PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014

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  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Denitional mbi!"ity

    #in$e its earliest appearan$e in the1%&'s, the term (!lobalization) has been"sed in both pop"lar and a$ademi$

    literat"re to des$ribe a pro$ess, a$ondition, a system, a for$e, and an a!e

    Given that these $ompetin! labels have

    very di*erent meanin!s, theirindis$riminate "sa!e is often obs$"reand invites $onf"sion


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    o"r -hara$teristi$s

    irst, !lobalization involves the creationofne and the multiplication of e/istin!so$ial netorks and a$tivities that

    in$reasin!ly over$ome traditional politi$al,e$onomi$, $"lt"ral, and !eo!raphi$albo"ndaries

    0he se$ond "ality of !lobalization isre2e$ted in the e/pansion and thestretching of social relations, activities,and interdependencies


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    o"r -hara$teristi$s

    0hird, !lobalization involves theintensication and acceleration of so$iale/$han!es and a$tivities

    o"rth, the $reation, e/pansion, andintensi$ation of so$ial inter$onne$tionsand interdependen$ies do not o$$"rmerely on an ob4e$tive, material level

    Globalization pro$esses also involve thes"b4e$tive plane of h"man $ons$io"sness


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014



    Globalization refers to am"ltidimensional set of so$ialpro$esses that $reate, m"ltiply,stret$h, and intensify orldideso$ial interdependen$ies ande/$han!es hile at the same time

    fosterin! in people a !roin!aareness of deepenin! $onne$tionsbeteen the lo$al and the distant


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    -onf"sion Prevails7

    0he an$ient 8"ddhist parable of theblind s$holars and their en$o"nterith the elephant is apt7

    9ven those s$holars ho a!ree that!lobalization is best tho"!ht of as asin!"lar pro$ess $lash ith ea$h

    other over hi$h aspe$t of so$ial life$onstit"tes the primary domain of thephenomenon


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    -onf"sion Prevails7

    #ome s$holars ar!"e that e$onomi$ pro$esseslie at the $ore of !lobalization

    :thers privile!e politi$al, $"lt"ral, or ideolo!i$al

    aspe$ts #till others point to environmental pro$esses as

    the essen$e of !lobalization

    0heir $olle$tive mistake lies in their do!mati$

    attempts to red"$e s"$h a $omple/phenomenon as !lobalization to a sin!ledomain that $orresponds to their on e/pertise


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Is it a

  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Is it a

  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Is it a 3,6'' 8-9?1,6'' -9@Athe a!e of empires

    ll of these empires fostered the m"ltipli$ation

    and e/tension of lon!?distan$e $omm"ni$ationand the e/$han!e of $"lt"re, te$hnolo!y,$ommodities, and diseases

    Cost horri$ manifestation of this e/$han!e

    as fatef"l 1&th?$ent"ry $ollision of the (old(and (ne( orlds, hen the nasty !erms of9"ropean invaders killed an estimated 1Bmillion

  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Is it a 16''?1;6'@

    D"rin! these to $ent"ries, 9"ropeand its so$ial pra$ti$es served as the

    primary $atalyst for !lobalization

    8y the early 1&''s, national 4oint sto$k$ompanies like the D"t$h and 8ritish

    9ast India $ompanies ere fo"nded forthe e/press p"rpose of settin! "pprotable overseas trade posts


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Is it a

  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Is it a 1;6'?1%;'@Aremainin! areas are bro"!ht "nder9"ropean $ontrol

    -onfronted ith stories of the (distant(and ima!es of $o"ntless (others(,9"ropeans and their des$endants on

    other $ontinents took it "pon themselvesto ass"me the role of the orld(s!"ardians of "niversal la and morality


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Is it a

  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Is it a

  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Is it a

  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Globalization 0oday

    9$onomi$ dimension of !lobalization

    Refers to the intensi$ation and stret$hin!of e$onomi$ interrelations a$ross the !lobe

    Gi!anti$ 2os of $apital and te$hnolo!yhave stim"lated trade in !oods andservi$es

    Carkets have e/tended their rea$h aro"ndthe orld, in the pro$ess $reatin! nelinka!es amon! national e$onomies


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Globalization today

    "!e transnational $orporations,poerf"l international e$onomi$instit"tions, and lar!e re!ional tradin!

    systems have emer!ed as the ma4orb"ildin! blo$s of the +1st $ent"ry(s!lobal e$onomi$ order

    Politi$al !lobalization refers to theintensi$ation and e/pansion ofpoliti$al interrelations a$ross the !lobe


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Globalization today

    0hese pro$esses raise an important set ofpoliti$al iss"es pertainin! to the prin$iple ofstate soverei!nty, the !roin! impa$t of

    inter!overnmental or!anizations, and thef"t"re prospe$ts for re!ional and !lobal!overnan$e

    0he debate beteen hyper!lobalizers and

    !lobalization skepti$s abo"t the viability ofthe Eestphalian state system

    Iss"e of !lobal !overnan$e


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Globalization today

    -"lt"ral !lobalization refers to theintensi$ation and e/pansion of $"lt"ral2os a$ross the !lobe

    Does !lobalization make people aro"nd theorld more alike or more di*erent=

    FPessimisti$ hyper!lobalizers( ar!"e infavo"r of the former

    0hey s"!!est that e are not movin!toards a $"lt"ral rainbo that re2e$ts thediversity of the orld(s e/istin! $"lt"res


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    Globalization today

    Rather, e are itnessin! the rise ofan in$reasin!ly homo!enized pop"lar$"lt"re "nderritten by a Eestern

    ($"lt"re ind"stry( based in

  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    -hallen!es to !lobalization

    In spite of its overhelmin!presen$e, !lobalization has its $riti$s

    :ne sentiment shared by thesediverse so$ial for$es is their$onvi$tion that they m"st prote$tthemselves and others from the

    ne!ative $onse"en$es of!lobalization

    In this re!ard, they are all

    (prote$tionists( of some kind ++

  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    -hallen!es to !lobalization

    Ee divide anti!lobalist !ro"ps into to lar!eideolo!i$al $amps

    Particularist protectionistsin$l"de !ro"ps hoblame !lobalization for most of the e$onomi$,

    politi$al, and $"lt"ral ills aJi$tin! their home$o"ntries or re!ions

    0hreatened by the slo erosion of old so$ialpatterns, they deno"n$e free trade, poer of !lobal

    investors, neoliberal a!enda of m"ltinational$orporations, K meri$anization of the orld aspra$ti$es that have $ontrib"ted to so$ial ande$onomi$ oes


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    -hallen!es to !lobalization

    earin! the loss of national self?determination and the destr"$tion of their$"lt"res, they pled!e to prote$t their

    traditional ays of life from those (forei!nelements( they $onsider responsible for!lobalization

    re more $on$erned ith the ell?bein! of

    their on $itizens than ith the $onstr"$tionof a more e"itable international orderbased on !lobal solidarity


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    -hallen!es to !lobalization

    -hallen!in! the $entral $laims of!lobalism these !ro"ps point to thepossibility of $onstr"$tin! a ne

    international order based on a !lobalredistrib"tion of ealth and poer

    -laim to be !"ided by the ideals of

    e"ality and so$ial 4"sti$e for allpeople in the orld, not 4"st the$itizens of their on $o"ntries


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    -hallen!es to !lobalization

    0hey a$$"se !lobalist elites of p"shin!poli$ies that are leadin! to !reater !lobaline"ality, hi!h levels of "nemployment,

    environmental de!radation, and thedemise of so$ial elfare

    -allin! for a (!lobalization from belo(favo"rin! the mar!inalized and poor, they

    seek to prote$t ordinary people all overthe orld from a neoliberal (!lobalizationfrom above(


  • 8/9/2019 PGDIR Lecture - Fall 2014


    "t"re of !lobalization

    Larl Polanyi)s readin! on the rise of9"ropean fas$ism

    Ehat does it mean for "s=

    Eas %?11 a harbin!er of the f"t"re=

    Fh"man fa$e) to !lobalization=
