Christopher Bergevin York University, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy Office: Petrie 240 Lab: Farq 103 [email protected] PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences 2019.09.04 Relevant reading: Kesten & Tauck ch. 1.1-1.6 + Polya

PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

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Page 1: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

ChristopherBergevinYorkUniversity,Dept.ofPhysics&AstronomyOffice:Petrie240 Lab:Farq [email protected]


2019.09.04Relevantreading:Kesten &Tauck ch. 1.1-1.6+Polya

Page 2: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


Page 3: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


Page 4: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


Page 5: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


Franklin & Gosling (1953)

Watson & Crick (1953)

à HowdidWatsonandCrickactuallyfigureouta“doublehelix”forDNA?

Page 6: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


e.g.,Howmanymountainpeaks arethereinthisimage?

Page 7: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

e.g.,Howmanymountainpeaks arethereinthisimage?

Page 8: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


§ Whatdoes“physics”evenmean?

(fromwikipedia)“Physics (fromAncient Greek:φυσική (ἐπιστήμη) phusikḗ(epistḗmē) ’knowledgeofnature’,fromφύσις phúsis "nature)….

… isthenaturalsciencethatinvolvesthestudyofmatteranditsmotionandbehaviorthroughspaceandtime,alongwithrelatedconceptssuchasenergyandforce.Oneofthemostfundamentalscientificdisciplines,themaingoalofphysicsistounderstandhowtheuniversebehaves.”



(ourworkingPHYS1420definition) à Problemsolving

Page 9: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


Page 10: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the



Page 11: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


Page 12: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

PHYS1420Course“Philosophy” (WOTversion)

1. Learnthebasicsof1styearphysicsandsomeapplicationstothelifesciences

à ”Physics"isgenerallyequatedw/abranchofcriticalinquirytryingtotrackdownthe"universalrules"thatgovernhowtheuniverseworks


à Ultimatelyanissueof"attitude"suchthatyoufeelcomfortabletackingtheunknown(asthesesortsofskillsareinvaluableandwillopendoorsforyoudownstream).byandlarge,thisinvolvesrefining/developingyourmathematical-basedreasoningskills

Page 13: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

PHYS1420Course“Philosophy” (WOTversioncont)

Ø Areassuchasbiophysics aretwo-waystreetsinthatsuchcanbesimultaneouslyviewedasboth"physics-applied-to-biology"and"biology-motivating/informing-physics".Sophysics&biologycanbeseenasnaturallygoingtogetherhand-in-hand

Ø Byandlarge,wefollowawell-establishedcurricularpath,covering:Newtonianmechanics,conceptofenergy,circularmotion,oscillations,etc….

Ø … BUTalsoweaveinsomenoveldirections(e.g.,diffusion)

Ø Ahandfulofassociatedmathematicaltopics naturallyfalloutofthis(tovaryingdegreesofdepth):vectors,calculus(i.e.,howthings"change"),polarcoordinates,geometry,sinusoids,etc….

Page 14: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


§ Coursewebsite: http://www.yorku.ca/cberge/PHYS1420F19.html

§ Readthebook&cometoclass(&getascratchpadandnotebook)

§ Cometotutorialsandengagew/oneanother

§ DotheHW(bothwritten&online)à purposeistopracticeproblem-solving&developconfidence!

§ Alltheabovewillhelpyougetproperlypreparedforthetests

à Let’stakeastepbackforamomentandlookatsomeofthebroader“themes”thatweaimto(interdisciplinarily)weaveintothecourse.....

Page 15: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


§ Whatdoes“physics”evenmean?

(fromwikipedia)“Physics (fromAncient Greek:φυσική (ἐπιστήμη) phusikḗ(epistḗmē) ’knowledgeofnature’,fromφύσις phúsis "nature)….

… isthenaturalsciencethatinvolvesthestudyofmatteranditsmotionandbehaviorthroughspaceandtime,alongwithrelatedconceptssuchasenergyandforce.Oneofthemostfundamentalscientificdisciplines,themaingoalofphysicsistounderstandhowtheuniversebehaves.”



(ourworkingPHYS1420definition) à Problemsolving

Page 16: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

“Puzzles” – Bongard problems



Page 17: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

“Puzzles” – Bongard problems

Page 18: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

“Puzzles” – Bongard problems

Page 19: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the
Page 20: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


Page 21: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the





Page 22: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the




à Quicktangentintohurricanes,uncertainty,and“fakenews”…

Page 23: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


Page 24: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


Page 25: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the



Page 26: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


Page 27: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


Page 28: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the




Page 29: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the








Page 30: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


à Life(likeweather)isstochastic

Page 31: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

Note: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorian_(name)]DorianisaunisexgivennameofGreekorigin.InGreek,themeaningofthenameDorianisofDoris,adistrictofGreece;orofDoros,alegendaryGreekhero.Doros wasthesonofHelenofSparta(whowasthedaughterofZeusandLeda).Doros wasthefounderoftheDoriantribe,andthemostlikelyoriginofDoros'namewastheGreekword"doron",meaning'gift'.

Page 32: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the



Theme:Notionof“information”(plustheideaofemergence fromcomplexsystems)

à Howdothey“know”(how)todothis?!


Page 33: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


Theme:Bridging“micro”and“macro”-scopic scales

Page 34: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

Human brain contains ~1011 (100 billion) neurons!(with 100 trillion+ connections inbetween)



Page 35: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

Weiss (1996)



1– Basicneurosciencebuildingblocks

Aside: Neurons

Page 36: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

Weiss (1996)




Ø Membraneprimarilyconsistsofa“lipidbilayer”(toseparateinsidefromoutside)

Ø Allsortsof“stuff”embeddedinside,toallowfor“communication”acrossmembrane

1– Basicneurosciencebuildingblocks

Aside: Cellmembranes

Page 37: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


AlanHodgkin AndrewHuxley


Page 38: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the


Theme(REVISTED):Bridging“micro”and“macro”-scopic scales


Page 39: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the
Page 40: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the





Page 41: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

BrownianmotionÞ ‘RandomWalker’ (1-D)


Aside: Microscopicbasisfordiffusion

Page 42: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

t = 0

t = 1

t = 5

t = 50

à Diffusion(forwhichBrownianmotionisthemicroscopic basis)

Page 43: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the
Page 44: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

§ OntheMovementofSmallParticlesSuspendedinStationaryLiquidsRequiredbytheMolecular-KineticTheoryofHeat (Brownianmotion)


Page 45: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the



Page 46: PHYS 1420 (F19) Physics with Applications to Life Sciences · PHYS 1420 Course “Philosophy” (WOT version) 1. Learn the basics of 1st year physics and some applications to the

Mathematics of Vision Workshop

October 17-18, 2019Fields Institute, Toronto, ON Canada

∴ Website ⇒ http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/activities/19-20/vision∴ Pre-registration ⇒ https://forms.gle/k9NA82w9gTCBn67V7∴ Questions? ⇒ [email protected]

Invited Speakers

• Stephanie Palmer (U. of Chicago)

• Alexandre Pouget (U. of Geneva)

• Odelia Schwartz (U. of Miami)

• Tatyana Sharpee (UCSD, Salk Inst.)

• Lai-Sang Young (NYU)

• Richard Zemel (U. of Toronto & Vector Inst.)


Lennart Nilsson