BA 3 RD Y EAR S EMESTER 2 D EGREE PROJECT Serendipity. Pandemonium. Serendimonium. The city has become predictable. There exists a transformative dynamic condition. Inspiration is taken from the concepts of the Situationist Internationale and the work of Eisenman, and with regards to the Spine of the Liverpool docks. The life of the dockers is an important part of Liverpool’s history. Spaces are synthesised for the past and present dockers, out of existing forms and artificial excavations, to create a sense of rejuventated exploration. A pandemonium of serendipity and events within the River Mersey. An analysis of edges, existing fabric and artificial archaelogy suggest future proposals of further spontaneous synthesis, provoking a labyrinth of curiosity and experiences. There are interventions within the existing fabric that remain surreal and ambiguous to the surrounding. Although contrary, they interact with their surroundings in order to set conditions of non-predetermined actions and fortunate happenstance to occur. The dynamic energy of the city is revealed. A key to this is the conflicting relationship between the emptiness of the future, emptiness of the present and the emptiness of the past. S ERENDIMONIUM U PON THE M ERSEY Grade achieved: A RIBA Presidents Bronze Medal entry 2015. Influences: Constant Nieuwenhuys, Debord, Chtcheglov, Tschumi, Eisenman.

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BA 3r d Ye A r

Se m e S t e r 2de g r e e p r o j e c t

Serendip i ty.Pandemonium.Serendimonium.

The c i ty has become predic table.

There ex is ts a t ransformat ive dynamic condi t ion. Inspi ra t ion is taken f rom the concepts o f the S i tua t ion is t In te rnat ionale and the work o f E isenman, and wi th regards to the Spine of the L iverpool docks.

The l i fe o f the dockers is an impor tan t par t o f L iverpool ’s h is tory. Spaces are synthes ised for the past and present dockers, ou t o f ex is t ing forms and ar t i f ic ia l excavat ions, to create a sense of re juventa ted explora t ion.

A pandemonium of serendip i ty and events wi th in the R iver Mersey.

An analys is o f edges, ex is t ing fabr ic and ar t i f ic ia l archaelogy suggest fu ture proposals o f fu r ther spontaneous synthes is , provok ing a labyr in th o f cur ios i ty and exper iences.

There are in tervent ions wi th in the ex is t ing fabr ic that remain sur real and ambiguous to the sur rounding. A l though cont rary, they in teract w i th the i r sur roundings in order to se t condi t ions o f non-predetermined act ions and for tunate happenstance to occur. The dynamic energy of the c i ty is revealed.

A key to th is is the conf l ic t ing re la t ionship between the empt iness of the fu ture, empt iness of the present and the empt iness of the past .

Se r e n d i m o n i u m up o n t h e me r S e Y

Grade achieved: ARIBA Pres idents Bronze Medal en t ry 2015.

In f luences: Constant N ieuwenhuys, Debord, Chtcheglov, Tschumi, E isenman.

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BA 3r d Ye A r

Se m e S t e r 1po e t ’S re t r e At

Grade achieved: B

In f luences: James Tur re l l , Le Corbusier, Koolhaas, Tschumi

Wi th in the s i te l ies a connect ion between Adr ian Henr i and the landscape. Landscape and poet ry come together.

Urban landscapes such as Parc de la V i l le t te feature a gr id format ion that is super imposed (by both Tschumi and Koolhaas) to a l low for p lacement o f spaces and pav i l ions.

Tak ing re ference f rom ‘L iverpool Poem’ by Adr ian Henr i , the suggested poin ts o f in te res t are super imposed to es tabl ish and locate nodal poin ts o f communi ty spaces, and the pr iva te poet ’s re t reats. The format ion o f the gr id shows the l ines o f in te rsect ion as the main communi ty space.

Three prevalen t l ines form th is in tersect ion. From th is , i t can be determined that there is a sub-gr id and grouping of spaces wi th in the communi ty space, which are sub-div ided in to formal and in formal spaces, serv ing accommodat ion, a l ib rary and a theat re.

The cent ra l nuc leus is connected by a skyspace, in f luenced by James Tur re l l . The feature o f the pass ing of t ime a l lows poets to gain inspi ra t ion and is a d i rec t l ink to the sur roundings - a constant reminder o f the ever-changing landscape.

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BA 2n d Ye A r

Se m e S t e r 1Sp i r i t uA l gA r d e n S: pe r c e p t i o n S o f SpA c e

Grade achieved: A

In f luences: Constant N ieuwenhuys, L ibesk ind, Tschumi, Woods.

In each and every c i ty, there ex is ts a spi r i tua l condi t ion that is not a lways apparent . Tak ing inspi ra t ion f rom the work o f Tschumi, and wi th regards to four speci f ic locat ions, cer ta in format ions of passageways and spaces connect to create areas of sp i r i tua l resonance; a ser ies o f s topping poin ts in the urban landscape.

Pause. Look. Cl imb. Jump. Walk. Hide. Explore. Osmosis.

The f lu id i ty o f the c i ty cont ras ts wi th the nodal poin ts to regain a sense of sp i r i tua l i ty wi th in the c i ty boundar ies - p laces to pause. A mapping of p laces creates a mat r i x o f events.

An analys is o f edges, th resholds, and enclosures suggest ley l ines o f energy, which provoke a not ional labyr in th o f connect ions.

These suspended sol id s ta tes are in tervent ions in the c i ty, which remain ambiguous, f ragmented, and the the condi t ions are se t fo r ac t ions and percept ions to ocur r, conveying the h idden energy in the c i ty.

The re la t ionship to the sky is a k ind of pathe t ic fa l lacy, which t rans la tes in to a conveyance of moods and condi t ions.