Personality Types Whether you are searching for the ideal date or marriage partner or just someone to work for you part- time, identifying ideal personality traits is key to successful relationships. Write a sample sentence for each word to learn how it is used in context. 1. ambitious - unmotivated 2. generous - stingy 3. hardworking - lazy 4. honest - dishonest 5. humble - bigheaded 6. independent - dependent 7. kind - inconsiderate 8. nervous - calm 9. open-minded - close-minded 10. optimistic - pessimistic 11. outgoing - shy 12. punctual - late 13. reliable - unreliable 14. talkative - quiet 15. unselfish - self-centered I like someone who is ___________ because ________. I enjoy being around people who are _______ because _______. I can't stand people who are _______ because _________. II. Practice: Top Now, complete the sentences below with the best answer: 1. I really like people who are ______________ because they always believe that things will work out in spite of difficult challenges.


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Page 1: Personality

Personality Types

Whether you are searching for the ideal date or marriage partner or just someone to work for you part-time, identifying ideal personality traits is key to successful relationships. Write a sample sentence for each word to learn how it is used in context. 

1. ambitious - unmotivated2. generous - stingy3. hardworking - lazy4. honest - dishonest5. humble - bigheaded6. independent - dependent7. kind - inconsiderate8. nervous - calm9. open-minded - close-minded10. optimistic - pessimistic11. outgoing - shy12. punctual - late13. reliable - unreliable14. talkative - quiet15. unselfish - self-centered

I like someone who is ___________ because ________. I enjoy being around people who are _______ because _______. I can't stand people who are _______ because _________.

II. Practice: Top

Now, complete the sentences below with the best answer:1. I really like people who are ______________ because they always believe that things will

work out in spite of difficult challenges.

A. dependent  B. humble  C. optimistic

2. Monica is very ______________ and always gives her time and resources to help those who are in need.

A. ambitious B. generous  C. reliable

3. To be honest, my father can't stand coworkers who are ______________ and won't consider new ideas or ways of doing things.

Page 2: Personality

A. close-minded  B. dishonest  C. inconsiderate