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PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable

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Page 1: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable


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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107



By His Excellency the Honourable Sir FrancisJ Theodore Page Burt, Companion of the Order of

Australia, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and SaintGeorge, Queens Counsel. Governor of the Stateof Western Australia.

I, the Governor,acting undersection 2 of the Human ReproductiveThchnology Act 1991 and withthe advice andconsentof the ExecutiveCouncil, do herebyfix the day on which this proclamationis publishedin the GovernmentGazetteas the day on which-

a Division 1 of Part 1, being ss. 1 to 5;



b Part 2, being ss. 8 to 14;

c Part 6, being ss. 58 to 63; and

d the Schedule,

of that Act shall come into operation.

Given undermy hand and the Public Seal of the State on 3 March 1992.

By His Excellency’sCommand,


KEITH WILSON, Minister for Health.


DISTRICT AMENDMENT ORDER 1992Madeby His Excellencythe Governorin ExecutiveCouncilundersection23 2dof the Soil and Land ConservationAct 1945 and on the recommendationof theMinister for Agriculture.


1. Thisorder maybe citedas theSoil andLand ConservationManjimup LandConservationDistrict AmendmentOrder 1992.

Principal Order

2. In this orderthe Soil and LandConservationManjimupLandConservationDistrict Order 1990, is referredto as the principal order.

{*Published in the Gazetteon 6 April 1990 at pp. 1 698-99.]

Clause 5 amended

3. Clause5 of the principal order is amendedin subclause1-

i by deleting "13" and substitutingthe following-

" 15 "; and

ii in paragrapha by deleting "for Soil" and substitutingthe following-

of Soil and Land. "; and

iii in paragraphd by deletin"8" and substitutingthe following-

" 10 ".

By His Excellency’sCommand,


M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.

Page 4: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable

1108 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992



The Agriculture Protection Board, acting pursuantto sections 15 and 16 of the Agriculture andRelatedResourcesProtectionAct 1976 hereby-

i cancels the appointmentsof the following personsas members of the Zone ControlAuthorities designated-

JohnField 4, Michael Watkins 9.ii appointspersonswhose namesare listed below to be membersof the Authorities for the

Zonesdesignatedto hold office until 1 August in the yearsspecified-Name Zone YearRoy Mortimer 4 1994Terrence Milton 4 1994GrayStephen Frederick 9 1994TonkinKent McKay 9 1994

Dated4 March 1992.M. D. CARROLL, Chairman,Agriculture ProtectionBoard.



Departmentof Agriculture,South Perth, 3 March 1992.

Agric. 1407/85.His Excellency the Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has beenpleasedto appoint in accordancewiththe provisionsof the Dairy Industry Act 1973, the following personsas membersof the DairyIndustry Authority of WesternAustralia.

1 PeterDominic Giumelli, pursuantto section 11 2 b of the said Act for a term of officeexpiring on 13 February 1995;

2 Graham St. JohnLaitt, pursuantto section 11 2 c of the said Act for a term of officeexpiring on 13 February 1994;

3 LindsayCharlesRichardson,pursuantto section112 1 of thesaid Act for a term of officeexpiring on 13 February 1994.

M. D. CARROLL, Director General of Agriculture.



Departmentof Agriculture,South Perth,3 March 1992.

Agric. 1166/85.His Excellency the Governor in ExecutiveCouncil hasbeenpleasedto appointpursuantto section9 2 b of the Grain MarketingAct 1975, Kevin Albert Thompson,as a Director of the Grain Poolof WesternAustralia for a term of office expiring on 31 July 1994.

M. D. CARROLL, Director General of Agriculture.

Page 5: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable

6 March 19921 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1109


Ref: 408/86 Vol. 2.

MARKETING OF POTATOESACT 1946Departmentof Agriculture,

South Perth, 3 March 1992.

His Excellency the Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has beenpleasedto appoint in accordancewiththe provisions of the Marketing of PotatoesAct 1946, the following personsas membersof theWesternAustralianPotatoMarketingAuthority for a term of office expiring on 20 February1995:

1 StanleyThomasEtherington,as Chairmanpursuantto sections7 3 d and 12 of the saidAct.

2 Sheryl Mary Fewster,as a memberpursuantto sections 7 3 a and 12 of the said Act.

M. D. CARROLL, Director General of Agriculture.


Agric. 491/89.


South Perth, 1992.

His Excellency the Governorin ExecutiveCouncil hasbeenpleasedto appoint,in accordancewiththe provisionsof the WesternAustralianMeat Industry Authority Act 1976, the following personsto be membersof the WesternAustralian Meat Industry Authority for a term expiring on 31January1995.

1 RobertJohnLightfoot, as a memberandChairman,pursuantto section8 1 a, andBrianJohnGabbedyas his deputy pursuantto section 8 3 of the said Act;

2 Ian Stuart Flack, as a member representingthe interests of Governmentabattoirs,pursuantto section8 1 b, andFrancisGeorgeCooperas his deputy,pursuantto section8 3 of the said Act;

3 John Valentine Wragg, as a member representingthe interests of private abattoirs,pursuantto section8 1 c, andDesmondRobertGriffith ashis deputy,pursuantto section8 3 of the said Act;

4 Ashley Manners,as a memberrepresentingthe interestsof the wholesaleand retail meatindustry, pursuant to section 8 1 d, and Bradley ThomasThomason as his deputy,pursuantto section 8 3 of the said Act;

5 Oscar Elton Butcher, as a memberrepresentingthe interests of producers of meat,pursuantto section 8 1 e, andJim Alexander as his deputy,pursuantto section 8 3of the said Act;

6 RaymondWard, as a memberrepresentingthe interestsof producersof meat,pursuanttosection 8 1 e, and JohnThorneStoateas his deputy, pursuantto section 8 3 of thesaid Act;

7 Glen William Ferguson, as a member representingthe interests of persons directlyemployedin the processingof meat at abattoirs,pursuantto section 8 1 1’ of the saidAct, and Tim Kuceraas his deputy, pursuantto section 8 3 of the said Act.

M. D. CARROLL, Director General of Agriculture.


I, Judyth Watson, Acting Minister for ConsumerAffairs, acting pursuantto sectionSundayEntertainmentsAct 1979 do herebydeclarethat the provisions of section 3 1shall not apply to a racemeetingto be conductedby the PinjarraRaceClub at Pinjarrac15 March 1992.


JUDYTH WATSON Acting Minister for Consui

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1110 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992

JUSTICESACT 1902It is hereby notified for public information that His Excellencythe Governorin ExecutiveCouncilhas approvedof the following appointmentsto the Office of Justiceof the Peacefor the State ofWesternAustralia.

Cohn GerardCampbellof 27 Ford Road,BusseltonandBusseltonTourist Bureau,Civic CentreComplex, SouthernDrive, Busselton.William OwenJonesof 24 Blackwood Avenue, Augusta.RasaAndrea Patupisof AmberMotel, Eyre Highway, Eucla.

Approved of the following appointmentto the Office of Justice of the Peacefor the RoebourneMagisterial District.

Debra Ellen Beet of 3 Wattle Place, Wickham.


D. G. DOIG, Under Secretaryfor Law.

Appointmentof Commissionersfor Affidavits for period 1 July 1991 to 31 December1991His Honour the Chief Justicehas beenpleasedto appoint the following personsas Commissionersfor Affidavits-

Barclay,Andrew Christian Cottesloe 17/7/91Barber,Neville Robert North Perth 1/8/91Bochat,John Warnbro 6/12/91Benn, GregoryAndrew Mt Pleasant 9/12/91Child, Henrietta Theresa Mt Lawley 2/9/91Dodd, Bruce Stevenson Rossmoyne 17/7/91Ernst, Gislinde Helga Inglewood 30/10/91Friedman,Neville Noranda 15/7/91Fairweather,Anthony William Dalkeith 2/9/91Gordon, JohnRaymondChristopher Nedlands 29/11/91Hogan, JohnChristopher Floreat Park 17/7/91Hynes, ElizabethMary Subiaco 2/8/91Jenour,Edith Nan Claremont 16/8/91Lishman, Ian Michael ShentonPark 17/7/91Luscombe,BenjaminDean ShentonPark 17/7/91Mohen, Gregory Paul Kingsley 2/8/91Matich, JeanneNona Dalkeith 2/8/91Murcia, Didier Marcel Kardinya 15/8/91Raymond,Clive Douglas Waterford 17/7/91Sharp,Timothy ShentonPark 17/7/91Smallbone,PeterDavid Bruce Claremont 2/9/911ydde,Juhian Richard Wembley Downs 25/11/91Vilensky, David Noranda 26/9/91Van Der Merwe, Basil Jonathan Leeming 24/9/91Wojtowicz, JohnMichael Leederville 2/8/91Wells, Gavin George Maddington 23/9/91


WA Ministry of Education.In accordancewith the provisionsof sections27B and32B of the EducationAct 1928, the followingschools/pre-schoolsare authorisedfor the current year:,

PP-indicatesthat a permit to conducta pre-school/carecentrehas beenissued.P -indicatesthat the school providestuition at the primary school level.LS-indicatesthat the school providestuition beyondprimary school level, but notbeyondtenth

year level.




US-indicatesthat the school providestuition beyondtenth year level.

Page 7: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable

6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1111

School Name Locality PP P LS US

Albany Community School Albany PSt JosephsCollege Albany PP P LS USBethel ChristianSchool Albany P LSJohnCalvin School Albany PP P LSSeventhDay Adventist School Albany P LSConon Road Kindergarten Applecross PPSt Benedict’sSchool Ardross PArmadaleJohnCalvin School Armadale PP PDale ChristianSchool Armadale . PJohnCalvin SeniorHigh School Armadale LS USPioneerVillage School Armadale PSeventhDay AdventistSchool Armadale PSt FrancisXavier School Armadale PP PSchoenstattPre-School Armadale PPMel Maria Catholic Primary School Attadale PP PSantaMaria College Attadale LS USLeschenaultCatholic Primary School Australind PP PSt Lawrence’sPrimary School Balcatta PP PMajella Primary School Balga PP PSt Gerard’sPrimary School . Balga PP PLuurnpaCatholic School Balgo Hills P LSMary McKillop Catholic Community School Ballajura pp pSt Michael’s School Bassendean PP PCorpusChristi College Bateman LS USYidarra CatholicPrimary School Bateman pp pSt Columba’sPrimary School Bayswater PChrist the King School Beaconsfield PP PSacredHeart School BeagleBay Mission PP P LSChisholm CatholicCollege Bedford LS USSt Peter’sPrimary School Bedford PP PEmmausChristianSchool Bedfordale P LS USClontarf Aboriginal College Bentley LS USSantaClara School Bentley PP PBlue Gum MontessoriChildren’s Centre Bibra Lake PPWaldorf School for Rudolf SteinerEducation Bibra Lake PP PSeventhDay Adventist School Bickley PKururrungku Catholic School Billiluna Station PP PKeaney College Bindoon LSSt Joseph’sSchool Boulder PP PSt Mary’s School Boyup Brook pSt Brigid’s School Bridgetown PNulungu Catholic College Broome LS USSt Mary’s School Broome PP PSt Michael’s School Brunswick Junction PUnity ChristianSchool Brunswick Junction PAll Saint’s College Bull Creek P LS USBunbury Catholic College Bunbury LS USBunbury Catholic Primary School Bunbury PP PGrace ChristianSchool Bunbury PP P LSSeventhDay AdventistSchool Bunbury PCornerstoneChristianCommunity School Busselton PP PSt Joseph’sSchool Busselton PP pHoly NameSchool Carlisle PP PCarmel College Carmel LS USSt Mary’s School Carnarvon PP P LSNewman CollegeJunior School Churchlands pp pNewman College Senior School Churchlands LS USHoly Spirit School City Beach PP PChrist Church GrammarSchool Claremont P LS USMethodistLadies’ College Claremont P LS USMoerlina School Claremont PSt Thomas Primary School Claremont PP PGumnutMontessoriSchool Claremont PPNotre DameSchool Cloverdale PP PSt Brigid’s Primary School Collie PP pSt Edmund’s College Collie LSPenrhosCollege Como PP P LS USSt Pius X School Como PP pRehobothChristianPrimary School Coolbellup PChristianAboriginal Parent-DirectedSchool

Coolgardie Coolgardie P LS USParnngurrCommunity School Cotton Creek P

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1112 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992

Whitford CatholicPrimary SchoolOur Lady of LourdesHelena SchoolTreetopsMontessoriSchoolGolden Hill KindergartenHoly RosarySchoolCarmel SchoolOur Lady’s Assumption SchoolSaint Andrews CollegeSt Mary’s SchoolHoly RosarySchoolNewman Siena CollegeSt Stephen’sSchoolJ P McKenzie Play CentreKalgoorlie-BoulderIndependentTrinity CollegeEneabbaPrivate KindergartenEsperanceChristian CollegeSeventhDay Adventist SchoolYiyihi Aboriginal Community SchoolYakannaraCommunity SchoolForrestfield ChristianSchoolChristianBrothers’ CollegeLance Holt SchoolSt Patrick’s SchoolBunbury CathedralGrammar SchoolSt Francis Xavier Primary SchoolSt John’s SchoolSt Lawrence’s SchoolSt Patrick’s CollegeStella Mans CollegeStrathalbynChristianCollegeWanalirri Catholic SchoolWonguthaChristianAboriginal Parent-Directed

SchoolEmmanuelChristianSchoolOur Lady of Mercy Catholic Primary SchoolHelenaCollegeSmall Talk KindergartenAboriginal Community CollegeSacredHeart SchoolMary’s Mount Primary SchoolSt Munchin’s SchoolLiwara CatholicPrimary SchoolFoothills SchoolGuildford GrammarSchoolGuildford Montessori SchoolGwelup PlayCentreKerry StreetCommunity SchoolSouthernChristian AcademySetonCatholic CollegeHarvey Pre-SchoolSt Anne’s SchoolMatthew Gibney CatholicPrimary SchoolSacredHeart Primary SchoolThe Anglican Community Schoolof St MarkLake JoondalupBaptist CollegeOur Lady of Mt Carmel SchoolSt Dominic’s SchoolLake JoondalupBaptist CollegeW A International CollegeSt Denis’ SchoolJohnPaul CollegeKalgoorlie Catholic Primary SchoolKaralundi Aboriginal EducationCentreSt Luke’s CollegeSt Paul’s Primary SchoolOur Lady of Good CounselSchoolSt Mary’s Anglican Girls’ SchoolSt Patrick’s SchoolGood ShepherdPrimary SchoolKelmscottJohnCalvin School

CraigieDardanupDarhingtonDarhingtonDenmarkDerbyDianellaDianellaDianellaDonnybrookDoubleviewDoubleviewDuncraigEast FremantleEast KalgoorlieEast PerthEneabbaEsperanceEsperanceFitzroy CrossingFitzroy CrossingForrestfieldFremantleFremantleFremantleGelorupGeraldtonGeraldtonGeraldtonGeraldtonGeraldtonGeraldtonGibb River

GibsonGirrawheenGirrawheenGlen ForrestGlendaloughGnangaraGoomalhingGooseberryHillGosnellsGreenwoodGuildfordGuildfordGuildfordGwelupHamilton HillHamilton HillHamilton HillHarveyHarveyHigh WycombeHighgateHillarysHillarysHiltonInnalooJoondalupJoondalupJoondannaKalgoorhieKalgoorlieKaralundiKarrathaKarrathaKarrinyupKarrinyupKatanningKelmscottKehmscott

School Name Locality PP P LS US


ppp pPP ppp pPpPP Ppp p

ppp Ppp pPP P




PP Ppp

pp Ppp pPP PPP PPP p


Pp ppp p































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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1113

School Name Locality pp p LS US

RehobothChristianSchool Kenwick P LS USKindy-Care Centre Kinglsey PPMontessoriSchool Kingsley PP P LSSt Bernard’sSchool Kojonup PP PMercy College Koondoola LS USMercy Primary School Koondoola PSt Joseph’sSchool Kununurra PP PChristianAboriginal Parent-DirectedSchool

Kurrawang Kurrawang PSt Vincent’s School Kwinana pp pPunmuAboriginal Community School LakeDora PP PJohnPujajangkaPiyirn School Lake Gregory PP P LSKingsway ChristianCollege Landsdale PP p LS USNorthern SuburbsSeventhDay Adventist Primary

School Landsdale PSt Jude’s Catholic School Langford PP PAranmoreCatholic College Leederville LS USAranmore Catholic Primary School Leederville PP PLesmurdiePlay Centre Lesmurdie PPMazenodCollege Lesmurdie LS USSt Brigid’s College Lesmurdie LS USSt Brigid’s Primary School Lesmurdie PP PGood ShepherdCatholic School Lockridge PP PDjarindjin Lombadina CatholicSchool Lombadina pp p LSThe Children’s MontessoriHouse Maida Vale PPAssumption Catholic Primary School Mandurah PP PMandurahCatholic College Mandurah LSFrederickIrwin Anglican Community School Mandurah pp pKearnanCollege Manjimup PP P LS USSeventhDay Adventist School Manjimup PAquinasCollege Manning P LS USLumen Christi College Martin LS USKids Open Learning Centre Maylands P LS USEl ShaddaiChristianSchool Medina PP P LSThe Quintilian School Mt Claremont pp pSt Mary’s School Merredin PP PSwan Christian High School Middle Swan LS USSt Brigid’s Primary School Middle Swan PP PRiverlandsSchool Middle Swan pp pMidland Christian School Midland PP PSt Anthony’s School Midvale PP PJohnSeptimusRoe Anglican Community School Mirrabooka PP PSt Joseph’sSchool Moora PP pMarian School Morawa PInfant JesusSchool Morley PP PThomas Scott Anglican Community School Morley PP P LS USBeehive MontessoriSchool Mosman Park PP Plona PresentationCollege Mosman Park LS USIona Primary School Mosman Park PP PSt Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls Mosman Park PP P LS USJohnXXIII College Mount Claremont P LS USBible Baptist ChristianAcademy Mount Helena P LS USPerth College Mount Lawley pp p LS USSt Paul’s Primary School Mount Lawley PTomple David Kindergarten Mount Lawley PPMukinbudin ChristianSchool Mukinbudin PP P LSOur Lady of Mount Carmel School Mullewa PMundaring Christian School Mundaring PP PMundaringMontessoriSchool Mundaring PPSacredHeart School Mundaring PP pSt Jerome’sSchool Munster PP PUniting Church School Murdoch LSSt Matthew’s School Narrogin PP PCollege ParkKindergarten Nedlands PPLoreto Primary School Nedlands pp pSt Margaret’sIndependentKindergarten Nedlands PPNollamaraChristianAcademy Nollamara P LS USOur Lady of LourdesSchool Nollamara PP PKulkarriya Community School NoonkanbahStation PP P LSOur Lady of GraceSchool North Beach PP PSt Clare’s School North Perth LS USSt Joseph’sSchool Northam PP P LS


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1114 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992

School Name Locality PP p LS US

St Mary’s School Northampton PEdwardsMatriculation College O’Connor USPrendiville Catholic College OceanReef LS USSt Simon PeterCatholic Primary School OceanReef pp pChrysalisMontessoriSchool OsbornePark pp pPadburyCatholic Primary School Padbury PP PWannerooWaldorf Kindergarten Padbury PPOur Lady of FatimaSchool Palmyra pp pSt Joseph’sSchool Pemberton pp pPresbyterianLadies’College PeppermintGrove PP p LS USBeaufortCollege Perth LS USMercedesCollege Perth LS USMurray Districts Kindergarten Pinjarra PPSt Joseph’sSchool Pinjarra PP PSt Cecilia’s School Port Hedland P LSSt Joseph’sSchool QueensPark pSt Norbert’s College QueensPark LS USWarlawurru Catholic School Red Hill PP PSt Maria Goretti School Redcliffe pBilirr Ngawiyiwu Catholic School Yaruman Ringer’s Soak PP P LSQueenof Apostles School Riverton pp pRiverton-Willetton Kindergarten Riverton ppSchoenstattKindergarten Riverton ppBeechboroChristianSchool Rivervale PP PSt Augustine’sSchool Rivervale PP PKolbe Catholic College Rockingham LSStar of the SeaSchool Rockingham PRockinghamFamily School Safety Bay PP PSetonCatholic College Samson LS usSt John’sSchool Scarborough PP pThe JapaneseSchool in Perth Scarborough P LSWestviewKindergarten Scarborough PPThe Family Primary School ShentonPark PP PThe Montessori High School ShentonPark LS USSacredHeart College Sorrento LS USChrist the King School South Fremantle pp pKids Centre South Fremantle P LS USHedlandCatholic College South Hedland LS USMary McKillop Catholic Primary School South Lake PP PHensmanStreetPre-School South Perth PPSt Columba’sSchool South Perth PP pWesleyCollege South Perth P LS USSt Joseph’sSchool SouthernCross PThornlie ChristianCollege SouthernRiver P LS USStrelley Community School Strelley PP P LSScotch College Swanbourne P LS USChristianBrothers’Agricultural School Tardun LSTardunCatholic Primary School Tardun PP PMuslim Community School Thornlie P LSSacredHeart Primary School Thornlie PP PCoolabarooNeighbourhoodCentre Thornlie ppWoodburyBoston Primary School Torbay pThe CygnetMontessoriSchool Thart Hill PP PServite College Thart Hill LS USSt Kieran’s School Thart Hill pp pNgalangangpumSchool Warmun-ThrkeyCreek Turkey Creek PP P LSMontessoriChildren’s Centre Victoria Park pp pRegentCollege Victoria Park pp p LS USSeventhDay Adventist Primary School Victoria Park PUrsula FrayneCatholic College Victoria Park PP p LS USLa Salle College Viveash LS USMaranathaChristianCommunity School Waikiki p LSKalamundaChristian School Walliston pp pSt Anthony’s School . Wanneroo PP PSt Joseph’sSchool Waroona pp pClontarfAboriginal College Waterford LS USSpeechand HearingCentre Wembley PP P LSHale School Wembley Downs P LS USCulungaAboriginal School West Swan PP P LSJohnWollastonCommunity School . Westfield PP P LSOrana Catholic School Willetton PP PCooinda Kindergarten Wilson pp

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1115

School Name Locality pp p LS US

NyindamurraFamily School of Creativity Witchcliffe pp pLombardy Street Pre-School Woodlands PPSt Luke’s Catholic Primary School Woodvale pp pSt Joseph’sSchool Wyndham PP pBanksiaMontessoriSchool Yokine PP

Appointmentof RegistrarsUnder the provisionsof sections6 and 8 of the Electoral Act 1907, I herebyappoint the personslisted in the first column below to be Registrarsfor the districts listed in the columnshereunder.

Kerry Roye Monaghan-

AlbanyAvonCockburnFremantleHelenaMelvilleMooreRoleystoneSwan HillsWagin




BunburyDarling RangeGreenoughMaylandsMitchellRoeSouth PerthVictoria Park





FloreatKalgoorlieMandurahMurrayNorthern RiversPilbaraScarboroughWarren

L. E. SMITH, Electoral Commissioner.

WesternAustraliaREFERENDUMSACT 1983


1. Undersection 5 1 of the Daylight SavingAct 1991 I havedeterminedthat the questionset out in section5 2 of thatAct ha1l besubmittedto the electorsunderand in accordancewith the ReferendumsAct 1983 on 4 April 1992.

2. Under section 4 1 of the ReferendumsAct 1983 I now direct you to issue a writ for areferendumon the questionset out in section 5 2 of the Daylight SavingAct 1991.

Dated 3 March 1992.



Phillip Stanley Richards-



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1116 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992



1992Notice No. 536

FD 376/83.Made by the Minister undersection32.

Citation1. This notice may be cited as the Shark Bay Scallop Limited Entry FisheryAmendmentNotice 1992.

Principal notice

2. In this notice the Shark Bay Scallop Limited Entry FisheryNotice 1990* isreferredto as the principal notice.


3. Item 18 of the arrangementis repealedand the following substituted-

"18. Inspectionof fishing gear, enginesand seals".

Clause3 amended

4. Clause3 of the principal notice is amendedby inserting in the appropriateorder the following-

"streamed"meanstowing a trawl net on the surfaceof the water with thecod end open.

Clause 10 amended5. Clause 10 of the principal notice is amended-

1 by deleting subclause1 and substitutingthe following-"1 A person, other than a personto whom section 32 5 of the Act

applies,shall not take or attempt to take scallopsat any time fromwithin the Fishery otherthan in accordancewith a declarationofthe Minister madeunder subclause2.

2 The Minister may at any time, in writing, declarethe-a times and datesduring which scallops may be taken from a

specified areaof the Fishery; andb times, datesand areasof the Fishery that a classof boat may

or not be used to take scallops.";2 In subclause2 by renumberingsubclause2 as subclause3; and3 In subclause3 by-

a renumberingsubclause3 as subclause4; and

b deletingthe word "advised" and substituting"declared".

Clause 11 amended

6. Clause 11 of the principal notice is amended-

1 in subclause1 b A by-a deleting "iii", "iv" and "v" and substituting "iv", "v" and

"vi" respectively;and

b inserting in order the following subclause-"iii meshesnot greaterthan 60 millimetres;" and

2 in subclause1 b B by-a deleting"and" where it occursin subclausei; andb deleting the full stop where it occurs in subclauseii and

substitutinga semi-colonandthe word "and"; and

c inserting in order the following subclause-

"iii meshesnot exceeding60 millimetres.".

3 in subclause3 by inserting-

a after the subclausedesignation "3" the subclausedesignation"i"; and

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1117

b in order the following subclause-"ii Notwithstandingthe provisionsof subclausesi a and i b

the Minister may, in writing, vary the number of personspermitted on board a Class"A" or "B" boat and such a boatshall not at any time have on board more persons thanspecified by the Minister.".

Clause 12 repealedand substituted7. Clause 12 of the principal notice is repealedand the following clausesubstituted-

"12. Unlessotherwiseapprovedby the Minister, otter boards,trawl wiresandotter trawl netscarriedor attachedto any boat shall besecuredto thatboatand kept out of the water-

a between0800 and1700 hourseachdayin areasof the Fisheryopento the taking of scallops except that otter trawl nets may bestreamedbetween0800 hoursand 0900 hourson those days; and

b at all timesin areasof the Fisheryclosedto the taking of scallops.".

Clause 15 amended8. Clause 15 of the principal notice is amendedby adding the followingsubclause-

5 a Notwithstandingthe provisions of subclauses2 and 3, theMinister may, in writing, approvethe replacementof a Class"A"or "B" boat with any other boat; and

b any replacementboat approvedunder this clauseshall be subjectto any conditionsthe Minister may impose.".

Headingto clause 18 repealedand substituted9. The headingto clause18 is repealedand the following headingsubstituted-

"Inspectionof fishing gear, enginesand seals".

Clause 18 amended10. Clause18 of the principal notice is amendedby-

1 inserting the subclausedesignation"1" after "18.";2 inserting in the secondline after the word "the" where it appearsfor

the first time the words "fishing gear,"; and3 inserting in order the following subclause-

"2 The owner of a boat licensedto operatein the Fishery shall-

a makethat boat available for inspectionwithin a 5 kilometreradius from the Carnarvontownsitefor a period of 24 hoursin the week prior to the opening of the Fishery; and

b provide 24 hours prior notice to the FisheriesDepartmentatCarnarvonof where and when the boat will be available forinspectionin accordancewith subclause2 a.".

[*published in the Gazetteof23 February 1990.For amendmentsto 31 January1992 seenoticeNo. 487 publishedin the Gazetteof 19 April 1991.]

Datedthis 28th day of February1992.J. A. McGINTY Acting Minister for Fisheries.



1992Notice No. 535

FD 146/75.Made by the Minister undersection32.Citation1. This notice may be cited as the Shark Bay Prawn Limited Entry FisheryAmendmentNotice 1992.Principal notice2. In this notice the Shark Bay Prawn Limited Entry FisheryNotice No. 449*is referredto as the principal notice.

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1118 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992


3. Item 17 of the arrangementis amendedby inserting after "of" thefollowing-

fishing gear, ".

Clause 3 amended

4. Clause 3 of the principal notice is amendedby inserting in alphabeticalorder the following-

"nursery" meansa part of the Fishery as describedin Item 2 of theschedule;

"streamed"meanstowing a trawl net on the surfaceof the water with thecod end open; ".

Clause 10 repealedand substituted

5. Clause 10 of the principal notice is repealedand the following clauseissubstituted-

10. 1 A personshall not take or attempt to take prawnsat any timewithin-

a a nursery;or

b any other area of the Fishery except in accordancewith adeclarationof the Minister madeundersubclause2.

2 The Minister may at any time, in writing, declare the times anddatesduring which prawnsmay or may not be takenfrom any specifiedareaof the Fishery. ".

Clause 11 amended

6. Clause11 of the principal notice is amended-

1 in subclause1 by inserting after "1" the words-

" Unlessotherwiseauthorisedin writing by the Minister "; and

2 in subclause2 by-

a deletingthe word "may" and inserting " shall ";

b deleting"and" at the end of subclausea;

c deletingthe full stop and substitutinga semi-colonand the wordand " at the end of subclauseb; and

d addingthe following subclause-

c not contain meshesgreaterthan 60 millimetres. ".

Clause 12 amended

7. Clause 12 of the principal notice is amendedby-

1 repealingsubclause1 and substitutingthe following subclause-

1 Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Minister, otterboards,trawl wires andotter trawl netscarriedout or attachedto anyboat shall be securedto that boat and kept out of the water-

a between0800 and 1700 hourseachday in areasof the Fisheryopen to the taking of prawnsexceptthat otter trawl nets maybe streamedbetween 0800 hours and 0900 hours on thosedays; and

b at all times in areasof the Fishery closed to the taking ofprawns. ".

Headingto clause17 amended

8. The headingto clause17 of the principal notice is amendedby insertingbeforethe word "engine"the words " fishing gear, ".

Clause 17 amended

9. Clause17 of the principal notice is amendedin subclausec by insertingbeforethe word "engine" and words " fishing gear, ".


10. The scheduleto the principal notice is amendedby deletingItem 2 b andItem 2 c.

[*published in the Gazetteof 27 April 1990. For amendmentsto 31 January1992 seeNotice No. 482 publishedin the Gazetteof 15 March 1991 andNoticeNo. 494 publishedin the Gazetteof 3 May 1991.]

Datedthis 3rd day of March 1992.

GORDON HILL, Minister for Fisheries.

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1119



FD 673/91.

The public is hereby notified that I have issueda permit to David Barton of 48 Smith Street,Kalbarri 6536, to establisha processingestablishmentto processfish in pursuanceof theprovisionsof section35C of the FisheriesAct 1905, at 553 PorterStreet,Kalbarri 6536, subjectto the followingconditions.

That the processingestablishmentsubject to this permit-

1. Shall comply with the requirementsof the FisheriesAct 1905 and all regulations,Ordersin Council, andNotices and Ministerial Directions issuedthereunder.

2. Shall not be used for the processingof rock lobster, prawns, abalone, tuna, salmon orscallops.

3. Shall comply with the requirementsof the Health Act 1911 amended.

4. Shall beregisteredas an exportestablishmentpursuantto the provisionsof the Parliamentof the CommonwealthExport Control Act 1982, and orders made thereunder,morespecifically the prescribedgoodsgeneralordersand the fish orders,shouldit be used toprocessfish for export.

5. Shall notbe usedfor the processingof marronCherax tenuimanusunlessa licence is heldundersection39C of the FisheriesAct 1905.

6. Shall not be used for the processingof fish or crustaceacaughtby any other vessel.

In accordancewith the provisionsof section35K, any personaggrievedby this decisionmay,withinfourteen days after publication of this Notice, appealagainst the decision or order by servingonthe Minister for Fisheriesa statement,in writing, on the groundsof their appeal.

P. P. ROGERS,ExecutiveDirector of Fisheries.



FD 666/91.

The public is hereby notified that I have issued a permit to Patrick Joseph Monaghahof 68Glenview Street, Geraldton 6530, to establish a processingestablishment to processfish inpursuanceof the provisionsof section35C of the FisheriesAct 1905 on board licensedfishing boat"Houtman"LFB9274, subject to the following conditions.

That the processingestablishmentsubject to this permit-

1. Shall comply with the requirementsof the FisheriesAct 1905 and all regulations,Ordersin Council, and Notices and Ministerial Directions issuedthereunder.

2. Shall not be used for the processingof rock lobster, prawns, abalone, tuna, salmon orscallops.

3. Shall comply with the requirementsof the Health Act 1911 amended.

4. Shallbe registeredas an exportestablishmentpursuantto the provisionsof the Parliamentof the Commonwealth Export Control Act 1982, and orders made thereunder, morespecifically the prescribedgoodsgeneralordersand the fish orders,shouldit be used toprocessfish for export.

5. Shall not be usedfor the processingof marronCherax tenuimanusunlessa licence is heldundersection39C of the FisheriesAct 1905.

6. Shall not be usedfor the processingof f3sh or crustaceacaughtby any other vessel.

In accordancewith the provisionsof section35K, any personaggrievedby this decisionmay,withinfourteendays after publication of this Notice, appealagainstthe decision or order by servingonthe Minister for Fisheriesa statement,in writing, on the groundsof their appeal.

P. P. ROGERS,ExecutiveDirector of Fisheries.

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1120 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992



FD 571/91.

The public is hereby notified that I have issueda permit to JohnRobertMelvin of 90 Gingin Road,Lancelin 6044, to establisha processingestablishmentto processfish in pursuanceof the provisionsof section35C of the FisheriesAct 1905 on boardlicensedfishing boat F25 LFBF25, subjectto thefollowing conditions.

That the processingestablishmentsubject to this permit-

1. Shall comply with the requirementsof the FisheriesAct 1905 and all regulations,Ordersin Council, and Notices and Ministerial Directionsissued thereunder.

2. Shall not be used for the processingof rock lobster, prawns, abalone, tuna, salmon orscallops.

3. Shall comply with the requirementsof the HealthAct 1911 amended.

4. Shallbe registeredasan exportestablishmentpursuantto the provisionsof the Parliamentof the CommonwealthExport Control Act 1982, and orders made thereunder, morespecifically the prescribedgoodsgeneralordersand the fish orders,shouldit be usedtoprocessfish for export.

5. Shall not beused for the processingof marronCherax tenuimanusunlessa licence is heldundersection39C of the FisheriesAct 1905.

6. Shall not be used for the processingof fish or crustaceacaughtby any other vessel.

In accordancewith the provisionsof section35K, any personaggrievedby this decisionmay,withinfourteen days after publication of this Notice, appeal againstthe decision or order by serving onthe Minister for Fisheriesa statement,in writing, on the groundsof their appeal.

P. P. ROGERS,ExecutiveDirector of Fisheries.



FD 483/91.

The public is hereby notified that I have issueda permit to Brian Allan Donaldsonof 166 PrestonPoint Road, East Fremantle,to establisha processingestablishmentto processfish in pursuanceof the provisionsof section 35C of the FisheriesAct 1905 on boardlicensedfishing boat "Nor Star"LFBC2O, subject to the following conditions.

That the processingestablishmentsubject to this permit-

1. Shall comply with the requirementsof the FisheriesAct 1905 and all regulations,Ordersin Council, and Notices and Ministerial Directions issuedthereunder.

2. Shall not be used for the processingof rock lobster,prawns, abalone, tuna, salmon orscallops.

3. Shall comply with the requirementsof the Health Act 1911 amended.

4. Shallbe registeredas an exportestablishmentpursuantto theprovisionsof the Parliamentof the CommonwealthExport Control Act 1982, and orders made thereunder, morespecifically the prescribedgoodsgeneralordersand the fish orders,should it be usedtoprocessfish for export.

5. Shall notbe usedfor the processingof marronCherax tenuimanusunlessa licence is heldundersection39C of the FisheriesAct 1905.

6. Shall not be usedfor the processingof fish or crustaceacaughtby any other vessel.

In accordancewith the provisionsof section35K, any personaggrievedby this decisionmay,withinfourteendays after publication of this Notice, appealagainstthe decision or order by serving onthe Minister for Fisheriesa statement,in writing, on the groundsof their appeal.

P. P. ROGERS,ExecutiveDirector of Fisheries.

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1121


FD 572/91.


The public is herebynotified that I haveissueda permit to JohnWalter Melvin of 90 Gingin Road,Lancelin 6044, to establisha processingestablishmentto processfish in pursuanceof the provisionsof section 35C of the FisheriesAct 1905 on board licensedfishing boat LFBF434, subject to thefollowing conditions.

That the processingestablishmentsubject to this permit-

1. Shall comply with the requirementsof the FisheriesAct 1905 and all regulations,Ordersin Council, and Notices and Ministerial Directions issued thereunder.

2. Shall not be used for the processingof rock lobster, prawns, abalone,tuna, salmon orscallops.

3. Shall comply with the requirementsof the Health Act 1911 amended.

4. Shall be registeredas an exportestablishmentpursuantto the provisionsof the Parliamentof the CommonwealthExport Control Act 1982, and orders made thereunder, morespecifically the prescribedgoodsgeneralordersand the fish orders,shouldit be used toprocessfish for export.

5. Shall not be used for the processingof marronCherax tenuimanusunlessa licence is heldundersection39C of the FisheriesAct 1905.

6. Shall not be usedfor the processingof fish or crustaceacaughtby any other vessel.

In accordancewith the provisionsof section35K, any personaggrievedby this decisionmay,withinfourteendays after publication of this Notice, appealagainstthe decision or order by servingonthe Minister for Fisheriesa statement,in writing, on the groundsof their appeal.

P. P. ROGERS,Executive Director of Fisheries.



Madeby His Excellencythe Governor in ExecutiveCounciL


1. Theseregulationsmay be cited as the WesternAustralian ReproductiveTechnologyCouncil NominatingBodiesRegulations1992.


2. For the purposesof section 8 2 a 1 D of the HumanReproductiveTechnologyAct1991, the bodiesrespectivelyknown as -

a Concernfor the Infertile Couple Inc.;

b The Fertility Society of Australia Inc., as incorporated inVictoria; and

c the Office of Women’sInterests,

areherebyprescribedasbeingbodieshavinginterestsrelevantto that Act.

By His Excellency’sCommand,

05606-3 M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.

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1122 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992


Health Department of WA,Perth,27 February1992.

212/75.The appointmentof Mr DeanBlakemoreas an EnvironmentalHealthOfficer to the Shire of Hall’sCreekeffective from 4 March 1992 is approved.

BRIAN DEVINIE, delegateof ExecutiveDirector, Public Health.


HEALTH ACT 1911Health Department of WA,

Perth, 26 February1992.

145/68.The appointmentof Mr RaymondJamesNokes as an EnvironmentalHealth Officer to the Townof EastFremantlefor the period effectivefrom 1 December1991 to 31 January1992 is approved.

The appointmentof Mr Vic Andrich as an Environmental Health Officer to the Town of EastFremantleeffective from 10 February1992 is approved.

BRIAN DEVINE, delegateof ExecutiveDirector, Public Health.


Health Department of WA,Perth,25 February 1992.

7646/89.The cancellationof the appointmentof Mr JohnL. McClearyas an EnvironmentalHealthOfficerto the City of Perth effective from 14 February 1992 is herebynotified.

BRIAN DEVINIE, delegateof Executive Director, Public Health.


HEALTH ACT 1911Health Departmentof WA,Perth,25 February 1992.

8 282/90.The cancellationof the appointmentof Mrs Silvia JoyBarrettas an EnvironmentalHealth Officerto the City of Wannerooeffectivefrom 13 February 1992 is herebynotified.

BRIAN DEVINE, delegateof ExecutiveDirector, Public Health.


CREMATION ACT 1929Health Departmentof WA,Perth,20 February 1992.

1040/89, ExCo No. 0318.His Excellency the Governor in Executive Councilhasappointedunder the provisionsof section8 1 a of the CremationAct 1929, Dr Robert Noll as a medical referee.

PETERJ. BRENNAN, Commissionerof Health.

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1123



The Minister for Heritagehasdirectedthat the placesdescribedin the attachedschedulebe enteredin the Register of HeritagePlaceson an interim basis pursuantto section47 1 of the Heritageof WesternAustralia Act 1990.

In accordancewith the requirementsof section49 1 of that Act, the HeritageCouncil of WesternAustraliaherebygives notice that it intendsto enterthoseplacesin the Registerof HeritagePlaces.

The Council will supply, on request, a statementgiving details of each place including theassessmentof its cultural heritagesignificance.

Submissionson the proposedentriesare invited from interestedpersons.Submissionsmust be inwriting and shouldbe forwarded to the following address:

The DirectorOffice of the HeritageCouncilP0 Box 6201East Perth,W.A. 6892

Submissionsconcerningentriesof placeslisted in the Schedulemustbe lodged by 29th May 1992.


Place;Location; Land Description.

Art Gallery and Museum Buildings; Francis Street and BeaufortStreet,Perth; PerthTown Lots2 and 3 on Diagram26163; Vol. 1265 Folio 315.

PerthCourt of Petty Sessions;BeaufortStreetand Roe Street,Perth;ReserveC37000.

ClaremontTeachersCollege;Cnr Goldsworthy Roadand PrincessRoad,Claremont;ReserveB4872.

SwanbourneHospital; St JohnsWood Boulevard,Mt Claremont;Lot 171 on Diagram75983; Vol.1877, Folio 260.

Albany Court House andAssociatedBuildings; 34 Stirling Terrace,Albany; Albany Town Lots S39and S40.

SamsonHouse; 61 Ellen Street,Fremantle;FremantleTown Lot 926; Vol. 1638, Folio 880.

PerthMint; 310 Hay Street,East Perth;Perth Town Lots Dli, D12 and950; Vol. 1810, Folio 174.

Datedthis 28th day of February 1992.

A. HOPKINS, Director, Office of the HeritageCouncil.




The Minister for Heritagehasdirectedthat the placesdescribedin the attachedschedulebe enteredin the Registerof HeritagePlaceson an interim basis pursuantto section47 1 of the Heritageof WesternAustralia Act 1990. In accordancewith the requirementsof section49 1 of that Act,the HeritageCouncil of WesternAustraliahereby gives notice that it intendsto enterthoseplacesin the Registerof HeritagePlaces.The Council will supply, on request,a statementgiving detailsof each place including the assessmentof its cultural heritage significance.Submissionson theproposedentries are invited from interestedpersons.Submissionsmust be in writing and shouldbe forwarded to the following address:

The DirectorOffice of HeritageCouncilP0 Box 6201East PerthW.A. 6892

Submissionsconcerningentriesof placeslisted in the Schedulemustbe lodgedby 29thMay 1992.

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1124 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992


Place Location Land Description

Supreme Court Building, Old Barrack Street,Perth ReservesC 18392,Courthouse,Stirling andSupreme A 10887 and Pt

A 18391,Reserve

Court Gardens A 1150 Lot 761Art Gallery Administration Bldg 47 JamesStreet,Perth ReserveC 37000Former Police BarracksFilm & Television Institute Fmr 92 AdelaideStreet,Fremantle ReserveC 594FremantleBoys’ SchoolCommunity Education Centre Cnr. Cantonment& Parry Sts., ReserveC 514Bldg Fmr Princess May Girls’ FremantleSchoolEast Perth Cemeteryand Saint Bronte Street,East Perth ReserveA 21054Bartholomew’sChurchBarracksArch Cnr. Elder & Malcolm Streets, ReserveC 36692


Datedthis 5th day of March 1992.C. MACGILL, Acting Director,Office of the HeritageCouncil.

- k D1s1 V 1

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1979IndustrialRelationsCommissionAmendmentRegulations,1991

Pursuantto the powersconferredby section 113 of the Industrial RelationsAct1979 andall otherpowersenablingthe WesternAustralianIndustrial RelationsCommissionherebymakesthe following regulations:

1 Theseregulationsmaybe cited as the Industrial RelationsCommissionAmendmentsRegulations,1992.

2 In theseregulationsthe IndustrialRelationsCommissionRegulations1985* as amendedare referredto as the principal regulations.

*published in the GovernmentGazette28 February 1985 at pages3-50 andsee amendmentspublishedin the GovernmentGazetteon 16 August 1985,1 November1985, 19 August1988 and 8 November1991.2. Regulation39 of the principal regulations is amendedby repealingtheexisting regulation and substitutingthe following regulation:

39. Other than appealsbrought pursuantto section 78 1 b i of theAct, the following is to apply to appealsbrought pursuantto section78 1 b of the Act.

1 Within 21 days of serviceof suchan appeal,the respondentshallgive notice to the appellantin accordancewith Form 25 filed withthe Registrarrequiringthe appellantto admit any fact relative tothe issue and further the respondentshall state in writing thereasonsfor the decisionappealedagainst and shall attach suchstatementto the Form 25.

2 The appellant on whom a notice to admit has been served shallwithin 7 days serve upon the other party a notice in reply inwriting admitting or denyingthe fact with or without qualificationas the casemay be and shall file the samewith the Registrar.

3 Subject to subregulation 4 and 5 the procedurebefore theTribunal for theseappealsshall be as follows:a Therespondentshallmakeabrief statementoutlining hiscase

and describingthe evidencehe will bring;

b The respondentshall then call his witnesses;c Unless the Tribunal otherwisepermits, the examination in

chiefmay beconductedby notmore thanone personon behalfof the respondent,andthe crossexaminationmay beconductedby not more than one personon behalfof the respondent;

d The respondentshall be allowed to re-examinebut the reexaminationshall be confined to matters arising out of thecrossexamination;


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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1125

e The appellantshall then makea brief statementoutlining hiscaseand describingthe evidencehe will bring;

1 The appellantshall thencall his witnessesand paragraphscand d shall apply with modifications as necessary;

g The appellantshall then makesubmissionsto the law;

h The respondentshall then makesubmissionsto the law;

i The appellant shall have the right of reply but it shall belimited to any questions of law raised which could notreasonablyhavebeenanticipated.

4 The procedurein subregulation3 may be modified or variedbythe Tribunal whenit considersit just or expedientto do so.

5 The procedureto be followed with respectto any intervenorshallbe as directedby the Tribunal. ".

3. Regulation 41 of the principal regulations is amendedby repealingtheexistingregulation andsubstitutingthe following regulation:

41. 1 Subject to subregulation2 and 3 the procedurein hearingsbefore the Tribunal other than for matters brought pursuanttosection78 1 b of the Act shall be as follows-

a the applicant shall makea brief statementoutlining his caseanddescribing the evidencehe will bring;

b the applicantshall then call his witnesses;

c unless the Tribunal otherwisepermits, the examination inchiefmay be conductedby not more than one personon behalfof the applicant, andthe crossexaminationmay be conductedby not more than one personon behalfof the respondent;

d the applicant shall be allowed to re-examinebut the reexaminationshall be confined to mattersarising out of thecrossexamination;

e the respondentshall thenmakea brief statementoutlining hiscaseincluding any counterproposaldescribingthe evidencehewill bring;

I the respondentshall then call his witnessesand paragraphsc and d shall apply with modifications as necessary;

g if the respondenthas produced evidencein support of anycounterproposalthe applicant may be able to call witnessesin respectof such counterproposal;

h the applicantshall thenmakehis submissionsas to merit andthe law;

i the respondentshall then makehis submissionsas to meritand the law;

j the applicantshall thenhavethe right of reply but it shall belimited to any questions of law raised which could notreasonablyhavebeenanticipatedand/or any counterproposal.

2 The procedurein subregulation1 may be modified or varied bythe Tribunal where it considersit just or expedientso to do.

3 The procedureto be followed with respectto any intervenorshallbe as directed by the Tribunal. ".

4. Regulation42 of the principal regulationsis deleted.

5. Form 8 of the principal regulationsis amendedby repealingthe existingformand substitutingthe following form:




nameand addressof respondentTAKE NOTICE that

full nameand addressfor service of appellant

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1126 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992

has this day instituted an appeal against the decision to: here statesubjectmatter of decision appealedagainst

notice of which was given ondate

on the grounds or for the reasonswhich follow: here set forth clearly andconcisely the groundsof appeal-attachscheduleif necessary

DATED at this day of 19


NOTE: ° The appellantis requiredto sign this notice.o The appellantshall upon the returnto him of the stampedcopy of

appealserve or causeto be serveda copy of this noticeon the citedrespondent.

* Upon proof of service of this notice of appeal the Registrarshallremit the appeal for hearing.

Datedthis 26thday of February1992.P. J. SHARKEY, President.

W. S. COLEMAN, Chief Commissioner.G. G. HALLIWELL, Senior Commissioner.

G. L. FIELDING, Commissioner.0. K. SALMON, Commissioner.

J. A. NEGUS, Commissioner.J. F. GREGOR, Commissioner.

S. A. KENNEDY, Commissioner.R. N. GEORGE, Commissioner.

A. R. BEECH, Commissioner.C. B. PARKS, Commissioner.


ORDERS IN COUNCILVesting of Reserves

By the direction of His Excellency the Governorundersection 33 2, the following reserveshavebeenvested.DOLA File: 3028/974.ReserveNo. 1820 JandakotAgricultural Area Lot 140 vested in the City of Cockburn for thedesignatedpurposeof "Recreation".

DOLA File: 592/902.ReserveNo. 8129 JandakotAgricultural Area Lot 614 vested in the City of Cockburn for thedesignatedpurposeof "Club and Club PremisesPistol Club" with power, subject to the approvalin writing of the Minister for Lands to each and every leaseor assignmentof leasebeing firstobtained,to leasethe whole or any portion thereoffor any term not exceedingtwenty one 21 yearsfrom the date of the lease.

DOLA File: 1838/990.ReserveNo. 41893SwanLocation 11575vestedin the City of Wanneroofor the designatedpurposeof "Public Recreation".

DOLA File: 6103/920.Reserve No. 17585 Williams Location 12359 vested in the Shire of Wagin for the designatedpurposeof "Hallsite and Recreation"with power, subject to the approvalin writing of the Ministerfor Lands to eachand every leaseor assignmentof leasebeing first obtained,to leasethe wholeor any portion thereoffor any term not exceedingtwenty one 21 yearsfrom the date of the lease.

DOLA File: 1192/988.ReserveNo. 37745 NewmanLot 1509 vestedin the WaterAuthority of WesternAustralia for thedesignatedpurposeof "RepeaterStation Site".Local Authority-Shire of East Pilbara.

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1127

DOLA File: 11467/906V3.ReserveNo. 42012 Wellington Location 5586 vestedin the Water Authority of WesternAustraliafor the designatedpurposeof "Drainage".Local Authority-Shire of Harvey.

DOLA File: 2029/990.ReserveNo. 5878 Clifton EstateLot 26 vestedin the Water Authority of Western Australiaforthe designatedpurposeof "Drain".Local Authority-Shire of Harvey.

DOLA File: 2066/76.ReserveNo. 34112 Perth Lots 891 and 1021 vestedin the City of South Perth for the designatedpurposeof "PedestrianAccessWay".

DOLA File: 2576/990.ReserveNo. 41997 Perth Lot 1020 vested in the WesleyCollege for the designatedpurposeof"School Site".Local Authority-City of South Perth.

DOLA File: 1944/981.ReserveNo. 38960 Mount MagnetLots 472 and 486 vestedin the Shire of Mount Magnet for thedesignatedpurposeof "Recreation".

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.

LA202LAND ACT 1933

ORDERS IN COUNCILRevocationof Vestings

By the direction of His Excellency the Governorunder section 34B 1, the following Orders inCouncil and associatedVesting Ordersare revoked.DOLA File 6103/920Orderin Council gazettedon 10 August 1990 vestingReserveNo. 17585 Williams Location 12359in the Shire of Wagin for the designatedpurposeof "Hall Site-SoldiersMemorial".DOLA File 1192/988Order in Council gazettedon 16 June1989 vestingReserveNo. 37745 NewmanLot 1509 in theCivil Aviation Authority for the designatedpurpose of "V.H.F. Communications Site". LocalAuthority-Shire of East Pilbara.DOLA File 2066/76Order in Council gazettedon 23 July 1976 vestingReserveNo. 34112 in the City of South Perthfor the designatedpurposeof "PedestrianAccessWay".DOLA File 1944/981Order in Council gazettedon 28 December1984 vestingReserveNo. 38960Mount MagnetLot 486in the Shire of Mount Magnet for the designatedpurposeof "Recreation".DOLA File 592/902Order in Council gazettedon 19 August 1988 vestingReserveNo. 8129 JandakotAgricultural AreaLot 595 in the City of Cockburn for the designatedpurposeof "Recreation".DOLA File 3 164/903Order in Council gazettedon 19 August1988 vestingReserveNo. 8688 JandakotAgricultural AreaLot 593 in the City of Cockburnfor the designatedpurposeof "Pound".

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.


LAND REVOCATION OF CONTROL ORDERDOLA File: 3028/974.Made by His Excellency the Governor under section 34B 2. The Order inCouncil madeundersection34 gazettedon 24 May 1907 directingthat ReserveNo. 1820 JandakotAgricultural Area Lot 140 be placed under the control ofthe JandakotRoad Board as a Boardof Managementfor "Public Purposes"isrevoked.Local Authority-City of Cockburn.

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.

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1128 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992


APPLICATION E694011Take notice that Neville Roy Spouseof 328 PattersonCrescent,Dampier,as Administrator of theEstateof Lilian RosannahSpouse,deceasedhas madeapplication to be registeredunder the Actas proprietorof an estatein fee simple in possessionin the land situatedat SteadRoad, Albanybeing portion of Albany SuburbanLot 8 and being Lot 22 on Plan 301.All personsother than the applicantclaiming any estateright title or interest in the abovelandanddesiringto object to the applicationare requiredto lodge in this office on or before27thMarch1992 a caveatforbidding the land being brought under the operationof the Act.

D. L. MULCAHY, Registrar of Titles.


RESERVATION NOTICESMade by His Excellency the Governorundersection29.The Crown Land describedbelow havebeen set apartas public reserves.DOLA File: i1467/906V3.ReserveNo. 42012 comprisingWellington location 5586 with an areaof about 934 squaremetreson Land Administration ReserveDiagram996 for the designatedpurposeof "Drainage".Public Plan: Brunswick Junction2 000 BG3O/i2.40 Clifton Road.Local Authority-Shire of Harvey.

DOLA File: 2576/990.Reserve No. 41997 comprising Perth Lot 1020 with an area of 719 square metreson LandAdministration Diagram 90263 for the designatedpurposeof "SchoolSite".Public Plan: Perth 1:2 000 BG34/13.22 and 14.22 Swan Street.Local Authority-City of South Perth.

A, A. SKINNER, Acting Chief ExecutiveOfficer.


AMENDMENT OF RESERVESMade by His Excellency the Governorundersection37.The following reserveshavebeen amended.DOLA File: 4011/989.ReserveNo. 9725 Victoria District "Quarry" to compriseLocation 11919 on Diagram20636 andof its arearemainingunalteredaccordingly.Public Plan: Walkaway S.W. 1:25000.Local Authority-Shire of Greenough.

DOLA File: 2029/990.ReserveNo. 5878 at Clifton Estate"Drain" to compriseLot 26 on Land AdministrationDiagram90350 and of its areabeing increasedto 9299 squaremetresaccordingly.Public Plan: Bunbury 1:10000 2.8 RaymondRoad.Local Authority-Shire of Harvey.

DOLA File: 1944/981.ReserveNo. 38960 Mount MagnetLot 486 "Recreation"to includeLot 472 on Lands andSurveysPlan 16040 and of its areabeing increasedto 5.1498 hectaresaccordingly.Public Plan: Mount Magnet 1:2 000 12.16 Laurie Street.Local Authority-Shireof Mount Magnet.DOLA File: 3028/974.ReserveNo. 1820 JandakotAgricultural Area Iot 140 "Public Purposes"to exclude that portionnow comprisedin Lot 614 on Diagram 90387 and of its area being reducedto 42.0239 hectaresaccordingly.Public Plan: Perth 1:10 000 3.1 ForrestRoad.Local Authority-City of Cockburn.

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1129

DOLA File: 592/902.Reserve No. 8129 JandakotAgricultural Area "Recreation" to comprise Lot 614 on LandAdministration Diagram90387 in lieu of Lot 595 and of its areabeing increasedto 7.6806hectaresaccordingly.Public Plan: Perth 1:10 000 3.1 ForrestRoad.Local Authority-City of Cockburn.

DOLA File: 2066/76.Reserve No. 34112 Perth Lot 891 "PedestrianAccess Way" to include Lot 1021 on LandAdministration Diagram90263 and of its areabeing increasedto 763 squaremetresaccordingly.Public Plan: Perth 1:2 000 13.22 and 14.22 Swan and Coode Streets.Local Authority-City of South Perth.

A. A. SKINNER, ExecutiveDirector.


CHANGE OF PURPOSEOF RESERVESMade by His Excellency the Governorundersection37.The purposeof the following reserveshavebeenchanged.DOLA File: 1192/988.Reserve No. 37745 Newman Lot 1509 being changed from "V.H.F. CommunicationsSite" to"RepeaterStation Site".Public Plan: Newman 1:2 000 15.14.Local Authority-Shire of East Pilbara.

DOLA File: 3028/974.ReserveNo. 1820 JandakotAgricultural Area Lot 140 being changedfrom "Public Purposes"to"Recreation".Public Plan: Perth 1:10000 3.1 ForrestRoad.Local Authority-City of Cockburn.

DOLA File: 592/902.ReserveNo. 8129 JandakotAgricultural Area Lot 614 being changedfrom "Recreation"to "Cluband Club PremisesPistol Club".Public Plan: Perth 1:10000 3.1 ForrestStreet.Local Authority-City of Cockburn.

DOLA File: 6103/920.ReserveNo. 17585 Williams Location 12359 being changedfrom "Hall Site-SoldiersMemorial"to "Hallsite and Recreation".Public Plan: MuggeruggingS.W. 1:25 000 Colanilling Road.Local Authority-Shire of Wagin.

A. A. SKINNER, Acting ExecutiveDirector.


CANCELLATION OF RESERVESMadeby His Excellency the Governorundersection37.The following reserveshavebeencancelled.DOLA File: 2030/990.ReserveNo. 5877 Clifton EstateLot 15 "Drain".Public Plan:Bunbury 1:10 000 3.8 Victoria Road.Local Authority-Shire of Harvey.

DOLA File: 3164/903.ReserveNo. 8688 JandakotAgricultural Area Lot 593 "Pound".Public Plan: Perth 1:10000 3.1 ForrestRoad.Local Authority-City of Cockburn.

DOLA File: 535/73.ReserveNo. 32456 CanningLocations2491 and 2492 "Site for Ngal-a Family Day CareCentre".Public Plan: Perth 1:2 000 13.14 Bull CreekDrive.Local Authority-City of Melville.

A. A. SKINNER, Acting Chief ExecutiveOfficer.

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1130 GOVERNMENT GAZEPE, WA [6 March 1992


LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960Shireof Derby-WestKimberley

By-laws Relatingto Signs,Hoardingsand BillpostingIn pursuanceof the powersconferredupon it by the abovementionedAct, theCouncil of the abovementionedMunicipality herebyrecordshaving resolvedonthe 26th day of June,1991 to makeandsubmit for confirmationby the Governorthe following amendmentto the aboveBy-laws publishedin the GovernmentGazetteof 3rd August, 1973 andwhich are referredto in theseBy-laws as thePrincipal By-laws.The Principal By-laws are amendedas follows:-

1. By-law 18 1 a is amendedby deleting"2.75" metresand "six" metresand substituting"2" metresand "ten" metresrespectively.

2. By-law 18 1 b is amendedby deleting"2.6" metresand "four" squaremetresand substituting"5.8" metresand "11.6" squaremetresrespectively.

Datedthis 25th day of September,1991.The Common Seal of the Shire of Derby-WestKimberley washereuntoaffixedin the presenceof:-

J. F. O’DRISCOLL, President.P. D. ANDREW Shire Clerk.

Recommended-DAVID SMITH, Minister for Local Government.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in ExecutiveCouncil the 3rd day ofMarch 1992.

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.


LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960Municipality of the Shireof East Pilbara

By-laws Relatingto Signs, Hoardings and BilipostingIn pursuanceof the powersenablingit by the abovementionedAct andall otherpowers enabling it, the Council of the abovementionedMunicipality herebyrecordshaving resolvedon the 27th September,1990 to make and submit forconfirmationby theGovernor,the following amendmentsto the abovementionedBy-laws which were publishedin the GovernmentGazetteon 16 April 1982.Delete the First and Second Schedulesand insert new First and SecondSchedulesto read:


Signs and HoardingsTo: East Pilbara Shire CouncilNameof Owner/occupierof land on which sign is to be erected

SubmittedbyAddress for CorrespondenceI/We hereby apply for a licence to erect and/ormaintain a

sign on lot House NoStreet

in accordancewith the attachedplan and details in duplicate.Signatureof ApplicantDate

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1131

LicenceEast Pilbara Shire Council

DateNoThis licence is grantedtoofin respectof aon premisesknown as Lot NoStreetin accordancewith Application No andsubject to the by-laws of the Municipality.This licence shall remainvalid unlessany alterationis madeto the sign, thenin such an eventthe licenseemust apply for a new licence.If this licence is issued in respectof a hoarding, the licence expires on the

day of

Building Surveyor


Scaleof Fees

1. Pylon Sign or Tower Sign $15.002. OversizedPylon or Tower Signs $1.00 per m2 minimum $20.003. Illuminated Sign-On Roof $1.00 per m2 minimum $15.00

-Under Verandah $10.00-Other $15.00

4. DevelopmentSigns $1.00 per m2 minimum $20.005. Sign Panel $5.006. Hoardings $30.00 per annum7. Any Other Sign $15.00

Datedthis 31st day of October, 1991.

The Common sealof theShire of EastPilbarawasheretoaffixed in the presenceof:-

D. W. HODGE, President.S. D. TINDALE, Shire Clerk.


DAVID SMITH, Minister for Local Government.

Approvedby His Excellencythe Governor in ExecutiveCouncil this 3rd day ofMarch 1992.

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.

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1132 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA . [6 March 1992


LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960Municipality of theShire of Merredin

By-law Relatingto Parking FacilitiesIn pursuanceof the powersconferredupon it by the abovementionedAct andof all otherpowersenablingit, the Council of the abovementionedMunicipalityherebyrecordshaving resolvedon the 20th day of August 1991 to makeandsubmit for confirmationby the Governorthe following amendmentto its By-lawrelating to ParkingFacilities publishedin the GovernmentGazetteon the 22ndday of June 1984.

1. By-law 28 is amendedby deleting the passage"ten 10" dollars andsubstitutingthe passage"thirty 30" dollars.

Datedthis 28th day of October 1991.The Common Seal of the Shire of Merredin was hereuntoaffixed by authorityof a resolution of the Council in the presenceof-

R. B. HAYES-THOMPSON, President.R. LITTLE, Shire Clerk.

Recommended-DAVID SMITH, Minister for Local Government.

Approvedby His Excellency the Governorin ExecutiveCouncil this 3rd day ofMarch 1992.

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.


CEMETERIESACT 1986Municipality of theShireof Northam

By-laws for the Managementof the Northam Public CemeteryIn pursuanceof the powersconferredupon it by. the aboveAct and all otherpowers enabling it, the Council of the abovementionedMunicipality herebyrecordshaving resolvedon 7thJune,1991, to makeandsubmit for confirmationby the Governor,the following amendmentsto the aboveBy-laws publishedinthe GovernmentGazetteon 12th August, 1949 and amendedfrom time to time.By-law 54 is deletedanda new by-law, to be known as by-law 54 is substitutedtherefor-

" A woodencross,fencing, railing or otherwoodenerectionapprovedby theShire of Northam, shall be maintainedin good order. Any structurewhich, in the opinion of Council, is dilapidatedwill be removed. ".

Datedth 5th day of July 1991.The Common Seal of the Shire of Northamwas hereuntoaffixed by authorityof a resolution of the Council in the presenceof-

D. R. ANTONIO, President.A. J. MIDDLETON, Shire Clerk.

Recommended-GORDON HILL, Acting Minister for Local Government.

Approvedby His Excellencythe Governorin ExecutiveCouncil on the 3rd dayof March, 1992.

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1133

LG305DOG ACT 1976Shireof Tammin

By-Laws Relatingto DogsIn pursuanceof the powersconferredupon it by the abovementionedAct, andall other powersenabling it, the Council of the abovementionedMunicipalityherebyrecordshaving resolvedon 15th March 1991, to make and submit forconfirmation by the Governorthe following amendmentto its by-laws relatingto Dogs which were publishedin the GovernmentGazette on 4th September1981.The by-laws are amendedas follows-Delete all of the First Schedule-Feesand Chargesand substitutewith thefollowing-

" First ScheduleFeesand Charges


For the releaseof impoundeddog 50.00For the maintenancesustenanceof a dog in a poundper day 5.00or part of dayDestructionof a dog 10.00Licence to keepapprovedkennelestablishment 50.00Renewalof licence of kennel establishment 20.00

Dated this 22nd day of March 1990.The Common Seal of the Shire of Tammin was hereuntoaffixed by Authorityof a resolution of Council in the presenceof-

K. G. UPPILL, President.I. B. FITZGERALD, Shire Clerk.

Recommended-DAVID SMITH, Minister for Local Government.

Approvedby His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council the 3rd day ofApril 1992.

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.

LG306LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960Municipality of the Shireof Yilgarn

By-laws relating to the Clearing and Removal of Trees, Scrub, Undergrowth,Refuse, Rubbish, Vehicle Bodies, Disused Materials and Unsightly Items/

Objects from LandIn pursuanceof the powersconferredupon it by the abovementionedAct, andof all otherpowersenablingit the Council of the Shireof Yilgarn herebyrecordshaving been resolvedon the 19th day of April 1991, to make and submit forconfirmation by the Governor the following By-laws-

1. In theseBy-laws-"Council" meansthe Yilgarn Shire Council."District" meansthe district of the Shire of Yilgarn.

2. If thereis-a On any vacant land within the district any trees, scrub, under

growth or rubbish;orb On any land within the district any refuse, rubbish, disused

materialsor unsightly items/objectswhetherof the samekind ora different kind from that here specified,

which in the opinion of Council is likely to affect adverselythe valueof adjoining property, or the health, comfort or convenienceof theinhabitantsthereof,the Council may causea Notice underthe hand ofthe Shire Clerk to be served on the owner or occupier of such landrequiring him, within the time specified in such Notice, to clear theland.of suchtrees,scrub,undergrowth,or removesuchrefuse,rubbish,disusedmaterialsor unsightly items/ objects from such land.

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1134 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992

3. If thereis on any land whethervacant or occupiedwithin the districtany derelictmotor vehicle, or vehicle body or old machinerywhich, inthe opinion of the Council, is likely to adverselyaffect the value ofadjoining property or the health, comfort and convenienceof theinhabitantsthereof,the Council may causea Notice underthe hand ofthe Shire Clerk to be served on the owner or occupierof such landrequiring him within the time specifiedin such notice,to removesuchvehicles,vehicle bodies or machinery from such land.

4. Where the owner or occupier does not clear the land of such trees,scrub,undergrowth,or removesuchrefuse,rubbish,disusedmaterials,unsightly items/objects,derelict motor vehicles,vehicle bodies or oldmachinery,the Council may, without paymentof any compensationinrespectthereof, clear and removeit anddisposeof it at the expensesof, and recover in a court of competentjurisdiction the amount of theexpensesfrom, the owner or occupier to whom the Notice was given.

5. Everyowner or occupierof land whom a Notice has beenservedunderBy-laws 2 or 3 of theseBy-laws shall comply with such Notice withinthe time specifiedthereinor in that time give satisfactoryreasonwhythe materialsshould be retainedor be given extra time in which tocomply. Any personwho fails to comply with the termsof any NoticeservedundertheseBy-laws commits anoffence, andon conviction shallbe liable to a penalty not exceedingfive hundreddollars $500.00anda daily penalty not exceedingfifty dollars $50.00 for each day onwhich the offenceoccurs after the expiry of the Notice.

Datedthis 19th day of November 1991.

The Common Seal of the Shire of Yilgarn was hereunderaffixed by authorityof a resolution of Council in the presenceof-

P. R. PATRONI, President.I. B. FITZGERALD, Acting Shire Clerk.

Recommended-DAVID SMITH, Minister for Local Government.

Approvedby His Excellency the Governor in ExecutiveCouncil the 3rd day ofMarch 1992.

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.

LG307LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960Municipality of the Town of NorthamBy-laws Relatingto ParkingFacilities

In pursuanceof the powersconferredupon it by the abovementionedAct andall other powersenablingit, the Council of the abovementionedMunicipalityherebyrecordshaving resolvedon 28th August, 1991, to makeand submit forconfirmation by His Excellency the Governor,the following amendmentto theby-laws:-

The by-lawsof the Town of Northam publishedin the GovernmentGazetteon 22nd March, 1985 are herebyamendedin the following manner:-

1 By-law 43 is revokedand re-madeas follows:-43 a The modified penalty for an offence of standingor

parkinga vehiclein a No Standingareaor No Parkingareain contravention,of theseBy-laws if dealt withunder section 669D of the Act is Thirty Dollars$30.00.

b The modified penalty for an offence against theseBy-laws other than such offence referredto in subbylaw a of this by-law if dealt with under section669D of the Act is Twenty Dollars $20.00. ".

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1135

2 Form 2, Form 3 and Form 4 of the Schedule in the principalBy-laws are revokedand re-madeas follows:-

" Form 2.Town of Northam Parking Facilities By-laws

Council Offices,298 Fitzgerald Street,Northam.

Infringement Notice.To Serial No

DateYou are herebynotified that it is allegedthat on theday of 19 at aboutyou did

in contraventionof the provisionsof By-law Noof the Town of Northam ParkingFacilities By-laws.

The modified penalty prescribedfor this offence is $If you do not wish to have a complaint of the above offence heard anddeterminedby a Court you may pay the modified penalty within twenty-onedays after the date of the service of this notice.Unlesspaymentis madewithin twenty-onedays of the date of the service ofthis notice Court proceedingsmay be instituted againstyou.

Paymentmay be madeeither by posting this form togetherwith the amountof $ mentionedabove, to the Town Clerk of the Town of Northam orby delivering this form and paying that amount at the Council Offices,298 Fitzgerald Street,Northam during normal office hours.

Signatureof InspectorDesignation

Form 3.Town of Northam Parking Facilities By-laws

Council Offices,298 Fitzgerald Street,Northam.

Infringement Notice.Serial No

not to be completed

where notice is attached

to be left in or on vehicle Datethe owner of vehicle make ‘TpePlate NoYou are herebynotified that it is allegedthat on theday of at about you did

in contraventionof the provisionsof By-law of theTown of Northam ParkingFacilities By-laws.The modified penaltyprescribedfor this offence is $If you do not wish to have a complaint of the above offence heard anddeterminedby a Court you may pay the modified penalty within twenty-onedays after the dateof the service of this notice.Unlesswithin twenty-onedays after the date of the serviceof this notice-

a the modified penaltyis paid; or

b you-

i inform the Council or inspectoras to the identity and addressofthe personwho was the driver or personin chargeof the abovevehicle at the time of the aboveoffence; or

ii satis the Council or inspectorthat the abovevehicle had beenstolen or was being unlawfully used at the time of the aboveoffence;

you will, in the absenceof proof to the contrary,be deemedto havecommittedthe aboveoffenceand Court proceedingsmay be instituted againstyou.

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1136 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992

Paymentmay be madeeither by posting this form togetherwith the amountof $ mentionedabove, to the Town Clerk of the Town of Northam orby delivering this form and paying that amount at the Council Offices,298 FitzgeraldStreet,Northam during normal office hours.

Signatureof InspectorDesignation

NameAddress Post CodeIf your nameand addressdo not appearin this notice pleasecompleteaboveto enable a receipt to be forwarded.

Form 4.Town of Northam ParkingFacilities By-laws

Council Offices,298 Fitzgerald Street,Northam.

Withdrawal of Infringement Notice.To

DateInfringement Notice No Datefor the allegedoffenceof

The $ Modified Penalty is hereby withdrawn.

Signatureof InspectorDesignation

Datedthis 6th day of November 1991.

The Common Seal of the Town of Northam was hereuntoaffixed by authorityof a resolution of the Council in the presenceof-

V. S. OTTAWAY, Mayor.B. H. WITTBER, Town Clerk.


DAVID SMITH, Minister for Local Government.

Approvedby His Excellency the Governor in ExecutiveCouncil this 3rd day ofMarch 1992.

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.


LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960Municipality of the City of Melville

By-laws Relatingto the Repealof By-lawsIn pursuanceof the powersconferreduponit by the Local GovernmentAct 1960,and of all other powers enabling it, the Council of the abovementionedMunicipality herebyrecordshaving resolvedon the 16th day of July 1991, tomakeand submit for confirmationby the Governorthe following By-law-

By-law to Repealthe following By-laws of the City of Melville

1. By-law EstablishingBuilding Line-CanningHighway; 3/5/61.

2. By-law Relatingto StreetAlignment, CanningHighway; 22/4/66.

3. Amendmentof By-law Relatingto the New StreetAlignment, CanningHighway; 2 1/6/66.

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1137

4. Amendment of By-law Relating to the New Street Alignment ofCanningHighway; 12/7/72.

5. By-law Relatingto StrayingStock; 1/5/25.

Datedthe 17thday of July 1991.

The Common Sealof the Municipality of the City of Melville was heretoaffixedin the presenceof-

M. JUNE BARTON, Mayor.GARRY G. HUNT, City Manager/TownClerk.

Recommended-DAVID SMITH, Minister for Local Government.

Approvedby His Excellencythe Governorin the ExecutiveCouncil this 3rd dayof March 1992.

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.


LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960City of Nedlands

The Municipality of the City of Nedlands-StandingOrdersBy-laws No. 18In pursuanceof the powersconferreduponit by the Local GovernmentAct 1960,andall otherpowersenablingit, the Council of the abovementionedMunicipality herebyrecordshaving resolvedon the 6th June1991, to makeand submitfor confirmation by the Governor the following amendmentto its By-lawsRelatingto StandingOrderswhich was publishedin the GovernmentGazetteon 24 February 1970, andamendedfrom time to time.The By-laws are amendedas follows-

i insert By-law 13A-13A Council may, on a motion moved without notice,prohibit the use

of any sound recording device or any equipment capable ofreproducing visual images to record the proceedings of theCouncil.

ii insert By-law 14 la-14 la No person shall bring into, or display or wear any sign,

placard or banner in the room during the proceedingsofCouncil.

Datedthis 17th day of September1991.

The Common Seal of the City of Nedlandswas hereuntoaffixed by Authorityof a resolution of Council in the presenceof-

D. C. CRUICKSHANK, Mayor.J. R. BUCKLEY, Acting Town Clerk.

Recommended-DAVID SMITH, Minister for Local Government.

Approvedby His Excellencythe Governorin the ExecutiveCouncil this 3rd dayof March 1992.

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.

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1138 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992


Municipality of the City of Perth

By-law relating to SignsBy-law No. 40

In pursuanceof the powersconferredupon it by the abovementionedAct andof all other powersenabling it, the Council of the Municipality of the City ofPerth hereby recordshaving resolvedon 22 April 1991 to makeand submit forapproval by the Minister and subsequentconfirmation by the Governor thefollowing amendmentsto By-law No. 40 publishedin the GovernmentGazetteon 25 February 1983 and amendedon 26 September1986 and 8 April 1988.a the SecondSchedulebe amendedto read-

SecondScheduleCity of PerthSign Licence

This licence is grantedtoofin respectof a sign on premisesknown as

in accordancewith the Application numberedas below and subject to theby-laws of the City of Perth.

City Building Surveyor DateNo. Date of Issue: ,,.

Datedthis twentiethday of December 1991.

The CommonSealof the City of Perthwashereuntoaffixed in the presenceof-R. G. WITHERS, Lord Mayor.

R. F. DAWSON, Chief Executive/TownClerk.

Recommended-DAVID SMITH, Minister for Local Government.

Approvedby His Excellency the Governor in ExecutiveCouncil this 3rd day ofMarch 1992.

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.

LG311DOG ACT 1976

Municipality of theCity of RockinghamBy-law Relatingto Dogs

In pursuanceof the powersconferredupon it by the abovementionedAct, andall other powersenabling it, the Council of the abovementionedMunicipalityherebyrecordshaving resolvedon 27thAugust 1991, to makeand submit forconfirmation by the Governor the following amendmentto the abovementionedby-law as publishedin the GovernmentGazetteon 4 October1985 and amendedby notice in the GovernmentGazetteon 15 September1989 and 6 September1991-

1 Clause 11 is deleted and the following new clause is substitutedtherefore:

The owner or occupierof any premiseswithin those portions ofthe district hatchedblack on the plan depictedin the SixthSchedulehereto shall riot keep, permit or suffer to remainthereon more than three dogs over the age of three monthsunlesssuch premisesare:a licensedas an approvedkennel establishmentpursuantto

this By-law; or

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1139

b exemptedundersection26 3 of the Dog Act 1976.

2 Clause 7 is amendedby including the following after the word "dog"in the first line of the Clause:

other than a personwith a bona fide guide dog ".

Datedthis 21stday of October 1991.

The Common Seal of the Municipality of the City of Rockingham was dulyaffixed in the presenceof-

L. E. SMITH, Mayor.G. G. HOLLAND, Town Clerk.


DAVID SMITH, Minister for Local Government.

Approvedby His Excellencythe Governorin the ExecutiveCouncil this 3rd dayof April 1992.

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.



Madeby His Excellencythe Governorunder the provisionsof section 533 17of the Local GovernmentAct 1960.

Citation1. This Order may be cited as the Shireof Laverton Valuation and RatingOrder No. 1 1991.

Commencement2. This Order shall take effect on and from 1 July 1992.Authorisation to use Gross Rental Values

3. The Council of the Shire of Lavertonis herebyauthorisedto usevaluationson gross rental values for the purposeof rating portions of the municipalitywhich are designedand describedin the Scheduleto this Order.By His Excellency’sCommand,

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.


TreatmentPlant and Administration Complex:All that portion of land boundedby lines starting from a point situate 47degrees,350 metres from the westernmostcorner of late surveyed MineralClaim 39/4325 andextending322 degrees,400 metres;thence47 degrees,450metres; thence 137 degrees,398.48 metresand thence 227 degrees,484.86metresto the startingpoint.


All that portion of land boundedby lines starting from a point situate 47degrees31 minutes, 150 metresfrom the westernmostcornerof late surveyedMineral Claim 39/18 andextending47 degrees31 minutes,750 metres;thence137 degrees31 minutes,400 metres;thence227 degrees31 minutes,750 metresand thence317 degrees31 minutes,400 metresto the startingpoint.

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1140 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992

CORK TREE WELL-ASHTON GOLD MINES PTY LTDTreatmentPlant and Administration Complex:

All that portion of land boundedby lines starting from a point situate 165degrees3 minutes,300 metresfrom the northwestcornerof late surveyedGoldMineral Claim 38/2785and extending75 degrees3 minutes,300 metres;thence165 degrees3 minutes, 450 metres; thence255 degrees3 minutes, 300 metresandthence 345 degrees3 minutes, 450 metresto the startingpoint.


All that portion of land boundedby lines starting from a point situate 240degrees,250 metresfrom the northwestcornerof late surveyedGold MineralClaim 38/2785 andextending170 degrees,253.86 metres;thence270 degrees,240 metres;thence0 degrees,250 metresand thence90 degrees,195.92metresto the startingpoint.

GRANNY SMITH-PLACER GRANNY SMITH PTY LTDTreatmentPlant and Administration Complex:

All that portion of land boundedby lines starting from a point situate 22degrees,270 metresfrom the southeastcorner of late surveyedMineral Claim38/162 and extending90 degrees,550 metres;thence 180 degrees,500 metres;thence270 degrees,550 metresandthence0 degrees,500 metresto thestartingpoint.


All that portion of land boundedby lines starting from a point situate 280degrees30 minutes, 815 metres from the southeastcorner of late surveyedMineral Claim 38/162 and extending 180 degrees,350 metres; thence 270degrees,230 metres;thence340 degrees,372.46 metresandthence90 degrees,357.39 metresto the startingpoint.


All that portion of land boundedby lines starting from a point situate 346degrees45 minutes, 2 080 metresfrom the southeastcorner of late surveyedMineral Claim 38/190 and extending 256 degrees,250 metres; thence 346degrees,300 metres;thence76 degrees,250 metresand thence166 degrees,300metresto the startingpoint.


All that portion of land boundedby lines starting from the TrigonometricalStation DUKETON 1 Baneygoandextending355 degrees32 minutes,242.01metres; thence 93 degrees5 minutes, 250 metres; thence 166 degrees45minutes, 250 metresand thence 273 degrees5 minutes, 288.5 metresto thestartingpoint.



Madeby His Excellencythe Governorunderthe provisionsof section 533 17of the Local GovernmentAct, 1960.


1. This Order may be cited as the Shireof Leonora Valuation and RatingOrderNo. 1 1992.


2. This Ordershall take effect on and from July 1, 1992.

Authorisation of Use of GrossRental Value

3. The Council of the Shire of Leonorais authorisedto usevaluationson grossrental valueof rateablepropertyas designatedand describedin the Scheduleto this Order.

By his Excellency’sCommand,

M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1141

ScheduleDominion Mining-BannockburnPlant

All that portion of land boundedby lines starting from a point situate 343degrees18 minutes, 970 metres; thence 313 degrees,220 metres from thesoutheasterncornerof Mining LeaseM37/205, as surveyedandshown on MinesDepartmentOriginal Plan 2115 andextending230 degrees,400 metres;thence300 degrees,475.31 metres;thence50 degrees,507.73 metresand thence133degrees,450 metresto the startingpoint.

Dominion Mining-BannockburnCampAll that portion of land boundedby lines starting from a point situate 343degrees18 minutes, 970 metres; thence 313 degrees, 18 metres; thence 38degrees,2065 metresfrom the southeasterncorner of Mining LeaseM37/205,as surveyedandshownon Mines DepartmentOriginal Plan 2115 andextending218 degrees,200 metres;thence300 degrees,352.58 metres;thence38 degrees,273.48 metresand thence132 degrees,350 metresto the startingpoint.


AppointmentIt is hereby notified for public information that Mr Noel LesleyMason hasbeenappointedShireClerk/Supervisoreffective 20th January1992.

A. G. COLE, President.


Shire of Kellerberrin

The Shire of Kellerberrin hereby advisesthat Mr N. L. Mason has beenappointedFire ControlOfficer as of ‘Iliesday 18th February1992, in accordancewith section38 1 of the BushFires Act1954.

A. G. COLE, President.

LG403LITTER ACT 1979Shire of Kellerberrin

It is hereby notified for public information that the following personshave been appointedAuthorisedOfficers undersection 26 of the Litter Act 1979, for the Shire of Kellerberrin.

Noel Lesley MasonMargaretMary McCullochGregory Neville Harris

N. L. MASON, Shire Clerk.

LG404DOG ACT 1976

Shireof Kellerberrin

It is herebynotified for public information that the following personshavebeenappointedas DogRegistrationOfficers underthe provisionsof the Dog Act 1976.

Noel Lesley MasonMargaretMary McCullochGregory Neville HarrisMichelle NoeleneMorleyDianneMaree Groves

The following personshavebeenappointedas AuthorisedControl Officers underthe provisionsofthe Dog Act 1976.

Noel Losley MasonLyndsay Craig WilliamsRobert Ayling

All other appointmentsare herebycancelled.N. L. MASON, Shire Clerk.

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It is hereby notified for public information that Mr LeonardAllan Welch hasbeenappointedShireClerk/Supervisoras from 24 February,1992, andthat Mr GregoryRonaldCarterhas vacatedtheposition of Shire Clerk/Supervisorfrom 19 February,1992.

J. M. PRICE, President.



Pursuantto the powersconferredon me by section 16 of the Control of VehiclesOff-Road AreasAct, 1978, andafter seekingthe adviceof the Advisory Committeepursuantto section18 1 of thatAct, andwith the consentof the Governor,I, David LawrenceSmith, being the Minister as definedby section 3 of that Act, hereby establishthe land specified in the first column of ScheduleA andas depictedin ScheduleB of this notice, as a prohibited areafor thepurposeof that Act, in relationto vehicles of the classesor kinds specified opposite to that area in the second column ofScheduleA.


Specificationof ProhibitedArea Classor Kind ofVehiclesProhibited

All that portion of land comprisingVCL, as shown deline- Vehiclesgenerallyated and stippled on Departmentof Land AdministrationMiscellaneousDiagram292.Department of Land Administration Public Plan: MaudsLanding Townsite 1:10 000 AN 54/48

In this Schedule"Vehicle" has the same meaningas prescribedVehiclesOff-RoadAreas Act.


by section 3 of the Control of

Departmentof Land Administration MiscellaneousDiagram292


NOTE; Water tfl,s, sbo.n on try, O%agraa donut n,c,000rltyd,pict an ,aaCt cadastral boundary






Eclada to ILW.HJ

Point Moud



CARNARVONtotood, to LW.M





DAVID SMITH, Minister for Local Government.

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1143


Shireof Esperance

ProposedLoan No. 243: $75 000

Pursuantto section 610 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960, the Council of the Shire of Esperanceherebygives notice that it proposesto borrow money by the sale of a debenture,on the followingtermsand conditions:

Repayment:Quarterly instalmentsof principal and interest

Plans, specificationsand estimatesas requiredby section 609 of the Local GovernmentAct areavailablefor inspectionat the office of the Council duringnormal businesshoursfor thirty-five 35days after publication of this notice.

D. A. PATERSON, President.R. T. SCOBLE, Shire Clerk.

Made5 2.


by His Excellency the Governorin ExecutiveCouncil undersection


1. This order may be cited as the MinesRegulationExemptionOrder No.6 1992.


2. The Mt. McClure Gold Mine in this order referred to as "the mine"located approximately60 kilometres north-eastof Leinster and managedbyArimco Mining Pty Ltd is exemptedfrom the provisionsof section 38 1 c ofthe Mines Regulation Act 1946 for a period ending 28 February 1993 oncondition that -

a a personshall not be employedto work in or about the mine formorethan 14 consecutivedays;

b where a person is employed to work in or about the mine for aperiod of 14 consecutivedays, that personshall not be employedagain to work in or about the mine until that personhastaken abreak of not less than 7 consecutivedays;and

c a personshall not be employed to work in or about the mine formore than 12 hours in any day, except where a seriousbreakdownof plant, machineryor other event occurs that causesa hazard or danger to the health or safety of the personnelemployedin or about the mine.

By His Excellency’sCommand,


Amount: $75 000

Purpose:Provisionof staff housingat Cascade

Term: Ten 10 years.

Datedthis 28th day of February,1992.


M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.

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1144 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992



Made by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council undersection5 2.


1. This order may be cited as the Mines Regulation Exemption OrderNo. 5 1992.


2. The FortnumGold Mine in this orderreferredto as "the mine" locatedapproximately150 km north or Meekatharrain the Peak Hill Mineral Fieldis hereby exemptedfrom the provisions of section 38 1 c of the MinesRegulationAct 1946 for aperiod commencingon 1 June 1992 and endingon31 May 1994 on condition that-

a a personshall not be employedto work in or aboutthe mine formorethan 14 consecutivedays;

b where a person is employedto work in or about the mine for aperiod of 14 consecutivedays, the personshall not be employedagain to work in or aboutthe mine until that personhastakenabreakof not lessthan 24 consecutivehours;and

c a personshall not be employedto work in or about the mine formore than 12 hours in any day other than to deal with anemergencycausing,or threateningto cause,ahazardor dangertothehealthor safetyof any personin or aboutthe mine.

By His Excellency’sCommand,M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.




Made by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council under section5 2.


1. This ordermay be cited as the MinesRegulationExemptionOrder No.7 1992.


2. The Marandoo Mine in this order referred to as "the mine" locatedapproximately 35 kilometres northeast of Tom Price and managed byHamersleyIron Pty Ltd is exemptedfrom the provisionsof sections42 and45of the Mines RegulationAct 1946 for a period ending 31 May 1992 oncondition that a person, other than a person working in or about anexplorationshaftsunkby or on behalfof HamersleyIron Pty Ltd, shallnot beemployed to work undergroundon a Sundayunlessunder the authority of adistrict inspectorin accordancewith section45.

By His Excellency’sCommand,M. C. WAUCHOPE, Clerk of the Council.

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1145


City of CanningTown Planning SchemeNo. 16-AmendmentNo. 617

Ref: 853/2/16/18,Pt. 617.Notice is hereby given that the City of Canning has preparedthe abovementionedschemeamendmentfor the purposeof rezoning22 Cecil Avenue Lot 81 cnr Pattie Street,Cannington,from "SR 2" to "Office".Plansand documentssetting out and explainingthe schemeamendmenthavebeendepositedatCouncil Offices, 1317 Albany Highway, Canningtonandat the Departmentof PlanningandUrbanDevelopment,Albert Facey House, 469-489 Wellington Street, Perth, and will be available forinspectionduring office hours up to and including 22 April 1992.Submissionson the schemeamendmentshouldbe madein writing on Form No. 4 andlodgedwiththe undersignedon or before 22 April 1992.This amendmentis availablefor inspectionin order to provide an opportunity for public commentand it shouldnot be construedthat final approvalwill be granted.

I. F. KINNTER, Town Clerk.



Town Planning SchemeNo. 3-AmendmentNo. 23Ref: 853/2/5/6, Pt. 23.Notice is hereby given that the City of Fremantlehas preparedthe abovementionedschemeamendmentfor the purposeof rezoningthe land boundedby Crandon,Attfield Street and AlmaStreetsfrom "Local Reserve-CommunityFacilities, PS Primary School" to "Residence"with anR Code of R30.Plansand documentssetting out and explaining the schemeamendmenthavebeendepositedatCouncilOffices,cornerNewman/William Streets,Fremantleandat the Departmentof PlanningandUrban Development,Albert FaceyHouse, 469-489 Wellington Street,Perth,andwill be availablefor inspectionduring office hours up to and including 22 April 1992.Submissionson the schemeamendmentshouldbe madein writing on Form No. 4 andlodgedwiththe undersignedon or before 22 April 1992.This amendmentis available for. inspectionin order to provide an opportunityfor public commentand it shouldnot be construedthat final approvalwill be granted.

M. J. CAROSELLA, Town Clerk.



Town PlanningSchemeNo. 3-AmendmentNo. 94Ref: 853/2/17/10,Pt. 94.Notice is hereby given that the City of Melville has preparedthe abovementionedschemeamendmentfor the purposeof amendingClause5.6.5 to deletesubclause2-"Within IndustrialPrecincts,all buildings on lots abuttingLeachHighway shall be requiredto be set back 15 metresfrom the Leach Highway streetalignment."Plansand documentssetting out and explainingthe schemeamendmenthavebeen depositedatCouncil Offices, Almondbury Road, Ardross and at the Department of Planning and UrbanDevelopment,Albert Facey House, 469-489 Wellington Street, Perth, and will be available forinspectionduring office hoursup to andincluding 22 April 1992.Submissionson the schemeamendmentshouldbe madein writing on Form No. 4 and lodgedwiththe undersignedon or before22 April 1992.This amendmentis available for inspectionin order to provide an opportunity for public commentand it shouldnot be construedthat final approvalwill be granted.


J. McNALLY, Acting Town Clerk.

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1146 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992



City of NedlandsTown Planning SchemeNo. 2-AmendmentNo. 46

Ref: 853/2/8/4, Pt. 46.Notice is hereby given that the City of Nedlandshas preparedthe abovementionedschemeamendmentfor the purposeof deleting the words "one lot in ten" of subclause5.3.1 b i andinserting the words "one lot in five".Plansand documentssettingout and explaining the schemeamendmenthavebeendepositedatCouncil Offices, 71 Stirling Highway, Nedlandsand at the Departmentof Planningand UrbanDevelopment,Albert Facey House, 469-489 Wellington Street, Perth, and will be available forinspectionduring office hoursup to and including 22 April 1992.Submissionson the schemeamendmentshouldbe madein writing on Form No. 4 and lodged withthe undersignedon or before22 April 1992.This amendmentis available for inspectionin order to provide an opportunity for public commentandit shouldnot be construedthat final approvalwill be granted.

N. G. LEACH, Town Clerk.



City of RockinghamTown PlanningSchemeNo. 1-AmendmentNo. 177

Ref: 853/2/28/1,Pt. 177.Notice is herebygiven that the City of Rockinghamhas preparedthe abovementionedschemeamendmentfor the purposeof rezoningportion of Lot 798 WarnbroSoundAvenue, Warnbro, fromResidentialSR3 to Public Purposes-HighSchool Reservation.Plansand documentssettingout and explaining the schemeamendmenthavebeendepositedatCouncil Offices, Council Avenue, Rockingham and at the Departmentof Planning and UrbanDevelopment,Albert Facey House, 469-489 Wellington Street,Perth, and will be available forinspectionduring office hours up to and including 22 April 1992.Submissionson the schemeamendmentshouldbe madein writing on Form No. 4 and lodged withthe undersignedon or before 22 April 1992.This amendmentis available for inspectionin order to provide an opportunityfor public commentand it should not be construedthat final approvalwill be granted.

G. G. HOLLAND, Town Clerk.



City of StirlingTown Planning SchemeNo. 2-AmendmentNo. 156

Ref: 853/2/20/34,Pt. 156.Notice is hereby given that the City of Stirling has preparedthe abovementionedschemeamendmentfor the purposeof rezoningLot 5, Hn.300 Walcott Street, Menora from "Service Station"to "Business".Plansand documentssettingout and explaining the schemeamendmenthavebeendepositedatCouncil Offices,Civic Place,Stirling andat the Departmentof PlanningandUrban Development,Albert FaceyHouse, 469-489 Wellington Street,Perth,and will be available for inspectionduringoffice hours up to and including 22 April 1992.Submissionson the schemeamendment should be’ made in writing on Form No. 4 and lodged withthe undersigned on or before 22 April 1992.This amendment is available for inspection in order to provide an opportunity for public commentand it should not be construed that final approval will be granted.

G. S. BRAY, Town Clerk.

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1147



City of StirlingTown PlanningSchemeNo. 2-AmendmentNo. 158

Ref: 853/2/20/34,Pt. 158.Notice is hereby given that the City of Stirling has prepared the abovementionedschemeamendmentfor the purposeof inserting a new Schedule9-Hamilton Lakes Precinct into theSchemeText to promotethe developmentof an integratedMediumDensity estateof a high qualitybuilt around a lake systemfor the areabroadly boundedby Hamilton Street, Karrinyup Road,Telford Crescent,Mitchell Freewayand Hutton Street, Stirling.Plansand documentssetting out and explaining the schemeamendmenthavebeen depositedatCouncil Offices, Civic Place,Stirling and at the Departmentof Planningand UrbanDevelopment,Albert FaceyHouse,469-489 Wellington Street,Perth, and will be available for inspectionduringoffice hours up to andincluding 22 April 1992.Submissionson the schemeamendmentshouldbe madein writing on Form No. 4 and lodgedwiththe undersignedon or before 22 April 1992.This amendmentis available for inspectionin order to provide an opportunity for public commentand it shouldnot be construedthat final approvalwill be granted.

G. S. BRAY, Town Clerk.



Shire of Shark BayTown PlanningSchemeNo. 2-AmendmentNo. 32

Ref: 853/10/5/3,Pt. 32.Notice is hereby given that the Shire of Shark Bay has preparedthe abovementionedschemeamendmentfor the purposeof rezoningpart of Lot 188, SpavenWay, Denham,from SpecialSiteZone Restaurant,to ResidentialZone R10/20.Plansand documentssettingout and explaining the schemeamendmenthavebeendepositedatCouncil Offices, HughesStreet,Denhamand at the Departmentof Planningand Urban Development,Albert FaceyHouse, 469-489 Wellington Street,Perth,and will be available for inspectionduring office hours up to and including 22 April 1992.Submissionson the schemeamendmentshould be madein writing on Form No. 4 and lodgedwiththe undersignedon or before 22 April 1992.This amendmentis available for inspectionin order to provide an opportunity for public commentand it shouldnot be construedthat final approval will be granted.

M. A. STANTON, Acting Shire Clerk.



APPROVED AMENDMENTHomesteadRidge, Leda, Town of Kwinana

No. 847/33A File: 833-2-26-11The Hon. Minister for Planninghas approved,without modification, the abovementionedamendment to the Metropolitan RegionScheme.The amendment,as shownon Plan No. 4.1159,shall haveeffect from the dateof publicationof thisnotice in the Gazette.

The Plan as approvedcan be viewed at:1. Departmentof PlanningandUrban Development,469 Wellington Street,Perth,WA, 6000.2. J. S. Battye Library, Alexander Library Building, Cultural Centre, Francis Street,

Northbridge,WA, 6000.3. Offices of the Municipality of the Town of Kwinana, Gilmore Avenue, Kwinana,WA, 6167.

GORDON G. SMITH, Secretary.

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1148 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992



APPROVED AMENDMENTFormerHillarys High School Site, Wanneroo

No. 866/33A File: 833-2-30-95The Hon. Minister for Planninghas approved,without modification, the abovementionedamendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme.The amendment,as shown on Plan No. 4.1182,shall haveeffectfrom the dateof publicationof thisnotice in the Gazette.

The Plan as approvedcan be viewed at:1. Departmentof Planningand UrbanDevelopment,469 Wellington Street,Perth,WA, 6000.

2. J. S. Battye Library, Alexander Library Building, Cultural Centre, Francis Street,Northbridge,WA, 6000.

3. Offices of the Municipality of the City of Wanneroo,Boas Avenue,Joondalup,WA, 6065.GORDON G. SMITH, Secretary.



ProposedAmendmentfor Exhibition and CommentDeletion of FremantleEasternBypassBetweenHigh Streetand Roe Highway, City of FremantleNo. 880/33A. File No. 833-2-5-29

ProposalThe purpose of the amendmentis to delete the FremantleEasternBypass Controlled AccessHighway ReservationbetweenHigh StreetandRoe Highway, andrezonethis land to Urbanto beconsistentwith current land use and adjacentzoning.

DescriptionThe effect of the proposedamendmenton the Metropolitan RegionSchemeis to exclude variousportionsof land formerly for the FremantleEasternBypassControlledAccessHighway Reservation,betweenHigh Street and Roe Highway, from the Controlled Access Highway Reservationandinclude them in the Urban Zone as shown on Plan No. 3.0641.

CertificateThe State PlanningCommissionhas certified that, in its opinion, the proposedamendmentdoesnot constitutea substantialalterationto the Metropolitan RegionScheme.

ExhibitionThe proposedamendmentwill be exhibited for public commentduring normal office hours at:

1. Office of the Departmentof PlanningandUrban Development,469-489Wellington Street,PerthWA 6000.

2. J. S. Battye Library, Alexander Library Building, Cultural Centre, Francis Street,NorthbridgeWA 6000.

3. Office of the Municipality of the City of Fremantle,William StreetcornerNewman StreetFremantle,WA 6160.

SubmissionsSubmissionson the proposal are invited and may be made in duplicate on submissionformsavailableat the offices listed aboveand lodged at:

The Town PlanningAppeal CommitteeHyatt Centre,87 AdelaideTerrace,PerthWA 6000.

The submissionperiod for this amendmenthasbeenextendedand submissionsmustnow be lodgedby 4.00 pm Monday April 13, 1992.

GORDON G. SMITH, Secretary.State PlanningCommission.

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6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1149


POLICE AUCTIONUnderthe provisionsof the Police Act 1892-1983,unclaimed, stolenbicycles will be sold by publicauctionat the StateSupply DisposalCentre,21 PilbaraStreet,Welshpool,on TUesday,April 7, 1992at 9.00 am.Auction to be conductedby Mr K. Treloar, GovernmentAuctioneer.

B. BULL, Commissionerof Police.


POLICE AUCTIONUnderthe provisionsof the Police Act 1892-1983,unclaimed,found andstolenpropertywill be soldby public auction at the State Supply Branch, Disposal Centre,21 Pilbara Street,Welshpool, onThursday,April 2, 1992 at 9.00 am.Auction to be conductedby Mr K. Treloar, GovernmentAuctioneer.

B. BULL, Commissionerof Police.


POLICE AUCTIONUnderthe provisionsof the Police Act 1892-1983unclaimed,found andstolenpropertywill be soldby public auction at the PropertyTracing Section,Police Complex, ClarksonRoad, Maylands, onTUesday, 14 April 1992 at 9.00 am.Auction to be conductedby Mr K. Treloar, GovernmentAuctioneer.

B. BULL, Commissioner of Police.


ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1974I, Robin John Devlin, Acting CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuantto the powersconferredby section83 1 of thatAct andthe consentof the LocalAuthorities havingbeenobtainedandnominatedfor the purposeof a Car Rally by members/entrantsof the NissanCar Club on March7th, 1992 betweenthe hoursof 1.00 pm and 10.00pm do herebyapprovethe temporarysuspensionof Regulations excluding sections 60, 61, 63, 64 made under such Act on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.Racing to be confinedto the carriagewayon PonyRoad, all namedand unnamedroadswithin theClifford Plantation,BeekeeperRd, Warrigal Rd, Kent Rd, Deefor Rd, CatchmentRd, MannaFlatRd, Owen Rd, Yuring Rd, Ball Rd, Ridley Rd, ObservationRd.All participantsto wear approvedheadprotection at all times.Datedat Perththis 26thday of February 1992.

R. J. DEVLIN, Acting CommanderTraffic Operations.


ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1974I, Robin John Devlin, Acting CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuantto the powersconferredby section83 1 of thatAct andtheconsentof the LocalAuthorities havingbeenobtainedand nominatedfor the purposeof a Cycle Race by members/entrantsof the Avon Valley CyclingClub on April 11, 1992 betweenthe hoursof 3.00 pm and6.30 pm do herebyapprovethe temporarysuspensionof Regulationsmadeundersuch Act on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.

Racing to be confinedto the left hand side of the carriagewayon York Road, CartersRoad,GrassValley Sth Road,Jennaullin Road, Goomalling Road, PitharaRoad, Old York Road.All participantsto wear approvedheadprotection at all times.Datedat Perththis 27thday of February 1992.

R, J. DEVLIN, Acting CommanderTraffic Operations.

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1150 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992


ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1974I, Robin John Devlin, Acting CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuantto the powersconferredby section83 1 of that Act and the consentof the Local Authoritieshavingbeenobtainedand nominated for the purposeof a Cycle Raceby members/entrantsof the Avon Valley CyclingClub on March 21, 1992 betweenthe hoursof 3.30 pm and6.30 pmdo herebyapprovethe temporarysuspensionof Regulationsmadeundersuch Act on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.Racingto be confinedto the left handside of the carriagewayon CarterStreet,KeaneStreet,WilsonStreet,GeorgeStreet, GrassValley, Northam.All participantsto wear approvedheadprotection at all times.Datedat Perth this 27th day of February 1992.

R. J. DEVLIN, Acting CommanderTraffic Operations.


ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1974I, Robin John Devlin, Acting CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuantto the powersconferredby section83 1 of that Act and the consentof the Local Authoritieshavingbeenobtainedand nominated for the purposeof a Cycle Raceby members/entrantsof the Avon Valley CyclingClub on March 7, 1992 betweenthe hoursof 4.30 pm and6.30 pm do herebyapprovethe temporarysuspensionof Regulationsmadeundersuch Act on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.Racing to be confinedto the left hand side of the carriagewayon Minson Ave/HeatonAve to PeelTce.All participantsto wear approvedheadprotection at all times.

Datedat Perth this 27th day of February 1992.R. J. DEVLIN, Acting CommanderTraffic Operations.



I, Robin John Devlin, Acting CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuantto the powersconferredby section83 1 of that Act and the consentof the LocalAuthorities havingbeenobtainedand nominatedfor the purposeof a Cycle Raceby members/entrantsof the Avon Valley CyclingClub on March 28, 1992 betweenthe hoursof 3.00 pm and6.30 pm do herebyapprovethe temporarysuspensionof Regulationsmadeundersuch Act on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.Racing to be confinedto the left hand side of the carriagewayon York Road,CartersRoad,GrassValley Sth Road,Mulukine Road.All participantsto wear approvedheadprotectionat all times.Dated at Perth this 27th day of February 1992.

R. J. DEVLIN, Acting CommanderTraffic Operations.


ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1974I, Robin John Devlin, Acting CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuantto the powersconferredby section83 1 of that Act and the consentof the Local Authorities havingbeenobtainedand nominatedfor the purposeof a Cycle Race by members/entrantsof the Avon Valley CyclingClub on March 22, 1992 betweenthe hoursof 4.30 pm and6,30 pm do herebyapprovethe temporarysuspensionof Regulationsmadeunder suchAct on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.Racing to be confinedto the left hand side of the carriagewayon Wellington St, SpencersBrookRd, Trimmer Rd, Gt EasternHwy.All participantsto wear approvedheadprotection at all times.Dated at Perth this 27thday of February 1992.

R. J. DEVLIN, Acting CommanderTraffic Operations.

Page 47: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable

6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1151


I, Robin John Devlin, Acting CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuantto the powersconferredby section83 1 of that Act andthe consentof the LocalAuthorities havingbeenobtainedand nominatedfor the purposeof Criterium CycleRacesby members/entrantsof the Albany CyclingClub on February 29 and March 14, 1992 betweenthe hours of 2.30 pm and 5.30pm do herebyapprove the temporary suspensionof Regulationsmade under such Act on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.Racing to be confinedto the left hand side of the carriagewayon Reidy Drive, WardenAvenue,Hardie Road, Reidy Drive-Albany.All participantsto wear approvedheadprotectionat all times.Datedat Perththis 26th day of February 1992.

R. J. DEVLIN, Acting CommanderTraffic Operations.


I, Anthony RoystonPilkington, CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuant to the powersconferredby section83 1 of thatAct andthe consentof the Local Authoritieshavingbeenobtainedandnominatedfor thepurposeof a Cycle Raceby members/entrantsof the Melville FremantleCycleClub on March 28, 1992 betweenthe hours of 8.30 am and 10.30am do hereby approve thetemporary suspensionof Regulations made under such Act on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.Racingto be confinedto the left hand side of the carriagewayon CanvaleRoad,WittenbergRoad,CanningVale.All participantsto wear approvedheadprotectionat all times.Datedat Perth this 3rd day of March 1992.

A. R. PILKINGTON, CommanderTraffic Operations.


I, Anthony RoystonPilkington, CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuantto the powersconferredby section83 1 of that Act andthe consentof the Local Authoritieshavingbeenobtainedandnominatedfor the purposeof a Cycle Raceby members/entrantsof theMelville-FremantleCycleClub on March 1, 8, 15, 22, 1992 betweenthe hours of 8.30 am and 10.30am do hereby approvethe temporary suspensionof Regulationsmadeunder such Act on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.Racingto be confinedto the left hand side of the carriagewayon CanvaleRoad,WittenbergRoad,CanningVale.All participantsto wear approvedheadprotectionat all times.Dated at Perththis 3rd day of March 1992.

A. R. PILKINGTON, CommanderTraffic Operations.


I, Anthony RoystonPilkington, CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuantto the powersconferredby section83 1 of that Act andthe consentof the LocalAuthorities havingbeenobtainedandnominatedfor the purposeof a CycleRaceby members/entrantsof the Melville FremantleCycleClub on April 18, and May 2, 1992 betweenthe hours of 1.30pm and 4.30 pm do hereby approvethe temporary suspensionof Regulationsmadeunder such Act on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.Racingto be confinedto the left handside of the carriagewayon MandogolupRoad,WattleupRoad,PostansRoad,HopeValley Road, Mandogolup.All participantsto wear approvedheadprotection at all times.Datedat Perth this 3rd day of March 1992.

A. R. PLLKINGTON, CommanderTraffic Operations.

Page 48: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable

1152 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992


I, Robin JohnDevlin, Acting CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuantto the powersconferredby section83 1 of that Act and the consentof the Local Authorities havingbeenobtainedand nominated for the purposeof a Triathlon by members/entrantsof the SportsPromotion ofAustralia on March 15, 1992 betweenthe hours of 7.30 am and 10.30am do hereby approve thetemporary suspensionof Regulations made under such Act on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.Racing to be confinedto the left hand side of the carriagewayon Port BeachRoad, Curtin Ave.,Broome St., Marmion St.All participantsto wear approvedheadprotection for the Cycle Event.

Dated at Perth this 27thday of February1992.R. J. DEVLIN, Acting CommanderTraffic Operations.


I, Robin JohnDevlin, Acting CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuantto the powersconferredby section83 1 of that Act and the consentof the Local Authorities havingbeenobtainedand nominatedfor the purposeof a Tetrathlonby members/entrantsof the Police Triathlon andMulti SportsClub on March 22, 1992 betweenthe hoursof 8.30 am and 10.30amdo herebyapprovethe temporary suspensionof Regulationsmade under such Act on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.Racingto be confinedto the left hand side of the carriagewayon AlexandriaWay, AnchorageDrive,Marmion Ave., Hester and BurnsBeachRoads.

All participantsto wear approvedheadprotection for the Cycle Event.Datedat Perth this 27th day of February 1992.

R. J. DEVLIN, Acting CommanderTraffic Operations.


I, Anthony RoystonPilkington, CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuantto the powersconferredby section83 1 of thatAct and the consentof the Local Authorities havingbeenobtainedandnominatedfor the purposeof a Triathlon by members/entrantsof the Triathlon AssociationofW.A. on March 29, 1992 betweenthe hoursof 8.30 am to 11.00am do herebyapprovethe temporarysuspensionof Regulationsmadeundersuch Act on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.Racing to be confined to the left hand side of the carriagewayon Alexandria, AnchorageRd.,RosslareProm., Kinsale Dr., SeahamWy., QuinnsRd., OceanDye., TappingWy., Marmion Ave.All participantsto wear approvedheadprotection for the Cycle Event.

Datedat Perththis 3rd day of March 1992.A. R. PILKINGTON, CommanderTraffic Operations.


I, Anthony RoystonPilkington, CommanderTraffic Operationsbeing the delegatedofficer of theMinister for Police under section 83 6 of the Road Traffic Act 1974, pursuantto the powersconferredby section83 1 of that Act and the consentof the LocalAuthorities havingbeenobtainedandnominatedfor the purposeof a Triathlon by members/entrantsof the MountMagnetTriathlonClub on March 29, 1992 betweenthe hoursof 8.00 amto 11.00am do herebyapprovethe temporarysuspensionof Regulationsmadeundersuch Act on the carriageway/smentionedhereunder.

Racing to be confinedto the left hand side of the carriagewayon GeraldtonRoad, Hill 50 Road.

All participantsto wear approvedheadprotection for the Cycle Event.

Datedat Perth this 3rd day of March 1992.A. R. PILKINGTON, CommanderTraffic Operations.

Page 49: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable

6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1153


The following is a summaryof applicationsreceivedunder the Liquor Licensing Act 1988, andrequiredto be advertised.Any personwishing to obtain moredetailsaboutany application,or aboutthe objection process, should contact the Liquor Licensing Division, 1st Floor, Hyatt Centre,87 Adelaide Terrace, Perth telephone:425 1888, or consult a solicitor or relevant industryorganisation.

App. No. Applicant Nature of Application Last Dayfor



217 Dainford Holdings Pty Ltd

218 R.M. & K.M. Djukic andSujo Pty Ltd

Austotel Management PtyLtd


220 P & L Valenti

221 D. Dall & W. Yip

222 Hundin Pty Ltd

223 Morvale Pty Ltd


Dorothy M. Rankin

G.J. Monaghan

125B/91 Metropolitan District RifleAssociationInc.

126B/91 J. Vott & A. Dickie

127B/91 C.M.B. Petersen

Application for Transfer of Restaurant 11/3/92.Licence in respect of the Open CutRestaurant, Collie, from, Lee JamesNomineesPty Ltd.

Application for Transferof Liquor Store 12/3/92.Licencein respectof the Bentley LiquorStore,Bentley, from Kyte Pty Ltd.

Application for Transfer of Hotel 7/3/92.Licence in respect of the MermaidHotel, Dampier, from AustotelManagement Pty Ltd s87.

Application for Transferof Restaurant 13/3/92.Licence in respect of Kappys ItalianRestaurant,Midland from F, G, P & LValenti

Application for Transfer of Hotel 11/3/92.Licence in respectof the GrandHotel,Northarn, from, D. Dall & W. Yip s87.

Application for Transferof Liquor Store 18/3/92.Licence in respect of the CarringtonLiquor Store,Palmyrafrom ClaudelPtyLtd

Application for Transfer of Hotel 17/3/92.Licence in respect of the GrosvenorHotel, East Perth from NorthbankHoldings Pty Ltd

Application for Liquor Store Licence inrespectof the Lake Preston Deli, 347PanoramaDrive, PrestonBeach.

Application for SpecialFacility Licencein respectof RedgumHill Country Retreat, Balingup Road, Nannup.

Application for Club Licence in respectof the Metropolitan District Rifle Association Inc., SwanbourneRifle RangeSwanbourne.

Application for a WholesaleLicence inrespect of Westaust Liquor Distributors, 14 KeeganSt., O’Connor.

Application for a ProducersLicence inrespectof HenleyParkWines149 SwanStreet,Henley Brook.









This notice is publishedundersection67 5 of the Liquor Licensing Act 1988.

H. R. HIGHMAN, Acting Director of Liquor Licensing.

Page 50: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable

1154 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992


Shireof Murray


In accordancewith the provisionsof the WaterAuthority Act 1984, the WaterAuthority of WesternAustralia is Authorised to construct:

an earth and rockfill main dam on the North DandalupRiver just upstreamof the existingpipeheaddam which will ceaseto operate.The dam will form a reservoir of 75 million cubicmetresand550 hectaressurfacearea.two earthfill saddledams on low lying ridges borderingthe reservoir.water treatmentfacilities replacingexisting inadequateand out of dateplant.associatingworks includinga spillway, intaketower andoutlet works connectingto the existing900 mm diameterpipeline from the pipeheaddam.associatedroad works including upgradingHines Road and reroutingScarpRoad acrossthecrestsof the threedams.Rangersaccommodationandpublic facilities.

The location of the works are shown on WaterAuthority Plan AU73-10-2 and Notice of Intentionto constructthe works was advertisedon 23 December1991.When completedthe works will improve the water supply to the Perthmetropolitan area.

This Authorisationshall takeeffect from 20 February 1992,andconstructionwill commenceafterthis date.


,,j,up / 1

PflN*A I -.. SITE I

o.,"nI I





503 0 500 100025.000I SCOLC ,I MCTRO

E. BRIDGE, Minister for Water Resources.

Page 51: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable















Project Contractor Amount

$24982 ..

24985 ..

Adult Migrant Services-TransportableBuildings-Balga & Fremantle.

Whiteman Park-Comfort Centre & ToiletBlock.

ConcladPty Ltd

M & 0 Building Co

157 876

282 250




Tendersare invited for the following projects.

Tenderdocumentsare available from the ContractsClerk, GroundFloor, Main RoadsDepartment,Waterloo Crescent,East Perth,

TenderNo. Description Closing Date

199291Q21 Supply and

plotterinstallation of a high resolution colour electrostatic 23 March

160/91 Bituminous surfacing, MSupply BaseRoad on

aterialsOff LoadingBurrup Peninsula,Pil

Facilities Road andbara Division.

13 March

6 March 1992]



Page 52: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable

1156 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992


Acceptanceof Tenders

ContractNo. Description SuccessfulTenderer Amount

154/91 Supply and erect boom gates to north TheWroughtIron Fac-andsouthentrance,MRD HeadOffice torycar park

$4 787.00

93/91 Bituminous sealing and resealing of Boral Asphaltvarious roads,MetropolitanDivision

174 358.02

59/91 Asphalt surfacing, North West Coastal The Readymix Groupand Brand Highway, Geraldton

256 373.40

D. R. WARNER, Director, CorporateServices.



Tenderforms and full particularsof the Schedulehereundermay be obtainedon applicationat theState Supply Commission, 815 Hay Street,Perth, 6000.TELEPHONENo. 222 8491 or 222 8241 FACSIMILE No. 321 7918

Date ofAdvertising

Date ofSchedule DescriptionClosingNo.

1992 1992Feb. 21 131A1992 Automatic DesktopX-Ray Film Processorsfor a period of

two 2 yearswith an option exercisableby the Commission to extendfor a further twelve 12 monthsfora "Whole of Health" Requirement March 12

Feb. 21 134A1992 Fire Fighting Equipmentto variousGovernmentDepartmentsfor a one 1 yearperiod with two 2 successiveoptions each to extend for a further one 1 yearperiod March 12

Feb. 21 346A1992 Supply and delivery of BarbedTapeConcertinaCoil forAlbany Prison March 12

Feb. 21 348A1992 Supply and delivery of a Four Wheel Drive Loader2000kg-2500kgfor the Main Roads Department March 12

Feb. 21 349A1992 Supply of a FourWheel Drive ArticulatedLoader500kg-1000kg for the Main RoadsDepartment March 12

Feb. 21 350A1992 Supply of a Four Wheel Drive Loader 3000kg-3500kgfor the Main Roads Department March 12

Feb. 28 354A1992 Supply, Delivery and Installation of a Biological Transmission Electron Microscope for the Agriculture Department March 12

Feb. 28 341A1992 One 1 to Three 3 Four Wheel Drive Loaders Class30WL for the Main Roads Department March 19

Mar. 6 064A1992 Supply and delivery of Herbicides,Pesticidesand Wetting Agents for various GovernmentDepartmentsfora one 1 yearperiod, with 12 month option March 26

Mar. 6 313A1992 Supply of two 2 or three 3 new single enginehighwing, 2 seatedtandempreferredAircraft for the Deptof Conservationand Land Management April 2

Invitation to RegisterInterestFeb. 21 ITRI 1/92 Requestfor Proposal for Laboratory Information Man

agementSystemsfor the Departmentof Mines’ Chemistry Centre March 12

For ServiceFeb. 21 160A1992 Manufactureof "Made to Measure"Police Department

Uniforms for the Western Australia Police SupplyBranch March 12

Feb. 21 199A1992 An International Airmail Remail Service for the Governmentof WesternAustraliafor a one 1 yearperiodfrom July 1, 1992 to June 30, 1993 with two 2successiveoptions to extend for a further twelve 12month period March 12

Page 53: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable

6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1157


Date ofAdvertising


Description Date ofClosing

1992 1992

Feb. 21 345A1992For Sale

1986 Hino Flat Top Truck MRD 8847 6QH 184 atWelshpool March 12

Feb. 21 347A1992 Item 1: Viscount DomesticCaravanMRD 0033 XQT670; Item 2: Power House Ablution CaravanMRD0864 UQT 875; Item 3: Ablution Caravan MRD1871 UQT 117 at Kalgoorlie March 12

Feb. 28 352A1992 1989 VN Holden CommodoreSedan6QW 852 at Geraldton GeraldtonMidwest DevelopmentAuthority .. March 19

Feb. 28 353A1992 1987 Nissan Patrol Station Wagon 4WD MRD 98436QL 565 at SouthHedlandMain RoadsDepartment

March 19Mar. 6 355A1992 1990 VN Holden CommodoreSedan8AM 120 at Kal

goorlie GoldenlinesBus Service March 26Mar. 6 358A1992 Hanomag 33C Loader MRD 7443 6QA 224-

Welshpool March 26

Tenders,addressedto the Chairman,State Supply Commission,815 Hay Street,Perth 6000 willbe receivedfor the abovementionedtendersuntil 10.00 am on the date of closing.

Tendersmust be properly endorsedon envelopesotherwisetheyare liable to rejection. No tendernecessarilyaccepted.

L. W. GRAHAM, Chairman,State Supply Commission.




Particulars Contractor Rate

Supply270A1991 Supply and Delivery of Nutritional

Products: General Formulae, FoodsupplementsandSpecialFormulaetothe Health Department for a 12month period with an option to extend for a further 12 months.

Various Details onRequest

541A1991 Supply andDelivery eighteen18 RoadTrail Motorcyclesfor useby the W.A.Police Department.

CausewayHonda $3 826.00 ea

574A1991 Supply and Delivery of Two 2 onlyCrew Cab Tip Trucks in accordancewith specification P351-6 for theMain Roads Department.

Skipper Trucks BelmontPty Ltd

$43 192.00 ea

304A1992 Supply andDelivery of 874 kilogramsofHerbicide, Sulfometuron 750gm perkg and740 litres of Modified Polydimethylsiloxanefor Westrail,Midland.


Various Details onRequest

331A1992 1980 Fiat 1300DT 4x4 Tractor MRD4720 at Main Roads Department,Welshpool

C.F.C. HoldingsPty Ltd $7 137.00

332A1992 Item 1: 1979 Coates 15 Tonne GridRoller MRD 3639

Item 2: 1980 ANI 15 Tonne Grid Roller

Graeme Carthy


$5 860.00

$4 500.00MRD 4710 at Main Roads Department, Welshpool

333A1992 1990 Ford Fairmont Sedanfor CrownLaw Department,Port Hedland

Ewen Box $15 300.00

334A1992 1987 Toyota HJ75 4x4 LandcruiserDiesel 6QM 730 at Agriculture Department,Derby

Young Toyota $14 781.00

Page 54: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable

1158 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992


TendersTendersare invited for the projectslisted below and will be acceptedup to 2.30 pm on the closingdatespecified.Tenderdocumentsare available from the Supply ServicesBranch, Level 2, Entry 4, JohnTonkinWater Centre,629 NewcastleStreet,Leederville, WA 6007.Tenderdocumentsmust be completedin full, sealedin the envelopeprovided and placed in theTenderBox locatedat the above Leederville address.The lowest or any tendermay not necessarilybe accepted.

ContractNo. Description Closing Date

1992NM 20203 The Constructionof 200m3RoofedSteelGround LevelWater Storage

Tank at Menzies24 March

FM 20606 Constructionof the OperationsCentreBuilding at Park RoadDepotMandurah

24 March

W. COX, ManagingDirector.

ESTATE OF MISS THELMA HAZEL STEELEFormerly of 298 Middleton RoadAlbany W.A.

The Executor of the aboveestatecalls on all creditors, to lodge their claims within one month ofthe date of this publication.

P. H. GALLOP, Executor,P.O. Box 93 Albany W.A. 6330.

TRUSTEESACT 1962Notice to Creditors and Claimants

Creditors and other personshaving claims to which section 63 of the TrusteesAct relates inrespectof the Estatesof the undermentioneddeceasedpersonsare requiredto sendparticularsoftheir claims to me on or beforethe 6th April 1992, after which dateI may conveyor distributetheassets,having regardonly to the claims of which I then havenotice.Alban, Elsie Annie, late of Gwenyfred Nursing Home, 62 Gwenyfred Road, South Perth, died

11/1/92.Allen, Arthur George,late of 33 JohnstonStreet,Wyalkatchem,died 8/9/91.Barrett, Frank, late of JohnWilson Lodge, 38 Hamilton Street,East Fremantle,died 20/10/91.Cary, Gladys Nellie Irene, late of 21 Lambert Street,Alfred Cove, died 21/12/91.Edgar,Thelma, late of 41 Bottlebrush Drive, RowethorpeBentley, died 10/12/91.Franks, Arthur Francis,late of 82 Burniston Street, Scarborough,died 12/12/91.Hill, Leslie Edward, late of NazarethHouse, Geraldton,died 24/11/91.Hollingsworth, Emily Irene, late of Sherwin Lodge Cnr. Webb Street and Bullcreek Road,

Rossmoyne,died 16/1/92.Johnston,JohnRutherford,late of 1/16 CapornStreet,Nedlands,died 14/1/92.Logan, PeterPatrick, late of 17 Malu Court, Kelmscott, died 1/1/92.McCarthy, GeorgeWilliam, late of 58 FederationStreet,Mount Hawthorn,died 27/10/91.O’Neill, JeanetteAlison, late of 12 Links Court, Claremont,died 8/1/92.Pryor, Clifford James,late of Victoria Park EastNursing Home,Alday Street,EastVictoria Park,

died 27/10/91.Vallance,BessieMay, late of St Davids NursingHome,MountLawley Crescent,MountLawley, died

11/12/91.Weir, Nicholas Lewis Victor also known as Weir, Victor Nicholas, late of SherwinLodge, Bullcreek

Drive, Rossmoyne,died 3/10/91.Woods,Joyce Marion, late of 124 StreichAvenue, Kelmscott, died 25/12/91.Datedthis 27th day of February, 1992.



K. E. BRADLEY, Public Trustee,Public Trust Office, 565 Hay Street,Perth WA 6000.

Page 55: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable

6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1159



Creditors and other personshaving claims to which section 63 of the TrusteesAct relates inrespectof the estatesof the undermentioneddeceasedpersonsare required by ANZ Executor &TrusteeCo. Ltd. ACN 006 132 332 of 1st Floor, 41 St. George’sTerrace,Perth to sendparticularsof their claims on or before the 6th April 1992 after which date the said Companymay convey ordistributethe assetshaving regardonly to the claims of which the Companythen has notice.

Barker, Dorothy Eleanor,late of Unit 62, 7 HarmanRoad, Sorrentodied 15th December1991.Lehane,Rohan Patrick, late of 10 Waldorf Street,Carinedied 26th December1991.

Skelton, Robert Alfred, late of 8A Murray Road, Palmyradied 5th January1992.

Keik, Brian Charles,late of 9B Klondike Way, Newmandied 10th January1992.

Datedthis 6th day of March 1992.

WALLY PERZYLO, Manager,Trust Services.


PUBLIC NOTICEI, Kim Leslie Hull of Lot 1 DodsonRoad, Picton,declareI am not responsiblefor any debtsincurredby DeniseVivian Hull neeStout of 15A TeagueClose, Bullcreekeffectivefrom 6 March 1992.

liv0 0 0

- tT’ 0I0ECP000E OP

g- EoUoLOp0Ooru,.- IN PUBLIC EMPLOVI.ltTo Equa’ Opportunity


By theOffice of the DirectorEqual Opportunityin Public Employment


22 Station Street, WembleyPhone: 383 8853Also available from

Department of StateServicesState Government Bookshop

815 Hay Street, Perth-Phone 222 8216, 222 8227



Page 56: PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 MARCH 1992 No0 35 · 2014. 2. 26. · 6 March 1992] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 1107 AA1O1 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY ACT 1991 PROCLAMATION By His Excellency the Honourable

1160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [6 March 1992


PageCemeteriesAct-Shire of Northam-By-lawsfor the Managementof the NorthamPublic

Cemetery 1132Dog Act-By-lawc-

City of Rockingham-By-lawRelatingto Dogs 1138-9Shire of Tammin-By-laws Relatingto Dogs 1133

FisheriesAct-Shark Bay Prawn Limited Entry Fishery AmendmentNotice 1992-Notice No. 535 1117-18

FisheriesAct-Shark Bay Scallop Limited Entry Fishery AmendmentNotice 1992-Notice No. 536 1116-17

Human Reproductive Technology Act-Western Australian Reproductive TechnologyCouncil NominatingBodiesRegulations1992 1121

Industrial RelationsCommissionAmendmentRegulations1991 1124-6Local GovernmentAct-By-laws-

City of Melville-By-laws Relatingto the Repealof By-laws 1136-7City of Nedlands-StandingOrders-By-lawsNo. 18 1137City of Perth-By-lawRelatingto Signs-By-law No. 40 1138Shire of Derby/West Kimberley-By-laws Relating to Signs, Hoardings and

Billposting 1130Shire of East Pilbara-By-lawsRelatingto Signs,Hoardings andBillposting 1130-1Shire of Merredin-By-law Relatingto ParkingFacilities 1132Shire of Yilgarn-By-laws Relatingto the Clearing and Removal of Trees, Scrub,

Undergrowth, Refuse, Rubbish, Vehicle bodies, Disused Materials and Unsightly Items/Objectsfrom Land 1133-4

Town of Northam-By-lawsRelating to Parking Facilities 1134-6Local GovernmentAct-Orders-

Shire of Laverton Valuation and Rating Order No. 1 1991 1139-40Shire of Leonora Valuation and Rating Order No. 1 1992 1140-1

Mines RegulationExemptionOrder No. 5 1992 1144Mines RegulationExemptionOrder No. 6 1992 1143Mines RegulationExemptionOrder No. 7 1992 1144Soil and Land ConservationManjimup Land ConservationDistrict AmendmentOrder

1992 1107


Agriculture 1107-9ConsumerAffairs 1109Crown Law 1110Education 1110-15Electoral Commission 1115Fisheries 1116-21Health 1121-2Heritage Council 1123-4Industrial Relations 1124-6Land Administration-

GeneralInformation 1127-9Orders in Council 1126-7

Local Government 1140-3Mines 1143-4Planningand Urban Development 1145-8Police 1149-52Proclamation 1107Public Notices-

DeceasedPersonsEstates 1158-9Partnerships 1159

Racing and Gaming 1153Tenders-

Building ManagementAuthority 1155Main Roads Department 1155-6State Supply 1156-7Water Authority 1158

Water Authority 1154-5
