Petroleum Petroleum is an oil that is found underground.

Petroleum Petroleum is an oil that is found underground

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Petroleum is an oil that is found underground.



“rock oil” or

“oil from the earth.”

Petroleum is a Fossil Fuel.• It was made from

plants and animals.

• The energy in petroleum came from plants and animals.

• That energy came from the sun.

The plants and animals lived

millions of years ago.

They were alive before the dinosaurs!

When they died, they were buried

on the ocean floor.

Over the years, layers of mud

built up, covering the dead plants

and animals.

Heat and pressure from

these layers helped the

remains turn into what we today call crude oil. 

Petroleum is Non-Renewable.

The petroleum we use today took millions of years to form.

We can’t make more in a short time.

That’s why we call it a non-renewable energy source.

Today, the oil is found underground.

• Petroleum is buried underground in tiny pockets in rocks.

• The oil is trapped in rocks almost like water is trapped in a wet sponge!

So how do we get petroleum out of the


We drill oil wells!

Pockets of oil that

are deep underground

are called deposits or


Oil wells pump out the oil and bring it to

the surface.

Some oil wells are

more than two miles


Oil Well

Oil is found in two places:

• Underneath land.

• Underneath the ocean.


Land-Based Well

Off-Shore Well

Oil rigs that can float are used to reach oil beneath the ocean.

Most of these wells are in the Gulf of


After the oil is drilled, it is sent to refineries.

• We move oil in big ships called tankers.

• Sometimes we move oil in pipes under the ground.

We can’t use crude oil as it

comes out of the ground.

We must change it into the fuels that

we can use.

A refinery is a factory that processes oil.

At the refinery, the crude oil is separated into many fuels and




Jet Fuel


Over two-thirds of the petroleum mined is used to make gasoline, diesel fuel, and

heating oil!

Products made from one barrel of crude oil

One barrel of crude oil produces 19.7 gallons of gasoline!

We also burn oil to

make electricit


The demand for petroleum-based products is very high.

Petroleum use impacts every

part of our lives!

Americans use more petroleum than any other energy source!

Texas produces the most oil!

Unfortunately, we use much more oil than we produce.

The U.S. only produces about one-third the amount of oil that we use!

Petroleum makes our lives easier, but…

Petroleum damages the environment!

Drilling for oil

disturbs fragile

land and ocean


Transporting oil

may endanger

wildlife if it’s

spilled on rivers

and oceans.

Even careless disposal of

motor oil from our cars can

pollute streams and rivers!

Gasoline burned in our cars

pollutes the air.

Oil burned

in factories



The petroleum industry works hard to protect the environment.

• Oil is drilled and transported as safely as possible, to avoid spills.

• Gasoline has been changed to burn cleaner.

Discussion Questions

• Where are most of the off-shore oil rigs located?

• What are some recent events that impacted oil production in this area?

• How did the disruption of oil production impact your life?