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  • 7/30/2019 PHILOSOPHY presentation port.ppsx



    Genetically Modified Food (GMF)increase productivity against

    negative impact on the environment

  • 7/30/2019 PHILOSOPHY presentation port.ppsx


    What is Genetic Modified Food ?

    The term genetically-modified food or

    genetically-modified organism is commonly refer

    to crop plants which was created for human or

    animal by using biological technique.

    It was only a food items that have undergo DNA changethrough some procedure. The process involve combining a

    different genes of another organisms which the resulting

    organism is called genetically modified or genetically


    The main purpose of the food being

    modified is to enhance desired traits such

    as increase or improved nutritional content.

  • 7/30/2019 PHILOSOPHY presentation port.ppsx


  • 7/30/2019 PHILOSOPHY presentation port.ppsx


    Ibrahim Syed

    Dr Ibrahim b. Syed was born in South India and

    he have received his academic education at

    University of Mysore. Other than that he have

    obtained his doctor of Science degree in 1972 in

    Radiological Sciences.

    PHILOSOPHER background

    Majid Katme

    He was born in Lebanon. Dr Katme have receivedhis medical doctorate from Cairo University in

    1970. Other than that, he specialized inpsychiatry and has become an important man inUnited Kingdom for rising issues on medicalethics and family issues. Currently he is one ofchairman in the Islamic Medical Association of

    the United Kingdom

  • 7/30/2019 PHILOSOPHY presentation port.ppsx


    Fatima Agha al-Hayani

    Fatima is a lecturer and a court

    expert on Islamic Jurispudence.

    She has the specialty in IslamicFamily Law. Other than that,

    she was one of the active

    presenter of workshops on

    Islam, Islamic Law, Women in

    Islam and in the Arab World,the Middle eastern History, and

    last but not least regarding to

    society and culture of Islam

    Cardinal Renato Martino

    Cardinal Renato is and Italian

    Cardinal Deacon which born on 23Novermber 1932 in Salerno where

    he was appoint as a priest in 1957.

    He have a doctorate in Canon law

    and have mastered a several

    languages fluently. At early age, heentered the Vaticans diplomatic

    service in 1962 and served at

    several places such as Philiphines

    and Canada.

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    Ibrahim Syed -Opinion - Quranic verse forbidding man from defacing

    Gods creation cannot be invoked as a total and

    radical ban on genetic engineering.... if carried too far,

    it would conflict with many forms of curative surgery

    that also entail some change in Gods creation

    Majid Katme

    -Opinion- quotes copiously from the Quran, there isno need for genetic modification of food crops because

    God created everything perfectly and man does not

    have any right to manipulate anything that god has

    created using His divine wisdom.


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    Cardinal Renato Martino

    -Opinion Supports genetic modification

    of food as an answer for world starvationand malnutrition and because scientific

    progress was part of the divine plan

    Fatima Agha al-Hayani

    -Opinion she contends that Muslims

    must ensure that genetic modification

    may remain mercy-driven and

    promote righteousness.

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    Islamic View on GMF

  • 7/30/2019 PHILOSOPHY presentation port.ppsx


    Whether a certainfood is halal or not

    although there is

    already a certainly

    part of it but it causedifficulty after the

    food is modified.

    Muslim concern onthe food purity which

    absorb by the body as

    it is a need to have a

    good health in order

    to run our daily life asa muslim.

    Complex issues :

  • 7/30/2019 PHILOSOPHY presentation port.ppsx


    To make easy of

    all muslims andnot to tortured

    Muslims must connect

    scientific knowledge

    and ethical behaviorbased on faith

    All the thing that beendone must be parallel

    with what is right and

    what is wrong

    Islam view has not prohibited

    as long as the development oftechnology is parallel with theprinciple of Islam and not over

    rule any of those principle of

    life in Islam


  • 7/30/2019 PHILOSOPHY presentation port.ppsx



    by Muslims


    Genetically modified food

    will violate certain Islamic

    principles that people

    should help the needywithout being motivated by


    Whether the


    modified food do in

    fact prevent harm

    All the food is consume by

    the body, and as a muslim ifthe food bring and cause

    harm to the body it is

    Haram and is not a food

    that should be consume

    If it affect the biodiversity it can

    be regarded as harmful

  • 7/30/2019 PHILOSOPHY presentation port.ppsx


    The Islamic


    Council and

    Islamic Food

    and Nutrition

    Council of

    America take

    the position

    that theGenetically

    modified food

    is Halal

    There is still

    a doubts


    muslims asthere is no


    saying the


    food is


    In Malaysia

    there is


    Act whichmake label





    Status of halal:

  • 7/30/2019 PHILOSOPHY presentation port.ppsx


    Fatima Agha Al-Hayani (PREFERRED)

    -Muslims must ensure that genetic modification may remain mercy-driven and promote righteousness.

    -As long as the technology do not cause

    harm to the people or the environment it

    will be regarded as safe and be accepted bythe people

    Fatima Agha Al-Hayani parallel with

    Islamic principle.

    -As a human we should help otherhuman beings.

    -All the flaw of the food should be

    overcome by doing research as this

    food have its own benefit to help

    those in need-The aim of modifying the food itself should

    be same which is to help those in need asthe food supply is not enough to support

    billion of people which increase from time

    to time


  • 7/30/2019 PHILOSOPHY presentation port.ppsx


    Fatima Agha Al-Hayani

    (PREFERRED) cont.

    -There is a potential

    danger of the Genetic

    modified food,

    however we have tosee beyond the scope

    as it can actually give

    benefit to the people


    -The researcher should

    play an important role to

    search more ways to

    overcome or minimizethe risk or problem

    relating to the genetic

    modified food

  • 7/30/2019 PHILOSOPHY presentation port.ppsx


    Research by Graham Brookes and Peter Barfoot

    - the environmental impact of pesticide and herbicide

    use in genetic modified food have been reduced by 15%and 20% respectively

    -The genetic

    modified foodrequire fewer

    pesticides which as a

    result it lowers rate

    of food poisoning

    and can keeps water

    sources clean

    -Genetic modified

    food improved

    production whichmean the amount of

    land needed for

    planting or farming is

    less and therefore is

    conserve theenvironment from

    being explored to


    -The genetically

    modified food or

    crops is moreefficient which it

    cuts emissions and

    save energy used


  • 7/30/2019 PHILOSOPHY presentation port.ppsx


    I. Unintended Harm To Other Organisms - to create

    GM plants that are male sterile (do not produce pollen)

    or to modify the GM plant so that the pollen does not

    contain the introduced gene.-cross-pollination would not occur, and if harmless

    insects such as monarch caterpillars were to eat pollen

    from GM plants, the caterpillars would survive.

    II. Reduced Effectiveness Of Pesticides

    -to create buffer zones around fields of GM crops

    III. Gene transfer to non-target species

    -Gene transfer to weeds and other crops would notoccur because the wind-blown pollen would not travel

    beyond the buffer zone.

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    However, we must proceedwith caution to avoidcausing unintended harmto human health and theenvironment as a result of

    our enthusiasm for thispowerful technology.

    Genetically-modified foods have the

    potential to solve many of the world's

    hunger and malnutrition problems, and to

    help protect and preserve the

    environment by increasing yield and

    reducing reliance upon chemical

    pesticides and herbicides.

    Many people feel that

    genetic engineering is

    the inevitable wave of

    the future and that wecannot afford to ignore

    a technology that has

    such enormous

    potential benefits.