DATED : Program : BBA LLB Semester : Dr. Vikrant Makhija Associate Professor , AURO UNIVERSITY Personality 06/27/2022 Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader 1


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personality traits

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DATED : Program : BBA LLBSemester : Dr. Vikrant Makhija Associate Professor ,AURO UNIVERSITY Personality2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader1

2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader2Lecture Outlines:

Meaning and nature of Personality

Definitional concepts of work place personality.

Measuring concepts of personality and its importance in the work organizations.

Theories of Personality.

Key determinants of Personality relevant to OB.

Significant Personality Traits impacting OB.

What is personality?2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader3The term comes from the Latin word Persona

Which means Mask

It is the Public Self: The aspect of ourselves we select to display to the world

It implies that the important aspects of a person remains concealed for some reasons.

Every Human being is :

1.0Like every other human beings

2.0Like some other human beings

3.0Like no other human beings

Exercise2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader4List the traits you have like

1.0 every other human being has

2.0some other human beings have

3.0no other human being has

Make the list of those some other human beings whom you think have common traits with you.

List the traits which makes you unique

Classify the class in to groups of common personality individuals

Why to study Personality?2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader5

Understanding peoples personalities helps us know what to expect of them,

Understanding our own personalities provides valuable insight into our own behavior.

Personality Defined2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader6Personality can be defined as the unique and relatively stable pattern of behavior, thoughts, and emotions shown by individuals

How is personality Defined?2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader7Nature or Nurture?

2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader8The Big Five Dimensions of Personality Extraversion. The extraversion dimension captures our comfort level with relationships. Extraverts tend to be gregarious, assertive, and sociable. Introverts tend to be reserved, and quiet. Agreeableness. The agreeableness dimension refers to an individuals propensity to defer to others. Highly agreeable people are cooperative, warm, and trusting. People who score low on agreeableness are cold, disagreeable, and antagonistic. Conscientiousness. The conscientiousness dimension is a measure of reliability. A highly conscientious person is responsible, organized, dependable, and persistent. Those who score low on this dimension are easily distracted, disorganized, and unreliable. Emotional stability. The emotional stability dimensionoften labeled by its converse, neuroticismtaps a persons ability to withstand stress. People with positive emotional stability tend to be calm, self-confident,and secure. Those with high negative scores tend to be nervous, anxious, depressed, and insecure. Openness to experience. The openness to experience dimension addresses range of interests and fascination with novelty. Extremely open people are creative, curious, and artistically sensitive. Those at the other end ofthe category are conventional and find comfort in the familiar.

How Do the Big Five Traits Predict Behavior at Work? 2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader9Research has found relationships between these personality dimensions and job performance.

Individuals who are dependable, reliable, careful, thorough, able to plan, organized, hardworking, persistent, and achievement-oriented tend to have higher job performance in most if not all occupations.

Employees who score higher in conscientiousness develop higher levels of jobknowledge, probably because highly conscientious people learn more.

Higher levels of job knowledge then contribute to higher levels of job performance.

Interestingly conscientious people live longer cause they take better care of themselves (they eat better and exercise more) and engage in fewer risky behaviors like smoking, drinking and drugs, and risky sexual or driving behavior.

Still, probably because theyre so organized and structured, conscientious people dont adapt as well to changing contexts.

2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader10

Other Personality Traits Relevant to OB2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader11Core Self-Evaluation People who have positive core self-evaluations likethemselves and see themselves as effective, capable, and in control of their environment. Those with negative core self-evaluations tend to dislike themselves,question their capabilities, and view themselves as powerless over their environment.

People with positive core self-evaluations perform better than others because they set more ambitious goals, are more committed to their goals, and persist longer in attempting to reach these goals.

Ninety percent of life insurance sales calls end in rejection, so an agent has to believe in him- or herself to persist.

Can we be too positive? What happens when someone thinks he is capable but is actually incompetent?

One study of Fortune 500 CEOs showed that many are overconfident, and their perceived infallibility often causes them to make bad decisions.

Other Personality Traits Relevant to OB2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader12Machiavellianism Machiavellian makes no apologies for the aggressive tactics hes used to propel his career upward. He is prepared to do whatever he has to do to get ahead.

An individual high in Machiavellianism is pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and believes ends can justify means.

Machs manipulate more, win more, are persuadedless, and persuade others more than do low Machs.

They like their jobs less,are more stressed by their work, and engage in more deviant work behaviors.

Thus, in jobs that require bargaining skills (suchas labor negotiation) or that offer substantial rewards for winning (such ascommissioned sales), high Machs will be productive.

Other Personality Traits Relevant to OB2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader13Narcissism Narcissist likes to be the center of attention. He looks at himself in the mirror a lot, has extravagant dreams, and considers himself a person of many talents.

In psychology, narcissism describes a person who has a grandiose sense of self-importance, requires excessive admiration, has a sense of entitlement, and is arrogant.

Evidence suggests that narcissists are more charismatic and thus more likely to emerge as leaders.

Despite having some advantages, most evidence suggests that narcissismis undesirable.

Because narcissists often want to gain the admiration of others and receive affirmation of their superiority, they tend to talk down to those who threaten them, treating others as if they were inferior.

Their bosses rate them as less effective at their jobs than others

Other Personality Traits Relevant to OB2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader14

Self-monitoring refers to an individuals ability to adjust his or her behavior to external, situational factors.

Individuals high in self-monitoring show considerable adaptability in adjusting their behavior to external situational factors. They are highly sensitive to external cues and can behave differently in different situations, sometimes presenting striking contradictions between their public persona and their private self.

Evidence indicates high self-monitors pay closer attention to the behavior of others and are more capable of conforming than are low self-monitors.

They also receive better performance ratings, are more likely to emerge as leaders, and show less commitment to their organizations.

Risk Taking2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader15People differ in their willingness to take chances, a quality that affects how much time and information they need to make a decision. For instance, 79 managers worked on simulated exercises that required them to make hiring decisions. 48 High risk-taking managers made more rapid decisions and used less information than did the low risk takers. Interestingly, decision accuracy was the same for both groups.

Recent findings suggest managers in large organizations may actually be more willing to take risks than entrepreneurs.

A high risk-taking propensity may lead to more effective performance for a stock trader in a brokerage firm because that type of job demands rapid decision

Pro Active2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader16

Other orientation2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader17

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader18The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most widely used personality assessment instrument in the world.

It is a 100-question personality test that asks people how they usually feel or act in particular situations.

Respondents are classified as extraverted or introverted (E or I), sensing or intuitive (S or N), thinking or feeling (T or F), and judging or perceiving (J or P).

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader19Extraverted (E) versus Introverted (I). Extraverted individuals are outgoing, sociable, and assertive. Introverts are quiet and shy.

Sensing (S) versus Intuitive (N). Sensing types are practical and prefer routine and order. They focus on details. Intuitives rely on unconscious processes and look at the big picture.

Thinking (T) versus Feeling (F). Thinking types use reason and logic to handleproblems. Feeling types rely on their personal values and emotions.

Judging (J) versus Perceiving (P). Judging types want control and prefer their world to be ordered and structured. Perceiving types are flexible and spontaneous.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator2/23/2015Dr.Vikrant Makhija: Module leader20These classifications together describe 16 personality types, identifying every person by one trait from each of the four pairs.

For example,

Introverted/ Intuitive/Thinking/Judging people (INTJs) are visionaries with original minds and great drive. They are skeptical, critical, independent, determined, andoften stubborn.

ESTJs are organizers. They are realistic, logical, analytical, and decisive and have a natural head for business or mechanics. The ENTP type is a conceptualizer, innovative, individualistic, versatile, and attracted to entrepreneurial ideas. This person tends to be resourceful in solving challenging problems but may neglect routine assignments.

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