z r y w v r w L- kI J a THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL FRIDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 5 1909 5 jj- j Phone 38 p sss tI fmd Phone 38 From eople Events From 2toSm By BONNIE BURNHAM 73Oto1Opm 1 e + e 4 11 It THE WEEKS EVENTS FRIDAY Meeting of the Social Card club hostess lrs J M Clutter- on + East Cervantes street SATURDAY 0 Meeting of the Browning club hostess Mrs Boucher at No 17 + East Brainard street + 9 THE LAND OF USEDTOBE Theres a wonderful country fair to see Thats known as the land of Usedto- be ¬ j Just over the borders ofArcady In tho golden Kingdom of Kiss The skies in this kingdom are always blue There are roses the fairest that ever grew Love sings In the darkness antI smiles In the dew In this garlanded Isle of bliss Therps light and laughter and musics croon And the patter of Jeet clad in fairy shoop And the tawn ot the sun and th2 sheen of tho moon King Folly in fools atire And the loves one lost return and woo And the dreams one dreamed as In tales come true And prince and pauper receive nil due In this land of Hearts Desire ltg a wonderful country this laud 4 of dreams jf country remote from the world and its schemes Vhere everything is just what every thing seems p And loving is glint and glee Where age wins youth and youth wins fame And love comes lisping the love ones name And joy is living and grief a game In the Land of the Usedtobe Philadelphia Star MEETING OF THE DAUGHTERS OF TiE KING TODAY There Will be a meeting of the Daughters of the King today at 41 Bclock The meeting will take place- In tho Testry room ot Christ churcu MEETING QFTH- E1IeAf CLUB TODAY There will fee a postponed meeting k today of the popular Thursday club Mrs B Radlsto4ie ° steai- iomo nthe on West tBelmont street I j ARD rJr1gS SOCIAL yTlrs J mrDe hostel today at the regular meeting of tile Social Card club at her home on CJer vantes street She is one of the very Well known members of the club MRS A F BROWN RETURNS FROM THE NORTH Mrs A F Brown has returned from a tour months visit with rela- tives ¬ In Ohio and New York She is much Improved in health to the de- light ¬ of her many local friends THE CHILDREN THE CONFEDERACY TO MEET The Children of the Confederacy Kill meet today at tho biouvac Jm mediately after school The meeting Mil take place today instead of on Friday of noxt week on account oJ I the TrlCounty Fair attractions LAtHES SOCIETY HELD REGULAR MEETING- The Ladles Society of the Luth bran church held a successful meet- Ing yesterday at the home of Mrs w J Berry on West Government Jtr et A great deal of work was ac i romplishcd and much of importance diScussed THE REV MR MOORE TO- SS EAK TONIGHT The Rev Mr Moore will speak at 4 jtonights services of the Sal ation Army his discourse to be directed I along the line of endeavor as plan- ned ¬ foy Adjutant Grimshaw In the series of meetings At last Rights meeting four ministers were present being the Rev Mr Julian S Blbley Rev Mr C W Gavin Rev Moore and Mr Gavins father who i L j tra Large Bilk Olives Fresh as the morn- ing ¬ I dew and with the delicious and quaint tang that J Vs peculiarly that of I Milyfresh olives > Ocents- per quart i I r I SoCahn CO THJURE FOOD STORE aU Candles hones 17201721 1 is also a methodist minister and who- is present In the city Mr Gavin will speak again at the services on Mon ¬ day night MRS W D CHIPLEY LEAVES FOR NORTH CAROLINA CMrs W D Chipley left the city yetserday for various points in North Carolina She will be the guest of friends and relatives TO SPEND WINTER- IN THE NORTH Miss Fannie Aiken will spend the winter in the north to the regret ot- her numerous Pensacola friends She will leave shortly for Washington D C New York city and other points of interest I LIEUTENANT P C SPENCER OF VAN COUVER BARRACKS- IS HERE Lieutenant P C Spencer of Van Couver barracks Washington D C is visiting in the city He Is the guest of his sister Mrs Dr Tiller- on East Mallory street THE REV MR A A ROYCE- IN NEW ORLEANS- The Rev Mr A A Royce is enjoy ¬ ing a weeks vacation In New Or ¬ leans The pulpit at Christ church will be filled on Sunday by the Rov Mr Tyndell of MarIetta Georgia who will arrive tomorrow to be a guest of iMr and Mrs R A Hyer WILL SPEND THE SEASON- IN MEXICO Mrs Mary Walker and Miss Min- nie ¬ Walker who have been at the home of iMr and Mrs Thos V Han- nah ¬ for some time left yesterday Tor Mexico City Mexico where they will spend the season with Mrs Brown sister of Mrs Hannah MISS LOTTIE RICE ATTENDS WEDDING AT EVERGREEN ALA Miss Lottie Rice is spending tho week in Evergreen Ala where she went to attend the wedding of a friend From there she will go on MontsometT and oihei > pointrin Alabama returning to the city with- in the next three weeks MR JOHN H PACE TO- RETURNTHISWEEK Word received from Mr John H Pace states that he will be among his Pensa ola friends again during the last prt of the week He has been ill at Athens Ga for the past week but is now recovering He will be warmly welcomed home by those who know him best V HOLY BAPTIST MEETINGS I There will be services at the Holy Baptist church at the corner of 10th avenue and Garden street tonight I and every night this week and the public is cordially invited to he pres ¬ ent The Rev Mr W W Thorp will be in charge and the hour is 730 oclock JOHNSON GUINOT- WEDlSfNG LAST NIGHT The marriage of Miss tula May Johnson and Mr Frances E Guinot took place last evening at S15 oclock at the home of Rev Mr and Mrs TV Senterflitt the popular Baptist divine having officiated A few friends were present to witness the ceremony the bride having ap ¬ peared very attractive in a handsome white gown with matching accessor- ies ¬ Sha is the charming daughter- of Mrs Mentho on East Intendencia street and it was at the homo of the bride that the couple received the many congratulations of their friends last night Both young people are very popular and highly esteemed in NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA If You Have It Read This Letter Hannah Bros Guarantee MIona- I was taken last August with a se- vere ¬ stomach trouble The doctor siiid it was nervous dyspepsia He gave me medicine for that I took his treatment four weeks didnt feel any better at tho end of four weeks than I did when I commenced taking his medicine I took everything I heard of The first day of December 1908- I got a box of Miona I took them that afternoon and the next day and havent had one bit of pain in my stomach since the 2nd of December- I took live boxes Feel well now sleep goodthat is something I havent done in a number of years Mrs M E Maxfield R F D 2 Avoca N Y Juno 9 1909 Miona in the form ofa tablet is the best prescription for ndigestion ever written- It relieves after dinner distress belching of gas Toul breath heart ¬ burn etc in five minutes- It Is guaranteed by Hannah Bros to permanently cure indigestion acute or chronic or any disease of the stom- ach ¬ or money back Miona is sold by leading druggists everywhere and in Pensacola by Han- nah ¬ Bros at 30 cents a large boy Test sample free from Booths Mio- na Buffalo X Y- IIYOMEI I Cures catarrh or money back Just breathe it ia Complete outfit including inhaler L Extra bottles 50c Druggists I CURES ECZEMA QUICKLY New Discovery Has Revolutionized- the I Treatment of Skin Diseases Nothing in the history of medicine has ever approached the success of the marvelous skin remedy known as poslam which it is safe to say has j cured more cases of eczema and skin diseases than any remedy ever offer 1 for these ills The success of poslam is not at all surprising when it is considered that even a very small quantity applied to the skin itching immediately and cures chronic cases in two weeks The very worst cases of eczema as well us atxie herpes tetter piles salt rheum rash crusted humors scaly scalp anI evcrj form of itch yield to it readily Blemishes such as pimples red noses muddy and inflamed skin disappear alwost immediately when poslam is apjled the complexion being cleared overnight Every druggist keeps both the 50 crt size for minor troubles and tie 2 jar and either of these may be oo tamed in Pensacola at the Crystal Phaimacy and DAlembertes as woll as other reliable drug stores But 110 one is oven asked to pur- chase ¬ poslam without first obtaining an experimental package which will be sent by mail free of charge upon reniest by the Emergency Laborator- ies ¬ 32 West Twentyfifth street New York city e 4 RHODESFUTCH COLLINS FUR CO 26 and 23 E Garden St II the city the groom having won the reputation of being an excePtionaiIv fine young man worthy of the confi- dence ¬ in which he Is held They will make their home at number 320 East Intendencia street for the present r MRS L M DAVIS RECEIVES SAD NEWS FROM NEW YORK Mrs TJ M Davis received the very sad intelligence yesterday of the death of a favorite niece in New York the deceased having left a young husband besides numerous oth- er ¬ sorrowing relatives Mrs Davis visited at the now stricken home dur- ing the summer and feels the blow keenly U MANY ATTENDED BENEFIT SUPPER LAST NIGHT Many attended the benefit supper given last night for the Sisters of Mercy in the armory hall Oysters gumbo cake coffee etc were serv- ed ¬ by the ladies and other attrac ¬ tions were also arranged for the en- tertainment ¬ of those present With- a cause so worthy in view there were numbers to whom It was indeed a pleasure to lend every possible patronage to the good work in hand v FLINCH CLUB TO ENJOY OUTING ON SATURDAY- The New City Flinch club mem- bers ¬ are to enjoy a novel outing to morrow which will be a trip across the bay to Santa Rosa island in the launch Lena There will be a num- ber ¬ of invited guests present and the start will be made at ten a m Flinch cards will be taken and tne game played on the breezeblown pavilllon galleries and lunch will be provided- by the ladies The return will be made about five oclock- AT THE SALVATION ARMY LAST NIGHT The Rev Mr Gavin of the First- M E church was orator of the even- ing ¬ last night at the Salvation Army hall where Adjutant Grimshaw and lila faithful assistants are striving so valiantly to save souls Mr Gavin who is always a forceful speaker never appeared to better advantage- than he did last night and is to be lauded highly indeed for the part in the great work for good which he is taking He also brought along nis fine choir which under the direction of Miss Cawthon has grown to be one of the best known musical or ¬ ganizations in the city and whicn rendered some fine selections last night Last nights meeting was one of the finest which has occurred in the newly inaugurated series and the Army feels justly proud of the result of its efforts NEW TABLE SILVER- All of the latest knives and forks have handles of silver which have entirely superseded the white handles of ivory and mother of pearl The silver is found to be more substan- tial ¬ and is less likely to be spoiled- or broken Iby constant use Silver platters also take precedence over the ones of china for the serving of all meats poultry and fish as they hold the heat better and insure the serving of these courses piping hot a thing not possible with china- It is not customary abroad to place half a dozen knives and forks of va ¬ rious designs some for fish and som for fowl and some for no one Knows what alongside the plates before a dinner is begun But for each course as it is removed the waiter brings the tool for the next Not only IB till bit of sho done away with but it is considered in bad taste to spread out an array of silverware before your guests an act which appears rather parv nu as though the object of a feast were to make an exhibition of wealth It is taken for granted By BustedMa- ny a mhn goes brokein Health then wealth Blames his mind says it dont work right hilt all the time its his dowels They dont work liver dead and the whole system gets clogged with poison Nothing kills good cleancut brain action like con ¬ stipation CASCARETS will relieve and cure Try it now 915 CASCARETS JOe a box for a weeks treatment AHdroeeJsts Bluest seller In the world Million boxes a month I Gersons Now Located in TMesen BuildingS- ee our pretty window display of new goods just arrived Brass GoodsT- his beautiful line of serviceable brass articles includes Jardiniers Electroliers I Hanging Fern Pots Umbrella Stands Chafing Dishes Alcohol Stoves with All Accessories- You are invited to call at our new store whether- you buy or not NEW YORKS LATEST STYLESI- n Millinery just arrived Call and see them Wilkins Millinery Parlors Blount Building ones guests that there is plenty ot silver to go round Hick CAPUDINE Cures Sick Headache Also Nervous Headache Travellers Head ¬ ache and aches from Grip Stomach Troubles or Female troubles Try Capu dineits liquid effects immediately Sold by druggists PERSONAL MENTION Miss Henrietta Roth who is well known here is visiting in Honolulu Miss Elise Chipley will leave soon for Atlanta Mrs Maurey of Mobile is a guest- of her daughter Mrs Walker Ander- son ¬ Judge and Mrs Bellinger are to erect a pretty new home on the It I formerly owned by Mr Walter Pitt Mr Curry Moreno well known n this city is ill at the Georgia Mil- itary ¬ academy SANBORNS- pecial to the Journal Sanborn Nov 4Capt Robt F Yent of CarralxMIe county Surveyor of Franklin county was up last week surveying lands and shaking hands with his old friende The captain is I soventv the ninth inst but is as young as ever He at one time com- manded ¬ several dittorent steamer I which plied the river here and was the most popular of all the captains ExJudge W W Geter and J H I White of Bristol were business call ¬ ers locating lands last week Colvin rothers or three of tntru killed a 423 pound bear last week and say that there are several others that had better scatter their tracks Capt J R Ward public road con trader was down last week with six men putting the rOils in good repair C apu V L Roberts left Friday last with a tow of togs 426 for R J B F Camp Lumber Company of Car loa OlIe B Wiggings launch his broken tho connecting rod and is now under treatment G L Ltjclviuny is towing naval stores to Mcintyre this week with his launch u Maid of the Mist Tlos H Syfirtt was over thi = week getting hogs foil his pmder Held P A Sanborn paid Carrabelle a call eanesuay lust returning ihe same lay with the county surveyor E C Roberts was here several days ago to get the thirtyfive horsepower engine from grind cane with Many school children suffer from constipation which Is often the cause of seeming stupidity at lessons Cham- berlains ¬ Stomach and Liver Tablets are an ideal medicine to give a child for they are mild and gentle in tbier effect and will cure even chronic con ¬ stipation ARE YOU COMING BEULAHS- pecial to the Journal Benlah Nov 4Wc had a good rain here Tuesday for which all are thankful as it will help the Tall gar- dens and H was getting pretty dry in the voocis and fields Mr and Mrs latnes Snowden were in the city Sunday the guests of J T Wilson and faiiily C E Snowden and wife were the guests of Arthur Spare and family SuncaV Mrs R T Irvin entertained a few friends r t dinner last Friday in honor- of r Jrvins birthday A J Garrett has been confined to his lied the past week butJa now some better and able to be up again Mrs John Mathis bad a narrow es- cape froaii serious injury Tuesdaj evening She went to turn scroe colts out of the field one of them ran over her knocking her down and hurting her in hr back and shoul ¬ dersWe are not claiming more for the dairy as a money getter thnn there is in it nor really much than half if a man goes into it with a good grade of cows and does his part The cows that Mr Jefferson has are just com- mon ¬ pinej woods cos bought of neighbors and the amount of butter and cream sold ppr week from fou cows should have read six dollars per week instead of sixtj as printed last week Not bad for cows giving milk since last April The Methodists oT Beulah will commence thrr protracted meeting- on Saturday night Nov 6th and will continue for a week until the interest begins to wane Dr Hamtmitt the district superintendent will be here the Sth inst to hold the quarterly conference some time in the after- noon As this brings the years work- to a dose ninth imporLant business will be transacted and it la hoped that there will be a good attendance I Americas Foremost Brand LUZIANNE COFFEEIt- s Its QUALITY means satisfaction STRENGTH means economy Its PURITY means safety Its FRESHNESS means delight ANY PATRONPLEASING GROCER WILL SUPPLY YOU THE REILYTAYLOR CON- EW ORLEANS U S A ITS UP TO US to do all work promptly and- to the Queens Taste The Empire Laundry where lin- ens ¬ last is many laps ahead- of all competitors Empire LaundryWh- ere Linen Lat W C MACKEY Mgr Phone 322 especially on the part of the church officials Dr Hammitt will be here two or three days and will probably pah Monday and Tuesday night NEW OFFICER VASSLEEPiNGWO- RKING THREE NIGHTS NEW COP WAS SAID TO HAVE BEEN DOZING PEACEFULLY WHEN ROUNDSMAN CAME UP WITH HIM Marshal Sanders last night BUJ pended from duty Officer T Q Mc Nair charging him with sleeping while on duty which carries a penal- ty of dismissal from the force The officer is a new man having passed a successful examination only last week and placed on a beat last Mon- day night Early yesterday morning however the captain reported he found McNair sleeping on duty and I a I TOMATOES BEANS EGG PLANTS PEPPERS Fresh from the dew laden fields of produc ¬ tion Daily by express Other vegetable and meat suggestions to aid you with cooking duties Phone uswe have something new every day THE PARLOR MARKET 214 SOUTH PALAFOX ST Phones 173458t- he charges were framed and served upon the officer when he reported foi duty on watch No 2 last night H was suspended pending action by tin board of safety The board may hold a special meeting during the week to dLjoae of the case Many suits sold many more left Kuppenheimer- and boys suits at actual cost The Hub opposite Post offic- eAREYOTJCOMING A PROTEST FILED Chattanooga Tenn Nov 4The Augusta baseball club has filod a pe- tition ¬ with till national cowHi si < ri asking that the two first games of th1 post season scrip with Chattunoo b thrown out If granted tlu > vil give tne South Atlantic pennant o Augusta Shade Protection Beauty E Trees planted about he home serve a triple purpose shade and beauty and add to the actual cash value of thu property if wId- e have devoted nenrly years to the F production of trees and plants nre to C offer suraeations an to selecting and plantm- cGlen q Saint Mary Trees and Plants arc uard alt over the South Ihe bui of hundreds of fruit lug orchard and the setting of countless beautiful homei They- are the product our favorable soil and climate and our thirty years of knowing how We test all our tock we know that everything ill trut to namr and vanity before it leaver us Thin is real Nursery Service if it to you ak for our new Book Q Handsomely illustrated beautiful color covers interesting throughout to you Glen Saint Mary Nurseries Glen Saint Mary Florida r Remarkable Cure according to a A Texas Lady Writes prescription of known merit in such diseases from rare in- gredients ¬ Words cannot my gratitude to Cardui largely imported di- rect ¬ writes Mrs MjScottiofWellbornTex9thasbeen from Europe Cardui has the means of saving my life I took it according to di- rections ¬ stood the severest of all tests and I am now a well woman and do all of the test of TIME my own work For 50 years it has been The lump in my riaht side has entirely disap- peared ¬ helping sick women back to 4 I l t health We wish that although several physicians said I could never you I vould let it I iJ help you without thinks recover a surgical operation Everybody 1 In addition to its specific IlI1 it a remarkable cure action upon the womanly or ¬ Before I took Cardui I suffered the most excruci ¬ gans Cardui has the further U ating pain that ever experienced and had almost anyone advantage of being a building l given up to hopeless despair What Cardui did for me strengthening vitalizing re- constructive ¬ 1 L fr I it do for others I will continue to praise it as long tonic of special value to weak wornout- as I live for I consider it the finest medicine ever dis ¬ overworked women covered for all female ailments It builds up the constitution and helps to restore Cardui has achieved wonderful success in chronic lost nervous energy and force cases of womanly ills similar to that of Mrs Scott Try Cardui Your druggist keeps it U 1i HG2 DU I The- Womans Tonic

Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-11-05 [p 5].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00344/0300.pdfsmiles In the dew In this garlanded Isle of bliss Therps light and laughter

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j Phone 38 p sss tI fmd Phone 38From eople Events From


1 e + e 4



FRIDAYMeeting of the Social Card club hostess lrs J M Clutter-

on+ East Cervantes streetSATURDAY 0Meeting of the Browning club hostess Mrs Boucher at No 17

+ East Brainard street+ 9

THE LAND OF USEDTOBETheres a wonderful country fair to

seeThats known as the land of Usedto-


j Just over the borders ofArcadyIn tho golden Kingdom of Kiss

The skies in this kingdom are alwaysblue

There are roses the fairest that evergrew

Love sings In the darkness antIsmiles In the dew

In this garlanded Isle of blissTherps light and laughter and

musics croonAnd the patter of Jeet clad in fairy

shoopAnd the tawn ot the sun and th2

sheen of tho moonKing Folly in fools atire

And the loves one lost return andwoo

And the dreams one dreamed as Intales come true

And prince and pauper receive nildue

In this land of Hearts Desire

ltg a wonderful country this laud4 of dreams

jf country remote from the worldand its schemes

Vhere everything is just what everything seems

p And loving is glint and gleeWhere age wins youth and youth

wins fameAnd love comes lisping the love ones

nameAnd joy is living and grief a game

In the Land of the UsedtobePhiladelphia Star


There Will be a meeting of theDaughters of the King today at 41

Bclock The meeting will take place-In tho Testry room ot Christ churcuMEETING QFTH-E1IeAf CLUB TODAY

There will fee a postponed meetingk today of the popular Thursday club

Mrs B Radlsto4ie °steai-iomo nthe

on West tBelmont street


yTlrs J mrDe hosteltoday at the regular meeting of tileSocial Card club at her home on CJervantes street She is one of the veryWell known members of the club


Mrs A F Brown has returnedfrom a tour months visit with rela-tives


In Ohio and New York She ismuch Improved in health to the de-light



The Children of the ConfederacyKill meet today at tho biouvac Jmmediately after school The meetingMil take place today instead of onFriday of noxt week on account oJ I


The Ladles Society of the Luthbran church held a successful meet-Ing yesterday at the home of Mrsw J Berry on West GovernmentJtr et A great deal of work was ac

i romplishcd and much of importancediScussed


The Rev Mr Moore will speak at4 jtonights services of the Sal ation

Army his discourse to be directed I

along the line of endeavor as plan-ned


foy Adjutant Grimshaw In theseries of meetings At lastRights meeting four ministers were

present being the Rev Mr Julian SBlbley Rev Mr C W Gavin RevMoore and Mr Gavins father who

i L

j tra Large

Bilk OlivesFresh as the morn-ing


I dew and withthe delicious andquaint tang that J

Vs peculiarly that of I

Milyfresh olives

> Ocents-per quarti I




aU Candleshones 17201721


is also a methodist minister and who-is present In the city Mr Gavin willspeak again at the services on Mon ¬


CMrs W D Chipley left the cityyetserday for various points in NorthCarolina She will be the guest offriends and relativesTO SPEND WINTER-IN THE NORTH

Miss Fannie Aiken will spend thewinter in the north to the regret ot-her numerous Pensacola friends Shewill leave shortly for Washington DC New York city and other pointsof interest


Lieutenant P C Spencer of VanCouver barracks Washington D Cis visiting in the city He Is theguest of his sister Mrs Dr Tiller-on East Mallory streetTHE REV MR A A ROYCE-IN NEW ORLEANS-

The Rev Mr A A Royce is enjoy¬

ing a weeks vacation In New Or ¬

leans The pulpit at Christ churchwill be filled on Sunday by the RovMr Tyndell of MarIetta Georgiawho will arrive tomorrow to be aguest of iMr and Mrs R A HyerWILL SPEND THE SEASON-IN MEXICO

Mrs Mary Walker and Miss Min-nie


Walker who have been at thehome of iMr and Mrs Thos V Han-nah


for some time left yesterday TorMexico City Mexico where they willspend the season with Mrs Brownsister of Mrs HannahMISS LOTTIE RICEATTENDS WEDDING ATEVERGREEN ALA

Miss Lottie Rice is spending thoweek in Evergreen Ala where shewent to attend the wedding of afriend From there she will go on

MontsometT and oihei> pointrinAlabama returning to the city with-in the next three weeksMR JOHN H PACE TO-RETURNTHISWEEK

Word received from Mr John HPace states that he will be amonghis Pensa ola friends again duringthe last prt of the week He hasbeen ill at Athens Ga for the pastweek but is now recovering Hewill be warmly welcomed home bythose who know him best



There will be services at the HolyBaptist church at the corner of 10thavenue and Garden street tonight I

and every night this week and thepublic is cordially invited to he pres ¬ent The Rev Mr W W Thorp willbe in charge and the hour is 730oclock


The marriage of Miss tula MayJohnson and Mr Frances E Guinottook place last evening at S15oclock at the home of Rev Mr andMrs TV Senterflitt the popularBaptist divine having officiated Afew friends were present to witnessthe ceremony the bride having ap ¬

peared very attractive in a handsomewhite gown with matching accessor-ies


Sha is the charming daughter-of Mrs Mentho on East Intendenciastreet and it was at the homo of thebride that the couple received themany congratulations of their friendslast night Both young people arevery popular and highly esteemed in


If You Have It Read This LetterHannah Bros Guarantee MIona-I was taken last August with a se-


stomach trouble The doctorsiiid it was nervous dyspepsia Hegave me medicine for that I took histreatment four weeks didnt feel anybetter at tho end of four weeks thanI did when I commenced taking hismedicine I took everything I heardof The first day of December 1908-I got a box of Miona I took themthat afternoon and the next day andhavent had one bit of pain in mystomach since the 2nd of December-I took live boxes Feel well nowsleep goodthat is something Ihavent done in a number of yearsMrs M E Maxfield R F D 2 AvocaN Y Juno 9 1909

Miona in the form ofa tablet isthe best prescription for ndigestionever written-

It relieves after dinner distressbelching of gas Toul breath heart¬

burn etc in five minutes-It Is guaranteed by Hannah Bros to

permanently cure indigestion acute orchronic or any disease of the stom-ach


or money backMiona is sold by leading druggists

everywhere and in Pensacola by Han-nah


Bros at 30 cents a large boyTest sample free from Booths Mio-na Buffalo X Y-


Cures catarrh or money back Justbreathe it ia Complete outfit includinginhaler L Extra bottles 50c Druggists


New Discovery Has Revolutionized-theI Treatment of Skin Diseases

Nothing in the history of medicinehas ever approached the success ofthe marvelous skin remedy known asposlam which it is safe to say has

j cured more cases of eczema and skindiseases than any remedy ever offer 1

for these illsThe success of poslam is not at all

surprising when it is considered thateven a very small quantity applied tothe skin itching immediately andcures chronic cases in two weeks Thevery worst cases of eczema as well usatxie herpes tetter piles salt rheumrash crusted humors scaly scalp anIevcrj form of itch yield to it readilyBlemishes such as pimples red nosesmuddy and inflamed skin disappearalwost immediately when poslam isapjled the complexion being clearedovernight

Every druggist keeps both the 50crt size for minor troubles and tie

2 jar and either of these may be ootamed in Pensacola at the CrystalPhaimacy and DAlembertes as wollas other reliable drug stores

But 110 one is oven asked to pur-chase


poslam without first obtainingan experimental package which willbe sent by mail free of charge uponreniest by the Emergency Laborator-ies


32 West Twentyfifth street NewYork city




26 and 23 E Garden StII

the city the groom having won thereputation of being an excePtionaiIvfine young man worthy of the confi-dence


in which he Is held They willmake their home at number 320 EastIntendencia street for the present


Mrs TJ M Davis received the verysad intelligence yesterday of thedeath of a favorite niece in NewYork the deceased having left ayoung husband besides numerous oth-er


sorrowing relatives Mrs Davisvisited at the now stricken home dur-ing the summer and feels the blowkeenly



Many attended the benefit suppergiven last night for the Sisters ofMercy in the armory hall Oystersgumbo cake coffee etc were serv-ed


by the ladies and other attrac ¬

tions were also arranged for the en-tertainment


of those present With-a cause so worthy in view therewere numbers to whom It was indeeda pleasure to lend every possiblepatronage to the good work in hand



The New City Flinch club mem-bers


are to enjoy a novel outing tomorrow which will be a trip acrossthe bay to Santa Rosa island in thelaunch Lena There will be a num-ber


of invited guests present and thestart will be made at ten a m Flinchcards will be taken and tne gameplayed on the breezeblown pavilllongalleries and lunch will be provided-by the ladies The return will bemade about five oclock-


The Rev Mr Gavin of the First-M E church was orator of the even-ing


last night at the Salvation Armyhall where Adjutant Grimshaw andlila faithful assistants are striving sovaliantly to save souls Mr Gavinwho is always a forceful speakernever appeared to better advantage-than he did last night and is to belauded highly indeed for the part inthe great work for good which heis taking He also brought along nisfine choir which under the directionof Miss Cawthon has grown to beone of the best known musical or¬

ganizations in the city and whicnrendered some fine selections lastnight Last nights meeting was oneof the finest which has occurred inthe newly inaugurated series andthe Army feels justly proud of theresult of its effortsNEW TABLESILVER-

All of the latest knives and forkshave handles of silver which haveentirely superseded the white handlesof ivory and mother of pearl Thesilver is found to be more substan-tial


and is less likely to be spoiled-or broken Iby constant use Silverplatters also take precedence overthe ones of china for the serving ofall meats poultry and fish as theyhold the heat better and insure theserving of these courses piping hota thing not possible with china-

It is not customary abroad to placehalf a dozen knives and forks of va¬

rious designs some for fish and somfor fowl and some for no one Knowswhat alongside the plates before adinner is begun But for each courseas it is removed the waiter brings thetool for the next Not only IB till

bit of sho done away with but it isconsidered in bad taste to spread outan array of silverware before yourguests an act which appears ratherparv nu as though the object of afeast were to make an exhibition ofwealth It is taken for granted By

BustedMa-ny a mhn goes brokein Healththen wealth Blames his mind

says it dont work right hilt all thetime its his dowels They dont work

liver dead and the whole system getsclogged with poison Nothing killsgood cleancut brain action like con¬

stipation CASCARETS will relieveand cure Try it now 915

CASCARETS JOe a box for a weekstreatment AHdroeeJsts Bluest sellerIn the world Million boxes a month

I GersonsNow Located in

TMesen BuildingS-

ee our pretty windowdisplay of new goodsjust arrived

Brass GoodsT-

his beautiful line ofserviceable brass articlesincludes



Hanging Fern PotsUmbrella StandsChafing DishesAlcohol Stoves withAll Accessories-You are invited to call

at our new store whether-you buy or not


n Millinery just arrivedCall and see them

Wilkins Millinery

ParlorsBlount Building

ones guests that there is plenty otsilver to go round

Hick CAPUDINE Cures Sick HeadacheAlso Nervous Headache Travellers Head ¬

ache and aches from Grip StomachTroubles or Female troubles Try Capudineits liquid effects immediately Soldby druggists

PERSONAL MENTIONMiss Henrietta Roth who is well

known here is visiting in Honolulu

Miss Elise Chipley will leave soonfor Atlanta

Mrs Maurey of Mobile is a guest-of her daughter Mrs Walker Ander-son


Judge and Mrs Bellinger are to

erect a pretty new home on the ItI formerly owned by Mr Walter PittMr Curry Moreno well known n

this city is ill at the Georgia Mil-itary



SANBORNS-pecial to the Journal

Sanborn Nov 4Capt Robt FYent of CarralxMIe county Surveyorof Franklin county was up last weeksurveying lands and shaking handswith his old friende The captain is

I soventv the ninth inst but is asyoung as ever He at one time com-manded


several dittorent steamer I

which plied the river here and wasthe most popular of all the captains

ExJudge W W Geter and J HI White of Bristol were business call ¬

ers locating lands last weekColvin rothers or three of tntru

killed a 423 pound bear last week andsay that there are several others thathad better scatter their tracks

Capt J R Ward public road contrader was down last week with sixmen putting the rOils in good repair

Capu V L Roberts left Friday lastwith a tow of togs 426 for R JB F Camp Lumber Company of Carloa OlIe

B Wiggings launch his brokentho connecting rod and is now undertreatment

G L Ltjclviuny is towing navalstores to Mcintyre this week with hislaunch u Maid of the Mist

Tlos H Syfirtt was over thi =

week getting hogs foil his pmderHeld

P A Sanborn paid Carrabelle a calleanesuay lust returning ihe samelay with the county surveyor

E C Roberts was here several daysago to get the thirtyfive horsepowerengine from grind canewith

Many school children suffer fromconstipation which Is often the causeof seeming stupidity at lessons Cham-berlains


Stomach and Liver Tabletsare an ideal medicine to give a childfor they are mild and gentle in tbiereffect and will cure even chronic con ¬



pecial to the JournalBenlah Nov 4Wc had a good

rain here Tuesday for which all arethankful as it will help the Tall gar-dens and H was getting pretty dry inthe voocis and fields

Mr and Mrs latnes Snowden werein the city Sunday the guests of JT Wilson and faiiily

C E Snowden and wife were theguests of Arthur Spare and familySuncaV

Mrs R T Irvin entertained a fewfriends r t dinner last Friday in honor-of r Jrvins birthday

A J Garrett has been confined tohis lied the past week butJa nowsome better and able to be up again

Mrs John Mathis bad a narrow es-cape froaii serious injury Tuesdajevening She went to turn scroe coltsout of the field one of themran over her knocking her down andhurting her in hr back and shoul ¬

dersWe are not claiming more for thedairy as a money getter thnn there isin it nor really much than half if aman goes into it with a good grade ofcows and does his part The cowsthat Mr Jefferson has are just com-mon


pinej woods cos bought ofneighbors and the amount of butterand cream sold ppr week from foucows should have read six dollars perweek instead of sixtj as printed lastweek Not bad for cows giving milksince last April

The Methodists oT Beulah willcommence thrr protracted meeting-on Saturday night Nov 6th and willcontinue for a week until the interestbegins to wane Dr Hamtmitt thedistrict superintendent will be herethe Sth inst to hold the quarterlyconference some time in the after-noon As this brings the years work-to a dose ninth imporLant businesswill be transacted and it la hopedthat there will be a good attendance


Americas Foremost Brand

LUZIANNE COFFEEIt-sIts QUALITY means satisfaction STRENGTH means economyIts PURITY means safety Its FRESHNESS means delight



ITS UP TO USto do all work promptly and-

to the Queens Taste TheEmpire Laundry where lin-



last is many laps ahead-

of all competitors

Empire LaundryWh-ere Linen Lat

W C MACKEY MgrPhone 322

especially on the part of the churchofficials Dr Hammitt will be heretwo or three days and will probablypah Monday and Tuesday night








Marshal Sanders last night BUJ

pended from duty Officer T Q McNair charging him with sleepingwhile on duty which carries a penal-ty of dismissal from the force Theofficer is a new man having passeda successful examination only lastweek and placed on a beat last Mon-day night Early yesterday morninghowever the captain reported hefound McNair sleeping on duty and I




Fresh from the dewladen fields of produc ¬

tion Daily by expressOther vegetable andmeat suggestions to aidyou with cooking duties

Phone uswe havesomething new everyday



Phones 173458t-

he charges were framed and servedupon the officer when he reported foiduty on watch No 2 last night Hwas suspended pending action by tinboard of safety The board may holda special meeting during the weekto dLjoae of the case

Many suits sold manymore left Kuppenheimer-and boys suits at actual costThe Hub opposite Postoffic-


Chattanooga Tenn Nov 4TheAugusta baseball club has filod a pe-


with till national cowHi si <riasking that the two first games of th1post season scrip with Chattunoob thrown out If granted tlu >vilgive tne South Atlantic pennant oAugusta

Shade Protection BeautyE

Trees planted about he home serve a triplepurpose shade and beauty and addto the actual cash value of thu property if wId-

e have devoted nenrly years to theF production of trees and plants nre to

C offer suraeations an to selecting and plantm-



Saint Mary Trees and Plantsarc uard alt over the South Ihe bui of hundreds of fruitlug orchard and the setting of countless beautiful homei They-are the product our favorable soil and climate and our thirtyyears of knowing how We test all our tock we know thateverything ill trut to namr and vanity before it leaver us

Thin is real Nursery Service if it to you ak forour new Book Q Handsomely illustrated beautiful colorcovers interesting throughout to you

Glen Saint Mary Nurseries Glen Saint Mary Florida


Remarkable Cureaccording to a

A Texas Lady Writes prescription of known merit insuch diseases from rare in-


Words cannot my gratitude to Cardui largely imported di-


writes Mrs MjScottiofWellbornTex9thasbeen from Europe Cardui hasthe means of saving my life I took it according to di-

rections¬ stood the severest of all tests

and I am now a well woman and do all of the test of TIMEmy own work For 50 years it has been

The lump in my riaht side has entirely disap-peared

¬ helping sick women back to 4I l t

health We wish thatalthough several physicians said I could never you Ivould let it I iJhelp youwithout thinksrecover a surgical operation Everybody 1In addition to its specific IlI1

it a remarkable cure action upon the womanly or¬Before I took Cardui I suffered the most excruci ¬ gans Cardui has the further Uating pain that ever experienced and had almostanyone advantage of being a building l

given up to hopeless despair What Cardui did for me strengthening vitalizing re-constructive


L fr Iit do for others I will continue to praise it as long tonic of special value to weak wornout-as I live for I consider it the finest medicine ever dis ¬ overworked womencovered for all female ailments It builds up the constitution and helps to restore

Cardui has achieved wonderful success in chronic lost nervous energy and forcecases of womanly ills similar to that of Mrs Scott Try Cardui Your druggist keeps it

U 1iHG2

DU I The-

Womans Tonic