Philosophy of Science Multiplied by Squared Velocity of Light. Е=SPh × с2»

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The paper refers to several issues raised during discussions, at the conclusion of the research, namely, low energy gamma radiation and human physiology. A part of the issues under consideration relate to philosophy and history. Archival, historical and philosophical materials are considered in correlation of human nuclear potential, human energy component, and interaction with the surrounding world by means of human radioactivity. Periods of time considered are the times of protoscience up to the beginning of the 21st century.

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Krichkov А., Shnaybel О.

Philosophy of Science Multiplied by Squared Velocity of Light.

Е=SPh × с2

The paper refers to several issues raised during discussions, at the

conclusion of the research, namely, low energy gamma radiation and

human physiology. A part of the issues under consideration relate to

philosophy and history. Archival, historical and philosophical materials are

considered in correlation of human nuclear potential, human energy

component, and interaction with the surrounding world by means of

human radioactivity. Periods of time considered are the times of

protoscience up to the beginning of the 21st century.

Key words: gamma radiation, ageing, radioactivity, biophysics,

astrophysics, nuclear physics.

One of the founders of quantum mechanics, Nobel prizewinner,

German theoretical physicist Heisenberg W. wrote in his work “On the

Nature of Elementary Particles”: “Then I will proceed to the philosophical

problems which emerge in connection with the idea of elementary

character of a particle. They can object that in this issue I should focus on

physics, rather than on philosophy. However, the philosophical side of the

issue cannot be just dismissed. In fact, I am sure that certain erroneous (I

am afraid to say, todays as well) lines in the development of theory of

particles are related to the illusory hopes of some physicist for the

possibility to completely avoid the philosophical approach. By rejecting

serious philosophy physicists put questions in a wrong way. This will not

be a big embellishment to say that good physics suffers from bad

philosophy time and again” [1].

“While the main aim of science is obtaining the truth, philosophy of

science is a sphere of application of human intellect, one of the most

important for the humankind, within which the issue is being discussed

“how the truth can be obtained?” [2].

This paper will present discussions, experiments, observations that

were not included into the list of main publications on such topics as

human gamma radiation and influence of radionuclides on human


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Part One

At the turn of the twentieth and the twenty first centuries, within

professional activity, nonstandard biophysical investigations was

conducted. The main objective of the investigations were low energy

nuclear reactions which occur in a human body, conditions in which the

reactions take place, and influence of the reactions observed on human

physiology. The research was conducted on the basis of the substance

“Star Dust” (SSH&H).

A question arose in the discussions, whether there is a notional load

in the name. The explanation was as follows: a substance is something that

exists independently, on its own. …Something stable and constant,

underlying a phenomenon, indivisible, single and comprehendible [3]. The

name ‘stardust’ in English means not only star dust but also something that

causes a sensation of a miracle and a magic. The notion of star dust in

itself is a democratic and, at the same time, a fundamental name. The place

of birth of star dust is space, as a result of physical and evolutional

processes particles of star dust are found on the Earth, in every human, and

in the whole world that surrounds us.

Nobel prizewinner in physics Fowler W.A., who received the prize

for the experimental research on the nuclear reactions which explain

formation of chemical elements of the Universe, wrote as follows in his

work: “All heavy elements from carbon to uranium were formed in the

stars..., our bodies are mostly comprised of the heavy elements. Apart from

hydrogen, we consist of 65% of oxygen, 18% of carbon, smaller amount of

nitrogen, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, potassium

and traces of heavier elements. Therefore, it can be said that you, your

neighbor, myself, everyone and all of us are in fact small parts of star

dust!” [4].

Accordingly, there is the following interpretation behind the very

name of the preparation: something stable, indivisible, single, belonging to

space, granting a human with miracles and magic.

Further conducted research on application of the preparation

provided an encouraging result for increasing life expectancy of animals.

For human – extension of the active period of life without age-related and

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pathologic changes in physiology. Age-related changes were observed in

human, at minimum, not only in biochemical blood parameters, but at

visual, cosmetology level. The encouraging results were so encouraging

that a question was immediately opened in the discussions: what is more

important for a long and active life, an anti-ageing tablet or a human


A science that studies reasons for human ageing and methods to

counteract ageing is historically named gerontology. A talented

physiologist and gerontologist Frolkis V.V. [5] gave a terse judgement

concerning an anti-ageing tablet: “Gerontology is not a religion, and it will

never be able to purify a human from his sins, that accumulated throughout

his life, with tablets, mixtures and tinctures.” [6]. A liberal author’s

translation of the Four Tantras, the classical treatise of Tibetan medicine,

reads as follows: “If a person has exhausted the box of his good deeds and

thereby fell seriously ill, then by calling for the best healer the person will

be able to overcome the disease, but he won’t be able to extend a life for


Obviously, quality and duration of human life depends on both

physiological and philosophical, ethical and moral aspects. A clear

interrelation is detected between morality, thoughts and deeds of a human,

and quality and duration of his own life. That was the resume of the

discussion on the question concerning a human and a tablet.

Further discussions questioned the term “energy”. Unfair

terminology or speculative statements can be heard or read from literary

sources and mass media. The research team has the following opinion. The

literary sources say about “glowing” of a human in the gamma quantum

spectrum, where the word “glowing” is used in quotation marks. Light

visible to a human eye and gamma radiation have the same nature, this is

an electromagnetic wave. That is why when describing human gamma

radiation in popular scientific style the word “glowing” can be used in

quotation marks. However, power and length of the light wave are visible

for highly sensitive instruments only. All the investigations were

performed by nuclear spectrometry and radiometric survey method.

Further investigation of the preparation allowed for the encouraging

and diversified results: counteracting carcinogenic factors by urethane

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group, expressed geroprotective effect, reduction of average body

temperature by 0.1 – 0.2ºС, both in animals and in human. Slowing down a

malignant neoplastic process, in some cases complete desorption of

tumors. Leveling of hormonal blood profile. In addition, average and

maximum life expectancy of animals was increased. Administration of the

preparation did not have influence on survivability, proliferation limit,

morphology, chromosome aberration frequency and length of telomeres in

human cells.

The investigations did not reveal an active component in the

preparation itself. For the same reason, due to absence of active

component, the preparation was registered as a dietary supplement. In

compliance with the legislative rules, a medicinal preparation must contain

an active component.

Administration of the preparation was described as safe, reliable and

highly effective, whereas the multiple positive effects on the physiology

were not explained. There was no explanation of the mechanism of

influence on physiology.

Part Two

Since the chemical and biological investigations conducted at the

level of molecular structure of a substance did not provide explanations of

the preparation’s mechanism of action, it was decided to conduct physical

research by radiometry and nuclear spectrometry methods. These methods

make it possible to obtain results on the level of nuclear interactions and


With the first measurements where radioactivity indicators were

used, it was noticed that when the preparation is administered, the

indicators located 5 – 10 centimeters from human body recorded increased

gamma radiation. The energy emission that was observed was of

extremely low power, but to be on a safe side the subject preparation was

handed over for an expertise to National Research Nuclear University

(MEPhI). The expertise proved that “Star Dust” (SSH&H) conforms to

radiation safety criteria and norms for human applications.

Further research in Federal State Institution Federal Medical and

Biological Center named after A.I. Burnazyan (former State Scientific

Center, Institute of Biophysics), made it possible to exclude not only

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radioactive properties of the substance “Star Dust” (SSH&H), but also its

ability to acquire externally influenced fissile and radioactive properties.

The subject preparation had no chemical elements and possible

radionuclides that could influence energy changes in a human, in the

gamma quantum spectrum. The preparation demonstrated its activity in the

only case, upon interaction with the internal medium of a human body.

Following the instruction of Eddington A.S., who teaches us: “Never

rely completely on the observation results until you have at least one

theory to explain them” [7], the research team deepened and extended

experiments in the sphere of medical physics, biophysics and radiology

devoted to human radioactivity and its influence on human physiology. In

addition, equally important issues that the researchers faced were as

follows: whether human radioactivity is an incidental phenomenon in a

human life or not, and whether a person interacts with surrounding world

by means of his own radioactivity or not.

As at the beginning of the 21st century it was known from existing

science, that a human cannot influence radioactivity and radioactive

disintegration in natural conditions. “In natural earth conditions we can

observe very few phenomena which are determined directly by the

mechanism of intranuclear processes. Natural radioactivity is one of them,

but it is just hot ash, the remains of the nuclear flame that surged four

billion years ago” [8].

However, the investigations showed such phenomenon as a short-

term influence on the increase in human radioactivity upon administration

of the preparation. Thereby, the preparation itself did not possess any

radioactive properties. When speaking of an increase in human

radioactivity, it is important to be aware of extremely low physical values

that are concerned. If the measured parameters were converted into values

used for dosimetric control, delta of changes that occur in a human would

range within 0.09 μSv/h – 0.24 μSv/h, i.e. within the values of natural

radiation background.

The observation shows that the short-term increase in human

radioactivity is safe for his health and life.

Director of CERN, who turned CERN into a leading scientific center

in 1961-1965, American physicist Weisskopf V.V. wrote: “In the twentieth

Niels Bohr expressed ideas with the main point that biological phenomena

might have some new fundamental laws hidden inside them. They do not

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believe that nowadays. But can we be absolutely sure that there is not

something fundamental, yet unexplained, underlying our life?” [9].

“In the form of a conditional note the statement of Bohr N. looks as

follows: “Atomic structure × Integrity of an organism ~ Life” [10].

Investigations were conducted with the assumption proposed by

Niels Bohr, that the intranuclear processes relate to human physiology, and

that, quite possibly, nuclear interactions and transformations also have

direct relationship to the phenomenon of birth to life. The investigations

were formed into a conceptual theoretical model and proved by practical

application of the preparation “Star Dust” (SSH&H). Since in this case the

theory was confirmed by practice, it would be correct to consider the

model applicable, real and demanding for further studies.

Part Three

In order to answer the question when a human becomes a source of

an electromagnetic wave, observations were made over pregnant women.

The method of radiometric survey was used. There existed an assumption

that a fetus located inside a mother becomes a source of electromagnetic

radiation in a certain period of its existence. The observable gestational

age was 12 to 39 weeks. A pregnant woman, even in a later gestational

age, was found to have no differences from a non-pregnant woman of the

same age and weight, in a control group.

Further investigations were conducted in a delivery room. A method

of nuclear spectrometry was used, statistics was analyzed relying on three

control groups: dosimetric, count rate gamma pulses per second, four

spectrograms per each delivery (mother before delivery, mother after

delivery, child at the first breath, child at postnatal supervision). In

addition, analysis of the radionuclide activity was performed in the five

groups (mother before delivery, mother after delivery, child at the first

breath, child at early postnatal supervision, child at later postnatal


The results obtained were as follows.

Figure No. 1. Interactive event diagram (by gamma), excluding

external background.

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Calibration values:

Green line is for the room background.

Measured values:

Blue color is for a mother.

Red color is for a child.

The vertical axis shows μSv/h.

The horizontal axis shows time.

Contractions. First breath. Supervision.

Figure No. 2. Diagram of events at count rate in gamma pulses per

second (count rate 500 pulse/sec).

The vertical axis shows the gamma pulse per second count rate.

The horizontal axis shows the events.

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схватки первый вдох родовой досмотр




Table No. 1. Average activity of radionuclides by gamma radiation,

as of the moment of delivery, the first breath and postnatal supervision.






Mother after



The first

breath (µCi)

Early postnatal

supervision of

the child (2

min. after






of the child

(25 - 30

min. after


(µCi) 235U 4.1 × 10-2 2.0 × 10-2 2.6 × 10-2 4.1 × 10-2 2.3 × 10-2 40K 4.3 × 10-1 1.1 1.2 1.9 3.6 × 10-1

238U 5.8 × 10-1 9.0 × 10-1 8.0 × 10-1 5.1 × 10-1 3.2 × 10-1 214Pb 1.8 1.8 2.0 1.9 1.8 214Bi 2.4 × 10-1 7.4 × 10-1 1.5 × 10-1 1.5 × 10-1 5.3 × 10-1

238U + dau 3.9 × 10-1 4.8 × 10-1 4.9 × 10-1 2.0 × 10-1 3.1 × 10-1 231Ра no no 1.4 × 10-1 no no 7Be no no 1.0 × 10-1 5.3 × 10-2 no

22Na no no 9.4 × 10-4 no no

Pu no no 4.1 × 10-2 4.2 × 10-2 no

22Na – activity is specified as non-stable.

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The assumption that energy redistribution occurs at the moment of

delivery was not proved. Analysis of the four spectrograms per a delivery

(mother before delivery, mother after delivery, child at the first breath, and

child at the postnatal supervision) allowed for a conclusion that there is no

energy redistribution or energy transfer from mother to child. As of the

moment of the first breath of a child, recorded and measured activity of

radionuclides is observed, which is not peculiar for a mother during


Analysis of the spectrograms allowed for the conclusion that energy

is transferred to a child with the help of a nuclear reaction. Thereby, this is

a single and simultaneous exposure throughout the energy spectrum from 0

to 2700 keV. The spectrogram of a child at the first breath differs from

mother’s spectrogram with a lesser number of events at the later postnatal

supervision only, an hour later a child’s spectrogram is similar to a

spectrogram of an adult.

The fact of emergence of new natural and cosmogenic radionuclides

as of the moment of the first breath and disappearance of the same within 5

to 20 minutes doubt accuracy of the experiment. On the other hand, the

steadiness of emergence of new natural and cosmogenic radionuclides and

quick disappearance of the same suggest that we are facing an unexplored


The unexplored phenomenon is expressed as measured and recorded

energy by several cosmogenic and natural radionuclides that causes low

energy nuclear reaction in a child’s body.

It is known that energy cannot come out of nowhere and disappear

traceless, for the energy conservation law must be preserved. In order that

the uninvestigated phenomenon stays consistent with the laws presently

known, a name was introduced for it – Highly Organized Energy Medium.

The denomination was proposed in the process of discussion by Russian

physicist Shikalov V.F., Doctor of Engineering.

It can be supposed that if a spectrometer does not record a nuclear

reaction in a child’s body or, otherwise, the unexplored phenomenon does

not enter a low energy nuclear reaction with a child’s body, then what is

called a phenomenon of life will not occur in a correctly formed body of

the child. It is known from the investigations that a completely formed

fetus located in mother’s body does not express its gamma activity, even 5

– 10 minutes before the delivery. Than the delivery process takes place.

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There are some individual features pertinent to delivery without pathology,

especially, when a child makes the first intake of breath in his life. In

average (according to the elaborated conditions of the observation) the

processes is as follows: a child comes through the maternal passages, then

the child stays in a new-born tray before the cord is cut, then silence and

awaiting for 20 – 120 seconds come, and the first breath and cry.

In the period of silence, for 20 – 120 seconds, a spectrometer

registers and measures activity of radionuclides. If the spectrometer does

not register activity of radionuclides of the actinoid family, the child health

forecast worsens; if transuranium radionuclides are not registered, there

comes a respiratory standstill after the first breath, and intensive care is

required. If the registration is positive, the child cries and breathes.

As exemplified by investigations in the delivery room, an unknown

and unexplored phenomenon of the following nature is observed: an

unknown energy owner transfers energy to a newly born human with the

help of Highly Organized Energy Medium.

Pursuant to the observations and experiments, we can suggest

primary descriptive features of the uninvestigated phenomenon.

It is friendly to a human, for it gives away a part of its energy which

accompanies the person throughout his life.

If we consider that every living human has a part of energy given

away by the uninvestigated phenomenon, the power of such phenomenon

is enormous.

Due to the great power of the uninvestigated phenomenon and the

possibility, which is not excluded, that the phenomenon can participate in

the germ of life of other forms, families and species, we can suggest that

the uninvestigated phenomenon may rest outside the boundaries of laws

known to the humankind.

The results obtained concerning the low energy nuclear interaction

between a child and an unknown energy owner by means of Highly

Organized Energy Medium are consistent with knowledge and laws

familiar to a human. Maxwell J.C. put a great emphasis on the energy

medium issue as early as in the 19th

century and pinpointed that: “If

something is transferred from one particle to another at a distance, then

what is its condition after it has left one particle and has not yet reached

another one? … Indeed, whatever are the means of energy transmission

from one body to another in time, there must exist a medium or a

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substance where the energy is located after it has left one body and before

it has reached another one, for energy, as Torricelli noted [11], “is a

quintessence of such a fine nature that it cannot be kept in any vessel other

than the most secret substance of material things”. Therefore, all these

theories lead to the notion of a medium where the distribution takes place.

If we assume the medium as a hypothesis, I think it should take an

outstanding position in our research” [12].

The very fact of non-randomness of radiation was mentioned by

founder of the USSR academic school of physical optics Vavilov S.I. [13]:

“In classic theory radiation occurs “at random”; light is absorbed

anywhere. In the theory of Tetrode [14] radiation in a certain point of the

world and absorption in another one are interdependent processes. For

every radiation it is predetermined when, where and how absorption will

occur. The Sun would not radiate if it existed isolated in the whole

Universe and no other bodies absorbed its radiation” [15].

German physicist, Nobel prizewinner in physics for the discovery of

diffraction of X-rays on crystals, Laue M. was in the same mood in respect

of energy exchange by means of a medium: “A body that emits light or

heat loses energy, this energy is not manifested as energy of any other

body until radiation reaches such body. Therefore, if the total sum of all

energies in a system must stay constant, then emitted energy must exist as

radiation energy in the interim period of time” [16].

The fact that at the moment of delivery a low energy nuclear reaction

occurs in the child’s body, which results in an observable phenomenon of

life, is also consistent with other biological investigations. The

investigations performed by isotope ration of 13

С in relation to 12


distributed in representatives of higher and lower vertebrates, made it

possible to find out the following. “Embryogenesis of mammals (mice) is

not for the most part of its duration accompanied by any considerable

changes in isotope relations. Embryo mice preserve “isotope facsimile”

pertinent to mother’s organism, up to the latest gestational age. However,

immediately before delivery isotope relation of carbon is subject to a

dramatic change: the fetus “gets heavier” (in accordance with isotope

composition of carbon) as compared to the same value in mother’s tissues.

This event does not have a one-to-one correspondence with the aggregate

of morphological changes determined as a stage of development” [17]. On

the other hand, it is known that a change in isotope ratio cannot be

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spontaneous. The only reliable factor that influences transformation of

substance at the isotope level is radiation or an aggregate of radiations.

After a human enters life, energy emission and redistribution occurs

in his body every day, as recorded by nuclear spectrometry and radiometry

methods. Energy emission occurs five times a day. It looks like as follows.

Figure No. 3.

Interactive event diagram (by gamma), excluding external

background. Daily cycle.

Triple control was used in the experiment: dosimetric, by gamma

pulse per second count rate, and spectrometric; spectrograms were

recorded with the interval of 20 – 40 minutes.

The horizontal axis shows the time.

The vertical axis shows µSv/h.

The calibrated background of the room of 0.043 μSv/h was assumed

a straight line in the figure. In fact, there were oscillations in the range of ±

0.01 μSv/h. Radioactivity indicators set at the indication threshold of 0.05

μSv/h were used for the background level monitoring. The threshold value

was never exceeded in the course of observations.




































































The red color means the calibrated background of the room.

The green color shows values of human radiation monitoring.

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More detailed information on the obtained experiment data can be

found in early publications [18], while in this paper previous publications

are considered in an abridged procedure.

Comparative analysis of radionuclide activity in the active period of

a day in relation to the passive period of a day.

Active periods of human gamma radiation in a daily cycle.



– 00

50 increase in the activity of radionuclide

232Th, as compared

to passive period of the day.


– 01

15 increase in the activity of radionuclides

235U, Ra + dau, as

compared to passive period of the day.


– 01

50 increase in the activity of radionuclides Ra + dau,

40K, as

compared to passive period of the day.



– 11

50 increase in the activity of radionuclides


235U, Ra +

dau, 238

U, as compared to passive period of the day.




increase in the activity of radionuclides Ra + dau, 235

U, Th

+ dau, as compared to passive period of the day.


– 20

50 increase in the activity of radionuclide Th + dau, as

compared to passive period of the day.


– 21

35 increase in the activity of radionuclide

235U, as compared

to passive period of the day.


– 22

30 increase in the activity of radionuclide

232Th, as compared

to passive period of the day.


– 23

00 increase in the activity of radionuclide Th + dau, as

compared to active period of the day.

Table No. 2.

Average activity of radionuclides by gamma radiation, as of the

passive and active periods of daily cycle.

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Ra + dau 2.637 × 10-2

6.303 × 10-2


K 5.988 × 10-1

1.048 235

U 3.582 × 10-3

1.207 × 10-2


U 5.241 × 10-1

7.103 × 10-1


Bi 1.745 × 10-2

1.921 × 10-2


Bi 7.917 × 10-3

1.611 × 10-2


Pb 1.395 × 10-2

2.136 × 10-2

Pu no 6.501 × 10-3


Ра no 3.212 × 10-2


Na no 3.348 × 10-3

Th + dau no 1.136 × 10-2



no 4.500 × 10-1



no 14.000

As compared to passive period, in active period of the day human

activity increases by several radionuclides: more than twice by Ra + dau,

1.7 times by 40

K, 3.4 times by 235

U, twofold increase in activity by 214


and 14 times by 232


In active periods of a daily cycle radiation peaks were recorded

additionally by several radionuclides. In the process of discussions it was

recommended not to publish the data in scientific papers for several

reasons. There were two fundamental reasons: the first one was that at the

same period of time radiation by 40

K of some other radionuclide was

recorded. This measurement is considered to be doubtful, because

potassium has powerful radiation, and it is difficult to observe any

radiation of lower power at the background of potassium. The second

reason was as follows: in the reports the spectrometer delivered data on a

certain peak of radiation, but this peak was not observed by direct viewing.

Within this paper the obtained statistics of radiation peaks will be

presented, the possibility of existence of human radiation peaks will be

substantiated and proved.

The following human radiation peaks are observed during the active

periods of a daily cycle:


– 00

50 peak identified by


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– 01

15 peaks identified by




– 01

50 peak identified by



– 11

50 peak identified by



– 19

20 peaks identified by




– 19

40 peaks identified by





peaks identified by 212

Pb, 40



– 20

50 peak identified by



– 21

35 peak identified by



– 22

30 peaks identified by




– 23

00 peaks identified by



What reasonable evidences can be produced that there are human

radiation peaks? Using state-of-the-art equipment, such as a solid-state

gamma-emission detector of Canberra Industries, Inc (USA) GC10021 No

b08108, fitted with pulse analyzer DSA-1000 No 00000699 and software

Genie-2000 (V3.2.1), and measurement conditions, such as a shielded

room for human radiation spectrometry (HRS), the following results were

obtained. Concurrently with radiation by 40

K, radiation peaks were

recorded by other less powerful energies.

By 40

К (1460 keV), there is an increase from 1.727 × 103 Bq to 6.031

× 103

Bq and from 1.840 × 103

Bq to 5.067 × 103

Bq. Net peak area

increased concurrently.

Changes in the net peak area by 1460 keV

Before After Error margin

31 51.3 ± 6.91

35 96.3 ± 6.97

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Error margins are equal to 1.000 mean square deviation.

By energy 157.49 keV, from 0.00 keV to 157.49 keV. The peak was

not identified. At the same time net peak area is increased.

Changes in the net peak area by 157.49 keV[19].

Before After Error margin

0 10 ± 6.09

Error margins are equal to 1.000 mean square deviation.

Results of the aforesaid experiment make it possible to say that with

the help of modern equipment energy emission by powerful 40

K and low

power radiation of other radionuclide can be concurrently recorded and


During preclinical observations over average temperature of human

body the following result was obtained: upon administration of the

substance “Star Dust” (SSH&H) average body temperature range of the

human reduced by 0.1 – 0.2º С [20]. The same result was obtained for 12

months during observations over mammals (mice). “Rectal temperature

measurement showed that the temperature was reliably reduced in the

group that received the preparation, as compared to the same in a control

group (37.4±0.08 and 37.6±0.06ºC, respectively, p<0.01), which can

certify decrease in standard metabolism influenced by the preparation.


It is available from the existing knowledge that the only way to

reduce temperature range without damage to physiology is using own

electromagnetic radiation. This fact has been known in geochemistry and

astrophysics for a long time. We will return to this issue on further pages

of this paper.

Investigations of the substance “Star Dust” (SSH&H) demonstrated

that by taking the substance a human, first of all, maintains his ability to be

a source of an electromagnetic wave, which is in turn the reason for

temperature reduction. The fact of temperature reduction is important in

any manifestation of life, especially in biological objects. To create order

in the world of chaos a phenomenon of life must have an anti-entropy

process. A lively description of the anti-entropy process as applied to

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biology was given by biophysicist Blyumenfeld L.A.: “Almost in every

book devoted to theoretical biology and biophysics words can be found

about amazing orderliness of biological structures at all levels, from

macromolecules to a human. …. Physics has only one value at its disposal,

which characterizes the level of orderliness, entropy,… according to

physical criteria any biological system is as much ordered as a piece of

rock of the same weight”. The sensation of a special orderliness pertinent

to biological structures is underlain by the fact that the information

contained in a living matter has “meaning”, i.e. a special so called

“meaningful” orderliness is peculiar to these structures” [22].

The above experiment data demonstrate how biological objects are

cooled by their own electromagnetic radiation. However, experiments are

only a fragment of life. In ordinary life a human switches on his own

cooling system, in the form of his own electromagnetic radiation, five

times a day. Human energy emission in the form of electromagnetic

radiation mostly belongs to the energy range of 10 keV to 1.5 MeV. Some

part of human radiation ranges within 10 keV – 500 keV. If a formula is

applied where relation between mass and energy exists, as expressed by

Einstein’s formula E = mc2, then only this energy range is needed so that

the mass of particles radiated by a human was less than mass of the


This theoretical study was proved by experiments.

The following dynamics was observed when measuring human

radiations in shielded Human Radiation Spectrometry (HRS) chambers by

nuclear spectrometry methods for practically healthy people upon

administration of the substance “Star Dust” (SSH&H).

Table No. 3.

No. nuclide reliability activity model dynamics ∆

1 134

Cz 9,9 M,

70 kg.

increase of



(Bq) 29,8

2 137

Cz 89,6 M,

70 kg.


of activity


(Bq) 73,4

3 40

К 3001 M,

70 kg.



( Bq ) 3474

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(8´, 12´ - there is a reliable peak in the spectrogram, but it is not included

into the report).

By reference to the data obtained, the calculation was based on

energy 157.49 keV, mathematical calculation was performed in

accordance with the formula where a relation exists between mass and

energy, E = mc2.

The following data were obtained.

As a result of observations in controllable conditions of the

experiment, particles were recorded which characterize the fact of human

electromagnetic radiation.

Wave length of the particles – 7.87008 × 10-3


Wave frequency – 3.808×1019


Mass of the particle – 2.809247 × 10-31


Mass of the particles is 3.25 times less than mass of the electron.

Even with the assumed error margin of ± 45.78 (mean-square error) for the

measurement, mass of the recorded particles will be mparticle ≤ me [23].

4 40

К 0,95 2168 M,

70 kg.



(Bq) 0,89 2943

5 Ra 1,00 157,2 M,

70 kg.



(Bq) 0

6 40

К 0,92 1727 F,

58 kg.



(Bq) 0,92 6031

7 not identified

0 F,

70 kg.



(keV) 157,49

8 not identified

0 F,

58 kg.



(keV) 157,49

9 40

К 1,00 1630 F,

52 kg.



(Bq) 2702

10 not identified

0 F,

52 kg.



(keV) 114,38

11 40

К 1,00 1840 F,

58 kg.



(Bq) 5067

12´ not identified

0 F,

58 kg.



(keV) 157,49

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These are the particles that cool human organism and, in the first

instance, human brain structure. The obtained experiment data prove again

the well-grounded statement that a living human must radiate, and

radiation peaks must be present in his daily cycle.

The data received make it possible to touch upon another important

subject. By now, the processes of gamma radiation interacting with a

matter have been investigated almost throughout the energy range. As a

matter of practice, a part of human radiation is within the range of 10 keV

– 500 keV. There emerges the need to formulate the working hypothesis,

that the energy range 10 keV – 500 keV serves as the energy range where

gamma radiation interacts with biological life.

The very fact of human radiation by energy 40

К is of great interest.

This is a powerful energy related to human cardiac muscle, it is used,

however, not for cooling a human organism but for other purpose. A heart,

even segregated from a body, continues generating electrical pulses, as a

result of which the heart spontaneously contracts, provided that it is

supplied with sufficient quantities of potassium and oxygen. At the

beginning of investigations in the delivery room and observations over

pregnant women, there existed a working hypothesis that should we record

any events in this period of human life, this would be radiation by

potassium. Because the work of a myocardium of an adult consumes 70%

of the total potassium contained in the organism. However, nothing of that

kind was observed as a result of the work. Radiation by 40

К was absent,

both with pregnant women in their late gestational age, and at the moment

of delivery, increase in 40

К activity was noticed only in the beginning of

early postnatal supervision, 2 – 10 minutes after the delivery. Another

unique feature of a human heart was manifested there.

A heart of a fetus presents two communicating vessels, there is an

interatrial foramen in the interatrial septum between right and left atriums,

and blood can overflow unrestricted. After a child makes his first breath,

the following happens: the interatrial foramen in the interatrial septum

stops functioning and obliterates (overgrows). It should be noted thereby

that the diameter of interatrial foramen is 4.5 – 19 mm.

Should umbilical cord not be cut immediately upon delivery, in 5 –

10 minutes the glossing pulsing cord stops pulsing, which certifies that the

interatrial foramen in the interatrial septum has overgrown, and the heart

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has turned into a pump system from the communicating vessels system.

This is an unexplainable phenomenon of such human organ as a heart. A

hole made by a needle, 1 mm in diameter, is painful and needs some time

to overgrow. While in the process of delivery we deal with the fact of

overgrowing of a large hole in a heart for a short period of time. After his

first breath a child enters the life. His heart is a powerful four-chamber

pump, which needs potassium, and exactly 2 – 10 minutes after delivery,

when the heart has been formed, activity by potassium is recorded.

The fact that a heart is a unique organ that generates “ether vital gas”

[24] was predicted by Newton I. At the rise of discovery of radioactivity, a

synonym for radioactive disintegration was effusion of an unknown gas

from material bodies. Intuition and wisdom of Newton I. can be admired

for many centuries. In the 21st century we record the phenomenon in the

process of experiments by methods of nuclear spectrometry.

The fact that a human radiate particles with mass less than mass of

the electron was predicted by Kobozev N.I., professor of Moscow

University named after M.V. Lomonosov, head of the catalysis laboratory.

Kobozev N.I. not only predicted such particles but also performed a

theoretical calculation of the physical parameters of “x – gas”, which must

be present in a human organism for the purpose of entropy reduction and,

in the first instance, for the reduction of brain entropy [25]. The particles

predicted by Kobozev N.I. are the consequence of human energy emission

in the gamma radiation spectrum in the energy range of 10 keV – 500 keV.

The information given above allows proving sustainably the

possibility of existence of human radiation peaks by a number of

radionuclides in a daily cycle and in the process of life.

The fact that a human radiates in gamma quantum spectrum, and this

is the means for him to switch on his own cooling system, adequately

correlates with the known laws of physics. Astrophysical objects, such as

stars, use exactly the same method for cooling. Astrophysical objects cool

their surface by means of photon radiation.

The obtained experimental data give rise to conservative optimism

among professional nuclear physicists. The experiment conditions are

really difficult, it is impossible to conduct investigations by method of

decomposition. A human is never in a state of rest: when generating a

spectrogram a potassium pump is continuously working in the cardiac

contraction act, there is a gas formation process in the gastrointestinal tract

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with vermicular movements, lungs perform breathing in and out, thus

changing gas composition of a human, his weight and internal pressure.

Measurement geometry changes. All people have their own individual

features, not only on the external level, but on the internal level, where

there are even more of them.

In the process of the research, some specific features of the

equipment were noticed that affect reliability of measurements. Among the

variety of spectrometers and sensors offered by manufactures, only a few

are suitable for human radiation spectrometry, and only upon certain


In spite of healthy scepticism in respect of the measurements, it

should be noted that such investigations have been conducted for the first

time in observable history.

Part Four

Having considered, from the point of view of nuclear interactions

and transformations, such stages of human life as fetus formation,

delivery, first breath, postnatal supervision and daily cycle, it is reasonable

to consider subsequent stages of human life, as age qualification in

correlation with energy emissions in the gamma radiation spectrum.

Picture No. 4.

Human gamma radiation in correlation with the age qualification.

The vertical axis is μSv/h.

The horizontal axis is the age.

The blue column symbolizes the human radiation.

The red column symbolized the calibrated background level in the


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4 - 14 лет 18 - 26 лет 34 - 40 лет 45 - 50 лет 65 - 78 лет

излучение человека


It is clearly demonstrated that the older a person the lower his own

gamma radiation power is. Reduction of human energy emission in the

gamma radiation spectrum is concurrent with the process of human bone

tissue decomposition. In spite of its relative stability, bone tissue of a

human changes in time by losing its density and mass. In women and men

this process starts after the age of 30. In men the rate of bone mass loss is

0.3 – 0.5% per year. In women is it 0.7 – 1.3% per year before a

menopause, up to 2 – 3% per year during a menopause, and then the

average rate of bone mass loss in women is 1% per year.

Figure No. 5. General ratio (in %) between the bone formation

marker and bone tissue disintegration marker depending on the age.

The horizontal axis shows the man’s age in years.

The vertical axis shows the percentage.

The green color shows the bone formation marker.

The red color shows the bone tissue disintegration marker. [26].

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Human bone tissue reduces its density with the age, then it loses such

properties as elasticity and plasticity, and in the worst cases we can see

deformation. In life of a human, bone tissue is not only a place where the

bulk of inorganic compounds are concentrated, but also the principal

deposition of natural radionuclides. It is known from literary sources that

radionuclides form transportable (soluble) compounds and non-

transportable (insoluble) compounds in the inner medium of a human

organism. The organs of primary deposition of the transportable

compounds, which are removed from an organism with the urine, belong

to human skeletal system in 90% of the cases. The remaining non-

transportable compounds are deposited in the upper respiratory tract in

99% of the cases [27].

It is known from the conducted experiments and observations that

human natural radioactivity is manifested five times a day, and that it is

characterized by gamma radiation increase by several natural

radionuclides. Therefore, in the skeleton system, where 90% of the natural

radionuclides contained in a human body are distributed, a low energy

nuclear reaction occurs. The skeleton system not only acts as a deposition

of natural radioisotopes, but it is also a low energy nuclear reactor. In

addition, the skeleton system functions as a shell of a human nuclear

reactor. This is the main reason for losing elasticity, plasticity, and for

deformation of human skeleton system in time.

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This fact has been known for a long time, many studies have been

performed. Experts in nuclear physics who deal with the development and

operation of nuclear reactors are aware of the radiation-related

embrittlement of a reactor shell caused by radiation exposure. “Under

radiation, millimicro deposits, 1-2 nm in size, are formed in reactor shell

materials: with Cu content over 0.1% Cu-enriched precipitates are formed,

with Cu content less than 0.1% Mn-Ni-Si precipitates are formed, which

may contain Cu and Р atoms” [28]. “An increment in yield point has linear

dependence on density of the precipitates. Manganese, nickel, silicium,

phosphorus and copper are the chemical elements that can have a

considerable effect on the processes that take place in reactor shell

materials under radiation” [29]. “A fundamental difference between the

principles of Cu-enriched and Mn-Ni-Si precipitates formation and

evolution is that Cu-enriched precipitates are distinguished by high density

precipitate formation at very low doses, whereas for Mn-Ni-Si precipitates

gradual increase in density with the dose accumulation is typical” [30].

Similar phenomenon is observed in a human. With the course of time

the accumulated radiation dose increases in a human, his own radiation is

supplemented by the dose load received from space rays and Earth crust

radioactivity. A human depletes concentration of inorganic elements

steadily and continuously. A time-proved method to determine age of a

human is a follows: with the increase of years, apart from misbalance of

hormones, reduction of vitamins B6, B12, С (except for vitamin А), there is

a reduction of inorganic compounds, namely, serum calcium, serum

ferrum, serum phosphorus, serum zinc, serum selenium [31]. There is a

difference between the lists of chemical elements that are removed by a

human and a nuclear reactor with the course of time, but the confirmed

fact itself is caused by the same event, radiation exposure. This

observation proves once again that low energy nuclear reactions take place

in human bone tissue. Human bone tissue itself serves as a deposition for

natural radionuclides, functions as a human reactor shell, and performs one

more important function: it is at the same time a deposition of many

inorganic compounds which are transformed into necessary radionuclides

for a human body, influenced by human radiation. With the course of time

human bone tissue loses its plasticity and becomes brittle, the same effect

is observed in the material of a nuclear reactor shell, and it received the

name embrittlement.

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Reduction of bone tissue mass as a result of low energy nuclear

reaction is consistent with known laws. “Energy emission in nuclear

processes requires that nuclei turned into new nuclei with the total mass of

the substance reduced” [32]. The fact of human electromagnetic radiation

recorded at the moment of the first breath is transformed with the course of

time. With advancing age there is a relative reduction in energy bursts, this

process is simultaneous with transformation of bone tissue and reduction

of its mass and density. This observation is conforming with a common

physical law. Any astrophysical object, which has the possibility to be a

source of an electromagnetic, wave behaves the same way. “The

disappearing energy (and mass) is carried away in a form of star radiation”


As at the end of the 20th

century, according to literary sources, bone

tissue looked like as follows: “Bones perform several important functions

in the organism: protection from injuries, movement and creation of a

calcium depository [34]. Inorganic substances of bone tissue, which make

up 21.85%, correlate as follows: calcium salts (87%), magnesium

phosphate (2%), calcium carbonate (10%), calcium fluoride, sodium

carbonate, carbon dioxide and sodium chloride (1%).

Today the information has changed dramatically. Bone tissue

composition is declared as follows: hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen,

fluorine, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, selenium, phosphorus, sulphur,

chlorine, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, strontium, lead.

Also, as at the end of the 20th

century composition of a human tooth

was as follows: H, C, O, N, F, Mg, P, Ca.

However, contemporary analysis conducted by high resolution mass

spectrometry with sample ionization in inductively coupled plasma

provided the following result. Tooth samples were determined to contain

such elements as Li, Be, Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni,

Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, Te, Cs,

Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W,

Re, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th, U, 62 elements in total [35].

There is nothing extraordinary that by now the well-known functions

of bone tissue have been supplemented by one more function, namely,

being a low energy nuclear reactor with a fuel reserve.

Part Five

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Having touched upon the issue that human bone tissue is not only the

principal deposition of natural radionuclides and inorganic compounds, but

also functions as a shell of a human low energy nuclear reactor, we should

pay attention of a radionuclide transformation in a human body. Under the

experiment conditions transformation of radionuclides was to be recorded

in the form of emerging of new isotopes and nuclear isomerism. Emerging

of isotopes and isomers is a consequence of a nuclear reaction. It is

important to understand thereby that consequences of the nuclear isomeric

transitions are not similar to the processes of classic chemistry, but they

still influence the chemical processes that occur at the molecular level.

The experiment was conducted on the basis of the substance “Star

Dust” (SSH&H), which main effect is, as shown by research scientific

work, maintaining human radioactivity at an adequate level and

replenishment of inorganic elements in the form of special composition of

stable isotopes.

Two groups of volunteers took part in the experiment: the first group

were people who did not take the substance before the experiment or those

who had taken the substance up to 24 months; the second group were

people who had been taking the substance for 24 months by the moment of

experiment. The events that have been earlier described in this paper,

increase in activity by 40

K (Table No. 3), were recorded in the first group.

Peculiarities were observed in the second group of people who had

replenished their energy potential and balance of inorganic elements in the

group of stable isotopes for the 24 months. The results that were obtained

initially could not be considered validly significant. The recorded activity

was below the error margin. Thereby, the increase in activity by 40

K that

had been observed before was absent.

In the process of discussion the decision was taken to perform the

experiment in a multifactor pattern, i.e. with the same measurement

conditions and different radiation sources: air in the human radiation

spectrometry chamber, the substance, a human in control group, a human

in experiment group, a break in measurements, second measurement of the

human, and the entire experiment is conducted without changing the

measurement conditions. A human rests between the measurements not

leaving the chamber (HRS), doors of the chamber are closed.

The multiplex nature of the experiment was preserved thus making it

possible to evaluate activity of radionuclides at a high reliability level. It is

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statictically valid that throughout the experiment there were only a human

and a detector in the chamber (HRS), no external effects and exposures.

Detectors of Canberra Industries, Inc (USA) GC10021 No b08108

were used, fitted with pulse analyzer DSA-1000 No 00000699 and

software Genie-2000 (V3.2.1), certified in accordance with ISO-9001.

Table No. 4.

The results obtained.

Nuclide Activity in


chamber air

Activity in



Activity in

a human


Activity in a



Activity in a human


in 15 min. 40

K 0.2961 Bq 1941.0 Bq 1978.0 Bq 2016.0 Bq 125

Хе 0.0161 Bq 1.32 Bq 139

Се 0.0388 Bq 7.993 Bq 141

Се 0.061 Bq 251

Es 11.06 Bq 75

Se 1.898 Bq 123

Sn 9.057 Bq 139


37.78 Bq 232


6358.0 Bq 4752.0 Bq 95


1.883 Bq 99


4.858 Bq 57


6.016 Bq 153


14.73 Bq 12.46 Bq 18


4.204 Bq 153


25.76 Bq 235


9.019 Bq 131


180.6 Bq 51


46.64 Bq 156


347.0 Bq 135


7.379 Bq 125


2325.0 Bq 226


152.7 Bq 118


7.508 Bq 111


2.876 Bq 47


8.243 Bq 90


4.05 Bq 226


174.7 Bq 97


1330.0 Bq

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From the above data, emergence of isotopes and isomeric transitions

are observed. There is a substance transformation. The substance is

transformed from one type into another, because radioactive

decomposition finally influences changes in the substance molecular

properties. There can be only one reason for the emergence of isotopes

and isomeric transitions – a nuclear reaction. The experiment that was

carried out proves once again the possibility of implementation of a low

energy reaction in a human body. The obtained data fit well into the

frames of common laws. In astrophysics, the process of formation of

elements is called nucleosynthesis in stars. A star that radiates due to

nuclear energy emission evolves slowly as its chemical composition

changes. The novelty of the carried out experiment is that nucleosynthesis

is observed in a human as well, which process results in changing

percentage of the chemical composition of a human, as confirmed by

biological and medical investigations. Whereas the novelty is that as a

result of nuclear reactions isotope composition of chemical elements in a

human changes. This is a new phenomenon, and it requires further

investigations. If the history of discovery of isomerism is concerned, the

very fact of existence of isomers raised cautious attitude as at the moment

of the discovery.

Speaking of such new phenomenon as isomerism of radioactive

nuclei, it was hard even to imagine in the 30-s of the 20th

century that the

observed phenomenon would become a confirmed scientific fact.

“Nowadays it is hard to believe that “isomeric” atomic nuclei do exist, i.e.

the nuclei that possess different radioactive properties at equal atomic

weight and atomic number” [36]. The first investigations and the first

classification of radioactive isomers were developed by Kurchatov B.V.,

Kurchatov I.V., Mysovskiy L.V. and Rusinov L.I. “Ideas of Kurchatov

I.V. about existence of a new class of nuclei – nuclear isomers – received

convincing evidences in subsequent years”[37].

Part Six

Having considered on pages of this paper fragments of human life in

correlation between physiology and nuclei interaction, we can stop at the

concluding stage of the life journey. In average, before the age of 23 – 25 a

human is confident about his health, bone formation marker prevails over

bone tissue disintegration marker, natural radionuclides are located in a

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nicely formed bone tissue which in addition to well-known functions

performs the function of a shell of a human low energy nuclear reactor. A

body is well cooled due to its own radiation. After the age of 23 – 25

growth of the bone tissue stops, there is a latent process of human body

ageing, the mass of bone tissue formation is relatively balanced with the

mass of bone tissue disintegration, after the age of 40 the bone tissue

regress increases.

Human energy emission in the gamma quantum spectrum reduces,

the organism is cooled worse than it used to be. Human brain structure

suffers in the first place, because intracranial space is quite an enclosed

area of a human body. In the first instance slight heating of the intracranial

space influences endocrine glands located in the brain, mass of pituitary

gland, hypothalamus and pineal body is within 0.2 – 5 grams. Increase in

the temperature range even by tenths of a degree is critical for these

endocrine glands. There appears a malfunction in the work of the

endocrine glands. The result of malfunctioning of pituitary gland,

hypothalamus and pineal body is changing blood hormonal profile with

hormone misbalance. The process of ageing speeds up. The organism is

heated, physically, for there is no heat removal. Power of human

electromagnetic radiation reduces, because density and elasticity of the

bone tissue has been reduced, walls of a human low energy nuclear reactor

cannot sustain the loads that they used to sustain in the age of 25.

Concurrently, the quantity of inorganic elements contained in the bone

tissue is reduced steadily, and they are the strategic reserve for maintaining

the low energy nuclear reaction. The human reactor dies out, the energy

leaves, and life goes away with the energy.

The more there were knowledge and information on human

physiology and processes of ageing from the point of view of biology and

chemistry, the poorer was understanding of the process of triggering the

ageing mechanism. By the end of the 20th

century a cautious conclusion

was made: “It was supposed that in the course of life something is lost,

changed and results in ageing. Aristotle calls it “natural heat”, and

beginning from the 18th

century it was “vital force”, “vital reserve” (O.

Bütschli), “creative energy” (E. Pflüger) etc. In all the cases what is meant

is a nonmaterial origin which concentrates the main engine of life inside”


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It is not surprising that biophysical investigations of the 21st century

confirmed hypotheses and postulations of talented scientists of the

previous generations. Energy is the nonmaterial world. As soon as energy

leaves a human, material biological life stops.

Figure No. 6. Spectrogram of life of an average human at natural air


Figure No. 7. Spectrogram of the last breathing-in at natural air


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If compared, the two above spectrograms are different. The life

spectrogram uses the energy spectrum from 10 keV to 1.5 MeV with

various number of events throughout the scale. The last breath

spectrogram demonstrates flattering the various number of events

throughout the scale. The observation allows for a suggestion that energy

leaves a person [39].

Since gamma radiation and visible light have the same nature – this

is an electromagnetic wave, agitation of an electromagnetic field, – by

applying a wording “to glow” to a human in the gamma quantum spectrum

it is possible to produce a visual sequence of a human daily cycle

depending on the power of his own radiation.


Initial figure was taken for further processing at http://v-garmonii-s-


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The above material concerning human energy, which is a

consequence of radioactive disintegration of natural radionuclides

contained in a human body, and influence of the energy on human life

cycle, is complementary to the known laws of astrophysics.

Below is the visual sequence of the Sun, as the nearest star.

The figure was taken from http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Звезднаяэволюция

Evolution of a star is changing physical parameters of the star with

the course of time, as a result of nuclear reactions that result in radiation

and mass loss. The same events occur in a human body. All the results

obtained during the scientific research on nuclear interactions that take

place in a human and on their effect on physical, chemical and biological

criteria of human life, always remained within the frames of common

knowledge and laws.

Part Seven

The conducted research made it possible to divide biological,

chemical, physiological, medical knowledge about a human into two eras.

Era of prenuclear human physiology, which did not take into account

interactions among the nuclei that compose molecules that make up a

human body, and era of nuclear human physiology, where the nuclear

interactions that occur in a human are considered. When the line of the

research was shifted from what is visible but transient, like molecular

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transformations of a substance, to what if invisible but almost perpetual,

like an electromagnetic wave and energy, a question was opened in the

discussions. Is there a fact of scientific discovery?

It was found out upon analysis of literary sources that the was no

scientific discovery. The fact of radioactivity influence on human

radiology has been known for a long time. Radioactivity was referred to

the human life phenomenon and essential condition for life. The source

dated 610 – 632 AD provides a description of what a human is “made of”:

“created you of dust, then of a drop, then made you with vapors” [40].

Correctness of the translation (Arabic-Russian) raises no doubts, because

the translation is made by Russian arabist RAS academician Krachkovskiy

I.Y. This very translation is considered to be academical due to its high

scientific value.

Dust in direct and figurative senses means a set of inorganic

elements, a drop means water which makes up over 60% of a human

weight, vapors mean radioactivity. There is such an obsolete term in

physics as emanation, meaning emission of rays by radioactive substances,

a result of the emission, a gaseous product of radioactive substance

disintegration. Emanation is material something that is emitted from active

preparations of thorium and radium [41]. On the other hand, gaseous state

of a substance in conditions where the gaseous phase can be in balance

with liquid and solid phases of the same substance, is known to be called

vapor. These are the grounds for referring saturation of a human with

vapor to saturation with radioactivity.

An important issue is explanation of the interaction of living

organism energetics and biochemistry by a logical and consistent

observation, namely, by the phenomenon of human organism natural

inherent radioactivity.

With advancing age changes occur not only in accumulation and

distribution of chemical elements in an organism, but also in isotopic

composition of chemical elements. If a human received an initial pulse

from the Highly Organized Energy Medium in the first seconds of his life,

mechanisms of biochemical reactions are then triggered to maintain the

pulse in force. The main participant of the process is the entire reserve of

inorganic compounds distributed in a human body. Due to his own

radioactivity a human exposes to radiation and activates his own inorganic

compounds, in the result of this reaction new isotopes and isomeric

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transitions appear. That is why a low energy reaction occurs in a human

five times a day, with energy emission and redistribution. With the

increase of years isotope composition of a human changes, and his own

radioactive component reduces concurrently. Radioactive component of a

human reduces due to removal of natural radionuclides, which are

removed from a human as his bone tissue is disintegrated. Concurrently

with reduction of human radioactivity his isotope composition changes,

isomeric transitions do not appear. As a result energy emission decreases,

there is an actual reduction of his own radioactive component. Human

radioactivity in a form of radioactive disintegration chain has not been

considered for a long time. In fact, there have been no means for

measuring this effect for a long time. Radioactivity cannot be seen, heard

or weighed on scales. Instrumental methods appeared in the 20th


along with the development of nuclear industry, and were improved for a

long time to make it possible to prove the postulates of the 7th

century in

the beginning of the 21st century.

Research on changes in human isotopic composition with advancing

age have not been conducted for a long period of time, nowadays such

research is not a public issue, therefore literary sources are limited in


Part Eight

The obtained results of investigations in human nuclear physiology

have neither ever exceeded the limits of common laws nor introduced any

inconsistency into the fields of science touched upon by the researchers.

Similarity of the phenomena which occur in a human and in astrophysical

objects makes it possible to apply estimated characteristics assumed in

astrophysics to a human, in the theoretical aspect of the issue.

Presently, several formulas are used to calculate the life-span of a

star located in the main sequence.

Star radiation energy for a time interval is known to be expressed by

the formula.

Е = L × t, where

Е is star radiation energy for time t;

Therefore, t = E / L.

L is luminance (total electromagnetic radiation of a star per a time


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On the other hand, it is known that Е = m × c2;

L = δ × T4 × 4πR

2, where

δ is Stefan-Boltzmann constant;

R is radius;

Т is effective temperature (in other sources – surface temperature).


t = mc2 / δ × T

4 × 4πR


It is seen from the formula that life-span of a star in the main

sequence depends on two factors: mass of the star and effective

temperature. Ideally, the higher mass and the lower effective temperature,

the longer is the star’s life. Otherwise, increase in mass or reduction in

temperature results in extension of a star’s life.

The observations that are derived from the formula adequately

correlate with the results that were obtained in investigations of the

substance “Star Dust” (SSH&H). Taking the substance by a human

reduces average body temperature, replenishes the mass of human

inorganic compounds by stable isotope series group within the first year,

and increases the said mass within the second year of administration. This

is an ideal variant for extending a life-span, both for a human and for a


When a human is considered from the point of view of such a

physical value as a mass, only mass of inorganic substances is considered

in all cases. Water makes up 60% of a human, but for known physical

reasons water does not participate directly in the low energy nuclear

reactions that occur in a human. When considering the stable isotope

series, one should be aware that it is not a set of chemical elements but a

series of isotopes of chemical elements.

According to the opinion of experts of the Chandra X-Ray

Observatory space telescope (Massachusetts, US): “the laws governing

universes and galaxies are valid on the Earth as well” [42].

Observations over a human, based on experimental data, make it

possible to suppose that the low energy nuclear reactions which occur in a

human are attributed to weak interactions. “Weak interactions are most

poorly explored. They have such a short action radius, and they are so

weak, that, obviously, they do not play any part in formation of any bound

states of the particles. They are rather expressed in certain types of

collisions, or in the disintegration processes which for some reasons

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cannot go on through strong electromagnetic or gravitational interactions.

Still, weak interactions are relevant for the humankind life. Due to them

the first step is made in a cycle of thermonuclear reactions on the Sun, the

step where two protons are fused together to form a deuteron, antielectron

and neutron, positron and neutron” [43].

On the other hand, it is known that “interactions may have a

calibration nature, however in this case they must certainly stay within a

single group that unites them. It seems likely that such an assumption

implies existence of a new, very weak interaction that results in

disintegration of protons, and thus the entire matter happens to be

internally instable, for we can observe its disintegration” [44].

Weak interactions are directly related to the baryon number, the

baryon number is preserved with all the interactions within a standard

model. Only a recorded disintegration of proton can violate the baryon

number conservation law, which would be a proof for the hypothesis of the

grand unification theory. The hypothesis will take the place of a scientific

fact. “What will we learn if disintegration of a proton is found? Naturally,

a conclusion will be made forthwith that the baryon number is not

conserved, and this will be a support for the growing confidence that all

the conserved values, like an electric charge, have a dynamical meaning.

Further, if disintegration of a proton is found in the nearest future, its life-

span will range within 1030

to 1033

years, and this will provide another

evidence for the general assumptions concerning the unity of strong and

electroweak interactions” [45].

It can be supposed in the working hypothesis that by investigating

weak interactions in human the theory of theory grand unification can be

proved. For the 114 years since the moment of discovery of gamma

radiation almost the whole energy range has been investigated wherein

gamma radiation interacts with substance. The research conducted

provided the data that partly within the range of 10 keV – 500 keV gamma

radiation interacts with biological life and, in particular, with a human. In

investigations the scientific thought pushes far and high, however we

should probably look at nearby.

“…The idea of the grand unification is certainly very attractive and

promising. There are several indications to the fact that the grand

unification is really implemented in nature” [46]. The law must be simple

and comprehensive.

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Integration of forces within the grand unification theory and

influence of the law on the surrounding world was clearly and vividly

noticed by American astrophysician, Nobel prizewinner in physics for the

discovery of space cosmic microwave radiation professor Penzias A.A.:

“If the Creator created the Universe, He would do that gracefully. If the

Creator is truly omnificent, than quite naturally we will not see any signs

of His interference into creation. He does not need to fuss all the time like

Frank Morgan in “The Wizard of Oz” in order to maintain the Universe in

working condition. … in some sense, the power of creation is simplicity”


Part Nine

The conducted investigations and obtained results raised the topical

question about whether radioactivity is a random phenomenon in life or

not. It follows from the common knowledge and facts that radioactivity

cannot be influenced on. It is independent from Earth conditions. If cyclic

recurrence could be registered in the phenomenon of radioactivity, and if

conditions could be determined for repeatability of the cyclic recurrence,

then we would be able to forecast that the phenomenon of radioactivity is

of non-random nature. Theoretically, there cannot be any cyclic

recurrence, a life period is an internal feature of an isotope that cannot be

influenced in natural conditions.

What data can be brought for the discussion? There is information in

literary sources that in 1998 results of a fifteen-year experiment were

published, which was performed in the facilities of German National

Metrological Laboratory. In the course of experiment periodic oscillations

in the disintegration rate of isotope 226

Ra were noticed (with a period of

one year). Unfortunately, the research team was unable to get familiar with

the publication.

In 1986 experts from Brookhaven National Laboratory of the USA

performed precise measurements of the half-period of isotope 32


The obtained data were coordinated with each other: the measured

value of the half-period proved to be equal to 172 years and coincided with

previous estimations. The experiment that lasted for four years provided

additional information: atoms were most frequently disintegrated in

February and less frequently in August. Unfortunately, the research team

was again unable to get familiarized with the publication. An assumption

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should made that inability to get familiarized with the publication means

only impossibility to give a reference thereto.

In 2005 – 2011 in the course of weekly calibrations of the tools used

for radiation safety control in the operation of a research reactor of Ohio

University, additional data were received. Isotope 36

Cl was used for the


The observations made by experts of Nuclear Engineering School

and Department of Physics of Purdue University in cooperation with

colleagues from Ohio University research reactor staff and Space Science

and Astrophysics Center of Stanford University were as follows: in an

annual cycle, maximum relative count rate is observed in January,

February, and minimum relative count rate is observed in July, August, for

seven years in a row, in the period from July 2005 to June 2011 [48]. From

the moment of discovery of radioactivity in 1896, 118 years and only three

experiments have passed.

But it turned out that similar experiments were extensively conducted

in the Russian physical school, in the biophysical investigations sector.

Most part of such investigations was initiated and managed by head

of physical biochemistry laboratory of the RAS Institute of Theoretical and

Experimental Biophysics (Pushchino), Doctor of Biology, Shnol S.E.

Interesting results were obtained. Relevant statistics was collected in the

period from 1978 to 2007, experiments were conducted on a series of


“Measurement of 137

Cz beta gamma radioactivity in Dubna and

Troitsk (Baurov Y.A. and colleagues).

Measurement of 3Н and

14С beta gamma radioactivity using

independent automatic instruments. (Bruskov V.I., Sungurov A.Y., Razhin

V.D., Ivanchenko Y.G. 1979 – 1983)

Measurements of 239

Pu alpha activity performed at MEPhI.

(Khokhlov N.B., Sharapov M.P. 1982 – 1983)

Radioactivity of different isotopes of 239

Pu, 238

Pu, 226

Ra, 218

Po, 214

Po, 14

C, 60

Co, 55

Fe, 3H etc. (Zvereva I.M., Kolombet V.A., Zenchenko K.I.

1995 – 2000)” [49].

The conducted experiments demonstrated cyclicity and simultaneity

of radioactive emission, because part of experiments was conducted

concurrently in different geographical coordinates.

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Ra, 222

Rn, 218

Po, 214

Po, 210

Po is a radioactive family of 226

Ra. In

principle, every member of the family disintegrates independently of and

non-concordantly with the others. Nevertheless, the shape of the

histograms built according to the results of the measurements of 218

Po and 214

Po alpha activity made by I.M. Zvereva (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear

Physics, Moscow State University) using a counter with amplitude

analyzer, changes simultaneously. One measurement per 1.8 seconds. Each

of the histograms is build according to the results of fifty measurements”


“Similar result was received when comparing single-hour histograms

build according to the results of measurements of 137

Cz gamma (beta)

activity in Dubna and 239

Pu alpha activity in Pushchino. In this case local

time in the two geographical points is almost the same” [51]. “Thus, the

conclusion can be considered proved, that was made during the research in

the 70-80-s: fluctuation amplitude spectrum, shape of corresponding

histograms are similar for measurements made in different geographical

points at the same local time, and change simultaneously by local time in

the processes of different nature. This simultaneity was proved when

comparing the rate of alpha and beta disintegrations, dark noises of

photoelectron multipliers, alpha disintegration and intensiveness of the

neutron current” [52].

One more additional property of radioactive disintegration was

observed: “Thus, the regularities of changing of the histogram shape

depend, in fact, only on the direction in which alpha particles fly out of the

nucleus during radioactive disintegration. Measurements in two variants of

experiment differ only with the collimator direction in space” [53].

A conclusion was made based on the statistics that “changing of the

histogram shape was related not just to the Earth rotation round its own

axis, but to changing the orientation of our objects in relation to the Sun

and immovable stars” [54].

The observed cyclicity of radioisotope disintegration was manifested

by repeatability of the histogram shape with the interval of 24 hours, about

27 days and about 365 days, whereby measurements were made in

different geographical coordinates. This allowed for a suggestion that a

common cosmophysical reason exists.

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American researchers also observed such phenomenon as reduction

of the total radioactive component in July, August and increment in total

radioactivity in January, February.

The results, which are independent of each other, obtained by

different groups of scientists, and the investigations, which were

performed in different geographical coordinates (Germany, USA, Russia),

are consistent with the astrophysical observations.

“The Earth moves around the Sun on the elliptic orbit at a distance of

about 150 mln km with the average speed of 29.765 km/sec. The speed of

earth movement on the orbit is not constant: in July (when passing the

aphelion point) it is minimum and equal to 60 angular minutes per day,

whereas when passing the perihelion point in January it is maximum,

about 62 minutes per day. The Sun and the entire Solar system rotate

around the center of the Milky Way galaxy on almost a round orbit at the

speed of about 220 km/sec. In its turn, the Solar system, as a part of the

Milky Way galaxy, moves at a speed of about 20 km/sec towards the point

(apex) located on the border of the Lyra and Hercules constellations,

speeding up as the Universe extends” [55].

It is vividly seen that radioactivity depends on the Earth movement

speed. In July radioactive component is less active, speed of Earth

movement on the orbit reduces concurrently. Then, in January, when the

speed of movement on the orbit increases, an increment of radioactive

component is observed.

The suggestion made by Shnol S.E. concerning existence of a

common cosmophysical reason and its influence on radioactive

disintegration was confirmed. Therefore, in the depth of the space there is

a phenomenon, unknown to a human, that influences radioactive

component on the Earth. Therefore, the phenomenon of radioactivity, both

on the Earth and in the life of every person, cannot be considered an

accidental occurrence.

Part Ten

In order to substantiate priority of energy over matter, non-

randomness of the phenomenon of radioactivity and electromagnetic wave,

a certain personality of a scientist should be considered. Reality of

existence and life of a scientist should be considered with reference to his

works and writings. Let’s consider the example of scientist Hermes


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It is known from historical data that the same person was called by

different names in different cultures. In European culture this was Hermes

Trismegistus, in Egyptian culture this was god Thoth, in Russian culture

this was Ermiy Trivelikiy (thrice-greatest Hermes).

What is known at present moment: Hermes Trismegistus is the name

of a syncretic god who comprises the features of classical Greek god of

wisdom and writing Thoth and classical Greek god Hermes. In Christian

tradition there was a fictitious author of the theosophic teaching

Hermeticism [56], which comprised Greek philosophy, Chaldean

astrology, Persian magic and Egyptian alchemistry [57].

Let’s consider the issue concerning reality of life of this scientist by

his works and references thereto. Those, which are validly known.

“Inventor of writing and patron of literature and science was Thoth,

god of wisdom…. Clement of Alexandria, who knew Egypt as early as in

the times when ancient traditions were preserved (in the 2nd


speaks of 4 “Hermes’s” books…. According to Clement, 36 of the 42

books contain philosophy.., the other six concern pastophros: they have

medical contents and tell about structure of a body, diseases, organs,

medicines, eyes and, finally, touch upon gynecology” [58].

“Mentioned as god of proportions and measurements” [59], …

“Ramesses II boasts that he has erected Amun-Re temple according to

Thoth’s descriptions …. For instance, it is said that in a secret corridor for

statutes in Dendera temple proportions of the statues have been verified on

the basis of Thoth’s sentences” [60], … “from later times the book

survived called “Book of Breathing” [61].

“Thoth was represented as “god of literacy, writing, count..., origin

of names of towns and provinces. Thus, an important role of Thoth as a

complementor of the creation, establisher of the world becomes clear,….

Determiner of borders of all countries,… establisher, enlarger of both

lands, … who puts things to their proper places”. Thus, as represented by

the best people of the time, Thoth was good and all-wise god of public and

world order... Everything beautiful and useful came from him; the best

abilities of mind and the best deeds were challenged by comparison with

him, and comparison of someone’s activities with Thoth’s properties was

most honorable and desirable both for kings and for common people” [62].

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In Russian culture Hermes Trismegistus is mentioned as Ermiy

Trivelikiy (thrice-greatest Hermes) in Russian Chronograph, edition 1512


At the initiative of Patriarch Nikon in 1653 Arseniy Sukhanov,

hieromonch, builder of the Trinity Epiphany Monastery of St. Sergius and

cellarer of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, was sent to abbeys on Mount

Athos to take Greek manuscripts. He brought 498 manuscripts. “Among

about five hundred manuscripts and printed books brought by Arseniy

Sukhanov there were many works by Greek classics. Besides the above

mentioned authors there was a collection of Aesop’s fables, letters of

Pythagoras, Lives of the Sophists, Philostratus, Speeches by Aristides,

Pausanias, Dionysius of Kalicarnassus, Dio Chrysostom, Hermes

Trimegistus” [64].

Pictures of Ermiy Trivelikiy (thrice-greatest Hermes) first appeared

in the paintings of the gallery in Cathedral of the Annunciation in the

Moscow Kremlin in 1564. A picture of the ancient scientist becomes

customary. From the 17th

century special instructions appear in exemplum

on how he should be featured [65]. In Russian cultural tradition Ermiy

Trivelikiy (thrice-greatest Hermes) was a messenger and an elucidator,

and by the end of the 19th

century there were five holidays in a year

devoted to him [66]. Descriptions of the manuscripts of Moscow Synodal

(Patriarchal) Library dated the end of the 19th

century have four references

to works by Hermes Trismegistus [67].

Coat of arms of Rutherford E., founder of nuclear physics, Nobel

prizewinner, includes a picture of his advocate Hermes Trismegistus.

The arms was taken from http://www.numericana.com/arms/rutherford.htm

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The above statistically valid information provides the grounds for

reclassifying Hermes Trismegitus, or god Thoth, or thrice-greatest

Hermes, from a mythological alchemist into a significant scientist of the

protoscience times.

Up to the 18th

century there were no facts of denying Hermes

Trismegitus as a scientist. From the end of the 18th

century there was a

metamorphosis, and the scientist turned into a mythological magician. The

reasons were as follows. The 18-19th

centuries were distinguished by a

tremendous growth of science. This was the time of practice, physics,

chemistry, astronomy, biology were developed with a burst. Practical

experiments provided data on the molecular level of composition of

matter. The results were integrated into technologies, the latter were

reproduced on industrial scale. Scientific and engineering progress went

on. All the received data proved priority of a matter. However, by hard

adventure, in parallel with the data on priority of a matter Hermes

Trismegitus reminded, that energy is primary. There emerged a

contradiction. However, prestige of the scientist was so high in the middle

ages, that no one dared to expressly object to his postulates. That was the

time when the currently observed metamorphosis appeared: within two

centuries and a half the significant scientist of the protoscience times

turned into a mythological character.

The most ancient of the surviving collections of Hermes’s

manuscripts Vindobonensis Graeca 29456 is dated the end of the 2nd

century AD [68].

Let’s consider what they wrote in the years 150 – 200.

How did they describe non-randomness of radioactivity in life of the

Earth, human and surrounding world, as well as its intention?

“The nature of the divine Spirit enveloping the world is closed for the

vision. The Creator will see with His all-pervading eye and direct all

things with the help of a secret tool – the adamant and inviolable law to

which all things on the earth will obey from birth to final decomposition,

which will maintain interrelations of all the things created”… Further,

there is a description of how the Creator moves away from the Earth for

His business and leaves instead of himself: “I am sending you the other

one – emanation of my nature – that will carefully supervise all the human

deeds. No one will be able to deceive it, it will be an honest judge for the

living …. And every person will be given his due in all his family line”

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[69]. The word emanation is an obsolete physical term that means

emission of rays of radioactive substances.

Research of the middle of the 20th

century and beginning of the 21st

century proved that radioactivity is not an accidental occurrence in life.

The fact that photons appear, among others, as a result of radioactive

disintegration, is also known, and in the 21st century the information was

also received that photons are information media. Any physical object

wherein radioactive disintegration takes place transmits information about

itself. A human is not an exclusion. Earlier in the process of work the

research team formulated the hypothesis that physical objects which are

sources of an electromagnetic wave are in correlational relationship [70].

The fact that a human transmits information about himself allows for

the exclusion, at a high likelihood ratio, of a matrix tide of a human life or

the possibility of living on a programmed algorithm. The reason is as

follows: a human is known to have a great influence on the surrounding

world, sometimes a human can mistakenly endanger the surrounding

world. For this purpose there exists the “communication channel” in order

to bring to reason those mistaken. Therefore the abilities put into a human

and granted to him are tremendous. A human is vested with the right,

within a considerable corridor, to transform his life provided that he will

not do harm to the surrounding world with his acts.

There was a description of an electromagnetic wave in 150 – 200:

“Something which has no borders, no color, no shape, which is

indestructible, nude to the eye, radiant… Something which runs high as a

flame, goes down as the ground, blows throughout the Universe as air,

flows as water; which cannot be grasped with feelings, which is neither

solid, nor liquid, nor rigid, nor soft, which is perceived through its

mightiness and its energy only” [71]. The quotation does not need any


The following was written about priority of energy over a matter:

“Thus, a matter, although not born, has the origin of every birth in itself,

for it provides all the things with its boson for their fertilization” [72].

Then the Creator acts as follows: “From all the matter that was at His

disposal the Father made a body of the Universe, provided it with a

volume, gave it a sphericity, determined its properties and made it eternal

and material forever… He surrounded the body of the Universe with

eternity, in a fear that the matter, striving for dissemination, would not

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return into the state of chaos which is natural for it. Indeed, when the

matter was bodiless it was random” [73].

It is known that in order that a matter receives shape and life cycle it

should be saturated with energy. The examples of research on human birth

demonstrate that as a result of a low energy nuclear reaction a

phenomenon of life emerges. In the process of human life low energy

nuclear transformations enable a human to independently arrange his own

molecular structure and to reduce his body entropy due to his own gamma

radiation. Entropy is the chaos, the measure of disorder in any system.

While a low energy nuclear reaction can be observed on the example of a

human, an astrophysical object allows for observations on a greater scale.

By now, formation of planets has been studied with the help of

modeling. Observations over the stellar system HD 100546 made it

possible to find a planet which is being formed in the Draco constellation.

With the help of an infrared camera, which is a part of the Very large

Telescope, high quality images of the protoplanet disk “illuminated” by

heat radiation were obtained. Upon analysis the nature of movement of

the object and density of the dust and gas disk, a conclusion was made that

the planet that is being formed “pulls” the matter from the dust and gas

disk onto itself. Below is the visual image of the process [74].

Photo©: ESO/L. Calcada

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It is vividly seen that the energy is involving the matter of the

protoplanet disk into the process of a new planet formation.

The text of the years 150 – 200 further reads: “What is in fact the life

energy? Isn’t is a motion? And what is immovable in the world? Nothing.

… The Creator overwhelms and penetrates everything, for He is the

energy and mightiness... A matter is separated from the Creator; however,

isn’t a matter which is not involved into the process of creation a formless

mass? And if it is involved into the creation, then this is by means of

energy. While energy is a part of the Creator. Where do the living receive

their life and where do the eternal receive their eternity? … Whether a

matter, a body or a substance, be sure energy of the Creator is inside them”

[75]. On the other hand, manifestation of the creator is known from the

text: “The Creator as energy in action” [76].

Max Planck, major contributor to quantum physics, Nobel

prizewinner, had the following opinion on the energy priority over the

matter and possibility that there is something more concealed behind an

electromagnetic wave: “As a physicist, generally as a person who has

served the strictly sober-minded science, namely, investigation of a matter,

for all my life, I cannot be perceived with confidence as an exalted person.

So, after investigation of an atom I can say that a matter as such does not

exist! All the kinds of matter emerge and exist only due to the single force

that makes particles of an atom oscillate and holds them together as a tiny

solar system. By now, there has been no power in the Universe that would

be intelligent or eternal, and we have to admit that there is the existence of

a conscious, intelligent mind and spirit behind the power. The is the

element of all the matter … However, there may be no spirit as it is, and

every mind or spirit may belong to a living creature, and we have to

inevitably admit existence of spiritual creatures” [77].

Ginzburd V.L., Nobel prizewinner in physics, RAS Academician,

theoretical physicist, founder of the Commission to Combat

Pseudoscience, wrote in his article in the beginning of the 21st century:

“Just in the last century physics found out what the matter consists of:

molecules, atoms, photons, electrons, atomic nuclei, quarks. Thus,

everything seems to be reduced to the particles and their interaction,

including life and consciousness. This is reductionism, which is believed

in by many. I do not understand either how the things can be arranged any

other way. However, when you don’t know the answer for sure, the

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incomprehension is not an argument for any unproven hypothesis. There

may be “something” else in nature that we do not know yet” [78]. As to

the evolution of a human life, when considering the fundamental work by

Berg L. “Nomogenesis, or evolution on the basis of regularities”,

biophysicist Blyumenfeld L.A. noted: “It follows from the work that there

must be an initial plan of creation of the life. A monkey randomly striking

the keys of a typewriter will never write Hamlet” [79].

As we study the ancient sources, the questions comes up, how did

they know that in those distant times? Were there at least any adequate

scientific works besides the given references? Availability of such sourced

would be the confirmation of a collective scientific thought. Having

studied the issued in details, the researchers found out that there existed

adequate scientific sources in the times of protoscience.

For instance, a description was published of the scientific

manuscripts kept by the Patriarchal Library: “Physics with interpretation

and other articles by Aristotle”, 16th

century. “Tractates by physical

Galen”, 15th

century. “Natural history on the animal and vegetable worlds,

and a book of cures by physician Dioscorides”, 17th

century. “Logisc and

physics”, “Physics” by Nicephorus Blemmyda, 15th

century, reissued,

original dated no later than 1272. “Four medical books by physician

Oribasius”, 16th

century. Plutarch “On physics and moral”, 11th



There is an opinion that there were regular astrologists, alchemists

and magicians in the European Royal Households and Russian Tsar

Household in the Middle Ages. By reference to the manning tables where

the wages given within royal and tsar households is often recorded, the

following information can be obtained. In the manning tables of the

European Royal Households and Russian Tsar Household of mid and late

Middle Ages we will find astronomers in ordinary to the King, not

astrologists, chemists in ordinary to the King, not alchemists, surgeons in

Ordinary to the King, not magicians. This information allows saying that

the science has been developed in a logical, consistent and convincing

manner, from the protoscience times to nowadays.

It is unreasonable to neglect old literary sources in modern research.

In those times a book was not only an information medium, but a high

material value. A book had considerable value as of the moment of its

writing. Let’s give an example. “For the purchase of 43 books Deacon

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Meletius was given 300 gold coins, four rubles, a horse at the price of

twenty five rubles, and a hat at the price of nine rubles and a half [81]. The

text is about the year 1657.

In the period from 1462 to 1725 Chervonets gold coins were used in

Russia mostly for settlements with foreigners. Chervonets was in average

equal to the value of a Dutch ducat. Since market quotations for the period

of time are unavailable, let’s make an assumption. The calculation will be

made using market quotations of the mid 19th

century, and Dutch ducat

will be deemed equal to Austrian gold krone, which is approximately the

exact correspondence. One gold krone was equivalent to 8 rubles 59

kopecks in Russian money. Therefore, 300 Chervonets gold coins is

equivalent to 2,577 ruble. The money was spent to buy 43 books, which

means that an average price per a book was 59 rubles 90 kopecks. It can be

seen from the text that a price for a horse was 25 rubles. A price for one

book was equal to a price of two horses. In the Middle Ages a horse was a

means of transport, like a car nowadays. One book costs two cars.

In the Middle Ages a library was not only an indicator of education,

but also a measure of wealth of its owner. A statistically average count

could afford a library of 40 – 60 books, a statistically average merchant

was an owner of a library of 8 – 15 books. Books were recorded and

subject to inventory. Only first persons of the state could issue an order for

inventory in respect of large libraries. It is hard to suppose that a publisher

in those times could admit entering any invalid information into literary


Ignoring work with archives would be an ill-advised solution for a

contemporary research. That was work with the archive sources that made

it possible to correlate hypothesis, postulates of the protoscience time with

data received by an experimental approach in the 21st century.

Part Eleven

The received experimental data on human nuclear physiology in

correlation with the knowledge of astrophysics and literary sources allow

for an additional philosophic concept. There is an unknown owner of

energy located outside the Earth. Primary observed characteristics of the

energy owner are as follows: this is the energy realizing its own existence,

self-determined, the energy that influences radioactive disintegration in

Earth conditions, the energy that possesses the ability to process

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information, because each object the has the possibility to be a source of

an electromagnetic wave transmits information about itself. The energy

owner is friendly, for by giving away a part of its energy it contributes to

the emergence of a life phenomenon, in some form or another. With the

help of Highly Organized Energy Medium as a result of strong interaction

astrophysical objects are formed, while weak interactions result in the

biological life phenomenon. The interaction is a low energy interaction so

that molecular biological structure was not damaged, and for the purpose

of the initial momentum transfer.

The philosophic concept is not as philosophic as it may seem at the

first sight. Natural radioactivity is not an accidental occurrence in the life

of the Earth and human. American physicist Steven Weinberg, Nobel

prizewinner for the contribution to the unified theory of weak and

electromagnetic interactions between elementary particles, wrote: “The

discovery of radioactivity by Antoine Henri Becquerel in 1896 driven

away the hope for steadiness and invariability of atoms. It was shown

further that the particles found by Becquerel are emitted in the process of

spontaneous transition of radioactive substance atomic nuclei into other

atomic nuclei… Currently there is a strong theoretical case for the fact that

all the atomic nuclei finally disintegrate, therefore, the entire matter is

radioactive to a certain extent... There are many evidences, beginning with

the considerable age of the Earth, that a substance does not disappear very

quickly. If a common substance finally disintegrates, this happens slowly,

so slowly that experiments on a giant sale are required to reveal such

disintegration [82]. Such radioactive isotopes as 238

U, 235

U, 232

Th, 40

K have

a long half-life: 238

U – 4.5 billion years, 235

U – 713 million years, 40

K – 1.2

billion years. The result of the disintegration is electromagnetic radiation

of the planet that makes it identifiable for the surrounding world. The

result of such disintegration is expressed as a significant contribution to

the total electromagnetic radiation of the planet. On the other hand, it is

known on the example of human and solar life cycles, that as soon as self

electromagnetic radiation disappears, collapse occurs. Therefore,

extraction and processing of the uranium and thorium rocks reduces the

life span of our planet.

It is also known that with the help of electromagnetic radiation by a

series of radioisotopes the Earth cools down and prevents heating of the

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surface inhabited by humans. Similar cooling mechanism is observed with

a human.

Basic heat generating isotopes [83].

Isotope Heat generation






in the mantle

(kg of isotope/

kg of mantle)

Heat generation

(W/kg of the


238U 9.46 × 10

-5 4.47 × 10

9 30.8 × 10

-9 2.91 × 10


235U 5.69 × 10

-4 7.04 × 10

8 0.22 × 10

-9 1.25 × 10


232Th 2.64 × 10

-5 1.40 × 10

10 124 × 10

-9 3.27 × 10


40K 2.92 × 10

-5 1.25 × 10

9 36.9 × 10

-9 1.08 × 10


Such observed phenomenon as climate warming is intimately

connected with reduction of the possibility to cool down the planet surface.

Environment monitoring provides the following forecast on

temperature increase.

Trajectories of the global average temperature in near surface layer


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At present the balance of radioactive substances in nature is not taken

into account, as well as their extraction and processing. The result of that

is demonstrated by the above information. One can stay unaware of the

law of physics or ignore them, but this will not cancel their inevitable

implementation in reality.

“Still, we can determine that we are living (according to Voltaire) not

only in the best of all possible worlds, but in the only possible world” [85].

On the other hand, biological evolutions and human life are inseparably

associated with the geological evolution of the Earth. When observing

evolution of the planet from the position of geochemistry, geology,

zoology, botanic, we can hope that a human will not pass the point of no

return in his progress. Passing the point of no return will mean the only

thing: evolutional processes of the planet will affect living conditions of a

human so badly, that it will be late to change anything. Here exist proper

indications from the above listed sciences that the threshold of violence in

respect of the planet has been almost reached.

There is a variant of a negative scenario development. However, the

humankind has a unique possibility to correct the mistakes it has made.

Hydrocarbon energy industry makes negative changes in the

surrounding world, but it is impossible to satisfy human needs without the

industry. Alternative energy industry is not able to cope with the set tasks

for satisfying the human needs. Advocates of hydrocarbon energy industry

are in the opposition to advocates of alternative energy. However, this is

not a proper time for arguing. New opportunities for the energy industry

should be proposed. Those that do not imply designing perpetual motion

machines and cold continuous operating machine and cold thermonuclear


There are proper indications that power plants of a new type must use

natural radioactivity of the near-surface air and natural water. The

replenishable power source is billions years old already, and it is going to

stay relevant for at least the same period of time. Experiment data point at

this very direction of research. The following data were obtained on the

example of research on a human. A non-radioactive substance consisting

of a group of stable isotopes enters a short-term low energy interaction

with the natural radionuclides contained in a human body. In the process

of work on the influence of the substance “Star Dust” (SSH&H) on human

physiology the research team has always been surprised at the results

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obtained proceeding from chemical composition of the substance. Almost

everything is known about the elements in the composition, and standard

biogenic chemical elements can not give such diversified promising

statistics. The following was found out in the process of work: according

to the regulations, only norms of adequate daily consumption by a human

are taken into account when registering a dietary supplement. If weight

content of a chemical element is on the order of 10-3

per gram, milligram

or less, such weight content is considered to be irrelevant for a human diet.

Indeed, such mass of an element will not be considerable for a chemical

reaction. Therefore legitimacy of the regulations raises no doubts. On the

other hand, such concentrations play a considerable part when we deal

with a low energy nuclear reaction. Further, still more interesting results

were obtained. Comparative analysis of the substance before and after

applying the technology was performed by the method of mass

spectrometry, glow discharge on the basis of a hollow cathode. The result

was 28-29% of the element mass defect. Thereby, emergence of any new

chemical elements was not observed in the comparative analysis,

otherwise this would be the evidence of a chemical reaction that occurred

in the processing chain. On the other hand, the question concerning

nuclear nature of the isotope transition can arise only if the result of 28-

29% of the element mass defect is obtained by mass spectrometry. It was

also found out that the composition was not subject to any accelerating and

generation systems. The fact of such a processing technique is yet

unknown. However, the received results allow for a suggestion that

changes occur in the processing chain, which are represented by changes

in the ratio of concentrations of stable chemical element isotopes. There is,

therefore, a group of stable isotopes that can “see” natural radioactivity.

In spite of the novelty of the above observation and careful

conclusions, it should be born in mind that knowledge on the invisible

world have a short historical period. In 1896 Becquerel A. Discovered

radioactivity, and the discovery changed the human idea of the world as

something static, invariable and constant. In 1906 – 1907 the first

evidences were received that substances with similar chemical behavior

can have different physical properties. On the suggestion of Soddy F. Such

substances were called isotopes in 1910. The same element appeared to

have variants of “subvariety”. Chemical properties of such “subvariety”

are the same, so it cannot be identified from the position of classical

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chemistry, but nuclear properties are different due to different atomic

weight, which means different physical properties. For instance, oxygen,

which is an ingredient of the atmospheric air that a human uses for

breathing, has here stable isotopes: 16

О with the abundance of 99.762%, 17

О with the abundance of 0.037 %, and 18

О with the abundance of


Further, as a result of the works of Hahn O., the notion of nuclear

isomerism appeared in 1921. Isomerism was first revealed in the sphere of

induced radioactivity due to the work on Br induced radioactivity

completed in the Radium Institute of the USSR Academy of Science in

1935. The first investigations and the first classification of radioactive

isomers were developed by Kurchatov B.V., Kurchatov I.V., Mysovskiy

L.V. and Rusinov L.I. In those times nuclear isomerism, as the existence

of metastable (isomeric) exited conditions of the atomic nuclei, with

different half-lives, raised careful optimism. But subsequent research

proved the fact.

Later on, existence of nuclear isomers with great half-life was

proved. Isomer 180m

Ta has half-life of 1.2 ×1015

years [86], 210m

Bi has

half-life of 3.04 × 106

years [87]. Nuclear isomerism was discovered on the

example of radioactive substances. But there are no contradictions, if

stable elements have isomerism as well. As at the beginning of works of

Kurchatov I.V. in 1938 such hypothesis had been formulated already:

“Experimental methods make it possible to differentiate one isomer of the

same isotope from another only if the isomers are radioactive nuclei. This,

however, does not prove that stable nuclei have no isomers… Modern

nuclear theory admits that such nuclei may have isomers. The fact that

they have not yet been found in the experiment seems to point out that

another, new method is required in order to find them” [88].

“In other words, according to this theory stable nuclei may have

isomers. These isomers are also stable nuclei and differ from the ground

state nuclei only by a small value of internal energy and great value of

spin. … It should also be mentioned that the case is also possible, when a

transition of one isomer into another will not be accompanied by any

corpuscular radiation, but with emission of soft gamma rays only; it is

rather difficult to notice such gamma rays by experiment” [89].

Should this hypothesis find its proof, this will mean that not only

radioactive substances are subject to disintegration which in the end

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influences changes in molecular properties of the matter. The fact the

stable substances have isomeric states will mean that at first one isotope is

transformed from a stable element, then another one, until finally the

whole matter transformation occurs, which can be observed by a human.

Many physical values acquire dynamical characteristics in this case.

On the other side, this observation points at new types of energy

sources. In a working area of a fluctuation reactor a flow of natural air or

natural water which have their own natural radioactivity must enter into

energy interaction with the core consisting of a group of stable isotopes.

In the field forecast, such reactors will be safer, the probability of any

incident is close to minimum, they are easy to maintain, durable and do not

have negative influence of the outside world.

At first sight this seems to be difficult, but there are indications, that

this way if hard but still can be overcome.

If we assume that the observed low energy reactions in a human can

be translated into the language of physics, what will we have then?

Administration of the substance “Star Dust” (SSH&H) offers an

experimentally evident increase in human electromagnetic radiation. In the

language of physics this means control over the radioactive disintegration.

Recorded human gamma radiation at this moment in terms of physics

means the gamma lens effect. The function of such lens of performed by a

human together with the substance. It is interesting that in 1992 a

hypothesis concerning lens existence in a human was formulated by a

Russian scientist Stolyarov V.S. [90].

Control over radioactive disintegration and creation of lenses for

gamma radiation are fundamental problems of contemporary physics.

From the point of view of applied science, these fundamental issues are

consistent tools, which will be used to create new generation reactors. All

the phenomena are observed in a human, and with favorable forecast

nothing impedes relocating the observed reactions into engineering

laboratory conditions. In a working hypothesis, such fluctuation reactors

can also perform the function of a propeller in the medium where

electromagnetic radiation exists, i.e. in space environment.

A critical aspect of such technologies is the fixed assets value.

Today, such processing technique as separation of isotopes is mostly used

for radioactive substances. Such technology is used in armament and

nuclear industries. As at the beginning of the 21st century such

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technologies were available in no more than 18 countries. Mass media

provide figures concerning fixed assets value of such facilities.

приводятся цифры по стоимости основных средств подобных

производств. Fixed assets value of a low yield uranium recovery factory,

exclusive of cost of commissioning and operation, is about 3.5 billion US

dollars. We can only suppose the expanding coefficient for the technology

that would allow for changing isotope ratios of stable elements without

outside radiation, i.e. without using particle accelerators and atom

impingement with nuclear particles. Even if cost of separate isotopes is

considered, market structure will form its own prices. For instance, there is

an element called osmium, which exists in nature in the form of seven

isotopes, of which six are stable. Selling price for 99% pure osmium

powder is US$12 per gram. Whereas an isotope of osmium 187

Os is sold at

the official price of US$10,000 per gram. Outside market will offer still

higher price, up to US$200,000 per gram.

Actually, the above difficulties are just illusory obstacles. In a

favorable forecast such power plants will appear within the nearest 20-22


This part of work is intentionally delivered in a complementary style

in order to demonstrate that good physics is inseparable from good


Part Twelve

The work and studies performed in the period of 1999-2012 made it

possible to lay the foundation of such new field of research as nuclear


The obtained result is not standard, but it not inconsistent.

Radioactivity is not an accidental occurrence in the life of a planet and a

certain person. For a human, natural radioactivity is a necessary condition

for living. On a larger scale, the electromagnetic radiation, which is a

consequence of radioactive disintegration of natural radionuclides, takes

part in the energy and information balance between the physical objects,

which are sources of electromagnetic radiation.

In the process of discussion of the obtained results three basic groups

of opinions were formed. The first opinion denied regularities in the

development of the world around, represented a human as a kind of

biological robot living on a programmed algorithm, with the slogan “after

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me, the deluge”. The second opinion was more loyal, however doubting,

the investigations led to the fine line, where science is on the one side and

knowledge of the protoscience times are on the other side, can ancient

information be trusted? The third opinion belonged to the confessional

trend, a belief confirmed by an experiment.

When drawing an analogy between knowledge of the ancient times

and knowledge of physics of the mid 20th

century, Vavilov V.I. made the

following conclusion: “It would be a gross mistake to consider Epicurus

and Lucretius as predecessors of quantum mechanics, however, some

coincidence of the ancient idea with the contemporary one should not be

considered accidental. … Reading again the Lucretius poem would be

equally useful for the philosophers and physicists who are afraid of

uncertainty as a way to indeterminism, and for those looking at it in a hope

that it will become a support for idealism and mystics. Through the

antiquity of the ancient images and knowledge they would be able to

clearly read the end to their fears and hopes respectively” [91].

It is validly known that the Earth is a home for a human, and the

whole outside world is friendly towards a human. A human has been

inhabited the world for a long time, but unfortunately, he has not yet made

friends with the world, nor he has learnt to say thanks to the world that

surrounds him and makes him comfortable.

A promising factor is that currently there exists a group of people

who are ready to consider and take into account the aggregate of

regularities in development of life. This group of people has an active

cognitive position. Such conclusion follows from the questions which the

group of people asks. Children ask the Creator questions: “Where does

time go? Does it go into gray hair? How old are You? Do You have mind

or are You all made of soul? How do You live in the heavens? Do you

have everything You need? Don’t You need anything? Have You been

created for the whole world? Can I help You? Where do You see us from?

Hello, how are You? How do You live? How’s Your health? What do we

live for? By how many years are You older than the earth? Do I actually

exist? Are You more invisible than air? Why are You watching us? How

can You see everything at the same time? What do you like in our life?

What are we getting older for? What is time? God let’s make friends” [92].

In the middle of the twentieth century, at the moment of rapid

development of physics, American physicist Oppenheimer R. wrote: “We

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are so much preoccupied with the changes that occur in today’s physics:

their wilderness, impudence, virtuosity and expansion, that we do not

understand them well enough and, as likely as not, we might be unable to

understand them... The future will be still more radical, odd and less

familiar, and it brings along its own new intuition for an inquisitive mind”

[93]. Physics likes sparkling talent and impudence, then physics waits

patiently until the talent and impudence are dressed up with knowledge.

Then physics waits patiently again until the knowledge transforms into

wisdom. There is an opinion that wisdoms comes with years, but like no

other science physics knows that often years come alone.

Physics is a natural science and it is therefore subject to evolution

together with the world it studies. Evolution of physics also determined the

criteria that physics sets for its successors. A portrait of a 21st century

physicist in terms of mathematics is as follows: talent and impudence

squared by moral virtues, and multiplied by high-precision equipment, the

resulting product approaching the knowledge which goes to the wisdom.

This paper is not ended with conclusions because the investigations

are in progress, the obtained results and discussions are presented above.

The authors are grateful to Shikalov V.F., Doctor of Engineering, for

the important notes which were considered in the work, and for the

opportunity to extend their knowledge in the process of discussions and

working meetings.

The authors are thankful to the editorial staff of Physics – Uspekhi

journal (Advances in Physical Sciences) and http://books.google.com/ for

the provided opportunity to work with sources.


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