Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990

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  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990




    (see page 2)



    GHAT D F

    Tis is e secondi a series of artices at wlappear from time to tme i

    'Peace Researcher o e subject of the dark side of Operation Deep Freeze.

    In this iue: ** What about the Workers?** 'PR Comment Nuclear Ships under a Naonal Governmen

    ** The Black Bch Asomeic Programme

    ** NZ ar Indus Booming?

    ** Cooptation of NZ Academia Continues

    ** East-West Center Probes ANZUS Relaons

    ** Book Review: "Blood on Their Banner

    ** An Invitaon to Tour the NZ Bases om ABC

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    WHT BOUT TH ORKRS?NZ la D gha a D Fz

    by Murry Ho

    Oi Dep rze i pece a mt oraon wheher ne accept he oer that e US Nvy ad Ar Force smply pide logsc suppr for pace Atrctc scienreseah or whethe corecly ees it a medium leel mult-puse S milta base wiAntc lgistcs f t mit mi Of coure, hee are large umber of ninlved but he c bo Amec d New aanders

    What t Nw Zalnde wh wk f e Amecan mility at Deep reee? elevey Antrtc ser eon New Zeand Army and Air Frce persnel re employed at DeepFree i ety of suppot task uch as loadig arra fr e ght suh NZ mta peroelso w fr he US on e Ice Amea nd NZ civilis wrk at McMurdo f e N aina Scienodao' nta cnaco

    But er s a peane wfore of New Zaand ciiins who work at Option DeepFee ey w here 12 mos of he year not just dn he summer li season As such ea the n ue pemet employee at Deep Freeze Simutaneously wih e cutoms inestiationinto dru ugg and duty free abuses he eay 1980s, te was maor NZ wrker dissatisfacn

    wit wae nd cndions prvided b h US miliar, d a rsistent atempt by e NZ ade unonmovemen to secu cere of toe workers Thi laer move one aan led to a hih eelsover dispute, with te US vew prevaing once mo.

    No Unions Alowed DeepFreezee empt t scure NZ un coeage fr NZ ciilians at Deep Freeze predated he mid 198s

    by seve yea, d involed severa traa f he uion moement the Caterbuy braches ofhethen Sts nd Packers Union [now te Disbution Worker Federation (D)] Hel Hospit dRestaurant Ui; e Ceic Worker Un e he Canterbury Distt Trades Council; and tehen NZ Federa f Labour [ow he NZ Cucil f rde Union IU wi it regiona rupings,such h Caneby Dct Counci of e U]

    e Sue DWF fm it od Stre d akers day mainta a dead" le on he issue Icumnates n Ap 1986 leter fm a Weno law m to it naonl ofce advie wcheffectvey eed e attmpt a isatin "e New Zeaad Cus w nt exese jurisdictinovere peon f e ppy of a frei vere Ste uless i is wiig to ubmit o the judiciapress t w appear fm e paper made aaable u tat the wrkes whoe work is coeredby he le aw are emplyed he Deparmen f State of he Uied Stae Goeen abe so enfocme pceeding or bah Awa not be bought agit te Uited Statesoee emper

    hu h i eig t e hea of the unioisao argumen The S Goeen

    ay ade he eas why Dep eee ciiians were nt lowed belong t uos Z Amec i t atd hat Deep eze nt vered by he 1973 Indul Reans Act du c ot i rbitrai Cou a a py awrd becaue ne f the base faciltie

    wer pat r ia gn" i h tem has bee replaced by the abour Relatin At

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    i" d t Lu Co This quite aoin cm wa pod by Jim Bog ad Wan oopwhn thy e Ms of Labur ad Foi Aai spcvly It i incocivable tat militarbas facilis such a X a not n fo "cniay ga" Whher hey ma a pot it quitoe ma caly th c aspc of Dep Fez wer m subjct of moNZ Cuom invesgaon i th aly 198&2

    e US et (ad it Mint allies) dd ot ist with hs paicarly ily

    appch I nl ground at of "soveig immty" t cospodence wih NZ unos itddd wih eence to h doc eg in Mach 12, Gog F Rodmn h AdmiisaeOer a th US Embasy wrote to teh Unitd Sta Goveent is ot subct to Nw ld idus lao leglao in hsbhmn of rat ad oth condo of employmet Th a pcple appli employees New Zld goen in e Unted Stes d is n stbshd pncipl of iteationallao

    ut h cnch com wi h thid grod Ths wa sucncly plain in a e l m th US Embasys Labo Attache to h Cauy Clrcal Wor Uon ".Civampys of US Goveent ot pbitd om joing or fog mploy asociao, p

    se Ty phbied, howv om stkng agatmm f mpoye ogansaon which he or ow asss h ght to stk agai Govent o US To h extt that mot NZ mploy orgasao do ser h ght stkagt all employ it i appnt that n a pcca se NZ civl employe of h USGvnt would not itd tojon mploy asociaons"

    o ths trd on e denial of th ght ke i at the ha of th agment Icidentalls desnt jut apply to civia at US mlr bases, but to a US Gov employes

    Te US Gont aachs xtaordary imporan to ths "no srke codion Ey DeF woe, upon stag the job has to sw adavit Onc aga ths is ot pciaHwd, or US mltay bss - it covrs a US Govemnt mployes

    Te appint adavit is brathtng (at let to New Zlnd yes). Udr "Oah ofO" it rads l suppo ad defed Contio of United Stats agnt l enmifoig nd domsc; hat I w be fh d alegic h ae so HELP GOD

    nxt pagph is d "Afdavit As To Subverive Activity ad Aiato I n not aCommust o Fscist I do ot advocat nor nowingy a mmb of y ogasatio atadvcas e ovw of h onstuol fo of Govt of he US o whch sk bfo ionc to dey oe pons thi ight unde Constto of h US 5

    17 cosodenc h Citize for th Demltrsation of Hrwood, David Lnge, he

    hePme clamd hat the Oa of Ofc" ctio ws cosd out befor NZ civiisid d at a 190 rio dd ot icu h Subviv Actvity" secto Paul PsScty of e Sout Disbuon Wok Uo did bo laims poinng out at heoband the io opy fm a Dep F civi worke in 192, ad t wa a 1967datd fo6)

    hid pgph is h cche "Adavit As To Skng Agait Th Fderal GotI not pcpang i y tk aga Gome of e US o ay agncy throf d wilnot so prcpa wl mploye of h Goement of h US o ny agcy erof I do not dw not ass to k agast Gomnt of h US o y agncy teof do uhew o a) hat not knowingy a membe of an ogzao of Goeet employes ataset te gh k aganst Govet of th US ad wl ot, le mploy of he

    US o y agency of owingly bcom membr of ch an orgaton n his 19 oeodc hs is h on co of Appoiet Adav ha Davd

    L dd no mnton lt on dy)

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    ? his adavit comes complete wth two pages of closely tyd explnatio of terms It isbiza say he least Job applicans cn checked for: "Any cmnal ifamous, dishnest immoror nooiously disgcel condct habitl use of intxica t ecess, drg addiction r sexlpveion hat seems o cover eveyng Sate spies, tors, sediinst anarchists rrevoluot need not apply eiher Sng r asserting he rght to strke gnst Unle Sm, caa penaty of a $US ne r impisonment fr a yer and a day or bth

    he is no sggestion hat the US mitay pls to me or al ny of is NZ cvilian employees aHawd. Bt it regds tking r seting the ght ske as he mst seios ofnc in te kIt "Range of Discipliny Acion Penes incldes 29 'offences, whch go fom insbordinatin toofdy condct bnging disgace t Deep Freee t 'immoa indecent r notoios disgracefulcnduc eg incest chid abuse slf-mutilatin A of these 'offencs ca a rnge of penalte Bu"condcg assisng or pcpating in ny sk aganst the Govement f e US or y agence cares oy on nly Teminaon of Appinent"

    The NZ uon movment s lways consistenty tated Deep Feee as a esenal ndst,ndd that is acknwledged in iteal US cespdnc and diplomatic abls Bu a ntrl tene of

    NZ onsm is e ght l ske or at the vey mimm, t asr that ght e US mit wn manfesttin of onism at Hrewood Corespondence m the US Embassy held in the DWF ()e makes ear at he mbssy wod not povid he names and addresses of NZ ivilin wokerwoud no allow non ocias into Deep Freez, would nt aow any unn membership drves, nwld not deduct any nn dues fom workers pay. Any inoads by ade unions wre to bsnously rsisted

    Th Idustia Dangrs f Cviiaisatis Ameicn wrnss of NZ ade unons went we beyond e wodwide application f

    policy foidding US Goveent employees he ght t srke or even t ast tat ght It went

    into the ams of idological paroia hat have lways charactersed US lcy s is madeabndanty ce in a qite extaordiny faewell cable fm Anne Matnde, eng US Ambassadoro e Secar of State in March 989 The whole lenghy cable is facinang coveng tehyeta eec of civanisaon in ree rea elatn wih e NZ Gveent and locl diesade uon relaon and pbc/commnity relations. he tade on secon is wth quong n ful

    "de non Tung to the second major area b cnided n any civilianaon pposlfor te oaons at Chstchurch I blieve at who ow he abor relaions scene in NewZand wod age hat it is a mineeld within wch ne mt ead wih exceeding caeObviously US employe in New Zlnd cope for beer or woe wh he pcuaries of theNe Zand abr laons system However, the scia vuneability of Antatc prgramoions cold mke i hostage to both economic demands nd plicl exploitaon Given e

    shoress f he ausal summer seaso and the nely tned logscal ow qid to sustin heAntac prog, stikes even for puely econmic eason could seriously dispt and possiblyeven desroy pat of e pogrm for a season Wore s would be a polically motivated skeas in fat hapned i 98 when h USNS "Blnd" wa 'hijacked by he mmnstdo minated NZ Boilemake Union Fo se who do not ecl that sitan, the Blnd" wasdmaged at McMurd nd brought to Welngtn for epair. After te vessel ws put in dr dockand n 8 foot hole ct in its side, th boilermke n a clely plitcy movated skeresed to cd wih he work Sinc h Bold cares most of he tonnage fr he McMurdopeation, inability t contiu he ul rspply cod hav ben disastros for he pgrme Embay as abl mahl tng acn by the New Zelad Goveent to revhat pticular sike Whether a f New Zeland Gvent woud so whlehertedly back

    s in a liilly otivd t qustionabl Even the pesent Goveent might havedicltes spporing in an eonomicaly motivated stke

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    / New aad de unions emseles hae lways bee willing to make excepions allow heAtcc pgm to coninue dng skes agaist hird paes for eample dg e ecetfel ck dves stke Much cdit is de to em for that cooperation I wold dobt, howeehat y union could tke the same atude if he employees of a civilia cotractor ig hec poam we direcly iolved in stike ation.

    e employer' side t took some considerable effo to convnce he New Zealand EmployersFedeao dug e ecent ck stike hat they shoud mke an exceptio for he U pgr The Employes' Federaion iitially took the aitude a howeer damangtheir lockot might be for coninuaon of the US scientifc pogam in Antarcca and ostl toNSF they od ot sacce heir iterest for o

    wold epect hat kid of situation to as again ad with a lrgely civilinized pogam wuld ancipae major dusa latons poblems boh in siaions wher he US ontractobeg directy stuck nd whee hird paties a ioed i skes or locko Becase of ee fator in Antarcc opeos, he leerage of oers on a ciili conctor would beeeme uheoe he opto of sbstutng mlia peonel i ctical siatios wold

    lkely me wih nio charges of strke beaking and we cold not expect e automaipt of he ew eland Goement of he day in that siuato.9

    Hw ionic that lthough he Ambassador epessed geat conce at being held raom Commnist-dominted" uios, the only seous disuption she could cite was from the EmployesFede which refused exempt Deep freeze fom a lockout of woers Ideed she ackowledgehat Chtchrch no movement has always ated Deep Freeze as a essentl dsry, eempd it m indust actio (a pocy wich continues today). is lso nteresting see proo e ssy getg Mldoon goveet to mhal a sg eacion to he ilemkes oere d a to e he same diplomac pressu taccs applied to he employes

    Di BarginngLack of ay o pesetaion h left the NZ civias i a vulerable ad mbigos

    sin Fm he late 1960s unil he mid 80s, hee deeloped a range of dust gieace ofso at would normlly by dealt wih by a unio or uions, nd which would ave bee incooratedinto awd Deep Freeze workes of cose hae o awd (explain award sstem?

    A Juy 1984 attbted backgod pape as out he histoy of the worke case At hat timethere we 3 NZ cvans at the bse wth a total of over 3 yea sevice t points out that the 24Decemr 1958 Memoandum of Undestadng been he US and NZ govee establisingDeep Feze, makes only two menion of NZ ciilian one ing t mke it clear hat hey are not USomel) The vey command stucte complicates hings Detacment Chstchurch repos ee

    den miliay commads [COA VMARNAS in Guam, COTHDT n Peal Harbor andCommer Na Spt Force Antarcca (CNSFA in Po Hueneme Califoia], pls repoing tothe US mbssy i Weigto representing he State Depaent Qespite the fact at he NaonlSenc Foudaon (NS) has been i chge of pecs of he Antcc pogrme sin 1971 itplays no p i employee relaons The noionisd ciilias mst deal wih he US miliry adorthe US mbassy Geances date back 196 in some ces They were iesgated by a 1976 USNavy adit and by a infomal COMTHIDFT dge Advocate General inqi in 1981/8. Boh ofhee we milt nqies into civili gevnces The 1976 US Nav Audt Service epo stated,The pblem of ndigenos hre at he Chstchrch NZ Detacment h en a coninos oe .thesbec of ets eleme d pclrl eimet credi is in eed of eie . he are otworkg der a fomlizd employmen coract or agreemet hat delneate heir persoel

    entments For eample al/sck leave etemes gevace procedres . not fomallddessd " The 181 A rert referred to as Repo 17 which looked at e maor pblem hase at Hwood fom 197481 inclsie volg drgs dtyee eilemets and inteacotion heai ctcse he calbe of ml magement at he bse he 198

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    ; backgruder pont out hat mltay peronel at Hawood trnient inepeenced inmageme nd low calibre, whereas "he New aland civilians re the only te permnentemploy at Deachmet Chrishuh. Ftheoe ha" US militay management has alaoy in ny gevne by New Zaland cilns in their employ Tis aangement has stood fo 9ye e employment cnract is US May instcton As such it does not alow pesonlgevnce pcedures established by either New 7aland or Unted States lab la

    e sots of grevaces involved were not earth shaterng but e sot of thing that unions acaed o n o so ot evey day Te backgoder gives several emples: In the o-season of 92[March hrogh Sepember] was aken o a 40 hor week d gven a 10 hor wk his was donewithout y noce and o attempt made to give me a fulme posion in any other pt of the base d oter woer stated From Marh Sepm 198 my hos we ut to 35 per week resultigin a 25% pay cut I have no guarantee at s wi not happen agan Anual leave ot pad atcommencement of holiday ncome ta not deducted m pay No redudacy pay No tremepl" so on he backgrder concludes by stssing the picl nature of the poblemBecase e US ams sovereg immuity om NZ ds laws a cam recogised by successiveNZ goveens, hen any grievces end up bng dealt wih by e US Embassy where ey med

    bt a sm p of ongoing sovereigtylated pblems in e eay 1980s

    B y 1984 he workers were sic of being iored pd off or treated as smal pawns n a itgame Tey had aen their cnce US politicins; in 983 they had hied Chistchurch QC BMcClend to repent them ad b mid 1984 ey we actively lookng at uion repesentation andhad made heir case public ugh both he locl nd national media0

    It is very ierstng to ceMah 18

    9 Deep Freeze civilis sied a leer to e Charm of the Senate Foreign Relations



    embass he Uted States Govee locy or inteatonly, pocly or

    tug the nws mea we re spectfy wting s leer to yo of or employees havebeen pmised he righ d benet afforded to the US Civil Serice employees inudingrement d severnce ay, nd other prieges nce 96 Yet we have ceived nong btpmises nd indicaions of its on the way .we have condenly taken ths maer to teapppate New Zead gievance auhoities, who i view of the sovereig immuty issueha ve suggested at we elevate the issue to the hghest US oveent evels possible We renot, or ever have ben sic] mltat o hae ever belongd to uons fact e US EmbssyWeigton hveaimed soveei immunty fm on condions d dicves

    "Sir for wing this leer we fee hat we have exausted appopiate avenues of redessehused a fair nd reaonable me mts have listned to enogh pcrasnaton nd fase

    pomises d so we therfo apal to constitutional conscience d quest assistnce om you.We do not wish tis leter to be ed as mlitt or dispectl of the administave systemfor case of sho u of duty pefoe by h United States Navy nd Embassy personel ithas involved many pepe ove a nmr o yeas But if we canot obin sasfactor resoltionto e pblems we feel we hae no oer opon but to employ senor lega counsel to act on ouhlf through High Cou injuncton .. Be ased of ou commimen ad loyalty while tismaer is investigad ad hopefuly resoled Seor civilin employees here are tyng to coolever iceasig dsappoinment ad age ove the saons ad disappointments cased by thisissue1

    e commit chairman Senato Chales H Percy wote to the Stte Depamet on thei

    beh I view was exessed on May 9 b Poell A Mooe Assistant Secret fo Conssion Relao

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    O eew of he siaon descibed in he leer shows at gably incoct statementshae ben made to he employees regardng their entement to US Cil Seie benetplyng egblty for US Civil Sece ne Cvil Sece Rerement s not avalable h employees h by Deparent of Defense pocy and US law Unforunaly any pomiseswhich may hae been made speccly lang to US Civ See Retrement annot behonod"

    M s int ot that everybody in NZ s elgible for NZ naonl suernnuaon at age 60,and a he Embasy ntended to folow the prae of oer employers by dwing up a supplementlrme plan" d make it aaable to l egble employees of he Embassy and he Naval SuppoFoe at trh

    s S epment fob o wa fa from sasfactory to the Deep Freze ore Soroca in light of heir rahe sevle pde n neer haing longed to a nion by May 94 eyhad a e-peon eleced cotte to repen eir genes Ths commie had dn abackgnder ng 1 Facts 4 Prme Issues and 2 Qestons. It concluded:

    Wy rgarding bene deed condtons of emploment or asociaon wiated o/rades Counc consdeed nimeca? he loyay of he ciilin eployeesha ner en n queon and all hannels available win the command nd e US Embassy Wellgton ae en solcted in n endeaor to obtain answer to questons posd nd a jussetement achd on l isues.

    Al endeour have to date prodced te sasfacon for civin employees and a semngrelcteon he pr of te US Goveent to deal wih the ssues aised leve he cvlianemployees wth no alatve but to atet to resole te ssues via he New ZelandGoeent or des Councl ofcs1

    En mas the worke woe bac to the Charman of the Senate Foregn Relaons Comitee on27 Juy 1984. They had decide to get togh and ndeed sued none too sble heats

    "To rher lten you we now suggest yo obtan under the Fedom of Inoaon ct aopy of he COIRDT Judge Advocate Genera (AG Infol Invesgaton wch wascocted n Decmber 1981 and releed n md-1982 regardng some apects of e DtachmentChrstchurh oraton Mny of or people er qutoned o gave tatement dng thatnvesgaon he fact contaed n hs invesgaton wll dclose gss mimanagement drnge 191981 te ame wich is the perod of me we consder he New Zaland cnemployees ere mot hed by ncompetent management and corpt and legl practces We consid e o be a whitewash of the te natu of eents becaue it ony deat wi some mptom or the ip of e icrg of e overal management problem nd pbablycaus CMRDFLT should hae montod s actity more closely dung tha period ndcau of ablity o nestgate e oeral manages of he US Antarctc Program eNaoal Senc odaton he Psdey apinted Execve Ageny) hs reporcontaned r hould have conned) edne of

    a Msappopiaton of US Goveent fnds, approimately $00 (tp of he icebeg)b . Fd fyig US Goveent documents to N Z Goeent agencies)c Kcac.d Abse of NZ Goemen pileges, otng hundeds of thousands of dollase. Css coerps, pls my ohe hngs een though it as a we say

    'whitashed .

    e rae ths isse to you oy to amplfy the climate at exsted n Detachme Chrstchucpr to 191 leading to he gos injusices exitng today, and hat appar unresolable hout

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    drmac action, such as cou acion or union measus whch can ony hur he goodwl existingtwn our two countes.. "

    The leer hen goes on to list e workers' grevancs: a retirement plan backdated to time ofhi is dmanded; non-payment o oveme and he need or a document o tems and condions oemployment

    Mny o our people requested we contact he Washinn Post and ask or news mediainvesgaon and assisance along with assisance m Snator Pmire However as your leterequested that we come back to you i hee wee urher pblems we have chosen this ute so asnot to her conse e issue

    "I thnk you wil age ater ading he Inoal JAG Invesigaon Repor hat our loyly haseen eemplary however our group now more resolute over more militant appaches Wewold preer other mehods han hose suggested by he New Zealand Trade Union MovemenCn you pleae come our aid in he interes o US/Z elatons and common jice?

    "Fnally we rspeculy request an onsite nonmiliary omal nvesgaon o all actors o hisopation to veriy our satemens to you regarding USZ relaons which nvolve he NaionalScience Foundaion United States Navy nited Stats Air Force Coation he Newaland Goveet and its cizens

    Or commient and loyalty to e US Goveet man unchanged However we ask youproton m US Goveent interest groups involved while ths whole regrettable maer isng seed and put to sleep 14

    Aachd to he lettr was n arle om e New Zealand Times o22 July 1984 entiled

    "Hawood workers ush award bid"


    It stated that e Canterbury Trades Counc had red nocethat wek on the US Navy to begn awrd negotiations and at it ould lead to he couny's rst siteunion was al or nought as we kow The US simply tonewalled with "soveign immuntyscssive goveent wor it and by 986 he NZrde union movement th locly ndnaon, hd acptd deeat

    Wages and ndtnsTe have always en pculaies associated wi NZ civilians working at Deep Frze For

    eample one o the mor aracve perk is hat they ar enied to bo NZ and US holidays On hedowide, he employers do not deduct PAYE income ta imposng ntad (he US system o***omit

    anana payment made by e individual worker This wa to prove a rel ne o connon inworker grievnces

    Nr we NZ woes alowed access to clssied iomao ? doesnt seem to t here)

    Gievnc procedures wee strictly individualised ie etween worker and employer, wth nounion involvement And the US posion on sovereity is crystal clear and paramount "Local laws

    nd uaons reag appoinnent temination social secuty or any oer condition oemployment do not gove the seices o Direct Hre Local Natonl employees DHLN perelprogrms conorm s closely easible wi locl laws nd customs but must be based in accordancewih US aws and Reglaons"6

    As ar back as 1978 Deep Freeze was adamat hat it didn't want uions involved in is labourrelaons A memorandum m Polical Ocer Jmes H Holmes to Ambassador Amisad Seldendealt wi a complaint at Homes had received rom Ashley Russ naional secretary o e NZCarpent' Union it had en passed on Russ by his Cnterbuy secretry Jack ough) It j

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    ? concd h ags nd condios o a Dp Fre hndym/cpentr cld Bs The Embassyimmediaely nod Commder Chans, who advisd (aong oher points) hat "Baes signed hebsic emploen cnact which notes hat whle h may main a mmb of a union h may notgev pay d ndio to nion repsntaves but must tke pblems in is a to his upisingemployer Homs' mmo concludd I mphasizd again o Russ hat th ha en no labopoblms at ep F for over20 yes; we ho his cord of good laions wll continue and we

    re xious hat hs nqy be delt wi in a way which will not elvae h ma abv hat o a moeor less ponl cmplant. H said he undrod 7 Vr chummy

    How to x wag scles for NZ woer was to exercise e minds o th US milit fo seeayes ost cunies wi US bs had a systm whby locl civlins we pad acording heEmbsy Pay l gdlss of whhr hey wr being pd om he Appropratd Fd o he NonAropatd Fud NA) But not at Dep F Those civlin paid om NAF had nv npd accong o h Embassy Pa Pl but a vay of oher systems A uly 80 inl audircommndd gulising he siuaionl n Ocobr1980 a S tm visied NZ ca out a jobclsscaon nd sary suvey at Deep Fze.1 It sureyed18 compnes (3 in Wlingon and 5 inAucand) t pa dat on wags nd ng n

    Irnay at h sme time as Dep Fe wa risng y encoachmnt by NZ unons e USNavy was lg i stry obligaon to inom its Amrcn civin employs in Stesid baof heir ght nion psntation n cn circumsncesComm Jons whn he eived a le fm Matn ood organisr ith th Cnterbu Hotl,Hos Rurnt and Related Trades Employes ndusrl Uion of Wokes in Jnuar1982 Thuion's ler suggsd that h Ai Nw Zlnd awd a e one applicable fo NZ civilansworig for Dp Fee in mss nd surnt jobs Jones merely acowledged rceipt, nd prmplysnt it o Embsys puy Chif of Mission les B Smon r wih a coveng not hatsaid woud appear on or more of hs commnd's non-apppriated md peronnl hae joned heuion or he Unon to hav come involved21 Ths issue was so siive at even Jones breflr of cknowegmn die w rwn a oupl of mes bfo being snt

    The US mili coisd it eded to addess gevnces in wage xing a andaccogly ivan paid om he NF were put ono e bssy Pay Pln om21 Decembe981As a soverei n h United States Goe mplomt condios in ew Zed do not flwihn h mbit of New elad indus rlaions lgslion Though he Und Sts in principledes no aiv i ghts udr he pncipl of so immunity he Embssy pay pln aempts ofolow rn lvels of drct comnsaon ad addion bene s closly a pssible'3

    t wa dug is riod t h nw version of th Condions of Employmn s beingdd d intl dbate on e documn is boh facinating and evealing An unidend

    mployee h addd omment to h d, ampl on tax: Pamnt of income tax should not bourssbty e r clss [sic] as Self Employed for T purposes Would like s chged"e says b on supanuaon: Peeny h US Goveent does not provide a rerementschme fo r Deachmnt mployes Employ ae coed by Naonl Suprannuaon whn achingage 60 o ov is dew e most scahing commnt The above satement astounds m aonalSuper s it std now could chage wi a chnge in Goveent Nationa Super ha noing to dowih Remnt plan basd on Saystatm ing made

    S in on paing ta nd ion mmbp wa put a nuhe Execu Adnis for NZ Afar The Untd Stats as a soign powr dos not pay taes to

    a fori gmnt no deduct leves wage tae o union fes Mmbship of any New ZlndUnion amaa ass he ght ske agains n employer (Le. the S Goeent SadardF 6 Scion ) Ston C Stng Agnst The Govet) larly dnes the posionof th US Ge on an forign unons wh asrt hi ght to stk o withdaw labou

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990



    " The idusal gieanes coud't just b waved away with swep of a impe handhoweer By May 1982 Commndr Jones wa rsponding to Ambassador H Mooe Bwn:Suannuao e appret lack of pogrss on ntiag a rtimet pla for local naionlemplys nues to caus costato mog may of my employees The rcommndation toadop a mt chm was mad nd accpt i th Oct-No 1980 m frm The fac hat oe

    has ot ye e pmlgated is prcid by may emloye as a pvailig tngibl nancia bethat is beig dnied m It has bm icring dilt ise for m espond to herforresy solicit your assistac bg his paclar ue to o ber" 5

    Militay aity abou ion inolem kp rcug. November 182 Dp Frze sent amessage to e Embassy etitled, Uo s n Dp Fee. CPACFLT wantd to be advisdof ay o orgaig eor o lo aioal emloyes Wose ill rpling NZ uion wasstarg o look ik a lot of had w Tha moth he Embassy askd CNCPACFLT forsevics of CNSFA JAG [udge Advat n] 1 coduc a sd of NZ lar laws o access scimpact of uoiaio of NZ mpo n eep ree" Th commad wa havig no of i stdy of th la laws is of such magid a e CNSFA JAG cano hane on a lltimebais I ado JAG has othe av pobls which tis Command cosids more rgRecommed a CT dsappre sgment of CSFA JAG to do a lte stdy of NZealad labor laws d adise AmEmb of oher ms to accompsh s study" 2

    By early 183 the N workers had dcd o adopt dirct aproach ad set off thir rsletter the chaman of the Sa Foei Reatons Coittel! The Dp Free Commndered Embsy 14 ch 83, receivd a courtsy copy of subjct lettr sigd by CiPers of m Commnd nd addressd to Chaim Seate Forei Relaons Commitee, wi copisto SecSae; ontional Adiso to t hit Ho Head Ciilia Manower anagmnWa and US Embasy Wlligo My CivPrs Ocr (Lt Wbb ha rcivd assrances ofdomestic codlity ad omiliat atds om CivP pedig appropiate rspo osubjec letter CiPes pfomanc is uaectd it apprs they a simply tired of hging on to a

    promis ceid in 1967 and r now seekg assnc fm a highr auhorty"8

    The Nay aisd hat it had o addrss ese ciiin griaces So i u 983 HerberDaub isited Dep ze He was the Dirtor acic Fild Diisio a Ciiin PersonnlComma/ee Cila ersonnel Drctor, CPACLT His visi was to povid gidce dassistn o ciilia sonl admistraon rqimts for loal ationa and US citienappaed ad no-appopiaed d employe.9 His ieray sted15 subjc for discussion tobe addressd i arious meetig incudig a ge on in th audito. Dauber was theAalasian tubleshooter Fm Chrchrh, he wa lyng to Prh to regotate e indutagmet for e o st Cap Naval ounications Statio wth th Wte Ausaia Tradsand aur Coucil

    The suranuatio issu would not g aay O July 1983 Gorg F Rodman, he USEmbasy ounlor or Adiniratio wt to civili oe He dtaild the 1980 Statpat team' ag nd poitio lassiitio uv and how he had ubequently survey bigcopanes oprang NZ d ou eir ratic wih rgard to upmtl superannuaonsches A ou c agie the w tm dung s peod whn I wished I had er heard heord sueranuaton f ou ha yd ith m his you wil rali hat i as asy eough fore sury em to say i 1980 les hv pln for th FSNs in Nw Zaland b noso eay o accomlh m code, hor w o e hold of succes thmeame ak or for l lon0

    But the okes had ot f patnc ad gagd minent Chstchurch QC BriancClelland rt m He w h mbaador cocg Rodmans ltr need hrlypoi ou how comptly uafa ha e is om point of viw of h mploes Wi thegratet rspc i apps o me b ib admission of h appren lak of ability honour y

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    udegs that hae been given tim and again oer he year. I have no desre o embaass heUS Goeen or Nav Authoties if tis ca be aoided hence my deire o hae a dicuon wiyou

    e oa ion becae mo aseve ad i Otr 98Fz ang qeson ike he number of woke nd the typ of work peoed The Amercandeld o poide wage detail pndng guid om the Embasy, bu " he metng was polite32The woer cae wa taken to the media d aices ated apng. By Noemr he CaneurHotl Wors Uion had taed poceeding nder he ndusial Relaon Act o have a disputesheag fo a medar Union sectay Grm Hardig complaed that he w geng he aoud fom he US authoritie. The montly mng of e Canterbury Trades Council urged uniosinvoed wih ep Feze to withdaw goodwill untl he Navy met i indutrial obgationHadig aowedged ha that woud hae no immediate effect but i ny of e uion cameinvoed in a dual dpue it cod mea h ere wod not he usa dpenao for DeepFz e bay pod: Uon goodw h in the pt en inuable he coinuaio ouppo for Anc pgram dung mes when New Zealad uon hae inituted loca induaacion3

    Th e ps paid of The Sar repoed on31December193Gm Hing vead that many of he NZ ciilan had gaed a50c r hour wage ie but it wanot reve and it dd bing their pay up o NZ award ate. The Muldoon goveen hadled a overeig immuniy did no apply o he mecn ivin contactor I, o wokercame uder uon coveagenumber of ieancs were l outsnding uch a ck ay, bereavement leae and weekend payates Te hatend black ba wa in abeyance ndg discuion between he FOL ad heEmbas

    Dp repentaves m e again wih Messs Smi nd Lawson of the Clecal WorkerUon and Bn Bue-one of e (n) SondO itm on the agenda wa immnent - he Muldoon goveen' volunta unioim law came intoeffete next day The union uggeted ha he Air New Zealand Clerica Employee' awadpovded he t model for Deep Fe worker caue i povided for worke within a ansportaioytem wa agrd at Union ocials would daw up a cial A wad baed on he line of e twooided bes for Is puose Gce akd for a rider stag I we oided a eentaleice Uio o aged to his que

    Te woke we sl not happy wih he poed new Codio of Employme n May98 of the leae poiion nd demaded tha Dep Fze implemen he PYE x deduconsystm6 But e eon reuid a polcal soluto Wihholdig hot country income axes oLoa Naos dic h employee of Nay in foi aas i provided ony when couny-ocouny agme xis d nes Nay agmen o c n icome taleied by a foreign govement on it aonl may not bewitheld by n agecy of e Uned State rom he salarie of naonals employed n that ounty"37

    ne cc a he US ha jus such counyocounry ageemen wth h Souh Kora ndthe pine

    inlly on I Apl194ciil cosed pror eice The Cerby Tades Counc was ll unhappy about theoveding sue o eatetoaiy e rade on moemen he in Caneury beliees tha thenarctic eaty i aty of ace but when t wa made we New Zealanders never eniaged ha oecoy woud clim eaeioria ighs wht being hotd in s couny38 n June Navyand woke psenaves met wih industal mediaor Mau Teens He idened the problem areaas the aio scheme stil no havig bee registed, ad he geane procedure alowing forno ndeet inpu Ten aid f he Embasy agreed wih an aua wage surey he would accept

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    the Navy's packge (Le., its new Condions ofEmploent nstction). The Nay wante no presscoeage o f he meengs and no nion inolement3 The workes wee stll keeping he pressure onwith heir diect appaches o the Senate Foign Relaons Commiee wi te second more binglee ng sent in July 14

    The Nay ws nly facng up to yeas of neglect of its NZ cilians "Since he Des

    [Detacets] inception local CIVPERS managemet had been a colatea duty of unrainedindiidua and from a professionl iewin illy non-existen Initiaties aken during 198ucovered some major poblems dang back some 5 years Deeply rooted employee dissasfactionhad en fetering for yes eceny ding its oet in adee media coerge nd hing of leglcoe A sunuation pl w appoe and implemened on 1 Apr 1984 Aspect oftacvity (ack beyond 1980 e stll to esoled. Wle a deision is exced in the nearfutue this issue onnues to fae hrmoniou eaos with Det CIVPERS 4 d e uomovement sl had its hoos ino Dep Feeze Te 1terbu Trades Counci wrote in Jy hat i haappoited a stding commiee to represen e NZ ciilans and it wanted to meet e Navy oestablish a si agreeme One again tat wa forwarded to e Embassy.


    The upshot of al hs efor th by e NZ non moement and by the Deep Freeze ciiliansthemselv wa pdetenined The US consisteny ated it as a politica mater and NZgoeents both National and abou, acquiesced to that iew. As such the US set te es was soeity issue: e US Goeen eeis soereignt at Harewood (o rater has soeeiimmuniy m NZ onrol) US Goveen policy phibit is worke from the ght to stke

    (whch makes ferent US sp of moemens like Solidarty in Poland the hypocrtcal so unon

    a bae fm operang at Deep Freze Thus e oy issue outtnding wa what wages nd

    onditio could dicly negotated etween magement nd woke at the base Deep Feezemae few concessions.

    The situaon of woer at Deep Feze is yet oter undesirable byproduct of hosting a USmilitary base on NZ soi enae of 19 ent indusal elao is cureny opeating inChstchuch wh impnty d immuniy


    1 om GL Evs C] dt Peers and Evs Welgon Rb Campbll.Se Dbon Workrs Feeran Wengn Aprl 186.

    2 S r mpl h lr o 1 1 May 182 om Wen Cr, Msr o Frgf Gfy Plmer Oppsn Chrhurch Cen3 Le m Grg F R US Embassy Adinsae Oce,

    Cn Clercal Wkrs Unn 8 Mh 82 S l held by Suhe Dsbon Wok Fedeon (SD. d l held by SDWF Cpndn n Czens h Dmiasaon Hwd d Davd g

    s repruc n 'Foegn Cnl Wahg 6 Jn 187 ???7 S dv hd b SD8 S d, achmen nd Rng Dcpary Acon Penes n

    SWDF e

    S Embssy SS Washngn DC Subjec: Clnzon Navl SupprFrce Ancca ad O-D 1 MASS Acs SF MC) a Chrshch. Condenl March

    1811 Ubu d ned backgund sting NZ rkes cas Jly 181 1 m 2 Dep Fez cla okrs Snae Fregn Relaons Cm

    1 March 183

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    12. Pll M A!nt Ser fo Conrsional Relaonso Sna Crle H Pcy Ch Sene Frein Rlaions Commiee 1 May 1983.

    13 kounde ofFac Pm Issus, and Queo by eled cmmi rprsning

    N W ie Bnt Hh A Bulng A Bce Crawford Trvor J rce Dina Jwi31 My 18

    14. ci mploye s signd rf 13) o Chnan Sene Forei RelationsCommit 27 July 194

    15 'Nw d ms "wod wkrs sh award bid 22 July 1984

    16 NAVSPFORTARCTCA Dt Chshh Insucon 123lE SubjetDt H al Naton Cla Employmnt plicies conceng Condions of EmplomntUndad ued by Commdr Jons

    1 Mmo m Polia Ofcer Jmes H Hm t Amsador Sldn Subject:Tr Un Complint Inolg Oon Dp Frze Unclassifed July 1978

    18 Command Pgn US NAVSUPFORANARCTICA, o Ofcer n Charge OIC),De ChCh Subjct Perdic Audit A 1010, Commanr, USNAVSPFORANTARCTCA ChCh Jly 180

    19. N R o oon Clsion/ay Svey Conducd in Nw dn Or 1980 d 3 Ocob 0 Team - J Cro D McLugh R

    Ferrnd NaRso By N Yok O Sn n S Thr Subjt Noicaon

    of Navy Eg Employe t Right of Union Represenaon n Crain Invsgaory InterviewsUn Mh 8

    21 Coader Jn o as Samon Dpuy Chi of Mission (DCM) US Embassynlong Cnterb Hol Works Union lr o Dp Frz Prsnnel Ocer with Air Newd aw ah d Jons acknowedgement of me 27 Jnuar 1982

    22 USNAVSPFORNTARCTICA Det ChCh to Commandr in Chif Pacic FletCCPACFT Pe rbor Subj US Foes Dirt Loal Naional Emloye, NZ 20Jaur 1982

    23. Grge F Rodman US Embssy Amnsv Ocer o Marn Moode organrCnby Ho Wkers ni Fby 1982

    Trevor J G Exuve Adminsator for NZ Affairs, o OC, Dt ChCh Subject:Uon flo sdcn 2 Fe 1982

    2 Cmmande on proal for Ambsdr Bown and Capta Crmmer Subj

    Commd Mers Uncasied My 198226 N VSPFORANTARCTCA Det ChCh t AmEmbasy Subject Union Inst n

    De Fr Unclasied Novmb 19822 CAVSPFORNARICA to COMTRDF T Novmr 1982 Pon for Amsado Bron nd Capin Lawl from Commander Jones

    Subj Civrs Rrmnt le ated 10 March 198 3 Unclsiid. Mah 198329. N AVSPFORNTARCTICA Det ChCh Noic 5050 Subjec Visit of Mr Hebet

    Dauber 9 J 9330 Gg F Rma US Embssy Coslor f Adminision To all Forei

    Sc Na 1 July 198331. Ban McClnd QC US Ambsor 13 July 198332 Trvor ce Exuve Adminstor for NZ Aff, o Linda Sillman,

    Polical Ace US Embasy 2 Obr 1983.33 mEmbsy t S S Subj Fl Du ovr Work Repreenaionat Dp Fz Unclassed Noember 983

    he S US ba sf ga pay 31 Decmbr 198335. Minues of meetg in oce of Naona Snc Foundaon Conctor

    Rprene N Subj Basis fr mployment Ancc Srvices Temprar Employees(Aus Smm He 3 1 Januy 1.

    36. ChCh CivP Execu fcr US Nay De ChCh. SubjNAVSPFORANTARCTCA D ChCh Insction 12300 lE May 1984

    3? NCPC PACR Pe Hbr o AmEmsy Wlngon Subjet Wihholding of NncomTax Unlssied. Juy 984

    38 C Td Concil press smn Mrch 198439. -Wag Sy Visi of Mr J Fbvre Summay Jun 1984.

    40. Webb Sub Cii Psnnel Mnagmnt 25 August 1984.

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    by Bob Leonad

    On 9 March of s year 'e Press in Csthurch headed the ead sory o page !Nana wks NZUS ad said: "e Leder of the Opposiion, Boger as fored iohe hmang positon of havg to aept tat Labur had en rght t bn shps ieved nuea-amed .

    Can Ne anders o est assured that Ameicn arships ot be reig o ou

    harbour if Nationa in he eeco i Otober? ti t Why?

    t might be incive st just to emind oursevs ho cose Mr Lange ame to aoig eU Buchan nto NZ n eary 1985 e Labour ueaee poy at the me as does the exisgnucea-e a eft decision about admiting a patiua ship up to the pme mnister Bu MrLange s not hen and never h been songy antnucea and hs nitia eacio he Amerrequest for a visit by the Buchaan as t say OK Oy pressue om e ace moeme aLanges anucear oeages ford hm to face the inamous neither conn nor deny NCN)y nd admit there as a distinct possibiity that he Buchnan as cang nucea eapnsRejecon of he prosed shp visit made the U goveent fee doubecssed because eaieronutaon th Lange had ed them to beeve that he oud not queson the NC py

    Lge quy sa e poi mieage at s to be made out of appeang to be aninucea ad he h assmed that mante ever sine much to the disgust of mny in the peace movementAs t ght ng Labur goveent od dolhe e maet pa to mpending obiio in the 1990eecton he pan auce piy emained itact; being aacay antinuear as just abut he gue Labour had to hang on to it base of suppot We say 'aquacy antnucear ause theLaur goveent has aod hundreds of NC aiaf into Ne Zeaand at Operaion eep Freze(and made no iquiy as to their onn nd retains an anahonisi N bond via dozs ofmitay/negece ageements ith the U and Ausaia e faure to cut U tes competeypace the Labour goveen squay in e nucear amp despite the ship ban at M Lnge hasrecenty aed forU es to be cut a subjet he first genty oatd in his famous Yae speech on

    ANZAC Day 1989 is to hs cdit but he has come t the paty a bit too ate

    A Naon goveet having ay aepted Labours atucear a hie in oppsitio isey sooner or ater to be tempted by e Amerians to admit a teenyeeny harmess U miitayvese Our oaed anucea a has be ong on symboc vue but oud iey be poeshot on substace uder Naona e intereig hng abut the U reation to e Buhan icidentin eay 1985 is that tey pbaby cud have set a eary nonnuear ashp to Ne Zeaand at anytime thereafter but they hose not The aninuear goup CANW even pubished a ist ofaeptabe ships hat i judged to nonnucar capabe Lange must have consided suh ists ereson he U did not push he issue as apprey to me an eampe out of ite Ne Zeaad opuish a adia ne govement hat dared queston ay aspect of U nuea strategy Maypredicted and ey have e poven ret that he Americ moe to push NZ oud bac Idid not succeed in hagig the ship ba but it did fous inteationa atenton o hat oudotherise have been a ather incoequna epesion of a nueaism i a remote oer of tgobe Prme Miser Langes puishme beme his passpor to ieationa fme as t th J

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    / wden-ad Rag adminison

    Aug e US as exprssd disappinent at Naona' s sudden convesion to the ntia amp Bsh s hencmen wuld e vey uikely t pnish a Natn geent. (Thean-nardy ick tht Naona pud n Labur wuld pbably be grdgingly mird in Bush cles) One mit pdct at the US, havng let a lessn ting to buly e Laburgeent fw a dffent tck nd gently begn to erde Nanls i-tting an-nucearsmr alng a asnable pod for the new goeent t sete in Indicatins f at pocss a t

    b fnd way urncs abut how e sps ssues c be pned: "e United Sttes shig o te Sut Pc Nuclear F Zone nd New Zealnd ss geas n e neithe cnrm nodeny pncpe on nuclr wean deplymen (Cngressma Jm Leach Dmnn Sunday Times' 4 ) at ttment was made a few days M Blge mae s ouncement f r te sp ban But e is rason t beieve the Amecans may hae suspctd smethingw up Refeng t ic-brakng meeng btwn Jmes Bke and Mike Moo i eay Mrch Pp Bun stated econ, e Admnsrn recised that hey had mde itpaclay dicut fr e Na Py to cnnue o suppo e neither conm no deny policy(e Prss, 7 Apl 99) In the sme acle it was rd at "Ae e Ocr elecn MrBuon es te Buh Administron to be delng wi a Naonl Geent on a msympc basis n mit imagned The Amecans, in t ecoie a esnsiblity t assist inesbsing a new lanp.

    Ue Labu that new latonhp hs not been ssible. Unde Nationl he piniple of he edge f t wedge wi begn take eect as he Bolger nd Bush goeents nu arlanip of mu sympathy nd supp fo the old ANZUS iance Umately the US w esasd with no less thn a etu of their waships NZ harbou and ou accepnce f he neiheconm no deny plicy The key to succes of this sategy is not arousing he sleeping masses o heac mvement Unde he oohless nuclea fee law Bolge as Pime Minister wod be fee to majudgements at nuce caaty bed on ueed souces of infomation (o none at fo alwe wuld know noone could legy chlenge s acns. And thus the waps Aoteaa.


    A mnder tt we wl e ikely he ships to prtest agnst if he next goeent N evn sgtly mo smpathec to US nuclea staegy in he South Pacic

    Fm a Hb newspa 4 Apil 199

    nA peac actvist found gty of tespassing duing the 988 visit Hob of e Amecnwshp USS New eey ws yesteday aested fo nnpament of nes.

    Jn Eizah appeard befo the Hob Magistrates Cour for filing pay the nesand cst oting $4

    "Ms a memr f the People fo Nucle Disaament group [nd P' subscribe] sadshe did not intend paying the sum o doing community seice because she belieed he act oftespss hd eed ple o he dange nuear weapns nd w isef a communityseice

    Magisate n Maeson grnted he a fhe28 days to pay the sum

    Accodng t her la missive P' Li was epectng spend a few days n he slmme. Wwish he wel in he cugus stnd agint nucle weapn The Ausie situation should mke usappcia our ow fedom fm nuce ships, tempoa as it may be.

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    by r lls(ubmson to he ub Adv mmit o ament nd Am ontl)

    On 1 NoemHr 198 he ed Stat mbsador Moe Bwne gave the NewZelnd govemet ass ht pgmm a Bak Bih h not en onceived formiliy pposs bt nod hat h ma oted by he obseaoy cold have miliyapplcaons adding hat no mt dretn H applid to data oleon poess"

    e assans o e mbao a l o h U S Dpet o Sate we inconon o satms Cong b a of e Depa f e Navy who had gventemony ha e e obao ws obn o of t in he Soheemspee w Le s ar at s fo mi puse"

    A bli Aas ouelor m U.S Emsy lamed a eter on 18 May 1984 atenqie en made wi he Dpaent o ene d it had en demned at e bdgetrfence par was in err, bu ht the inotn "was dawn m diplomac exchnges, which not made publ

    I have en mable t unea ny eviden ht e New Zalnd Gveen h rquid asoluton to s a o af whch a o ou qeson the credibi and he honou o idelngs h e Untd States Goveent

    Drg i ely pod m 198 l or o he New Zelnd Deparent of FoiAa made ead tatemn abt he bn

    ian navigation nd uveying whih wold

    evenlly ae fom otion of he Bk Bih obeatoy a le dated 7 OtoHer 985 Mrnge ed l applicaons f e da he hpohec domain of futu ategc ndoer milt ystems" even though wa evident at any pible mprvement o navigaon ndgeody ould He a a eve whih cod oy be et to tary user

    Fm 1982 nl late 988 New Zeaand oeent ued to acknowledge hat tmets n mnt mlitay en The Gove reby maged to hnder public debate abut heec of e e it w paying in spi Pagon pgmme diety lad to nucleatgeng Tho who w nestd he issue wer foed intead to eek ifutableevdene tha the wa a onnecon en Navy's amec progrmme of whch BlackBh i a pt, nd nle targetng

    Nw ta paps opd fm heang o isit of Columbia ning Commiion etabhneqaly he mity m o S. Navy ame pgrmme the hould He aninfoed nd n deba at apias o New Zeaand sp for he pgmmeFm he oet agrme wi h ntd ts onceng e etablise and operation of hack Brch fal mt st asde

    g Bk B

    hehe hey gn in Welon o Wasngton assurs om goveen ocial ndrepentave ng he essena ivan cht o e Black Birh pgmme a without

    met I ma at a Bak Bi prmm i beng onded by a brnh of e nitedState Gveen who dy i s to povd smtc data for e pmes of nulear tgetigFuheo it i inteton of hi bh f h U S. Goveme1 1o make any possibe e of thedata gaed t Bac Bi n i of e ageing of neorce weapon Thi is he

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    issue wch mu;Je addssed ispecve of wheter he mitry net derved m Black Birch isof sic,:e or or sicnce



    e pr of e scnsts who the Blck Birh pgrmme as innocent academics whoseprime goal is e uit of owledge conibutes nong to he ueson of what suprt New Zealandshud gie o ac whch a conducted in conjuncon wih the nuclear segy of te UntedS Goeent New aland should take every step conceivable o ensure at te development nt of l means of ms derucon a bught radly to a cclusion and tat all weaponsof ms dsucon a made norave At the vey leat we should exercse a licy of noncraon in acvies which a innded to cone dcy to the enteprise of bulding,man d ng a nuclear arsenal

    Unfortunely te New aland Govee adhed to a dffent pocy on te queson oBlk Bich Ampts a ing made crently to qunti te miary benet wch be eedm he Bl Bih dat is impiiy ssum the deried net is mnmal, hen te is noetca ues to be answed a scienst who ozes tt humany is on te verge ofdeucon laely on accont of the acon of my wel-mnng colleagues, I unimprssed by ts

    ne of oning and I might not in passing hat I dssl of sciensts who argue te forir w n ms of the number of missiles wch would miss teir gets n a hyeical skeagai Sviet miles ony aund later and say they ddn't ally men it [See PR Nos20 and22 for deils of ths decei ]

    Ud St Goveent sold be fod hat is asc conceg te cvilianchr of t Black Bih pgrme a inadequate nd hat New aland is widawing is suppofor gaeng of ametc daa whch are intended for ue n e nement of coordnates fornuclear geng. Such suppor is incnsistent wi or desi to dsciae ouselves m ocneex of miry nulea tecnology. New Zealnds curnt ion is eicay nacceptableSup for US Navys asmetry pogramme should teinaed forwith. If such a move on

    pa of Ne Zealand forced he United States to place at last one of its asmey pgrmmeunder he conl of a ivilan agency ust n order o keep it going a gat deal wold achieed. Theps of aside he Black Birch agment wod draw worldwde anon to he pblemscued by h ubuius miliry conl of science New Zealand would become a champion of hedemiion of qest for knowledge Sciensts who adher to is ideal cunly have nochampion y a ysmacly iod nd mrgnzed by goveen in e puit of militaysuioy and economic gain

    n n t tte tty o te ak data

    e consided essment of independent somes sems to that e ect of he BlackBih pgrmme on e accuracy with wch w ow he sits of indivdual sta in cataloguesuh as e 5 minmal That is, prided e HPARCOS* sateite connues to mcona s on. Alhough e qeson of accy in indvidual sion and inded the ccy offec frames was cenal to dscussions at e Washon DC Zoning Commission heangs in988 it is not necessarily the most imtant quson n te applicaon of asmec dat to missilegdce and oter sategic enprses As far s I know, er is no autoritave descrpon of heamec quirements of stelr ineia guidne (SIG) sysms ch as at under delopment foruse in Tridt

    IfPACDAC iously conside at it must know how much benet t militar wll acallyexa m he Black Birch data fore deciding wheher New aland should connue suprting eUS Navys amc pgramme, ten it shold conslt wih exp who hae owldge of how

    SIG sysms work Such ees a to be fond n te Draper Laraories [in Massachuset] andoher loon whe missle and oher gudnce sysms a designd and built The a a lot ofquon which to answed aut he dent SIG system alone What is he singeleos angla ape? wht dicon does te telescope nt lave o the missles aes of

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    aon ad aon? hat is it sensitvity? How many sts ar on aveage i the eld o f view and

    what is e ected nmbr istbuton for sta of diernt maitudes Wih what ceranty can thesysm disgu dierent stars, on aveag Which s used in e coure of typical balisticjects for misses ed m US stategic suaine zones at Soviet targets

    Until of he detals and a host of oe a kwn it is impssible to conclude that BlackBih dos not have considerable dict ma ulity No er disingenuous assuces shod accptd m the US Goveent nor should extat assurancs be cted by New Zealand Goveent

    ofcials or psentatves as of that the Black Bih prgramme is essentaly civilian. New Zealdold demad that all oft fact eraining to he miiay applicaon of asomeric data be madepublc especially e details of how the data is ud in nuclear targeing. Only afer exhausveinvsgaon it ssble to make a propey foned udent as to he dege of militaynet whch he U S Goveent intends etracting fm the daa

    * The Hpparcs salle is now in obit wi a mission conduct spacebased astmety of muchr accuacy and pcision than ae possible om gund-based tlescopes such as at Black BirchHipparcs was lauchd on 8 Augst 1989 on an Aae cket but faled make its coct orbit.Consquelythe mapng data t can ollec of much lower quity han ognay lanned


    [Fm ' Science magane vo 4 p 63, 6 Febray 1990J

    "Cutacks in defense search forcing the arles Stark Draper Laboratoy in CambidgeMassachusetts to lay off 1 reseache, engineers and supppersoel.

    "The ayoffs to ae place over he next 0 monhs The pmay reason is he impendingcompletion of a program to develp the guidance system for the Tdent II missile

    "A seswoman sad that some layoffs we anticipated as a rsult of the end of the 8yearpram The laboatoy had hod offset em wth new contats frm the Depamet ofDefese but thes have not been focoming"

    The good news is the appear to be some cut n militay spending in e US; n the abovecase e cuts rlate to uclear wean

    e bad news is the nshed the Tiden II missle gidance system Perhas PACDAC couldget one of the dundant Draper ab enginees o enlighn them on Stela Ineial Guidance as Peterils has suggesd in he preceding aicle \

    pr c


    by Nucear Fe wis

    Two pubicatos viewed hs Apl in The Press by ex-pfessor of Amecan Stdies(Uneity of Canteu Alan Conway hghlight the connuing coptation of NZ academics by USconectos. has draw atnon to the vaious stds of this prcess in past aicles efollowng arcle n ths issue on the EastWest Cent updates a major current eample

    One riew by Conway The Pess 7 Apil 990) was of a ok entled "The mpact ofAmec deas on New Zealands Educational Polcy Practce ad Thinng" edited by David PhllipsGoff and Gealdine McDonald N-US Educatonal sic] Fondaon! NZ Cocil forEducaonal Reseach) Ths was a collection of papes pseed at a Fulbght Education Seminar in J

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    elgn i Sepember 88

    Peace Reahr No 23 (Jue 8, p 8 w viewed ome US conecos nvolngVia Uveiy acemics e Sto Rsrc Cen ere is involvd in a pbcaon caledNew Wold? e Compave Hio of New nd and he ted Stats died by Jock PlpsTis w a jont pblcaon by th Cn and te S Educaton Fondon As Conway pus it ttdy cpas mice and lephs (T P 14 pl 10 H nots " .ts pubshed colleconof p [is] nconously handstamd o Mobl Ol L It dosn't sm

    innous to us gven he ofn clos aaon ben S mulnaonals and S foigpolicy.

    Conway says "ts collecon opap cas at New aland is kly to net morm a connunc of th Fulbgh excg bwen wo countes a from hfqt factndg' msion of Amercan d plcns to each ors cons hrpdly inditd at es wo ts of ege evr snce esablismnt of ou nuclaflicy are not always of nt Nw Z n n may in som ss o our dtmn


    by Nucler F Kwis

    Pt acles i Peac Reearchr by N have dwn enon to lkely avenues of economiclevge on Tying wi these nds ws an EastWest Center fence in Weington, 46Augt 8 The EatWst Cnter Honouu s sponsorng a pje launch 88 onAa New Zeand, d US ANZS Is foal le is Ausalia, New aland and eU Naonal Evoluon linc Rlao Tis poject was a spone NZs nucleicy PR os. 18 and 1 March nd un 88 T An tu of Inteona

    f i te n of Policy Sdies at Victora nveity i Wen a wogon e pject wh e Ceers neonl Rlaons Programe

    e Ea-Wet Ceter aegy for possibl anpulon of NZ is le Such a pjec ses anmr of o it pvde nfoaon on go po for leverge; it fose idelocal ndsn US, Aan and NZ acadmics ocal decsion-make oer uenal elemen; itc for economic polcy among coune. To qote om one of e Eat-WestCrs own documents: e pjet bngs r er dn om e academc goveent,s and meda commues of cotes. A seor advioy gup from each ouypvide oall gdance"

    T pupon w shapg ftu polcy i a d of the pjct To quote again Fuo hat conclusions cn dr m e pevous alyses conceng commoae nddise n enoc nds he coes What does s say aut he ikely nat of eomic licy dalogue among e o oming decade or mo

    Some ky New alanders ar noled in Phae of h pject dealng w economiccs d laons : Bard Galvn hin of t Ecoomic Development Commiion nWelgtn, a for dctor of Tasry nd a foer had of Prme nisters DaentGar Hawke Pfssor of Economic Ho a ora ivrsit, and Dtor of the Ititute ofPolicy Sudes; Sr Fk Hos ing t e ad emts pfssor at VictoaUveity; and Per Nicho assisnt goo o Rs Bk of NZ

    eng aay of pmnt New aandrs took pat in e August conference Besideshos n abov y included licans d gont deparnt oals Sen conetof he Pjc Sary h gly tcl na o onfenc was demonsated by e pscof Amecan Embasy sta J

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990



    Bed on evidence presented our earler icles, the US appas to have no problem co-optingsicant elements on the economic establishment in a proge only aimed at brnging ourfoi pcy back into line wth US objecves Ts EastWest Pject is a eective substute for tognal Ray lneANZUS ink tank (s Nuclear Fe scl issues, Jn d Ot 1985) wichdisappad m sight aer cosderable adverse pblcity The Background' paragaph o he EaWest Pject smmary explcy refers to he imporce of ANZUS to he trpaite laionship

    he trd nd n foal phe of the 34 ear pect wll involve a coference Austria i

    1990 iderng regional les d lationsps The frits of ths pect will bar watcng ove next cuple of yea, especialy under a Naton goveent _.


    by Nulear ree Kws

    Acording to a repot in The Chstchurch Mal ( 13 Apl 1990): "The defence indust i wor

    $77 mllion year NZ but hat gue is soon kel o rse shaly accoing to a Trade DevelopmenBod suvey Some fou hundred companes have indicated at domesc defence sales could increaseby 50% next year and double by 1 99 3 Exports, curnt worth $12 milion, a predicted to quadrplby net yar nd cse lfold by 199 3.

    e rt uotes Paul Lon a Board development ocer, sayng hat he results wereopmsc but at sales cn be bosted signicanty

    e ew Zealand war indusy crnks out a range of products includng foodstuffs apparel,techcal seces engneeng sowre, nd elecncs, rather han aments per se Ausalia isshang up he biggest overeas maet for NZ producs, followed by Souheast Asia, Brtan ad

    he US Pmnent among NZ compaes re Cable, Pice Downer nd Air New Zealand

    eale reprt in e The Press (3 1 Jan 1 990) also pointed to the rapid expansion of the NZwa duy A s-cled Defene Mnfactrers Assocaon was foed in December last year,naly ke up e opportnes oferd by e new gate prge We c see here how eu goeen h delibertely gone aut senenng the mty economic, and foreign policylk ou nuclea maers The Mnsy of Exteal Relaon and Tade has actuay g anadvetsg campa urgng manufacuers to make themselves an Ausran mlry target" (The' 3 1 J 1 990. The Minister Mike Moore, receny urged manac to make bids forlucrave bits of the ANZAC fgates corcon projects A ak force epresenng the Defenceindusy [sic the Goveent nd tade unons wold advise e Goveent on how companesshould go abut wining up $750 mllion in conc Mr Moore said" (The Press' 8 June 1990, p6

    To pt it bluntly, the Minstry is prmtng t subvrsion f N industry by forignmiitariatin. A skesmn for the NZ Defence Manufacrers Associaton had indicated lt yerhat e ssociaon would lobby poticians and ocials about the strategc and economic benets ofdevelopg a stng "defence industy base in NZ (N EWleconcS, May 1989, p 19 Obviously ishas bn happenng The spokesmn lso emphasized hat Austraan industry was keen to see that astrng Tasman defence spply base is esablished. us are we being sucked into Austraimiliars

    It w in md989 tht Pme Mister Lnge signalled he rt oci indication of goveent

    suppt for a NZ wr industy hrough paticipation in he ANZAC fgats proect Behind its gleaannuclear pocy the goveent has indeed erected a war industry t is a meure of the desperationof our mufacturing secor and the overl state of the economy that a aur goveet sees t totch its os for covey o e militay badagon.

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990



    Naonalst Srugles i h oh Pacf

    D Re 34 pp 4 p iI"lr'p,! & U N BWe. $99

    Revieed by My Hon


    Le's Sw te obiou ded by Pc. And yet, fm our media, we mo u Bh or Euan ou Polyn nd elsian neighuVe few New aand jot e P he long been one shing eceon tois cule myopia - Davd Roe o m a ing in is ont s a eler, but aer who sci in t Pic ha a ey hrd ow to hoeT fac fs apa so ve Lner' Domnon a The Press isale nio exll d eh Plu e fa tt he s pepd to

    regrly ve to Asiacc tube e al sory, the ieview barmen ndcabdve

    Roes peou acic k w his 98 6 ccoun of the lst, f nd faflvoyage of he "R Waor of 1s one is ht t es a bod oveew ofes ndedee gge e oy has cized n e K indendencesugle hs bn eaey b clonal auoes for hs pns. Hisymphies e obious - he ok s ed o, J Me Yeiwene d e oer m .He b to s k th qy of w WOI m he 98 8 Qntas jousm pe for hiser coer on he Fench msse oK0 Ouea

    Mac w me w as a o o Gva a mkbly smple he ws a who w a cen of y H uage nd dedcaon towrds gol eon for k. en f iede Knky s hung by K village mme gpoles oughout New Caeon mage of e pse e dawn of hope d anew Blue d nd gen ss s sky bloodshed nd erh e blo on theirps her sace

    bk ce n geat e A.uliberaton sgl t s pcrly uble i coe ofVnua (whose nucler e i vnce of New Zds); nd t ces hedon my ad lusio foe by or s ony cup Fj Robieqte coy grds the Fj coup ! st o undesnding cic nonim - not nigus aseon of lad rg

    bu ul ploy by a o ung ss o y in

    er by fosg arc i dii he poor of th ces into he du.

    Who is nsible o e mvm nchsement lenon and detbisaon ofhe opl of t Pacic? The bm wth e uig colonisers - he s Fnce ih Ausia nd New e le Fh meicn nuce poicsve on the physicl nd regio The poson of csm in y dFji is anor cont Not a bad Fji adopted a prculy vile of Methodism but also bve moccy that wil benet its ple ot jutud ce d heir soto

    Roe bs ew gnd fo by looking at Asi Colonm in the region

    Indonsa gide in a Emor makes nyg in e Souh Pacc look like ads cc e mos blochling iluo of Indonesn ps displaying seered Felinbeads Indd 98 9 saw obie h ia scialsng eesiely n e Phlines (wemet wn was on Pea e oved for its whole month ;

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    / Rdg hs book evokd painful moris. I met Jos Ramos Hoa Fn's foi ministr,

    dg at chc blood dnchd yar of 195 I mt phonse Dinou who late led e Ouvea raid Fh ops accepd hs sundr kncappd ppd out hs IV dp and kickd him as h bled h. And Jnuay in Manila I mt Djoubely Wea who seval months latr gund down lad Jan Mae Tjibaou and hs dputy, nd was n himelf shot dead

    Robies xts in Pacic polcs is unpalleled His latest rp has n Bougnvilewh dgnous landow a waging a guila war on the wods biggst minng multnational adh y of is host aon (without e support of pseudo-naonais who have made Fii safe formg mulnaonas nd local capitalists) Th boo was t pubishd in Swedish and some timla B Fotuately it has cenly com avaabl in Nw Zealand Anyone wantig toundd "our own backyard" must ad is book

    Robis ow conclusion is hs: Natonalim nvoks soveignty of th poltcl nation andnot just h scoal inrests of on islad, one on clan or one cultue In th post-colonal agh gt st which fs the islands of the ou Pacic lgacy of trumatic coloniaismWithdawa nto slfabsorbed thnocntc isolation povids no solution; instad it cates nwdmms

    And what of detabisaon catd by olona sttges of Fan Indonesia and eUnitd States n Pacic? A th altav plcies avaabl to hs pows in the egon?Th , but y ned bsed on th acceptace that th South Pacic opls and natio dofo n ey n h own t They must ndors h vadity of nucla e and indpndntaspiao in a Thei psnt colonal and mltary mphsis would need to placd by a

    conbuon bsd on mutal spct nd on qual tms The tu of South Pacic couns blongsp to hi ow pople"

    oi Machoo J Mae Tibaou Yiwn Yeiwen - Al naonalist lead A


    LOOT Available

    new joual of media crtsm

    ac Rsach has subscbd to a nw joual fom he Unitd Stas cld "Ls f O Tso OOT fo sho Th f issu w hav eivd is No , Volum 1 (May 1990) W w amptto obtai h oh fou issus The following note is quoted fm magazin.

    "To Our Reade" Lis of Ou Times is a magazin of media ctcism Ou Tims the mes w liv in but

    ao h wods of the Nw Yok Tmes the most cited news mdium in e US ou papr ofcod Ou is a mo an litrl falsehoods ey encompass sbjct that hav ben iodhypcsie miladng emphass and hidden prmises the bias whih systmaticaly shaperepong We can addss oly a sampling of th uiv of mdia ls nd distoions But overme w ho ies of Our Times wil go a long way towd corrcting th rcord"

    spling of cles frm No 5 If you intstd ths magzin let us ow

    Ts' Mscvs ANC: Plpng f d Klk nd dngng Mndl byAlxd Cockbu

    Ltt f Lxngn Td Wld fs by Noam ChomskyTs PR f Agnn Cp Mng spc f s" , by Edwd NonT Pss Pnn nd Gn Bs: I pssd lws l by Da indo

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990



    ANTI - BSE CMPIGN P O BOX 2258 e HeH

    1 Je 1

    TOUCHIG T BAE TOURNvember 25 (icuie)

    An-Bases ampign invis you to join us on s wong o of a fou of Nw

    nd's foign bases, and NZ pbass a wok fo foign inllgenc agncis.

    COST: NZpe h is w co on wks l and food, and aid o Ascicdlegaes wo wil n nanci asnc ccomaon b b bl n cs oWaa iol l' camp

    e te qod pic dos O includ cos of gng o om g an sng s

    PRTICATS e o consis of Nw , Asians and dlegas Ascc gia cos sc as lppnes apa N Gna and Fii

    Y g a nmoana ml nlig pbse on sweke ng so o Wigon fo a on bses cai wng g and

    s gdd of Wlngon; cossng ok n g nBhm dk nablg s o isi W sale bas n e U a

    Obseao on Blck B dg nising p a iscc on sond wkn ng U a/Ai Foe l bas a Haewood, s

    PRPOSE: o and ns pacipans o e l nss nd ge in on acon o nol ona dlgaes se O_

    Y I oin Novmbr Touchng t Bass TourI ncos by $50 dpos

    N Tck x p hp as n yor

    "v.__Bopa b or S ad rasing now!

    nBass pa Box 2258 sch Nw ZdFor r oaon po rnThomson stchuh 03)557975

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue27 June 1990


    I tn NZ d a ac memn n "ua " NZ's i miay ;To nd , smic End US; bak ainng cans a Un S.

    wi acn a bas ( las) and ssiy a

    AT TO G Sg my wa cing cpng ga ( Wapai - m ns pvdd) sbag gd nbbs pa a hu a sns pus

    O TRSPORT ' PART-RS: s jin h wk wcm jin in (g w wknds) Cs gab in

    wh wan v n hi wn w jin . Css a ikwisng

    AT : Pp cmm msvs nw s w c hav numb pan g bis n ms N Wngn Bnhm d sby Q Wscay a$0 dest gv us nds ok e

    ACKAERS Own ks d his ay Acnd apmnay an yu jin us a Tangima. us w yu insd.

    I wi a g w and pss a chan pd a i w os - d h b pac mvmn.

    S yu in Nvm

    Muay Hn BC

    'PEA RESERCHR is published by Educa f NuclearDist ftimes er ear.

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