CRYSTAL RIVER NEWS CRYSTAL RIVER FLORIDA l t Pi C Governors A atipn of Alice BradleyV Play By GERTRUDE STEVENSON IQustraUoiM from Photographs o the Stage Production d t 1 Lady 7 icfliv llBeMne4II7J1rfl4 6 r The ov li GeplrleMtiilU Bl > SYNOPSIS Daniel Blade advances from a pcnnlleaa miner to a millionaire and bo cornea a power In the political and bus ftu hii eye on thegover nors chair Hta wife tall to rUe to new Katherine daughter of Senator In her that Mary columns of hla paper and Glade defle him CHAPTER Ill Continued Suddenly Blades eyes lighted with the Ore of decision Hlamouth be a firm straight line of defer initiation something Im- placable and Criteria his very attitude as Katherine Strick land became fixed In his mind He longed to hurry after her to tell his decision to fight If not with then for her He eager to show her lust how much they two together could make out of life a big fine fight tor position and power Even the thought of being governor loft in the distance aa plan after plan raced through his mind of greater conquests and bigger achievements with a woman like Kath eflne Strickland for wife So ab- sorbed and Intense were his thoughts of the future with her for the moment- he forgot completely the woman who for 20 years had kept her place as his wife In all his dealings he had considered obstacles except to sweet from his path As he the present and Mary ho never hesitated or from his newly tnado resolution Mary could go It alone He would see that fte Md everything that mosey could buy Ho would make comfortable take care other That ifljjje should be further considered 4 wer his mind Always ruthless In his methods he WM equally cruel hen the obstacle advahcftment- jiWMa iittfa woman nis heart it Wflfl tat decent pr as fine or as blanteresg as that life whole attitude toward the girl was one of He had determined to have her just as he had determined only last week to out bid every other man at the rug auc tion He wonted her to take a place in hla because he knew what her Value would be to him H9 wanted her beauty brain tier savolr faire as so many stepping stones by which to mount higher and higher In the affairs pf the state and tho nation In spite of the tact that he criticized his wifes lack of social graces wise enough to know that he from a finished product himself In spite of himself traces of the par venu occasionally showed through the veneer of bluff and arrogance With d wile like Katherine he soon to know all the fine points of the social game A wife like Katherine would coder up a multitude of hit lit- tle sins ot commission omission CHAPTER IV Blade wanted for his wife much the same as tip would wealthy clever Influential man for a partner It was to be a union of ambition tenderness In his thoughts of her Ha was actuated purely and simply by- t p lust for power and the greed of glory M the sorter better things in the mans nature were swamped by this torrent of craving for sue cess that hlmon tocom mlt the mbst dastardly act in his long career of trampling over the heads and hearts of and oppo Even When he was a boy Dan Blade had alwiya set him teeth at cant it or It cant be done The very jt difficulty ot a thlttK strengthened his to do All his life long fits had been punctuated by T Advanced so farwltbout pushing other en Now that a woman Instead Was the same Hte raethbda might be would be UP same Marys sterling worth heflont pt devotion tie became cpnvlnced that Marys dowdrn ui her standpat policy and her arreAcd development were opportunity for io progrei- o ignored fact that lit fea a as TR 1ir1 12 new He the and and le not Merritt editor of a t to l j 1 liit lit ffr owln i f his i J P 1i i remem- bered 7 h p ber- t d n ra 11 hI r t f- lr L- c i Jyt ao- tciti t t l 6ictJ at kJ through n thln8 t a q Jslt1QI j 9 was w s- tar Strtckland f Was o f i U a fIt the other k 1 Iof a result fIfi mote r tl and Fi t w 4 the i q wn ted t t pa I I i X- i rt bome laving glad meets w fi seea loci paper fight glade throug- t t i f came was v 4 ho- of r was w It t et e 4 novel them 14 entered to his ryr who had hic OvAhnd eIrAtr 7r tt in efivei yv raring had surged blooded life hp 4 r ho- w come f a Katherine have desiredta r There was swoopieg i acute You do success ty ruin of men had not rc 1s fryy the way the r w quieter morclful but the answer sweet tenderness counted for nothing stopgaps In his own 1 the 4 a woman waaa- A blur were lila eyes fir Yr > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ < > < < < < < > > << < < < < > > + ° arms or any other very essen tIM part of his being If was at just this point In Blades pitiless reasoning that Mary peering over the baluster and seeing him alone hurried down the stairs j Thank goodness theyre gone she declared as she Came Into tho room then seeing the numerous side lights burning she hastened to turn one after the other down to a glimmer Im eo glad your not going out she went on coming over to him and her cheek against his sleeve The little movement was a pathetically- mute appeal for some caress Whatd they say she asked suddenly as the realized that her tender yearning met with no response But her husband was In no com- municative frame of mind Youre not mad with me are pert the questioned wistfully very much likb an eager child who has been re- pressed No Slide replied briefly and much interest Mary breathed a quick sigh of relief Ah then well have n nice quiet pleasant evening she declared add- ing coaxingly Lets go upstairs and have a game of euchre Wo havent played for over so long Blade looked at her his eyes Into a deep frown It was true he wasnt angry with her but he was o rub- bing with- out drawn ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Such Didoes You Kiss Me angry at the thwarting circumstances that hemmlriKnlin in Her very manner irritated him now her quiet contentment calm acceptance of her failure to meet ills guests and fill herplace as mistress of his home niad dened him He was all the more de- termined to fight for something else tobegin his campaign for a and Another woman that moment You can yourself after Im gone he answered over his shoulder Then you are going out Marys the disappointment she feltYes Blade continued be Put I want to have a talk with you Mary weve got to como to understanding Why what r Mary began and then topped For the first time she noticed his changed manner and his averted eyes She started to rumble With her workbasket I cant put it off any longer I er Blade stopped short He was finding this attempt at an more difficult than be had anticipated What la it frying to Marys voice was firmer than Whats la your mind You keep hinting at lately and you never finish What Is It Youre a rich woman in your own name Are you satisfied with what Ive settled on Why yes the quick re spouse as puzzled eyes searched his for for strange question Then she added Xpuve teen good to me Dan How would you like to go andUfo i country Mary aide Kurprlso filled the womans eyes Her thin cheeks flushed as she clasped her hands excitedly- Oh Pan you know Id like It awfully good father I knew youd back down and give In Thlf is no place for us Alia to tils raaa became shamefaced f wH- f T f were voice much Bali his It our J 4 i governor- ship amuse echoed mono- syllabic come under- standing Dan V you came a reason tae the Yon Yeve Out of the question credit the fi r e- rI ¬ ¬ ¬ > > + I cant leave you out of the ques- tion she protested quickly not an Inkling of her husbands real meaning having entered her head In her per- fect IQVQ she Was vious to hint pf neglect or from him Had Ills thoughts her first care would have been to soothe him as one whose brain overtaxed with affairs beyond her understanding had suddenly clouded For an instant the man was silent His taco was turned from tiers and he was looking out the doorway through which the stately figure of Katherine Strickland had Just passed and through which he hoped to walk some day governor go with you Mary ho finally turned and looked her squarely in the eyes would you be Where would you live Where would She stopped and then finished Pshaw Thats all foolishness Dan Blade was firmer now His voice had a ring of finality but Mary didnt understand I cant go on apol ogising for you eternally You cant have a headache every night I must either have a wife who can be the head of my household or none Into the womans heart there leaped- a sharp fear followed by the childish idea that perhaps because she wouldnt go to the opera she was to be pun- ished sent away aloneruntll she was forgiven Youre tired of me she suggested If that were true and you filled the bill we could put up with each other ho returned brutally but It Isnt so Dont you love me she half breathed the question timidly For a brief instant caught at Slides heart tugged and tugged He turned with a look of infinite ten- derness and said pimply Yes Mary I do His tone was genuine and sin cereMary laughed a littler happy laugh At the sound Blades mood changed like a flash It grated pq his already overwrought nerves It seemed to dls miss the controversy the argu ment to ring the deathknell of the dream that had camp to him The careless way In which she apparently dropped the discussion of away nettled him Prompted by a sudden impulse snatched her workbasket from her lap and flung it the full length of room that bas- ket he Cant I ever see you without Itf Danl Marya gasp of amazement was the only sound In the f5fim It wan the first time he had over been harsh with hor She shrank back hurt and frightened Lord- Ing cotton the noodles and and the little worn thimble Blade watching her blight stooping figure ought to have been ashamed but his anger was flaming hot and he didnt as much as offer to help Marys mood changed too I believe youre doing it to got your own way she sputtered but you aint going to got Iti Ive got as much right to my Hfeas youve got to As she came up to him no stood grim and silent suddenly determined that If she wouldnt go he would If he refused his offer of a in the countrythen shocduld have this house to herself would live at the club disloy- alty IIwouldnt Whywhere your Mary bend Dn ood D neve id that to1pl 1t 1r as o o1 great and he and loyalty coy she known something exclaimed Why anyb c tad datsF homo ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ = + = There aint anything you could as of me I wouldnt do except Mary troubled taco was looking Into his Except I oak he finished sar- castically and hurried from room curtly ordered his dressing bag packed and then hat In hand hie overcoat on his arm camo back Into the room Did It ever occur to you Mary that youre a mule he asked Youre sweet and good tempered and amiable but youd have given the mulo that came out of Noah s ark polnts on how to be stubborn How often have I failed you In these years Dan Youre falling me now You wont look at things with my eyes Word not one were two Dan she reminded him quietly Well thats the trouble we ought- to be one TnaV Whoso Yours and Marys sweet mouth puckered Into a very little smile Im done Blade decided hope- lessly I can remember the time when you would have thought that was cun reproached him Im going to my club Mary tie announced disregarding her playful attempt to smooth over Mary gazed at him bewildered by his swift changes of hurt by his attitude almost angry because he so unreasonable Then love came rushing Up Into her heart After all he was her D did this crossness or his nervousness matter She went up to him pulled his scarf a bit closer round his throat and W ho turned mut- tered word waited patiently Then laying her land oh his arm aucti a- ttila little hand with his wedding ring hnagUirloosely on It askedj up Blades t just what Im get ting at We ought to be What a ha- ll WAit for you f worked 9 t rel- it rj IE 1- I the of one mind I 4 mood was face a r w 4 C y- T t w caw YrrN ¬ < > + She didnt understand poor little soul He was going away for good for all time and she was asking If she would watt up for him than onco be- fore she had asked that question ot him the question that from a wifes lips carries with It unspoken tender pleading For a apace be wan tort with emotions he could not expected thing bade him turn back upon ambi- tion and pride and clasp into his arms this little woman who hail worked for him with him rho had had faith In him when he was poor and who had struggled and cooked and slaved for him that he might rigor to his present position x But he struggled against the feeling fought it back and conquered No dont wait up for mo All right Mary agreed I wont If you dont want mo to and then with roguish but I wJH wait up for you all the Blade was touched but b stiffened his shoulders Wealth he had won honors he meant to Kath erlne Strickland Goodnight Mary he called coldly as he out of the room Left alone Mary stood watching him a forlorn little figure Why ho didnt kiss me She to theo door Dan you forgot something Danl Blade hastening to the door halted hesitated turned back You come right back here and kiss me Mary demanded affectionately Such didoes You kiss She raised her face for the kiss she thought was goodnight and which he meant- as Blade stooped and laid his lips on hers gently reverently then hurried out almost as If he were fraud to stay a minute longer Such didoes Mary laughed to her- self 8bo looked around the great empty room It suddenly struck that she had never really been happy In this room Riches had proved a burden rather than a pleasure They had robbed her of Dans devotion his confidence his gaiety She hastened to turn out the lights shuddering as she did so She grabbed tier work- basket from the table and suddenly overcome with fright in the great silent shadowy room tied to the lighted hall calling Susie Susie TO BE CONTINUED PROM DOCTRINE OF GALEN Ui of Term Man of Spirit Etc May Be Traced Back to the Sec and Century Few persons even atop to consider man of spirit lodicai association Yet this la oil tho survival of the old dpctrlnd- f spirits We may believp that Onion ad conception of toe nerve trunkS s conductors of he called It to arid from the brain and spinal cord The natural spirits were that which gave to blood the capacity of nourishing the tissues of the body The vital spirits were acquired hr the heart and when at last the blood with its vital spirits went to the brain and experienced a sort of refinement for the last time the animal spirits were separated from It and carried to the body by the nerve trunks Such was the idea of the vital func- tions In the second century Today after 1800 years we know that there are no spirits in our blood or nerves but we still speak of being In high spirits or low spirits of being full of animal spirits of a spirited an- swer or a spirited horse tee Soma lml1 haveand me when t i 80m un- defined pr define had himself to same hur- led good by her they of a sya U Journa o ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Applied Advice Some time ago an Alabama lady klndly undertook to udvlso one of her negro maids as to certain rules of propriety that always bo ob- served by young women at- tentions are paid by gentlemen friends One evening the lady won- dering Whether her seeds of advice had tol fn upon rocky ground sta- tioned herself in a rocker near the kitchen door where she was enter- tained by the following dialogue Look here dont you try to git fresh wit Mah names Miss Smith not Mary Ah dont low mah best an moat patlclar frlepds to call me Mary Ah beg your Miss Smith nut say Miss Smith would yo1 Joss soon shift to de odor knee This yore onesytired Trade Secret Now the first learn about the shoo trade is this AS soon as a customer cqmes in take off his shoes and WhatB that for Then you can on em at your convenience my boy They cant walk out Courier Journal Mart and HUAge After a man roaches the age of fifty be begins to see Insults In the news papers to the effect thAt tie is an old man tofpeka Capital first use of asbestos was manufacture of crematory robes foi the ancient Romans thine to hide em Ju the should met wIt The ey a fit M RRf 4yy 4 p Si- a p ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Luncheon Delicacies DM BW iEc d fa6 bo lenU- IVm SmutrM riftl f tan cold Try An ill this Cut kwd la with cmatd fcttHo tad U ilk bruJ pro Wirtr tob METAL ROOFING Shinqlos Spanish Tile EVERYTHING IN SHEET METAL BUILDING MATERIAL BC8TTMAT MONEY CAN BUY Miet- at EM EDWAHtiS COHRUGATlNiJ CD- C OV I NQTO N K V The Wrong Way did the manager cast play threw it down No This is a prescription prepared pu- poclally far Malaria or Chills and Fever Five or six doses will break any case and If taken then as a tonlo the fever will not return 5c Adv His The hungry tramp told his tale It touched the kind heart ofthe lady of house He ato the food she gave and started wearily on his way And how said she sympathetical ly did the hand laundry you were v managing come to fall on you glanced around it might be as If IB suspected tho dog were within call Then passing out and closing the ate he said She quit and went to her mother Kansas City tar Berlin a Seapqct- nvthe near future a nui- portatif extensions will be traffic The BerlinOder canal IS a noteworthy engineering feat ty starts on the west side of Berlin and runs In n rough semicircle to Olderberg where It falls Into the river It Is about sixty mules long and has cost over 2000000 to build It connects the capital of the em- pire with the greatest Prussian port It binds Berlin and Stettln Berlin and Oder of course been united for some considerable time by the canal but that waterwwo with Us score qf locks and the fault of narrowness longbeen out of date The canal wlircarry cargo vessels of 600 tons and that vessels of such size G di- rect from Stettin to Berlin really means the opening of a new epoch Jn German development It makes Berlin virtually a seaport PRIZE FOOD Palatable Economical Nourishing- A Nebr woman has outlined the in a fewwords and that from personal experience She writes After our long experience with GrapeNuts I favor Wo used this food al- most continually for seven years We sometimes tried other adver Used breakfast foods butwo invariably returned to aa the nttst palatable economical and of all When I quit tea and coffee ahd v began to and I was almost ariervoiiB wreck I was so Irritable I could not sleep nights had no interest In lfe After using a short UmeXbegan to improve and aH these nllmects have disappeared and now 1 am o well woman My two children hav been almost raised on Orap v NuU which they pat threo times a day j They are pictures of health and never had the least symptom of trouble through toot severe siege of whooping cough they could retain QjapeNuts when else failed GrapeNuts food has saved doctor bills and has been therefore a mpst economical food for us Name given by Ppstum Cor Battle Creek TJie to Well vllle In pkgs Theres oa from tl fi ud wib one WiD Red cared the die c d crull ceUbbW aaSlahal an bread ftwd Corse we pjIIT CATALOG AtOll FriendHow PlaywrightHe SIX SIXTYSIX the him t- He home bf t tti L now wm ram C en g Orape i Grape uts even R aRe o 00 time t re geaelee trre hU t i i I3i- tltv i r e thrt rat raemlw Hon orb Phaatopdtheusatre- I tine 1 lab Mideat Pickles with J ntwar Went rea y- our them- e Laundry r c open for mow old tashloned r has now T R t rise r t say to- e hue x Nuts nourishing Postum w 1 Orape Nuts I a breach z a v Ever reed tae A aew appear They erd 6weqc- reut t a- es x b- A t4 ¬ < ¬ ¬ < >

Pi The Governors 1 Lady Alice A ov li atipn ofufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00068/00130.pdfInfluential man for a partner It was to be a union of ambition tenderness In his

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Page 1: Pi The Governors 1 Lady Alice A ov li atipn ofufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00068/00130.pdfInfluential man for a partner It was to be a union of ambition tenderness In his






GovernorsA atipn ofAlice BradleyV Play

By GERTRUDE STEVENSONIQustraUoiM from Photographs o the Stage Production


t1 Lady





Theov li

GeplrleMtiilU Bl



Daniel Blade advances from apcnnlleaa miner to a millionaire and bocornea a power In the political and bus

ftu hii eye on thegovernors chair Hta wifetall to rUe to new

Katherine daughter of SenatorIn her that Mary

columns of hla paper and Glade deflehim

CHAPTER Ill Continued

Suddenly Blades eyes lighted withthe Ore of decision Hlamouth be

a firm straight line of deferinitiation something Im-

placable and Criteria his very attitudeas Katherine Strickland became fixed In his mind Helonged to hurry after her to tell

his decision to fight If not withthen for her He eager to showher lust how much they two togethercould make out of life a big fine fighttor position and power

Even the thought of being governorloft in the distance aa plan after

plan raced through his mind of greaterconquests and bigger achievements

with a woman like Katheflne Strickland for wife So ab-

sorbed and Intense were his thoughtsof the future with her for the moment-

he forgot completely the woman whofor 20 years had kept her place as hiswife In all his dealings he hadconsidered obstacles except to sweet

from his path As hethe present and Mary ho never

hesitated or from his newlytnado resolution

Mary could go It alone He wouldsee that fte Md everything thatmosey could buy Ho would make

comfortable take care other Thatifljjje should be further considered 4wer

his mind Always ruthless Inhis methods he WM equally cruel

hen the obstacle advahcftment-jiWMa iittfa woman

nis heart it Wflfl tat decentpr as fine or as blanteresg as that lifewhole attitude toward the girl wasone of Hehad determined to have her just as he

had determined only last week to outbid every other man at the rug auction He wonted her to take a placein hla because he knew what herValue would be to him H9 wanted herbeauty brain tier savolr faire asso many stepping stones by which tomount higher and higher In the affairspf the state and tho nation

In spite of the tact that he criticizedhis wifes lack of social graces

wise enough to know that hefrom a finished product himself

In spite of himself traces of the parvenu occasionally showed through theveneer of bluff and arrogance Withd wile like Katherine he soon

to know all the fine points of thesocial game A wife like Katherinewould coder up a multitude of hit lit-

tle sins ot commission omission


Blade wantedfor his wife much the same as tip

would wealthy cleverInfluential man for a partner It wasto be a union of ambition

tenderness In his thoughts of herHa was actuated purely and simply by-

t p lust for power and the greed ofglory M the sorter better things inthe mans nature were swamped by

this torrent of craving for suecess that hlmon tocommlt the mbst dastardly act in his long

career of trampling over the headsand hearts of and oppo

Even When he was a boy Dan Blade

had alwiya set him teeth at cantit or It cant be done The very

jt difficulty ot a thlttK strengthened histo do All his life long

fits had been punctuated byT

Advanced so farwltbout pushing otheren Now that a woman Instead

Was the same Hte raethbda might be

would be UP same Marys sterlingworth heflont pt devotion

tie became cpnvlnced that Marysdowdrn ui her standpat policy and herarreAcd development were

opportunity forio

progrei-o ignored fact that lit

fea a as



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sweet tenderness counted for nothing

stopgapsIn his own

1 the4 a woman waaa-

Ablur were lila eyes

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arms or any other very essentIM part of his being

If was at just this point In Bladespitiless reasoning that Mary peeringover the baluster and seeing himalone hurried down the stairs j

Thank goodness theyre gone shedeclared as she Came Into tho roomthen seeing the numerous side lightsburning she hastened to turn oneafter the other down to a glimmerIm eo glad your not going out she

went on coming over to him andher cheek against his sleeve The

little movement was a pathetically-mute appeal for some caress Whatdthey say she asked suddenly asthe realized that her tender yearningmet with no response

But her husband was In no com-

municative frame of mindYoure not mad with me are pert

the questioned wistfully very muchlikb an eager child who has been re-

pressedNo Slide replied briefly andmuch interest

Mary breathed a quick sigh of reliefAh then well have n nice quiet

pleasant evening she declared add-ing coaxingly Lets go upstairs andhave a game of euchre Wo haventplayed for over so long

Blade looked at her his eyesInto a deep frown It was true hewasnt angry with her but he was









Such Didoes You Kiss Me

angry at the thwarting circumstancesthat hemmlriKnlin in Her very

manner irritated him now her quietcontentment calm acceptance ofher failure to meet ills guests and fill

herplace as mistress of his home niaddened him He was all the more de-

termined to fight for something elsetobegin his campaign for a

and Another woman that momentYou can yourself after Im

gone he answered over his shoulderThen you are going out Marys

the disappointment she

feltYes Blade continued bePut I want to have a talk

with you Mary weve got to comoto understanding

Why what r Mary began andthen topped For the first time shenoticed his changed manner and hisaverted eyes She started to rumbleWith her workbasket

I cant put it off any longer Ier Blade stopped short He wasfinding this attempt at an

more difficult than behad anticipated

What la it frying toMarys voice was firmer than

Whats la your mind You keephinting at lately and younever finish What Is It

Youre a rich woman in your ownname Are you satisfied withwhat Ive settled on

Why yes the quick respouse as puzzled eyessearched his for forstrange question Then she addedXpuve teen good to me Dan

How would you like to go andUfoi country Maryaide Kurprlso filled the womans

eyes Her thin cheeks flushed as sheclasped her hands excitedly-

Oh Pan you know Id like Itawfully good father I knew

youd back down and give In Thlfis no place for us

Alia to tils raaa becameshamefaced

f wH-f T f








J 4









Dan V


a reason tae


Yon Yeve Out of the questioncredit the

fi re-







I cant leave you out of the ques-tion she protested quickly not anInkling of her husbands real meaninghaving entered her head In her per-

fect IQVQ she Wasvious to hint pf neglect or

from him Had Illsthoughts her first care would havebeen to soothe him as one whosebrain overtaxed with affairs beyondher understanding had suddenlyclouded

For an instant the man was silentHis taco was turned from tiers and hewas looking out the doorway throughwhich the stately figure of KatherineStrickland had Just passed and throughwhich he hoped to walk some daygovernor

go with you Maryho finally turned and looked hersquarely in the eyes

would you be Wherewould you live Where wouldShe stopped and then finished PshawThats all foolishness Dan

Blade was firmer now Hisvoice had a ring of finality but Marydidnt understand I cant go on apologising for you eternally You canthave a headache every night I musteither have a wife who can be thehead of my household or none

Into the womans heart there leaped-a sharp fear followed by the childishidea that perhaps because she wouldntgo to the opera she was to be pun-

ished sent away aloneruntll she wasforgiven

Youre tired of me she suggestedIf that were true and you filled the

bill we could put up with each otherho returned brutally but It Isnt so

Dont you love me she halfbreathed the question timidly

For a brief instant caughtat Slides heart tugged and tuggedHe turned with a look of infinite ten-

derness and said pimply Yes MaryI do His tone was genuine and sin

cereMary laughed a littler happy laughAt the sound Blades mood changedlike a flash It grated pq his alreadyoverwrought nerves It seemed to dlsmiss the controversy the argument to ring the deathknell of thedream that had camp to him Thecareless way In which she apparentlydropped the discussion of awaynettled him Prompted by a suddenimpulse snatched her workbasketfrom her lap and flung it the fulllength of room that bas-

ket he Cant I ever seeyou without Itf

Danl Marya gasp of amazementwas the only sound In the f5fim Itwan the first time he had over beenharsh with hor She shrank back hurtand frightened Lord-

Ing cotton the noodles andand the little worn thimble Bladewatching her blight stooping figure

ought to have been ashamed but hisanger was flaming hot and he didntas much as offer to help

Marys mood changed tooI believe youre doing it to got your

own way she sputtered but you

aint going to got Iti Ive got as muchright to my Hfeas youve got to

As she came up to him no stoodgrim and silent suddenly determinedthat If she wouldnt go he would Ifhe refused his offer of a in the

countrythen shocduld have thishouse to herself would live atthe club







oodD neve id thatto1pl 1t 1r as o o1

greatand he

and loyaltycoy

she known




c tad datsF















There aint anything you could asof me I wouldnt do except Mary

troubled taco was looking Into hisExcept I oak he finished sar-

castically and hurried from roomcurtly ordered his dressing bag packed

and then hat In hand hie overcoat on

his arm camo back Into the roomDid It ever occur to you Mary that

youre a mule he asked Youresweet and good tempered and amiablebut youd have given the mulo thatcame out of Noah s ark polnts on how

to be stubbornHow often have I failed you In

these years DanYoure falling me now You wont

look at things with my eyes

Word not one were two

Dan she reminded him quietlyWell thats the trouble we ought-

to be one TnaV

Whoso Yours and Marys sweetmouth puckered Into a very littlesmile

Im done Blade decided hope-

lesslyI can remember the time when you

would have thought that was cunreproached him

Im going to my club Mary tieannounced disregarding her playfulattempt to smooth over

Mary gazed at him bewildered byhis swift changes of hurt by

his attitude almost angry because heso unreasonable

Then love came rushing Up Into herheart After all he was her D

did this crossness or his nervousnessmatter She went up to him pulled

his scarf a bit closer round his throatand W ho turned mut-

tered word waited patiently Thenlaying her land oh his arm aucti a-

ttila little hand with his wedding ringhnagUirloosely on It askedj



just what Im getting at We ought to be



ha-ll WAit for you f

worked 9 t rel-

it rj IE 1-



of one mind












w caw YrrN





She didnt understand poor little soulHe was going away for good for alltime and she was asking If she wouldwatt up for him than onco be-

fore she had asked that question othim the question that from a wifeslips carries with It unspoken tenderpleading For a apace be wan tortwith emotions he could not

expectedthing bade him turn back upon ambi-tion and pride and clasp into his armsthis little woman who hail worked forhim with him rho had had faith Inhim when he was poor and who hadstruggled and cooked and slaved forhim that he might rigor to his presentposition x

But he struggled against the feelingfought it back and conquered

No dont wait up for moAll right Mary agreed I wont

If you dont want mo to and thenwith roguish but I wJH waitup for you all the

Blade was touched but b stiffenedhis shoulders Wealth he had wonhonors he meant to Katherlne Strickland

Goodnight Mary he called coldlyas he out of the room

Left alone Mary stood watchinghim a forlorn little figure

Why ho didnt kiss me Sheto theo door Dan you forgot

something DanlBlade hastening to the door halted

hesitated turned backYou come right back here and kiss

me Mary demanded affectionatelySuch didoes You kiss Sheraised her face for the kiss she thought

was goodnight and which he meant-as Blade stooped and laidhis lips on hers gently reverentlythen hurried out almost as If he werefraud to stay a minute longer

Such didoes Mary laughed to her-self 8bo looked around the greatempty room It suddenly struckthat she had never really been happyIn this room Riches had proved aburden rather than a pleasure Theyhad robbed her of Dans devotion his

confidence his gaiety She hastenedto turn out the lights shuddering asshe did so She grabbed tier work-basket from the table and suddenlyovercome with fright in the greatsilent shadowy room tied to the lightedhall calling Susie Susie



Ui of Term Man of Spirit EtcMay Be Traced Back to the Sec

and Century

Few persons even atop to considerman of spirit

lodicai association Yet this la oiltho survival of the old dpctrlnd-

f spirits We may believp that Onion

ad conception of toe nerve trunkSs conductors of he called

It to arid from the brain andspinal cord

The natural spirits were thatwhich gave to blood

the capacity of nourishing the tissuesof the body The vital spirits wereacquired hr the heart and when atlast the blood with its vital spiritswent to the brain and experienced a

sort of refinement for the last timethe animal spirits were separatedfrom It and carried to the body by

the nerve trunksSuch was the idea of the vital func-

tions In the second century Today

after 1800 years we know that thereare no spirits in our blood or nervesbut we still speak of being In highspirits or low spirits of being full

of animal spirits of a spirited an-

swer or a spirited horse

tee Soma








defined pr

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good by


they of a

sya U Journa o








Applied AdviceSome time ago an Alabama lady

klndly undertook to udvlso one of hernegro maids as to certain rules of

propriety that always bo ob-

served by young women at-

tentions are paid by gentlemenfriends One evening the lady won-

dering Whether her seeds of advice

had tol fn upon rocky ground sta-

tioned herself in a rocker near thekitchen door where she was enter-

tained by the following dialogue

Look here dont you try to git

fresh wit Mah names Miss

Smith not Mary Ah dont low mah

best an moat patlclar frlepds to callme Mary

Ah beg your Miss Smith

nut say Miss Smith would yo1 Josssoon shift to de odor knee Thisyore onesytired

Trade SecretNow the first learn about

the shoo trade is this AS soon as a

customer cqmes in take off his shoes

andWhatB that forThen you can on em at your

convenience my boy They cant walk

out Courier Journal

Mart and HUAgeAfter a man roaches the age of fifty

be begins to see Insults In the newspapers to the effect thAt tie is an old

man tofpeka Capital

first use of asbestos wasmanufacture of crematory robes foithe ancient Romans

thine to

hide em

Ju the





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DM BW iEc d fa6 bo lenU-

IVm SmutrM riftl ftan cold Try An ill this Cutkwd la with cmatd fcttHo tad

U ilk bruJ pro Wirtr tob

METAL ROOFINGShinqlos Spanish Tile





The Wrong Waydid the manager cast

playthrew it down

NoThis is a prescription prepared pu-

poclally far Malaria or Chills andFever Five or six doses will breakany case and If taken then as a tonlothe fever will not return 5c Adv

HisThe hungry tramp told his tale It

touched the kind heart ofthe lady ofhouse He ato the food she gaveand started wearily on his way

And how said she sympathetically did the hand laundry you were v

managing come to fall on youglanced around it might be as If

IB suspected tho dog were within callThen passing out and closing theate he said She quit and went

to her mother Kansas City

tarBerlin a Seapqct-

nvthe near future a nui-

portatif extensions will betraffic The BerlinOder canal IS a

noteworthy engineering feat ty startson the west side of Berlin and runsIn n rough semicircle to Olderberg

where It falls Into the river It Is

about sixty mules long and has costover 2000000 to build

It connects the capital of the em-

pire with the greatest Prussian portIt binds Berlin and Stettln Berlinand Oder of course been unitedfor some considerable time by the

canal but that waterwwo withUs score qf locks andthe fault of narrowness longbeenout of date The canal wlircarrycargo vessels of 600 tons and thatvessels of such size G di-

rect from Stettin to Berlin reallymeans the opening of a new epoch JnGerman developmentIt makes Berlin virtually a seaport


Palatable Economical Nourishing-

A Nebr woman has outlined thein a fewwords and that

from personal experience Shewrites

After our long experience withGrapeNuts I

favor Wo used this food al-

most continually for seven yearsWe sometimes tried other adver

Used breakfast foods butwo invariablyreturned to aa the nttstpalatable economical andof all

When I quit tea and coffee ahd v

began to and

I was almost ariervoiiB wreck I wasso Irritable I could not sleep nightshad no interest In lfe

After using a shortUmeXbegan to improve and aH thesenllmects have disappeared and now 1

am o well woman My two childrenhav been almost raised on Orap v

NuU which they pat threo times adayj They are pictures of health and

never had the least symptom oftrouble through

toot severe siege of whooping cough

they could retain QjapeNuts when

else failedGrapeNuts food has saved doctor

bills and has been therefore a mpsteconomical food for us

Name given by Ppstum Cor BattleCreek TJie to Well

vllle In pkgs Theres

oa from tl fi

ud wib one WiD


the die c dcrull ceUbbW aaSlahal

an breadftwd Corse









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