Petratto Product Brochure

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  • 8/11/2019 Petratto Product Brochure


    SE 19 Mosquito A4/A3

    PETRATTO srl

    Via DonMinzoni,1 -10044 PIANEZZA(TO) ITALY

    Tel.+39 0119943 009/010/011

    Fax +39 0119665129 - e-mail: [email protected]



    Multifeed 78

    Mesmeter 78/105

    SE12 SE12SB

    Poster Folding Machine

    PGN 46 & 66

    A T T A C H I N G A N D T I P P I N G I N F E E D E R

    FAST max100 m/

    ACCURATE max+/- 1 mm



    Optional:independent programming,adaptableto your ownsuit your requirements.

    Someexamplesofitemsthatcanbe attachedortippedinusingtheMOSQUITO.



    T W O T Y P E S O F F E E D E R J U S T O N E M A C H I N E . S U C T I O N P I L E A N D B E L T S+ R E G I S T E R A N D L A Y S , A L L I N O N E U N I T

    MULTIFEEDsolves theproblem of needingtwoseparatefeeders for thewidest varietyof work.UsetheMULTIFEEDin vacuum modefor light weightdelicatesheets andthenin belt feedmodefor small,irregular shapedor heavystocks.Changingover configurationsis fast simpleandhasslefree.

    Sizemaxcm 78x 78

    Sizemincm 15x 20

    S T A N D A R D C O M P A C T F O L D E R - G L U E R

    Automaticdispenserfordoublesideadhesivetapeandtearstrip+ unwinder for tear strip.

    Applicator for strips or full lines of doublesided adhesivetape,thetapecanbe appliedto anypart of thesheet.

    Optional:Thetapeheadcanbe suppliedwithaprogrammablecontroller, toyour requirements


    Availableapplicator sizes:

    model 1maxmm 26minmm 4

    model 2maxmm 50minmm 4

    T A P E D I S P E N S E R

    MESMETERis acompact but versatilefolder gluer,ideallysuitedfor productionof presentationfolders, cdwallets etc.TheMESMETERis part of theMETROfamilyandall of theMETROmodules andattachments canbeconnectedtothemachine.This featuremeans that the machinecanbe adaptedtosuit individual requirements at anytime.

    SomeofthefeaturesofMESMETER.Mobileandindependentmachine.Free belts andclamps for different devices.Programmingpanel, touch-screen,for all thefunctions andworkingevents (4a 24volts),workingcycles check,totalcounts.In andout photoelectriccells tochecksheets lengthandquantityinsidethemachine.Digital connectionwiththelinkedmachines. Pre-set for all theattachments, i.e.:tapedispenser,cards applicator,light boards,simple andmultiplefolders,CD,trays,attachments,etc...It canbeusedas feederfor theFoldinggluingmachinemod.Metro.


    model 78 max: cm 78 x 78 - min 6 x 6

    model 105max:cm 105x78 min6 x6

    Smalldimensionsmachine,extremely strongandeasytorun.


    Stackingwithvertical pileof 40cm.

    Nofrictionbetween beltson streamoverturning.


    model 46 max:cm 46x 32 min:cm 14x 10

    model 66 max:cm 66x 32 min:cm 14x 10

    model 94 max:cm 94x 32 min:cm 14x 10

    V E R T I C A L P R E S S I N G S T A C K E R F O R F O L D I N G M A C H I N E S

    ThePGNpressingunitcanbe installedafterthefolding sections of any folding machine or anyother equipment that requires pressure.

    Mobileand independent machine.

    Possibleto putin linebetween differentmachines

    Adjustablerollers pressure.

    Adjustableworking speed.

    1Pairof pressingrollerswith1800Kgpressure.

    P R E S S I N G U N I T

    Universal knifefoldingunit,mobileandindependent.

    TheK2folds onboth sides from topor bottom.

    TheK2 has register lays andwill deliver totheright or totheleft.



    model 52max:cm 52x35 min:cm 15x10

    model 78max:cm 78x52 min:cm 15x10

    K N I F E F O L D I N G U N I T S K 2 5 2 / 7 8 F O R F O L D I N G M A C H I N E S

    Themachinewill foldposters,andbillboardadvertisementwith6rolledupfolds+2 crossfolds (optional)

    Sizemaxflat sheet:cm 160(foldingrollerslight) xcm 200

    Sizemin.:cm 60x 60

    Possibilitytoaddinkjet printingheads.

    M A C H I N E F O R F O L D I N G T H E L A R G E F O R M A TA D V E R T I S I N G P O S T E R S .

    M E T R O L I N E

    K2 52/78

    Piccolo DP 46/66/94



    m odel46m axcm 46x32min:cm 14x 10

    m odel66m axcm 66x32min:cm 14x 10

  • 8/11/2019 Petratto Product Brochure


    C O R D O B A L I N E C O R D O B A L I N ECordoba 3


    Shingle deliveryorlinked to othermachines, i.e.: folder

    Programmeddie-creasing positions

    Register lays

    Pile feeder

    Shingle deliveryor linked toother machines, i.e.: folder

    Longitudinal programmedperforation


    Transverse programmed perforation


    Continuous feeder

    Pile feeder

    Register lays

    Programmeddie-creasing positions

    Soft fold

    Fold pressing unit

    Minibat 2

    Bat Pile

    Photo Bat

    TheCordobarange utilizes aruleand matrixsystem tocreasesubstratespriorto folding.Heavyboard or plastics, with solids,orlamination in addition tocrossgrainordigitallyprintedworkcannow be created without adie-cutting machine.

    TheCordobaincorporates atraditional folding section with aknifeand matrixcreasing unit.Thefolder has a modified rollerconfigurationandfoldplateangle,whicheliminatescrackingandcurlwhen folding heavy stocks.

    Attachments can be added e.g.:perforating,punching,gluing,inaddition plough folds can addedtoproducepresentation folders.Themachinecan creasefrom0 sm2to 500 gsm2and fold from150 gsm2 to 500. When foldinglightweight stocks astandardfolding unit can be added.



    Covers with flaps



    Integral covers


    Cds envelopes

    Creasing only

    D I G I T A L D I E - C R E A S I N G M A C H I N E

    C R E A S I N G A N D F O L D I N G M A C H I N E F O R C O N V E R T I N G P H O T O G R A P H SI N T O D I G I T A L P H O T O A L B U M S

    D I E - C R E A S I N G M A C H I N E W I T H P I L E F E E D E R

    MINIBAT2 isa compactmachinetoproducedie-creasesinprogrammedpositions,with quality,accuracyandspeed.MINIBAT2istheoriginaltruecreaserandutilizestheruleandmatrixmethodofcreasing.Thissystemhasbeentradionallyusedindiecuttingmachines,and isthe onlyrecognisedmethodforcreasing digitallyprintedstocksorforcreasingcrossgrain.

    Thismachineisrobustinconstructionandis ideallysuitedforcommercialapplications.MINIBAT2hasthe greatestcreasingpressureofanymachineofthistypeandoffersthehighestperformancesinspeedandaccuracy.

    The BAT PILE is a robustmachine for the production of

    die quality creases inprogrammed positions,accurately and at high speed.BAT PILE incorporates avacuumpilefeeder,whichis idealfordelicateorlightweightstocks.BAT PILE has a unique feedwheel design which also makesit a reliable system for highergrammages.

    BAT PILE can be operated as anindependent offline system or inconjunction with other finishingequipment.

    PHOTOBAT is a A heavily builtmachine designed to crease andfold digital photos. The uniquesystem ensures maximumaccuracy, quality and cleanliness.

    PHOTOBAT can be used as anindependent offline unit or canbe linked to other finishingequipment...

    Speed max (A4 one crease)12.500 sheets per hour.

    Working gramages min 60max 500 gr.

    Size max cm.52 x 120.

    Size min cm 15 x 20.

    H I G H S P E E D C R E A S I N G F O L D I N G A N D G L U I N G

    Speedmax(A4onecreasing) 12.500sheets per hour.

    Workinggramagesmin60 max500 gr.

    Sizemaxcm 52x1200

    Sizemincm 15x 20

    Speedmax(A4onecreasing)10.000sheetperhour.Workinggramagesmin60max500 gr.Sizemaxcm45x70Sizemincm15x20