SHORT COMMUI~ICATIOI~S 775 Acta Cryst. (1954). 7, 775 The crystal structure of phthalic acid. By T. G. I). vA~ SCH~KWYK, Crystallographic Laboratory, Caven- dish Laboratory, Cambridge, England (Received 17 June 1954) X-ray measurements on phthalic acid give: a = 5.00, b = 14-2, c = 9-60 A, fl = 93-5 ° . The space group is either C2/c or Cc, and the absence of pyro- and piezo-electric effects is consistent with the choice of C2/c. With 4 molecules in the unit cell, the molecule must have an axis of symmetry which coincides with a twofold axis. This is sufficient to exclude the possibility of any intramolecular hydrogen bonding. A Patterson projection on (010) gives the tilt of the benzene ring to the (100) plane as approximately 45% By assuming a regular benzene ring of C-C distance 1.4 /~, approximate z coordinates for the atoms could be determined. With the further aid of ttarker-Kasper inequalities an electron-density projection on (100) was obtained. The final projection is shown in Fig. 1 (R ---- b/4 ,, 0"17). In the projection on (001) two benzene rings over- lap (R = 0.18). The length of the intermolecular hydrogen bond be- tween adjacent carboxyl groups across a centre of sym- metry is 2.67 (~=0.05) /~ (see Fig. 2). The possibility of T ~,~ - ..................... :,'::de ~'-" ........................ ~-'- • /crest e 0 1 2 3 l, 5A ,, , , , , , Q-c 0-0 Fig. 2. Structure viewed along a axis. Hydrogen bonds are represented by broken lines. 0 1 2 3 4 5h I I I 1 I t Fig. I. Electron density projected on (100). determining the electron distribution in the hydrogen bond, with the help of Geiger-counter measurements, is at present being investigated. Full details will be published later. Acta Cryst. (1954). 7, 775 Phthalic acid at low temperature. By A. L. VEENE~Dm~_L and C~OLnq~ H. MACG~LAVRY, Laboratory for General and Inorganic Chemistry, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Received 7 July 1954) The crystal structure of phthalic acid is being determined by us at a temperature of about --150 ° C. Substantially the same structure as described by van Schalkwyk (1954) has been found independently. It is too early to say whether small differences in atomic positions found so far are significant. We intend to pursue the investigation in order to study temperature influence, by comparison of our results with those of van Schalkwyk. We wish to thank Mr van Schalkwyk for sending us a copy of his paper. Reference SC~_LKWYK, T. G. D. VAN (1954). Acta Cryst. 7, 775.

Phthalic acid at low temperature

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S H O R T C O M M U I ~ I C A T I O I ~ S 775

Acta Cryst. (1954). 7, 775

T h e c r y s t a l s t r u c t u r e o f p h t h a l i c a c i d . By T. G. I). vA~ SCH~KWYK, Crystallographic Laboratory, Caven- dish Laboratory, Cambridge, England

(Received 17 June 1954)

X-ray measurements on phthal ic acid give:

a = 5.00, b = 14-2, c = 9-60 A, fl = 93-5 ° .

The space group is ei ther C2/c or Cc, and the absence of pyro- and piezo-electric effects is consistent wi th the choice of C2/c. With 4 molecules in the uni t cell, the molecule mus t have an axis of symmet ry which coincides wi th a twofold axis. This is sufficient to exclude the possibility of any intramolecular hydrogen bonding.

A Pa t te rson project ion on (010) gives the ti l t of the benzene ring to the (100) plane as approximate ly 45% By assuming a regular benzene ring of C-C distance 1.4 /~, approximate z coordinates for the a toms could be determined. Wi th the further aid of t t a rke r -Kaspe r inequalit ies an electron-densi ty project ion on (100) was obtained. The final project ion is shown in Fig. 1 (R ----

b/4 ,,

0"17). In the project ion on (001) two benzene rings over- lap (R = 0.18).

The length of the intermolecular hydrogen bond be- tween adjacent carboxyl groups across a centre of sym- me t ry is 2.67 (~=0.05) /~ (see Fig. 2). The possibility of


~,~ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :,':: de ~'-" ........................ ~-'- • /crest e

0 1 2 3 l, 5 A , , , , , , , Q - c 0 - 0

Fig. 2. Structure viewed along a axis. Hydrogen bonds are represented by broken lines.

0 1 2 3 4 5h I I I 1 I t

Fig. I. Electron density projected on (100).

de termining the electron distr ibut ion in the hydrogen bond, wi th the help of Geiger-counter measurements , is at present being investigated.

Full details will be published later.

Acta Cryst. (1954). 7, 775

P h t h a l i c a c i d a t l o w t e m p e r a t u r e . By A. L. VEENE~Dm~_L and C~OLnq~ H. MACG~LAVRY, Laboratory for General and Inorganic Chemistry, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

(Received 7 July 1954)

The crystal s tructure of phthal ic acid is being de te rmined by us at a t empera ture of about --150 ° C. Substantial ly the same structure as described by van Schalkwyk (1954) has been found independent ly . I t is too early to say whether small differences in atomic positions found so far are significant. We in tend to pursue the invest igation in order to s tudy tempera ture influence, by comparison of

our results wi th those of van Schalkwyk. We wish to t hank Mr van Schalkwyk for sending us a copy of his paper.

R e f e r e n c e SC~_LKWYK, T. G. D. VAN (1954). Acta Cryst. 7, 775.