Jim Burchell's memory and life's work continues to impact the lives of so many in Nicaragua. We've already raised more than $60,000 for the Jim Burchell ¡Presente! Fund. Our partner Inhijambia has recently finished building two dormitories for girls who had been living on the streets of Managua. Through the Jim Burchell ¡Presente! Fund your donations are making it possible for us to invest at least $30,000 in our partner Axayacatl, which is building a center for women escaping domestic violence and sexual abuse. The coffee cooperative El Porvenir is finally able to purchase a desperately needed vehicle, allowing access to medical services for sick community members. PeaceWorks Board member Marilyn Devroye recently visited Los Pepitos Center for Disabled Children where she saw the vital services they provide for local kids with Down’s Syndrome, PeaceWorks, c/o Johnston, 150 Indiana St., Maplewood, NJ 07040 973-378-9325, peaceworks.org September 22, 2015 Dear Friends, When the mainstream news media reports on Nicaragua, the stories usually focus on crisis. An August headline in The Guardian read, “Food insecurity in Nicaragua: farming on the edge of a volcano.” In September, the New York Times described land disputes that left 10 indigenous farmers dead on Nicaragua's Miskito coast. While these stories need international attention, they are only part of the picture. This fall, PeaceWorks will connect our community in New Jersey to lesser-known, but equally important stories about our Nicaragua. Stories of our Nica partners, working steadily and hopefully to create positive change in their communities. For our November 14 th dinner forum, we're bringing up Miguel Marin, President of our partner organization FEDICAMP. Miguel will tour the East Coast, speaking about FEDICAMP’s response to climate change and food insecurity -- sustainable farming techniques, local water projects and collective advocacy for better government policies .Then in January we’ll go down to Nicaragua to see this work for ourselves, along with the work of our other partners who provide services and support to those who need it most. In Nicaragua:

PeaceWorks, c/o Johnston, 150 Indiana St., Maplewood, NJ ... · 10/09/2015  · September 22, 2015 Dear Friends, When the mainstream news media reports on Nicaragua, the stories usually

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  • • Jim Burchell's memory and life's work continues to impact the lives of so many in Nicaragua.We've already raised more than $60,000 for the Jim Burchell ¡Presente! Fund. Our partnerInhijambia has recently finished building two dormitories for girls who had been living on thestreets of Managua.

    • Through the Jim Burchell ¡Presente! Fund your donations are making it possible for us to investat least $30,000 in our partner Axayacatl, which is building a center for women escapingdomestic violence and sexual abuse.

    • The coffee cooperative El Porvenir is finally able to purchase a desperately needed vehicle,allowing access to medical services for sick community members.

    • PeaceWorks Board member Marilyn Devroye recently visited Los Pepitos Center for DisabledChildren where she saw the vital services they provide for local kids with Down’s Syndrome,

    PeaceWorks, c/o Johnston, 150 Indiana St., Maplewood, NJ 07040973-378-9325, peaceworks.org

    September 22, 2015

    Dear Friends,

    When the mainstream news media reports on Nicaragua, the stories usually focus on crisis. An August headline in The Guardian read, “Food insecurity in Nicaragua: farming on the edge of a volcano.” In September, the New York Times described land disputes that left 10 indigenous farmers dead on Nicaragua's Miskito coast. While these stories need international attention, they are only part of the picture.

    This fall, PeaceWorks will connect our community in New Jersey to lesser-known, but equally important stories about our Nicaragua. Stories of our Nica partners, working steadily and hopefully to create positive change in their communities.

    For our November 14t h dinner forum, we're bringing up Miguel Marin, President of our partner organization FEDICAMP. Miguel will tour the East Coast, speaking about FEDICAMP’s response to climate change and food insecurity -- sustainable farming techniques, local water projects and collective advocacy for better government policies .Then in January we’ll go down to Nicaragua to see this work for ourselves, along with the work of our other partners who provide services and support to those who need it most.

    In Nicaragua:

  • Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities. Check out our website to see her visit to their Equine therapy project.

    In New Jersey:

    • We just launched the all new PeaceWorks.org! Whoohoo! • Our NJ community is gearing up yet again to send a shipment of much needed material aid

    donations to our partners. The 68 th material aid shipment will take place on October 10 th. • This past September 12th more than 40 people came out to our “Fight for $15” dinner forum

    where Maribel Nova and Gertrudis Lopez shared their experiences organizing and supporting low-wage workers.

    • 25 Seton Hall volunteers are helping our new Shipment Coordinator Jim Sagurton organize and pre-pack for the 68th Material Aid Shipment to Nicaragua on September 26th.

    • Want to know more? Our Facebook page is updated almost daily...so Like Us!

    Can you help us continue to support the vital work of our Nicaraguan partners through shipments, project funding, and educational work by donating to our general fund? Or, would you like contribute to the Jim Burchell ¡Presente! Fund to help projects like the new center for women escaping domestic violence, or Fedicamp’s work to address global climate change? For more information and for updates on all of our partners, visit our new website at www . peaceworks . org. None of this work would be possible without your steadfast support.

    In Peace and Solidarity,Denis, Diane and the PeaceWorks Board


    Please Let Us Know How You're Helping!

    Enclosed please find my donation for: $50 _____, $100 _____, $150 _____, other _____

    _____ Please add me to the PeaceWorks email list for meeting reminders and events announcements.

    Name: ____________________________ Email: _________________________________________

    _____ I am interested in a presentation on PeaceWorks at my church or community group.

    _____ I can help prepare food for PeaceWorks Dinner Forums and Events.

    PeaceWorks, c/o Johnston, 150 Indiana St., Maplewood, NJ 07040973-378-9325, peaceworks.org


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  • PeaceWorks at Work!

    -Meet Felipa- Felipa Joya Cruz is a rural farmer in the Rio Abajo community in Northern Nicaragua, about 15 miles from the Honduran border. She receives support from PeaceWorks’ local partner, The Federation for the Development of Rural People (FEDICAMP), which helps rural farmers with education and project financing for sustainable agricultural. Read her story below. *Meet FEDICAMP President Miguel Marin at the PeaceWorks November 14th Dinner Forum.

    “The plot of land I have now was devastated by Hurricane Mitch. Everyone told me not to buy it because all that was left were stones, sand, and debris from a bridge that was washed away by currents. But I bought it anyway and started planting trees, conserving water, and building up the soil to create a new fertile layer. With FEDICAMP, I started diversifying my crops. We began to receive training in organic farming, and we have worked hard to maintain food security.

    In the past few years, we have been affected by drought, which has resulted in crop failure, lack of food for the animals, and decreased milk production because the grasses are very poor. Also due to the drought, the water levels are down in the wells, we have lost many fruit trees, and this year the yields of basic grains, (mainly corn) will be 25% less. In response to the drought, we are working to conserve the water and soil, land cover, and product diversification. This has allowed us to grow healthier foods in which we can sell the surplus, both here in the community and in rural markets. During the last market I was able to make 2,000 Cordobas (roughly US70.00) by selling pumpkins, avocados, bananas and other products because we had diversified. I now know that organic farming is the best alternative to deal with the effects of climate change.”

    *Hurricane Mitch — In 1998, Category 5 Hurricane Mitch reached peak winds of 180mph over the Caribbean before parking itself over Central America. From October 29 - November 3rd, 1998 Mitch dropped as much as 75 inches of rainfall over Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Massive flooding and landslides would leave at least 11,000 dead and many more missing in what became the 2nd worst death toll attributed to any hurricane in history. The erosion of lands in rural communities devastated poor farmers for years to come.

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  • VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY NEEDED Saturday October 10th, 2015, 10AM-4PM


    …to pack and load the PeaceWorks 68th Material Aid Shipment to Nicaragua

    !United Presbyterian Church 525 East Front Street Plainfield, NJ 07060 973-543-4724 !Contact: Jim Sagurton [email protected]

    !For the past two decades, PeaceWorks has sent twice-yearly shipments of donated goods to our partners in Nicaragua. We are fortunate to work with local NGO’s that translate our good intentions and assistance into life affirming services and projects. Join us in donating and/or packing goods for our next shipment! !

    Do you have any donations? *medical equipment (no medicine, please) *sporting equipment *gently used or new clothes *fully functioning electronics & computers *tools & garden supplies *notebooks, pencils…school supplies *kitchenware & luggage *bicycles *sewing machines !


    September 2015 NewsletterFall Winter 2015 Events copyFelipa Joya Cruzall new peaceworks small68th shipment