People Like Jesus Create Trouble

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  • 7/27/2019 People Like Jesus Create Trouble


    A MAN WAS TRAVELING THROUGH THE WILDERNESS when he came across someanimals having a speech contest. The judge was a lion who invited the man tobecome part of the audience. The man accepted.

    A FOX STOOD UP AND GAVE A SMOOTH AND CLEVER SPEECH. At one point, hedeclared, 'The moon is larger than the sun.'

    THE NEXT SPEAKER WAS AN ELEPHANT whose voice boomed out with power andauthority. His talk included the sentence, 'Summer is cooler than winter.'

    THEN CAME A TIGER WHOSE ELOQUENCE IMPRESSED EVERYONE. At one pointhe said, 'The river runs uphill.'

    The observing man remarked to the lion, 'They are superb orators. However, I'mpuzzled. ALL OF THEM MADE STATEMENTS WHICH WERE OBVIOUSLY UNTRUE. Notonly that, but the audience either did not notice or did not care. Why do yourspeakers make false statements?'

    'That's an unworthy habit, alright,' admitted the lion, 'BUT THE AUDIENCE ISMORE INTERESTED IN ENTERTAINMENT THAN IN ENLIGHTENMENT. And, if youdon't mind sir, I would like to tell you that we have picked up this bad habit fromyou human beings.'

    THE PRIESTS, THE POLITICIANS: THEY ARE GREAT ORATORS, superb; greatthinkers, very complex weavers, spinners of theories, philosophies, BUT, THEY ARENOT SINCERE ABOUT RELIGION. They use religion. Religion is, at the most, aprofession.

    AND THE AUDIENCE IS NOT INTERESTED IN ENLIGHTENMENT, THE AUDIENCEIS SEEKING ENTERTAINMENT. Whether you go to a cinema hall or to a theater, to adancing party, or to the church or the temple, your interest is the same: you areseeking some place where you can forget yourself. You are seeking entertainment.

    ENLIGHTENMENT IS JUST THE OPPOSITE. You will have to seek a space withinyourself where it becomes impossible to forget yourself; where even if you want, itis not possible to forget; where self-remembering becomes a constant flame.

    Here is the point where PEOPLE LIKE JESUS CREATE TROUBLE. They are notgreat orators. They are not interested in theories and they are not there toentertain anybody. They are not professionals. They are not using religion for their

    own ends. THEY ARE SINCERE PEOPLE -- sincerely interested in helping,SINCERELY INTERESTED IN CREATING A SITUATION WHERE MAN CAN REALIZEHIMSELF. The trouble starts because the professionals are already there; thepriests, the politicians are already there.

    Whenever a man like Jesus enters into the world, the priests and the politiciansbecome alert. It is dangerous for them. If Jesus succeeds, they will be thrown,

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    uprooted. The whole establishment will collapse. IF THE ESTABLISHMENT HAS TOREMAIN, THEN JESUS HAS TO BE DESTROYED.

    This is the first thing to be understood -- because this is always happening, eventoday. AND THIS WILL GO ON HAPPENING. History goes on repeating itself notbecause there is any natural law that history should repeat itself, but only becauseMAN HAS NOT CHANGED. Man remains the same, the old. He behaves again andagain in the same way.

    YOU ARE HERE WITH ME; MANY PRIESTS ARE WORRIED ABOUT IT, MANYPOLITICIANS ARE WORRIED ABOUT IT. Why they should be worried? It is none oftheir business -- but it is. Their very base is that religion should not become asincere search -- it should remain, at the most, a superficial entertainment; at themost, a mannerism, an etiquette.


    is trying to make them inferior; Jesus is not even aware of it. He has not eventhought about it. But through his very presence... the sun rises in the morning, andthe stars, disappear. Whenever Jesus is there, the priests start disappearing. Thepoliticians are in a difficulty; they cannot hold their ground.

    I HAVE HEARD A VERY BEAUTIFUL ANECDOTE about a certain doctor, Buzby. Hewas a great headmaster in England, a very famous headmaster. Even the kingbecame interested. And once, the king went to see the headmaster in his school.The king was allowed in the school. Doctor Buzby started through the schoolroomswith his hat on his head, while His Majesty walked complacently behind him with hishat under his arm.

    The other people who had followed the king were a little disturbed and worriedand restless: 'Is this headmaster a little eccentric? He has not shown even thatmuch respect to the king; he could have taken his hat off.' Even the king was alittle uneasy about it, but he didn't say anything.

    When he was taking his leave at the door, the doctor, with great humility, thenaddressed the king, 'I hope Your Majesty will excuse my want of respect hitherto,but if my boys were to imagine that there were a greater man in the kingdom thanmyself, I should never be able to rule them. So please excuse me.' He said, 'Theyshould know that even the king is not greater than their headmaster. Otherwise, itwould be impossible to rule them again.'

    THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A JESUS WALKS ON THE EARTH: THEPOLITICIANS, THE PRIESTS, BECOME AFRAID. They cannot allow the common manto know that a greater possibility exists, that a greater man is possible. Otherwise,they will not be able to rule again. Hence, Jesus has to be crucified. He has to bedestroyed before the public so the public can know well 'who is the boss here'.


  • 7/27/2019 People Like Jesus Create Trouble


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