 T y pic al losses that are not subject to rebate or penalty shall beprovided if data sheet does no r include dollar values for no-load andl oad lo ss es .

    4 .2 .2.7 Ifth e co re lo sses an d w in din g lo sses areless th an th egu aran teedlosses, no reb ate o r credit w ill b e g iv en .4..2.3 IBus,hings and Terrnlnal Enclesurea4 .2 .3.1 B ush in gs an d term inal enclo su res sh all be in a ccordanc e w ith th epurchaser's P IP E LS TR 0 1D Data Sheet.

    4.2.3 .2 B ush ings in air terminal c bam be rs (A T e) Or th roats shall be m ade ofp orce lain u nless o th erw ise sp ecified o n th e p urc haser'sPIP ELSTRO 1D D a ta S h e-e t B ushings not located in air term inal cham bers shall be m ade ofporcelain,

    4.2,3.4 Bush ings sha lt be of bo lted co nstructio n, F or v oltag es belo wLOOOV; wefded- in bushings a re a cc ep ta ble , unle ss e th erwisesp ecified on th e purchaser's PIP ELSTR OJ D Data Sheet

    4.2 .3 .5 G askets sh all be retained by positive means such a s rec es se d sp ac esfo r gaske ts to avoid deformarion wh en b us hin g is insta lled.

    4 .2 .3 .6 U nless otherwise s pe cif ie d o n the purchaser's P IP E LS TRfJ l D DataS heet. bush ings shall have tin-p lated copper N E~ standard four-hole p ad s. N eutral. bush ings sh all be identical to p hase bush ings unless th e

    neu tr al b us hings ar e located in a d if fe re ntlo ca tio n th at requires a .different phys i ca l bushing des ign.4 .2 ..3.8 N eu tral bu sh in g sh all b e lo cated in accordan ce wuh t he purchaser 's

    P IP E LS TR OJ D D ata Sheet4.2.3.9 Ifs pe cif ie d o n th e. p urc ha se r' 5 0 PIP ELSTRO l'D Data Sheet , t hroa tconnections sh all be furnish ed to allow connection ofbus duct ' to t hetransformer.

    a Transformer throa t cennect lons shall attach to th e transformertank with a suitable flanged and gasketed connection,

    b . T hroat connections sh all enclose th e t ransfo rmer bush ing$ , an dsh all b e fla ng ed ! to a tta ch 'to ' t h e i ncom ing , b u s duct

    Page 60121 P ro oe ss In du str y P ra clic es

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    '0 0 0 . _~ 'OO


    PIPELSTR01Design anel Fabrication of LiqlJfd-fmmersad Subsl . . tfon A';)~ler Tr

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    PiP ELSrR01Desjgn and Fabrication of Liquid-Immersed Subst~tion Power Transformers.3 4,5 kV find b elow , 5 DO kV A /h ro,ug fl 1 5,0 00 k VA


    g. A TC shall have cab le supports,h . A Te, excep t full heigh t A TC , shall have (a) dm in(s) at the low est

    p oint D rains shall have screens made of 300 s er ie s stainless steel.M axim um size of scree n opening shall be JlS inch (3. ] 8 m m ),i, M ethod of cable entry into the A TC sh all be in accordance w ith

    the purchaser's PIP ELSTRO l D Data Sheet.J. ATe m aterial shaU be ma nu fa ctu re r's s te nA a rd u nle ss o th erw ise

    specified on purchaser's PIP ELSTRO J D Data Sheetk, A T C hardw are shall he of 300 series stalnless steel. B olts to hold

    on the doors or pa ne ls . sh all fit into threaded nuts tbat h ave beenwelded into p lace. S peed nuts Or p ush nut s are not acceptable,4 ,2 .3 .11 If sp ecified on th e purchaser ' s P IP ELS rR fJ 1D Da ta S h ee t" th e

    tra nsfo sm e r sh allh av e a c on ne ctio n th at c on sist o f a dsilled and gaske tedflange: on th e end wall of th e t an k fo r c lo se c ou plin g o f switc h.4 ,2 .3 .1 2 E xte rna l electric al clea ran ces fo r ex posed co nd uc tin g parts sh all h eb ased on 'V olta ge. and B IL leve l s s pe cif ie d,

    4 .2 .3 .1), If sp ecified on the purchaser's PIP ELSfRQ 1D D ata Sheet. eachterm inal ch am ber sh all be supplied with space heat er s. Space: heaterssh all b e a s follo ws:a. Rated at 240V AC and operated at ]20Y ACb. H ave an expanded m etal m esh cover to p re ve nta cc id en ta l c on ta ct

    w ith hoO tsurfacesc. H ave individual circuit breaker or fus,e w ired to a. se para te

    te rm i na l s tr ip ill th e co ntro l. ca bin et as sp ecifie d in S ectio n 4.2.,9d . M ou nted Oil sui taMe standoff insulators to p revent hot sp ots on

    th e outside of the te rm i na l c hamb er s4.2.3.14 The following space heater op ti ons sha ll be supplied lfspecified on

    the purchaser's PIP ELSTR01D Data Sheet:a. An adjustable th ermo sta t w i tha bypass sw itch fo r m an ual

    operation access ih le from the outside of the A T Cb. A n am meter or indicator ligh t as specified on t h e , PIP ELSTRO J D

    D ata'S heet to lndicate sp ace h eate~ continuity visible from th eoutsi de of the A TC

    4.2.3 J5 Each terminal cham ber cover th at contal ns sp ace h eaters sh all have a" sign that reads as follows:


    4 .2.3 .16 S ign lettering sh all he black and engraved 0 1 ' 1 a yellow 'background"

    Process I ndust ry P tl ii cU ces

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    COMPLETE REVISIONAp ril , 20 0 9

    I _

    PfPELSTRG1[)e~lgn and FaorioaHfJnof Liquid-Immersed Substation Power Tr.msformers34.;5 kV arrd below,50D .leVA ~l1rough~5,QOO :kVA

    4.2.4 T,ank and Efi'lClbS"~;lre4.2 ,4 , 1 T ransform er snell be a sealed tarrk design w~th a n in er t g as , b l an ke t

    above t he i l 1 l s u L a J t ~ n g I lquid.4.2,4,2 Tank cover shall be continuously welded. The tank ]nlertm shall be dean and free of slag 1.l!l1!do re lg n p artic le s

    afkr w eld ing of the tank. cover,4 ,2.4.4 The~nk cove-t shall have atleast one manhole (or two handheles

    wlth the approval of the purchaser),4.2 ,4.5 H andh o]e.sh nanh ote sh all be flaaged and h ave gasketed and bolted

    COVets.4.2.4~6 Handholes shall be Iecated and siaed to permit change-out of

    bushings".4 .2 .4 .7 Ma nh ole OOY~ r shall have a m inim um of tw o hsndles for lifting,4.,2.4.8 Traasfermer shall have grounding pads ln acccrdancewith

    ANSI C.5Z 12.1O~1997, Section 5 : , : 5 .4 .2 .4 ,9 G ro un dil1 g p ad s shan be stainless ste el u nle ss. o th erw ise sp ec ified o n

    the purchaser's P IP ELSTRO I D Data Sheet.4 ,.2 .4 .1 0 On e grounding p ad sh all be located nearthe neutral bush ing, and ene

    groundlng paid shall be located. on the opposite side. Grounding padsshal! be located imide any airtermiaal chamber Or flanged threat thati s i [i ls taHed on t .l le pnmary O f secondary of the transformer. InaddHkm~,there shal Ibe two grounding pads located on thetransformer base and positioned at opposite comers of thetransformer,

    4.2A.ll The botl:om plate of the transformer tank shall be mounted onsubstantial carbon steel O r s ta in le ss s te el s tru ctu ea l m em be rs SD as toraise the bcnem efthe tank from the fbundaocion surface to pnlvej]/[corrosion, If sped fled on the pu r ehas er ' S PIP El: STR 01 D DatalSheet, bottom support structural members shan bestainless steel.Anymeud (a:irleoojmi] chambe rs , b ott om suppo rts , e te .) i ncon ra ctwith th e fOli.lndaticmsurface that ls not stainless steel shall be topcoated in accordance with Seetion

    4.2A.12 Thebottom structural steel memhers reqeiredin Section all a lso ser ve to p .ro vid e eapabllity f or ro l l ing, sk~dding, andslid in g th e a ss em b le d transformer. I n a dd iUon ,. the design of thestru ctu ral stee l m em b ers sh all allow ciIpabiUty f ur j ac kin g, th ea ss emb l ed t ran sfo rme r ,

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    prpcLsrFW1Desi gn and Fabr tcai ion of L iqui ( }- fmmersed Substa tIon F' .ower Transformers34.5 kV and befow, 500 AVA through Hi,OOO kVA

    C OM PLE TE R EV 1S rO NApril 2009

    4 .2 .4 . 1 3 A . caution nam ep late w [th black engraved letters on a yellowb ac kg ro un d sb all be provided 0[1 each m anhole and handhole coverand sh all read as follow s:

    CAUTION:PRES S tJ RIZED EN CLOSU REDo Not 0 pen Un tess Equ~pme rat l:s[l;e~E ne rg ized;toe ke d Ou t o an d P re ss IJ re H as E ! ee III R ei e ase d.

    4.2.4,14 Lifting eyes at each top corner of the tank for lifting the com pletetransformer weight shall be provided.

    ,4.2.5 CooHng4.2,5.1 Unless otherwise specified on the purchaser's P IP ELSTRO l D Data

    Sh ee t. ra dia to rs s ha ll b e manu fa ctu re r' s, standard.4 .2 .5 .2 Jf'p ancake-typ e cooler is p rovided, seam s sh all be contin uously w eld ed . Ifspecified on the purchaser's P IP E L ST R 0 1D Data Sheet,

    transformers shall be p ro vid ed w ith in div id ua lly remov ab le rad ia to rs,c empl et ev . .i th f langed shut o ff 'v alv es a nd f la ng es located in an eas il yaccessible p lace ,

    4,2,5.4 If sp ecified on the purchaser's P IF EL SlR 0 1 D Da ta S h eet.transform ers shall have p rovisions for increas ing its conrinuous kV Arating by tile lise o f ccollng fans, P rovision s sh all include capacity inall current carryln g p arts for th e h igh er fan cooled rating" includin gbushings, current transformers, tap-changing components, make-upleads, etc. Provisions, forfuture f or ce d a ir c oo lin g shan include thefollow ing features, less th e 'coolin g f an s:a. Top oil temperature sensing device, normallya liqaldthermometerb. Voltage for future fa ns sh all be specified Q[I t he purchaser' sPIP ElST RO1D Data Sheetc. Fan brackets shall be i nc luded in provisions and shall be

    structural supports. Clamping 'of fans to , radiatorcoils or fins isnot an accep table support.d. Motor control r ela ys o r s ta rte rse. Control cabinet with NEM.A rating as specified on thepurchaser's P IP E L ST R 01 D D ata Sheetf Hand-Orr-Auto selector switchg, Factory wiring to p ro per te rm i na l blocks in 'th e c on tro l c ab in etr ea dy to r ec eiv e cus tomer power supplyh Control wiring and devices labeled to correspond to the controlwirin g d ia gram .

    Prooess J fJdus tr y Prar:.tk:es

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    '. ~ I '._. ~ "__ _. r ~ _ __ III '_, ,.,~ __ -_'t .,_

    COMP LIE TE R E.V ~S IO N IApri I .200i ') .P IP E LS T R0 1D~sign ~rrd ~1iltlric~lk;mof LiqrJfd4mmfJliSM'Subsr'al ion Powef Tmnsformij'JCS3 4.5 k V a nd be low , : 500 AVA. r hr ou gfl1 5 ,D O O k V A.

    4.,2.5.5 .II specified on th e purchaser's P IP ELST litO1 D Data Shee t, coo lingfans sh,d] be provided. Features s haH comp ly w ith S e ctio n o4.2SAand the fans shall be included.

    4.2..5.6 F ans shall be m ounted as specified O'Il t he pu rchase r>" ,'P IF ELSTRG ID D a ta S he et.

    4_2" 5_1 F .; ;t Jl" Ish all h ave p e rs cn ne l p re te c ti on gua rd s.4.2.5 ,8 O p erstion 0f f an s sha ll -be contra l1ed w ith a t11ree-posltion selector

    sw itch .w hic h aJ ~ow s se le ction for a utom atic , off, L 1 J 1 1 d manual, In[h e a~,uomalic m od e, fan operation shall be controlled in aecord ancew ith S ec tio ns " L2 :.S .9 '0' 4L5_ ] 0 ' as ap plica ble. If sp ee ifle d 'on fuBpurchaser's PIP ElSTRO ID Data Sheet, fan control switch shall belockable.

    4 .2 .:5 .9 F an o pe ra ti on sb Jlil b e cOflu 'iO ,lIe dby thelempe-raU,ln.~Qftheinsulating liquid In accordance with Section '),9.1.1 ofANSJC57 . .i 2. iO " 1997.

    4.2,5.10 If'speeifled on the purchaser's P IP EL ST RO i D Data Sheet, fanoperation shall be controlled by th.ehigh temperature ef'thewindlngln accordance, w ith S ection 5.9.].2 of ANSi C5Z /2.10-1997.

    4.2.15 AcCeS,s,o lr ies4 .2 ,. '1 ;' 1 B ene r at

    L T ransform ers sh all have thefo l. lowi .ng accessories;J 3 ! . S tandard A NS r access odes as listed in ANSl C5 7 .12 .1 {)-1997,Table lI, under th e " Powel l" ElL" column

    c. Aummatic-resettlngtens; pressure rei ief device within diea tio n o :f o peratio n an d! One F erm C alarm contact

    d . N lh 'lO gel'l.p urge no zz le and sh ut-off va]we. Dial-type thermometer with two form. C contacts, one for

    a larm . a nd one fo r fan control w hen req uired, th at Meadj astable from 65"C ro l ]DoC

    f. L iq uid le vel indlc atot w lth one nQn~djustable Form C ala rmcontact set to eloseat the minimum safe operatinglevel of thein:m]ati ng liqaid

    g. Pressure-vacunrn gauge with alarm. contact Anisolationvalve shall be supplied when speclfled O f " ! the purehaser'sP lP E L.$ TR (} 1D D ata S heet

    h. Globe-type eem bination drai n and lower fitter valve. Wilhoil-sampling ecnaeet ion] . S hall notbe located ,directly u ad er tl\e r f j J d i a ~ O f s2. ShaHhavea pluginstaUed

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    PWHSrROlDesign and FilarktfjUOn of UqukMmmersed Sljb31~1iOnPower Transfo rm,en34_5:Wand below, , 5 0 0 k VA th ro ug h H i . , O O O leVA

    COMP l ere WU:: :VI$ !ONApri12Q0:9

    L Glo be- type upper filter valve,J . Schrader valves shall not be used

    2 .. A larm contacts shan be wired to terminals in an enc losuresu itab le fo r th e electrica l are- ill.classificationlffans, erprovislonsfor fans are provided, th e alarm contacts may bewired to the fancontrol. cabinet Wiring ident lf lca tien shan correspond to th eidentifications shOWI1 lOn the manu fact ur er 's w ir in g and controlscbematics, In all cases where alarm contacts are specified. atleast one F orm C contact shell be available for purchaser 's U5,e.

    ). View o f th e in strum en ts from ground level sh all not he 0bstrueted.4. T ransform ers req uiring fan control using w ~nd ing temperature fu r

    control shall have one winding temperature simulator wiihco ntacts ad justable from 95Cro 125QC .

    5_ Transformers shall have a stainless steel nameplate mounted wi thstainless steel or silicon bronze hardware to the tank ata pp ro xima te ly ' ey e le ve l,

    6 .. Nameplates shall c on fo rm to "Nameplate C!' in S ection 5,12.2 ofIEEE C57.12 ,Ol). .2 ()06"

    7 . In fo nn atien o n th e n ame pla te s ha ll in clu de th e d ate o fmanufacture an d th e B IL ratin gs,4.2.6,,2 Current Transfermers

    1. C ur.rent transformers (CT) shall be sup plied in accordance w i~hthe purchaser's P IPELS T R fJ1D Data Sheet.

    2. Ifspecified on the purchaser's P iP EL ST RO ID Datil!Shee-t, thtltransform er p rim ary w Inding sh all be eq nip ped w ith C fs.3. Ifspeclfied on the purchaser 's PIP ELSTR O 1D Data Sheet, th e

    transform er secondary w inding sh all be eq uip ped w ith en.4, J fsped f led on thepurchaser's P IP E LS TR O 1D Data S heet, th e

    traasfonner neutral shall be equipped with a CT.5 . U n le ss o th erw is e sp ec if ie d on tne purchaser 's P iP XSTR 01 D

    DMa Sheet, e " T s shall be multi-ratio with taps. in accordance withIEEE C 57.13. C Ts shan he used for re~aying or m eterm g asindicated on t he purcha se r' s P iP J LS TR 0 1D Data Shee t

    6. UnI~$ o the rw ise spec lf led on the pu rchaser 's P IP ELSTROI DData Sheet. CTs used for metering shall meet the accuracy classratin g sh ow n in T ab le 6 in IEEE CJ7.13-1993"

    1. 'Where; CT sare u sed fo r relayi ng, refer to th e guidelines inIEEE cst.uo.

    S . CT s lo ca ted in air- fille d te rm i na l c hambe rs s ha ll b e c on stru cte dof ofl-tesistentinsulatingrnsterials,

    " p ;a ge 12 01'21

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    (:0 MPtEl E REVIS~ONA i m " 2009

    PJP iELSTRO fDesign and Fabricat ion of Uquid-!mme,"Ssd SuoS/@tiOl l power rr.rI ' l .sfQrme~3 4. 5. iW a l"ld b~N :J w , 5 0. 0 kVA .~hmugh 15,OOD AliA

    9" S econdary leads shall be run to shonitl,g-typeterml!1a! blocks locSiledin th e co ntro ljoo .ctlon b ox on the s ide o fi li e t!'3fl'5fol:'F!lertank.10. T erm inal blocks sh all 'be clearly marked d~~igflatifl,g the CTphase and tap num ber in accordance with A N S 1 s tandards,l I" Compression-type, ]rlsulmted sleeve, seamless ring tongue

    coenecturs shall be used for C'] ' c,ircuits ..12" C T wiring shall be N o. H l A W G stranded copper at a min imum.11 . Po i8 !. !'H yma tk~ng f or cr w;ring shall he shown at all terminals.

    4.2.6,.3 Pressure R,abiH)f~Rrs~REllay1. ]f spedfied on the purchaser's P IP E LS TR f) j D Data Sheet.rransform ers sh all h av e a pressure ( ra te -o f- ris e) r ela y, T h e relay

    shall be aJta.c had to th e transform er with a globe-type va l ve tofacl litate removal/re pl aeement withe ut takl ng the transformer outof service. The main drain valve of the. transformer tank shall. notbe used for th is p urp ose,

    2. Relay shall be suitable for testing wi th normal testing tools whiletransform er is energiz ed and s hi ll ] n ot r 'equ iwethe insta lla tion 0fadd ir icna l e quipment f or te stin g.

    1. Contacts, shall beprovided for alarm am:!.shutdown" Contactr at in g s h al l be at leas;t 125 V D C , 5;am peres ..

    4,.2.7 Ha.rdwa re4.2.,7.1 AU hardwere including bolts, fasteners. caps. plugs, etc., shall bemade oDOO series stainless steel,4.2,.7.2 Hexagonal nuts shall be used fm welded. studs.

    4).2.8 Ala rrn and Control Devic.es4.2J:L1 A~arm aJnd control devices, shall have slngle-pole, double-threw

    contacts (Farm C),4.2.8 .2 A larm and eontrnl voltage shall be 120V A C unless otherwises,ped fled on the purchaser' S o P iP E LS rR O iD D.~a Sh~t. -_.4,2.8.3 A larm contacts shall he rated u n accordance whh Section 1 of

    ANSI Cj7.11.1()~1997"42 .8 .4 A l arm and cont ro l devi ces shall have t h e f o ll ow i ng ide:r1Hficalion

    characterlstlcs:< I I . B e clearly identified on th e draw ingsb. H ave ide,nilifka~i on plates nearby, m ouru ed w ith screw s or rivets

    4.2.8,:) ~den:tificatio:rJ nam!ep:la te-s stud] be made of engravedllaminflltt>dp lastic . lf sp ec ifie d on th e p urch ase r's PlP ELSTRO I D Oa t s. S h ee t,vinyl O f polyester adhes~vI~ labels us,ing. theemai iransfer printing,technol og y marybe used for indoor applieetions, Identification labelsshan d i s p l ay b la ck engraved l.etteting On white . background unless

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    PrP E I : . S TROtD'fNJigfJand FaiJricatf.ofJ of Liq lJ i r i- i .mm ~rsed .s uo st . . t ion PtJw.er Trans formers34_5 kV and o e r o w , SOD k VA l ll ro ug h 15,000 kV ACOMPLnE REVISION

    A pril :2 00 9

    a lte rn ate e clo r requirernenrs are noted On purchaser'sPIP ELSTRO 1 D Data Sheet

    4.2Jl.6 Alarm and cont ro l device s and/or accessories shall be U.L. labeledfo r th e area. classification they are in sta lle d, Mu ltip le in sta lla tio nm eth od sto ac hiev e this a re a va ila ble in cl u d in g hermetically sealedcontacts and lnt rlns i c al ly safe (1 .S . barriers ). Purchaser shal l i nd ic at eany preferences on the P IP E LST RO J D Data Sheet

    4.2.9 Wiring and Control Cabinet4,2.9.1 Control, alarm, and power wiring shall have the following

    char ac te ri st i es :a. 600 volt rated an d either type S IS or XH HWb. Accessory wiring installedin accordance wtth tfl.elatest edition oftheNECG. Contain no splicesd. No- 14 A W G stranded copper at a m inim um for control arid! alarm

    circuits. No. 16 Awe is acceptable only when 'Used betweenexternal tank-mounted monito rin g an d protective d ev ic es an dtheir connection pointins id e th e c on tro l c ao in et.

    e. No. 12 AWG stranded copper all a m inim urn for p ow er circuitsf I f speci fi ed e m t he pu rchaser 's PIP ElSTRO lDD am Sheet, branchcircuits to fan m otors. or oth er auxiliary d ev ic es sha ll be protected

    b y branch circu it protect i ve devices in accordance with NEe430.53-2003,4 .2 .9 .2 . A ll wirilUg s hall b ein stalled in rig id g alv an iz ed steel co nd uit w ithliquid-tight flexible c on du itto th e in div id ua l d ev ic e; u nle ss o th erw is especified onthe purchaser's P I P E L S T R O 1 D Data Sheet Liquid- tightfle xfb I~ co nd uit sh all no t exceed IS in (457 rom). W iring entraaees to devices and enclosures shall be m ade through

    th e b ottom ( pref erre d) or th e s id es ,4.2,.9.4 Wires shall be ici('lntified at both ends with p erman en t w ire ma rk er s.Stick-on wire m arkers and w ire sleeves sh all not be p erm itted. Wire

    m arkers shall m atch th e jdentiflcatlon show n on the m anufacturetwiring an d control schematics, AU wiring, other than. C'I'wlrlng, shall be term inated w ith locking-fork. . insulated. seamless-type connec to rs , Requ ir emen ts fo r C -Twiring and connectors are ceveredin Section,

    4 .:2 :.9 .6 W iring sh all b e termlnatedon terminal s ,trip s in th e e on tro l cabinet, T erm inal blocks shall. be of sclid one-p iece design ..4.2 .9.8 C ontrol esbinet shall have th e follow ing characterlstics:

    a. NE[I.1A. 4X Stainless Steel. e r } .lEMA 7 if tJ a[ ls fo rme :, is located ina classifled area

    Page 14 a f 21

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    n '. , ~ " 1_ ._ I. .... .'.....__..~I ,. -I. _ ,'. ..r

    COIM P lE:TEREVIIS 10 NAW112009

    P fPELSTRDIO lJ sig nam .1 F ab ri t; ~J iQ n o f L iq !J id - fmmefsed S,ub.$J.al ionPow~r Tr.lllsforme~3 4_ 5 k V IIm d h ero w; 5 0 0 k V A th ro ug h 1 ' ; 5 , G O O WA

    b _ H av~ a i. h i nged door th at can be padlockedc. Not mounted on radlators or on th e b~gh" or l.ow-voltage terminal

    chambers4.2.9.9 Centrolcabinet shan have IIdrai[Iat itslowest point429.10 Control cabinet shall have separate numbered terminal strips.segregated by volta ge le ve ls f or p urc ha se r's p ower, c on tro l; a nd

    11 larrn w irlng. These I e rm inals sh.aJ~b eide nti fle d as suc -h . If specified on the purchaser's P iP E LS TIW 1D Data Sheet. space

    heaters shall he provided inthe control cabinet per 4.2.3 ..13 and4 _ 2 _ 3 . 1 4 _

    4 . :2 . ,10 .A .ud .ib~e Sound LevelsIf specified On the purchaser's P iP EL ST R()J D Data Sheet, thetrensformersh all be subj ected to an. a udible sound leveltest in aecerdaace with lEEE SidC5i.ll_90" Audib]e sound levels produced by the transformer shan not exceedthe va'_I~esglvl:m in NE lv fA TR I- ] 99 3, S ection 0 .0 5, .,Audi bl e S o un d: Levels."

    4.2.11 Coa~ings4.2.1.U Transformer assembly (including tank, radiators, throats and

    terminal cham bers) shan be cleaned and sealed w ith a m oisnireresistent, leng-Iifeceerlng i n acco rd ance with IEEE C5 7 .1 2 . 2 8-Where moist'moderate corrosive environment has been indicated onrhepurchaser's PIP E lSTRO l D D~ ta S h e~ t,. a c oa tin g in accordancewith IEEE C 5 7_11..19 sh all b e provided. Finish coat shall have a nonmetallic pigment surface ..Unless.otherwise specif ed enthe purchaser's PiP ELS1 RfJ1 D Data Sheet,color of finish eeat shan be light-gray number 6] ]t'1 accordsneewhh .ASTM.D153 ' 5 -2007 (Munsen Notation 8.30 6.10/0.54) andcovered wit h an < epo xy or a cr yU c coa t for protection .agai ns tchalking and fadlng caused by environmental conditions.

    4.2.l ].3 Fer each nansformer furnished, a ~l~artoflolJch~IJPpaint shall bep rovided for th e finish coat. A M aterial Safety Da ta S h ee :~ (MSDS )shall be provided,

    4.2.1].4 The base of the tank and channels, unless made of stalnless stee],shall be coated with an asphalt-based palnt Or mastic,

    4 .2 .] 1 5 Data for qual i f icat tQr! . ofthe proposed coating system s n , i l i l l beprovided, Where specified On the purcheser 's P iP E LS TR JH D Data Sheet, ano 'p tio na l p a in t s ys tem in clu dl r ig paInt thickness Or typ e o f :paint shallbe p rovided for extra degree of p rotection. S up pll er s ha ll p rc vid e

    de tad s o ,fQPUon1 l1p a ]n i .~y.stfi!II f o r purchaser's ' B ! p p r Q v 8 ! l .4..2.12 Manual No Load Tap Changer .

    41.2 .12 .1 Prim

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    PJPELSTRCHDe.sigJl 81'lQ rab rif;a tk m o f U qu fc jfm me me d S ub sla iio rJ P ow er T ra ns fo rm ers3 4 - 5 kV ano b elow , : 50 0 leV A th rou gh 1 5,0 00 k VA

    COM P l'ETE R E.Y ISIO NApr / I 2co:;)

    4 .2 .1 2.2 tr nl es s o th e rw is e, s pe cif ie d on t he purchaser 's P IP E IS TR O ID DataS heet, th e tap ch anger sh all be five-p ositio n w ith fOllr 2~1J2%fuH-capac ity taps, two above end two below th e r1lltea primary voltage.

    4 . 2.l2.3A cautio n nam ep tate (w ith b lac k le tterin g e ng ra ved o n y ello wbackg round) shal l be p rovid ed adjacen t to tap changer, as fo Hows:I DO NOT OPERATE WHEN TRANSF2RMICR ~8-EN;ERG~ZE[l

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    COMP LIE TE IR EV IS IO N IApril 2009

    PIP' E l. S TRL lfDesi gn and Fa /; !r icO fl /j o{ ] o f Uq r. Hd -Jmmer oed Suo-slatiDfJ POW8' TI"&(]sf:brmsro34.:5 W : a nd be tow , 500 hV A thro[Jgh~5,OOa kllA

    43.1AThe transformer and its accessoriesshall be designedtoaccommodate HIe unique properties ohhe Insulating liquid speclfied,

    4.3.2 Uquid Prase'Nation System4 ,3 .2 .1 S p ace abo veth e inS lI bt i[ ]l g I iq u id shal l ben lied witJh clean, dry

    nitrogen te < 1 1 . minimum pressure 00psig,4 J.2 .2 \ VlL en sp ee i tied on th e purv;haser's PiP LS1 'ROJ D Data: Sheet ,

    transformers shall be supplied with 1 1 . positive pressure njtrcgen gaspressurizati on system. The syste rn sh all u se sta nd ard Fep] aceablecy linders of ni trogen (see ANSl Cj7) .

    4.3.2.] Posi ti ve p re ssur e s ys tem requirements shall he a s f (d lows:a. System shall use < Ii three stage p:ressure reducing seheme,b. Two Or mo re p ress u re g au ge s s ha ll b e s upp li ed , One f or s upp ly

    cylinder pressure and one : fo r t rans fo rme r t ank p re ssur e,c. T ransform er inlet shut off valve shall be p rovided,d. T ransform er tank pressure rel i efvel ve shall be supp lie~ .e, Transformer tank purge valve shall be provided.f Provideall fiuillgsand tuhing 00 connect gascylinder to th e

    regn iarring device.g. P:rovi.de one g~ cy linder with f ittin gs to be sb]ppeC l wi th th e

    t l1 1 m s f o r m : e r .h. Provide a space heater with thermostat ln the regulator cabinet as

    sp ecified in P aragrap hs 4 .2 .3 .1 2, 4 .2 .3 .1 3, 4.2.:U4,and Th e f ollowin g a la rm s shall be p ro vid ed asa m in im um :

    1 .. Lowcyl inder pressure

    3" Low T ank pressurej. Enclosures

    ]. S h all b e rra :te dNENtA 4X . sta in le ss ste el (g as k.e te d) willi awindow [0al [ ow reading of all gauges w l thout opening [h ec ab i n et d oo r.

    : 2 . S h all h av e a h ing ed (loQ rwith a h an dle o r- la tc he s wHhprO'ViSlQrLS fQf ]0 eking with. a padlock,3 . S ];..aUhave a b r' ea tn er a nd d ra ln .

    k, Provide a eabinet (rated NEM A 4X) fur th e n itro ge n g ascylinder. The eabjnet shall have a hinged door with a ~and!leop erated latch. T he latch shall h ave p rovisions for loc.king witiha p adlock. A suitable tank retaining m eth od shall be p rovided.

    P . < a g e 17 of 21

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    PIP f:LSTRmDf it s jg r J' and Fab r fc a fi o (l of L iQ u kJ -fm m .e me d S ub s/a /io n P 'o vta r Transformers34.5 IN and befow, 500 k'IIA through Hi,OOQ kV.4


    If gauge s a re lo ca ted in th is cempartment, a window m ust beprovided to a l l ow reading o f th e g au ge, Provide appropriatebreath ers an d drain fo r th e cab in et.

    4 .41 Tests4.4.1 Stan da rd "resIs

    4.4.1.] All rou tine tes ts listedin I EEE S id C5 7 .1 2 .0 0 2 0 0 6, fable 21, shallbe p e rf ormed on every transformer bef or e s hi pmen t,4A 1.2 Transformer tests shall include a no-load test and a load-loss. test at

    ful) load and at th e p ercent of full load at w hich the transform ers arebeing evaluated for each t ransformer on the order i f spec lf ied on thepurchasef's P lP E LST RO 1 Data Sheet

    4 A 1.3 T he, c pti onal insulation power f ac to r te st and w ind~ng Insula ti onresistance test from Tabl .e 2 1 of IEEE SM C 5 7.]I 0 0 - 2006 shan alsoh e p e rf ormed . Other testslisted in IE E S td C J7 _ 12 .0 0 -2 0 06 . Table:2J, shall bep erf orm e d if s pe cif ie d On t he purchase r' s P IP ElSTRO l D Data. Sheet.

    4..jL1..5 Im pact on costend del I very of each op tional test req uired on thepurchaser's PiP ELSTROID D a ta S h ee t sh all b e- i nd ic ate d. w ith th equoterion. The purchaser or the purchaser's representative reserves the rlght toinspect and observe rhetests at the factory.4.4 . L 7 The purchaser shan be no ti fi ed . two w eeks in ad vance of testing.

    4.4.2 PCBCon~entTest4..4.2.1 Insulating liquid shall be tested or polychlorinatedbipbenyl (PCB)

    c on te nt b efo re sh ip pin g th e tra nsf orm e r .. Th e liquid s1 iimp leshaU betaken frcm the transformer after fill eng the transformer with theinsulating liquid,

    4 .4 .2 .2 In so la tin gliq uid sh all not have more than I part p e r m i ni on (ppm) ofPCB.

    4.4.2 .3 A copy ofcertified test rep ort sh all beprovidedto the p urch aser forp ermanen t re co rd , Test results shall indicate serlal number of the trensformer, Test r es ult s s ha ll d oc -umen t actual level of PCB instead of providing

    a blanket " PC B free" eertlflcatlon, For values below 1 ppm, test results shallindicate that "PCB contentis below ] ppm."

    4.5 Shipping!4.5.1 Preparation far shipment shall be in accordance with th e suppliee's standardsunless oth erw ise noted an th e request for quotat ion .oo .d /o rpu rchase o rder .

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    COMPLIETE:: REVISIIO~ PrP El..SmOlA p ril.20 09 De's lQ I'I

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    PfPt=f . .STR01De '! fi ign and Fabn' 'Ca lkm of L iq uid ~ /mme rs ed S .uD s/ at /o n Power T rn n sf of rn :r s3 4 _ 5 kV and oofow, 000 k VA l hr o. ug h 15 , VOOk l l A

    COM.P LE TE REV IS IONApr t f20o.9

    Table 1 - I[)oocumentat]on RequirementsA

    xB C DX X XX X X

    X X X

    X X XX X X


    listiiig o f am y exce ptions to the requirements o f the spec o r data shee ts


    Des e n p t i j0nD eta ile d b ill o f m a te rie lG e ne ra l I~ y o u 'l o f 'E !q u~ pme n t, 811 o'lNing all d imansion S, a lii a cc e s so ri e s ,v.reig hi ls, Iocauons , an d o utl in e dra\vin g s S h O W - 1 I " 1 g th e fl nal as se m b le dconf igurat ion w ith p la nsa :n d e le va tio nsIntercoonectlon wiring diagrams fora'il e l e ct ri ca : i equ ip rmmt includingcoo ling fan s, G Ts an d alarm w iringS in gle -lin e , 3 -I~ n e, a nd c on tr ol s cr re rn e tlc d ia g, rams .IPri lmary an d se co ndary bush in g draw in gs showing r at in g , d imen si on sand mater ial Q f construct ion

    X X x Na r ne p l a~ed rawi ngSh or t-c ir cu iI q ua :lific at iom te st r es ults a nd o th e r d es ig ,n t es t f "e S ullt s fo rs im i la r u n it s (if speoi f ied oli purchaser 's PJPELSTR01D Dala S he et)

    I XX


    i XI X XX x


    X X

    Da ta f or q ua li fi ca ti on o t coal lngisP ain t e cto r an d to tal dry m m th ickness~rnpac t on cost an d d eliv, ert o f e ac h o ptio na l te st s ele cte dVV in din .g t yp e s, m a te ria ls , b ra ci ng a rr an gemen tsC o re d es ig .n , rn a te ria ls ., ty pe , a nd e su m ate d w ec glh t

    x XXX

    ~I"IrlJsi"lOU rrsn t and ANSI pointsType o finsulating liqu id be ing use dF u ll-lca d noise leve I in decibelsLoad tap ohange r dE lscr ipt ion

    X No-I'oad loss guarantee in w attsat 1 01 }% of rate d vo lts Ix '-:o ra ! r os s g ua re nte e 1 "I w alts at ra~ e.d vo lt.age at 7 5~C at 2 .5, 50 , 75, 1 00 Iand 125 pe rce n .I of rated ba 5e kV AX E.stimatedweigh t in pounds o f co re , tanks and fittings, and to talasse mble d tran sfo rm er in cludin g liqu id

    xX I XX

    X XX X

    X C ,e r:'l~ ero f g.r1 liv ity of th e transfo rm er w he n fille d w ith i I1SU la tl n g Ii q L li dI A nc ho r b olt lo ca jio nsI'ufting PI~nwith recommendetlon of s li ng l en g lh s

    X Clirrent t ra n sf ormer i ri fo rma ti on il'ic~udiligmanufacturer, mod el n um be r,c la ss , r st io , a e cu rac y an d saturatio n c urve s

  • 5/14/2018 Pip # Elstr01


    CO M P lETER E:V IS ~ONAp,i{ 2009

    PfPELSTROlOe: ' ! !ig r ta nd rabrlCation o l J . ..qukJ .Jmmersed S ub s/a lio n P ow er Traf fs fomrers- 34_ 5 kV.md I;i~kiw. 50 0 .kiVA fhrough15, 00 0 kV A

    NotfM;; :A These deeuments shan be prov ided VI,I'llhproposa l .113_hese document s :!lhan b e p ro 'v id ed r or Pur eh a sa r's r ev iew and auttioriz,allM to pr,oceed beforetabr iCOll ion,C . T he se documents ~I'!all be p ro vide d as p art: C lf th e fina~certjiiedi d oc ume n t s ubm it ta l.

    ( 1 1 ) Equ ipm e nl shel l beshipped with one set of installation, operatiol'l l , and maintenancemanua ls ,[), A s-b um dlraV ilin gs s ha ll b e pmv ijde d w 'i lh i n 2wee~5 r l: ll lo ,V il 'i ngs .h rpme nt

    A BIx

    I xX



    De-scriptionX Vol ume of cooling liquid, in glallo ns

    x Coom i na li on d ime nsi on e d drB I'N 1n g fo r bus d I.lc t co n ["Iec:f ionswh en so eqtlipp eel

    4.7 Conmc~ Reso~u:UOr'lAny conflicts between the referenced documents shall be identi fled to the purchaserin .w r it ing for r esolu ti on . I n general, whenresol v~ng conflicts, th e f ollowin g e rd er o fp re cedenc e sha ll a pp ly :

    a. Purchase, ordetb. PIP ElSIROID Da ta S h ee tc. T hts Practice, PIP ELSIRO 1d. Referenced standards

    I XI



    x De ta i Is c rf p r imary an d se co nd ar y te rm inOli boxe s, II 'lc 1 udingdime nslons, malerial of censtructien, iocali OriS of doors an daccess panetsT ran sfo rm er O il M SD S.(N o te : E !q lJ ip me n& sh all b e sh ip pe d ~tn a M SID S)

    ~nst i3Jr lS! l ion,operatlon, and main~ena nee' man u a r