The Saguaro Lake tournament marks the end of the 2014 tournament season for the Midweek Bass Anglers; the 11th and final event of the year. If you asked most of the anglers they might say the fishing was tough and the weather was cold, though we did not need to shovel any snow or drill through ice unlike much of the rest of the country. It was cold enough, however, that you actually had to wear a jacket for the first couple of hours of the day, that is cold by Arizona standards. It was also cold enough, that most of the water skiers stayed off the lake, for which we are all grateful. This tournament was also the final event for angler points for 2014. Several anglers were still in contention to win the coveted Angler of the Year honors; a closer race hasn’t been seen in years. Congratulations to Lou Hirlemann, whose second place tournament finish was just what he needed to secure the lead in the AOY points race, and this was in spite of fishing most of the year as a co-angler in someone else’s boat. This marks only the second time a co-angler has won Angler of the Year since the inception of the club; Steve Cook won in 2008. We have travelled many miles together this year, fished on each other’s water often, borrowed baits, loaned tools, and helped each other out whenever we could. Heck, even Howard Thomas towed my 30 lb carp around for three hours at Apache Lake because it wouldn’t fit in my live-well. We have a great group of guys. Thanks for making 2014 a great year on the water and I look forward to another fun season in 2015. See you soon. MIDWEEK BASS ANGLERS Of Arizona Inc Bass Bites FISHING WEDNESDAYS - NOT WEEKENDS! NOVEMBER 2014 ESTABLISHED JANUARY 27, 2005 EDITOR: TERRY TASSIN President’s Perspective By Gary Grimes Tournament Report Lake Saguaro November 19, 2014 By Terry Tassin Continued on page 2 HALL OF FAME 2014 Tournament Season Winners! Angler of the Year - Lou Hirlemann 1st Place Boater of the Year - - - - Gary Martlage 2nd Place Boater of the Year - - - - Gary Grimes 3rd Place Boater of the Year - - - - -Richie Rojas 1st Place Co-Angler of the Year - - Sean Ballard 2nd Place Co-Angler of the Year- - - Mark Royal 3rd Place Co-Angler of the Year - - Tom Savage Lunker of the Year - Jim Buchanan (7.82 lbs) June 2014 - Lake Saguaro “We Practice Catch and Release”

Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014 B a s s ...€¦ · 2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors. Photo Scrapbook - Lake Pleasant February 19, 2014 Spring Tactics Sep 19 - POW /MIA

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Page 1: Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014 B a s s ...€¦ · 2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors. Photo Scrapbook - Lake Pleasant February 19, 2014 Spring Tactics Sep 19 - POW /MIA

The Saguaro Laketournament marksthe end of the 2014tournament seasonfor the Midweek

Bass Anglers; the 11th andfinal event of the year. If youasked most of the anglers theymight say the fishing wastough and the weather wascold, though we did not needto shovel any snow or drillthrough ice unlike much of therest of the country. It was coldenough, however, that youactually had to wear a jacketfor the first couple of hours ofthe day, that is cold by Arizonastandards. It was also coldenough, that most of the water

skiers stayed off the lake, forwhich we are all grateful.

This tournament was also thefinal event for angler points for2014. Several anglers were stillin contention to win thecoveted Angler of the Yearhonors; a closer race hasn’tbeen seen i n yea rs .Congratu lat ions to LouHirlemann, whose secondplace tournament finish wasjust what he needed to securethe lead in the AOY pointsrace, and this was in spite offishing most of the year as aco-angler in someone else’sboat. This marks only thesecond time a co-angler haswon Angler of the Year sincethe inception of the club; SteveCook won in 2008.

We have travelled many miles

together this year, fished oneach other’s water often,borrowed baits, loaned tools,and helped each other outwhenever we could. Heck, evenHoward Thomas towed my 30lb carp around for three hoursat Apache Lake because itwouldn’t fit in my live-well. Wehave a great group of guys.

Thanks for making 2014 agreat year on the water and Ilook forward to another funseason in 2015. See you soon.



* December 30: Midweek Holiday OPEN atLake Bartlett

* January Annual Club Awards Banquet:date/location to be determined.

Coming Events

Monthly Breakfast MeetingBill Johnson’s Big Apple

Restaurant16810 N. 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ

2nd Wednesday, July 11th8:00A.M.

Continued from page 6




This year, it has been an honor andprivilege to serve you as editor andpublisher of Bass Bites. I am most

pleased to count you among our readers. Onbehalf of the club’s Board of Directors and staff,thank you and we wish you all aVery Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Thanksgiving Day

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Tackle Box Sales!For those members who have

"fishing related items" that they would like to sell,trade, or give away.Seller ItemPrice

Something to list?

Things You’ll Never Hear AReal Bass Fisherman Say

Terminal TacticsRigging TechniquesThat Beguile Bass

Clip The Hooks -Impale Worm On SliderHead


By Gary Grimes

Photo Scrapbook-Lake Pleasant-February19, 2014


1st Place Big Bass - Chuck Golden

Family Day at the Lake2 Years Later

Phantom Fisherman

Beach Blanket Bingo

The water looks good-lets cool off

I don’t need a bag, I’ve got twomore fingers!


Bits & PiecesBy Terry Tassin

Continued on page 3

Guest ColumnBy Paul Cormany

Have A ScaryHalloween!

Thanks to Jason’s 2.24 lbbass they also take home2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

No fishing report was re-ceived prior to newsletterprint time.

MembershipAs of August 22, 2014 theMidweek Bass Anglers ofArizona consists of 95active members.

Sound OffLet us hear from you. Thenewsletter is your vehicle for

communicatingand sharingw i t h o th e rmembers.

Many of youhave things tosay, opinions toshare.

Contact the Editor who would be delighted to hear from you.

Bassin’ Basics

Tech Tips

Best Wishes and Happy BirthdayBorn in the Month of February

Guest ColumnBy Bernie Kowalski

I’m on vacationand will be backnext week.

President’s Perspective

By Gary Grimes

Draw Team EtiquetteBy Gary Grimes

Thanks to Sean’s 2.77lbbass the team also won

2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

Photo Scrapbook - Lake PleasantFebruary 19, 2014

Spring Tactics

Sep 19 - POW /MIA

Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014

Thanks to Neil’s 5.44 lbbass the team also won1st Place Big Fishhonors. That bass alsowon for Neil the 5 lb Pot.

Armed Forces Day - 17 May2014

Conservation Update

Howard Thomas &Bill Daddario Cranka Cat For Goon Fish


Arizona waters are crowded during the summermonths, so everyone should take precautions toensure a safe and enjoyable outing.

Simple safety practices, such as wearing a per-sonal flotation device, could save your life. Youshould always wear your life jacket when out onthe water. The U.S. Coast Guard estimatesmore than 400 lives could have been saved na-tionwide last year if all boaters had worn lifejackets.”

Never drink and drive a boat. Alcohol was acontributing factor in about one-third of all re-ported recreational boating deaths.Other things you should do before heading outon a lake or river: Make sure enough life jackets are on boardthe boat for everyone, and make sure they’re allthe right size, Coast Guard-approved, and ingood working order, free from holes. Check that your boat’s motor and propulsionsystem are working right. Don’t crowd other boaters, and remember tomaintain a safe distance when passing others. Know the passenger and weight limits foryour boat, so you can avoid overloading it. Make sure your fire extinguishers work. Put drain plugs back in your boat beforelaunching. Know the “rules of the road.” The correct di-rection of travel on Arizona lakes is counter-clockwise (shoreline off your right shoulder). Visit azgfd.gov/boating to view other boatingregulations.

All boaters are encouraged to take a boatingeducation class. Statistics show knowledgeableboaters are safe boaters. Those interested intaking a Game and Fish boating safety classcan visit azgfd.gov/education for more informa-tion.

“When heading out to the water, do yourselfand others a favor. Boat safe, boat smart, andboat sober.

Boating Safety 101Just a reminder - Be Courteous! When backing a

boat trailer down the ramp in the dark, turn offyour headlights to keep from blinding others trying to

back their boats down the ramp to the water.

Tournament ReportLake Saguaro

November 19, 2014By Terry Tassin

This and That

Member InformationUpdate

Please keep the Secretaryinformed of any changes inyour vital statistics: homeaddress, phone numbers,email address, number orexpiration date of your auto orboat insurance policy or

Continued on page 2


6th PlaceLou Southard & Hal Hensey

The RulesBy Gary Grimes

Nov 10th U.S. MarineCorps

239th Birthday

Bassin’ Basics




Monthly Breakfast MeetingDeer Valley Airport

Restaurant702 W. Deer Valley Rd

Phoenix, AZ1st Wednesday of Each

Month 8:00 A.M.


2014 Tournament Season Winners!Angler of the Year - Lou Hirlemann

1st Place Boater of the Year - - - - Gary Martlage2nd Place Boater of the Year - - - - Gary Grimes3rd Place Boater of the Year - - - - -Richie Rojas1st Place Co-Angler of the Year - - Sean Ballard2nd Place Co-Angler of the Year- - - Mark Royal3rd Place Co-Angler of the Year - - Tom SavageLunker of the Year - Jim Buchanan (7.82 lbs)

June 2014 - Lake Saguaro

“We Practice Catch and Release”

Page 2: Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014 B a s s ...€¦ · 2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors. Photo Scrapbook - Lake Pleasant February 19, 2014 Spring Tactics Sep 19 - POW /MIA

Page 2

Team Gary Martlage &Howard Thomas FishRiver For 1st Place

Taking home 1st Place, TeamGary Martlage & HowardThomas caught the winningcreel of five bass weighing17.23 lbs. Howard’s 6.25 lbbass earned the team 1stPlace Big Bass honors and anadditional $685 for the 5 lb Potprize.

Gary Martlage: Howard and Ipre-fished on Tuesday withoutmuch luck. We caught 3 fish,with the biggest one being 1.5lbs. This sure did not help,after hearing the same reportsfrom guys on the lake duringthe day.

Tournament day came and wedecided on a plan. We weregoing to try to catch a big fishearly, by cranking some deepwater points in the firstnarrows, then head up river. Itwas 8AM when I told Howardto get buckled in, since we hadnot a bite or a fish in thelivewell.

We went up the river, until wepassed all the boats, andstarted working our way back.By 11AM, we had 4 fish in thewell, including a nice 4 lb bassHoward caught on a Texasrigged craw. I caught 3 on aRedeye Blade 3/8oz. in white.(Dwayne Steel is making themfor me at Hwy 188 if you wantto try them out).

I told Howard at the start that I

* December 30: Midweek Holiday OPEN atLake Bartlett

* January Annual Club Awards Banquet:date/location to be determined.

Coming Events

Monthly Breakfast MeetingBill Johnson’s Big Apple

Restaurant16810 N. 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ

2nd Wednesday, July 11th8:00A.M.

Continued from page 6




This year, it has been an honor andprivilege to serve you as editor andpublisher of Bass Bites. I am most

pleased to count you among our readers. Onbehalf of the club’s Board of Directors and staff,thank you and we wish you all aVery Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Thanksgiving Day

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Tackle Box Sales!For those members who have

"fishing related items" that they would like to sell,trade, or give away.Seller ItemPrice

Something to list?

Things You’ll Never Hear AReal Bass Fisherman Say

Terminal TacticsRigging TechniquesThat Beguile Bass

Clip The Hooks -Impale Worm On SliderHead


By Gary Grimes

Photo Scrapbook-Lake Pleasant-February19, 2014

1st Place Big Bass - Chuck Golden

Family Day at the Lake2 Years Later

Phantom Fisherman

Beach Blanket Bingo

The water looks good-lets cool off

I don’t need a bag, I’ve got twomore fingers!


Bits & PiecesBy Terry Tassin

am a pretty "cranky" partner,until I put 5 fish in the boat! Iput down the Blade, and starteddrop-shotting. Within one hour,we boated another 10 fish,culling up ounces; I figured wehad 12 lbs by now. We decidedto go back to ‘big’ fishing,running a blade in front, withHoward pitching a Senko fromthe back. Howard yells for thenet only for me to turn aroundand see the 6 lb. bass jumpcompletely out of the water only5 feet from the boat! Definiteyelps and "high 5's" were heardthe next 15 minutes!

Howard Thomas and I had anexceptional day (very lucky) atSaguaro! The camaraderie weenjoyed both days waspriceless and I look forward tofuture times together!

Howard Thomas: Wow! It feltlike the bases were loaded inthe bottom of the 9th, we weredown by 3 runs and I caughtthe fastball over the heart of theplate and took it deep over thecenter field wall to win thegame. I was pitching a Senko

Continued on page 3

Guest ColumnBy Paul Cormany

Have A ScaryHalloween!

Thanks to Jason’s 2.24 lbbass they also take home2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

No fishing report was re-ceived prior to newsletterprint time.

MembershipAs of August 22, 2014 theMidweek Bass Anglers ofArizona consists of 95active members.

Sound OffLet us hear from you. Thenewsletter is your vehicle for

communicatingand sharingw i t h o th e rmembers.

Many of youhave things tosay, opinions toshare.

Contact the Editor who would be delighted to hear from you.

Bassin’ Basics

Tech Tips

Best Wishes and Happy BirthdayBorn in the Month of February

Guest ColumnBy Bernie Kowalski

I’m on vacationand will be backnext week.

Draw Team EtiquetteBy Gary Grimes

Thanks to Sean’s 2.77lbbass the team also won

2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

Photo Scrapbook - Lake PleasantFebruary 19, 2014

Spring Tactics

Sep 19 - POW /MIA

Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014

Thanks to Neil’s 5.44 lbbass the team also won1st Place Big Fishhonors. That bass alsowon for Neil the 5 lb Pot.

Armed Forces Day - 17 May2014

Conservation Update

Howard Thomas &Bill Daddario Cranka Cat For Goon Fish


Arizona waters are crowded during the summermonths, so everyone should take precautions toensure a safe and enjoyable outing.

Simple safety practices, such as wearing a per-sonal flotation device, could save your life. Youshould always wear your life jacket when out onthe water. The U.S. Coast Guard estimatesmore than 400 lives could have been saved na-tionwide last year if all boaters had worn lifejackets.”

Never drink and drive a boat. Alcohol was acontributing factor in about one-third of all re-ported recreational boating deaths.Other things you should do before heading outon a lake or river: Make sure enough life jackets are on boardthe boat for everyone, and make sure they’re allthe right size, Coast Guard-approved, and ingood working order, free from holes. Check that your boat’s motor and propulsionsystem are working right. Don’t crowd other boaters, and remember tomaintain a safe distance when passing others. Know the passenger and weight limits foryour boat, so you can avoid overloading it. Make sure your fire extinguishers work. Put drain plugs back in your boat beforelaunching. Know the “rules of the road.” The correct di-rection of travel on Arizona lakes is counter-clockwise (shoreline off your right shoulder). Visit azgfd.gov/boating to view other boatingregulations.

All boaters are encouraged to take a boatingeducation class. Statistics show knowledgeableboaters are safe boaters. Those interested intaking a Game and Fish boating safety classcan visit azgfd.gov/education for more informa-tion.

“When heading out to the water, do yourselfand others a favor. Boat safe, boat smart, andboat sober.

Boating Safety 101Just a reminder - Be Courteous! When backing a

boat trailer down the ramp in the dark, turn offyour headlights to keep from blinding others trying to

back their boats down the ramp to the water.

This and That

Member InformationUpdate

Please keep the Secretaryinformed of any changes inyour vital statistics: homeaddress, phone numbers,email address, number orexpiration date of your auto orboat insurance policy or


6th PlaceLou Southard & Hal Hensey

The RulesBy Gary Grimes

Nov 10th U.S. MarineCorps

239th Birthday

Bassin’ Basics




Monthly Breakfast MeetingDeer Valley Airport

Restaurant702 W. Deer Valley Rd

Phoenix, AZ1st Wednesday of Each

Month 8:00 A.M.It’s the least I can do...After all, we would

have been married 36 years come December.

Next MeetingNext Tournament

Our next club generalmeeting is scheduled forWednesday, 3 Decemberstarting at 8:00 AM, at DeerValley Airport Restaurant(just one mile north of I-101 atthe intersection of 7th Ave &Deer Valley Road). We hopeyou will come early and havebreakfast together.

The next c lub po in ttournament will be at LakeBartlett on 21 January 2015.Club launch headquartersand weigh-in location will beannounced. Tournamenthours are Safe Light to 3PM.

1st Place OverallGary Martlage & Howard Thomas

Page 3: Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014 B a s s ...€¦ · 2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors. Photo Scrapbook - Lake Pleasant February 19, 2014 Spring Tactics Sep 19 - POW /MIA

into the tulles when this fish hitand made a run for deepwater. Gary assured me I wasall right because we had plentyof water underneath us and thebattle was on. Gary netted thefish and the high 5's started.Catching this f ish hadsomething to do with Garyalways saying "Come onHoward I'm counting on you,get em" for 2 days straight. Hisinitials GM stand for "GreatManager" and that he was.

Even though it started out withme losing my first fish Garyalways acted like it isn't over tillit's over. In practice he had me3 fish to none and I felt bad fornot contributing, so I told him Iwould rather do this now thanin the real game and it allturned around for metournament day. The last time Iwas there I caught a 7.9 inpractice and 2 dinks in thetournament so I didn't feel thatbad about not catchinganything. I am so glad that Iwas introduced to MidweekBass. I sure have learned a lotfrom you guys and if you don'tthink that’s truth just ask RichieRojas. LOL. And remember themore casts you make the

Page 3

* December 30: Midweek Holiday OPEN atLake Bartlett

* January Annual Club Awards Banquet:date/location to be determined.

Coming Events

Monthly Breakfast MeetingBill Johnson’s Big Apple

Restaurant16810 N. 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ

2nd Wednesday, July 11th8:00A.M.

Continued from page 6




This year, it has been an honor andprivilege to serve you as editor andpublisher of Bass Bites. I am most

pleased to count you among our readers. Onbehalf of the club’s Board of Directors and staff,thank you and we wish you all aVery Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Thanksgiving Day

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Tackle Box Sales!For those members who have

"fishing related items" that they would like to sell,trade, or give away.Seller ItemPrice

Something to list?

Things You’ll Never Hear AReal Bass Fisherman Say

Terminal TacticsRigging TechniquesThat Beguile Bass

Clip The Hooks -Impale Worm On SliderHead


By Gary Grimes

Photo Scrapbook-Lake Pleasant-February19, 2014

1st Place Big Bass - Chuck Golden

Family Day at the Lake2 Years Later

Phantom Fisherman

Beach Blanket Bingo

The water looks good-lets cool off

I don’t need a bag, I’ve got twomore fingers!


Bits & PiecesBy Terry Tassin

Continued on page 3

better your odds are ofcatching a lot of fish or a bigfish. I hope all of you guys hadas much fun with the club as Idid this year thanks to peoplelike Terry, Jack, Gary, andJohn. They make it possible forus to do what we do so don'tforget to thank them for all theirhard work; you know, the stuffyou and I don't want to bebothered with. I want to takethis time to wish all membersMerry Christmas and HappyNew Year for 2014-15 andthanks again to Gary Martlagefor putting up with the guy withthe heaviest tackle bag.

Team Hirlemann &Chambers Fish Deep &Shallow For 2nd Overall

In 2nd Place the team of LouHirlemann & Ron Chambersweighed five bass for a totalweight of 11.29 lbs.

Lou Hirlemann: I would like tothank everyone I fished withthis year, I made some newfriends and got to know othersbetter, thank you. Prefishing forthis tournament produced nobites on Monday or Tuesdayso expectations were low forWednesday. We caught 6 fishall day on tournament day from7 to 40 to feet deep. Roncaught our big one on a dropshot and had a lot of goodstories to share to make thetime past more swiftly. Abeautiful day on the lake washad by all. I just wish we couldhave gotten together for aphoto.

Ron Chambers: It's been along time since Lou and I havehad the opportunity to fish

together. He is always a greathost and there is never a dullmoment between us. The daystarted out slow, but we keptat it.

As normal, Lou had done hispre-fishing and knew the spotsto hit throughout the day. Ofcourse we had to go to all thecoldest spots on the lake first.We were lucky and started theday with our one really goodfish. Lou was very polite and‘allowed’ me to catch the firstfish. We didn't catch a largeamount of fish, but the oneswe did catch were quality andwe did little culling. We hadone fish we tried administeringfirst aid, but he did not make it.

Guest ColumnBy Paul Cormany

Have A ScaryHalloween!

Thanks to Jason’s 2.24 lbbass they also take home2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

No fishing report was re-ceived prior to newsletterprint time.

MembershipAs of August 22, 2014 theMidweek Bass Anglers ofArizona consists of 95active members.

Sound OffLet us hear from you. Thenewsletter is your vehicle for

communicatingand sharingw i t h o th e rmembers.

Many of youhave things tosay, opinions toshare.

Contact the Editor who would be delighted to hear from you.

Bassin’ Basics

Tech Tips

Best Wishes and Happy BirthdayBorn in the Month of February

Guest ColumnBy Bernie Kowalski

I’m on vacationand will be backnext week.

Draw Team EtiquetteBy Gary Grimes

Thanks to Sean’s 2.77lbbass the team also won

2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

Photo Scrapbook - Lake PleasantFebruary 19, 2014

Spring Tactics

Sep 19 - POW /MIA

Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014

Thanks to Neil’s 5.44 lbbass the team also won1st Place Big Fishhonors. That bass alsowon for Neil the 5 lb Pot.

Armed Forces Day - 17 May2014

Conservation Update

Howard Thomas &Bill Daddario Cranka Cat For Goon Fish


Arizona waters are crowded during the summermonths, so everyone should take precautions toensure a safe and enjoyable outing.

Simple safety practices, such as wearing a per-sonal flotation device, could save your life. Youshould always wear your life jacket when out onthe water. The U.S. Coast Guard estimatesmore than 400 lives could have been saved na-tionwide last year if all boaters had worn lifejackets.”

Never drink and drive a boat. Alcohol was acontributing factor in about one-third of all re-ported recreational boating deaths.Other things you should do before heading outon a lake or river: Make sure enough life jackets are on boardthe boat for everyone, and make sure they’re allthe right size, Coast Guard-approved, and ingood working order, free from holes. Check that your boat’s motor and propulsionsystem are working right. Don’t crowd other boaters, and remember tomaintain a safe distance when passing others. Know the passenger and weight limits foryour boat, so you can avoid overloading it. Make sure your fire extinguishers work. Put drain plugs back in your boat beforelaunching. Know the “rules of the road.” The correct di-rection of travel on Arizona lakes is counter-clockwise (shoreline off your right shoulder). Visit azgfd.gov/boating to view other boatingregulations.

All boaters are encouraged to take a boatingeducation class. Statistics show knowledgeableboaters are safe boaters. Those interested intaking a Game and Fish boating safety classcan visit azgfd.gov/education for more informa-tion.

“When heading out to the water, do yourselfand others a favor. Boat safe, boat smart, andboat sober.

Boating Safety 101Just a reminder - Be Courteous! When backing a

boat trailer down the ramp in the dark, turn offyour headlights to keep from blinding others trying to

back their boats down the ramp to the water.

This and That

Member InformationUpdate

Please keep the Secretaryinformed of any changes inyour vital statistics: homeaddress, phone numbers,email address, number orexpiration date of your auto orboat insurance policy or


6th PlaceLou Southard & Hal Hensey

The RulesBy Gary Grimes

Nov 10th U.S. MarineCorps

239th Birthday

Bassin’ Basics




Monthly Breakfast MeetingDeer Valley Airport

Restaurant702 W. Deer Valley Rd

Phoenix, AZ1st Wednesday of Each

Month 8:00 A.M.

NOTICE!Changes to Club Bylaws &

Tournament Rulesfor 2015

All proposed changes werevoted on and approved at the 5November meet ing. Al lchanges will become effectiveon January 1, 2015. Copies ofthe approved revised bylawsand tournament rules havebeen provided to all membersby email.

2nd PlaceLou Hirlemann & Ron Chambers

1st Place Big Fish - 6.25 lbsHoward Thomas

Page 4: Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014 B a s s ...€¦ · 2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors. Photo Scrapbook - Lake Pleasant February 19, 2014 Spring Tactics Sep 19 - POW /MIA

Tournament StatisticsForty-two men fished 8.5hours each, bringing 71keeper bass to the scalesfor a total weight of 112.18pounds with a 2.67 poundaverage total catch perfisherman. The averageweight of each fish was 1.58lbs. All but two fish werereleased back into the lakeafter weigh-in to fight againanother day.

direction on fishing drop shotrigs and after that I startedcatching fish.

We both expressed that wewould enjoy f ish ing atournament together again.

Team Bryan Steele &Terry Tassin Spoon Their

Way To 5th PlaceOverall Finish

Taking home 5th Place, TeamBryan Steele & Terry Tassinweighed five fish for a totalweight of 7.20 lbs.

Bryan Steele: Terry and I hada really fun day on the water.

* December 30: Midweek Holiday OPEN atLake Bartlett

* January Annual Club Awards Banquet:date/location to be determined.

Coming Events

We used drop shots, spoons,and crank baits as our baits. Ilook forward to fishing with Louagain next time.

I have enjoyed the year fishingwith the club. There are a lot ofnew faces, but a great group ofguys. Thanks to all of you.

Team Allen Wacker &Mike Adamson Work

Flats Finish In 3rd PlaceTeam Wacker & Adamsonweighed five bass for 9.36pounds and took home ThirdPlace honors.

Mike Adamson: We caughtour first three fish in the Flats

area dragging a drop shot witha morning dawn chartreuse taildipped worn through theweeds. By 8:30 we had boatedthe three fish including the 5plus pounder we weighed-inand thought it was going to bea great day of culling. Then thewall hit us. The 4th bass cameat noon and then finally the lastof our five bass back in theFlats where we started. Eventhough the fishing was tough itwas great weather to be outfishing.

Team John Hawkins &Hal Hensey Fish Reeds

For 4th Place

Taking home 4th Place, TeamHawkins & Hensey weighedfour fish for a total weight of7.82 lbs.

Hal Hensey: John Hawkinsand I had a fun day fishing. Wewere fishing the reed linebefore the river. We tried jigs,spinner baits, wacky worms,chatterbaits, swimbaits, andeventually drop shot. It wasslow, but after John caught twonice bass, he immediatelyreminded me that it was myturn.

After a while I caught one(possibly our largest), thatmade us feel we were going toget a limit. Later I caughtanother, but this one was onlya strong half-pounder. We didgo upriver for a while, butfound nothing and went back tothe reed line. We could not getthe fifth fish and we didn't havea good feeling about placing,but we had three decent sizefish. John gave me some good

Page 4

Monthly Breakfast MeetingBill Johnson’s Big Apple

Restaurant16810 N. 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ

2nd Wednesday, July 11th8:00A.M.

Continued from page 6




This year, it has been an honor andprivilege to serve you as editor andpublisher of Bass Bites. I am most

pleased to count you among our readers. Onbehalf of the club’s Board of Directors and staff,thank you and we wish you all aVery Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Thanksgiving Day

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Tackle Box Sales!For those members who have

"fishing related items" that they would like to sell,trade, or give away.Seller ItemPrice

Something to list?

Things You’ll Never Hear AReal Bass Fisherman Say

Terminal TacticsRigging TechniquesThat Beguile Bass

Clip The Hooks -Impale Worm On SliderHead


By Gary Grimes

Photo Scrapbook-Lake Pleasant-February19, 2014

1st Place Big Bass - Chuck Golden

Family Day at the Lake2 Years Later

Phantom Fisherman

Beach Blanket Bingo

The water looks good-lets cool off

I don’t need a bag, I’ve got twomore fingers!


Bits & PiecesBy Terry Tassin

Continued on page 3

Guest ColumnBy Paul Cormany

Have A ScaryHalloween!

Thanks to Jason’s 2.24 lbbass they also take home2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

No fishing report was re-ceived prior to newsletterprint time.

MembershipAs of August 22, 2014 theMidweek Bass Anglers ofArizona consists of 95active members.

Sound OffLet us hear from you. Thenewsletter is your vehicle for

communicatingand sharingw i t h o th e rmembers.

Many of youhave things tosay, opinions toshare.

Contact the Editor who would be delighted to hear from you.

Bassin’ Basics

Tech Tips

Best Wishes and Happy BirthdayBorn in the Month of February

Guest ColumnBy Bernie Kowalski

I’m on vacationand will be backnext week.

Draw Team EtiquetteBy Gary Grimes

Thanks to Sean’s 2.77lbbass the team also won

2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

Photo Scrapbook - Lake PleasantFebruary 19, 2014

Spring Tactics

Sep 19 - POW /MIA

Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014

Thanks to Neil’s 5.44 lbbass the team also won1st Place Big Fishhonors. That bass alsowon for Neil the 5 lb Pot.

Armed Forces Day - 17 May2014

Conservation Update

Howard Thomas &Bill Daddario Cranka Cat For Goon Fish


Arizona waters are crowded during the summermonths, so everyone should take precautions toensure a safe and enjoyable outing.

Simple safety practices, such as wearing a per-sonal flotation device, could save your life. Youshould always wear your life jacket when out onthe water. The U.S. Coast Guard estimatesmore than 400 lives could have been saved na-tionwide last year if all boaters had worn lifejackets.”

Never drink and drive a boat. Alcohol was acontributing factor in about one-third of all re-ported recreational boating deaths.Other things you should do before heading outon a lake or river: Make sure enough life jackets are on boardthe boat for everyone, and make sure they’re allthe right size, Coast Guard-approved, and ingood working order, free from holes. Check that your boat’s motor and propulsionsystem are working right. Don’t crowd other boaters, and remember tomaintain a safe distance when passing others. Know the passenger and weight limits foryour boat, so you can avoid overloading it. Make sure your fire extinguishers work. Put drain plugs back in your boat beforelaunching. Know the “rules of the road.” The correct di-rection of travel on Arizona lakes is counter-clockwise (shoreline off your right shoulder). Visit azgfd.gov/boating to view other boatingregulations.

All boaters are encouraged to take a boatingeducation class. Statistics show knowledgeableboaters are safe boaters. Those interested intaking a Game and Fish boating safety classcan visit azgfd.gov/education for more informa-tion.

“When heading out to the water, do yourselfand others a favor. Boat safe, boat smart, andboat sober.

Boating Safety 101Just a reminder - Be Courteous! When backing a

boat trailer down the ramp in the dark, turn offyour headlights to keep from blinding others trying to

back their boats down the ramp to the water.

This and That

Member InformationUpdate

Please keep the Secretaryinformed of any changes inyour vital statistics: homeaddress, phone numbers,email address, number orexpiration date of your auto orboat insurance policy or


6th PlaceLou Southard & Hal Hensey

The RulesBy Gary Grimes

Nov 10th U.S. MarineCorps

239th Birthday

Bassin’ Basics




Monthly Breakfast MeetingDeer Valley Airport

Restaurant702 W. Deer Valley Rd

Phoenix, AZ1st Wednesday of Each

Month 8:00 A.M.

3rd PlaceAllen Wacker & Mike Adamson

4th PlaceJohn Hawkins & Hal Hensey

5th PlaceTerry Tassin & Bryan Steele

Page 5: Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014 B a s s ...€¦ · 2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors. Photo Scrapbook - Lake Pleasant February 19, 2014 Spring Tactics Sep 19 - POW /MIA

This is a downscan view of theaction taking place. Again, thepacks of bass are circled in redand all of that other stuff isThreadfin Shad. Most of thetime we would see the basswithin the 20-30 feet range ofthe water column. Thisparticular instance shows thatthey pushed some of the shadup above the 20 foot rangeduring their attack.

Lowrance HDS DownscanView:

Team George Cobasky &Jack Hughes Weigh2nd Place Big Bass

The team of Cobasky &Hughes weighed two bass oneof which weighed 5.93 lbs and

* December 30: Midweek Holiday OPEN atLake Bartlett

* January Annual Club Awards Banquet:date/location to be determined.

Coming Events

We caught a couple of deepwater ledge fish (dropshot andflutter spoon), and a couple ondropshot near artificial habitat,but I’d say that our best bitewas main channel fishing forsuspended bass. Terry wantedto see the electronics put touse, and suspended bassfishing heavily relies onelectronics. It isn’t the easiestway to fish, but it can be funwhen it works!

The screenshot below is aview from the bow-mounted,Humminbird 360. I have a packof Bass circled in red at about11 o’clock - they show up asthick dashes in the watercolumn on the 360. I also havetwo groups of Threadfin Shadcircled in green. In thisscreenshot, the bass areactively busting apart a largegroup of shad. The 360 viewgives you an idea of whichdirection to cast your lure, andthe game is to keep the largeshad schools within the 360view. If you have the baitlocated in open water, youknow the predators will not betoo far away.

Also, you need to combine this3 6 0 i n f o r m a t i o n w i t hin f o rma t ion f rom you rdownscan, which tells you howdeep the bass are in the watercolumn. In this case, theLargemouth Bass weregenerally cruising between 20-30 feet of water within a totaldepth of about 70 feet of waterin the main channel. The key isto swim your lure in that depthin order to be in the strikezone. These bass seem to getoverly focused on smashingthrough shad, so they

Page 5

Monthly Breakfast MeetingBill Johnson’s Big Apple

Restaurant16810 N. 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ

2nd Wednesday, July 11th8:00A.M.

Continued from page 6




This year, it has been an honor andprivilege to serve you as editor andpublisher of Bass Bites. I am most

pleased to count you among our readers. Onbehalf of the club’s Board of Directors and staff,thank you and we wish you all aVery Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Thanksgiving Day

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Tackle Box Sales!For those members who have

"fishing related items" that they would like to sell,trade, or give away.Seller ItemPrice

Something to list?

Things You’ll Never Hear AReal Bass Fisherman Say

Terminal TacticsRigging TechniquesThat Beguile Bass

Clip The Hooks -Impale Worm On SliderHead


By Gary Grimes

Photo Scrapbook-Lake Pleasant-February19, 2014

1st Place Big Bass - Chuck Golden

Family Day at the Lake2 Years Later

Phantom Fisherman

Beach Blanket Bingo

The water looks good-lets cool off

I don’t need a bag, I’ve got twomore fingers!


Bits & PiecesBy Terry Tassin

Continued on page 3

Guest ColumnBy Paul Cormany

Have A ScaryHalloween!

generally do not chase a lurethat is far away from the shadslaughter.

A couple more tips: How faraway from the boat are they,and which direction are theyheaded? Each white ring on the360 screenshot is 25 feet ofdistance with the trolling motorin the center (this range isadjustable and is displayednear the bottom right corner).The Bass are at the 50 footring, but they are only 25 feetdeep in the water column. Youcan estimate that this school ofbass was about 25 feet awayfrom my trolling motor at 11o’clock and about 25 feet downin the water column. Also, youcan get an idea of whichdirection the pack is headed bylooking at the way the shad ballis deformed. That helps youkeep them within view longerwith the trolling motor and putyour cast ahead of the pack. Inthis example, they wereprobably headed toward the 9o’clock area.

Humminbird 360 View:

Thanks to Jason’s 2.24 lbbass they also take home2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

No fishing report was re-ceived prior to newsletterprint time.

MembershipAs of August 22, 2014 theMidweek Bass Anglers ofArizona consists of 95active members.

Sound OffLet us hear from you. Thenewsletter is your vehicle for

communicatingand sharingw i t h o th e rmembers.

Many of youhave things tosay, opinions toshare.

Contact the Editor who would be delighted to hear from you.

Bassin’ Basics

Tech Tips

Best Wishes and Happy BirthdayBorn in the Month of February

Guest ColumnBy Bernie Kowalski

I’m on vacationand will be backnext week.

Draw Team EtiquetteBy Gary Grimes

Thanks to Sean’s 2.77lbbass the team also won

2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

Photo Scrapbook - Lake PleasantFebruary 19, 2014

Spring Tactics

Sep 19 - POW /MIA

Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014

Thanks to Neil’s 5.44 lbbass the team also won1st Place Big Fishhonors. That bass alsowon for Neil the 5 lb Pot.

Armed Forces Day - 17 May2014

Conservation Update

Howard Thomas &Bill Daddario Cranka Cat For Goon Fish


Arizona waters are crowded during the summermonths, so everyone should take precautions toensure a safe and enjoyable outing.

Simple safety practices, such as wearing a per-sonal flotation device, could save your life. Youshould always wear your life jacket when out onthe water. The U.S. Coast Guard estimatesmore than 400 lives could have been saved na-tionwide last year if all boaters had worn lifejackets.”

Never drink and drive a boat. Alcohol was acontributing factor in about one-third of all re-ported recreational boating deaths.Other things you should do before heading outon a lake or river: Make sure enough life jackets are on boardthe boat for everyone, and make sure they’re allthe right size, Coast Guard-approved, and ingood working order, free from holes. Check that your boat’s motor and propulsionsystem are working right. Don’t crowd other boaters, and remember tomaintain a safe distance when passing others. Know the passenger and weight limits foryour boat, so you can avoid overloading it. Make sure your fire extinguishers work. Put drain plugs back in your boat beforelaunching. Know the “rules of the road.” The correct di-rection of travel on Arizona lakes is counter-clockwise (shoreline off your right shoulder). Visit azgfd.gov/boating to view other boatingregulations.

All boaters are encouraged to take a boatingeducation class. Statistics show knowledgeableboaters are safe boaters. Those interested intaking a Game and Fish boating safety classcan visit azgfd.gov/education for more informa-tion.

“When heading out to the water, do yourselfand others a favor. Boat safe, boat smart, andboat sober.

Boating Safety 101Just a reminder - Be Courteous! When backing a

boat trailer down the ramp in the dark, turn offyour headlights to keep from blinding others trying to

back their boats down the ramp to the water.

This and That

Member InformationUpdate

Please keep the Secretaryinformed of any changes inyour vital statistics: homeaddress, phone numbers,email address, number orexpiration date of your auto orboat insurance policy or


6th PlaceLou Southard & Hal Hensey

The RulesBy Gary Grimes

Nov 10th U.S. MarineCorps

239th Birthday

Bassin’ Basics




Monthly Breakfast MeetingDeer Valley Airport

Restaurant702 W. Deer Valley Rd

Phoenix, AZ1st Wednesday of Each

Month 8:00 A.M.

Page 6: Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014 B a s s ...€¦ · 2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors. Photo Scrapbook - Lake Pleasant February 19, 2014 Spring Tactics Sep 19 - POW /MIA

was enough to earn them 2ndPlace Big Fish honors.

Jack Hughes: I was fishing withGeorge Cobasky and we hadfished Saguaro three times inpre-fishing. Our last practice weselected 7 spots we were goingto fish. The day before thetournament we took one fish offeach of those spots. Our largestin the boat was 9.3 lbs and thesmallest was 5.3 lbs. We werepositive we were on them. Onetournament day, we launched asboat number five. Wouldn't youknow it when we got to our spotwe followed a boat right towhere we wanted start and weresoon joined by a third boat. Somuch for our secret spot. I wasfishing in 40-50 feet of waterwith a Carolina Rig, 3/4 ounce ofweight and a watermelon greenBrush Hog. On my third cast Icaught a 5.93 lb bass while veryslowly reeling in the line. AsGeorge was netting the fish andI looked over and 20 feet awaywas Terry Tassin and BryanSteele watching us land our fish.George and my confidence werevery high now that we had thespots and were justly rewarded.After all, the day before we hadmore than 25 lbs with five fish

Treasurer: Saguaro was atough day of fishing for someof us but congratulations to thewinners and the fishermenwho found the big ones. Asyou know the 5 lb pot was wonwith several fish weighing-inover 5 pounds.

The pot will start over inJanuary so all members will beable to enter the pot. I wouldlike to encourage members totake advantage of the clubpolicy that allows you to payfor the complete tournamentyear in advance to enter the 5lb pot ($55 for eleventournaments). That way youdo not have to worry aboutremembering the pot for thosemonths that you cannot fishand forget to pay in to the potto stay current. After paying inadvance for the 5 lb pot all youwill need to pay for yourmonthly tournament entry feeis $50.

See you all at the nextmeeting.

The 2014 MBA tournamentseason is over and what ayear of memories. Numberone for me was the pleasure Ireceived in being yourTournament Director (TD) andall of the help I received frommembers. During 2014 everytime I asked a member forhelp the answer was alwaysthe same,” l will help.” Thanksto all of you for making the TDjob such a pleasurable time!Some of the things that were

from 7 spots. Well the fishingGods I think decided we hadenough fun on Saguaro for themonth because we onlycaught one more fish, lessthan1 lb, the rest of the day.However, I am sure Georgeand I will always rememberour practice and the great daywe had with some ofSaguaro's big ones.

Team Steve Bowlin &Ray Riley Collect Goon

Fish Prize

Ray Riley: The winning gooncatfish was “attracted” to ourboat, by having on board,secretly hidden deep in mytackle box, a special fishwooing worm - John HawkinsPink. (Please take note, GaryGrimes, this pink worm workswonders) Check your tacklebox it may be secretly workingfor you. This is an “inside” jokethat I am sure Gary will ‘get’.

Just a note from your

* December 30: Midweek Holiday OPEN atLake Bartlett

* January Annual Club Awards Banquet:date/location to be determined.

Coming Events

Monthly Breakfast MeetingBill Johnson’s Big Apple

Restaurant16810 N. 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ

2nd Wednesday, July 11th8:00A.M.

Continued from page 6




This year, it has been an honor andprivilege to serve you as editor andpublisher of Bass Bites. I am most

pleased to count you among our readers. Onbehalf of the club’s Board of Directors and staff,thank you and we wish you all aVery Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Thanksgiving Day

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Tackle Box Sales!For those members who have

"fishing related items" that they would like to sell,trade, or give away.Seller ItemPrice

Something to list?

Things You’ll Never Hear AReal Bass Fisherman Say

Terminal TacticsRigging TechniquesThat Beguile Bass

Clip The Hooks -Impale Worm On SliderHead


By Gary Grimes

Photo Scrapbook-Lake Pleasant-February19, 2014

Weighing-InBy Jack Hughes,

Tmx Director

1st Place Big Bass - Chuck Golden

Family Day at the Lake2 Years Later

Phantom Fisherman

Beach Blanket Bingo

The water looks good-lets cool off

I don’t need a bag, I’ve got twomore fingers!


Bits & PiecesBy Terry Tassin

Continued on page 3

Guest ColumnBy Paul Cormany

Have A ScaryHalloween!

Thanks to Jason’s 2.24 lbbass they also take home2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

No fishing report was re-ceived prior to newsletterprint time.

MembershipAs of August 22, 2014 theMidweek Bass Anglers ofArizona consists of 95active members.

Sound OffLet us hear from you. Thenewsletter is your vehicle for

communicatingand sharingw i t h o th e rmembers.

Many of youhave things tosay, opinions toshare.

Contact the Editor who would be delighted to hear from you.

Bassin’ Basics

Tech Tips

Best Wishes and Happy BirthdayBorn in the Month of February

Guest ColumnBy Bernie Kowalski

I’m on vacationand will be backnext week.

Treasure ChestBy John Reichard, Treasurer

Draw Team EtiquetteBy Gary Grimes

Thanks to Sean’s 2.77lbbass the team also won

2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

Page 6

Photo Scrapbook - Lake PleasantFebruary 19, 2014

Spring Tactics

Sep 19 - POW /MIA

Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014

Thanks to Neil’s 5.44 lbbass the team also won1st Place Big Fishhonors. That bass alsowon for Neil the 5 lb Pot.

Armed Forces Day - 17 May2014

Conservation Update

Howard Thomas &Bill Daddario Cranka Cat For Goon Fish


Arizona waters are crowded during the summermonths, so everyone should take precautions toensure a safe and enjoyable outing.

Simple safety practices, such as wearing a per-sonal flotation device, could save your life. Youshould always wear your life jacket when out onthe water. The U.S. Coast Guard estimatesmore than 400 lives could have been saved na-tionwide last year if all boaters had worn lifejackets.”

Never drink and drive a boat. Alcohol was acontributing factor in about one-third of all re-ported recreational boating deaths.Other things you should do before heading outon a lake or river: Make sure enough life jackets are on boardthe boat for everyone, and make sure they’re allthe right size, Coast Guard-approved, and ingood working order, free from holes. Check that your boat’s motor and propulsionsystem are working right. Don’t crowd other boaters, and remember tomaintain a safe distance when passing others. Know the passenger and weight limits foryour boat, so you can avoid overloading it. Make sure your fire extinguishers work. Put drain plugs back in your boat beforelaunching. Know the “rules of the road.” The correct di-rection of travel on Arizona lakes is counter-clockwise (shoreline off your right shoulder). Visit azgfd.gov/boating to view other boatingregulations.

All boaters are encouraged to take a boatingeducation class. Statistics show knowledgeableboaters are safe boaters. Those interested intaking a Game and Fish boating safety classcan visit azgfd.gov/education for more informa-tion.

“When heading out to the water, do yourselfand others a favor. Boat safe, boat smart, andboat sober.

Boating Safety 101Just a reminder - Be Courteous! When backing a

boat trailer down the ramp in the dark, turn offyour headlights to keep from blinding others trying to

back their boats down the ramp to the water.

This and That

Member InformationUpdate

Please keep the Secretaryinformed of any changes inyour vital statistics: homeaddress, phone numbers,email address, number orexpiration date of your auto orboat insurance policy or


6th PlaceLou Southard & Hal Hensey

The RulesBy Gary Grimes

Nov 10th U.S. MarineCorps

239th Birthday

Bassin’ Basics




Monthly Breakfast MeetingDeer Valley Airport

Restaurant702 W. Deer Valley Rd

Phoenix, AZ1st Wednesday of Each

Month 8:00 A.M.

2nd Place Big FishJack Hughes & George Cobasky

Goon Fish Pot WinnersSteve Bowlin & Ray Riley

Page 7: Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014 B a s s ...€¦ · 2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors. Photo Scrapbook - Lake Pleasant February 19, 2014 Spring Tactics Sep 19 - POW /MIA

* December 30: Midweek Holiday OPEN atLake Bartlett

* January Annual Club Awards Banquet:date/location to be determined.

Coming Events

Monthly Breakfast MeetingBill Johnson’s Big Apple

Restaurant16810 N. 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ

2nd Wednesday, July 11th8:00A.M.

Continued from page 6




This year, it has been an honor andprivilege to serve you as editor andpublisher of Bass Bites. I am most

pleased to count you among our readers. Onbehalf of the club’s Board of Directors and staff,thank you and we wish you all aVery Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Thanksgiving Day

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Tackle Box Sales!For those members who have

"fishing related items" that they would like to sell,trade, or give away.Seller ItemPrice

Something to list?

Things You’ll Never Hear AReal Bass Fisherman Say

Terminal TacticsRigging TechniquesThat Beguile Bass

Clip The Hooks -Impale Worm On SliderHead


By Gary Grimes

Photo Scrapbook-Lake Pleasant-February19, 2014

1st Place Big Bass - Chuck Golden

Family Day at the Lake2 Years Later

Phantom Fisherman

Beach Blanket Bingo

The water looks good-lets cool off

I don’t need a bag, I’ve got twomore fingers!


Bits & PiecesBy Terry Tassin

Continued on page 3

Guest ColumnBy Paul Cormany

Have A ScaryHalloween!

Thanks to Jason’s 2.24 lbbass they also take home2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

No fishing report was re-ceived prior to newsletterprint time.

MembershipAs of August 22, 2014 theMidweek Bass Anglers ofArizona consists of 95active members.

Sound OffLet us hear from you. Thenewsletter is your vehicle for

communicatingand sharingw i t h o th e rmembers.

Many of youhave things tosay, opinions toshare.

Contact the Editor who would be delighted to hear from you.

Bassin’ Basics

Tech Tips

Best Wishes and Happy BirthdayBorn in the Month of February

Guest ColumnBy Bernie Kowalski

I’m on vacationand will be backnext week.

Draw Team EtiquetteBy Gary Grimes

Thanks to Sean’s 2.77lbbass the team also won

2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

Photo Scrapbook - Lake PleasantFebruary 19, 2014

Spring Tactics

Sep 19 - POW /MIA

Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014

Thanks to Neil’s 5.44 lbbass the team also won1st Place Big Fishhonors. That bass alsowon for Neil the 5 lb Pot.

Armed Forces Day - 17 May2014

Conservation Update

Howard Thomas &Bill Daddario Cranka Cat For Goon Fish


Arizona waters are crowded during the summermonths, so everyone should take precautions toensure a safe and enjoyable outing.

Simple safety practices, such as wearing a per-sonal flotation device, could save your life. Youshould always wear your life jacket when out onthe water. The U.S. Coast Guard estimatesmore than 400 lives could have been saved na-tionwide last year if all boaters had worn lifejackets.”

Never drink and drive a boat. Alcohol was acontributing factor in about one-third of all re-ported recreational boating deaths.Other things you should do before heading outon a lake or river: Make sure enough life jackets are on boardthe boat for everyone, and make sure they’re allthe right size, Coast Guard-approved, and ingood working order, free from holes. Check that your boat’s motor and propulsionsystem are working right. Don’t crowd other boaters, and remember tomaintain a safe distance when passing others. Know the passenger and weight limits foryour boat, so you can avoid overloading it. Make sure your fire extinguishers work. Put drain plugs back in your boat beforelaunching. Know the “rules of the road.” The correct di-rection of travel on Arizona lakes is counter-clockwise (shoreline off your right shoulder). Visit azgfd.gov/boating to view other boatingregulations.

All boaters are encouraged to take a boatingeducation class. Statistics show knowledgeableboaters are safe boaters. Those interested intaking a Game and Fish boating safety classcan visit azgfd.gov/education for more informa-tion.

“When heading out to the water, do yourselfand others a favor. Boat safe, boat smart, andboat sober.

Boating Safety 101Just a reminder - Be Courteous! When backing a

boat trailer down the ramp in the dark, turn offyour headlights to keep from blinding others trying to

back their boats down the ramp to the water.

This and That

Member InformationUpdate

Please keep the Secretaryinformed of any changes inyour vital statistics: homeaddress, phone numbers,email address, number orexpiration date of your auto orboat insurance policy or


6th PlaceLou Southard & Hal Hensey

The RulesBy Gary Grimes

Page 7

Nov 10th U.S. MarineCorps

239th Birthday

Bassin’ Basics




of interest this year follow.

When the club was informed of the AZG&Fprogram of matching donated funds to stockRoosevelt Lake with Florida strain bass MBAstepped right up to support the program withmatching funds. Individual club members andthe MBA club account donated more than$2000. A special thanks to George Cobaskywho donated $450.

Gary Grimes won 4 tournaments and was inthe top five in 2 others.

During 2014 Midweek Bass Anglers receivedoutstanding support from Hwy 188 Tackleowned and operated by Dwayne Steele and hiswife Beverly. They hosted BBQ’s, workedtirelessly to support the club, were always thereto help with advice and products, and werequick to help any member who had a problemwith their boat or tackle and not to mention aplace for tired anglers to hang out and recoup.

The Angler of the Year (AOY) close racebetween Gary Grimes and Lou Hirlemann wasnot decided until the last tournament of the yearwith Lou edging out Gary for the AOY title. Whatmakes this even better is Lou fished over half ofhis tournaments as a Co-Angler. Gary Martlagemanaged to beat Grimes out by one point to winBoater of the Year.

At our last Roosevelt tournament I receivedanother lesson in determination when I hadMark Royal as a partner. Mark I believe caughtone fish in three days but he was alwaysthinking on the next cast “I will get a big one”.The weather was miserable and very wet. Markwent on to win second place as Co-Angler. If mymath is close to correct one three pounder thatday would have given him the title.

In May we had our first 1 ½ day tournament atApache Lake. The tournament was such asuccess members voted to continue it duringour 2015 schedule.

Nick Wampach catching a 7.22 pounder andwinning his first tournament with Gary Askam ashis Boater.

Monthly Breakfast MeetingDeer Valley Airport

Restaurant702 W. Deer Valley Rd

Phoenix, AZ1st Wednesday of Each

Month 8:00 A.M.

Bernie Kowalski also winning the firsttournament he ever fished at Saguaro with GaryGrimes.

Jim Buchanan pushed Nick’s big fish to secondplace with a 7.82 bass at Saguaro to win Lunkerof the Year.

Of course there was always lots of humor at allof our tournaments like Nick Wampach beingchastised for missing a tournament just becausehe got married, poor timing Nick. At Apache theraccoons are still thanking Tony Medina andRay Riley for the excellent snacks they providedfrom Tony’s boat and Ray’s truck and canhardly wait for their return next year. Then therewas Howard Thomas dragging around an over25 pound carp all afternoon caught by GaryGrime’s. Rumor is Gary decided it was beneaththe dignity of a Ranger boat to have a carp in it.

We all thank Rusty Murdock and his wifeChristine, for a real upgrade of our memberBBQ menu at Apache. Custom made cakes andsalads. Also bringing their young son to theBBQ I am sure was part of Rusty’s plan for along term fishing partner.

If you look at this year’s winners of our club endof year awards you will see a lot of new faces atthe top. This should be encouragement to all ofus going to fish in 2015. It is hard to repeat winsand I read that recently Kevin Van Dam, mostsay the best bass fisherman ever, has won only7.2% of the tournaments he has entered as apro.

My final thought is I want to thank our PresidentGary Grimes, for what I consider an outstandingjob of leading and growing our club. UnderGary’s leadership the club is recognized statewide as an excellent club and whenever AZG&Fwants inputs from bass clubs we are one of thefirst they always contact. Great job Gary!

Page 8: Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014 B a s s ...€¦ · 2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors. Photo Scrapbook - Lake Pleasant February 19, 2014 Spring Tactics Sep 19 - POW /MIA

Page 8

Individuals wishing to purchase a club shirt orcap can order directly from our provider - M & JTrophies & Apparel, 10802 N. 43rd Ave,Glendale, Arizona. See their ad above.

Club Apparel

* December 30: Midweek Holiday OPEN atLake Bartlett

* January Annual Club Awards Banquet:date/location to be determined.

Coming Events

Monthly Breakfast MeetingBill Johnson’s Big Apple

Restaurant16810 N. 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ

2nd Wednesday, July 11th8:00A.M.

Continued from page 6




This year, it has been an honor andprivilege to serve you as editor andpublisher of Bass Bites. I am most

pleased to count you among our readers. Onbehalf of the club’s Board of Directors and staff,thank you and we wish you all aVery Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Thanksgiving Day

Editor's Logby Terry Tassin

Tackle Box Sales!For those members who have

"fishing related items" that they would like to sell,trade, or give away.Seller ItemPrice

Something to list?

Things You’ll Never Hear AReal Bass Fisherman Say

21 January Bartlett18 February Saguaro17-18 March Havasu (1.5 Days)15 April Apache20 May Roosevelt17 June Saguaro15 July Bartlett19 August Saguaro16 September Roosevelt20-21 October Apache (1.5 Days)18 November Bartlett

Midweek Bass Anglers 2015Tournament Schedule

Terminal TacticsRigging TechniquesThat Beguile Bass

Clip The Hooks -Impale Worm On SliderHead

Midweek Bass Anglers of Arizona - 2015 Board of Directors and Committee ChairmenBoard of Directors

PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENTGary Grimes 623-203-7436 Lou Hirlemann 480-272-0050

SECRETARY TREASURERTerry Tassin 623-931-1546 John Reichard 623-512-0238

TOURNAMENT DIRECTORJack Hughes 480-510-7779

Committee / ChairmenPROGRAMS NEWSLETTER EDITORLou Hirlemann Terry Tassin

TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE Jack Hughes-Chairman ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Gary Grimes, Terry Tassin, Lou Hirlemann, John Reichard Lou HirlemannRAFFLE COMMITTEE - - Lionel Frailey CONSERVATION/LEGISLATIVE - John Reichard

Official Supplier ofMidweek Bass Anglers Club Apparel

Individuals wishing to purchase a club shirt orcap can order directly from our provider - M & JTrophies & Apparel, 10802 N. 43rd Ave,Glendale, Arizona. See their ad above.


By Gary Grimes

Photo Scrapbook-Lake Pleasant-February19, 2014

Welcome to New MembersSince the Last Newsletter

Tom Carlson (B)Hobby Nelson (B)

1st Place Big Bass - Chuck Golden

Family Day at the Lake2 Years Later

Phantom Fisherman

Beach Blanket Bingo

The water looks good-lets cool off

I don’t need a bag, I’ve got twomore fingers!


Bits & PiecesBy Terry Tassin

Continued on page 3

Guest ColumnBy Paul Cormany

Have A ScaryHalloween!

Thanks to Jason’s 2.24 lbbass they also take home2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

No fishing report was re-ceived prior to newsletterprint time.

MembershipAs of August 22, 2014 theMidweek Bass Anglers ofArizona consists of 95active members.

Sound OffLet us hear from you. Thenewsletter is your vehicle for

communicatingand sharingw i t h o th e rmembers.

Many of youhave things tosay, opinions toshare.

Contact the Editor who would be delighted to hear from you.

Bassin’ Basics

Tech Tips

Best Wishes and Happy BirthdayBorn in December

Bob BrewerBill Daddario

Gordon DrakeLionel Frailey

Don HegenderferMike Holloway

Richie RojasDennis SullivanJoe Weisgerber

Best Wishes and Happy BirthdayBorn in the Month of February

Guest ColumnBy Bernie Kowalski

I’m on vacationand will be backnext week.

Draw Team EtiquetteBy Gary Grimes

Thanks to Sean’s 2.77lbbass the team also won

2nd Place Big Fish hon-ors.

Photo Scrapbook - Lake PleasantFebruary 19, 2014

Spring Tactics

Sep 19 - POW /MIA

Photo Scrapbook - Lake Saguaro– November 19, 2014

Thanks to Neil’s 5.44 lbbass the team also won1st Place Big Fishhonors. That bass alsowon for Neil the 5 lb Pot.

Armed Forces Day - 17 May2014

Conservation Update

Howard Thomas &Bill Daddario Cranka Cat For Goon Fish


Arizona waters are crowded during the summermonths, so everyone should take precautions toensure a safe and enjoyable outing.

Simple safety practices, such as wearing a per-sonal flotation device, could save your life. Youshould always wear your life jacket when out onthe water. The U.S. Coast Guard estimatesmore than 400 lives could have been saved na-tionwide last year if all boaters had worn lifejackets.”

Never drink and drive a boat. Alcohol was acontributing factor in about one-third of all re-ported recreational boating deaths.Other things you should do before heading outon a lake or river: Make sure enough life jackets are on boardthe boat for everyone, and make sure they’re allthe right size, Coast Guard-approved, and ingood working order, free from holes. Check that your boat’s motor and propulsionsystem are working right. Don’t crowd other boaters, and remember tomaintain a safe distance when passing others. Know the passenger and weight limits foryour boat, so you can avoid overloading it. Make sure your fire extinguishers work. Put drain plugs back in your boat beforelaunching. Know the “rules of the road.” The correct di-rection of travel on Arizona lakes is counter-clockwise (shoreline off your right shoulder). Visit azgfd.gov/boating to view other boatingregulations.

All boaters are encouraged to take a boatingeducation class. Statistics show knowledgeableboaters are safe boaters. Those interested intaking a Game and Fish boating safety classcan visit azgfd.gov/education for more informa-tion.

“When heading out to the water, do yourselfand others a favor. Boat safe, boat smart, andboat sober.

Boating Safety 101Just a reminder - Be Courteous! When backing a

boat trailer down the ramp in the dark, turn offyour headlights to keep from blinding others trying to

back their boats down the ramp to the water.

This and That

Member InformationUpdate

Please keep the Secretaryinformed of any changes inyour vital statistics: homeaddress, phone numbers,email address, number orexpiration date of your auto orboat insurance policy or


6th PlaceLou Southard & Hal Hensey

The RulesBy Gary Grimes

Nov 10th U.S. MarineCorps

239th Birthday

Bassin’ Basics




Monthly Breakfast MeetingDeer Valley Airport

Restaurant702 W. Deer Valley Rd

Phoenix, AZ1st Wednesday of Each

Month 8:00 A.M.

Access Midweek Bass Anglers Internet Web Site at: http://www.midweekbassaz.com/