Vol. 24 No. 3 May/June 2013 Penn’s Woods Painters Newsletter www.pennswoodspainters.com General Membership Meeting Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:00 a.m. Messiah Village Community Room Please mark your calendar to attend this month's Penn's Woods Painters Program on Saturday, May 18th. Be prepared to Laugh and Learn and Laugh some more! Penny Henry will be introducing us to Mixed Media and will be teaching this whimsical Mixed Media Blue Bird. This is a terrific opportunity to learn about mixed media in a re- laxed, fun atmosphere. Penny will guide us through the process and you'll come home with a completed original work of art. Penn's Woods will be supplying all the materials needed, except for the surface. Included are paints, papers, adhesives and stamps which will be shared. Each member will need a 8x10 canvas or something close to that size to do their project on. Also remember to bring your usual painting tools to include a medium size brush for gluing. Please RSVP by e-mail to [email protected] or phone Dee DeLorenzo at 717-728-9470 so that we can provide adequate supplies. Optional Supplies: if you have them are small leaf and/or fern stencil and stamp, and three coordinating blue and green scrapbook papers. As noted above, we will have some stamps and papers available . "The Blue Bird of Happiness" Program: Mixed Media By Penny Henry

Penn’s Woods Painters Newsletter · 5/4/2013 · Penn’s Woods Painters Newsletter General Membership Meeting Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:00 a.m. ... Nancy Focardi 13-May Kathy Swigon

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Vol. 24 No. 3 May/June 2013

Penn’s Woods Painters Newsletter www.pennswoodspainters.com

General Membership Meeting

Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:00 a.m.

Messiah Village Community Room

Please mark your calendar to attend this month's Penn's Woods Painters Program on Saturday, May 18th. Be prepared to Laugh and Learn and Laugh some more! Penny Henry will be introducing us to Mixed Media and will be teaching this whimsical Mixed Media Blue Bird. This is a terrific opportunity to learn about mixed media in a re-laxed, fun atmosphere. Penny will guide us through the process and you'll come home with a completed original work of art. Penn's Woods will be supplying all the materials needed, except for the surface. Included are paints, papers, adhesives and stamps which will be shared. Each member will need a 8x10 canvas or something close to that size to do their project on. Also remember to bring your usual painting tools to include a medium size brush for gluing. Please RSVP by e-mail to [email protected] or phone Dee DeLorenzo at 717-728-9470 so that we can provide adequate supplies. Optional Supplies: if you have them are small leaf and/or fern stencil and stamp, and three coordinating blue and green scrapbook papers. As noted above, we will have some stamps and papers available.

"The Blue Bird of Happiness"

Program: Mixed Media By Penny Henry



Donna Brown 3-Jun

Nancy Focardi 13-May

Kathy Swigon 14-May

Susan Wenning 14-May




Melissa Crowther 25-May

Carol Henry 26-May

Dorothy Miller 26-May

Amy Mogish 2-Jun

Carol Lynch 8-Jun

Linda Deardorff 11-Jun

Hattie Ogle 18-Jun

Dottie Shultz 27-Jun

Donna Brown 3-Jun

Nancy Focardi 13-May

Kathy Swigon 14-May

Susan Wenning 14-May

Marianne Zimmerman 18-May

Melissa Crowther 25-May

Carol Henry 26-May

Dorothy Miller 26-May

Amy Mogish 2-Jun

Carol Lynch 8-Jun

Linda Deardorff 11-Jun

Hattie Ogle 18-Jun

Dottie Shultz 27-Jun

President’s Message

Wow, I think it’s finally spring! Mother Nature did her best to extend winter’s time frame, costing us our March

meeting. There were a few things that I was hoping we could talk about then, but I’ve sent separate follow up mails.

Hopefully you’ve read the mails!

But, March 23 was a wonderfully warm and sunny day – a perfect day for a drive to Va to Pampered

Palette. David and Marc outdid themselves! Several of us drove down and had a wonderful almost full day FREE

class with Sandy Scales! Arlene Linton was our class monitor and she drew door prize tickets just about every 15

minutes! Susan Stamilio was also a visitor, and, as you may know, the guys have a wonderful supply of surfaces,

paint, brushes, etc…so it was a full day for us, for sure!

We had a bang up time at our 2013 Fundraiser on April 6! 57 folks were playing BINGO like it was going out of

style. Lois and Joyce kept my cards current as I tried to scurry around for the prizes. But, truth be told, Penny and

Lois did more scurrying than I did! Limping got in my way, for sure I would like to extend my thanks to the BIN-

GO committee for their hard work and dedication, as well as to those who are not on the committee but who helped –

with your art , with your desserts, with your attendance. All of you helped make this a solid fundraiser for our 2013

budget year—we netted about $1800 for our treasury!

Remember, too, that we have some other activities coming up later this year as well as our Scharff brush orders all

year long…Speaking of which – if you want to order any more Scharff brushes, please send me your orders, or bring

them to the May meeting. Our first order netted an addition of $50 to our budget, thanks to a donation to cover the

shipping. We are waiting for more orders before sending in our second order – to make it cost effective based on the

shipping costs!

We were honored to be one of the last US based seminar locations for Maureen McNaughton. As a lot of you know,

she is one of my personal favorites. Some folks would say, in a politically correct manner, that we are both very de-

tailed oriented - maybe that’s why I am so comfortable with her style! I am sad that she will no longer travel here,

but I am also hopeful that, with the positive changes in her life, Maureen will now have more of the time that she

speaks of and listen to her inspirations for new designs!

Before our May meeting, and right on the heels of this issue being published, we, as a chapter, will be working with

Ed Rouse, to sell what we can of Sheila’s painting and scrapbooking supplies – books, surfaces, accessories,

tools….As I write this, I am hopeful that this sale will be successful and I know that Sheila and Ed will have ‘given

back’ to both Hearts ‘n’ Hands and to Homeland Hospice as well as to us, PWP.

Our May meeting looks to be an exciting day! Dee has details elsewhere in this newsletter and I am excited to see

what and where my inspirations will lead me!

Regarding the possible 2014 Retreat – those who have offered to be part of the planning will be meeting on May 9

for a kickoff discussion. If you have ideas for what to do at a retreat, or where to have a retreat, please send them to

me and I will share them with the committee.

An idea had been submitted for a possible new logo, and I had looked to you all to see who might be interested in

participating in that decision (yes a committee!). The lack of response was absolutely astounding, so, at this point,

we will not be working on changes to our logo. If you have ideas for a new logo, you can send them to me and I will

file them with the idea that sparked this request.

Our new web page is under construction….look for more information as we move through May!

Hopefully, in June or July, those who are interested will head to Hagerstown, MD for a field trip with Rebecca Baer.

Rebecca’s art is ever evolving and I’m excited to see what she is ‘in to’ now! By the time you read this, I will have

had an ‘advance look’ as the guest of another chapter! Another example of how lucky I am to be part of this wonder-

ful world of decorative artists! I’ll fill you in at our May meeting…in the meantime…I think that’s enough for now,

folks! Hope to see you on May 18!


Officers: President Hilary Felinski [email protected]

Vice President Programs Dee DeLorenzo [email protected]

Vice President Membership Barb Lehman [email protected] Secretary refer to committee list

Treasurer Joyce Gutierrez [email protected]

Committee Chairs:

Brush Strokes Newsletter

ADVERTISING rates Business Card $ 7/Issue $ 30/6 Issues

Quarter Page $10/Issue $ 45/6 Issues Half Page $14/Issue $ 70/6 Issues

Full Page $25/Issue $120/6 Issues

Newsletter Committee

Susan Wenning - Editor

Hilary Felinski— Proof


Wendy Beckmann—Proofer

Barb Lehman— Advertising

Please send camera ready ad along with check made payable to Penn's Woods Painters to Hilary Felinski 11 Circle Drive, Camp Hill, PA

17011-2608. Brush Strokes, the Newsletter for Penn's Woods Painters is published six times a year. In addition, Brush Strokes is posted on

the chapter’s web site. PWP's advertising rates are very reasonable and offer a targeted audience for those wishing to advertise their business,

shop, classes, woods, painting supplies, or other services. If you would or someone you know benefit from advertising in Brush Strokes,

please contact Barb Lehman, [email protected], 805 Shuler St, Mechanicsburg, PA 17015

2013 Fundraiser Bobbi Brady [email protected]

2014 Retreat TBD

2015 25th Anniversary TBD

2015 Symphony Showhouse TBD

Art Show/Tea Sue Wenning

Lois Eckert

[email protected]

[email protected]

Historian TBD (Martha

Knox) [email protected]

Library Display - CH Barb Lehman [email protected]

Library Display - NC Barb Lehman [email protected]

Memory Boxes TBD (Dottie


[email protected]

[email protected]

Newsletter Sue Wenning [email protected]

Newsletter Ads Barb Lehman [email protected]

Nominating TBD

Paint-Ins Joyce Gutierrez [email protected]

Publicity Wendy Beckmann [email protected]

Secreterial Committee TBD (hilary) [email protected]

Seminars Linda Kapp [email protected]

Treasure Boxes Lois Eckert [email protected]

Ways and Means TBD (hilary) [email protected]

Web Page TBD (hilary) [email protected]

Membership: We are currently at 79 members, two of which are lifetime mem-bers. If anyone would like to have a paper copy of the 2013 mem-bership roster please call me at 795-9845. I will make sure that you receive a copy. Library Display: We will be displaying our Art work for the month of June at the Fredrickson Library which is located in Camp Hill. Anyone wishing to have their painted item(s) on display please bring your piece(s) to the May meeting. Make sure your name is on your piece. If piece needs to sit on an easel please bring that along also. We are looking for small to medium size pieces.

Our July Program:

Christmas in July

with Jane Allen

I'm excited to share that a contract was mailed today for our next seminar. Please mark your calendar now for November 8, 9 and 10. Sharon Buononato, CDA will be leading the 2 1/2 day seminar at Messiah Village. Sha-ron’s webpage is: http://sharonbsoriginals.com/

I hope more information will be available at the May meeting. Linda


Penn's Woods Painters remaining 2013 Dates and activities

All meetings, seminars and paint-ins are held in the Community Room at Messiah Village

100 Mt. Allen Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Day 2013 Dates Time Purpose Ways &


06/01 -


Art display Scharff

brush sales

Sat 6/15/2013 9-3 Paint In - Amy Mogish, pantry sweets

Mon 6/17/2013 6p Board Meeting

TBD mid summer Field Trip R. Baer

Mon 7/15/2013 6-9 meeting, program (Jane Allen)

Mon - Sat 8/5- 8/10 HOOT Convention

Sat 8/17/2013 9-3 Paint In - Dottie Shultz, faux leather

Mon 8/19/2013 6p Board Meeting

Sat 9/21/2013 9-4 meeting, program RADA






Wed - Sun 10/9 - 10/13 New England Traditions

Sat 10/19/2013 9-3 Paint In - Pat Meyers, Santa

Mon 10/21/2013 6p Board Meeting

Sun 10/27/2013 11-5 Tea and Art Show

Fri - Sun 11/8 - 11/10 9-5 Seminar with Sharon B

Mon 11/18/2013 6-9 meeting, program / Election Bon Ton



Sat 12/7/2013 10 to 1 Children's Christmas Party RADA






Mon 12/9/2013 6p Board/Planning Meeting

Bits o’ Wisdom: It’s a good idea to keep your words soft and sweet. You never know when you’ll have to eat them. For fixing things around the house, nothing beats a man who’s handy with a checkbook.

Penn's Woods Painters

Treasurer's Report

02/01/13 -03/30/13

Beginning Balance: $ 11,658.43


Membership $ 100.00

Newsletter $ 120.00

Seminars $ 4,500.00

Ways N Means $ 318.91

$ 5,038.91


Operations 331.28

Paint-Ins 85.00

Ways N Means - Bin-go 15.00

Ways N Means 262.62

$ 693.90

Ending Balance as of 03/30/2013 $ 16,003.44


Hello PWP Members, Well, our bingo was a success and I wish you all could have been there. We laughed, ate delicious food and yummy deserts, had fun with our friends and family members and played bingo, and some of us were lucky enough to win wonderful pieces of art. (I was not one of those people.) It was a good day with great weather and we had an approximate profit for PWP of $1700. I would like to thank all the members that participated in making our 2013 fund-raiser a big success, we would not be or have a chapter without the support of our members, that means all of our members. If and when you can help out, whether it is serving on a com-mittee, donating your time or just attending the general membership meetings, your chapter needs you to survive. We had 57 folks who played bingo, with 17 PWP members amongst the players. We gained a new member, as well. While several of our committee members were not playing, 6 of the committee are included in the count of members who did play. A wonderful addition to the bottom line was a very nice cash donation by one of our members – someone who was not able to attend. What a wonderfully nice bonus, eh? I want to especially thank the committee members for their time spent at meetings, their un-ending energy, their donations and most of all their patience in helping me to chair this commit-tee.

See you at the May Meeting, Bobbi Brady






Income Previous

Actual Amount

2011 Budget

2012 Budget Amount

Actual Amounts 2012


proposed 2013



Member-ship - Dues

1800 2000 1500 1640 based on 75 members

Member-ship - Dues- 2013

1500 940 1500 47 paid as of 12/9 plus another 14 ($280) as of 12/9 board meeting

Newsletter - Ads

29 150 100 165 50 it is expected that one or the other of the 2012 ads will not be renewed.

Paint-Ins 320 1050 0 0 800 $20 fee, 9 members, 3 paintins (85) = 795, round to 800

Programs 303 350 100 100 instances where we may plan to charge

Retreat 3738 4000 0 1500 need chair; anticipate payments before jan 2014

Seminars 15159 16000 17500 10231.68

5000 25 per day, 3 days, mem-ber prices; rounded; hopefully more

Symphony Boutique

3532.89 0 3500 5610.17 0 to be included in 2015

treasure boxes

100 100 0 0

ways and means

8465.88 4400 1500 3908.88 1500 hopefully more, but...rada cutlery, bon ton, wreaths, scharff

ways and means Fundraiser 2013

0 0 0 2500 100 people at $20 each, plus 100 people eating $4 of food; rounded


28050 24200 22495.73




1007.13 1000 700 499.65 1000 Included the following in 2012: Taxes - PA Dept of Reve-nue (sales from GS) MASCC dues (50) Small games of chance license (100 + back-ground check) Gift for Past President ($50) Convention Expenses - (1000) Brochures (100 Business cards (50) sunshine (25) rounded

Included the following in 2011: Donation to SDP (500) (see next line item) Sound system (131) Convention Expenses - President Taxes - PA Dept of Revenue (sales from GS) MASCC dues (50) Small games of chance license (100) Gift for Past President ($50) reduced to 700 based on sound sys-tem and Convention Expenses

Memory Boxes

537.85 600 500 650 2012 expenses donat-ed for copies and pic-tures - hf room rent included here as well



1500 600 250.25 100 should not cost any more than dues of non-electronic members



1200 1000 726.97 1000 For 2012, included the following items: Room rent ($85/instance for 2012, 6 meetings, plus once for seminar and tea = (10 *85 = 850) PO Box fee ($100?) Left amount as $1000

Paint-Ins 355 1000 0 600 3 paint ins, 9 people, $85/day, teacher fee; rounded

Programs 708.25 850 400 189.59 500 3 @ 100, 2 @ 50, plus rounding

Retreat 2014

0 600 contract fee, plus priz-es and printing

Seminars 13455.59

14400 16000 $8,389.21

$6,000.00 850/day, plus air (1500), plus hotel and meals (800)

Symphony Show-house

500 0 750 $1,043.34

n/a for 2013

Symphony Boutique


0 3000 $3,053.90

n/a for 2013

Tea 500 359.96 500 set minimum # of members?

treasures boxes

61.68 100 100 42.23 50 boxes on hand

Ways and Means 20123


2100 400 1334.19

750 need to include but not expected to need

Ways and Means Fundrais-er 2013

400 100 1500 License 3 day $15, 150 hall, 50 kitchen, 100 caller, 200 cards and daubers, plus misc

web page 180


24050 24550 16513.89


-350 5981.84



Pantry Sweets

by Amy Mogish

To register,

complete this form and bring it to the May meeting,

with your $20 fee,


mail the form, with your check to:

PWP Paint-Ins, P. O. Box 1518, Mechanicsburg, PA


Name: ____________________________________________



Phone: _____________________________

Email: ____________________________________________

Hi Everyone:

We are looking forward to our next Paint-In on June 15th with Amy Mogish. We will be

painting Amy’s Pantry Sweets design on a Pesky Bear Basket and I have attached the pic-

ture for you to look at to have time to look for surfaces to paint on.

I will have a sign-up sheet at the May meeting. For those that sign up the instruction

sheets will be e-mailed out as well as the pattern. For those that don’t have e-mail access

hard copies will be provided to you.

If you would like to order the basket from the Pesky Bear they will not be taking orders

until May, 1st so keep that in mind when looking for a surface to paint on. Amy’s Pantry

Sweets was published in the December 2012 issue of Paintworks magazine so you can use

that as a reference point as well. Happy Painting to all!!!