PEDIATRICS 1. The cardiac silhouette of patients with Tetralogy of Fallot is best described as: a. boot shaped b. egg on the side c. markedly enlarged d. mild cardiomegaly p.1312 2. The most common cause of neonatal seizures is a. meningitis b. hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy c. congenital CNS anomalies d. metabolic causes p. 1696 3. Immunization with polio vaccine may be started as early as a. newborn period b. 6 weeks of age c. 8 weeks of age d. 3 months p. 1023 4. Measles immune globulin may prevent or modify infection if given within a. 3 days after exposure b. 6 days after exposure c. 10 days after exposure d. 2 weeks after exposure p. 1017 5. What congenital anomaly is associated with growth and mental retardation, abnormal facial features like low set ears, hypotonia and an endocardial cushion defect? a. velocardiofacial syndrome b. Down’s syndrome c. Turner Syndrome d. Cornelia de Lange syndrome

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1. The cardiac silhouette of patients with Tetralogy of Fallot is best described as:

a. boot shapedb. egg on the sidec. markedly enlargedd. mild cardiomegaly


2. The most common cause of neonatal seizures isa. meningitisb. hypoxic ischemic encephalopathyc. congenital CNS anomaliesd. metabolic causes

p. 1696

3. Immunization with polio vaccine may be started as early as

a. newborn periodb. 6 weeks of agec. 8 weeks of aged. 3 months

p. 1023

4. Measles immune globulin may prevent or modify infection if given within

a. 3 days after exposureb. 6 days after exposurec. 10 days after exposured. 2 weeks after exposure

p. 1017

5. What congenital anomaly is associated with growth and mental retardation, abnormal facial features like low set ears, hypotonia and an endocardial cushion defect?

a. velocardiofacial syndromeb. Down’s syndromec. Turner Syndromed. Cornelia de Lange syndrome

Answer B p 619 Nelson

6. A scaphoid abdomen at birth usually suggests a:

a. diaphragmatic herniab. omphalocoelec. gastroschisisd. omphalitis

ans. A p527

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7. One of the following drugs is ABSOLUTELY contraindicated to Breastfeeding:

a. diureticsb. prednisonec. tetracyclined. hydralazine

ans C p. 530

8. The presence of subperiosteal hemorrhage in the newborn which is located to the surface of one cranial bone is called:

a. caput succedaneumb. moldingc. fracture of the skulld. cephalhematoma

ans: D p 562

9. Congenital Rubella Syndrome is characterized by the following conglomeration of symptoms:

a. cataracts, cardiac abnormality, hearing defects, microcephaly and mental retardation

b. hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, jaundice, petecchiae, chorioretinitisc. IUGR,intracranial calcifications, hepatosplenomegalyd. Hydranancephaly, chorioretinitis, spasticity,mental retardation

Ans A p.569

10. The mature levels of surfactant is seen by:

a. 20 weeksb. 28 weeksc. 32 weeksd. 35 weeks

ans: D p.575

11. The most frequently fractured bone of the newborn during labor and delivery is the:

a. femurb. humerusc. clavicled. hip bone

ans C p. 572

12. A 5 year old child suddenly developed edema . It was more prominent in the morning. No meds and consult done. However, she complained of headache and noted dark colored urine. On day of consult, she also noted decrease frequency of urination: What is the probable illness of this patient?

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a. Ig A nephropathyb. Alport Syndromec. Acute Glomerulonephritisd. MPGN

answer C p.1740

13. A 16 year old female developed nephritis. Her C3 is noted to be low. She is also complaining of joint pains and photosensitivity. The probable diagnosis of this patient is:

a. Acute Glomerulonephritisb. Henoch Schoelein Purpurac. Systemic Lupus Erythematosusd. Membranoproliferative GN

Ans C p1743

14. The most common pathogen associated with HEMOLYTIC UREMIC SYNDROME is :

a. shigellab. salmonellac. E. Colid. Rotavirus

Ans C p. 1274

15. The SMR stage of a female adolescent who presents with coarse abundant curly pubic hair and an areola and papilla with a secondary mound is a:

a. SMR 1b. SMR 2c. SMR 3d. SMR 4

Ans: D p. 5416. Delayed eruption is considered when there is no teeth at approximately:

a. 6 monthsb. 9 monthsc. 10 monthsd. 13 months

answer is: D p. 61

17. The principal vector of DENGUE FEVER is:

a. Plasmodium Falciparumb. Aedes Aegyptic. Perumycus Perinomatad. Culex pipiens

Answer B p.1092

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18. A 5 year old male was noted to have fever of five days duration which is rapidly increasing to 39 to 40 C . It is accompanied by frontal headache and was noted to have back pain. After 2 days of defervecence of fever rashes appear at the lower and upper extremities that is glove and stockings in distribution. The most plausible diagnosis is:

a. Measlesb. Typhoid Feverc. Yellow Feverd. Dengue Fever

Ans D p 1093

19. The WHO criteria for dengue hemorrahagic fever are the following:

a. fever, minor or major hemorrhagic manifestation and thrombocytopenia

b. fever, elevated ESR and thrombocytopeniac. fever, (+) dengue blot and thrombocytopeniad. fever, biphasic fever and thrombocytopenia

ans A p. 1093

20. A 6 year old child developed high grade fever and cough. Chest x- ray was done and reveled pnuematocoeles . What is the most common pathogenic organism responsible for pneumatocoeles?

a. Influenzab. Streptoccocalc. Pnuemococcald. Staphylococcal

Ans: D

21. An important indicator of pneumonia among infants is:

a. feverb. increased respiratory ratec. cyanosisd. cough

ans B p.1435

22. The drug of choice for atypical pneumonia is:

a. Ampicillinb. Chloramphenicolc. Erythromycind. Ceftriaxone

ans C p 934

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23. One of the following is a pathologic finding in the newborn:

a. miliab. Mongolian spotsc. Erythema toxicumd. Jaundice during the first 24 hours

Ans D 561

24. The duration of treatment for uncomplicated H. Influenzae meningitis is

a. 3-5 daysb. 7-10 daysc. 2 weeksd. 4 weeks

ans. B p. 711

25. Acute bronchiolitis, a common disease of infants has a peak incidence at

a. 2 months of ageb. 4 months of agec. 6 months of age d. 10 months of age

ans. C p. 1211

26. Stridor is most commonly seen in infants with

a. croupb. bronchiolitis c. bronchitisd. pneumonia

ans. A p. 1215

27. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is associated with

a. rubellab. rubeolac. varicellad. roseola infantum

ans. B p. 934

28. The absolute contraindication to giving immunization is:

a. immunodeficiency state of the patientb. high grade fever at the time of administrationc. malignancy in a childd. previous anaphylactic reaction

p. 1085

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29. A 10-month old male comes in for a well-baby visit. He had BCG, 3 doses of DPT & OPV and 2 doses of hepatitis B vaccine. What can you give him for this particular visit?

a. measles & 3rd dose of Hepatitis B vaccineb. measles vaccinec. 3rd dose of hepatitis Bd. varicella vaccine

31. The WHO recommends that breast feeding can be the infant’s sole source of food up to about:

a. 2 months of ageb. 6 months of agec. 12 months of aged. 2 years of age

32. Which vaccine should be given intradermally?

a. measlesb. BCGc. hepatitis Bd. MMR

p. 896

33. A fully immunized child is one who has completed the following before 12 months of age:

a. BCG; 3 doses each of hepatitis B, DPT and OPVb. BCG, 3 DPT; 3 OPV; measles vaccinec. 3 hepatitis B; 3 DPT; 3 OPV; measles vaccined. 3 hepatitis B; BCG; 3 DPT; 3 OPV, measles vaccine

34. A 12-year old male with repeated episodes of streptococcal pharyngitis comes to the clinic with another episode of sore throat. Oral amoxicillin was started. One hour later, he had tingling sensation around his mouth, difficulty of swallowing and developed hoarse voice. At the ER, he had urticaria, PR=130/min, RR=32/min, BP=70/30 and t= 37.2˚C. The most appropriate therapy is:

a. epinephrineb. prednisonec. diphenhydramined. lactated Ringer’s solution

p. 687

35. A 12-year old presents with sneezing, clear rhinorrhea and nasal itching. Physical examination reveals boggy, pale nasal edema with a clear discharge. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. foreign bodyb. vasomotor rhinitisc. neutrophilic rhinitisd. allergic rhinitis

p. 662

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36. The most common manifestation of rheumatic fever in children is:

a. erythema marginatumb. subcutaneous nodulesc. carditisd. arthritis

p. 807

37. An 18-month old is noted to assume a squatting position frequently during playtime at the daycare center. The mother also notices occasional episodes of perioral cyanosis during some of these squatting periods. The day of admission, the child becomes restless, hyperpneic and deeply cyanotic. Within 10 minutes, the child becomes unresponsive. The most likely condition is:

a. cardiomyopathyb. anomalous coronary arteryc. tetralogy of Fallotd. breath-holding spell

p 1385

38. A 14-year old male presents with Grade 4/6 regurgitant systolic murmur at the apex with history of swollen and painful joints. The murmur is most likely:

a. mitral stenosisb. mitral regurgitationc. aortic regurgitationd. mitral valve prolapse

p. 1428

39. A 14-year old female was brought to you because of mother’s worry that she has no menarche yet as compared to her classmates. Medical history and complete PE are normal. Breast development and pubic hair have been present for 18 months and are normal. Which would be the most appropriate?

a. reassurance that she likely will begin menstruating within the year

b. laboratory evaluation for systemic diseasec. urinary estriol determinationd. referral for psychological counseling


40. The hallmarks of diabetes insipidus are:

a. polyuria and polyphagiab. hyperthermia and vomitingc. polyuria and polydypsiad. hyperthermia and weight loss

p. 1682

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41. A 2-year old male presents with a history of chronic constipation. Upon review of history, you were told that he had delayed passage of black stools. He had unremarkable PE findings. The parents were giving him laxatives for the past 2 weeks. Your most likely initial impression is:

a. functional constipationb. constipation due to laxative abusec. intestinal pseudo-obstructiond. Hirschprung disease

p. 1139

42. A prominent clinical presentation of duodenal atresia is:

a. bilious vomiting without abdominal distentionb. non-bilious vomitingc. polyhydramniosd. colicky abdominal pain

p. 1133

43. The radiologic finding of “double tract sign” is typically seen in:

a. Intussusceptionb. pyloric stenosisc. duodenal atresiad. midgut volvulus

p. 1130

44. Classic hemophilia is best treated by giving:

a. whole bloodb. Factor VIIIc. packed rbcd. Factor X

p. 1510

45. A 5-year old female has multiple bruises on her lower extremities and oral mucosal bleeding for 3 days’ duration. Two weeks before these signs she had a mild respiratory tract infection. Physical examination reveals multiple ecchymoses and petechiae; no lymphadenopathy nor splenomegaly was noted. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. Leukemiab. Neuroblastomac. aplastic anemiad. idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

p. 1521

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46. Which of the following suggests a bacterial etiology in a child with tonsillopharyngitis?

a. pale tonsils with mild pharyngeal congestionb. beefy tonsils with petechiaec. mild pharyngeal exudatesd. enlarged tonsils with moderate congestion

p. 1265

47. A 1-year old infant had cough 2 weeks PTC which started as mild and becoming paroxysmal. This was accompanied by low-grade fever but was relieved by antipyretics. She had a poor history of immunizations. PPE showed explosive outburst of cough accompanied by reddish face. The child looks well when not coughing. Lungs were clear. There were few petechiae in the neck. T=37˚C. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. viral pneumoniab. epiglottitisc. pertussisd. laryngotracheobronchitis

p. 839

48. The period of communicability of mumps in a child is:

a. for 5 days starting with the first day of visible parotid swellingb. from 3 days of onset of swelling to the day of visible swellingc. from several days before the onset of swelling until the

swelling has subsidedd. only while fever persists

p. 954

49. A 12-year old girl had a mild sore throat, low-grade fever and a diffuse maculopapular rash. During the next 24 hours, she developed redness of her eyes. PE showed mild tenderness and marked swelling of her posterior cervical and occipital lymph nodes. Four days after the onset of illness, the rash vanished. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. Rubellab. Rubeolac. erythema infectiosumd. acute infectious lymphocytosis

p. 951

50. Which is the most common cause of osteomyelitis in children?

a. Staphylococcus aureusb. Group A streptococcusc. Group B streptococcusd. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

p. 776

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51. A full term newborn with Apgar score of 8 & 9, is having episodes of cyanosis and apnea which are worse when attempting to feed, but seems better when crying. At this point, it is important to establish:

a. patent ductus arteriosusb. choanal atresiac. ventricular septal defectd. respiratory distress syndrome

p. 1259

52. The initial treatment for neonates with sepsis consists of:

a. erythromycin + cloxacillinb. ampicillin + sulfac. ampicillin + aminoglycosided. cloxacillin + aminoglycoside

p. 549

53. A 10-day old infant who was born by NSD by a “hilot” was brought in because of difficulty of sucking and excessive crying noted 2 days PTC. PPE: wt= 3,000 gms; T= 37.5˚C, with hoarse cry and spasms. Lungs were clear. The most appropriate treatment would be:

a. feeding by NGTb. penicillin by IVc. muscle relaxant IMd. sedative IM

p. 879

54. A 3-year old child awakens at night with high-grade fever, a severe sore throat and a barking cough. P.E. shows a child who is drooling and with respiratory stridor. Lungs are clear. The child may have:

a. bronchitisb. tonsillopharyngitisc. acute epiglottitisd. bronchiolitis

p. 1275

55. A 10-month old infant has fever, cough, dyspnea and leucocytosis. Chest x-ray shows patchy distribution of consolidation. Treatment of choice without bacterial culture is:

a. Ampicillinb. Erythromycinc. Oxacillind. Amikacin

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56. Tracheo-esophageal fistula is usually suspected in one of the following conditions:

a. excessive oral secretionsb. maternal hypertensionc. presence of stridord. vomiting

p. 1122

57. A syndrome that starts as diarrhea and progresses to fever, oliguria, acute renal failure, thrombocytopenia and microangiopathic anemia in children is due to:

a. systemic lupus erythematosusb. hemolytic-uremic syndromec. Good-Pasteur diseased. Henoch-Schonlein nephritis

p. 1586

58. A 2-year old female was hospitalized because of afternoon fever and anorexia for 3 weeks and seizures few hours prior to consultation. No previous medications; no history of seizures in the past. PE findings: T=39.5˚C, stuporous, (+) nuchal rigidity, right eye deviated medially, spastic extremities. CSF was cloudy with WBC 204/cc and lymphocytes of 90%, sugar=0.8 mmol/L. Your treatment would include:

a. aqueous penicillinb. ampicillin and chloramphenicolc. INH/Rifampicin/Streptomycin/corticosteroidsd. anti-viral drugs

p. 891

59. Sparse and thin hair with dyspigmentation as a sign of undernutrition is commonly observed in:

a. marasmusb. kwashiorkorc. intrinsic factor deficiencyd. vitamin A deficiency

p. 170

60. Milk feedings must be supplemented with iron preparations to prevent iron deficiency anemia starting:

a. 6-8 weeks of ageb. 6 months of agec. 9 months of aged. 12 months of age

p. 165

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61. The present age recommendation to start solid food for supplementation for infants is at:

a. 3 months of ageb. 6 months of agec. 9 months of aged. upon eruption of 2nd incisors

p. 165

62. Normally, a newborn infant’s weight may decrease 10% below the birth-weight in the first week of life as a result of:

a. excretion of excess extravascular fluid b. high environmental temperaturec. hypoglycemiad. intake of high-fat breast milk

Answer: A p. 32-33

63. The 1-minute APGAR Score may indicate which of the following?

a. the need for immediate resuscitationb. the probability of successful resuscitationc. predict neonatal deathd. predict neurologic outcome

Answer: A p.592

64. In general, jaundice is considered pathologic and therefore, a search to determine its cause should be made if:

a. it appears on the 36-48 hr. of lifeb. serum bilirubin is rising at a rate faster than 1 mg/dl/24 hr.c. jaundice persists after 5-7days of lifed. direct-reacting bilirubin is greater than 2 mg/dL at any time

Answer: D p. 595

65. An infant is observed to follow objects 18 degrees, laughs out loud and grasp objects and bring them to mouth. He must be:

a. 2 weeks oldb. 1 month old c. 2 months oldd. 4 months old

Answer: D p. 34

66. This is a major milestone at about 9 months old age, which is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when not seen:

a. rapproachmentb. object constancy c. object permanenced. magical thinking

Answer: B p. 36

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67. The first visible sign of puberty in girls is:

a. thelarcheb. pubarche c. menarched. peak height velocity

Answer: A p. 54

68. This vaccine is contraindicated in household contacts of immunocompromised persons:

a. OPVb. Measles c. Varicellad. BCG

Answer: A p. 1182

69. Baby Girl Cruz was delivered spontaneously at term to a 28 y/o G3P2 mother. Following delivery, she was noted to be limp, had irregular respiration, CR 80/min, extremities and body cyanotic with no response to suctioning of oronasal passages. What is the APGAr Score of Baby Girl Cruz?

a. 2b. 3 c. 4d. 5

Answer A p. 528

70. The second dose of MMR should be routinely given at the age of:

a. 1 ½ years oldb. 2-3 years oldc. 4-6 years oldd. 7-10 years old

Answer: C p. 1178

71. If the first dose of Hepatitis B vaccine was given at birth, the last dose should not be given before the age of:

a. 6 monthsb. 9 months c. 12 monthsd. 15 months

Answer: A p. 1177

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72. For infants born to mothers whose HBsAG status is unknown, the first dose of Hepatitis B should be given at what age?

a. within 12 hours at birthb. 4 weeks old c. 6 weeks oldd. 8 weeks old

Answer: A p. 1177

73. A 4 year old child is expected to have an approximate weight of:

a. 12 kgb. 14 kgc. 16 kgd. 20 kg

Answer C p. 31

74. A newborn was noted to have increased oral bubbly secretion accompanied by cough and choking on feeding. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. TEFb. pulmonary sequestrationc. pulmonary hypoplasiad. CCAM

Answer: A page: 1219

75. A 3 year old boy was brought to the ER because of barking cough and stridor. He was afebrile, non-toxic and well when seen by his physician. Symptoms were similar for the past 3 nights. This clinical condition is typical of:

a. spasmodic croupb. acute laryngotracheobronchitisc. congenital subglottic stenosisd. angioneurotic edema

Answer: A page 140776. A 5 y/o has frequent cough and colds of more than a month accompanied

by marked weight loss. Her mother also has chronic cough. If Mantoux test shows an induration of 10 mm., the most likely diagnosis is:

a. TB infectionb. TB diseasec. TB exposured. Miliary TB

Answer B page 962

77. . Which of the following is a major criteria of atopic dermatitis?a. Xerosisb. postauricular fissure c. elevated IgEd. (+) FH of atopy

Answer: D page: 775

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78. A 15 month old boy developed generalized pruritus, hives and dyspnea 30 minutes after intake of egg. The initial treatment should be administration of:

a. diphenhydramine IMb. Epinephrine IM c. Epinephrine SCd. Prednisone IV

Answer: B page: 781

79. A 7 year old girl came because of polyuria (about 8 L./day) noted for 4 weeks. She was also noted to have marked weight loss (60%). If urinalysis shows specific gravity 1.032, urine glucose 3+, urine osmolality of 500 mOsm/L, the most likely cause of polyuria of this patient is:

a. Neurogenic DIb. Nephrogenic DIc. Type I DM d. Type II DM

Answer: C page 1954

80. Randy, a 5 y/o was brought to your clinic for polyuria. On pitressin test, there was a decrease in urine volume, increase in specific gravity and urine osmolality. The next diagnostic test you will request is:

a. ultrasound of KUBb. cranial MRI c. glycosylated hemoglobind. serum Na, K and calcium

Answer: B page: 1854

81. The most common malignant neoplasm in children:

a. Retinoblastomab. Neuroblastomac. Wilm’s Tumord. Leukemia

Answer: D page: 1694

82. A 1 year-old baby was brought to the OPD for a well baby check up. He was exclusively breastfed from birth until 6 months, and was given complementary feeding from then on. Physical examination was unremarkable except for pallor. CBC showed anemia, low red cell indices, normal reticulocyte count. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Thalassemia traitb. Iron deficiency anemiac. Aplastic Anemiad. Diamond Blackfan anemia

Answer: B page: 1614

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83. A 4 y/o male patient consulted because of joint pains, he was also noted to have intermittent low grade fever for 2 weeks. PE: pale palpebral conjunctivae, (+) petechiae on soft palate, Grade 1-2 systolic ejection murmur at the LLSB, clear breath sounds, liver edge 5 cm below RCM, spleen 3 cm below LCM, (+) 3 cm bluish discoloration on the thigh. CBC showed Hgb = 6.0/dL, Hct 20 vol % RBC = 2.0 x 109/L, MCV = 85 fl, MCH = 30 pg, MCHC = 31, RDW = 13, WBC = 10 x 109/L, segmenters = 1%, lymphocytes = 90%, Platelet count = 100 x 109/L. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Aplastic anemia b. Infectious mononucleosis c. Acute lymphocytic leukemiad. Rheumatoid arthritis

Answer: C p. 1645

84. A 4 month infant was brought to the hospital because of diarrhea. He passed out watery yellow stools with low grade fever. The most likely cause of the acute diarrhea is

a. Enterotoxiginic E. colib. Rotavirusc. Cholera d. Shigella

Answer: B page: 1082

85. If this baby presents with lethargy with CR 140/min, weak pulses, sunken fontanels and eyeballs, dry lips, + skin fold test of > 3 sec. What is the degree of dehydration?

a. noneb. mildc. moderated. severe

Answer: D page: 245

86. GIT condition that manifest symptoms early in the neonatal period, but has high incidence of spontaneous remission as the infant grows older:

a. Hypertonic pyloric stenosisb. Hirschprungs’s diseasec. GE refluxd. Intussusception

Answer: C page: 1222

87. Features strongly suggest cholestatic jaundice:

a. yellowish skin and scleraeb. straw yellow urine c. TB 12 mg/dL B1 10.8mg/dL B2 = 1.2 mg/dLd. Acholic stools

Answer: D pages: 1314-1315

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88. Drug of choice used to rapidly terminating severe cyanotic spells in babies with Tetralogy of Fallot:

a. Clonidineb. Paracetamolc. Morphined. Diazepam

Answer: C page: 1525

89. Palpating the peripheral pulses is important in infants and children. This particular congenital cardiovascular disease may be suspected if the femoral pulses are diminished or absent:

a. patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)b. coarctation of the aorta c. transposition of the great arteries (TGA)d. atrial septal defect

Answer: B page: 1482 & 1518

90. In which of the following situations can a diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever be made?

a. (+) ASO titer (+) joint pains, (+) feverb. (-) ASO titer (+) chorea’s syndenhamc. (+) ASO titer, (+) erythema marginatum ↑ ESRd. (+) ASO titer, (+) polyarthritis, ↑ CRP

Answer: B p. 876

91. Baby Twinkle was delivered term to a mother with poorly-controlled gestational diabetes. At birth, her Apgar Score were 5 and 6 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively. Maternal blood type is O+, baby’s blood type is A+

If she developed jaundice at the 20th hours of life, the most likely cause is:

a. Perinatal asphyxiab. Hemolytic disease of the newbornc. Maternal diabetesd. Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn

Answer: B page: 601

92. A 6 year old boy complained of nape pains and headache, with a BP of 160/100. He had a history of “sorethroat” a week PTA, with passage of tea-colored urine 3 days PTA and facial and leg edema. The most likely consideration is:

a. UTIb. Post-infectious glomerulonephritisc. Idiopathic nephritic syndromed. Urolithiasis

Answer: B page: 1740

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93. The most important risk factor for infants with febrile UTI due to its potential for causing renal injury is:

a. being uncircumcisedb. vesicoureteral refluxc. voiding dysfunctiond. male sex

Answer: B page: 1790

94. A 3 year old boy had a history of profuse watery diarrhea and vomiting. On consultation, there was no urine output for the last 12 hours. Minimal urine was obtained by catheterization. Urine was dark yellow, highly concentrated with a low urine sodium content. The cause of renal failure is:

a. pre-renalb. intrinsic renalc. bladder outlet obstructiond. neurogenic bladder

Answer: A page: 1768, 1769

95. A 2 ½ month old unimmunized baby was brought to the ER following a mild two-week upper respiratory infection. She then developed severe paroxysmal cough. A presumptive diagnosis of Pertussis can be made by a:

a. throat cultureb. White blood cell countc. Chest-x-rayd. Gram’s stain of nasal discharge

Answer: B page: 910

96. The WHO criteria added for Dengue Shock Syndrome include the criteria for DHF plus:

a. minor or major hemorrhagic manifestationsb. thrombocytopenic (< 100,000/mm3)c. narrow pulse pressure (< 20 mmHg) or hypotensiond. pleural effusion by chest radiograph or hypoalbuminemia

Answer C page 1093

97. A 9 year old girl has been having on and off fever for the past 10 days. On examination there was conjunctivitis, strawberry tongue, and periungual desquamation. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. atypical measlesb. Kawasaki diseasec. Typhoid feverd. Streptococcal septicemia

Answer: B page: 824

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98. A 10 year old girl complained of fever, sore throat. PE revealed exudative pharyngitis accompanied by generalized lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly and atypical lymphocytosis on peripheral smear. The most likely etiologic agent is:

a. Group A b-hemolytic Streptococcusb. Corynebacterium diphtheriaec. Epstein Barr Virusd. Coxsackie Virus

Answer: C page: 1067

99. A 17 year old girl had a mild prodrome of nasal catarrh and low fever followed by retroauricular, posterior cervical and postoccipital lymphadenopathy and the appearance of discrete reddish maculopapules. This fits the diagnosis of:

a. Varicellab. Rubellac. Meningococcemiad. Parvovirus B19

Answer: B page: 1032

100. A 6 year old presented by a mild respiratory prodrome. The initial stage wascharacterized by erythematous facial flushing likened to a “slapped cheek”. The disease is most likely:

a. scarlet feverb. CMV infectionc. Roseolad. erythema infectiosum

Answer: D page: 1049

101. The management of benign febrile seizures includes:

a. Phenobarbital therapy if the patient is one year or olderb. baseline neuroimagingc. electroencephalogram a week after the attackd. maternal education and antipyretic measures

Answer: D page: 1994

102. Cyanosis and seizures on prolonged crying in an infant suggests:

a. benign rolandic seizuresb. ceongenital heart disease c. breatholding spellsd. infantile spasm

Answer: C page 2010

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103. A 12 year old female with malar rash palatal ulcers, polyarthritis and photosensitivity. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. polyarteritis nodosa erythematosusb. systemic sclerodermac. systemic lupusd. Kawasaki disease

Answer: C page: 810

104. This drug is used as prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in renal transplant patients:

a. Azithromycinb. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazolec. Permethrind. Albendazole

MPL: 1.00 p: 1155

105. Hand-foot and mouth disease is caused by:

a. Coxsackie A virusb. Epstein barr virusc. Cytomegalovirusd. Parvovirus B19

MPL: 1.0 p: 1044

106. Iron chelation will be most useful in:

a. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura b. beta thalassemia majorc. chronic myelogenous leukemiad. iron deficiency anemia

MPL: 1.0 p: 1632

107. The principal organ affected after most hydrocarbon ingestion is the:

a. liverb. GITc. bone marrowd. lungs

MPL: 1.0 p: 2372-2373

108. The most common viral agent causing bronchiolitis is:

a. respiratory syncitial virusb. influenzaec. rhinovirusd. parainfluenzae

MPL: 0.25 p: 1415-1416

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109. The treatment of choice for uncomplicated N. meningitides meningitis is:

a. Ceftriaxoneb. Cefotaximec. Penicillind. ceftazidime

MPL: 1.0 p: 2042-2043

110. The clinical symptoms of Hirschprung’s disease usually begins at birth and ushered in by:

a. failure to thriveb. delayed passage of meconiumc. vomitingd. abdominal distention

MPL: 1.0 p: 1239

111. The most sensitive study in the diagnosis of Meckel’s diverticulum is:

a. plain abdominal radiographb. superior mesenteric radiographyc. barium studyd. radionuclide scan

MPL: 1.0 p: 1237

112. A 3300 gram, 39 weeker, male, was delivered via stat cesarean section due to placenta previa. Baby was pink, with good cry and muscle tone but had early onset of tachypnea and grunting. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. RDS type Ib. RDS type IIc. meconium aspiration pneumoniad. bronchopulmonary dysplasia

MPL: 1.0 p: 583

113. The diagnosis of tetanus is established by:

a. blood cultureb. lumbar tapc. presence of lockjaw followed by progressive stiffness of the

voluntary musclesd. complete blood count

MPL: 1.0 p: 952

114. The earliest sign of puberty in girls:

a. menstruationb. breast enlargementc. broadening of the hipsd. appearance of pimples

MPL: 1.0 p: 54

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115. The most common primary cause of nephrotic syndrome in children is:

a. membranous GNb. membrano-proliferative GNc. minimal change nephrotic syndrome d. focal segmental GN

MPL: 1.00 p:1755

116. Physiologic bowing of the legs completely resolves by:

a. 1 yearb. 2 yearsc. 3 yearsd. 4 years

p: 2265

117. Hydrocoele is often physiologic up to:

a. 3 monthsb. 6 monthsc. 9 monthsd. 12 months

p: 1820

118. A 7-year-old boy has crampy abdominal pain and purpuric rashes on the back of his legs and buttocks as well as on the extensor surfaces of his forearm. Urinalysis reveals proteinuria and microhematuria. Your most probable diagnosis is which of the following:

a. poststreptococcal glomerulonephritisb. Henoch-Schonlein Purpurac. IgA nephrophathyd. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

p: 1744

119. Which of the following is NOT associated with Acute Renal Failure:

a. Hyponatremiab. hypokalemiac. hypocalcemiad. metabolic acidosis

p: 1769

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120. A 2-month-old infant was rushed to the emergency room with generalized seizure. The infant was born term, AGA at home attended by a hilot. He was purely breastfed. At the ER, he was pale, drowsy with bulging anterior fontanel. He had clear breath sounds, liver edge was 4 cm below the right subcostal margin and right hemiparesis. Your most probable diagnosis is:

a. hemophiliab. neonatal sepsisc. bacterial meningitisd. acquired prothrombin complex deficiency

p: 606

121. Tuberculin reactivity is a Type ____ hypersensitivity:

a. Type I IgE mediatedb. Type II cytotoxicc. Type III immune complexd. Type IV cell mediated

p: 783, 961

122. An apparently healthy neonate was brought to a well baby clinic. PE showed palpable liver 2 cm below the right subcostal margin. The most probable diagnosis is:

a. neonatal hepatitisb. choleduchal cystsc. biliary atresiad. normal

p: 526

123. A 12-month-old male suddenly draws up his leg and scream in pain. This was repeated periodically throughout the night interspersed with periods of quiet sleep. He was seen after 12 hours and looked pale, has just vomited and passed out blood streaked stools. There is a palpable mass around the umbilicus. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. Acute appendicitisb. Acute gastroenteritisc. Intussusceptiond. Mesenteric adenitis

p: 279

124. Which of the following is the first sign of puberty in girls:

a. thelarcheb. pubic hairc. axillary haird. enlargement of clitoris

p: 59

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125. Which of the following is true of cephalhematoma:

a. may not be visible until several hours after birthb. it is a subcutaneous edema of the scalpc. usually resolves in 24 hoursd. not associated with complications

p: 562

126. A 35-week AOG newborn was delivered with an Apgar Score of 8 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively. Mother had no prenatal check up. Within a few minutes of birth, the baby was noted to develop respiratory distress. Which of the following causes of respiratory distress is least likely in this patient:

a. Transient Tachypnea of the Newbornb. Neonatal Pneumoniac. Meconium Aspiration Syndromed. Hyaline Membrane Disease

p: 575-583

127. A newborn was exposed to the infectious diseases mentioned below. History revealed that the mother had received the recommended immunizations during pregnancy and had these diseases years prior to pregnancy. Which of the following diseases would probably affect this newborn:

a. tetanusb. rubeolac. pertussisd. varicella

p: 909

128. Which of the following are not routinely recommended:a. Hep B vaccineb. DPTc. Rabiesd. Polio vaccine

p: 1177

129. Which of the following is the most frequent cause of Common Cold:a. S. aureusb. S. pneumoniaec. Pseudomonas sp.d. Rhinovirus

p: 1389

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130. A 10-year-old child was admitted because of abdominal pain and nausea. This was followed perioral numbness. At the ER, the patient had respiratory arrest and was thus intubated. History revealed that the patient had eaten shellfish about 2 hours before the onset of symptoms. Which of the following is the most probable toxin involved:

a. saxitoxinb. ciguatoxinc. scambrotoxind. solanine

p: 2377

131. A 15-year-old male sought consult because of fever, malaise and headache. He also complains of pain over the area from the back of his mandible toward the mastoid space. He also describes that his earlobe on the affected side appears to be sticking upward and outward. Drinking sour liquids causes much pain in the affected area. The most probable condition affecting the child is:

a. measlesb. mumpsc. varicella d. rubella

p: 1035

132. An 18-month-old infant presents at the ER because of convulsions. He also has high grade fever. During the lumbar puncture (where CSF exam was normal), he passed large volume of watery stools with blood and mucus. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. Salmonellosisb. Shigellosisc. Rotavirus diarrhead. Cholera

p: 919

133. In a 6-month-old infant, which of the following would be a contraindication to doing a lumbar tap:

a. bulging fontanelb. history of seizurec. significantly elevated WBCd. uncorrected bleeding diathesis

p: 1980

134. The single most sensitive method of diagnosis of Typhoid Fever is which of the following:

a. clinical pictureb. Typhidotc. Widal’s testd. Blood or bone marrow culture

p: 917

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135. Which of the following conditions is a contraindication to breastfeeding:

a. mastitisb. common coldc. substance abused. intake of amoxicillin

p: 161

136. A 3 year-old boy has fever and seizure. He was drowsy, with nuchal rigidity and bilateral upgoing of toes. CSf examination shows turbid, cell count of 10,000, 75% polyss, protein 500 mg/dl, sugar 40 mg/dl with 100 mg/dl random blood sugar. Based on the CSF exam, what is the most probable etiologic agent:

a. Tuberculousb. bacterialc. virald. fungal

p: 2043

137. In basic life support, what is the ratio of chest compression to ventilation for children less than 8 years old:

a. 2:1b. 3:1c. 5:1d. 10:1

p: 281

138. A 24 year old susceptible medical student is exposed during wardwork to a patient with chickenpox. He is advised to have varicella vaccine at:

a. one injectionb. two monthly injectionsc. one injection followed by a booster after 6 monthsd. one injection followed by a booster after 1 year

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th ed. P 1061-1062

139. A 5 year old girl presents with severe protein energy malnutrition. The anthropometric indicator which is an index of acute nutritional status and which is the simplest to measure is:

a. heightb. weightc. mid-arm circumferenced. head circumference

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th ed. P 170-172

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140. A 4 year old boy looks malnourished. The height for age measurement is 75% therefore the waterlow classification is _______ stunting:

a. Normalb. Mildc. Moderated. Severe

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th ed. P 59 (Table 15-1)

141. A 2 year old child was rushed to the ER because of seizure. He initially developed fever with associated petechial rashes on both extremities. While at the ER, the resident noted petechial rash and several slate gray satellite shape descent. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. bacterial meningitisb. viral encephalitis c. intracranial hemorrhaged. seizure disorder

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th ed. P 2041

142. While the parents were transporting their four year old child to the Emergency Department for difficulty of breathing, the child stopped breathing. On arrival in the ER the child is pulseless and apneic. The monitor shows a bradyarrhythmia at 20 beats per minute. The initial and immediate treatment consists of:

a. ventilationb. chest compressions c. vascular accessd. parental medications

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th ed. P 279, P2

143. A 3 month old presents to the ER with a one day history of poor feeding and rapid breathing. The infant’s pulse is 260/min. The color is gray and perfusion is poor. ECG is consistent with SVT. Treatment in this child consists of:

a. Rapid IV digitalizationb. IV verapamilc. oral digitalizationd. synchronized cardioversion

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th ed. P 282

144. A 3 year old female has a grade 3/6 systolic ejection murmur at the RUSB with weak pulses at the lower extremities and a lower extremity BP of 90/60 and an upper extremity BP of 110/70. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. pulmonary stenosisb. coarctation of the aortac. patent ductus arteriosusd. Ebstein anomaly

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th ed. p. 1518

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145. A term infant was noted to have PDA. The pharmacogenic agent that is given to this baby to promote closure of the PDA is:

a. prostaglandin E1b. ibuprofen c. indomethocind. prednisone

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th ed. p. 580

146. A 3 day old newborn has blotchy erythematous macules with tiny central vesicles or pustules noted on the trunk and the face. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. erythema toxicum b. sebaceous gland hyperplasiac. hemangioma d. epidermal nevus

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th ed. p. 525

147. A 2 year old male child consulted for speech delay. Mother reports that he can only babble at present and would not respond when called. He flaps his hands when he hears his favorite song but cannot establish eye contact. He perseverates on spinning objects. The most probable consideration for this is:

a. developmental language disorderb. autismc. hearing impairmentd. cerebral palsy

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th ed. p. 93-94

148. A term female infant at one week old was noted to have weak movements macroglossia, and wide anterior fontanel. This baby most probably has:

a. galactosemiab. G6PD c. Phenylketonuriad. Congenital hypothyroidism

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th ed. p. 1875149. A 16 year old male with a height age of 13 years, a bone age of 13 years,

a history of the same complaints in an uncle when he was of the same age, no other abnormalities very likely has:

a. Constitutional delayb. Hypopituitarism c. Turner syndrome in the maled. Isolated LH-FSH deficiency

Reference: Nelson textbook pediatrics

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150. A six-month-old baby boy was seen at the Outpatient Clinic because of jaundice which was noted since two weeks of age. The jaundice was deepening associated with pruritus and irritability and abdominal distention. Stools were acholic and urine was deep yellow. On PE, the child was wasted and stunted, with generalized jaundice; distended abdomen with(+) fluid wave; liver edge was not palpable, (+) splenomegaly 4 cm below the left costal margin; (+) visible superficial veins on the abdomen; (+) palmar erythema and clubbing. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. billiary atresiab. viral hepatitisc. pyloric stenosisd. choledochal cyst

Reference: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17 ed. Ch. XVII p. 1317, Biliary atresia

151. Ana, a 15 year old teenager came in due to recurrent heavy menstruation. Her regular menstrual cycle lasts for 10 days with large blood clots. She also frequently develops gum bleeding after brushing. What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. hemophilia Ab. protein C deficiencyc. Von Willebrand diseased. TFPI deficiency

Reference: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17 ed. P 1662

152. A 6 month old presented with 3 days of high grade fever. He was cheerful and feeding well when afebrile and had no respiratory symptoms. After the 3 day fever, maculopapular rashes appeared on the face progressing downwards.The most likely diagnosis is:

a. Measlesb. Roseola infantumc. Rubellad. erythema infectiosum

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th ed. Part XVI, p. 1069-1070

153. A child suspected to have TB infection will have

a. 10 mm induration on Mantoux test b. (+) Ghons complex on Chest X-ray c. (+) Blood cultured. (+) AFB smear

Reference: PPS TB concensus for children

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154. A 4 year old child was complaining of difficulty in walking .On PE there was palpable, tender left inguinal lymphadenitis and pus coming out from the wound located at the dorsum of the left foot. The appropriate antibiotic to give is:

a. Penicillin b. Oxacillinc. Chloramphenicol d. Cotrimoxazole

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, Part. XXXI, p.2300

155. A test to verify to presence of maternal blood in the swallowed blood syndrome:

a. Apts testb. Kelihaeur-Bethk test c. Mantoux testd. Coomb’s test

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th part XVIII, p. 599-607

156. Jo-anne, an 8 year old female known asthmatic was seen at the ER because of difficulty of breathing which started one hour PTC: Initial treatment consists of:

a. inhaled short acting B2 agonistb. oral steroidc. inhaled steroidd. leukotrienes

Reference: GINA Guidelines

157. An 8 year old male presents with tea-colored urine oliguria, periobital edema most prominent in early morning and hypertension. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. UTIb. Nephrotic syndrome c. acute glomerulonephritisd. hemorrhagic cystitis

Reference: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17ed. p.1735-1737

158. Most reliable method of collection of urine for urine culture:

a. Catheterizationb. wee bag collection c. midstream clean catchd. suprapubic aspiration

Reference: PPS clinical practice guidelines for Urinary Tract Infection

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159. The laboratory test that confirms the presence of UTI:

a. Bacteruiriab. Pyuriac. >100,000 CFU/ml of urined. hematuria

Reference: PPS clinical practice guidelines for urinary tract infection

160. A 10 year old male was admitted for fever and seizures. History revealed he had 3 days fever with productive cough, headache and yellowish nasal discharge. Few hours PTA he developed generalized tonic seizures for 15 minutes followed by loss of consciousness. On admission he was febrile with violaceous, purpuric rashes on the trunk, positive kernigs, hyperactive reflexes and glascow coma scale of 6. The most probable diagnosis is

a. Fungal meningitisb. Meningococcemia c. dengue encephalitisd. Tuberculous meningitis

Reference: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17ed. Part XVI, p. 896-897

161. A 7 year old child present with cheilosis, glossitis and atrophic lingual papillae. The most likely diagnosis is a deficiency of:

a. thiamineb. riboflacin c. pyridoxined. niacin

Reference: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 17th ed. p. 182

162. Which of the following is the most important procedure with diagnosis of the infective endocarditis?

a. Complete blood countb. Urinalysisc. Erythrocyte sedimentation rated. Blood culture

(Comprehension)Answer: D – The critical information for appropriate treatment of

infective endocarditis is obtained from blood cultures. p.1566 Nelson 17th ed.

163. At 5 minutes of life, an infant has the following findings : Pulse rate 135 per minute, good muscle tone, cyanotic hands and feet, strong cry and a grimace after a catheter was inserted thru the nostril. The infant’s Apgar score is :

a. 7b. 8c. 9d. 10

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(Comprehension)Answer: C - Pulse rate 2

Body pink 1ExtremitiesCyanoticMuscle tone, good 2Strong cry 2Grimace 2

9p. 628 Nelson 17th ed.

164. Which one is most often fractured in difficult deliveries?

a. Clavicleb. Radiusc. Humerusd. Femur

(Recall)Answer: A – The clavicle is fractured during labor and delivery more frequently than any other bone. p. 572 Nelson 17th ed

165. Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn is effectively prevented by which one of the following?

a. Platelet transfusionb. Heparin administration c. Injection of anti-D globulin (RhoGAM) in the motherd. Injection of 1 mg vitamin K at birth

(Comprehension)Answer: D – Intramuscular injection of 1 mg of vitamin K at the time of birth prevents the decrease of vitamin – K dependent

factors in full-term infants. p. 606 Nelson 17th ed

166. A 2-year-old child living in Baguio City is bitten by a dog. After cleaning and washing the wound, which of the following should be done next?

a. Find the dog and observe it.b. Begin rabies hyper immune globulin.c. Vaccinate the child with duck embryo vaccine.d. Give both immune globulin and vaccine.

(Analysis)Answer: B – Local wound care is designed to remove or kill

the virus by mechanical and virucidal action. Passive immunization with human rabies

immunoglobulin (HRIG) then provides intermediate blockage of attachment of virus to the nerve endings. p. 1104 Nelson 17th ed.

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167. The most common caused of blood-stained stool in an otherwise normal infant is:

a. Anal fissureb. Ulceritis colitisc. Intussusceptiond. Meckel’s diverticulum

(Comprehension)Answer: A- Anal fissure is a small laceration of the

mucocutaneous junction of the arms. It is an acquired lesion secondary to the forceful passage of a hard start, mainly seen in infancy. p.1288 Nelson 17th ed

168. The clinical manifestation that differentiates marasmus from kwashiorkor is :

a. irriitabilityb. loose subcutaneous tissue c. edemad. failure to gain weight

(Comprehension)Answer: C – Marasmus is a nonedematous protein energy

malnutrition while kwashiorkor is edematous protein energy malnutrition. Both present with irritability, failure to gain weight and loose subcutaneous tissue. p. 172 Nelson 17th ed.

169. The average time at which the anterior fontanel closes is at :

a. 6 months of ageb. 12 months of agec. 18 months of aged. 24 months of age

(Recall)Answer: C – The average time of closure of the anterior

fontanel is 18 months. p. 1974 Nelson 17th ed.

170. Which are the first permanent teeth to erupt?

a. Central incisorsb. Lateral incisorsc. Canine ( maxillary)d. First molars

(Recall)Answer: D – The first molar erupt between 6 – 7 years of age.

A – Central incisor erupt between 7 – 8 years of age.B – Lateral incisor erupt between 8 – 9 years of ageC. Canine (maxillary) erupt between 11 – 12 years of age.

p. 1205 Table 288-1 Nelson 17th ed.

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171. Bronchiolitis in infants is most often caused by which one of the following?

a. Respiratory syncytial virusb. Influenza virusc. Streptococcus pneumoniad. Hemophilus influenza B

(Recall)Answer: A – Acute Bronchiolitis is predominantly a viral

disease. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is responsible for more than 50% of cases. p. 1415 Nelson 17th ed

172. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in an otherwise normal adolescent with the sudden onset of respiratory distress, cyanosis, retraction and markedly decreased breath sounds over his left lung?

a. Empyemab. Chylothorax c. Pneumothoraxd. Staphylococcal pneumonia

(Analysis)Answer: C – The onset of pneumothorax is usually abrupt, and the severity of symptoms depend on the extent of the lung

collapse and in the amount of pre-existing lung disease. Pneumothorax may cause pain, dyspepsia and

cyanosis. Usually, there is respiratory distress, retractions, and markedly decreased breath sounds on the involve lung. p.1464 Nelson 17th ed

Empyema and chylothrax are not sudden in onset, and staphylococcal pneumonia is not likely in adolescents.

173. A 3 –year –old presents with strider and a barking cough. There is mild respiratory distress, tachypnea, respiratory strider, and a temperature of 39 ˚C. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. laryngotracheobronchitisb. epiglottitisc. bacterial tracheitisd. retropharyngeal abscess

(Analysis)Answer: A – Most patients have an upper respiratory tract

infection with some combination of rhinorhea, pharyngitis, mild cough, and low-grade fever ( 39 – 40 ˚C) for 1 to 3 days before the signs and symptoms of upper airway

obstruction become apparent. The child then develops the characteristic “ barking” cough , hoarseness, and inspiratory stridor. p.1405 Nelson 17th ed

174. A child has low grade fever, abdominal pain, arthritis, microscopic hematuria and rash only in the lower extremity. The most likely has:

a. Meningococcemiab. Postotreptococcal glumerulonephritis

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c. Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP)d. Wegner’s granulomatosis

( Analysis)Answer: C – HSP, also known as Anaphylactoid purpura, is a varculitis of the small vwssels. Low-grade fever and fatigue occur in more than half of the affected children. The hallmark of the disease is the rash, beginning as pinkish maculopapules that initially blanch or pressure and progress to petechiae or purpura. Renal involvement is manifested by red blood cells, white blood cells, casts or albumin in the urinepp. 826 – 827 Nelson 17th ed.

175. A 7 year old had a sore throat 10 days ago. Today she manifest periorbital edema and tea-colored urine. Her blood pressure is 155/95. the serum complement level is low. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. lupus nephritisb. nephritic syndrome c. Postreptococcal glomerulonephritisd. Berger disease

(Analysis)Answer: C – Postreptococcal glomerulonephritis is the most

common cause of hypocomplementeremic nephritis. Depending on the severity of renal involvement,

patients may develop various degrees of edema, hypertension and oliguria. p. 1740 Nelson 17th ed.

176. The triad of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, renal failure and thrombocytopenia is characteristic of which of the following?

a. Membranous lupus nephritis.b. Focal glomerulonephritis secondary to septicemiac. hemolytic – uremic syndromed. Acute poststeptococcal glomenulonghitis

(Comprehension)Answer: C – the hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is the most common cause of acute renal failure in young children and is

characterized by microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and uremia.

p. 1746 Nelson 17th ed.

177. Which of the following is NOT true of nephrotic syndrome?

a. elevated serum cholesterolb. 85% experience minimal change in diseasec. reduced sodium reabsorption by the kidney d. elevated triglycerides

(Comprehension)Answer: C – Because of renal protein loss and

hypoalbuminemia, there is reduced intravascular volume. This stimulates the rennin – angiotensisn system, resulting in enhanced renal sodium reabsorption. Eventually,

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the sodium partially contributes to the edema. The incidence of nephritic syndrome is 2 – 3 / 100, 000 children per year, and the most majority affected children will have a steroid – sensitive minimal change diseases..

In the nephritic state, serum lipid levels ( Cholesterol, triglycerides) are elevated.

p. 1753 – 1755 Nelson 17th ed.

178. The most common abdominal mass in a neonate is:

a. Renal dysplasia – hydroneprhosisb. Wilm’s tumorc. neuroblastomad. Meckles’s diverticulum

(Recall)Answer: A – Renal masses are the most common lesions in

neonates with an abdominal mass. Hydronephrosis and multi – cystic – dysplastic lesions are the most common renal

masses.p. 1784 Nelson 17th ed.

179. Partial complex seizures is typically characterized as :

a. Simple staring that last for 30 mins. or moreb. Absence of impaired consciousnessc. Automatism like chewing, facial grimace or repetition

speechd. Seizures describe as generalized clinic movements.

(Comprehension)Answer: C – Automatisms are common feature of complex

partial seizures in infants and children characterized by alimentary automatisms including lip smacking,

chewing, swallowing and excessive salivation. CPS may begin with a simple partial seizure with or without an aura, followed by impaired conciousness. The seizure are tonic-clonic and the average duration is 1 – 2 min.

pp. 1995 – 1996 Nelson 17th ed.

180. A 5- year-old female has multiple bruises on her lower extremities and oral – mucosal bleeding of 3 days duration. Two weeks before these signs, she had a mild respiratory tract infection. Physical examination reveals multiple ecchymoses and petichaie: no lymphadenopathy or hepatosplenomegaly is noted. The next diagnostic step is:

a. a complete blood countb. a prothrombin timec. a bleeding timed. a partial thromboplastin time

(Analysis)Answer: A – A complete blood count (CBC) reveals a

hemoglobin value of 12 g/dl, a white blood cell (WBC) count of 11,000 and a platelet count of 5,000

p. 1654 Nelson 17th ed.

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181. Which is not a frequent presenting symptoms or sign of childhood leukemia?

a. pallorb. petechiaec. lymphadenopathyd. abdominal pain

(Comprehension)Answer: D – Most children with leukemia present with less

than 4 weeks of symptoms. Most children with ALL have pallor, 50% have petechiae, 60% have lymphadenopahty,

25% have fever, and about 25% have bone pain and arthralgias caused by leukemia infiltration of the perichondral bone or joint or by leukemic expansion of the marrow cavity.

pp. 1694 – 1698 Nelson 17th ed.