Percy : H-Helen? H-Helen! Stop! Helen! Martha : Stop it, Helen. Percy : Why she stick her fingers in my mouth? Martha : Because she mad at you talking all day when she can't hear nothing. Percy : If she can't hear,then how she know talk coming out of my mouth? l think she tying to talk. Now she gone crazy,eating herself. Martha : You stop that. Helen, stop it. Helen. Helen! Stop it. Ohh! Percy : Help! Help! Helen's trying to kill us! She tying to kill us again! Mother : Helen? Helen. Stop it, Helen. Stop it. Stop it. OK, OK, give mother the scissors. Helen. Helen, give mother the scissors. Helen. OK. OK. There, now. OK. That's my pretty girl, huh? Kakak : Well, Father, l hope you got your story ready. Ayah : What story is that? Kakak : The one you're going to tell , when the little savage kills somebody. ''Your honor, l had no idea that poor deaf and dumb child could be so violent.'' Ayah : Arthur: Your sister is none of your concern, James. Don't you have some occasion you need to dress for? Bibi Ev : Why don't l ever meet any of your young friends, James? Kakak : How can l invite people here? Bibi Ev : But surely your friends don't think that Helen is any reflection on you. Kakak : Helen is the real head of this house. She's probably just pretending she can't speak or hear so she don't have to answer to anyone. Ayah : Your jealousy of that helpless child is intolerable. Kakak : Auntie. Mother : Oh, well, here we are. Here's Father and Aunt Ev. Ha ha. l saw James. l hope the two of you weren't quarreling again. Ayah(Arthur) : No, no. Bibi Ev : Oh, Katie, we all love Helen, but surely you must see what an effect she is having on your household. Why, James and Arthur can barely speak a civil word, and all your time


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Percy: H-Helen? H-Helen! Stop! Helen!Martha: Stop it, Helen.Percy: Why she stick her fingers in my mouth?Martha: Because she mad at you talking all day when she can't hear nothing.Percy: If she can't hear,then how she know talk coming out of my mouth? l think she tying to talk. Now she gone crazy,eating herself.Martha: You stop that. Helen, stop it. Helen. Helen! Stop it. Ohh!Percy: Help! Help! Helen's trying to kill us! She tying to kill us again!Mother: Helen? Helen. Stop it, Helen. Stop it. Stop it. OK, OK, give mother the scissors. Helen. Helen, give mother the scissors. Helen. OK. OK. There, now. OK. That's my pretty girl, huh?Kakak: Well, Father, l hope you got your story ready.Ayah: What story is that?Kakak: The one you're going to tell , when the little savage kills somebody. ''Your honor, l had no idea that poor deaf and dumb child could be so violent.''Ayah: Arthur: Your sister is none of your concern, James. Don't you have some occasion you need to dress for?Bibi Ev: Why don't l ever meet any of your young friends, James?Kakak: How can l invite people here?Bibi Ev: But surely your friends don't think that Helen is any reflection on you.Kakak: Helen is the real head of this house. She's probably just pretending she can't speak or hear so she don't have to answer to anyone.

Ayah: Your jealousy of that helpless child is intolerable.Kakak: Auntie.Mother: Oh, well, here we are. Here's Father and Aunt Ev. Ha ha. l saw James. l hope the two of you weren't quarreling again.Ayah(Arthur) : No, no.Bibi Ev: Oh, Katie, we all love Helen, but surely you must see what an effect she is having on your household. Why, James and Arthur can barely speak a civil word, and all your time is given over to the girl. You hardly ever have time for your new baby. James is right. You and Arthur must do something and soon. Ayah: What can we do, Evelyn? The only thing left to do is to take Helen to an asylum, and Kate would never stand for it.Bibi Ev: Well, have you tried--Ayah: We have taken her to evey hospital in 2 states. No one holds out any hope.Bibi Ev: what about that Dr. Chisolm up in Baltimore? l read an article in your vey own newspaper, Arthur. They say he has cured many cases of blindness that other doctors have given up on. Now, why not write to him?Ayah: And have Kate's heart broken again?Mother: l'm prepared for my heart to break any number of times, Captain.Bibi Ev: Aunt Ev: l'll write to him myself . if you like, Katie.Ayah: There isn't going to be any cure, and the sooner we accept that fact, the better off we'll all be.Mother: l will never accept it,Captain. l can't.Ayah: l'm going to the printers.Now look. l can't turn my back for a moment.Bibi Ev: Arthur, Helen knows a lot more than you think about what goes on in this house.Ayah: Nothing is solved by running all over the county evey time some quack doctor gets his name in the papers.Mother: Nothing is solved by running to the office, either.Kakak: Hmm.Ayah: Kate, darling, what can anyone do? The kindest thing we could do would be to find a sanitarium in a beautiful spot where she could be taken care of.Mother: No. No, never.Bibi Ev: Oh! She tore off my buttons. Ohh!Mother: Kate: It's eyes. She wants the doll . She wants the doll to have eyes.Ayah: l'm sorry, Evelyn. Just tell me what it'll cost to have the buttons replaced, and l'llMother: l know she does.Bibi Ev: Oh, don't mind about that. What are a couple of buttons if it makes Helen happy? l'll sew them on if you like.Kakak: ls that what you're trying to do? Make Helen happy? Nothing makes her happy. Everything you give her only makes her worse.Ayah: She can have these little things that make her happy.Mother: Oh, Helen!Bibi Ev: The baby!Mother: Helen... Listen, you cannot do things like that, OK?Kakak: Why? She can have the little things that make her happy.Ayah: lf you won't send her away, then we must find some way of confining her.Mother: What, you want to lock her away in the attic like some sort of mad woman? She wants to talk.Helen: Unh!Mother: Helen, come here. lt's OK.Helen: Aah!Mother: lt's OK. Look, l know.Ayah: All right. l'll write to Dr. Chisolm.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Dr. Anagnos: Dr. Chisolm could do nothing for the girl and referred them to Dr. Alexander Graham Bell. As the girl is young, and the parents are not willing to send her to us, l have put you up for the role of governess.Guru: Governess? Or nursemaid. We both knew you'd get rid of me one of these days.Dr. Anagnos: You've accomplished so much here. But when you first came to us, you couldn't even spell your name. Are your eyes still so painful?Guru: No. It's my ears, sir. Tell me about the child. ls she bright... or dull? Can she be taught?Dr. Anagnos: She's given to tantrums, they say.Guru: So am l. Maybe you should warn the Kellers about me.Dr. Anagnos: l've told them nothing of your histoy except your qualifications for the job. Here is the money for your train ticket.And here is a gift from all of us, with our love. We're going to miss you. This is my last chance to counsel you, Annie. You lack tact and the talent to bend to others. You're hard to fool and harder to please, but all the same,we are proud of you.Mother: We're off to meet the train again.

Ayah: Well, l hope the girl is on this one.Mother: Oh, she will be.Well, we'll see you at supper, then.Kusir: Giddy up.Ayah : Your mother's not here, child. l'm here, though. l'm your father. l'm your father. l used to swing you through the air,and you weren't even 2 years of ageyet. l wonder if you remember any of that... or any of us. Here you are.There's a piece of candy for you. Mm-hmm.TKW: You want your mama, don't you, missy? Captain Keller, wouldn't like this if he saw it, but what's one little candy going to hurt?Kakak : Miss Sullivan?Guru : Yes.Kakak : l'm James Keller.Guru : l had a brother, Jimmie. Are you Helen's...Kakak : Halfbrother. Do you have a trunk?Guru : Yes.Kakak : Heny, Percy.Mother: Miss Sullivan. l'm so relieved. We were beginning to get a little bit worried about you.Guru : The man who sold me that ticket ought to be tied to the tracks.Mother: l'm Katherine Keller. l'm Helen's mother.Guru : You didn't bring Helen.l was hoping you would.Mother: Well her father wanted to spend the afternoon with her, actually. They so enjoy their time together.Kakak: Kate, you should be ashamed. Miss Sullivan, you'll find that in the south we make up these little stories just to amuse each other. l hope you won't mind.Mother: How much can a blind and deafchild learn, Miss Sullivan?Guru : l don't know. Does she communicate with you at all?Mother: Oh, well, l always know what she wants if that's what you mean.Kakak: No, you don't. All anybody knows that if you give Helen a piece of candy, she'll be quiet for a while.Can you teach her to sit still, Miss Sullivan?Guru : l'd have to teach her Ianguage first.Mother: Language? Guru : lf she doesn't know words,how could she know why you want her to sit still?Mother: Miss Sullivan, perhaps you were misled as to Helen's condition.She can neither see nor hear.Guru : But if it is her senses that are impaired and not her mind,she must have language. Language is more important to the mind than light is to the eye.Mother: But how will you teach her if you can't talk to her?Guru : Anyway l can.Mother: We are going to do everything that we can to help you. l don't want you to think of us as strangers, Miss Annie.Guru : Strangers aren't so strange to me. l've been around them all my life.Kakak: Watch your step.Ayah: Welcome to Ivy Green, Miss Sullivan. l trust you had a good journey.Guru : l had several. Thank you. Where's Helen?Mother: Oh, Miss Annie? We've put you in the upstairs corner room.Now, if there is any breeze at all this summer,you're going to feel it.

Guru : l'll take my suitcase, thanks.Ayah: l have it,Miss Sullivan.Guru : No, please, let me.Ayah: l wouldn't think of it.Guru : l have something in it for Helen. l needn't to be treated like a guest. Now, when may l see Helen?Mother: Well, there she is. That's Helen.Hellen: Unh! Unh. Unh! Unh!Ayah: She seems vey rough, Kate.Why didn't she take her glasses off?Mother: Well the instituje said that the light hurts her eyes. Apparently, she was nearly blind as a child.Ayah: Blind?Mother: Well, she's had 9 operations on her eyes.Ayah: And they expect one blind person to teach another one? How long was she employed at that school?Mother: Well, she--she wasn't employed there.She was one of their best students.Ayah: Student?Kakak: Now you have 2 blind girls to take care of, Father.Ayah: You stay out of this.Mother: James... why do you have to be so mean about Helen?Kakak: Why, to confirm my father's view of me, of course.Guru: Those are mine. Yes, yes. All right, then, Helen. '' Doll'' will be your first word. lt's as good as any. '' D...'' ''O...'' '' L...'''' L.'' Doll. Doll. lt has a name. ''D...'' ''O...''''L...''Kakak: Thank you, Henry. Thank you, Percy. So, what was that? Some sort of game?Guru: lt's an alphabet for the deaf. Each letter has a sign.''D...''''O...'' ''L...''''L.'' Doll. First, she will learn to imitate.'' D,'' ''O...''Ah!Kakak:Oh, she can imitate things, all right-- like a regular little monkey.

356Guru: A bright little monkey.Hellen: Mmm...Guru: '' D.''Kakak: l think she wants her doll back.Guru: She can have it back when she spells it.Kakak: She has no idea. what words even are. How can she spell them?Guru: lf her fingers learn the letters now, then maybe someday her brain will learn that they have a meaning.Kakak: Did you make up this alphabet?Guru: Me? No. Spanish monks under a vow of silence, which, Mr.James, l wish you would take. ''C...'' ''A...'' ''K...'' ''E.'' Cake. ''C...'' ''A...''''K...''''E.'' Very good. Cake. ''D...'' ''O...'' ''L...'' ''L.''Hellen: Uhh!Guru: Mm-mm-mm.Hellen: Uhh!Guru: ''D...'' ''O...''''L...'' ''L.'' Vey good, Helen. Vey good. Good first lesson. Very well done. Very well done. Ohh! Ohh! Helen! Let me out, you wicked girl. Helen! Ohh! Unh. Ohh. And l wondered if she was bright. She's the brightest one in this house.Mother: Where is Miss Annie?Kakak: She's in her room.Ayah: Didn't anyone call her to supper? James, go upstairs and bring her down.Kakak: Certainly. l'll get the ladder.Ayah: What?Kakak: l'll need a ladder. It won't take long.Mother: What are you talking about?Kakak: Well, Helen locked her in her room and run off with the key.Ayah: And l suppose you are going to sit there and say nothing.Kakak: You told me it was none of my business, Father.l was just trying to respect your wishes.Ayah: Miss Sullivan, are you in there?Guru: Yes, sir, l'm in here.Ayah: lsn't there a key on your side? For God's sake.Guru: No, sir. There's no key, sir.

43000:20:36,766 --> 00:20:38,200Put that ladderaway,Jimmy.

43100:20:38,266 --> 00:20:40,167Whatever you say,Father.

43200:20:41,700 --> 00:20:43,868Kate: Captain, we can'tkeep Miss Annie locked up

43300:20:43,933 --> 00:20:45,034until we find the key.

43400:20:47,433 --> 00:20:48,367James.

43500:20:49,766 --> 00:20:51,667Bring the ladder back.

43600:20:53,233 --> 00:20:54,867Whatever you say,Father.

43700:21:06,033 --> 00:21:07,801l hired herto solve problems,

43800:21:07,866 --> 00:21:09,300not create them.

43900:21:10,700 --> 00:21:12,101Arthur:Hold it, Jimmy.

44000:21:12,166 --> 00:21:13,800Thank you, Percy.

44100:21:19,099 --> 00:21:20,034Miss Sullivan!

44200:21:22,133 --> 00:21:23,067Yes, Captain Keller?

44300:21:23,133 --> 00:21:24,901l hope this isnot a sample

44400:21:24,966 --> 00:21:26,534of what we canexpect of you.

44500:21:26,599 --> 00:21:29,936Arthur: Come outand sit on my shoulder.

44600:21:41,500 --> 00:21:43,201l'm perfectly capable

44700:21:43,266 --> 00:21:44,400of going down a ladderby myself.

44800:21:44,466 --> 00:21:46,267Do as l say,Miss Sullivan.

44900:21:52,133 --> 00:21:53,100Ohh.

45000:21:54,366 --> 00:21:56,568[Bystanders Laugh]

45100:21:59,633 --> 00:22:00,834Very chivalrous of you.

45200:22:00,900 --> 00:22:03,602This is not chivaly.This is practicality.

45300:22:03,666 --> 00:22:08,070You're no good to ustrapped in a room.

45400:22:10,200 --> 00:22:11,568Woman: Ooh.

45500:22:12,633 --> 00:22:13,567[Applause]

45600:22:15,966 --> 00:22:18,134Not in the house10 minutes.

45700:22:18,200 --> 00:22:20,535Honestly, l don't seehow you managed it.

45800:22:20,599 --> 00:22:21,534[Sighs]

45900:22:21,599 --> 00:22:22,834l'll lookfor the key, sir.

46000:22:22,900 --> 00:22:24,501Thank you. Just don'tlook in any rooms

46100:22:24,566 --> 00:22:27,402that can be locked.

46200:22:27,466 --> 00:22:29,968All right, eveyone.Excitement's over.

46300:22:30,033 --> 00:22:33,803l'd better leavethe L-A-D-D-E-R.

46400:22:33,866 --> 00:22:35,801[Laughs]

46500:23:15,466 --> 00:23:17,734Oh, you little devil.

46600:23:20,333 --> 00:23:22,034lf you think you canget rid of me that easily,

46700:23:22,099 --> 00:23:23,301you're wrong.

46800:23:28,866 --> 00:23:31,735l have nothing better to do

46900:23:31,799 --> 00:23:33,735and nowhere else to go.

47000:23:34,099 --> 00:23:35,634Annie: To the bestof my knowledge,

47100:23:35,700 --> 00:23:37,501no one in this house

47200:23:37,566 --> 00:23:40,802has ever triedto control the girl,

47300:23:40,866 --> 00:23:41,800but...

47400:23:42,933 --> 00:23:44,734how can l discipline her

47500:23:44,799 --> 00:23:47,536withoutbreaking her spirit?

47600:23:47,599 --> 00:23:48,534But...

47700:23:49,666 --> 00:23:52,702if she won't obey me...

47800:23:52,766 --> 00:23:54,667Oh!

47900:23:54,733 --> 00:23:55,667Ohh.

48000:23:59,466 --> 00:24:00,400Tsk.

48100:24:08,233 --> 00:24:09,167lnk.

48200:24:09,233 --> 00:24:10,634lt has a name.

48300:24:16,433 --> 00:24:18,168Pen.

48400:24:18,233 --> 00:24:19,167Pen.

48500:24:22,433 --> 00:24:23,367Uhh!

48600:24:27,066 --> 00:24:29,001[Moans]

48700:24:31,400 --> 00:24:33,135No, Helen.

48800:24:44,966 --> 00:24:46,167[Gasps]

48900:24:46,233 --> 00:24:47,867Annie: Ohh!

49000:24:47,933 --> 00:24:48,900Bad...

49100:24:48,966 --> 00:24:50,967Annie:girl.

49200:24:51,033 --> 00:24:53,468Kate: No. Never you mind,Miss Annie. It's--

49300:24:53,533 --> 00:24:55,101lt's not the first.

49400:24:55,166 --> 00:24:56,600No, Helen.

49500:25:01,599 --> 00:25:03,501The Captain thinks thatyour spelling eveything

49600:25:03,566 --> 00:25:04,566that Helen does

49700:25:04,633 --> 00:25:07,669is like spellingto a fence post.

49800:25:07,733 --> 00:25:10,335You talk to the baby,don't you?

49900:25:10,400 --> 00:25:12,235Does she understandwhat you mean?

50000:25:12,299 --> 00:25:14,335Not yet,but she will someday

50100:25:14,400 --> 00:25:16,268if she hearsenough words.

50200:25:16,333 --> 00:25:18,768l'm letting Helenhear the words.

50300:25:22,433 --> 00:25:24,401Kate: How longwill it take?

50400:25:24,466 --> 00:25:26,167A million words, maybe.

50500:25:26,233 --> 00:25:27,567Annie: Pen.

50600:25:39,633 --> 00:25:40,600Did you see that?

50700:25:40,666 --> 00:25:42,567Annie:l spelled ''pen.''

50800:25:42,633 --> 00:25:45,202She spelled ''cake.''

50900:25:47,099 --> 00:25:50,870She wants to see if l cantell the difference.

51000:25:50,933 --> 00:25:53,368There's is nothing impairedin that head, Mrs. Keller.

51100:25:53,433 --> 00:25:56,469Helen is smart...and angry.

51200:25:56,533 --> 00:25:57,734l can use that.

51300:25:57,799 --> 00:25:59,635Can you teach methose letters?

51400:25:59,700 --> 00:26:02,169l'll start tomorrow.

51500:26:02,233 --> 00:26:03,701lf both of usare spelling to her,

51600:26:03,766 --> 00:26:05,501that makes only abouthalf a million words each.

51700:26:05,566 --> 00:26:06,967[Laughs]

51800:26:07,033 --> 00:26:07,933Ow!

51900:26:08,000 --> 00:26:09,634Helen!

52000:26:09,700 --> 00:26:11,134Helen: Uhh!

52100:26:12,299 --> 00:26:13,234Helen.

52200:26:13,299 --> 00:26:15,235[Moaning]

52300:26:18,133 --> 00:26:20,835[Stops Moaning]

52400:26:20,900 --> 00:26:23,202Why does she geta reward for stabbing me?

52500:26:24,766 --> 00:26:27,401l--l don't know.

52600:26:27,466 --> 00:26:28,567l'm--l'm sorry.

52700:26:30,966 --> 00:26:31,966[Rooster Crows]

52800:26:32,033 --> 00:26:32,967James:Miss Sullivan,

52900:26:33,033 --> 00:26:35,335breakfast is ready.

53000:26:35,400 --> 00:26:37,201Shall l getthe ladder?

53100:26:37,266 --> 00:26:38,734That's enough,Jimmy.

53200:26:45,900 --> 00:26:47,835Oh, good morning,Miss Annie.

53300:26:47,900 --> 00:26:49,635Good morning.

53400:26:49,700 --> 00:26:50,767Morning.

53500:26:53,099 --> 00:26:55,502l hope you've settled incomfortably, Miss Sullivan.

53600:26:55,566 --> 00:26:58,001Thank you, Captain.l have.

53700:26:59,966 --> 00:27:01,767Arthur:Please, help yourself.

53800:27:01,833 --> 00:27:04,902Miss Annie, if there is everanything that you need,

53900:27:04,966 --> 00:27:05,933please let us know.

54000:27:16,599 --> 00:27:18,902Tobacco prices are up,Father.

54100:27:18,966 --> 00:27:21,301We should earn a nice profitthis year for a change.

54200:27:24,099 --> 00:27:25,301Arthur: It usedto be that a man

54300:27:25,366 --> 00:27:27,101could make a good livingrunning a farm.

54400:27:27,166 --> 00:27:29,101James: Well, perhapsif you'd teave

54500:27:29,166 --> 00:27:30,166your pet newspaper

54600:27:30,233 --> 00:27:31,634and come show memy business,

54700:27:31,700 --> 00:27:33,468we could makesome real money.

54800:27:33,533 --> 00:27:34,800Arthur: Not in frontof Miss Sullivan.

54900:27:34,866 --> 00:27:36,467Why not in frontof Miss Sullivan?

55000:27:40,833 --> 00:27:41,767Kate: Miss Annie,

55100:27:41,833 --> 00:27:43,568Helen is usedto helping herself

55200:27:43,633 --> 00:27:44,567from our plates.

55300:27:44,633 --> 00:27:46,401l'm afraidl'm not used to it.

55400:27:46,466 --> 00:27:48,100Arthur:No, of course not.

55500:27:48,166 --> 00:27:50,167Viney, please bringMiss Sullivan another plate.

55600:27:50,233 --> 00:27:51,901There's nothing wrongwith my plate, Captain,

55700:27:51,966 --> 00:27:53,801only that Helen's handsdon't belong in it.

55800:27:53,866 --> 00:27:56,401One plate is hardly worthspoiling our breakfast over.

55900:27:56,466 --> 00:27:57,834Kate: You see, she's justgoing to keep trying

56000:27:57,900 --> 00:27:59,401until she gets herway.

56100:28:00,933 --> 00:28:02,934Arthur: l must insistthat you let the girl go.

56200:28:05,266 --> 00:28:06,533Unh!

56300:28:06,599 --> 00:28:07,467Arthur:Thank you.

56400:28:07,533 --> 00:28:08,467Unh!

56500:28:14,799 --> 00:28:15,734- [Kicks]- Oh!

56600:28:17,566 --> 00:28:18,867[Moaning]

56700:28:18,933 --> 00:28:20,034Oh, look, nowshe's hurt herself.

56800:28:20,099 --> 00:28:22,268No, she hasn't. l knowa tantrum when l see one

56900:28:22,333 --> 00:28:24,168and a badly spoiledchild.

57000:28:24,233 --> 00:28:25,567Miss Sullivan.

57100:28:28,166 --> 00:28:29,333Please,show some pity.

57200:28:29,400 --> 00:28:30,968For this kindof behavior?

57300:28:31,033 --> 00:28:33,168Annie: Pity's the onething she doesn't need.

57400:28:33,233 --> 00:28:35,435The whole house waitson her hand and foot.

57500:28:35,500 --> 00:28:37,435- Hear, hear.- You stay out of this.

57600:28:37,500 --> 00:28:39,034Letting Helenhave her own way--

57700:28:39,099 --> 00:28:40,768it's reallysuch a small thing.

57800:28:40,833 --> 00:28:43,202Small? It's seemsyou've all decided

57900:28:43,266 --> 00:28:44,800it's easierto feel sory for Helen

58000:28:44,866 --> 00:28:47,435than to teach herhow to behave.

58100:28:47,500 --> 00:28:48,667Well, l've not seen

58200:28:48,733 --> 00:28:50,501that you've taught heranything yet, Miss Sullivan.

58300:28:50,566 --> 00:28:52,734Quite right, Captain.Well observed.

58400:28:52,799 --> 00:28:56,303l'll start right nowif you'll leave the room.

58500:28:56,366 --> 00:28:57,300Leave the room?

58600:28:57,366 --> 00:28:58,300Annie: Yes.

58700:28:58,366 --> 00:28:59,300Please, Captain.

58800:28:59,300 --> 00:29:00,834Right now, if you'llleave the room.

58900:29:00,900 --> 00:29:02,368Miss Sullivan--

59000:29:02,433 --> 00:29:04,234lf you're not willingto stand up to one tantrum,

59100:29:04,300 --> 00:29:05,768l cannot teach heranything.

59200:29:05,833 --> 00:29:07,434Unh!

59300:29:07,499 --> 00:29:08,567Mrs. Keller,

59400:29:08,633 --> 00:29:10,034you asked if there wasanything l needed.

59500:29:10,100 --> 00:29:11,601Yes, but l--

59600:29:11,666 --> 00:29:13,701l need to be alonewith Helen.

59700:29:13,766 --> 00:29:15,567[Moaning]

59800:29:15,633 --> 00:29:16,567Annie: Right now.

59900:29:16,633 --> 00:29:17,667Miss Sullivan--

60000:29:17,733 --> 00:29:18,667Kate: Captain.

60100:29:23,066 --> 00:29:25,034Kate: James.

60200:29:25,100 --> 00:29:28,570Captain, may l speakwith you outside?

60300:29:43,233 --> 00:29:44,734Give us a moment,please.

60400:29:44,800 --> 00:29:45,734Oh...

60500:29:47,166 --> 00:29:49,101[Helen Continues Moaning]

60600:29:57,633 --> 00:29:59,101This is absurd.

60700:29:59,166 --> 00:30:02,102Arthur, l'm surethat she is only trying

60800:30:02,166 --> 00:30:03,634to do what is best.

60900:30:03,700 --> 00:30:06,702l will not have my houseturned into a circus.

61000:30:11,666 --> 00:30:13,934[Moans]

61100:30:14,000 --> 00:30:15,634Unless there isa change in attitude,

61200:30:15,700 --> 00:30:17,268Miss Sullivanis dismissed.

61300:30:17,333 --> 00:30:20,269Arthur, and then what hopedo we have for Helen?

61400:30:20,333 --> 00:30:22,068No less thanwe had before,

61500:30:22,133 --> 00:30:24,068and then perhapswe can regain some quiet.

61600:30:24,133 --> 00:30:25,634[Helen Moans]

61700:30:49,766 --> 00:30:51,701[Helen Tapping Floor]

61800:31:00,333 --> 00:31:01,534Ow!

61900:31:04,566 --> 00:31:05,500Ow!

62000:31:06,866 --> 00:31:08,234Shh. Shh.

62100:31:08,300 --> 00:31:09,234Ohh!

62200:31:56,766 --> 00:31:57,700[Cries]

62300:32:00,166 --> 00:32:02,201Shh, shh, shh.

62400:32:02,266 --> 00:32:03,500[Moaning]

62500:32:05,233 --> 00:32:07,368[Doorknob Rattles]

62600:32:25,233 --> 00:32:26,167[Sighs]

62700:32:32,033 --> 00:32:32,967Helen.

62800:32:36,666 --> 00:32:39,001[Helen Banging On Door]

62900:33:29,300 --> 00:33:30,768Oh, God.

63000:33:38,266 --> 00:33:40,368[Both Breathing Heavily]

63100:33:54,266 --> 00:33:55,800[Helen Hits Table]

63200:34:10,133 --> 00:34:12,001[Moans]

63300:34:26,499 --> 00:34:28,969[Spoon Clatters]

63400:34:54,933 --> 00:34:56,868[Spoon Clatters]

63500:34:58,933 --> 00:35:01,235[Spoon Clatters]

63600:35:07,699 --> 00:35:09,635[Moaning]

63700:35:18,466 --> 00:35:20,401[Stops Moaning]

63800:35:25,499 --> 00:35:27,435[Moans]

63900:35:28,766 --> 00:35:30,701[Spoon Clatters]

64000:35:35,033 --> 00:35:36,968[Spoon Clatters]

64100:35:51,900 --> 00:35:52,834Ahh!

64200:36:14,633 --> 00:36:16,267Good.

64300:36:16,333 --> 00:36:18,268[Sighs]

64400:36:19,566 --> 00:36:20,500Ahh!

64500:36:26,133 --> 00:36:27,968[Church Bell Ringing]

64600:36:32,900 --> 00:36:34,568What you want me to do,Miss Kate?

64700:36:34,633 --> 00:36:35,667lt's noon time,

64800:36:35,733 --> 00:36:37,434and the breakfast dishesain't been cleared.

64900:36:37,499 --> 00:36:39,101[Objects Clatter]

65000:36:39,166 --> 00:36:40,734[Door Closes]

65100:36:40,800 --> 00:36:42,535- [Cying]- Hush, now.

65200:36:51,066 --> 00:36:52,167Come on.

65300:36:52,233 --> 00:36:54,335Viney: Shh.

65400:36:54,400 --> 00:36:56,335[Moaning Softly]

65500:37:12,766 --> 00:37:14,234Helen...

65600:37:14,300 --> 00:37:16,535ate fromher own plate

65700:37:16,600 --> 00:37:17,734with a spoon

65800:37:17,800 --> 00:37:20,903Annie:all by herself...

65900:37:20,966 --> 00:37:23,168and she foldedher napkin.

66000:37:23,233 --> 00:37:25,702The room's a wreck,

66100:37:25,766 --> 00:37:27,934but she foldedher napkin.

66200:37:29,633 --> 00:37:33,269l'll be in my room,Mrs. Keller.

66300:37:38,400 --> 00:37:39,634Viney: Shh, shh.

66400:37:39,699 --> 00:37:41,168Oh, Helen.

66500:37:46,000 --> 00:37:47,568Viney: Don't be long now,Miss Annie.

66600:37:47,633 --> 00:37:49,401Lunch going to be readyright away.

66700:37:49,466 --> 00:37:51,034Mm-hmm.

66800:37:51,099 --> 00:37:54,636My Helen folded her napkin.

66900:38:07,599 --> 00:38:08,534What are you reading?

67000:38:08,599 --> 00:38:09,534[Annie Sighs]

67100:38:09,599 --> 00:38:10,968Dr. Howe's account

67200:38:11,033 --> 00:38:13,668of his patientLaura Bridgman.

67300:38:13,733 --> 00:38:14,967She was deaf.blind, and mute

67400:38:15,033 --> 00:38:16,401from the age of 2.

67500:38:16,466 --> 00:38:18,234Did he succeed with her?

67600:38:18,300 --> 00:38:19,567He did.

67700:38:19,633 --> 00:38:22,202Then it is possible.

67800:38:22,266 --> 00:38:25,569Annie: With patience,l suppose--

67900:38:25,633 --> 00:38:27,267something they did notgive me a certificate for

68000:38:27,333 --> 00:38:28,467at Perkins.

68100:38:28,533 --> 00:38:30,902Kate: Afterthis morning's lesson...

68200:38:32,133 --> 00:38:33,934the Captain wants meto dismiss you,

68300:38:34,000 --> 00:38:36,969but l am going to insistthat you remain.

68400:38:37,033 --> 00:38:37,967Thank you.

68500:38:39,666 --> 00:38:41,234Where is your family,Miss Annie?

68600:38:42,366 --> 00:38:44,201My brotherJimmiewas the last l had.

68700:38:44,266 --> 00:38:45,433He died 12 years ago.

68800:38:45,500 --> 00:38:48,069l'm sory. l--

68900:38:48,133 --> 00:38:50,034l tried to protect him.

69000:38:50,099 --> 00:38:51,868l failed.

69100:38:51,933 --> 00:38:53,434lt's no usetrying to protect

69200:38:53,500 --> 00:38:54,801or speakfor other people.

69300:38:54,866 --> 00:38:56,901Not really.

69400:38:56,966 --> 00:38:59,234The only hope

69500:38:59,300 --> 00:39:01,602is to teach themto do it for themselves.

69600:39:01,666 --> 00:39:04,802Annie: That's what l'mtrying to do with Helen.

69700:39:06,000 --> 00:39:09,236What you demandof her now

69800:39:09,300 --> 00:39:10,734is all she'll ever be.

69900:39:20,566 --> 00:39:22,301Step.

70000:39:24,166 --> 00:39:25,100Unh!

70100:39:31,500 --> 00:39:33,668[Sighs]

70200:39:37,099 --> 00:39:39,535Captain.

70300:40:21,166 --> 00:40:23,201And if what happenedthis morning wasn't enough,

70400:40:23,266 --> 00:40:26,135Helen can't standto be near her.

70500:40:26,199 --> 00:40:27,634Things have gotten worse,

70600:40:27,699 --> 00:40:29,268and l want youto give her notice.

70700:40:29,333 --> 00:40:30,934No.

70800:40:31,000 --> 00:40:33,035[Sighs]

70900:40:33,099 --> 00:40:36,403Well, if you won't,l must.

71000:40:36,466 --> 00:40:40,903Annie: Good evening,Captain, Mrs. Keller.

71100:40:40,966 --> 00:40:41,900Uh...

71200:40:41,966 --> 00:40:42,900Miss Sullivan...

71300:40:44,233 --> 00:40:47,402l find that l am notsatisfied with this--

71400:40:47,466 --> 00:40:51,937That is,this arrangement--

71500:40:52,000 --> 00:40:53,634Arthur: Will you pleasetake off your glasses?

71600:40:53,699 --> 00:40:56,169l find it very difficult tospeak to you with them on.

71700:40:56,233 --> 00:40:58,835Annie:Well, of course.

71800:41:02,199 --> 00:41:04,468lf you must, keep them on.

71900:41:04,533 --> 00:41:05,901Now, Miss Sullivan--

72000:41:05,966 --> 00:41:07,834Annie: Please tell me,Captain, is the little house

72100:41:07,900 --> 00:41:09,334in the grove of treesbeing used for anything?

72200:41:09,400 --> 00:41:11,135The garden house?

72300:41:11,199 --> 00:41:14,369Arthur: This is justwhat l am talking about.

72400:41:14,433 --> 00:41:18,804Miss Sullivan, if youexpect to stay on here,

72500:41:18,866 --> 00:41:20,934there must bea change in your manner.

72600:41:21,000 --> 00:41:22,968Arthur: And you mustconvince me

72700:41:23,033 --> 00:41:25,101that there is the slightesthope of teaching a child

72800:41:25,166 --> 00:41:27,434who flees from youlike the plague.

72900:41:27,500 --> 00:41:29,001You couldshow some sympathy.

73000:41:29,066 --> 00:41:31,501You're absolutely right,Captain.

73100:41:31,566 --> 00:41:33,501There is notthe slightest possibility

73200:41:33,566 --> 00:41:35,634of teaching a childwho runs away from me.

73300:41:35,699 --> 00:41:38,969lt is hopeless here,and the sooner we realize that,

73400:41:39,033 --> 00:41:40,334the sooner we can getto a solution.

73500:41:40,400 --> 00:41:42,468lt is not hopeless!

73600:41:44,000 --> 00:41:47,670Helen could talk by the timeshe was 10 months old.

73700:41:47,733 --> 00:41:48,900Before this illness,

73800:41:48,966 --> 00:41:50,267she wassuch a good child.

73900:41:50,333 --> 00:41:52,201Yes, she wasan extraordinay child.

74000:41:52,266 --> 00:41:55,168l believe that,

74100:41:55,233 --> 00:41:58,069but she's notthat child anymore.

74200:41:58,133 --> 00:41:59,968l've seen pets behavebetter than she does

74300:42:00,033 --> 00:42:01,634and it's your pitythat's the cause of it.

74400:42:01,699 --> 00:42:02,834l beg your pardon!

74500:42:02,900 --> 00:42:06,403l'm afraidyour love for Helen

74600:42:06,466 --> 00:42:08,334is a greaterhandicap to her

74700:42:08,400 --> 00:42:10,635than her blindnessor her deafness.

74800:42:10,699 --> 00:42:11,667Annie, before you came,

74900:42:11,733 --> 00:42:15,470we spoke of puttingHelen in an asylum.

75000:42:15,533 --> 00:42:17,668Please don't give up.

75100:42:17,733 --> 00:42:20,702Obviously, Miss Sullivanthinks it's hopeless.

75200:42:20,766 --> 00:42:23,468Here!lt's hopeless here!

75300:42:23,533 --> 00:42:25,268l'm onlyjust beginning!

75400:42:25,333 --> 00:42:28,402[Sighs]

75500:42:28,466 --> 00:42:30,367Please let me show you.

75600:42:30,433 --> 00:42:32,601Please follow me.

75700:42:39,766 --> 00:42:41,734[Frogs Croaking]

75800:42:46,699 --> 00:42:49,035God knows what thishas to do with anything.

75900:42:49,099 --> 00:42:51,936Captain:This is ridiculous.

76000:42:52,000 --> 00:42:54,869l believe l can onlymake progress with Helen

76100:42:54,933 --> 00:42:56,801If l have completecharge of her.

76200:42:56,866 --> 00:42:58,601But you alreadyhave that.

76300:42:58,666 --> 00:43:01,168Annie: No.l mean day and night.

76400:43:01,233 --> 00:43:03,101She must depend on me.

76500:43:03,166 --> 00:43:04,767For what?

76600:43:04,833 --> 00:43:06,501For eveything!Her food, her clothes

76700:43:06,566 --> 00:43:08,234her play time, her sweets.

76800:43:08,300 --> 00:43:10,268All of these thingsare tools

76900:43:10,333 --> 00:43:12,435Annie: that l can useto reach her.

77000:43:12,500 --> 00:43:14,335And how do youpropose to do that

77100:43:14,400 --> 00:43:15,834when she runs awayfrom you?

77200:43:15,900 --> 00:43:18,002lf she can run to you,l have no hope.

77300:43:18,066 --> 00:43:21,002Annie:Which is whyl must live with her

77400:43:21,066 --> 00:43:22,167somewhere else.

77500:43:23,833 --> 00:43:24,767Annie:You can bring Helen here

77600:43:24,833 --> 00:43:26,467after a long carriage ride.

77700:43:26,533 --> 00:43:28,201She won't knowwhere she is,

77800:43:28,266 --> 00:43:30,167Annie: and you can stillsee her every day,

77900:43:30,233 --> 00:43:32,101provided she does not knowyou're here.

78000:43:32,166 --> 00:43:34,935How long would youkeep her?

78100:43:35,000 --> 00:43:38,103Annie:As long as it takes.

78200:43:38,166 --> 00:43:40,801l know this is the way!

78300:43:40,866 --> 00:43:43,401And, Captain,l cannot be rude to you

78400:43:43,466 --> 00:43:44,934if you're not aroundto interfere with me.

78500:43:49,233 --> 00:43:52,636Am l to understandthat ifl say no to this,

78600:43:52,699 --> 00:43:54,968you will abandon your chargeto an asylum?

78700:43:55,033 --> 00:43:57,902An asylum is no placefor Helen, Captain.

78800:43:57,966 --> 00:44:01,135Believe me, l know.

78900:44:01,199 --> 00:44:05,003l grew up in an asylum--

79000:44:05,066 --> 00:44:06,300in the state poorhouse,

79100:44:06,366 --> 00:44:10,670my brother and l--until it took his life.

79200:44:10,733 --> 00:44:12,534Our playroomwas the deadhouse

79300:44:12,599 --> 00:44:15,269where they kept the bodies untilthey could dig the graves.

79400:44:15,333 --> 00:44:18,602Annie:It made me strong,

79500:44:18,666 --> 00:44:20,934but Helenis strong enough already.

79600:44:24,533 --> 00:44:28,737Please give me this chance.

79700:44:28,800 --> 00:44:31,602Give her this chanceto save herself.

79800:44:31,666 --> 00:44:34,835Miss Sullivan,do you like this child?

79900:44:36,566 --> 00:44:37,500Do you?

80000:44:40,599 --> 00:44:44,403Captain...

80100:44:44,466 --> 00:44:46,501with your permission.

80200:44:57,866 --> 00:44:59,367l'll give you 2 weeks.

80300:44:59,433 --> 00:45:01,601Arthur:You have 2 weeks

80400:45:01,666 --> 00:45:03,768to get the childto toterate you.

80500:45:03,833 --> 00:45:05,100Kate:Percy could stay here.

80600:45:05,166 --> 00:45:06,534He could run errandsfor you.

80700:45:06,599 --> 00:45:09,1022 weeksis not enough.

80800:45:09,166 --> 00:45:11,5012 weeksis what l am offering.

80900:45:14,533 --> 00:45:16,601l'll take it.

81000:45:22,533 --> 00:45:24,368[Pigeons Cooing]

81100:45:32,033 --> 00:45:34,201Where would you likeyour suitcase, Miss Sullivan?

81200:45:34,266 --> 00:45:36,167Oh, anywhere is fine.

81300:45:38,199 --> 00:45:40,602How do you expectto win her over in this place?

81400:45:40,666 --> 00:45:43,635James: You plan totie her to the chair?

81500:45:47,433 --> 00:45:49,501How is it you haveno pity for Helen?

81600:45:49,566 --> 00:45:52,635To have pity for someoneis a waste of energy.

81700:45:55,566 --> 00:45:59,236Feeling sorry forourselves is even worse.

81800:46:02,366 --> 00:46:04,101Well, l hope you win,Miss Sullivan.

81900:46:28,300 --> 00:46:29,634Unh!

82000:46:29,700 --> 00:46:33,437Kate: Well, we rodein the country for2 hours.

82100:46:33,500 --> 00:46:35,602For all she knowsshe could be in anothe town.

82200:46:35,666 --> 00:46:37,801Bring her inside,please.

82300:47:39,000 --> 00:47:40,735Oh, she wants me.

82400:47:40,800 --> 00:47:44,737She can have you backin 2 weeks.

82500:47:47,933 --> 00:47:51,803Miss Annie, pleasetake good care of her.

82600:47:51,866 --> 00:47:53,200l will.

82700:48:05,666 --> 00:48:07,567[Helen Moaning]

82800:48:32,599 --> 00:48:34,535Aah!Hush, hush, hush.

82900:48:34,599 --> 00:48:36,001Hush, hush.

83000:48:51,833 --> 00:48:52,767Unh!

83100:48:52,833 --> 00:48:54,601[Moaning]

83200:48:54,666 --> 00:48:55,700Oh.

83300:49:09,500 --> 00:49:11,435[Helen Cying]

83400:49:21,233 --> 00:49:22,801[Moans]

83500:49:28,766 --> 00:49:30,200Annie: Percy!

83600:49:33,033 --> 00:49:35,068Wake up.l need your help.

83700:49:35,133 --> 00:49:36,067Ohh.

83800:49:41,966 --> 00:49:43,901[Moans]

83900:49:48,599 --> 00:49:50,201Try again.

84000:49:50,266 --> 00:49:51,500Try again.

84100:49:51,566 --> 00:49:53,501[Moans]

84200:49:54,633 --> 00:49:56,568[Sniffs]

84300:50:02,633 --> 00:50:03,567Good.

84400:50:03,633 --> 00:50:04,767Let me go.

84500:50:04,833 --> 00:50:06,568She gonnapinch me.

84600:50:15,500 --> 00:50:17,935l think she'strying to talk.

84700:50:18,000 --> 00:50:19,868She can talk, butshe's got to use her hands.

84800:50:19,933 --> 00:50:21,067Here.Let me show you.

84900:50:22,633 --> 00:50:24,301Aah!

85000:50:24,366 --> 00:50:25,934She's mad at me now,so she doesn't want to play,

85100:50:26,000 --> 00:50:27,701but she knowsa lot of letters.

85200:50:27,766 --> 00:50:28,700''C...''

85300:50:30,033 --> 00:50:31,367''A...''

85400:50:32,433 --> 00:50:33,367''K...''

85500:50:35,300 --> 00:50:36,234''E.''

85600:50:38,866 --> 00:50:40,300Annie: Cake.

85700:50:41,399 --> 00:50:42,367"C..."

85800:50:42,433 --> 00:50:44,234''A...''

85900:50:44,300 --> 00:50:45,734''K...''

86000:50:46,933 --> 00:50:48,501''E.''

86100:50:49,833 --> 00:50:51,768[Moans]

86200:50:54,966 --> 00:50:57,335She spells cake,she gets cake.

86300:51:00,066 --> 00:51:01,600She doesn't knowwhat the word means yet...

86400:51:03,000 --> 00:51:05,302but she will.

86500:51:05,366 --> 00:51:06,233Percy.

86600:51:13,466 --> 00:51:15,134We don't need her.

86700:51:15,200 --> 00:51:16,301How would you like to learnone she doesn't know?

86800:51:16,366 --> 00:51:19,235Annie:''M'' is easy.

86900:51:19,300 --> 00:51:20,234''l'' is even easier--

87000:51:20,300 --> 00:51:22,035Just the pinkie up.

87100:51:22,099 --> 00:51:23,568Annie: ''L.''

87200:51:26,099 --> 00:51:27,034'' K.''

87300:51:28,766 --> 00:51:29,766'' M.'' Why should ltalk to you?

87400:51:29,833 --> 00:51:31,968l'm teaching Percy.

87500:51:32,033 --> 00:51:35,903M-l-L-K.

87600:51:41,466 --> 00:51:42,400No.

87700:51:42,466 --> 00:51:44,301l'm teaching Percy.

87800:51:45,433 --> 00:51:46,700Ooh, you're jealous.

87900:51:57,700 --> 00:51:58,634[Moans]

88000:52:02,500 --> 00:52:03,500''M...''

88100:52:03,566 --> 00:52:04,667''I...''

88200:52:04,733 --> 00:52:05,967''L...''

88300:52:06,033 --> 00:52:06,967''K.''

88400:52:13,866 --> 00:52:14,800[Sighs]

88500:52:16,866 --> 00:52:20,302Annie: At least l'm backto where l can touch you.

88600:52:29,133 --> 00:52:31,134You can goback to bed, Percy.

88700:52:31,200 --> 00:52:32,768Thank you.

88800:52:55,933 --> 00:52:56,967[Sighs]

88900:53:07,099 --> 00:53:10,703l never thought that lifecould be so quiet.

89000:53:22,333 --> 00:53:23,934l miss her, too.

89100:53:25,800 --> 00:53:27,968# Hush, little baby#

89200:53:28,033 --> 00:53:30,335# Don't say a word #

89300:53:30,399 --> 00:53:35,104# Mama's gonna buy youa mockingbird #

89400:53:35,166 --> 00:53:39,537# If that mockingbirddon't sing #

89500:53:39,599 --> 00:53:44,705# Mama's gonna buy youa diamond ring #

89600:53:44,766 --> 00:53:46,200Jimmie: Annie.

89700:53:47,833 --> 00:53:49,201l can't sleep, Annie.

89800:53:49,266 --> 00:53:52,135There are ratsin my room.

89900:53:52,200 --> 00:53:54,969Can't we livesomewhere else?

90000:53:55,033 --> 00:53:56,634We don't haveanywhere else,Jimmie.

90100:53:56,700 --> 00:53:59,636Please, can lsleep with you?

90200:53:59,700 --> 00:54:00,634Just for tonight.

90300:54:03,166 --> 00:54:05,101[Baby Cying]

90400:54:09,633 --> 00:54:11,835# Hush, little baby#

90500:54:11,899 --> 00:54:14,202# Don't say a word #

90600:54:14,266 --> 00:54:16,234# Mama's gonna buy you #

90700:54:16,300 --> 00:54:18,635#A mockingbird #

90800:54:18,700 --> 00:54:21,436Annie: # Andif that Mockingbird #

90900:54:21,500 --> 00:54:23,168Doesn't sing?

91000:54:23,233 --> 00:54:25,034# Mama'sgonna buy you,

91100:54:25,099 --> 00:54:26,968# A diamond ring #

91200:54:49,800 --> 00:54:51,735[Sniffs]

91300:54:53,133 --> 00:54:54,534Flower.

91400:54:59,833 --> 00:55:00,833Leaf.

91500:55:05,633 --> 00:55:06,800Water.

91600:55:14,733 --> 00:55:15,834No.

91700:55:15,899 --> 00:55:18,235Not ''apple.''

91800:55:20,800 --> 00:55:21,967Water.

91900:55:26,666 --> 00:55:28,868[Sighs]

92000:55:28,933 --> 00:55:31,602Why is it so hardto understand?

92100:55:42,666 --> 00:55:44,367We were just aboutto have lunch.

92200:55:44,433 --> 00:55:45,734How is she, Miss Annie?

92300:55:45,800 --> 00:55:47,902Fine.

92400:55:47,966 --> 00:55:49,967Annie: l taught herthat stitch yesterday.

92500:55:50,033 --> 00:55:51,300Now l can't get herto stop.

92600:55:54,166 --> 00:55:56,735lt's so quiet in the housewithout her.

92700:55:56,800 --> 00:55:58,134Kate: Well, whenthe Captain and James

92800:55:58,200 --> 00:56:00,268aren't bickering,that is.

92900:56:00,333 --> 00:56:01,767l noticedthey don't get along.

93000:56:01,833 --> 00:56:03,100Oh, well, they used to

93100:56:03,166 --> 00:56:04,901when James' motherwas alive.

93200:56:04,966 --> 00:56:06,934Kate: But then Helencame along,

93300:56:07,000 --> 00:56:09,268and, well, she takes upso much of our attention.

93400:56:09,333 --> 00:56:10,267[Sniffs]

93500:56:26,033 --> 00:56:27,367Soup.

93600:56:33,366 --> 00:56:34,500Annie:Ooh, such a lady.

93700:56:34,566 --> 00:56:37,602She'd rather starvethan eat without a spoon.

93800:56:37,666 --> 00:56:39,501You have taught herso much

93900:56:39,566 --> 00:56:40,800in a weekand a half.

94000:56:40,866 --> 00:56:42,634Annie:It's not enough.

94100:56:42,700 --> 00:56:44,601Obedience is not enough.

94200:56:44,666 --> 00:56:47,869She knows so many words.

94300:56:47,933 --> 00:56:49,734lf only she knewwhat they meant.

94400:56:49,800 --> 00:56:52,469Kate: And how willshe learn?

94500:56:52,533 --> 00:56:53,867The way a bird learnsto use its wings.

94600:56:53,933 --> 00:56:55,167lt has to come.

94700:56:55,233 --> 00:56:58,469But how, Miss Annie?

94800:56:58,533 --> 00:56:59,467l...

94900:57:01,133 --> 00:57:02,067need...

95000:57:03,599 --> 00:57:05,368more...

95100:57:05,433 --> 00:57:06,333time.

95200:57:06,399 --> 00:57:08,101Alone with her?

95300:57:08,166 --> 00:57:09,100Annie: Yes.

95400:57:09,166 --> 00:57:10,267Why not?

95500:57:11,899 --> 00:57:13,234Because l can't--l --

95600:57:13,300 --> 00:57:14,234Annie: Spell it.

95700:57:14,300 --> 00:57:15,267lf she ever learns,

95800:57:15,333 --> 00:57:17,168you're the first person

95900:57:17,233 --> 00:57:18,400she's going to wantto talk to.

96000:57:23,433 --> 00:57:24,867Annie: She...

96100:57:27,000 --> 00:57:29,736needs...

96200:57:29,800 --> 00:57:30,734me.

96300:57:32,733 --> 00:57:34,534She needs me, too.

96400:57:37,200 --> 00:57:38,134No.

96500:57:39,500 --> 00:57:42,135You have 3 days, Annie.

96600:57:42,200 --> 00:57:44,135That's all you have.

96700:58:02,933 --> 00:58:05,302E-G-G.

96800:58:05,366 --> 00:58:06,233Egg.

96900:58:07,433 --> 00:58:09,468The word is the thing.

97000:58:10,118 --> 00:58:12,053lt has a name.

97100:58:17,751 --> 00:58:18,718[Cracks Egg]

97200:58:18,784 --> 00:58:19,718[Gasps]

97300:58:19,784 --> 00:58:21,719[Chirping]

97400:58:25,518 --> 00:58:26,785Bird.

97500:58:31,818 --> 00:58:35,588The bird is coming outof its shell, Helen.

97600:58:35,651 --> 00:58:38,086You -- You come out, too.

97700:58:41,418 --> 00:58:44,187[Annie Gasps]

97800:58:44,251 --> 00:58:45,685Annie: Ohh.

97900:58:53,051 --> 00:58:54,685Well, Francis,

98000:58:54,751 --> 00:58:56,919l believe we're ontosomething here.

98100:58:56,984 --> 00:58:59,720[Horse Neighs]

98200:58:59,784 --> 00:59:01,552James: Father?

98300:59:01,618 --> 00:59:03,419Hello, Francis.James.

98400:59:03,484 --> 00:59:04,418Captain.

98500:59:07,251 --> 00:59:09,152Thought l'd cometake a look around.

98600:59:11,084 --> 00:59:14,120We had an idea last yearand tried something,

98700:59:14,184 --> 00:59:16,619and it looks like 22 inchesbetween the plants

98800:59:16,684 --> 00:59:18,085gives usabout twice the yield.

98900:59:18,151 --> 00:59:20,286Twice the yield?

99000:59:20,351 --> 00:59:21,618Francis:We had that blue mold

99100:59:21,684 --> 00:59:22,918pretty badlast year, sir.

99200:59:22,984 --> 00:59:25,152We think it's caryingover the winter

99300:59:25,218 --> 00:59:26,786in the roots

99400:59:26,851 --> 00:59:27,851so we're goingto ty to get

99500:59:27,918 --> 00:59:29,286all the roots and stalksout of the ground

99600:59:29,351 --> 00:59:30,285after the harvest.

99700:59:30,351 --> 00:59:32,119Well, withthe roots gone,

99800:59:32,184 --> 00:59:33,919we get a bad rain,we stand to lose

99900:59:33,984 --> 00:59:35,785a whole layer of topsoil.

100000:59:35,851 --> 00:59:38,453Well, l was thinkingof that, too.

100100:59:38,518 --> 00:59:41,821Let's plant some lowgrass for the winter.

100200:59:41,884 --> 00:59:44,820Look for some,would you, Francis?

100300:59:52,818 --> 00:59:55,120Did you needsomething, Father?

100400:59:55,184 --> 00:59:58,120l think l have it, Jimmy.

100501:00:00,451 --> 01:00:02,152Sorry to interrupt.

100601:00:07,984 --> 01:00:08,951Horse.

100701:00:24,051 --> 01:00:25,185Horse...

100801:00:27,218 --> 01:00:28,986eats...

100901:00:29,051 --> 01:00:29,985apple.

101001:01:08,351 --> 01:01:10,553How l have waitedfor this day.

101101:01:10,618 --> 01:01:14,421Arthur: l only hopewe won't be disappointed.

101201:01:14,484 --> 01:01:16,519Helen doesn't everdisappoint you, Father.

101301:01:28,784 --> 01:01:30,218Why are you jealous,James?

101401:01:30,284 --> 01:01:31,718l'm not jealous.

101501:01:32,818 --> 01:01:33,752l'm envious.

101601:01:36,751 --> 01:01:39,553lt's not only Helen who needsto learn how to talk.

101701:01:42,718 --> 01:01:44,086Things will bevery different here

101801:01:44,151 --> 01:01:46,119if Helen is better.

101901:01:46,184 --> 01:01:47,618l know.

102001:01:50,818 --> 01:01:53,387Who will l blame thenfor my unhappiness?

102101:01:53,751 --> 01:01:58,122Annie: If only there wassomeone to help me.

102201:02:00,084 --> 01:02:04,087l feel l need a teacheras much as Helen does.

102301:02:04,151 --> 01:02:05,719[Horse Neighs]

102401:02:05,784 --> 01:02:06,651Arthur: Whoa.

102501:02:08,051 --> 01:02:09,986[Sighs]

102601:02:11,151 --> 01:02:12,085[Dog Barking]

102701:02:12,151 --> 01:02:13,085Ohh.

102801:02:14,518 --> 01:02:15,785Captain.

102901:02:15,851 --> 01:02:19,120Miss Sullivan, l'vebrought Helen a playmate.

103001:02:19,184 --> 01:02:21,185A kind ofgraduation present.

103101:02:21,251 --> 01:02:23,252Please, wait outside,Captain.

103201:02:38,618 --> 01:02:39,552Dog.

103301:02:45,284 --> 01:02:46,752Well, Miss Sullivan,

103401:02:46,818 --> 01:02:48,452the 2 weeks are up.

103501:02:48,518 --> 01:02:49,518Not until 5:00pm.

103601:02:49,584 --> 01:02:52,586Oh, what differencecan half a day make?

103701:02:52,651 --> 01:02:55,153You don't know how eagerwe are to have her back.

103801:02:55,218 --> 01:02:56,752l do know.

103901:02:56,818 --> 01:02:57,752lt's my main concern.

104001:02:59,418 --> 01:03:01,787You've done wondersfor her,

104101:03:01,851 --> 01:03:03,919and you've done usa great service.

104201:03:03,984 --> 01:03:05,985l've actuallymissed her.

104301:03:06,051 --> 01:03:07,552l owe that debt to you.

104401:03:07,618 --> 01:03:09,653Pay it to Helen,Captain.

104501:03:09,718 --> 01:03:10,685Give her another week.

104601:03:12,184 --> 01:03:14,386Look what you've donefor her already.

104701:03:14,451 --> 01:03:16,986She's well-behaved.She seems quite contented.

104801:03:17,051 --> 01:03:17,985Certainly cleaner.

104901:03:18,051 --> 01:03:19,685She's cleaner?

105001:03:19,751 --> 01:03:22,220ls that whatyou care about?

105101:03:22,284 --> 01:03:24,319She's learningto talk, Captain.

105201:03:24,384 --> 01:03:26,452The words arein her fingers already.

105301:03:26,518 --> 01:03:28,386l can't risk herunlearning it

105401:03:28,451 --> 01:03:32,421when she goes backto her old life in the house.

105501:03:32,484 --> 01:03:34,686Oh, look.

105601:03:34,751 --> 01:03:36,886Arthur: What is shespelling?

105701:03:36,951 --> 01:03:39,019Water.

105801:03:39,084 --> 01:03:40,518[Laughs]Miss Sullivan...

105901:03:41,984 --> 01:03:43,585that dog doesn't knowwhat words are

106001:03:43,651 --> 01:03:45,486any more than she does.

106101:03:45,551 --> 01:03:48,220Arthur: The dog'shappy enough, though.

106201:03:48,284 --> 01:03:49,551God may not have meant

106301:03:49,618 --> 01:03:51,353for Helen to speak,Miss Sullivan.

106401:03:51,418 --> 01:03:54,454l mean her to, Captain.

106501:03:54,518 --> 01:03:55,852Give her half a week.

106601:03:59,684 --> 01:04:01,285You have until 5:00pm.

106701:04:02,584 --> 01:04:05,219Kate cannot bearto be separated from her

106801:04:05,284 --> 01:04:06,652for another night.

106901:04:12,418 --> 01:04:13,519Where is she?

107001:04:15,451 --> 01:04:17,553Your Miss Sullivaninsisted on keeping her

107101:04:17,618 --> 01:04:18,752until 5:00pm.

107201:04:20,118 --> 01:04:21,519[Sighs]

107301:04:21,584 --> 01:04:24,186[Sighs]

107401:04:24,251 --> 01:04:25,785No.

107501:04:25,851 --> 01:04:28,186Not ''water.''

107601:04:32,784 --> 01:04:33,818Dog.

107701:04:37,884 --> 01:04:38,818Dog.

107801:04:42,818 --> 01:04:43,752[Sighs]

107901:04:48,651 --> 01:04:49,985This...

108001:04:51,218 --> 01:04:53,587This -- This is water.

108101:05:08,984 --> 01:05:11,920How do l make herunderstand?

108201:05:13,251 --> 01:05:15,686How do l tell you?

108301:05:19,351 --> 01:05:21,586l don't know anything.

108401:05:29,251 --> 01:05:30,719They're satisfied.

108501:05:32,051 --> 01:05:34,186Give them back their child

108601:05:34,251 --> 01:05:35,719and their dog...

108701:05:36,884 --> 01:05:38,385both housebroken.

108801:05:39,951 --> 01:05:41,419Eveyone's satisfied.

108901:05:43,118 --> 01:05:45,553Eveyone but me...

109001:05:45,618 --> 01:05:47,953Annie: and you.

109101:05:48,018 --> 01:05:49,185Reach!

109201:05:52,618 --> 01:05:54,419Reach!

109301:06:03,518 --> 01:06:06,687Oh, what l wantedto give you, Helen.

109401:06:06,751 --> 01:06:08,486Eveything in the earth,

109501:06:08,551 --> 01:06:11,153eveything that we are,what we dream of.

109601:06:11,218 --> 01:06:14,087what we leave behind,

109701:06:14,151 --> 01:06:17,187what we think and feeland know and share--

109801:06:17,251 --> 01:06:19,686it's all in words.

109901:06:21,418 --> 01:06:23,953lfl could give youone word...

110001:06:24,018 --> 01:06:26,253[Sighs]

110101:06:26,318 --> 01:06:29,788One word, l couldgive you eveything.

110201:06:35,851 --> 01:06:37,752Wool.

110301:06:37,818 --> 01:06:39,986lt means this.

110401:06:51,784 --> 01:06:52,718Chair.

110501:06:57,551 --> 01:07:00,186Napkin.

110601:07:05,151 --> 01:07:06,285Dress.

110701:07:19,418 --> 01:07:20,886Face.

110801:07:26,251 --> 01:07:28,186[Sighs]

110901:07:32,484 --> 01:07:34,419[Cying]

111001:07:39,018 --> 01:07:40,018Ohh.

111101:07:59,351 --> 01:08:00,485Tears.

111201:08:14,751 --> 01:08:16,853[Clock Chimes 5:00pm]

111301:08:19,451 --> 01:08:21,119Let's bring her home.

111401:08:33,918 --> 01:08:35,352Hmm?

111501:08:35,418 --> 01:08:37,887Let's putyour things away.

111601:08:41,284 --> 01:08:42,718Put them away.

111701:08:44,784 --> 01:08:46,118Good.

111801:08:46,184 --> 01:08:48,786You are going home.

111901:08:50,451 --> 01:08:51,385Helen...

112001:08:52,618 --> 01:08:54,052is going home.

112101:08:59,318 --> 01:09:01,319That's right.Put your things away.

112201:09:01,384 --> 01:09:02,918Arthur: Whoa.

112301:09:08,018 --> 01:09:09,519How is she?

112401:09:09,584 --> 01:09:12,186Please. Pleasegive me more time.

112501:09:12,251 --> 01:09:14,386l can't.

112601:09:14,451 --> 01:09:15,451Helen?

112701:09:17,918 --> 01:09:18,885Ohh.

112801:09:23,484 --> 01:09:25,419[Sniffs]

112901:09:29,684 --> 01:09:30,618Helen.

113001:09:32,284 --> 01:09:33,718Ohh.

113101:09:33,784 --> 01:09:34,718Oh.

113201:09:38,484 --> 01:09:40,419[Laughs]

113301:09:42,151 --> 01:09:43,418Oh.

113401:10:07,318 --> 01:10:09,253[Sighs]

113501:10:19,951 --> 01:10:22,286Jimmie: Anniel'm so hot, Annie!

113601:10:22,351 --> 01:10:24,753Can you bring mesome water? Annie

113701:10:24,818 --> 01:10:26,452l have to go to him!

113801:10:26,518 --> 01:10:28,419He's got no oneon the earth but me!

113901:10:28,484 --> 01:10:30,986Do you think l wantan epidemic on my hands?

114001:10:31,051 --> 01:10:32,318Jimmie: Annie!

114101:10:32,384 --> 01:10:33,551- Proctor: You can't- Annie: Jimmie!

114201:10:33,618 --> 01:10:34,652Jimmie: Annie

114301:10:34,718 --> 01:10:35,852Jimmie!

114401:10:35,918 --> 01:10:38,420Proctor: We're doingthe best we can.

114501:10:38,484 --> 01:10:39,852l'll come and get youwhen l can.

114601:10:39,918 --> 01:10:40,852Jimmie!

114701:10:40,918 --> 01:10:42,019Jimmie: Annie

114801:10:42,084 --> 01:10:43,318l tried, butthey wouldn't let me in.

114901:10:43,384 --> 01:10:45,419Jimmie: Annie

115001:10:45,484 --> 01:10:47,052- Annie- Jimmie!

115101:10:47,118 --> 01:10:48,652Annie:Jimmie!

115201:10:48,718 --> 01:10:50,886Jimmie: Annie

115301:10:50,951 --> 01:10:52,652Annie

115401:10:53,884 --> 01:10:55,819[Sobs]

115501:11:22,718 --> 01:11:23,785[Sniffles]

115601:11:28,818 --> 01:11:30,886May l escort you?

115701:11:30,951 --> 01:11:34,220l'm not vey good companyright now.

115801:11:34,284 --> 01:11:36,019Oh, l didn't cometo keep you company.

115901:11:36,084 --> 01:11:38,252l came to keep you fromgetting lost in the dark.

116001:11:38,318 --> 01:11:40,153Maybe that's just whatl was looking to do.

116101:11:40,218 --> 01:11:43,187Are you feeling sorryfor yourself. Miss Sullivan?

116201:11:43,251 --> 01:11:46,253Just this once.

116301:11:46,318 --> 01:11:47,252Yes.

116401:11:53,451 --> 01:11:57,054My father hasa great respect for you,

116501:11:57,118 --> 01:11:59,553and that's noteasily earned.

116601:11:59,618 --> 01:12:01,453He fought at Vicksburg.

116701:12:01,518 --> 01:12:03,453He edits the newspaper.

116801:12:04,618 --> 01:12:07,754And he's always daring youto measure up.

116901:12:07,818 --> 01:12:10,153lf you haveany advice for me,

117001:12:10,218 --> 01:12:11,419l wouldn't mindhearing it.

117101:12:11,484 --> 01:12:13,018l never reallyhad a father,

117201:12:13,084 --> 01:12:17,388so l'm the last personto ask,

117301:12:17,451 --> 01:12:19,519but you've got tostand up to the world.

117401:12:19,584 --> 01:12:20,851That's all l know.

117501:12:20,918 --> 01:12:23,787Well, what ifhe's the world?

117601:12:23,851 --> 01:12:24,885Then you can justIook around, James,

117701:12:24,951 --> 01:12:28,988and see how much biggerit really is.

117801:12:29,051 --> 01:12:31,353He's a man, James.That's all.

117901:12:31,418 --> 01:12:32,352So are you.

118001:12:38,284 --> 01:12:40,119[Knock On Door]

118101:12:42,818 --> 01:12:44,953Aunt Evelyn.

118201:12:45,018 --> 01:12:46,719Well, come in.Come in.

118301:12:46,784 --> 01:12:48,819lt is so goodto see you.

118401:12:48,884 --> 01:12:52,454You have comeand see our Helen now.

118501:12:54,751 --> 01:12:56,686[Sniffs]

118601:13:09,418 --> 01:13:11,353The sweet child.

118701:13:11,418 --> 01:13:14,354Miss Sullivanmust be a wonder.

118801:13:14,418 --> 01:13:16,553Arthur:Miss Sullivan.

118901:13:18,118 --> 01:13:20,787l've brought you yourfirst month's salay.

119001:13:20,851 --> 01:13:22,786[Sighs]

119101:13:24,651 --> 01:13:26,719You've done quite a job.

119201:13:26,784 --> 01:13:28,185You've takena wild thing

119301:13:28,251 --> 01:13:29,485and given us backa child.

119401:13:29,551 --> 01:13:32,320l taught Helenone thing--

119501:13:32,384 --> 01:13:33,551"No."

119601:13:33,618 --> 01:13:36,087Don't do this.Don't do that.

119701:13:36,151 --> 01:13:39,187l wantedto teach her ''yes.''

119801:13:39,251 --> 01:13:41,653Well, you'll have allthe time you need now.

119901:13:41,718 --> 01:13:43,186Will you help me, Captain?

120001:13:43,251 --> 01:13:44,785Yes. How?

120101:13:44,851 --> 01:13:47,320Don't undo what l've done.

120201:13:48,484 --> 01:13:50,786The world is notan easy place for anyone.

120301:13:50,851 --> 01:13:53,253Annie: To give Helenher way in everything

120401:13:53,318 --> 01:13:54,886is a lie to her.

120501:13:54,951 --> 01:13:57,653You've got to standbetween her and that lie.

120601:13:57,718 --> 01:14:00,454Annie:Don't give in.

120701:14:00,518 --> 01:14:03,520We're certainlygoing to try.

120801:14:03,584 --> 01:14:08,155l used to wonderhow l would earn a living.

120901:14:08,218 --> 01:14:09,786Now, the question is,can l survive it?

121001:14:10,951 --> 01:14:13,353l'll see you at supper.

121101:14:16,784 --> 01:14:18,719[Sniffs]

121201:14:20,884 --> 01:14:22,018Oh...

121301:14:22,084 --> 01:14:25,854we glad to have youback, missy.

121401:14:47,051 --> 01:14:49,720What, Helen?What?

121501:14:49,784 --> 01:14:50,718Oh, yes.

121601:14:50,784 --> 01:14:52,685Keys. Yes.

121701:14:52,751 --> 01:14:54,953l'll keep the keys, hmm?

121801:14:55,018 --> 01:14:57,854l think we've had enoughof locked doors around here.

121901:14:59,184 --> 01:15:00,618Here they are.

122001:15:01,718 --> 01:15:03,152That's right.

122101:15:05,951 --> 01:15:08,887James:''AndJacob was left alone

122201:15:08,951 --> 01:15:11,887for the breaking of day,

122301:15:11,951 --> 01:15:15,954James: and he wrestledwith an angel.

122401:15:16,018 --> 01:15:17,552And the angel said,'Let me go,

122501:15:17,618 --> 01:15:19,686for the daybreaks#

122601:15:19,751 --> 01:15:21,619And Jacob said,'l will not let you go

122701:15:21,684 --> 01:15:23,619until you bless me.'''

122801:15:24,718 --> 01:15:26,086Amen.

122901:15:26,151 --> 01:15:27,085- Arthur: Amen- Aunt Ev: Amen.

123001:15:27,151 --> 01:15:28,085Kate: Amen.

123101:15:29,784 --> 01:15:32,052That's a vey strangegrace,James.

123201:15:32,118 --> 01:15:34,487l thought it wasa vey fitting grace

123301:15:34,551 --> 01:15:35,785consideringthe circumstances.

123401:15:35,851 --> 01:15:38,420So, you're an expert nowon the Bible

123501:15:38,484 --> 01:15:41,420Arthur: and tobacco,is that right,James?

123601:15:43,084 --> 01:15:44,385Kate:Pickles, Aunt Ev?

123701:15:44,451 --> 01:15:46,119Aunt Ev:l should say so.

123801:15:46,184 --> 01:15:48,085You know my opinionof your pickles.

123901:15:48,151 --> 01:15:50,820Well, this is the lastof them, l'm afraid.

124001:15:50,884 --> 01:15:52,418l didn't put upnearly enough last summer,

124101:15:52,484 --> 01:15:54,652but this year,l intend to.

124201:15:56,284 --> 01:15:58,219Arthur: Reverend Tompkinsstopped by the office today

124301:15:58,284 --> 01:16:00,085to complain abouthis weevils.

124401:16:00,151 --> 01:16:01,819l told him...

124501:16:03,518 --> 01:16:04,685James: Did youtell him to--

124601:16:04,751 --> 01:16:06,886l told him to talk to youabout his weevils, James.

124701:16:06,951 --> 01:16:08,519Aunt Ev: l thinkit's marvelous

124801:16:08,584 --> 01:16:10,185what a successful farmer

124901:16:10,251 --> 01:16:11,819you have turned outto be, James.

125001:16:14,351 --> 01:16:15,785Ohh.

125101:16:21,051 --> 01:16:22,652Miss Annie, no.

125201:16:22,718 --> 01:16:23,652[Moaning,Kicking Table]

125301:16:23,718 --> 01:16:24,652No.

125401:16:24,718 --> 01:16:25,852Kate: Please?

125501:16:25,918 --> 01:16:27,719l have hardly hadan hour with her.

125601:16:29,184 --> 01:16:30,919Captain?

125701:16:30,984 --> 01:16:32,418Katie...

125801:16:32,484 --> 01:16:33,518We...

125901:16:33,584 --> 01:16:35,319Arthur:we had a little talk.

126001:16:35,384 --> 01:16:37,819Miss Sullivan feelsthat if we indulge Helen in--

126101:16:37,884 --> 01:16:39,318Aunt Ev: But what'sthe child done?

126201:16:39,384 --> 01:16:41,319Annie: She's learned not tothrow things on the floor

126301:16:41,384 --> 01:16:42,585and kick.

126401:16:42,651 --> 01:16:43,718Well, it's onlya napkin.

126501:16:43,784 --> 01:16:45,485lt's not as if it weresomething breakable.

126601:16:45,551 --> 01:16:47,686Either give Helen to me, oryou keep her from kicking.

126701:16:47,751 --> 01:16:48,952Please.

126801:16:49,018 --> 01:16:50,018What do youwant me to do?

126901:16:50,084 --> 01:16:51,685Let me take herfrom the table.

127001:16:51,751 --> 01:16:54,019But this isher first evening back.

127101:16:54,084 --> 01:16:57,187Kate: Will once hurtso much, Miss Annie?

127201:16:57,251 --> 01:16:58,752l have made all of Helen'sfavorite foods.

127301:16:58,818 --> 01:16:59,952She's testing you.

127401:17:00,018 --> 01:17:01,352She's testing you.

127501:17:01,418 --> 01:17:03,086Annie: l know!

127601:17:03,151 --> 01:17:04,652Wellshe's not kicking now.

127701:17:04,718 --> 01:17:07,687This is whatl was worried about.

127801:17:07,751 --> 01:17:09,819ls this what you promised meIess than an hour ago?

127901:17:17,584 --> 01:17:18,885Give in to her, then.

128001:17:18,951 --> 01:17:22,854She's the onewho will pay for it.

128101:17:22,918 --> 01:17:26,988Annie: Please pass me moreof Helen's favorite foods.

128201:17:36,051 --> 01:17:38,319Take her, Miss Annie.

128301:17:38,384 --> 01:17:40,185Thank you.

128401:17:42,551 --> 01:17:44,152There.Take her.

128501:17:45,218 --> 01:17:47,553[Helen Moaning]

128601:17:48,918 --> 01:17:49,852Arthur: No.

128701:17:49,918 --> 01:17:52,086l won't have this.

128801:17:53,518 --> 01:17:55,253l don't see thatwe need to send her

128901:17:55,318 --> 01:17:56,285from the table.

129001:17:56,351 --> 01:17:58,152Let me hold Helento what she's learned,

129101:17:58,218 --> 01:17:59,786and she will go onlearning.

129201:17:59,851 --> 01:18:03,120Take her out of my hands,and it all comes apart.

129301:18:03,184 --> 01:18:04,818She isthe guest of honor.

129401:18:04,884 --> 01:18:06,986[Moans]

129501:18:07,051 --> 01:18:08,452Bring her plate back.

129601:18:08,518 --> 01:18:09,919lf she werea seeing child,

129701:18:09,984 --> 01:18:10,918Annie: you would notstand for this.

129801:18:10,984 --> 01:18:11,984Well, she's not.

129901:18:12,051 --> 01:18:13,886l think some allowancesare called for.

130001:18:15,418 --> 01:18:17,253Arthur: Bring her plateback, please.

130101:18:17,318 --> 01:18:18,419Unh!

130201:18:25,484 --> 01:18:27,452Thank you.

130301:18:27,518 --> 01:18:28,986Unh!

130401:18:35,718 --> 01:18:36,652There.

130501:18:45,651 --> 01:18:47,219Now let's start all over.

130601:19:02,718 --> 01:19:04,386No.

130701:19:04,451 --> 01:19:05,685- No.- [Moans]

130801:19:05,751 --> 01:19:07,686Annie:Mm-mmm.

130901:19:07,751 --> 01:19:09,018No.

131001:19:09,084 --> 01:19:10,251No.

131101:19:11,418 --> 01:19:12,352Uhh!

131201:19:14,618 --> 01:19:15,585[Helen Moaning]

131301:19:15,651 --> 01:19:16,585Don't get up!

131401:19:16,651 --> 01:19:17,918What are you doing?

131501:19:17,984 --> 01:19:19,018l treat herlike a seeing child

131601:19:19,084 --> 01:19:20,518because l ask her to see!

131701:19:20,584 --> 01:19:22,519l expect her to see!

131801:19:22,584 --> 01:19:23,718Where are youtaking her?

131901:19:24,884 --> 01:19:26,719To make her refillthis pitcher!

132001:19:27,918 --> 01:19:29,853[Moaning]

132101:19:36,284 --> 01:19:37,885Uhh!

132201:19:37,951 --> 01:19:40,887You let her speak to youlike that, Arthur?

132301:19:40,951 --> 01:19:42,819[Helen Cying]

132401:19:42,884 --> 01:19:43,851No, l don't.

132501:19:43,918 --> 01:19:45,552Let her go!

132601:19:45,618 --> 01:19:47,386What?

132701:19:49,284 --> 01:19:50,284Let her go.

132801:19:50,351 --> 01:19:51,685She's right.

132901:19:51,751 --> 01:19:53,352She's right,and Kate's right.

133001:19:53,418 --> 01:19:54,886lf you drive Miss Sullivanaway from here,

133101:19:54,951 --> 01:19:56,419then we're lost.

133201:19:56,484 --> 01:19:57,785No.

133301:19:59,218 --> 01:20:00,218Helen is lost.

133401:20:00,284 --> 01:20:01,685Captain, please.

133501:20:18,084 --> 01:20:19,018Jimmy...

133601:20:23,484 --> 01:20:24,418Thank you.

133701:20:29,351 --> 01:20:31,186[Moaning]

133801:20:39,418 --> 01:20:41,486Know where we are?

133901:20:41,551 --> 01:20:43,552You recognizethis place?

134001:20:46,784 --> 01:20:47,718Pump.

134101:20:58,484 --> 01:20:59,518No.

134201:20:59,584 --> 01:21:02,353Your mother's...

134301:21:02,418 --> 01:21:04,987not here.

134401:21:05,051 --> 01:21:06,318Ah.

134501:21:06,384 --> 01:21:07,485Pump.

134601:21:17,551 --> 01:21:19,519[Water Pouring]

134701:21:23,784 --> 01:21:25,352Annie: Water.

134801:22:08,118 --> 01:22:09,619W...

134901:22:09,684 --> 01:22:11,218Helen:Wa...

135001:22:11,284 --> 01:22:12,218Wa...

135101:22:13,618 --> 01:22:14,852Wa...

135201:22:14,918 --> 01:22:17,053Wa...

135301:22:18,284 --> 01:22:19,885W...

135401:22:19,951 --> 01:22:22,186W...

135501:22:22,251 --> 01:22:23,452W...

135601:22:26,818 --> 01:22:28,886Water.

135701:22:28,951 --> 01:22:30,185Yes.

135801:22:30,251 --> 01:22:31,919Water.

135901:22:31,984 --> 01:22:33,018lt has a name.

136001:22:34,684 --> 01:22:35,718Water.

136101:22:36,784 --> 01:22:38,519Annie:Yes. Yes.

136201:22:38,584 --> 01:22:40,719W-W...

136301:22:40,784 --> 01:22:41,718W...

136401:22:41,784 --> 01:22:43,252Annie:Yes. Yes.

136501:22:43,318 --> 01:22:44,285Wa...

136601:22:44,351 --> 01:22:46,319Wa...Wa...

136701:22:46,384 --> 01:22:48,285Yes. Yes.

136801:22:48,351 --> 01:22:49,485Water.

136901:22:49,551 --> 01:22:51,219Yes.

137001:22:54,384 --> 01:22:55,518Pump.

137101:23:02,251 --> 01:23:03,185Ground.

137201:23:05,318 --> 01:23:06,252Yes.

137301:23:12,484 --> 01:23:13,418Bush.

137401:23:16,218 --> 01:23:17,152Flower.

137501:23:21,384 --> 01:23:22,685[Laughs]

137601:23:22,751 --> 01:23:25,086[Moans]

137701:23:25,151 --> 01:23:26,085[Bell Rings]

137801:23:27,218 --> 01:23:28,285Annie: Captain

137901:23:28,351 --> 01:23:30,119Mrs. Keller,come quickly!

138001:23:30,184 --> 01:23:31,585She knows!

138101:23:34,051 --> 01:23:35,152Annie:Mrs. Keller...

138201:23:36,218 --> 01:23:37,152she knows!

138301:23:37,218 --> 01:23:38,652She knows!

138401:23:42,718 --> 01:23:43,652Mother.

138501:23:49,651 --> 01:23:50,618Yes.

138601:23:50,684 --> 01:23:51,951Kate: Yes.

138701:23:52,018 --> 01:23:52,952Annie: Captain.

138801:23:57,718 --> 01:23:59,386Papa.

138901:24:00,884 --> 01:24:02,318Kate: Good.

139001:24:27,818 --> 01:24:29,753[Sighs]

139101:25:03,518 --> 01:25:04,385Teacher.

139201:25:19,084 --> 01:25:20,018Yes.

139301:25:20,084 --> 01:25:21,285Teacher.

139401:25:35,518 --> 01:25:37,186Keys?

139501:25:37,251 --> 01:25:39,086She wants the keys.

139601:25:42,084 --> 01:25:43,385Here you go.

139701:25:43,451 --> 01:25:44,385There.

139801:25:55,051 --> 01:25:55,985OK.

139901:25:57,151 --> 01:25:59,019''K...''

140001:25:59,084 --> 01:26:00,585"E...''

140101:26:00,651 --> 01:26:01,651''Y.''

140201:26:01,718 --> 01:26:02,919Key.

140301:26:10,451 --> 01:26:11,852Teacher.

140401:26:15,051 --> 01:26:16,419Kate:Teacher.

140501:26:18,451 --> 01:26:20,486Kate, darling.

140601:26:47,802 --> 01:26:48,736l...

140701:26:50,536 --> 01:26:51,470love...

140801:26:53,002 --> 01:26:54,169Helen...

140901:26:56,902 --> 01:26:58,370so much.

141001:27:01,169 --> 01:27:02,603So much.