Pelvic Wall, Joints and Floor

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  • 7/27/2019 Pelvic Wall, Joints and Floor




  • 7/27/2019 Pelvic Wall, Joints and Floor



  • 7/27/2019 Pelvic Wall, Joints and Floor


    Dr. L. Tchakarov 3

    The pelvis is the

    region of the

    trunk that lies

    below the


    Although the

    abdominal and

    pelvic cavities

    are continuous,

    the two regions

    are describedseparately.

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    The Pelvis

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    The bony pelvis provides

    a strong, stable

    connection between the

    trunk and the lower


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    The main functions of the pelvis are:

    1. to transmit the weight of the body

    from the vertebral column to the


    2. to contain, support, and protect

    the pelvic viscera; and

    3. to provide attachment for trunk

    and lower limb muscles.

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    7/98Dr. L. Tchakarov 7

    The bony pelvis is composed of four bones:

    the two hip bones,which form the lateral and

    anterior walls, and

    the sacrumand the coccyx,which are part of the

    vertebral column and form the back wall.

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    8/98Dr. L. Tchakarov 8

    The two hip bones articulate with each other anteriorly at the

    symphysis pubisand posteriorly with the sacrum at the sacroiliac


    The bony pelvis with its joints form a strong basin-shaped structure

    that contains and protects the lower parts of the intestinal and

    urinary tracts and the internal organs of reproduction.

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    9/98Dr. L. Tchakarov 9

    The pelvis is divided into two parts by the pelvic brim.

    Above the brim is the false pelvis,which forms part of the

    abdominal cavity.

    Below the brim is the true pelvis.

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    10/98Dr. L. Tchakarov 10

    The pelvic brim is formed by:

    the sacral promontory(anterior and upper margin of the first sacral

    vertebra) behind,

    the ileopectineal lines(a line that runs downward and forward around

    the inner surface of the ileum) laterally, and

    the symphysis pubis(joint between bodies of pubic bones) anteriorly.

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    12/98Dr. L. Tchakarov 12

    In the standard anatomic position, the front of the symphysis

    pubis and the anterior superior iliac spines lie in the same

    vertical plane.

    This means that the pelvic surface of the symphysis pubis faces

    upward and backward and the anterior surface of the sacrum is

    directed forward and downward.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 14

    The false pelvis isbounded behind by thelumbar vertebrae,laterally by the iliac

    fossae and the iliacusmuscles, and in front bythe lower part of theanterior abdominal wall.

    The false pelvis flares out

    at its upper end andshould be considered aspart of the abdominalcavity.

    It supports the abdominalcontents and after the

    third month of pregnancyhelps support the graviduterus.

    During the early stages oflabor, it helps guide thefetus into the true pelvis.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 16

    Knowledge of the shape and dimensions of the female pelvis

    is ofgreat importance for obstetrics, because it is the bony

    canal through which the child passes during birth.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 17

    The true pelvis has:

    an inlet,

    an outlet, and a cavity.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 18

    The pelvic inlet, or pelvic brim,is bounded posteriorly

    by the sacral promontory, laterally by the iliopectineal

    lines, and anteriorly by the symphysis pubis.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 19

    The pelvic outlet is bounded:

    posteriorly by the coccyx,

    laterally by the ischial tuberosities, and

    anteriorly by the pubic arch.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 20

    The pelvic outlet does not present a smooth outline but has three

    wide notches:

    Anteriorly, the pubic arch is between the ischiopubic rami, and,

    laterally, are the sciatic notches.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 21

    The sciatic notches are

    divided by the

    sacrotuberous andsacrospinous

    ligaments into the

    greater and lesser

    sciatic foramina.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 22

    From an obstetric standpoint, because the sacrotuberous

    ligaments are strong and relatively inflexible, they should beconsidered to form part of the perimeter of the pelvic outlet.

    Thus the outlet is diamond shaped, with the ischiopubic rami

    and the symphysis pubis forming the boundaries in front and the

    sacrotuberous ligaments and the coccyx forming the boundaries


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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 23

    The pelvic cavitylies

    between the inlet and

    the outlet.

    It is a short, curved

    canal, with a shallow

    anterior wall and a much

    deeper posterior wall.

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    Structure of thePelvic Walls

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 25

    The walls of the

    pelvis are formed bybones and ligaments

    that are partly lined

    with muscles

    covered with fascia

    and parietalperitoneum.

    The pelvis has

    anterior, posterior,

    and lateral walls

    and an inferior wallor floor.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 27

    The anterior

    pelvic wall is the

    shallowest wall

    and is formed by

    the posteriorsurfaces of the

    bodies of the

    pubic bones, the

    pubic rami, and

    the symphysis


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  • 7/27/2019 Pelvic Wall, Joints and Floor


    Dr. L. Tchakarov 29

    The posterior pelvic wall is extensive and is formed

    by the sacrum and coccyx and by the piriformis

    muscles and their covering of parietal pelvic fascia.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 31

    The sacrum consists offive rudimentary

    vertebrae fused together

    to form a single wedge-

    shaped bone with a

    forward concavity.

    The upper border or base

    of the bone articulates

    with the fifth lumbar


    The narrow inferior border

    articulates with the


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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 32

    Laterally, the sacrum articulates with the two iliac bones toform the sacroiliac joints.

    The anterior and upper margins of the first sacral vertebra bulge

    forward as the posterior margin of the pelvic inletthe sacral

    promontorywhich is an important obstetric landmark used

    when measuring the size of the pelvis.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 33

    The vertebral foramina together form the sacral canal.

    The laminae of the fifth sacral vertebra, and sometimes those of

    the fourth, fail to meet in the midline, forming the sacral hiatus.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 34

    The sacral canal contains the

    anterior and posterior roots

    of the lumbar, sacral, and

    coccygeal spinal nerves; the

    filum terminale; and

    fibrofatty material.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 35

    The sacral canal also contains the lower part of the

    subarachnoid space down as far as the lower

    border of the second sacral vertebra.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 36

    The anterior and posterior surfaces of the sacrum possess

    on each side four foramina for the passage of the anterior

    and posterior rami of the upper four sacral nerves.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 37

    The sacrum is usually wider in proportion to

    its length in the female than in the male.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 38

    The sacrum is tilted

    forward so that it

    forms an angle withthe fifth lumbar

    vertebra, called the

    lumbosacral angle.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 40

    The coccyx consists of four vertebrae fused together to

    form a small triangular bone, which articulates at its

    base with the lower end of the sacrum.

    The coccygeal vertebrae consist of bodies only, but thefirst vertebra possesses a rudimentary transverse

    process and cornua.

    The cornua are the remains of the pedicles and

    superior articular processes and project upward to

    articulate with the sacral cornua.

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    Piriformis Muscle

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 42

    The piriformis muscle arises from the front of the lateralmasses of the sacrum and leaves the pelvis to enter the gluteal

    region by passing laterally through the greater sciatic foramen.

    It is inserted into the upper border of the greater trochanter of

    the femur.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 43

    Action: It is a lateral rotator of the femur at the hip joint.

    Nerve supply:It receives branches from the sacral plexus.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 45

    The lateral pelvic wall is formed by part of the hip

    bone below the pelvic inlet, the obturator membrane,

    the sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments, and the

    obturator internus muscle and its covering fascia.

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    Hip Bone

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 47

    In children, each hip

    bone consists of the

    ilium, which liessuperiorly; the ischium,

    which lies posteriorly

    and inferiorly; and the

    pubis, which lies

    anteriorly and inferiorly. The three separate

    bones are joined by

    cartilage at the


    At puberty, these threebones fuse together to

    form one large, irregular


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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 48

    The hip bones articulate with the sacrum at the sacroiliac

    joints and form the anterolateral walls of the pelvis; they also

    articulate with one another anteriorly at the symphysis pubis.

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    On the outer surface of the hip bone is a deepdepression, the acetabulum, which articulates with

    the hemispherical head of the femur.

    Behind the acetabulum is a large notch, the

    greater sciatic notch,which is separated from the

    lesser sciatic notchby the spine of the ischium.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 50

    The sciatic notches

    are converted into

    thegreater and

    lesser sciatic


    by the presence of

    the sacrotuberous

    and sacrospinous


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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 51

    The ilium,which is the upper flattened part ofthe hip bone, possesses the iliac crest.

    The iliac crest runs between the anterior and

    posterior superior iliac spines.

    Below these spines are the corresponding

    anteriorand posterior inferior iliac spines.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 52

    On the inner surface of the ilium is the large auricular surfacefor articulation with the sacrum.

    The iliopectineal lineruns downward and forward around the

    inner surface of the ilium and serves to divide the false from

    the true pelvis.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 53

    The ischiumis the inferior and posterior part

    of the hip bone and possesses an ischial spine

    and anischial tuberosity.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 54

    The pubisis the anterior part of the hip bone and hasa bodyand superiorandinferior pubic rami.

    The body of the pubis bears the pubic crestand the

    pubic tubercleand articulates with the pubic bone

    of the opposite side at the symphysis pubis.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 55

    In the lower part of the hip bone is a large opening, the obturator

    foramen,which is bounded by the parts of the ischium and pubis.

    The obturator foramen is filled in by the obturator membrane.

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    Obturator Membrane

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 57

    The obturator membrane is a fibrous sheet that almost

    completely closes the obturator foramen, leaving a small gap,

    the obturator canal, for the passage of the obturator nerve

    and vessels as they leave the pelvis to enter the thigh.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 59

    The sacrotuberous ligament is strong and extends from

    the lateral part of the sacrum and coccyx and the

    posterior inferior iliac spine to the ischial tuberosity.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 61

    The sacrospinous ligament is strong and triangle shaped.

    It is attached by its base to the lateral part of the sacrum

    and coccyx and by its apex to the spine of the ischium.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 62

    The sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments prevent the lowerend of the sacrum and the coccyx from being rotated upward at

    the sacroiliac joint by the weight of the body.

    The two ligaments also convert the greater and lesser sciatic

    notches into foramina, the greaterand lesser sciatic foramina.

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    Obturator InternusMuscle

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 64

    The obturator internus muscle arises from the pelvic surface of

    the obturator membrane and the adjoining part of the hip bone.

    The muscle fibers converge to a tendon, which leaves the pelvis

    through the lesser sciatic foramen and is inserted into the greater

    trochanter of the femur.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 65

    Action:The obturator internus is a lateral rotator of the

    femur at the hip joint.

    Nerve supply:The muscle is supplied by the nerve to the

    obturator internus, a branch from the sacral plexus.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 67

    The floor of the pelvis supports the pelvic viscera and is

    formed by the pelvic diaphragm.

    The pelvic floor stretches across the pelvis and divides

    it into the main pelvic cavityabove, which contains

    the pelvic viscera, and the perineumbelow.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 69

    It is incomplete anteriorlyto allow passage of the urethra

    in males and the urethra and the vagina in females.

    The pelvic

    diaphragm is

    formed by the


    levatores animuscles and the

    small coccygeus

    muscles and their

    covering fasciae.

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    Levator Ani Muscle

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 71

    The levator ani muscle is a wide thin sheet that has a linear

    origin from the back of the body of the pubis, a tendinous arch

    formed by a thickening of the pelvic fascia covering the

    obturator internus, and the spine of the ischium.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 72

    From this extensive

    origin, groups offibers sweep

    downward and

    medially to their

    insertion, as

    follows:1. Anterior fibers:

    The levator

    prostatae or

    sphincter vaginae

    form a sling aroundthe prostate or






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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 73

    They are inserted into a mass of fibrous tissue, called

    the perineal body,in front of the anal canal.

    The levator prostatae support the prostate and

    stabilize the perineal body.

    The sphincter vaginae constrict the vagina and

    stabilize the perineal body.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 74

    2. Intermediate fibers:

    The puborectalisforms a sling around the

    junction of the rectum and anal canal.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 75

    The pubococcygeus passes posteriorly to be inserted

    into a small fibrous mass, called the anococcygeal body,

    between the tip of the coccyx and the anal canal.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 76

    3. Posterior fibers:

    The iliococcygeusis inserted into the

    anococcygeal body and the coccyx.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 77


    1. The levatores ani muscles of the two sides

    form an efficient muscular sling that supports

    and maintains the pelvic viscera in position.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 78

    1. They resist the rise in intrapelvic pressure

    during the straining and expulsive efforts of

    the abdominal muscles (as occurs in coughing).

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 79

    1. They also have an important sphincter action on the

    anorectal junction, and in the female they serve

    also as a sphincter of the vagina.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 80

    Nerve supply:This is from the perineal branch of the fourth

    sacral nerve and from the perineal branch of the pudendal nerve.

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    Coccygeus Muscle

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 82

    This small triangular

    muscle arises from the

    spine of the ischiumand is inserted into the

    lower end of the

    sacrum and into the


    Action:The twomuscles assist the

    levatores ani in

    supporting the pelvic


    Nerve supply:This isfrom a branch of the

    fourth and fifth sacral


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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 84

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    Pelvic Fascia

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 86

    The pelvic fascia is formed of connective tissue and is continuous

    above with the fascia lining the abdominal walls.

    Below, the fascia is continuous with the fascia of the perineum.

    The pelvic fascia can be divided into parietal and visceral layers.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 88

    The parietal pelvic fascia lines the walls of the pelvis and is

    named according to the muscle it overlies.

    For example, over the obturator internus muscle it is dense

    and strong and is known as the obturator internus fascia.

    Over the levator ani

    and coccygeus muscles

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 89

    and coccygeus muscles

    it forms the levator ani

    and coccygeus fascia

    or, to describe it more

    concisely, the superior

    fascial layer of the

    pelvic diaphragm.

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    Where the pelvic diaphragm is deficient anteriorly, theparietal pelvic fascia becomes continuous through the

    opening with the fascia covering the inferior surface of

    the pelvic diaphragm, in the perineum.

    In many locations where the parietal fascia comes into

    contact with bone it fuses with the periosteum.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 91

    Below in the perineum, where the parietal pelvic fascia covers the

    sphincter urethrae muscle and the perineal membrane, it is known

    as the perineal layer of the parietal pelvic fascia; that is, it forms

    the superior fascial layer of the urogenital diaphragm.

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    The visceral layer

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    In certain locations the fascia thickens to form fascial ligaments,

    which commonly extend from the pelvic walls to a viscus and provide

    it with additional support.

    These ligaments are usually named according to their attachments,

    for example, the pubovesical and the sacrocervical ligaments.

    of pelvic fascia is a

    layer of loose

    connective tissue

    that covers andsupports all the

    pelvic viscera.

    Where a particular

    viscus comes into

    contact with thepelvic wall, the

    visceral layer fuses

    with the parietal


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    Pelvic Peritoneum

    The parietal peritoneum lines

    the pelvic walls and is reflected

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 95

    the pelvic walls and is reflected

    onto the pelvic viscera, where it

    becomes continuous with the

    visceral peritoneum.

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    Dr. L. Tchakarov 97

    The capacity and shape of the female pelvis are of fundamental

    importance in obstetrics.

    The female pelvis is well adapted for the process of childbirth.

    The pelvis is shallower and the bones are smoother than in themale.

    The size of the pelvic inlet is similar in the two sexes; but in the

    female, the cavity is larger and cylindrical and the pelvic outlet is

    wider in both the anteroposterior and the transverse diameters.

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