Peraturan Akademik UGM Adi Utarini

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Peraturan Akademik UGM

Adi Utarini


3 Ujian komprehensif

5 Kemajuan penelitian

7 Seminar hasil

Tata Perilaku Mahasiswa Per Rektor 711/P/SK/HT/2013

DON’T: Academic Misconduct

Plagiarisme Kecurangan Kolusi


fabrikasi Deceit

Types of plagiarism

CLONE: exactly the same

CTRL-C: significant portions of text

FIND-REPLACE: changing key-words

and phrases

REMIX: paraphrases from multiple sources

RECYCLE: borrow generously from author’s previous


HYBRID: combines perfectly cited sources with copied pasagges

without citation

MASHUP: mixes copied material from

multiple sources

404ERROR: Inaccurate

information of sources

AGGREGATOR: Proper citation but

no original work

RE-TWEET: Proper citation, relies

heavily on text’s original work

27 Guidelines

• Avoiding plagiarism, self-plagiarism and other questionable writing practices: A guide to ethical writing (Roig M)

• Etika Pembimbingan UGM (Draft 23 Juli 2014)

• Don’t grow old together…


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Website Penelitian FK UGM

‘Many people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist.

They are wrong: it is character’

Albert Einstein

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