Performance appraisal

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  • 1. Presented by, JUNAIS P K M120019MS

2. Appraisal is the evaluation of worth , quality ormerit. it is a systematic evaluation of personnelby superiors or others familiar with theirperformance. Merit rating:-performance appraisal is alsodescribed as merit rating in which oneindividual is ranked better or worse incomparison to others. 3. PURPOSE. APPLICATION. FACTORS RATED. TECHNIQUES. POST APPRAISAL INTERVIEW. 4. SALARY INCREASE. PROMOTION. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT. FEEDBACK PRESSURE ON EMPLOYEES. 5. Salary increase of an employee depends onhow he is performing his job. Informal Formal 6. Merit and Seniority Performance Appraisal discloses how anemployee working in his present job and whatare his strong and week points. Whether additional training required or not? Transfer, demotion and discharge. 7. Performance appraisal tries to identify thestrengths and weaknesses of an employee onhis present job. this information can be used fordevising training and developmentprogrammes appropriate for overcoming theweaknesses of the employees. 8. Provides feedback to employees about theirperformance. It tells them where they stand. Given the proper organisational climate , aperson will try his best to contribute maximumto the organisation. 9. If the employees are conscious that they arebeing appraised in respect of certain factorsand their future largely depends on suchappraisal,they tend to have positive andacceptable behaviour in this respect. 10. Appraisal based on traits Appraisal based on results Single-trait, single subject Single-trait, multiple subject Multiple-trait , single subject Comparative methods Absolute standards Goal setting Direct indices 11. Ranking method Paired comparison Grading Forced distribution method Forced choice method Checklist method Critical incidents method Graphic scale method Essay method Field review method 12. Ranking method:-oldest and simplest method ofappraisal in which a person is ranked againstothers on the basis of certain traits andcharacteristics. Paired comparison:-Each person is compared withother persons taken only one at a time. Grading:-Certain categories of abilities orperformances are defined well in advance andpersons are put in particular category dependingon their traits and characteristics. Forced distribution method:-The appraiser isforced to appraise the appraisees according to thepattern of a normal curve. 13. Forced choice method:-Contains a series ofgroup of statements and the rater checks howeffectively the statement describes eachindividual being evaluated. Check list method:-the rater provides appraisalreport by answering a series of questionsrelated to the appraisee. Critical incidents method:-only criticalincidents and behaviour associated with theseincidents are taken for evaluation. 14. Graphic scale method:-most commonly usedmethod. A printed appraisal form is used foreach appraisee. Essay method:-the rater assesses the employeeson certain parameters in his own words. Field review method:-an employee is notappraised by his direct superior but by anotherperson, usually from the personneldepartment. 15. Faulty assumptions Psychological blocks Technical pitfalls 16. Criterion problem Distortion Halo effect Central tendency Constant errors Raters liking and disliking 17. The system should focus on objective analysisof performance in terms of specific events ,accomplishments or failures. The ratings must be made by immediatesuperiors. The rating should be reviewed with the ratee. It should be backed by effective feedbacksystem. 18. The process of determining the relative worthof different categories of jobs by analysing theirresponsibilities , and consequently fixation oftheir remuneration. Objectives Wage and salary fixation Restructuring job hierarchy Overcoming anamolies 19. Ranking method Grading method Point method Factor comparison method