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    Muh. Ikhsan Marikhar111 504 0156Icp A Geografi


    A. BackgroundThe goal of national development is a fair and prosperous society. To achieve these goals must be developed and managed the resources available. Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources, both renewable natural resources and natural resources can not be renewed. Natural resources have an important role in human life, from the smallest things in everyday life that relate to the stability of a country. One of the natural resources that can support the development is of fishery resources, particularly marine fisheries.

  • Punaga village, MangarabombangDistrict, Takalar Regency is that when seen from the village of his physical condition is in the coastal areas directly adjacent to Flores sea in the southern. This region has the potential of marine fish production is quite large. Some residents in the village Punaga make fishing as their main income. Based on the information derived from the census PKM villagers Punaga, 2013 data showed the number of people in the village Punaga that fishermen are 53 families.

  • B. Problem Research

    What the factor influence degree prosperity fisherman in Punaga Village, Mangarabombang District, Takalar RegencyHow the degree prosperety fisherman in Punaga Village, Mangarabombang District, Takalar Regency

  • C. Reasearch Objectives

    To know the factor influence degree prosperity fisherman in Punaga Village, Mangarabombang District, Takalar RegencyTo know the degree prosperity fisherman in Punaga Village, Mangarabombang District, Takalar Regency.

  • D. Research Benefits

    For the government, expected to be the basis for the consideration of policy and decision making in order to supply fishermen.For fishermen, is expected to increase knowledge so as to be open, independent and critical in dealing with any problems.For researchers, this study can serve as a source of knowledge and experience as well as future research reference.


    A. Description of TheoryDefinition of Degree Prosperity Prosperity is a person's satisfaction derived from consuming the results of earned income. However, the degree of prosperity itself is something that is relative because it depends on the amount of satisfaction obtained from consuming these revenues. Prosperity is a social order of life and livelihood, material, and spiritual overcome with safety, decency and inner and outer peace that allows every citizen to hold businesses fulfillment of physical needs, spiritual and social as well as possible for themselves, household and community (Sunarti 2006).

  • Fisherman Fisherman are a group of people whose lives depend directly on the sea, either by way of arrest or cultivation. They generally live on the beach, a residential neighborhood close to the location of activities. Fishermen as an entity has a beach community structure and social order characteristic, which is a community whose survival depends on fishing as an economic basis (based economic) in order to survive (survival). Fishermen not understanding poverty can only be approached with an explanation of cultural backwardness (cultural-lag analysis), for a range of factors cause (multicausal factor) and the accompanying history of integrity pendulum coastal communities. (Imron, 2003)

  • B. Mind Framework


    A. Kind, Variable and Research Design1. Kind ResearchThis kind of research is based on field research is quantitative research with data analysis used in this study is a descriptive statistical analysis presented in tabular form. In this regard the early data is collected, selected and arranged according to their kind, and then packaged in the form of a table. After that, the data can be analyzed quantitatively for the interpretation of data and the percentage of each object.

  • 2. Variable ResearchIndependent variables: the degree of income, degree of education, health, consumption patterns, and the condition of the house / dwelling.The dependent variable: the degree of prosperity of fishermen in the village Punaga.

    3. Research DesignResearch design is the design of an activity or process that is carried out in research intended to facilitate in carrying out research. In order for the research process run smoothly and focused, then after formulating some variables that were subjected to the study there was made a research design in the form of the steps of the scientific method to be used in the implementation of this research.

  • B. Operational Definition Variables

    1. Population 2. Health and Nutrition 3. Education 4. Employment 5. The extent and pattern of consumption 6. Housing and environment 7. Poverty 8. Other social indicators

  • C. Population and SampleThe population in this research is meant the whole head of the family who works as a fisherman in the village of Punaga, District Mangarabombang, Takalar.The sample in this research that 53 heads of families of fishermen in the village Punaga and sampling techniques used are saturated sampling techniques or in other terms commonly called a census, where all members of the population sampled.D. Data Collection TechniqueObservation Techniques, Interview and DocumentationE. Data Analysis TechniqueDescriptive statistical analysis techniques

  • CHAPTER IVRESULTS AND DISCUSSIONDescription Location Research 1. Location and Boundaries Punaga village is one village in District Mangarabombang Takalar. The total area of 15.74 km2. The distance from the district capital of 12.6 km and the distance from the district capital of 20.20 km. Borders to the Village Punaga are: North: Cikoang Village East: Flores Sea South: Laikang Village West: Makassar Strait2. Population Punaga village monograph data indicate that the total population of 2,127 souls which consists of the male population as much as 1,041 souls and the female population as much as 1,086 inhabitants.

  • B. Presentation of Data Research 1. Level of Welfare Based on Each Indicator This study analyzes the welfare of 8 indicators consisting of population, health and nutrition, education, employment, the level and pattern of consumption, housing and the environment, poverty and other social indicators. Research in the village Punaga with direct interview method kenarasumber held on 7 to 12 September 2015. The resulting data obtained is then processed and analyzed into research. Here are the results of an analysis of the welfare of the fishermen in the village Punaga based on eight indicators of BPS in 2011

  • Table. Results of Analysis Score Fishermen Welfare Punaga Village Mangarabombang district Takalar regencySource: Results of the questionnaire if, September 2015

    IndicatorAverage ScorePercentagePopulation2,7115,93%Health and nutrition 2,0011,76%Education2,0712,17%Empolyment2,8316,64%The level and pattern of consumption 1,629,52%Housing and environment 2,0912,29%Poverty 1,9011,17%Other social indicators 1,7910,52%Total17,01100%

  • 2. Level of Welfare of Fishermen in the village of the District Punaga Mangarabombang Takalar The level of well-being based on all indicators of the well-being as measured by the total indicator. criteria for the determination of well-being with an average of 1 criteria including low category, averaging 2 criteria including categories and criteria were an average of 3 including high category. The calculation and analysis of all respondents can know the level of welfare as measured using eight indicators of well-being of BPS in 2011. Here are the results of the category of the level of welfare of fishermen in the village of the District Punaga Mangarabombang Takalar.

  • Table. Results of Category Level Fishermen WelfareBased on the table above, it can be seen that the frequency of fishermen included in the low welfare level is 8 (15.10%). While the frequency or the number of fishermen with a moderate level of well-being as much as 42 people (79.24%). And the number of fishermen belonging to the rank of high welfare as much as 3 (5.66%).Source: Results of the questionnaire if, September 2015


  • 3. Discussion 1. Level Indicator Based Population Welfare The result showed that most of the fishermen in the village Punaga, District Mangarabombang, Takalar have productive age category (age 15-64 years). The number of fishermen in the village Punaga age are still included in this productive category, the fishermen have children aged productive. Thus the age categories in the majority of families included in the category productive.2. Level Indicator Welfare Based Health And Nutrition The result showed the health indicators of all respondents largely included in the criteria of well-being moderate (average value 2.19). Welfare judged on nutritional indicators mostly included in the criteria for moderate (average of 1.81).3. Level of Welfare Based Education Indicators Results of the data analysis for educational access most families of fishermen give an average of 2.07, which means including the welfare being.4. The level of Welfare Based Employment Indicators Based on the analysis of data for employment indicators mostly fishermen have an average value of 2.83, which means including the high welfare. Employment levels in this study distinguished by a long working time is over 35 hours / week, between 15 hours / week up to 35 hours / week or less than 15 hours / week.

  • 5. Level Indicator Welfare Based Taraf And Consumption Results of analyzes for indicators of the extent and patterns of consumption assessed on income, consumption expenditure comparison with non-consumption needs and consumption in one month.6. Level Indicator Based Welfare Housing and Environment The welfare of fishermen in the village Punaga assessed on the living conditions and environmental conditions of residence of each is included in moderate.7. Level of Welfare Based Poverty Results of the data analysis is based on the poverty rate obtained an average value of 1.90 which means that the majority of the fishermen in the village Punaga are in the medium category.8. Level Indicator Based Social Welfare Based on the analysis of data for other social indicators that include the ability to obtain entertainment with an average value of 1.47, obtain information with an average value of 1.88 and can communicate with an average value of 2.02 which if The third indicator is the join and averaged the obtained value of 1.79 so it is said, including in the medium category.

  • 9. Based on the Welfare Level 8 BPS Indicators In the study used a measure of welfare used by BPS in 2011 that take into account the 8 indicators of population, health and nutrition, education, employment, the level and pattern of consumption, housing and the environment, poverty and other social indicators. Eighth indicator of this is that the data processed and obtained an average score for each indicator and then obtained the criteria for an overall indicator of the classification criteria to be in the low, medium and high. From the data obtained it is known that the frequency of the fishermen in the village Punaga, District Mangarabombang, Takalar included in the low welfare level of 8 people (15.10%). While the frequency or the number of fishermen with a moderate level of well-being as much as 42 people (79.24%). And the number of fishermen belonging to the rank of high welfare as much as 3 (5.66%). The third criterion is the classification results if the field data based on those indicators BPS in 2011.

  • CHAPTER V CLOSING A. Conclusion Based on the results of research and discussion that has been presented in the previous chapter, it can be concluded as follows: The welfare of the fishermen in the village of the District Punaga Mangarabombang KabupatenTakalar dbagi to three criteria, namely high, medium, low. Including the number of fishermen in the lower levels of well-being as much as 8 people (15.10%). While the frequency or the number of fishermen with a moderate level of well-being as much as 42 people (79.24%). And the number of fishermen belonging to the rank of high welfare as much as 3 (5.66%). It can be concluded that the general standard of living of the fishermen in the village of the District Punaga Mangarabombang Takalar tegolong being.

  • B. Suggestions Based on the discussion that has been done and is associated with the conclusion obtained, the researchers gave suggestions that can assist in making policy with respect thereto: 1. It is expected that local governments pay more attention to infrastructure and facilities needed by fishermen to fishers easier to meet its requirements and may increase the amount of the income of fishermen. 2. It is expected to further research in order to continue research like this one that are build especially copies of research in that district government paid more attention to the welfare of fishermen in the village Punaga.

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