Petroleum geology of the Black Sea: introduction M. D. SIMMONS 1 *, G. C. TARI 2 & A. I. OKAY 3 1 Halliburton, 97 Jubilee Avenue, Milton Park, Abingdon OX14 4RW, UK 2 OMV Exploration & Production GmbH, Trabrennstrasse 68, A-1020 Vienna, Austria 3 Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, I ̇ stanbul Technical University, 34469 Maslak, I ̇ stanbul, Turkey *Correspondence: [email protected] Abstract: The exploration for petroleum in the Black Sea is still in its infancy. Notwithstanding the technical challenges in drilling in its deep-water regions, several geological risks require better understanding. These challenges include reservoir presence and quality (partly related to sediment provenance), and the timing and migration of hydrocarbons from source rocks relative to trap for- mation. In turn, these risks can only be better understood by an appreciation of the geological history of the Black Sea basins and the surrounding orogens. This history is not without ongoing contro- versy. The timing of basin formation, uplift of the margins and facies distribution remain issues for robust debate. This Special Publication presents the results of 15 studies that relate to the tecto- nostratigraphy and petroleum geology of the Black Sea. The methodologies of these studies encom- pass crustal structure, geodynamic evolution, stratigraphy and its regional correlation, petroleum systems, source to sink, hydrocarbon habitat and play concepts, and reviews of past exploration. They provide insight into the many ongoing controversies regarding the geological history of the Black Sea region and provide a better understanding of the geological risks that must be considered for future hydrocarbon exploration. The Black Sea remains one of the largest underexplored rift basins in the world. Although signicant biogenic gas discoveries have been made within the last decade, thermogenic petroleum systems must be proven through the systematic exploration of a wide variety of play concepts. Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license. The Black Sea, located between Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine, covers an area of approximately 423 000 km 2 with a maxi- mum water depth of 2245 m. Sedimentary thickness can exceed 14 km. The Black Sea holds an abiding fascination for petroleum geologists and is a true frontier basin with very few wells drilled in its deep- water sector. Abundant seepage, outcrops of poten- tial source rocks around its margins, large potential traps imaged on seismic data, and a variety of potential reservoir and play concepts point towards considerable potential to reward the successful explorer. This volume brings together several geo- science studies (Fig. 1) that provide additional infor- mation about the origins of the Western and Eastern Black Sea basins, their tectonostratigraphic history, sedimentary ll and petroleum potential. The Black Sea and its surrounding regions have a long history of geological research: for example, it has long been regarded as the type example of an euxinic basin in which bottom water anoxia and free hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S) result in an absence of benthonic life and the preservation of organic mat- ter (Wignall 1994). Somewhat ironically, the term euxinicis derived from an ancient Greek name for the sea, Pontus Euxinus, meaning the welcoming or hospitable sea. Another ancient Greek name (probably derived from an Iranian name), Pontos Axeinos (the dark or somber sea: King 2004), may better reect the widespread anoxia in its deep waters. Nonetheless, it is indeed a welcoming region for the geologist wishing to unravel its geological history and petroleum potential, although its secrets are not given up lightly. The Black Sea comprises two distinct depositio- nal basins: the Western Black Sea and the Eastern Black Sea separated by the Mid Black Sea High (the Andrusov Ridge and the Tetyaev and Archan- gelsky highs) (Fig. 2)(Finetti et al. 1988). The Eastern Black Sea contains the Tuapse Trough, the foreland basin to the Caucasus fold and thrust belt. The Tuapse Trough is separated from the main part of the Eastern Black Sea by the Shatsky Ridge. From the Oligocene onwards, the Black Sea and its constituent basins formed part of Paratethys, a remnant of the closure of Tethys. It lies at the south- ern margin of Laurasia, which formed the northern margin of Tethys. The basins of the Black Sea are From:SIMMONS, M. D., TARI, G. C. & OKAY, A. I. (eds) 2018. Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 464,118. First published online May 4, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1144/SP464.15 © 2018 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. Publishing disclaimer: www.geolsoc.org.uk/pub_ethics

Petroleum geology of the Black Sea: introductionokay/makalelerim/145_simmons_et_al_2018_introduction_petroleum...Petroleum geology of the Black Sea: introduction M. D. SIMMONS1*, G

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Page 1: Petroleum geology of the Black Sea: introductionokay/makalelerim/145_simmons_et_al_2018_introduction_petroleum...Petroleum geology of the Black Sea: introduction M. D. SIMMONS1*, G

Petroleum geology of the Black Sea: introduction

M. D. SIMMONS1*, G. C. TARI2 & A. I. OKAY3

1Halliburton, 97 Jubilee Avenue, Milton Park, Abingdon OX14 4RW, UK2OMV Exploration & Production GmbH, Trabrennstrasse 6–8, A-1020 Vienna, Austria

3Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Istanbul Technical University, 34469 Maslak,Istanbul, Turkey

*Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: The exploration for petroleum in the Black Sea is still in its infancy. Notwithstanding thetechnical challenges in drilling in its deep-water regions, several geological risks require betterunderstanding. These challenges include reservoir presence and quality (partly related to sedimentprovenance), and the timing and migration of hydrocarbons from source rocks relative to trap for-mation. In turn, these risks can only be better understood by an appreciation of the geological historyof the Black Sea basins and the surrounding orogens. This history is not without ongoing contro-versy. The timing of basin formation, uplift of the margins and facies distribution remain issuesfor robust debate. This Special Publication presents the results of 15 studies that relate to the tecto-nostratigraphy and petroleum geology of the Black Sea. The methodologies of these studies encom-pass crustal structure, geodynamic evolution, stratigraphy and its regional correlation, petroleumsystems, source to sink, hydrocarbon habitat and play concepts, and reviews of past exploration.They provide insight into the many ongoing controversies regarding the geological history of theBlack Sea region and provide a better understanding of the geological risks that must be consideredfor future hydrocarbon exploration. The Black Sea remains one of the largest underexplored riftbasins in the world. Although significant biogenic gas discoveries have been made within the lastdecade, thermogenic petroleum systems must be proven through the systematic exploration of awide variety of play concepts.

Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license.

The Black Sea, located between Russia, Georgia,Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine, coversan area of approximately 423 000 km2 with a maxi-mum water depth of 2245 m. Sedimentary thicknesscan exceed 14 km. The Black Sea holds an abidingfascination for petroleum geologists and is a truefrontier basin with very few wells drilled in its deep-water sector. Abundant seepage, outcrops of poten-tial source rocks around its margins, large potentialtraps imaged on seismic data, and a variety ofpotential reservoir and play concepts point towardsconsiderable potential to reward the successfulexplorer. This volume brings together several geo-science studies (Fig. 1) that provide additional infor-mation about the origins of the Western and EasternBlack Sea basins, their tectonostratigraphic history,sedimentary fill and petroleum potential.

The Black Sea and its surrounding regions have along history of geological research: for example, ithas long been regarded as the type example of aneuxinic basin in which bottom water anoxia andfree hydrogen sulphide (H2S) result in an absenceof benthonic life and the preservation of organic mat-ter (Wignall 1994). Somewhat ironically, the term

‘euxinic’ is derived from an ancient Greek namefor the sea, Pontus Euxinus, meaning the welcomingor hospitable sea. Another ancient Greek name(probably derived from an Iranian name), PontosAxeinos (the dark or somber sea: King 2004), maybetter reflect the widespread anoxia in its deepwaters. Nonetheless, it is indeed a welcoming regionfor the geologist wishing to unravel its geologicalhistory and petroleum potential, although its secretsare not given up lightly.

The Black Sea comprises two distinct depositio-nal basins: the Western Black Sea and the EasternBlack Sea separated by the Mid Black Sea High(the Andrusov Ridge and the Tetyaev and Archan-gelsky highs) (Fig. 2) (Finetti et al. 1988). TheEastern Black Sea contains the Tuapse Trough, theforeland basin to the Caucasus fold and thrust belt.The Tuapse Trough is separated from the main partof the Eastern Black Sea by the Shatsky Ridge.

From the Oligocene onwards, the Black Sea andits constituent basins formed part of Paratethys, aremnant of the closure of Tethys. It lies at the south-ern margin of Laurasia, which formed the northernmargin of Tethys. The basins of the Black Sea are

From: SIMMONS, M. D., TARI, G. C. & OKAY, A. I. (eds) 2018. Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea.Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 464, 1–18.First published online May 4, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1144/SP464.15© 2018 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London.Publishing disclaimer: www.geolsoc.org.uk/pub_ethics

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extensional in origin (Zonenshain & Le Pichon1986; Okay et al. 1994), relating at least in partto the northwards subduction of strands of Tethysbeneath Laurasia, but are surrounded by compres-sive belts. Crimea and the Greater Caucasus, formedby the inversion of the Mesozoic Caucasus Basin inthe Cenozoic, border the Black Sea to the north andeast. A small basin, the Rioni, lies to the east inGeorgia. The Balkanides and Pontides orogeniczones, formed from an accretion of terranes andisland arcs, lie to the south and SE (Fig. 2).

Many oil and gas fields lie around the margins ofthe Black Sea (Robinson et al. 1996; Benton 1997),both in shallow-marine areas and onshore. Morerecently, the first efforts to explore in the deep-wateroffshore have met with mixed success, despite thepresence of a variety of play types (Tari et al.2011; Tari & Simmons 2018). In 2017, respectedanalysts Wood Mackenzie reported an estimate of1.35 BBOE (billion barrels of oil equivalent) ofyet-to-find reserves for the Black Sea (WoodMackenzie 2017). This may be a modest estimate,given the presence of widespread source rocks, seep-age and large potential traps. By contrast, in 2000,the USGS World Petroleum Assessment estimatedin excess of 7 BBOE (https://pubs.usgs.gov/dds/dds-060/index.html#TOP). However, the currentcontribution of the Black Sea to global petroleumproduction is minor, especially when compared tothe neighbouring Caspian Sea region. Interestingly,similarities exist between the two regions in termsof key petroleum geology elements. Partial isolationfrom the world’s oceans from the Eocene onwardsled to deposition of the Kuma and Maykop suitesand their equivalents. These are important sourcerocks in both the South Caspian Sea and the BlackSea. Both the Black Sea and the South Caspianhave been influenced by the Cenozoic influx ofsediment from palaeo-river systems that occupyvery different drainage pathways than the currentequivalent systems. These sediments can form keyproven and potential reservoir targets.

To date, the limited exploration in the deep waterof the Black Sea has mostly resulted in discoveries ofbiogenic gas as at Domino in the Romanian offshore(a play first described by Bega & Ionescu 2009).Thermogenic petroleum systems, although proven,are yet to yield major finds, although at the time ofwriting several play concepts are being tested. Onthe shelf of the Black Sea, additions to the discover-ies listed by Benton (1997) continue to be made.These include, for example, Subbotina, discoveredin 2005 offshore Crimea. A thrust anticline withreservoirs in Maykop Suite sands, the field isreported to have recoverable reserves of 100 Mt(million tons) of oil (c. 680 MMBO (million barrelsof oil)) and 3.5 TCF (trillion cubic ft) of gas (Stovbaet al. 2009). Similar (and larger) untested anticlinal

structures extend southwards into the deep water(Tari et al. 2011).

Geological history: ongoing uncertainties

The geological history of the Black Sea region isrelated to the history of the amalgamation of the tec-tonic terranes that have accreted around it (Figs 2–4).Anatolia to the south of the Black Sea is a notablecollage of different continental and oceanic frag-ments (Okay & Tüysüz 1999; Okay 2008; Hippolyteet al. 2015). Uncertainty exists with regard to thetiming of the amalgamation events and their conse-quences (Sosson et al. 2010, 2017). Nonetheless,the subduction of branches of Neotethys to thesouth of the present-day Black Sea led to phases ofarc volcanism and extension (although the two arenot always clearly related) on the southern marginof Laurasia within the Mesozoic (Fig. 3) (Nikishinet al. 2003; Dinu et al. 2005; Okay & Nikishin2015). This was followed by uplift and compres-sional deformation as strands of Neotethys progres-sively closed (Allen & Armstrong 2008; Vincentet al. 2016).

The relative timing of the opening of the twobasins remains controversial. Evidence of riftingexists in theWestern Black Sea during the Early Cre-taceous (Barremian–Aptian) (Görür 1988, 1997;Nikishin et al. 2003; Hippolyte et al. 2010). Deepseismic studies indicate that oceanic crust is presentin the Western Black Sea (Belousov et al. 1988;Görür 1988; Okay et al. 1994; Graham et al. 2013;Tari et al. 2015b; Schleder et al. 2015; Nikishinet al. 2015a, b). Interpolation between the onshorestratigraphy and seismic data suggests that theocean crust in the Western Black Sea is Santonianin age (Okay et al. 2013; Nikishin et al. 2015a, b).In much of the Central Pontides, a large hiatus ofc. 20 myr exists between the deposition of the Barre-mian–Aptian sequence and the start of arc volcanismin the Santonian (Fig. 3). In the southern marginof the Pontides near the Tethyan subduction zone,this stratigraphic gap is represented by accretion ofoceanic edifices involving deformation and meta-morphism of the Barremian–Aptian depositionalsequence (Okay et al. 2013). An uncertainty in thegeology of the Black Sea is whether the Barre-mian–Aptian rift succession is related to the openingof the Western Black Sea, or represents an unrelatedearlier event.

The main phase of the opening of the EasternBlack Sea has been variously interpreted ascoeval with the Western Black Sea (Okay et al.1994; Nikishin et al. 2003, 2015a, b; Stephenson& Schellart 2010); as late Campanian–Danian(Vincent et al. 2016), as Paleocene–Early Eocene(Robinson et al. 1995, 1996; Spadini et al. 1996;Shillington et al. 2008) or as Eocene (Kazmin


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Fig. 3. Simplified chronostratigraphic chart of



the stratigraphy present in the Black Sea. Based largely on theWestern/Central Pontides and an interpretation of the Western Black Sea but may be largely applicable to the EasternBlack Sea depending on the timing of the opening of that basin.


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et al. 2000). It is notable that the rift-related succes-sions of theWestern and Central Pontides (e.g. Çagl-ayan Formation) have no equivalents in the EasternPontides (Okay & Sahintürk 1997; Hippolyte et al.2015).

Given that theWestern Greater Caucasus Basin tothe north of the Shatsky Ridge opened in the EarlyJurassic as a result of Neotethyan subduction, theremay have also been a proto-Eastern Black Seasouth of the Shatsky Ridge during the Jurassic, or atleast an initial phase of rifting (Vincent et al. 2016).

A commonly cited model for the Cretaceousopening of the Western Black Sea was describedby Okay et al. (1994) that involved the IstanbulTerrane (modern-day Western Pontides) splittingaway from Moesia along two major faults – theWest Black Sea Fault and the West Crimea Fault –as a consequence of subduction of the Neo-TethyanOcean to the south. Notwithstanding evidence forAlbian-aged volcanism south of the Karkinit Trough(offshore Ukraine), in Crimea and on the ShatskyRidge (Kazmin et al. 2000; Nikishin et al. 2013,2015a, 2017), it is now argued that initial riftingmay not be back-arc related (Tari 2015; Okayet al. 2017) and, moreover, that the nature of thekey faults cited by Okay et al. (1994), especiallythe West Crimea Fault, can be reappraised (Tari

et al. 2015b) in the light of excellent regional 2Dseismic data that have been gathered across theBlack Sea for both petroleum exploration andacademic purposes (Graham et al. 2013; Nikishinet al. 2015a, b). For example, the West CrimeaFault can be shown to be a major transform fault run-ning NW–SE on the margin of the Andrusov High(Fig. 2). This enables the Western Black Sea toopen by means of a 15–20° counterclockwise rota-tion of the Istanbul Zone around a Euler pole locatedto the SW of the Black Sea (Stephenson & Schellart2010; Schleder et al. 2015; Tari et al. 2015b). Thisdiscussion highlights the ongoing uncertainties asso-ciated with the Black Sea tectonics and geodynamichistory, and the role that petroleum industry data canplay in resolving these issues.

The formation of the semi-isolated Paratethys atthe end of the Eocene through a combination ofeustatic sea-level fall (Miller et al. 2005) and orogen-esis (Schulz et al. 2005) is an important element inthe petroleum geology of the Black Sea region. Iso-lation led to deposition of the Oligocene–Early Mio-cene Maykop Suite and equivalents, which includesimportant source rocks deposited in a restricted basinand potential reservoir sands derived from the sur-rounding orogens (e.g. from the Balkanides, Ponti-des and Caucasus).

Fig. 4. Major



tectonic terranes in the Black Sea/Anatolia region (after Okay & Tüysüz 1999).


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The timing of the uplift of one of these orogens,the Greater Caucasus, is a matter of dispute. Vincentet al. (2007, 2016) favour a base Oligocene age,based on the onset of massive microfossil reworkingand palynological data, indicating palaeoaltitudes ofthe Greater Caucasus of c. 2 km at this time. Palaeo-current vectors and heavy mineral compositionsalso support this notion (Vincent et al. 2007), asdoes some fission-track data (Vincent et al. 2013a,b). Several other authors (e.g. Lozar & Polino1997; Adamia et al. 2011) draw similar conclusions,and abundant evidence exists that Crimea experi-enced Eocene, then Oligocene, uplift (Panek et al.2009; Nikishin et al. 2017). Conversely, Avdeev &Niemi (2011), Forte et al. (2014) and Cowgillet al. (2016) have suggested that the major phaseof uplift occurred no earlier than c. 5 myr ago,whereas Rolland (2017) prefers a Miocene (c.15 Ma) age for the onset of Caucasus uplift, basedon geodynamic context and fission-track constraintson ‘hard’ Arabia–Eurasia collision (e.g. Okay et al.2010). The resolution of this controversy has impor-tant consequences for the petroleum prospectivity ofthe Eastern Black Sea plays within the Maykop Suiteor younger, because the timing of inversion wouldalso affect the timing of structural uplift within theBlack Sea (e.g. of the Shatsky Ridge). A youngage for uplift would limit the amount of clastic(potential reservoir) sediment entering the basinfrom its margins during the deposition of the May-kop Suite, for example. Seismic data (Afanasenkovet al. 2007; Nikishin et al. 2010; Mityukov et al.2011) demonstrate thickening of the Maykop Suiteinto the Tuapse and Indolo-Kuban foreland basinsto the south and north of the Greater Caucasus,respectively, supporting the notion of Vincent et al.(2016) that the Caucasus were forming during theOligocene.

Contents of this Special Publication

In addition to this introduction, 15 studies (Fig. 1) areincluded that relate to the tectonostratigraphy andpetroleum geology of the Black Sea region. Themethodologies used include examination of crustalstructure from seismic data, geodynamic evolution,stratigraphy and its regional correlation, petroleumsystems, source to sink, hydrocarbon habitat andplay concepts, and reviews of past exploration.Their intent is to provide insight into the many ongo-ing controversies regarding the geological history ofthe Black Sea region and to provide a better under-standing of the geological risks that must be consid-ered during future hydrocarbon exploration.

The papers are grouped thematically. The firstsection corresponds to crustal structure and tectonos-tratigraphy, including geodynamic aspects of the

evolution of the Black Sea region; it includes papersabout the evolution of the Pontides that, as well assedimentary geology, encompass Late Cretaceousvolcanism and magmatic intrusions. The secondsection includes papers that examine hydrocarbonplays in the Western Black Sea, including sedimentrouting systems. The third section features a set ofpapers that focuses on regional petroleum systemsand source rocks. TheMessinian and Holocene strat-igraphy of the Black Sea is addressed in two papers,whereas the petroleum potential of the Eastern BlackSea is discussed in a review of the Rioni Basin, witha closing paper reviewing the exploration history ofthe deep-water Black Sea to date.

Crustal structure and tectonostratigraphy

Shillington et al. (2017) review the crustal structureof theMid Black Sea High, formed of two en echelonbasement ridges: the Archangelsky and Andrusovridges (Fig. 2). This high separates the WesternBlack Sea Basin from the Eastern Black Sea Basin.Using a densely sampled wide-angle seismic profile,Shillington et al. demonstrate that the basementridges are covered by approximately 1–2 km of pre-rift sedimentary rocks and 20 km of thinned conti-nental crust that are suspected of being related tothe Pontides geology. Thinning factors of 1.5–2.0are implied by thickness variations between theMid Black Sea High and the adjacent crust in theTurkish Pontides. The velocity structure suggestslittle magmatic addition during rifting. That theWestern and Eastern Black Sea basins are separatedby continental crust lends support to the notion thatthe two basins have different times and mechanismsof opening (Okay et al. 1994).

Okay et al. (2017) evaluate the broad geologicalevolution of the Central Pontides, whereas Tüysüz(2017) focuses on the Cretaceous evolution of thisregion. An understanding of the geology of the Pon-tides is important for understanding the evolution ofthe Black Sea because it represents the active north-ern margin of Tethys; consequently, its stratigraphyrecords many events that reflect the geodynamicevolution of the region. Using new field observa-tions, sedimentology, detrital zircon geochronologyand biostratigraphy, the framework of tectonostrati-graphic evolution is established in these two papers,although there are contrasts in interpretation.

The Central Pontides represents two terranes (theIstanbul Zone in the west and the Sakarya Zone in theeast) that, in the view of Okay et al. (2017), wereamalgamated before the Late Jurassic, given the uni-formity of deposition on both terranes after thistime. Shallow-marine carbonate deposition (InaltiFormation) was widespread and is confined toKimmeridgian–Berriasian time from new biostrati-graphic analyses (Fig. 3). Shallow-marine carbonate


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deposition was widespread around the Black Sea atthis time (including the formation of reefs in Crimeaand the Caucasus, but not in the Pontides) (Muratov1969; Krajewski & Olszewska 2007; Guo et al.2011), and it is likely that the Black Sea regionwas the site of a widespread carbonate platform onthe northern margin of Tethys with only relativelyminor bathymetric differences.

Uplift and erosion occurred in the Valanginianand Hauterivian, and was followed in theBarremian–Aptian by synrift deposition of a morethan 2 km-thick succession of turbidites (the Çagl-ayan Formation) in basinal depocentres (Okayet al. 2013); whereas on the present-day Black Seacoast, shallow-marine and continental depositionoccurred (Yılmaz & Altiner 2007; Masse et al.2009) (Fig. 3). Sediment provenance of the turbiditesfrom the East European Platform (Akdogan et al.2017) demonstrates that while rifting was occurring,the Black Sea was yet to open. Albian-aged accretionof Tethyan oceanic crust is demonstrated by defor-mation and metamorphism in the present-day south-ern Central Pontides (Okay et al. 2013; Hippolyteet al. 2015).

In contrast, Tüysüz (2017) favours a later amal-gamation of the Sakarya and Istanbul terranes. Inhis view, an Intra-Pontide Ocean (Sengör & Yılmaz1981; Yılmaz et al. 1997) between the two terranesexisted until Cenomanian times, arguing that open-marine deposition of Berriasian age in the southernpart of the Zonguldak-Ulus Basin on the IstanbulTerrane suggests an older formation of this basinthan interpreted by Okay et al. (2017) (and others,e.g. Hippolyte et al. 2015, 2016) and that it facedinto the Intra-Pontide Ocean. Mid-ocean ridgebasalts and volcanic-arc-related magmatic rocksinterbedded with radiolarian cherts (KervansarayFormation) of late Tithonian–Berriasian age offerevidence for oceanic separation of the Istanbul andSakarya terranes at this time. Both Okay et al.(2017) and Tüysüz (2017) agree that the ÇaglayanBasin on the Sakarya Terrane formed later in theEarly Cretaceous; the contrast being that Okay et al.(2017) regard the Çaglayan and Zonguldak-Ulus basins as being one post-terrane amalgamationrift-related basin, whilst Tüysüz (2017) suggeststhat they have separate geological histories. The pres-ence and age of closure of the Intra-Pontide Oceanremains a contentious topic in Turkish geology.

Keskin & Tüysüz (2017) suggest another possi-bility that the Istanbul and Sakarya Terranes did notcollide until the very latest Cretaceous; this occurredwith the southwards translation of the IstanbulTerrane, driven by rollback of the subducting slabof the Tethys Ocean beneath Laurasia.

A new depositional cycle occurred in the LateCretaceous, as demonstrated by the depositionof Turonian–Santonian pelagic limestones and

arc-related volcanic rocks that are no younger thanmid-Campanian (Fig. 3). This magmatic arc canbe traced for approximately 2000 km from theGeorgian Lesser Caucasus to the Balkans (Okay &Sahintürk 1997; Okay 2008; Okay & Nikishin2015) and is the result of the northwards subductionof the Tethys Ocean beneath Laurasia (e.g. Sengör &Yılmaz 1981). Submarine volcanoes related to thisarc have been identified on seismic data by Nikishinet al. (2015a). The Western Black Sea Basin openedbehind and to the north of this arc (e.g. Görür 1988,1997) from the Santonian onwards.

Okay et al. (2017) argue that Barremian–Aptianextension and Late Cretaceous Black Sea openingare unrelated because contractional deformationand metamorphism occurred in the Albian. The driv-ing mechanism for rifting in the Early Cretaceousremains enigmatic (Tari 2015), but a wide-style ofrifting is increasingly envisaged for the Early Creta-ceous. This is, perhaps, related to a flat subduction ofthe Intra-Pontide Ocean (Tüysüz 2017), whereasthe Late Cretaceous extension is clearly narrowand back-arc related (Keskin & Tüysüz 2017).Nonetheless, an unconformity typically occursbetween the Lower and Upper Cretaceous sequencesin the Central Pontides, notwithstanding a few localexceptions. Cenomanian and Turonian age sedi-ments are often missing (Hippolyte et al. 2015),which is in contrast to, for example, successions inBulgaria and Crimea where relatively continuousand thick deposition occurred. Tüysüz (2017) sug-gests that the amalgamation of the Istanbul andSakarya terranes at this time may have caused upliftand erosion; although in the view of Okay et al.(2017), these terranes had already amalgamatedbefore the Late Jurassic.

Keskin & Tüysüz (2017) consider in detail theevolution of magmatic activity relating to the devel-opment of the Late Cretaceous volcanic arc basedon outcrop studies and geochemical data. Theyrecognize a first phase of magmatism during the mid-dle Turonian–early Santonian (Dereköy Formation),relating to subduction of the Tethys Ocean beneaththe southern margin of Laurasia. During the LateSantonian, volcanism briefly ceased and pelagiclimestones were widely deposited. Interpretedas reflecting increased subsidence and intensifiedextension, this may in turn be related to the begin-ning of oceanic spreading in the Western BlackSea Basin as a consequence of a southwards rollbackof the subducting slab. Further magmatism occurredin the Campanian (Cambu Formation). This includesmagmas derived from an enriched asthenosphericmantle source similar to ocean island basalts.Upwelling of the asthenospheric mantle may occurduring the mature stages of rifting. Support for thismodel of magmatism is provided by the detailed geo-chemical and isotopic analysis of Late Cretaceous


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and Early Cenozoic intrusions (dyke complexes)reported by Aysal et al. (2017). Older calc-alkalinedykes were probably derived from a shallow mantlesource, such as a metasomatized lithospheric mantlewedge, that contained a subduction signal during theinitial stages of rifting. Younger alkaline and lampro-phyre dykes were derived from a possibly deeperand, consequently, presumably asthenospheric man-tle source. This may, in turn, reflect an initial thin-ning of the lithosphere during back-arc rifting andsubsequent upwelling of the asthenospheric mantlethat created ocean island basalt type magmas.

Subsequent Late Cretaceous and Early Cenozoicdeposition is dominated by siliciclastic and calcare-ous turbidite deposition, although shallow-marinecarbonates are present on depositional highs (Fig. 3).Arc-related volcanism may have ended during theCampanian because of a subduction jump from thenorth to the south of the Anatolide–Tauride–SouthArmenian microplate (Rolland et al. 2012; Hippo-lyte et al. 2015). Uplift related to the accretionof the Kirsehir Massif ended the majority ofmarine deposition in the Central Pontides in theMiddle Eocene (Okay et al. 2017). In the EasternPontides, thick successions of Eocene arc-relatedvolcanics were deposited as a result of the impingingAnatolide–Tauride block (Hippolyte et al. 2015).Extension related to this event provides furtherevidence of a young age for the Eastern Black Seaas compared to the Western Black Sea.

Hydrocarbon plays of the Western Black Sea

Only a limited number of significant hydrocarbondiscoveries have been made in the Eastern BlackSea Basin. In contrast, the Western Black SeaBasin has had more successful discoveries thatare both historical and recent (Ionescu et al. 2002;Georgiev 2012). Many of these discoveries havebeen in the Romanian offshore (Morosanu 2012);Boote (2017) and Krezsek et al. (2017) provideinsights into the geological factors that have led tosome of this success.

The Histria/Istria ‘Depression’ or basin contains aLate Mesozoic–Cenozoic succession that represents apolyphase history of sedimentation and subsidence,divisible into second-/third-order sequences boundedby major erosional unconformities, visible onregional 2D seismic data and calibrated from wells(Boote 2017). Notable events include those relatedto Aptian–Albian rifting, major incisions causedby relative sea-level fall at or around the Eocene–Oligocene boundary, and subsequent similar eventsin the Middle and Late Miocene (Dinu et al. 2005;Boote 2017).

Rifting in the Early Cretaceous led to uplift anderosion of the Late Jurassic carbonate platform in asimilar manner to that observed in the Pontides.

Early Cretaceous shallow-marine carbonates and sil-iciclastics were deposited on the rift shoulders,which in turn were cut by a major west–east-trendingincised valley cut in the Late Aptian. A spectacularEocene–Oligocene boundary age incision follows asimilar trend and represents a base-level fall of theorder of 2000 m or more. The presence of incisedvalley systems provides insights into the sedimentconduits (a theme explored by Rees et al. 2017)and the potential distribution of reservoir sediments,and provides locations for subcrop plays beneath thevalley bases and onlap plays within the subsequentsedimentary fill.

Insights into the Cretaceous rift history of theWestern Black Sea can be gained from an analysisof the successions in onshore and offshore Romania(Munteanu et al. 2011; Krezsek et al. 2017).Initial rifting occurred during the Aptian with thedeposition of fluvial and lacustrine clastic succes-sions and local marine carbonates. A second riftingphase occurred during the Cenomanian, marked byshallow-marine transgression. Continental break-upoccurred during the mid-Turonian associated withregional uplift and erosion; this was followed by aLate Cretaceous succession of deep-water chalksand marls. Rifting thus was approximately 30 myrin duration, which is long for a single synrift episodein a basin (Tari 2015). Instead, several episodes ofrifting may have occurred, even separated by ashortening event. This would reflect a transitionfrom wide to narrow style rifting (sensu Buck1991; Hopper & Buck 1996) and in turn a changefrom relatively flat subduction with no volcanicarc, to higher-angle subduction and the creation ofa volcanic arc.

Maykop Suite is the name given to distinctive,often organic carbon-rich sediments, deposited dur-ing the Oligocene–Lower Miocene within a regionthat spans the Black Sea and its margins, the GreaterCaucasus and the South Caspian Sea (Bazhenovaet al. 2003; Sachsenhofer et al. 2017a). Depositionrelates to the initial isolation of Paratethys at theend of the Eocene and beginning of the Oligocene.The Oligocene–Miocene time period encompassesseveral eustatic and regional changes in sea level(Popov et al. 2010), which are recorded withinthe Maykop Suite by the cyclic deposition of fine-grained organic-rich sediments and sandstone pack-ages (Nikishin et al. 2015a) (Fig. 3). These sandstoneshave long been considered to be an exploration targetin the deep-water Western Black Sea, confirmedby recent success within the Han Asparuh Block,offshore Bulgaria (Tari & Simmons 2018).

To assess the prospectivity of plays within May-kop Suite sandstones, Rees et al. (2017) assess sedi-ment provenance and sediment conduits into theWestern Black Sea during the time of Maykop Suitedeposition. By taking into account the geodynamic


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history, the palaeotopography of the hinterland sur-rounding the Western Black Sea can be constrainedand sediment provenance areas identified. Subsur-face and outcrop data can then be used to furtherrecognize sediment pathways within the basin. Thedrainage pattern present today on the western marginof the Black Sea (dominated by the Danube) bearslittle relationship to the drainage planform thatwould have been present during Maykop Suite dep-osition, with the Danube only reaching the BlackSea in the relatively recent geological past (deLeeuw et al. 2017). Instead, during the time ofMaykop Suite deposition, a major river (the palaeo-Kamchia) can be envisaged running axially throughthe foredeep to the north of the Balkanides and trans-porting sediment derived from granitic, gneissic andolder sandstone source areas. Known shelf-edge can-yons (Mayer et al. 2017) in offshore Bulgaria facil-itated this sediment reaching the deep-water offshore(Tari et al. 2009) where a sedimentary fan with alength in excess of 150 km is likely to havedeveloped.

Farther to the south, the presence of widespreadLate Cretaceous volcaniclastics related to arc mag-matism would provide poor-quality sediment inlimited volumes. Nonetheless, areas such as the NEMoesian Platform, the Strandja Massif and parts ofthe Balkanides contain crystalline basement (gneiss)and Variscan and Late Cretaceous granitic plutonsthat would yield high-quality quartz-rich sedimentwhen eroded.

Regional petroleum systems and source rocks

A key aspect of the petroleum geology of the BlackSea is the assumed widespread presence of potentialsource rocks. The Oligocene–Early Miocene May-kop Suite (Fig. 3) is important among these but theimportance of older source rocks is increasinglybeing stressed, including the Eocene Kuma Suite(Fig. 3) and a variety of potential Mesozoic strati-graphic units (Mayer et al. in press). The source-rockpotential of the Maykop Suite and its equivalents arereviewed at a regional scale by Sachsenhofer et al.(2017b), and on more local scales by Mayer et al.(2017) and Vincent & Kaye (2017). Vincent &Kaye (2017) also consider the potential of theKuma Suite.

Sachsenhofer et al. (2017b) note significantregional differences in source-rock potential acrossCentral and Eastern Paratethys. The initial isolationof Paratethys at the beginning of the Oligocene cre-ated excellent source rocks in Central Paratethys,whereas coeval sediments in Eastern Paratethys areless organically rich (see also Sachsenhofer et al.2017a). Upper Oligocene and Lower Miocenesediments are generally less rich, although localizedupwelling created important diatomaceous source

rocks in the Western Black Sea. The potentiallypoor yields of hydrocarbons from the MaykopSuite (often less than 2 t HC m−2) in Eastern Parate-thys suggests that other source rocks may be contrib-uting to charge at some locations. By contrast,potential yields from Maykop Suite equivalentsource rocks in the Carpathian Basin (e.g. MeniliteFormation) are up to 10 t HC m−2.

Both Mayer et al. (2017) and Sachsenhoferet al. (2017b) emphasize the importance of local dep-ositional conditions in the creation of good-qualitypotential source rocks. For example, an erosionalunconformity at the base of the Oligocene in offshoreBulgaria creates a spectacular shelf-edge canyon (theKaliakra Canyon). Source-rock quality appears tobe better within the canyon, especially during theEarly Miocene when diatomaceous shales with atotal organic carbon (TOC) content of 2.5% andhydrogen index (HI) values of up to 530 mg HC g−1

TOC were deposited. This may relate to localizedupwelling. Conversely, in the Early Oligocene,oxygen-depleted, brackish environments were bestdeveloped outside of the canyon and are associatedwith blooms of calcareous nannoplankton. Thesesource-rock horizons are immature on the shelf, butare within the oil and gas window in the deeperparts of the basin. Long-distance migration withinMaykopian sandstones from this highly productivekitchen is proven by published biomarker data withlarge quantities of hydrocarbons expelled from theMiocene onwards (Robinson et al. 1996; Olaru-Florea et al. 2014).

Vincent & Kaye (2017) examined potentialEocene–Early Miocene source rocks from outcropsin the western Greater Caucasus in Russia and themargins of the Rioni Basin in west Georgia. Theseoutcrops are important because they are moredirectly relevant to the Eastern Black Sea than theclassic outcrops south of the town of Maykop onthe northern side of the Caucasus (e.g. along theBelaya River) (Sachsenhofer et al. 2017a) thatwere probably deposited in a separate sub-basin.A significant number of their samples have goodto excellent organic richness and source potentialwith potential yields of 0.7–2.5 t HC m−2, especiallythe base of the Maykop Suite and from within theKuma Suite. In western Georgia, the basal MaykopSuite that is organically rich is between 60 and200 m thick. The thickness of the better source-rockquality of the Kuma Suite is unconstrained, but itsregional potential has been highlighted in previousstudies (e.g. Beniamovski et al. 2003; Distanova2007; Peshkov et al. 2016), and with TOCvalues of up to 10.3%, and S1 and S2 values of upto 30 kg t−1, it merits strong consideration in model-ling potential charge, especially in the Eastern BlackSea (Mayer et al. in press). It is worth noting thatequivalent sediments in the Pontides can have


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good source-rock potential (Aydemir et al. 2009;Menlikli et al. 2009), suggesting that anoxia waswidespread during Kuma Suite deposition. How-ever, the effects of bathymetric highs, such as theShatsky Ridge, on the formation of sub-basins thatmay have each provided a distinctive depositionalcharacter must be considered.

Messinian: recent stratigraphy

Themajor relative sea-level fall within theMessinianthat was first described from the Mediterranean (Hsuet al. 1973) also has a significant expression acrossParatethys (van Baak et al. 2017) and notably inthe Black Sea (Tari et al. 2015a, 2016). However,the sea-level fall did not lead to desiccation of theBlack Sea and was not of the magnitude once envis-aged (cf. 1600 m (Hsu & Giovanoli 1979; Robinsonet al. 1995) with 500–600 m (Krezsek et al. 2016)).This has petroleum significance in that a relativelymodest fall in sea level translates to a lower risk oftrap failure because of hydraulic seal fracture (Tariet al. 2016). Sediments cored in DSDP Leg 380and previously interpreted as indications of shallow-water deposition can be interpreted as deep-watermass-transport deposits. Using 3D and 2D seismicdata, Sipahioglu & Batı (2017) describe the effectof this event in the Turkish sector of the WesternBlack Sea. They recognize a series of canyons,including the prominent SW–NE-trending Kara-burun Canyon, which incises the shelf and acts as amajor conduit of sediment to the abyssal floor ofthe basin. Blind canyons infilled with mass-transportcomplexes are also recognized and are typically con-fined to the continental rise where the steep shelf-slope morphology is governed by the presence ofthe underlying Late Cretaceous volcanic arc.

The modern Black Sea is often considered asan important analogue for source-rock depositionbecause of a high level of nutrients, high organic pro-ductivity, and widespread water stratification andanoxia (Wignall 1994; Arthur & Sageman 2004).Accordingly, it is interesting to investigate controlsthat enhance or reduce the quality of this analogue.Fallah et al. (2017) investigated 40 Holocene drop-core samples from offshore Bulgaria with regard totheir composition and geochemical parameters, andintegrated these data with high-resolution bathymet-ric surveys. Source-rock quality is relatively poorand is attributed to fine-grained sedimentary inputfrom the Danube River. The sediment input fromthe Danube has served to limit organic productivityby reducing the thickness of the photic zone andby diluting organic-rich sediment with low TOC sed-iments. This highlights that anoxia alone is not suffi-cient to generate potential source rocks. Distancefrom sedimentary input points and basin geometryare also key factors to consider.

Petroleum potential of the Eastern Black Seaand deep-water exploration review

The Rioni Basin is an underexplored foreland basinlocated at the Georgian margin of the Black Seaand flanked by the fold belts of the Greater Caucasusand the Achara-Trialet Belt. In a review of this basin,Tari et al. (2018) argue that the proven plays are notfully understood nor systematically explored usingmodern technology. The northern Rioni Basin hasstratigraphic similarities with the offshore ShatskyRidge (at the time of writing, a major unexploredstructure in the Eastern Black Sea), and the southernRioni Basin is both stratigraphically and structurallyakin to the offshore Gurian fold belt in the EasternBlack Sea.

The existing oil fields in the onshore Rioni Basinare generally small (2–4 MMbbl (million barrels)recoverable), but they demonstrate working petro-leum systems, as do abundant seeps in the offshore(Dembicki 2014). The discovery of Supsa datesback to the 1880s where stacked Miocene (Sarma-tian) clastic horizons occur in an anticlinal trapformed by the north-vergent leading edge of theAchara-Trialet thrust-fold belt. Charge is interpretedas being derived from both the Oligocene Maykopand the Eocene Kuma suites (Mayer et al. inpress). The Shromisubani Field is a subthrust accu-mulation with reservoirs in Miocene (Maeotian)clastics. In the northern Rioni Basin, the ChaladidiField is formed by two accumulations (i.e. two adja-cent compressional ramp anticlines) with reservoirsin fractured Late Cretaceous and Paleocene chalkycarbonates. The Okumi discovery is unusual in con-taining a light oil with an unknown, but suspected,Jurassic source, reservoired in Late Jurassic sandssealed beneath Kimmeridgian–Tithonian evaporites.This discovery opens up the possibility of a newpetroleum system that may be operating in theoffshore Shatsky Ridge. Other, more speculative,plays may include Middle Jurassic sandstones insynrift fault blocks (as encountered in the subcom-mercial discovery at Ochamchira-1).

Tari & Simmons (2018) review the history ofdeep-water exploration in the Black Sea, which isstill in its infancy, with approximately 20 wells atthe time of writing (end of 2017) having targeted alarge variety of plays. Success has been mostly asso-ciated with biogenic gas in Miocene–Pliocene reser-voirs associated with the palaeo-Dnieper/Dniester orin Oligocene deep-water clastics associated withsimilar-aged thermogenic source rocks. Synrift andearly post-rift targets (mostly exploring for shallow-marine carbonate reservoirs) have met with little suc-cess because of the lack of predicted reservoir.

The first deep-water wells drilled in the Black Seawere Limanköy-1 and Limanköy-2 drilled in 1999in Turkish waters. Encouraged by the presence of


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amplitude variation with offset (AVO) anomalies,Pliocene sandstone reservoirs were targeted in three-way fault-bound closures. These reservoirs werefound to be non-permeable diatomites and diatoma-ceous shales (Menlikli et al. 2009). Secondary EarlyMiocene sandstones contained small amounts ofgas from both thermogenic and biogenic sources.Although this was non-commercial, it usefully dem-onstrated the presence of a thermogenic petroleumsystem in the deep-water sector of the Black Sea.

The next deep-water well was HPX (Hopa)-1drilled in Turkish waters near the maritime borderwith Georgia. Drilled on a four-way closure on theoffshore continuation of the Achara-Trialet (Gurian)fold belt of the Lesser Caucasus, the well targetedUpper Miocene deep-water sand units presumed tobe charged from the Oligocene Maykop Suiteassociated with seeps in the vicinity of the well.The well was unsuccessful, with reservoir qualitysuspected as the major issue with sediments derivedfrom the Lesser Caucasus likely to be lithic-rich.Targeting older sandstones within the Gurian foldbelt may prove to be more successful because thesemay be derived from more quartz-rich provenanceareas. The understanding of the sediment-dispersalpatterns in relation to favourable sediment prove-nance areas at key times of potential reservoir sedi-mentation is a key issue in reducing risk in BlackSea exploration (e.g. see Maynard et al. 2012; Vin-cent et al. 2013a, b; Rees et al. 2017).

The failure of HPX-1 resulted in a 5 year hiatusin deep-water exploration. In 2010, attention shiftedto plays on structural highs on the AndrusovRidge separating the Western and Eastern Blackseas. The potential of structures on this high hadbeen highlighted earlier by TPAO/BP EasternBlack Sea Project Study Group (1997). Sinop-1 tar-geted Late Cretaceous–Paleocene carbonate reser-voirs on such a high, with charge expected to befrom the laterally adjacent Maykop Suite. Althoughsuch carbonates are present at outcrop in the Ponti-des, and can be thick and porous (Menlikli et al.2009; Aydemir & Demirer 2013), their presencewas found to be unproven in the basin centre.Furthermore, a thick succession of Cretaceous volca-nics and volcaniclastics was found to be present,precluding the exploration of deeper objectives.Yassihöyük-1, drilled directly after Sinop-1, encoun-tered similar issues, with Late Cretaceous–Paleocenereservoir quality carbonates present only in verylimited thicknesses (Aydemir & Demirer 2013). Asnoted by Posamentier et al. (2014), volcanoes andvolcanic-rich successions can easily be mistakenfor carbonate build-ups, even with good-qualityseismic data.

Sürmene-1, drilled in the Turkish Eastern BlackSea in 2011, tested a new play concept: a four-wayclosure located above a Cretaceous palaeo-volcano.

Reservoirs were Miocene sheet sands thought to bederived from the Greater, rather than Lesser, Cauca-sus. Despite multiple oil shows, the well was notsuccessful in opening up a new play fairway in theEastern Black Sea, perhaps, once again, because ofreservoir quality issues. Sile-1, drilled in the TurkishWestern Black Sea in 2015, tested a similar play con-cept: a four-way closure above a large Cretaceouspalaeo-volcano. The results of this well remainunpublished at the time of writing.

Kastamonu-1 tested one of the many large andelongated shale-cored anticlines present in the cen-tral Western Black Sea between the Central Pontidesand Crimea. Drilled offshore Turkey in 2011, ittested thermogenic gas from Pliocene and Miocenereservoirs, arguably the first technical success ofthe deep-water exploration campaign. Low gassaturations may have been the result of late crestalfaulting breaching the trap. Given that Kastamonu-1was drilled on 2D seismic data alone, analysis ofsimilar prospects with 3D seismic data may identifythose without the influence of neotectonics.

In 2012, the first deep-water well was drilled inoffshore Romania: Domino-1. This well tested aLate Neogene inversion structure above a basementhigh with reservoirs occurring in the Miocene–Pliocene palaeo-Dnieper/Dniester depositional sys-tem and associatedwith biogenic gas (Bega& Ionescu2009; Morosanu 2012). The well proved to be aneconomic discovery, and satellite discoveries havebeen made in the Neptun Deep exploration blockin which Domino is located. The full extent of theplay remains to be defined.

In 2016, exploration drilling began in the deep-water offshore Bulgaria with the Polshkov-1 welldrilled on compactional anticline formed over theprominent Polshkov High (Tari et al. 2009), a struc-tural high formed during the rifting of the WesternBlack Sea. The main reservoir target was channel-ized deep-water sands within the Maykop Suiteassociated with the palaeo-Kamchia depositionalsystem described by Rees et al. (2017). Deeperplays in the syn- and pre-rift also exist (Robinsonet al. 1996; Tari et al. 2009), and the explorationcampaign continues in this block at the time ofwriting following the successful encountering ofhydrocarbons in Polshkov-1.

Looking ahead, the first deep-water well in theRussian sector of the Black Sea is being drilled.Maria-1 is targeting a well-known apparent LateJurassic carbonate build-up on the Shatsky Ridge(e.g. see Afanasenkov et al. 2005, 2007) with chargeassumed from the juxtaposed Maykop and Kumasuites (seepage is described by Andreev 2005). Ifsuccessful, this well has the potential to be a spectac-ular play opener because many other similar carbon-ate structures have been mapped in the Eastern BlackSea (Afanasenkov et al. 2005). Reservoir quality is a


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significant risk in carbonate plays, but karstification asnoted in age-equivalent outcrops on Crimea (Nikishinet al. 2017) may offer some encouragement.

Other plays to be explored in the Russian sectorinclude Maykop Suite deep-water clastics in theTuapse Trough (Glumov & Viginskiy 1999; Afana-senkov et al. 2007;Meisner et al. 2009), although thetiming of the Caucasus uplift is a key componentin determining the volume of sediment flux frompotentially granitic and gneissic sediment sources(see Vincent et al. 2016 for a discussion of this con-troversy). Maykop sediments entering into the East-ern Black Sea are likely to be locally derived if theGreater Caucasus were emergent during deposition;these mountains also prevented sediment derivedfrom the Russian Shield (e.g. via the palaeo-Don)from reaching large parts of the basin and beingponded, instead, in the Indolo-Kuban Basin. Spec-tacular Maykop Suite turbidite fans derived fromthe Greater Caucasus have been imaged on 3D seis-mic data from within the Tuapse Trough (Mityukovet al. 2011). Vincent et al. (2013a, b) and Khlebni-kova et al. (2014) have demonstrated that Maykopsandstones in the Russian western Caucasus aresignificantly more quartz-rich than those located far-ther SE in western Georgia. This finding suggeststhat the reservoir quality of Maykop plays withinthe Tuapse Trough (sediment derived in part fromJurassic granitoids) carries lower risk than offshoreGeorgia (sediment derived in part from Eocene vol-canics). Seepage in the Tuapse Trough has beendescribed by Andreev (2005).

Offshore Crimea, the Tetyaev High has compac-tion closure above it, leading to the potential withinMaykop sandstones analogous to the Polshkov play,offshore Bulgaria. Subbotina, discovered on theCrimea shelf (Stovba et al. 2009), demonstratesthat the Maykop Suite can offer working plays inthe region. Structural analogues to Subbotina extendsouthwards towards the Shatsky Ridge.

Offshore Turkey, potential also exists with May-kop sandstones (Menlikli et al. 2009; Sipahiogluet al. 2013). These plays may function as strati-graphic traps in deep-water fan systems or by onlaponto highs, such as the Kozlu Ridge; however, sedi-ment provenance must be considered (Maynard et al.2012; Rees et al. 2017) as a guide to likely reservoirquality.

More widely, can synrift plays work in the deep-water Black Sea? The Early Cretaceous synriftsequences exposed in the Pontides have both poten-tial source rocks and reservoirs associated with them(Görür & Tüysüz 1997; Sen 2013), and their poten-tial offshore (in the region of the Kozlu Ridge) wasdiscussed by Menlikli et al. (2009), who suggesteda lateral charge may be possible from the MaykopSuite. Synrift sediments form reservoirs on theRomanian shelf (e.g. Lebada, Midia) where traps

are created by Eocene inversion (Munteanu et al.2011) and, consequently, juxtaposition withMaykopSuite equivalent source rocks (Robinson et al. 1996;Cranganu & Saramet 2011). Synrift sandstones maybe present in faulted culminations on the Shatsky andAndrusov ridges, and provide an alternative objec-tive to the pre-rift carbonates currently targeted atMaria. The Early Cretaceous synrift succession sowell exposed on Crimea (Nikishin et al. 2017) mayhave a seismic expression on the Shatsky Ridge.By comparison with Crimea, nummulitic banksmay be present on highs within the Shatsky Ridge(e.g. the Gudauta High).

The deep-water Black Sea is at a similar stage ofexploration as the Eastern Mediterranean. After thediscovery of large biogenic gas accumulations, thethermogenic petroleum systems must be proven bysystematic exploration of the deep-water and multi-ple play concepts that exist.


Controversy and uncertainty continue to be key fea-tures of Black Sea geoscience. Several deep-waterexploration wells have failed because of an inabilityto predict correctly reservoir presence and reservoirquality. This is true for both carbonate plays and sil-iciclastic plays. The correct prediction of carbonatepresence requires an understanding of the upliftand subsidence history of the highs they might bedeposited upon. Does the apparent lack of Late Cre-taceous carbonate on the Andrusov Ridge (i.e. atSinop-1) suggest that that both the Western BlackSea and Eastern Black Sea were rapidly subsidingat this time? This possibility appeals to the funda-mental question regarding the relative timing ofthe opening of the Western and Eastern Black seas.Was this synchronous (e.g. Nikishin et al. 2003,2015a, b; Stephenson & Schellart 2010), or dothey relate to completely separate phases of tectonicevolution (Robinson et al. 1995, 1996; Spadini et al.1996; Kazmin et al. 2000; Shillington et al. 2008;Vincent et al. 2016)?

Siliciclastic reservoir presence and quality havealso proven to be difficult to predict (e.g. at HPX-1and at Sürmene-1). This prediction requires anunderstanding of the source to sink relationships inthe basins, specifically sediment conduits and thenature of the rocks being eroded to create potentialreservoirs. In turn, this requires an understandingof the uplift history of the orogens from which thesediment is suggested as being sourced: for example,compare the timing of uplift of the Caucasus(cf. Cowgill et al. 2016 and Vincent et al. 2016).

Petroleum charge can be an issue that limitsexploration success. Mayer et al. (2017), Sachsen-hofer et al. (2017b) and Vincent & Kaye (2017)


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all demonstrate that the Maykop Suite and its equiv-alents may not be the high-quality source rock in theBlack Sea basins that is often assumed. How impor-tant are older source rocks, such as the Kuma Suite,and, given the likely depth of burial of that unit, isgas a more likely hydrocarbon phase than oil?

Notwithstanding some recent success with theexploration for post-rift Cenozoic plays, can playswithin the synrift and pre-rift Mesozoic stratigraphybe successful? These and many other questions willbe answered in part by seismic and drilling cam-paigns in the years to come, by detailed outcrop stud-ies, and by the application of the latest tools to modelgeodynamic history and the 3D imaging of the sub-surface. The Black Sea will remain a focus for geo-logical research as it continues to yield its secrets.

The editors of this volume wish to thank all those who havecontributed articles and those scientists who kindly gave uptheir time to peer review articles. Financial support from theGeological Society Petroleum Group and from NeftexPetroleum Consultants Ltd (now part of Halliburton) andOMV allowed for colour figures to be reproduced through-out. Gratitude is expressed to staff at the Geological SocietyPublishing House for the high standard of professional carethat has been applied to the production of this volume. Thispaper is published with the permission of Halliburton.


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