COURSE STRUCTURE CLASS X (2020-21) Social Science. Theory Paper Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 80 Marks 25 No. Units I No. of Periods India . and Contemporary World - I Contemporary India-2 Democratic Politics-| Economics Total ..the 65 20 20 55 50 45 215 80 (. 65 Perids India and the Contemporary World- II Themes No. of Marks PeriodsS SECTION -1: Events and Processes The Rise of Nationalism in Europe 11. Nationalism in India SECTIONI: Livelihoods, Economies and Socleties The Making of a Global World 10 13 OR IV, The Age of Industrialisation SECTIONIl:Everyday Life, Culture and Politics V. Print Culture and the Modern World SECTION-IV: Modernisation of Erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir VI Post-Independence Era: Jammu and Kashmir on the Path of Modernisation 1 0JALI 65 Contemporary India-2i 55 Periods No. of Marks Periods Themes 9 .Resources and Development 2.Forest and Wildlife Resources 5 .To be assessed in penodic tests only To be assessed in penodic Tesis onl 3. Water Resources 4, Agrlculture 5.Minerals and Energy resources 6. 1Manutacturing Industries :7. Lifelines of National Economy TOTAL t.

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Social Science.

Theory PaperTime: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks:80


No. Units I No.of PeriodsIndia .

andContemporary World -I

Contemporary India-2Democratic Politics-|EconomicsTotal

..the 65




215 80


65 PeridsIndia and theContemporaryWorld-IIThemes No. of Marks

PeriodsSSECTION -1: Events and Processes

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe11. Nationalism in India

SECTIONI: Livelihoods, Economies and SocletiesThe Making ofa Global World



IV, The Age of IndustrialisationSECTIONIl:Everyday Life, Culture and Politics

V. Print Culture and theModern WorldSECTION-IV: Modernisation of Erstwhile State of Jammuand Kashmir

VI Post-Independence Era: Jammu and Kashmiron the Path of Modernisation 1

0JALI 65

Contemporary India-2i 55 PeriodsNo. of MarksPeriods


9.Resources and Development2.Forest and Wildlife Resources


.To be assessed in penodictests onlyTo be assessed in penodicTesis onl

3. Water Resources

4, Agrlculture

5.Minerals and Energy resources

6. 1Manutacturing Industries:7. Lifelines of NationalEconomyTOTAL t.

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' ,Democralic Politics I1: 55 Periods

No. of MarksPeriods


UNIT 1Power Sharlng



UNIT 1 Democracy and Diversity will

be assessed inperiodictestsonly

. Democracy and Dlverslty


UNIT-1ll;Gender, Religion and Caste 7

Popular Struggles andMovements'wllbe assessedin periodic tests only

V. Popular Struggles and Movements


UNIT IVPolitical PartieS

VI Outcomes of Democracy 6

-,1Challenges to Democracy willbe, assessedin periodictestsonly .i

VIll. Challenges.to. Democracy


TheJammu and Kashmir.Reorganization Act, 2019


TOTAL . 1 20: ,..

Economics, Disaster Management andRoad Satety 40 PeriodsThemes N. of


Unit I. Understanding&KEconomy

Unit I. Employment GenerationUnit 1. Financial Literacy (Stock

Market Operations)Unit IV Protecting Ourselves from

DisastersUnit-V. Road Safety Educationi 15TOTAL



7 . 2

To be assessed in'periodic testsonly.


't 6

40 15


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Sübject: Social Science Class:10thMax. Marks: 80 Time: 3 Hours.General Instructions 1


Lne question paper has 36 questions in allThe question paper has 36 questions in allOuestions from serial number 1 to 20 contain multiple choice questions,iit.

opreyiation, inference type, fill ups and matching type questions. Each ofthese.carry one mark.

V. uestions from 21 to 30 carry 3 marks each. Ansiwer tothese questiornsshould be 40 to 60 words each: ,

V estions from 31 to 34 camy 5 marks each. 'Answer to these questionsshould be 100 to 130 words each.

Question nunber 35 contains an extract taken from the ChapterThe PrintCulture'of JKBOSE text book followed by tihree questions 35(a) having 1

mark and 35[b) & 35(c) having 2 marks eachuestton rumber 36 is amap question of 5 marks.withitwo parts-36la)Jrom Ceography and 36(b) from Democratic Politics I





Which incident contributed to the withdrawal of Non-Cooperationi movement? **,*

A.JallianwallaBagh'MassacreB. Chauri-Chaura IncidentC. Visit of Prince of WalesD Lathi Charge at Lahore

2. Study the picture and answer the question that followis

Which of the following aspects oest signles the image of 'Germania"A. Revenge and Vengeance

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B: Austerity and AsceticismC. Heroism and Justice and willingness to make pcace

D. Folk and Cultural Tradition3. What is the flull form of RTO (Source: Road Safety?4. Big Landed Estates Abolition Act waspassed in

A. 1930.B. 1940C. 1950OD. 1960


was the literary journal of Cultural Congress.

6. was oneof the progressive poets of Kashmiri who wrote "BormberTe Yemberzal'.

7: Match the following

Column A 'Naya Kashmir Manifesto Magna Cartaof Peasant's Rights| MukrarisJagirsBig Landed Estates AbolitionAct Custodian grants

| ColumnB

Landgrants in lieu of servicesEconomic Reforms in Kashmir:

8. Which one of the following describes a'system of agriculture where a singlecrop 1sgrown on a large area?a) ShiftingAgriculture.c) Horticulture Pb).Plantation Agriculture

Id IntensiveAgriculture

9. Which one of the following is a leguminous crop?a) PulsesCMillets b Javar

d.Sesame10. Which of the following is not correct about manufacturing industries?

A. Manufacturing Industries help in modernizing agriculture.B. Manusacturing Industries reduce the heavy dependence of people onagriculture income by providingjobs:C. Helps in eradication of unemployment & poverty.D. Helps in bringing down religious disparities.

11. Which one of the following industries uses bauxite as a'raw material?A. Aluminum SmeltingB. CementC. PaperD. Steel

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12. Which.one'of the following agencies markets'steel for the public sectorplaantsr i 1




3In thecontext of assessing,

democracy which among the following is odd oneout. Democracies need to ensure 1.A. Freeand fairelections

B. Dignity of the individualC: Majority ruleD. Equal treatmernt,betore.law

4Studies on political and social inequalities in democracy'show,that.:A Democracy and development go together

B: Inequalities, exist in democraciesC. Inequalities do notexist under dictatorship

D: Dictatorship is better than democracy:15.The Jammu & Kashmir reorganization Act 2019 cameinto elfect on.

16. The UT of Ladakh comes under the jurisdiction of;

A The High Court of Jammu a& KashmirB The High'Court of New Delhi

The High Court of Chandigarn iDHas itsown High Court

L Tourism.comes undeAPrimary, SectorB. Secondary SectorC. Service, SectorD. None of these

industry have traditionally been the backbone18.;Handicraft' andofKashmireconomy.

1. ..,19.Hari Parbat is situated in,

A: BudgamB: Srinagar.':C: Ananulas

ic.D. Baramullah

20. Full form.of GDP is


1: Give two examples irom nistoryto snow the impact of Sciencé andTechnology.on food availability,*


Page 6: Periods - jkbose.nic.in


Way did industrial production in Indialincreased during the First World War?

22. Why Gandhiji decided to withdraw Non-Cooperation Movenent? (Mentionany three reasons) ,

23 Whatwere theimpacts ofrhe Great Depression on the Indian economy?


Why did some Industrialists innineteenth century Europe prefer hand labourover machines?

24 Distinguish betweenKharifand Rabicrops li "i25 why do you think that solar energy has äbright future in India?

26. Read the following Passage and answer the question answer the question atthe end. "

'i .Union List.comprises the subjects of national importance,like defense, foreignaJfairs, atomic energy, banking, post and telegraph, are included in the Union,List: The central government canpass laws on the subjectsmentioned in theUnion List.i 1

State Subjects comprises those iniportant subjects on,which the stategovermmentcan pass lauws. Subjects like police, local government, trade and commerce withinthe state and agriculture are included in the State List.

The Concurent List comprises the subjects like education, forests,mariageswhich are fcommonconcem both to the center, and thestàte governments.Ordinarly, both the centraland the state govemmentscanframe laws on theseSubjecIS.


Classify the following subjectsunder the Unión, State andConcurrent listsDefence, Police AtomicEnergy,Marriages, Agriculture!

27 Whatis the status of women's representation in India's legislative bodies?28. Suggest some reforms to, strengthen parties so that. they perform theirfunctionswell?

29. What is the role of servicesector;in the economic development of theerstwhile state of stater30: Imagine your neighbours house 1s on iire. What will you do to rescue thefamily and their belongings?


.31. Write main features of Motor,Vehicle (Amendment) Bill,201682. Expläin what is meant by.the 1848 Tevolution,ol the liberals? What were thepolitical; social and economic iaeas.supported by the liberals?OR

Page 7: Periods - jkbose.nic.in

The history of nationalism in Britain was unlike the'rest of Europe. Explain

how33: Explain the land use pattern in India? Why has the land under forest not

increased much since 1960-61?

34.What are the different forms of power sharing in modern democracies? Give

an.example of each of these.,

J5. Read the extract and answer the questions that follows:

With the introduction of printing it became possible to produce more and

cheaper books in lesser time. Very cheap small books were brought to markets

in 19h century Madrsa towns and sold at cross, allowing poor pcople travei"g

to markets to buy them. Public libraries were set up from the carly twenueth

century, expanding the access to books. These libraries were located mostly in

Cities and towns, and at times in prosperous villages. For rich local patrons,

setting up a library was a wvay of acquiring prestige.

From the late nineteenth century, issues of caste discrimination began to be

Written about in many printed tracts and essaya. Jyotiba Phule, the Maratha

pioneer of "low caste protest movements, wrote about the injustice of the caste

sy'stem in his Gulamgiri (1871). In the twentieth century, B.R. Ambedkar in

Maharashtra and E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker in Madras, better known aas

periyar, Wrote powerfully on caste and their writings were read by people all

Over india. Local protest movements and sects also created a lot of popular

journals and tracts criticizing ancient and envisioning a new and just future.

Workers in factories were too overworked and lacked the education to write

much about their experiences. But Kashibaba, a Kanpur millworker, wrote and

published Chhote Aur Bade Ka Sawal in 1938 to show links between caste and

class exploitation. The poems of another Kanpur millworker, who wrote under

the name of Sudarshan Chakr between 1935 and 1955, were brought together

and published in a collection called Sachi Kavitayan.

35(a). What was the theme of Gulamgiri?

35(b). How access to books expanded in 19th century?

35(c). Why Kashibaba did wrote and published Chhote Aur Bade Ka Sawal in




(a)On the given outline map of India locate and label any 3 of the following

major sea ports

i. Kandla

ii.New MangaloreVishakhapatnamParadwipHaldia




On the given outline map of the world shade and label any 2 federal
