Pink Lady

Pink Lady

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Vintage men's magazine from the 1960's altered by collage and manipulation of surfaces. The theme is animal extinction, humor, and parody using a woman's point of view to play with the maie gaze.

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Pink Lady

Animal Issue

COLLAGES by Paula Gillen


November 2011

A voice came out of the receiver


Dose of reality


French Poodle

The male held the female by the shoulders for about two minutes. Neither skink moved during that time. The male then slid over the female, still holding her by the shoulders (Figure 6). His right foot was draped over her hips while he pivoted his groin under her hips. His tail passed under hers, and he used his left leg to push up and under her pelvic area (Figure 7). They maintained this position for just over one minute, and then the male relaxed and moved his groin out from under the female (Figure 8). The male moved away, and after a few minutes, the female also walked away. The whole incident took less than fifteen minutes. The male and female skink have encountered each other a number of times since the mating occurred. The female consistently has been aggressive towards the male, lunging at him with mouth agape. He usually backs away quickly, with her continuing to lunge after him while he is still within range. The two female skinks proved to be incompatible. The newer female is quite aggressive, and attacks the older and larger female whenever the two meet. We have elected to keep the skinks separated - the larger female has her own cage, while the other two are kept in a similarly sized cage in another room. Encounters still occur periodically when all three are allowed to roam freely at the same time.

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