Per Lundgren 1 A Facilitation Vehicle to Promote Master’s Programme Development

Per Lundgren1 A Facilitation Vehicle to Promote Master’s Programme Development

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Page 1: Per Lundgren1 A Facilitation Vehicle to Promote Master’s Programme Development

Per Lundgren 1

A Facilitation Vehicle to Promote Master’s

Programme Development

Page 2: Per Lundgren1 A Facilitation Vehicle to Promote Master’s Programme Development

Per Lundgren 2

You face options as a teacher.

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Per Lundgren 3

You face options as a teacher.You are under the influence


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Per Lundgren 4

One of three in the executive committe of IMPACT 2007-2009. The others are Claes Niklasson and Patrik Jansson.

Per Lundgren, associate professor at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers.

About the speaker

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About this presentation

Main intended purpose:

Per Lundgren 5

Show how Chalmers deals with the transformation to the Bachelor/Master structure, as one example of how to support educational development.

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About this presentation


Per Lundgren 6

1.Background: conditions at Chalmers

2.Motivation: the ideas behind IMPACT

3.Implementation: how IMPACT works

4.Discussion: please contribute!

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Per Lundgren 7

1.Background: conditions at Chalmers

Chalmers is a Swedish university of technology in which research and teaching are conducted

on a broad front within technology, natural science and architecture.

Our inspiration lies in the joy of discovery and the desire to learn. Underlying everything we

do is a wish to contribute to sustainable development both in Sweden and world-wide.

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Per Lundgren 8

1.Background: conditions at Chalmers

Chalmers strengthsProfessionalism and driving force

for sustainable development

World class education

Internationally recognized research

Creative work environment

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1.Background: conditions at Chalmers

10 000 students , 1 400 faculty, 700 staff, 17 departments

Endowment in Chalmers Foundation:

(figure from 2007) ~ $ 300 000 000

The Swedish government pays $10 000 annually per successful student. Endowment resources used only for temporary projects (NOT running continuous operation).

World top class institutions for higher education: tuiton (40%), return on endowment (30%), gifts et c give $50 000 to spend on each student’s education annually.

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Per´s special view on ChalmersAcademic efficiency












0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2

I mbalance research/ teaching








1.Background: conditions at Chalmers

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1.Background: conditions at Chalmers

All Chalmers students starting their Bachelor education since 2004 have been following the first cycle of higher education described in the Bologna declaration and in 2007 the first students entered the second cycle, where all Master level studies at Chalmers are organised in international Master’s programmes.

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1.Background: conditions at Chalmers

In 2006 every head of department at Chalmers agreed that the single most important near time strategic challenge for us was the implementation of the new Master’s programmes.

Only one application for new project support from the Chalmers Foundation was submitted, signed by all department heads. This was the project for development of our Master’s programmes – IMPACT.

Information technologyBioscienceEnvironmental sceinceMicrotechnology

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1.Background: conditions at Chalmers

The previous major investment by the Chalmers Foundation directed at the undergraduate education, was set up by having external evaluation of internal applications and focussing the resources to a few larger projects.

One consequence of this set up was a high degree of negative feed-back (rejection) of many of the ideas sprung from faculty regarding improvements in the education we provide.

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2. Motivation: the ideas behind IMPACT

Sorbonne, May 1998

Bologna, June 1999

Prague, June 2001

Berlin, Sept 2003

Bergen, May 2005

London, 2007

Leuven, 2009

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2. Motivation: the ideas behind IMPACT

Bologna ideas

Establish a system of easily transferable accessible andcomparable degrees (Bachelor, Master, Doctoral)

Establish a European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

Promote mobility

Promote cooperation within Europe concerning qualityassurance

Promote a European dimension in higher education

Promote Life Long learning

Actively engage students in the development

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2. Motivation: the ideas behind IMPACT

IMPACT Goals – derived from a bottom-up process

1. Develop internationally competitive Master’s Programmes with clear goals for improving the knowledge and competence of students.

2. Coordinate the Master’s Programmes with Bachelor-, Bachelor Engineering- and other Master’s Programmes and with graduate schools in a clear and well structured way.

3. Improve the connection within programmes by means of well defined learning outcomes and more visible common themes in the programmes.

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2. Motivation: the ideas behind IMPACT

IMPACT Goals – derived from a bottom-up process

4. Deliver all programmes and courses in English, using a pedagogy designed for active and life-long learning.

5. Ensure that the issues of diversity and sustainable development are considered in the delivery of the Master’s programmes.

6. Strengthen the teachers’ competence in terms of pedagogy and English communication.

7. Provide new learning resources in English that are more than mere translations of existing material.

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2. Motivation: the ideas behind IMPACT

IMPACT Goals – derived from a bottom-up process

8. Set up a format for feed-back from important stakeholders.

9. Design a system of assessment for the Master’s programmes to be used in long term quality assurance.

10. Set up common arenas for experience sharing and/or other means of support for the promotion of pedagogical development.

11. Institute adequate administrative routines for programme support and, for example quality assured admissions.

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Per Lundgren 19

Key ideaAll programmes can easily define where they have an

imminent need of support for their Master’s programme development. The defined need is generally large compared to the available resources.

2. Motivation: the ideas behind IMPACT

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Per Lundgren 20

Key ideaMany small projects means that a large portion of the faculty can be

engaged in the process and feel included.

A high number of projects spreads the risks for the investor.

A high level of freedom in defining project scope enables the resources to go where those closest to actual operations put their priorities.

2. Motivation: the ideas behind IMPACT

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Per Lundgren 21

Key ideaA slimmed project management and minimum

requirements for reporting and external reviewing saves resources for actual project execution.

2. Motivation: the ideas behind IMPACT

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Per Lundgren 22

Key idea

Should we just distribute all the money to the departments for them to use at their own discretion?

2. Motivation: the ideas behind IMPACT

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Per Lundgren 23

Should we just distribute all the money to the departments for them to use at their own discretion?

3.Implementation: how IMPACT works

Should We just distribute some money to the departments for them to use at their own discretion.

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Per Lundgren 24

All departmental vice heads with responsibility for undergraduate education participate in the process of designing a (simple) template for project applications.

3.Implementation: how IMPACT works

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The steering committee of IMPACT takes the decision on which projects that will receive funding, based on recommendations from the executive group.

All applications are reviewed by an augmented executive group.

3.Implementation: how IMPACT works

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Per Lundgren 26

The departmental vice heads are project applicants and responsible for reporting projects.

The amount of available funding and the maximum number of projects for every department are regulated.

3.Implementation: how IMPACT works

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Per Lundgren 27

With every project comes the privilege of being invited to a spring and autumn IMPACT workshop.

3.Implementation: how IMPACT works

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Per Lundgren 28

As IMPACT progresses, more control is taken to focus projects towards IMPACT goals that have received insufficient attention.

This is carried out by focussing the resources to selected issues.

3.Implementation: how IMPACT works

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Per Lundgren 29

In Dec. 2007 all the vice heads of the departments answered a

questionnaire about the project development. The results show

some very important and supportive result:

– 82% emphasise that IMPACT has improved the competitiveness

of Chalmers Master´s programmes;

– 91% agree that the resources have been used effectively (54%

very effectively);

– 100% state that information in IMPACT was most satisfactory;

– 91% agree that IMPACT strongly contributes to the fulfilment of

IMPACT goals

3.Implementation: how IMPACT works

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Per Lundgren 30

In mid-2008 IMPACT all the Master´s programmes directors answered around 20 questions regarding the IMPACT goals. The results of the self-evaluations have been used as input for group interviews .The same self-evaluation will be carried out in 2009 as well to verify that we have progressed in the right direction.

3.Implementation: how IMPACT works

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Per Lundgren 31

The group interviews included project leaders, department vice heads and one representative for the IMPACT executive group. All projects are grouped by departments and for each project, a short description of the project, possibilities and strengths, problems, the contributions to IMPACT's top-level goals and possibilities of knowledge transfer to other parts of Chalmers were discussed.

3.Implementation: how IMPACT works

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3.Implementation: how IMPACT works

IMPACT home page: http://www.chem.chalmers.se/impact/index.htm

IMPACT project portal: https://impact.portal.chalmers.se

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4.Discussion: please contribute!

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