PEMFC Product Proposal Final 2010

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  • 8/3/2019 PEMFC Product Proposal Final 2010


    PEMFC ProductProposalHydrogen Fuel Cells

    Is it possible to make the PEMFC into the energy source of the future? My

    product will exemplify the depth and the extent of knowledge acquired

    throughout my years of researching PEM Fuel Cells. As my product, I will create

    MATLAB models to simulate PEMFCs under diverse operating conditions, which

    will be used in searching for ways to make them more efficient and tolerant in

    their environments. After modeling, I will use the data collected to build the most

    efficient and reliable practical Hydrogen Fuel Cell that I can.


    Bradley Hallier

    Commonwealth Governors School SHS


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    Product Proposal

    My Project

    For the most part, I have completed my preliminary research and am prepared to move on to the next

    phases of my research: Modeling, Physical Experimentation, and Application.


    The modeling phase of my research consists of personally analyzing existing Fuel Cell Systems to learn

    more about their strengths and weaknesses. To do this I will create and use MATLAB models to simulate

    different designs of Fuel Cells including the shape of the gas channels in the anode and cathode, and the

    number of cells in the PEMFC. The data that I gain from my MATLAB models will allow me to interpret

    which Fuel Cell setups are most beneficial for making a both energy efficient (minimal loss of energy in

    heat), and reliable (tolerant to its environment) Fuel Cell.


    MATLAB $100

    PEM Fuel Cell $0 ($118 Value-Donation)

    Possible Fuel Cell Stack $150 ($300 Value-Discount)

    TOTAL: $250

    Resources (email communication):

    Kevin Davies PhD Student Georgia Institute of Technology

    John Turner Valeswood Fuel Cells Ltd. (United Kingdom)

    Dr. Sosinna Haile Professor atCaltech Center for Sustainable Energy Research

    Cathy Parker

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    Physical Experimentation:

    The physical experimentation phase of my research will come as I finish my Modeling phase and will

    serve as a time for me to acclimate to working with Hydrogen Fuel Cells and their support systems

    (Hydrogen and Oxygen supplies, and hydration if required). This time will allow me to learn about howexisting experimental PEMFC kits operate, and the procedures for working with considerably fragile Fuel

    Cells. The main purpose for this phase is to teach me the general thresholds of a Fuel Cell (Hydrogen

    quality, input port pressures, PEM hydration management, and output voltage and currents) so that as I

    move to my application phase I do not wreck an investment.


    Additional Parts for Experiments ~$50-200

    Resources (email communication):

    Kevin Davies PhD Student Georgia Institute of Technology

    John Turner Valeswood Fuel Cells Ltd. (United Kingdom)Dr. Sosinna Haile Professor atCaltech Center for Sustainable Energy Research

    Cathy Parker

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    The application phase of my research will come after the completion of my modeling and physical

    experimentation phases and will be a culmination of all my research. The application phase is where the

    majority of my project will be created. My product will be a 5-15 cell PEM (Proton Exchange

    Membrane/Polymer Electrolyte Membrane) Fuel Cell that runs off a supply of Hydrogen. Its

    approximate power output will be from 3 Volts at 3 Watts to 9 Volts at 10 watts, which will be used to

    power a device of my choice such as an iPod or Laptop Computer.



    Graphite/Plastic Plates

    Gas Diffusion Layer

    Additional Parts for Assembly

    Hydrogen Collection System


    TOTAL: $300-600

    Resources (email communication):

    Kevin Davies PhD Student Georgia Institute of Technology

    John Turner Valeswood Fuel Cells Ltd. (United Kingdom)

    Dr. Sosinna Haile Professor atCaltech Center for Sustainable Energy Research

    Cathy Parker

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    Relevance to Research Question

    My product no doubt relates to my research or research question. My research question is Are

    Hydrogen Fuel Cells an effective alternative energy source, if not, how can I improve both their

    efficiency in terms of cost and power? My research has told me that PEMFCs are not the most

    effective energy sources, which is why I am continuing my research to find ways to boost their

    efficiency, at the same time their effectiveness, and make an effecting Fuel Cell. My product is my

    research, my research is my product.

    Why is my Product Valuable?

    My product is worth 75% of my grade. Any high school student can do research on a topic and create a

    product. It takes much more effort and skill to complete research, analyze how it applies to the real

    world, synthesize ways to improve existing systems, become an expert in the research field, and create

    an original product based off the knowledge and skills learned throughout the entire process. I am not

    following a kit or figuring out how to make something from Instructibles or Wikipedia. I am doing

    research, communicating with numerous PEMFC experts, learning about alternative energy in general

    (the average coal power plant only delivers the amount of energy stored in its burning coal to cities

    and houses, the rest is lost due to inefficiency), and learning real world skills like how to convince

    companies to donate their products to your research. I am surprised the product is not at least 50%.


    I believe that I will have a large portion of primary research completed by the end of this year. I will be

    in the middle of my Physical Experimentation phase to be specific. If you would like, I can change my

    product to MATLAB models that will simulate different types of fuel cells or a demonstration and

    detailed explanation of how fuel cells work (with a experimentation cell), but know that that is not my

    true project. My true project is the expertise that I gain from my research experiences and a Hydrogen

    powered cell that supplies portable power to electronic devices, which I will be closer to next year.

    Please realize that the intended extent for my project cannot be completed or ended in one year, and

    also please know that I am not just sitting around thinking Yes! I dont have to do much for two years.


    Modeling Phase: Dec ember 2009-February 2010

    Physical Experimentation Phase: March 2010-August 2010

    Application Phase: September 2010-March 2010

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    Product Quality

    My product will epitomize the highest level of excellence. I will create an efficient fuel cell that will not

    only be a product of my research, but will also be applicable to everyday life. It will serve as a portable

    power source for many devices. I will ensure that it looks professional because if it did not, it would not

    work, a PEMFC requires considerably high levels of precision, and after all that work, I would make sure

    that it is more than presentable.

    My Abilities

    I believe that I have the ability to build a PEM Fuel Cell. I know quite a bit about electricity and how to

    build Fuel Cells. I also already have contacts that are willing to give suggestions on how to best build my

    cell at Georgia Institute of Technology and Caltech, along with an expert in the United Kingdom. For

    machining the anode and cathode gas channels of the Cell, Mr. Miller has already mentioned a location

    that may be willing to do it. I believe I am set for completing my research, and all I need is time.

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